def plot_original_price_series(df_fut_orig): """ Plots Original Corn Futures Price Series using Plotly """ fig = tls.make_subplots(rows=5, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, print_grid=False, specs=[[{ 'rowspan': 4 }], [None], [None], [None], [{}]]) for col in ['Settle']: fig.append_trace( { 'x': df_fut_orig.index, 'y': df_fut_orig[col], 'type': 'scatter', 'name': col }, 1, 1) for col in ['Volume']: fig.append_trace( { 'x': df_fut_orig.index, 'y': df_fut_orig[col], 'type': 'bar', 'name': col }, 5, 1) fig['layout']['xaxis'].update(title='Date') fig['layout']['yaxis1'].update(title='Settling Price (Cents) ') fig['layout']['yaxis2'].update(title='Volume') cf.iplot(fig)
def distplot1d(ss: pd.Series, bins=10, hist=True, kde=True, rug=True, color=None, as_figure=False, legend=True, title=True, grid=True, figsize=None, **kwargs): ss = pd.Series(ss) bin_size = (ss.max() - ss.min()) / bins curve_type = 'kde' if kde else 'normal' fig = ff.create_distplot(hist_data=[ss.values], group_labels=[str(], bin_size=bin_size, curve_type=curve_type, colors=color, show_hist=hist, show_rug=rug, **kwargs) fig['layout'].update(showlegend=legend, title=title) if figsize: fig['layout'].update(width=figsize[0], height=figsize[1]) for k, v in fig['layout'].items(): if 'axis' in k: v.update(showgrid=grid) if as_figure: return fig cf.iplot(fig)
def plot_grouped_by_year_data(df_weekly, title): """ Plots weekly combined series (price series and cot report) using Plotly. Use trading weeks on X axis """ x_series = np.arange(0, 54) groups = df_weekly['Settle'].groupby(Grouper(freq='A')) fig = tls.make_subplots(rows=sum(1 for (name, grp) in groups if len(grp.values) >= 52), cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, print_grid=False) fig['layout'].update(height=600, width=899, title=title) for i, (name, group) in enumerate([(name, grp) for (name, grp) in groups if len(grp.values) >= 52]): # chart only data where we have full year (52 weeks) if len(group.values) >= 52: fig.append_trace( { 'x': x_series, 'y': group.values, 'type': 'scatter', 'name': name.year }, i + 1, 1) fig['layout']['yaxis' + str((i + 1))].update(showticklabels=False) cf.iplot(fig)
def plot_fit(series, filename): y = series.tolist() x = np.array(range(len(y))) gauss = Gauss(x, y) y_pred = fit_series = pd.Series(y_pred, series.index, name="Fitted Curve") _, m, s = gauss.par current = int(sum(y)) estimate = gauss.estimate_total() fig1 = series.iplot(kind="bar", asFigure=True) fig2 = fit_series.iplot(asFigure=True, colors=['blue'], width=2, dash="dashdot") fig =[fig1, fig2]) fig = go.Figure(fig) fig.update_layout( title_text="Total Infection Estimate<br>-------------------------------"\ "<br>Current: {} people,"\ " Estimate: {} people".format(current,estimate), yaxis_title="Capita [-]") cf.iplot(figure=fig, asUrl=True, filename=filename) return
def plot_series_to_compare(series1, series2, series1_name, series2_name, title): """ Plots Two series for easy comparison """ fig = tls.make_subplots(rows=1, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, print_grid=False) fig['layout'].update(height=400, width=899, title=title) x_series = np.arange(0, len(series1)) fig.append_trace( { 'x': x_series, 'y': series1, 'type': 'scatter', 'name': series1_name }, 1, 1) fig.append_trace( { 'x': x_series, 'y': series2, 'type': 'scatter', 'name': series2_name }, 1, 1) fig['layout']['xaxis'].update(title='Trading Week') fig['layout']['yaxis'].update(title='Price (Cents)') cf.iplot(fig)
def distplot(df: pd.DataFrame, bins=10, hist=True, kde=True, rug=False, color=None, as_figure=False, legend=True, title=True, grid=True, figsize=None, subplots=False, layout=None, sharex=False, sharey=False, **kwargs): """mimic seaborn.distplot""" df = pd.DataFrame(df).rename(columns=str) if not subplots: hist_data = [v.values for k, v in df.iteritems()] group_labels = df.columns.tolist() bin_size = (np.max(df.max()) - np.min(df.min())) / bins curve_type = 'kde' if kde else 'normal' fig = ff.create_distplot(hist_data=hist_data, group_labels=group_labels, bin_size=bin_size, curve_type=curve_type, colors=color, show_hist=hist, show_rug=rug, **kwargs) else: figures = [ distplot1d(ss, bins=bins, hist=hist, kde=kde, rug=rug, color=color, as_figure=True, **kwargs) for _, ss in df.iteritems() ] fig = tools.get_subplots(figures, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, layout=layout) fig['layout'].update(showlegend=legend, title=title) if figsize: fig['layout'].update(width=figsize[0], height=figsize[1]) for k, v in fig['layout'].items(): if 'axis' in k: v.update(showgrid=grid) if as_figure: return fig cf.iplot(fig)
