def take_lagr(self, psi, phi, data, h, e, lamd, mu, alpha, rho, tau, model): lagr = cp.zeros(7, dtype="float32") # Lagrangian ptycho part by angles partitions for k in range(0, self.ptheta): ids = np.arange(k * self.tomoshapep[0], (k + 1) * self.tomoshapep[0]) self.cl_ptycho.setobj(self.scan[:, ids].data.ptr, fpsi = self.fwd_ptycho(psi[ids]) datap = cp.array(data[ids]) if (model == 'poisson'): lagr[0] += cp.sum( cp.abs(fpsi)**2 - 2 * datap * self.mlog(cp.abs(fpsi)) - (datap - 2 * datap * self.mlog(cp.sqrt(datap)))) if (model == 'gaussian'): lagr[0] += cp.linalg.norm(cp.abs(fpsi) - cp.sqrt(datap))**2 lagr[1] = alpha * cp.sum( np.sqrt(cp.real(cp.sum(phi * cp.conj(phi), 0)))) lagr[2] = 2 * cp.sum(cp.real(cp.conj(lamd) * (h - psi))) lagr[3] = rho * cp.linalg.norm(h - psi)**2 lagr[4] = 2 * cp.sum(np.real(cp.conj(mu) * (e - phi))) lagr[5] = tau * cp.linalg.norm(e - phi)**2 lagr[6] = cp.sum(lagr[0:5]) return lagr
def cupy_signal(signal): amp = cp.sqrt(cp.real(signal * cp.conj(signal))) phase = cp.angle(signal) real = cp.real(signal) imag = cp.imag(signal) return amp, phase, real, imag
def besselj__n(n, z): if n<0: return -1**(-n) * besselj__n(-n, z) if n==0: return cupyx.scipy.special.j0(cp.real(z)) elif n==1: return cupyx.scipy.special.j1(cp.real(z)) elif n>=2: return 2*(n-1)*besselj__n(int(n)-1, z)/cp.real(z) - besselj__n(int(n)-2, z)
def julia_set_cp(zs, phase): ns = cp.zeros_like(Z, dtype=cp.float32) for i in range(n_iteration): # cupy doesn't support complex in where, we need to decompose it to real and img parts zs_real = cp.where( cp.abs(zs) < R, cp.real(zs**2 + 0.7885 * cp.exp(phase)), cp.real(zs)) zs_imag = cp.where( cp.abs(zs) < R, cp.imag(zs**2 + 0.7885 * cp.exp(phase)), cp.imag(zs)) zs = zs_real + 1j * zs_imag not_diverged = cp.abs(zs) < R ns = ns + not_diverged.astype(cp.float32) return ns, zs
def test_extend_conv(self): objsize = inisize = self.gaussff.shape imxsize = objsize[0] + inisize[0] imysize = objsize[1] + inisize[1] cp.cuda.Device(0).use objtmp = cp.ndarray([imxsize, imysize]) initmp = cp.ndarray([imxsize, imysize]) objtmp[0:objsize[0], 0:objsize[1]] = initmp[0:inisize[0], 0:inisize[1]] = self.gaussff objtmp = self.shift(objtmp, imxsize / 2 - objsize[0] / 2, imysize / 2 - objsize[1] / 2) initmp = self.shift(initmp, imxsize / 2 - inisize[0] / 2, imysize / 2 - inisize[1] / 2) objfft = self.shift( cp.fft.fft2(objtmp) * cp.sqrt(imxsize * imysize), imxsize / 2, imysize / 2) inifft = self.shift( cp.fft.fft2(initmp) * cp.sqrt(imxsize * imysize), imxsize / 2, imysize / 2) convfft = self.shift( cp.fft.ifft2(self.shift(objfft * inifft, imxsize / 2, imysize / 2)), imxsize / 2, imysize / 2) self.conv = cp.real(convfft) return float(self.conv)
def run(self): max_shape = self._find_max_shape() # compute FT, assuming they are the same size fft1 = cp.asarray(self.image1, dtype=cp.complex64) fft2 = cp.asarray(self.image2, dtype=cp.complex64) plan = get_fft_plan(fft1, value_type="C2C") fft1 = fftn(fft1, overwrite_x=True, plan=plan) fft2 = fftn(fft2, overwrite_x=True, plan=plan) print(f"shape: {fft1.shape}, dtype: {fft1.dtype}") @cp.fuse def normalize(fft_image): re, im = cp.real(fft_image), cp.imag(fft_image) length = cp.sqrt(re * re + im * im) return fft_image / length fft1 = normalize(fft1) fft2 = cp.conj(normalize(fft2)) # phase correlation spectrum pcm = fft1 * fft2 pcm = ifftn(pcm, overwrite_x=True, plan=plan) pcm = cp.real(pcm) from skimage.morphology import disk from skimage.filters import median pcm = cp.asnumpy(pcm) pcm = median(pcm, disk(3)) pcm = cp.asarray(pcm) peak_list = self._extract_correlation_peaks(pcm)