def returns_tear(self): """ Create the following charts: 1. Dollar cumulative return and price vs time 2. Dollar return and price vs time 3. Dollar return distribution 4. View time series 5. Mean return by view """ df = self.result # cum return chart chart_df = df[['price', 'cum_return']].fillna(method='pad') chart_df.iplot(title='Cumulative Return and Price', yTitle='Dollar Cumulative Return', secondary_y='price', secondary_y_title='Price') # return chart chart_df = df[['price', 'returns']].fillna(method='pad') chart_df.iplot(title='Return and Price', yTitle='Dollar Return', secondary_y='price', secondary_y_title='Price') # return distribution chart chart_df = df.loc[df['view'] != 0, 'returns'].dropna() chart_df.iplot(title='Return Distribution', kind='hist', xTitle='Return', yTitle='Occurrences') # view time series figure = df[['view', 'price']].iplot(title='View and Price', kind='area', fill=True, secondary_y='price', yTitle='View', secondary_y_title='Price', asFigure=True) figure['data'][0]['line']['shape'] = 'hv' cf.iplot(figure) # view statistics return_group = df.groupby(df.view)['fwd_price_change'] view_stats = return_group.describe() view_stats['cum_return'] = return_group.sum() print view_stats view_stats['mean'].iplot(title='Mean Return by View', kind='bar', xTitle='View', yTitle='Mean Dollar Return') return
def plot_weekly_combined_series_by_date(df_weekly): """ Plots weekly combined series (price series and cot report) using Plotly """ fig = tls.make_subplots(rows=5, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, print_grid=False, specs=[[{ 'rowspan': 2 }], [None], [{ 'rowspan': 2 }], [None], [{}]]) for col in ['Settle']: fig.append_trace( { 'x': df_weekly['Date'], 'y': df_weekly[col], 'type': 'scatter', 'name': col }, 1, 1) for col in ['Open_Interest', 'Longs', 'Shorts']: fig.append_trace( { 'x': df_weekly['Date'], 'y': df_weekly[col], 'type': 'scatter', 'name': col }, 3, 1) for col in ['Volume']: fig.append_trace( { 'x': df_weekly['Date'], 'y': df_weekly[col], 'type': 'bar', 'name': col }, 5, 1) fig['layout']['xaxis'].update(title='Date') fig['layout']['yaxis1'].update(title='Price (Cents)') fig['layout']['yaxis2'].update(title='Open Interest') fig['layout']['yaxis3'].update(title='Volume') cf.iplot(fig)
def plot_cover(df_cover, df_cover_rand, label_rand, title='Percentual de cobertura'): """ Plota a curva de precisão-recall para comparação de duas métricas de ordenamento dos alunos (ex: probabilidade de evasão do modelo e idade) df_cover, df_cover_rand : pandas.DataFrame Tabelas ordenadas com a métrica de ordenação, precision e recall (gerada pela função calculate_prec_recall) label_rand, title : str Nome do modelo de comparação (ex: random, idade) e titulo de grafico, respectivamente """ # Plot data = [ go.Scatter(x=df_cover_rand['perc_cover'], y=df_cover_rand['precision'], mode='markers', marker=dict(color=colorscale[1], opacity=.7), name='Precision ({})'.format(label_rand)), go.Scatter(x=df_cover_rand['perc_cover'], y=df_cover_rand['recall'], mode='markers', marker=dict(color=colorscale[5], opacity=.7), name='Recall ({})'.format(label_rand)), go.Scatter(x=df_cover['perc_cover'], y=df_cover['precision'], mode='lines', marker=dict(color=colorscale[0]), name='Precision'), go.Scatter(x=df_cover['perc_cover'], y=df_cover['recall'], mode='lines', marker=dict(color=colorscale[4]), name='Recall') ] layout = dict(xaxis=dict( title='% de alunos cobertos (ordenado pela prob. de evasão)'), title=title) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) cf.iplot(fig)
def plot_roc(y_test, y_score, title, colors=colorscale): """ Plota a curva ROC para os dados de treino e teste (preditos). y_test : numpy.array y_score : pandas.DataFrame (scores dos modelos a serem comparados) title : str """ ref = np.linspace(0, 1) data = [ go.Scatter(x=ref, y=ref, mode='markers', marker=dict(color='grey'), showlegend=False) ] i = 0 for model in y_score.columns: # Compute ROC curve and ROC area for each class fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_score[model], pos_label=1) roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr) data.append( go.Scatter(x=fpr, y=tpr, mode='lines', marker=dict(color=colors[i]), name='{} (area = {})'.format(model, round(roc_auc, 2)))) i += 1 layout = dict(xaxis=dict(title='Taxa de falsos positivos (TFP)'), yaxis=dict(title='Taxa de verdadeiros positivos (TVP)'), title=title) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) cf.iplot(fig)
def mplot(df: pd.DataFrame, kind='scatter', subplots=False, sharex=False, sharey=False, layout=(1, -1), figsize=None, title=None, xlabel=True, ylabel=True, legend=True, xlim=None, ylim=None, as_figure=False, grid=True, **kwargs): name = if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame) else title = title or name xTitle = xlabel if isinstance(xlabel, bool) and xlabel: xTitle = yTitle = ylabel if isinstance(ylabel, bool) and ylabel: yTitle = name dist_kws = kwargs.pop('dist_kws', dict()) if kind == 'dist': fig = distplot(df, as_figure=True, subplots=subplots, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, legend=legend, title=title, layout=layout, grid=grid, figsize=figsize, **dist_kws) # fig['layout'].update(width=figsize[0], height=figsize[1]) else: fig = df.iplot(kind=kind, subplots=subplots, shared_xaxes=sharex, shared_yaxes=sharey, showlegend=legend, dimensions=figsize, title=title, xTitle=xTitle, yTitle=yTitle, shape=layout, asFigure=True, xrange=xlim, yrange=ylim, **kwargs) layout = fig.setdefault('layout', dict()) layout.update(showlegend=legend) for k, v in layout.items(): if k.startswith(('xaxis', 'yaxis')): v.update(showgrid=grid) if True: if k.startswith('xaxis'): v.update(title=xTitle) if xlim: v.update(range=xlim) if k.startswith('yaxis'): v.update(title=yTitle) if ylim: v.update(range=ylim) if as_figure: return fig cf.iplot(fig)
def pairplot(df: pd.DataFrame, kind='scatter', diag_kind='dist', theme=None, bins=10, color='grey', size=2, figsize=None, title=False, as_figure=False, sharex=False, sharey=False, grid=False): """""" if not theme: theme = cf.auth.get_config_file()['theme'] figs = [] for coly in df.columns: for colx in df.columns: if colx == coly: if diag_kind == 'dist': fig = distplot(df[colx], hist=False, as_figure=True, rug=False, bins=bins) else: fig = df.iplot(kind=diag_kind, keys=[colx], asFigure=True, bins=bins) figs.append(fig) else: figs.append( df.iplot(kind=kind, mode='markers', x=colx, y=coly, asFigure=True, size=size, colors=[color])) layout = tools.get_layout(theme=theme) layout['xaxis1'].update(showgrid=grid) layout['yaxis1'].update(showgrid=grid) fig = tools.get_subplots(figs, layout=(len(df.columns), len(df.columns)), sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, horizontal_spacing=.05, vertical_spacing=.07, base_layout=layout) if isinstance(title, bool) and title: fig['layout'].update( elif title: fig['layout'].update(title=title) if figsize: fig['layout'].update(width=figsize[0], height=figsize[1]) fig['layout'].update(bargap=.02, showlegend=False) if as_figure: return fig cf.iplot(fig)
df.iplot(subplots=True, subplot_titles=True, legend=False) df = cf.datagen.bubble(10, 50, mode='stocks') figs = cf.figures(df, [ dict(kind='histogram', keys='x', color='blue'), dict(kind='scatter', mode='markers', x='x', y='y', size=5), dict(kind='scatter', mode='markers', x='x', y='y', size=5, color='teal') ], asList=True) figs.append( cf.datagen.lines(1).figure(bestfit=True, colors=['blue'], bestfit_colors=['pink'])) base_layout = sp = cf.subplots( figs, shape=(3, 2), base_layout=base_layout, vertical_spacing=.15, horizontal_spacing=.03, specs=[[{ 'rowspan': 2 }, {}], [None, {}], [{ 'colspan': 2 }, None]], subplot_titles=['Histogram', 'Scatter 1', 'Scatter 2', 'Bestfit Line']) sp['layout'].update(showlegend=False) cf.iplot(sp) help(df.iplot)
autosize=True, showlegend=True, legend=dict( font=dict( family='sans-serif', #size=20, color='#000'), ), title=dict( text="Global Fatalities", font=( dict( #size=40, color='#000'))), # Add annotations in the center of the donut pies. annotations=[dict(text=total_deaths, align="center", showarrow=False)]) cf.iplot(figure=fig, filename=plot_folder + "/death", asUrl=True) def plot_fit(series, filename): y = series.tolist() x = np.array(range(len(y))) gauss = Gauss(x, y) y_pred = fit_series = pd.Series(y_pred, series.index, name="Fitted Curve") _, m, s = gauss.par current = int(sum(y)) estimate = gauss.estimate_total() fig1 = series.iplot(kind="bar", asFigure=True) fig2 = fit_series.iplot(asFigure=True,