def Hpower(self, x): x = np.fft.ifft2(self.H * np.fft.fft2(np.expand_dims(x, -1), axes=(0, 1)), axes=(0, 1)) x = np.sum(self.mask * self.crop(np.real(x)), 2) x = self.pad(x) return x
def test_wiener(dtype): psf = np.ones((5, 5)) / 25 data = signal.convolve2d(cp.asnumpy(test_img), psf, "same") np.random.seed(0) data += 0.1 * data.std() * np.random.standard_normal(data.shape) psf = cp.asarray(psf, dtype=dtype) data = cp.asarray(data, dtype=dtype) deconvolved = restoration.wiener(data, psf, 0.05) assert deconvolved.dtype == dtype path = fetch('restoration/tests/camera_wiener.npy') rtol = 1e-5 if dtype == np.float32 else 1e-12 atol = rtol cp.testing.assert_allclose(deconvolved, np.load(path), rtol=rtol, atol=atol) _, laplacian = uft.laplacian(2, data.shape) otf = uft.ir2tf(psf, data.shape, is_real=False) deconvolved = restoration.wiener(data, otf, 0.05, reg=laplacian, is_real=False) cp.testing.assert_allclose(cp.real(deconvolved), np.load(path), rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
def log_likelihood_ratio(self): """ Calculates the real part of log-likelihood value Returns ------- float: The real part of the log likelihood """ waveform_polarizations = self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain( self.parameters) if waveform_polarizations is None: return np.nan_to_num(-np.inf) d_inner_h = 0 h_inner_h = 0 for interferometer in self.interferometers: d_inner_h_ifo, h_inner_h_ifo = self.calculate_snrs( interferometer=interferometer, waveform_polarizations=waveform_polarizations, ) d_inner_h += d_inner_h_ifo h_inner_h += h_inner_h_ifo if self.distance_marginalization: log_l = self.distance_marglinalized_likelihood(d_inner_h=d_inner_h, h_inner_h=h_inner_h) else: log_l = -2 / self.duration * (h_inner_h - 2 * xp.real(d_inner_h)) return float(log_l.real)
def grad_ptycho(self, data, psi, prb, scan, zlamd, rho, niter): """Gradient solver for the ptychography problem |||FQpsi|-sqrt(data)||^2_2 + rho||psi-zlamd||^2_2""" # minimization functional def minf(fpsi, psi): f = cp.linalg.norm(cp.abs(fpsi) - cp.sqrt(data))**2 if(rho > 0): f += rho*cp.linalg.norm(psi-zlamd)**2 return f for i in range(niter): # compute the gradient fpsi = self.fwd_ptycho(psi, prb, scan) gradpsi = self.adj_ptycho( fpsi - cp.sqrt(data)*fpsi/(cp.abs(fpsi)+1e-32), prb, scan) # normalization coefficient for skipping the line search procedure afpsi = self.adj_ptycho(fpsi, prb, scan) norm_coeff = cp.real(cp.sum(psi*cp.conj(afpsi)) / (cp.sum(afpsi*cp.conj(afpsi))+1e-32)) if(rho > 0): gradpsi += rho*(psi-zlamd) gradpsi *= min(1/rho, norm_coeff)/2 else: gradpsi *= norm_coeff/2 # update psi psi = psi - 0.5*gradpsi # check convergence # print(f'{i}) {minf(fpsi, psi).get():.2e} ') return psi
def quantize(self, voltages, custom_stds=None): """ Quantize input complex voltages. Cache voltage means and standard deviations, per polarization and per antenna. Parameters ---------- voltages : array Array of complex voltages custom_stds : float, list, or array Custom standard deviation to use for scaling, instead of automatic calculation. Each quantizer will go from custom_stds values to self.target_std. Can either be a single value or an array-like object of length 2, to set the custom standard deviation for real and imaginary parts. Returns ------- q_voltages : array Array of complex quantized voltages """ try: assert len(custom_stds) == 2 except TypeError: custom_stds = [custom_stds] * 2 q_r = self.quantizer_r.quantize(xp.real(voltages), custom_std=custom_stds[0]) q_i = self.quantizer_i.quantize(xp.imag(voltages), custom_std=custom_stds[1]) self.stats_cache_r = self.quantizer_r.stats_cache self.stats_cache_i = self.quantizer_i.stats_cache return q_r + q_i * 1j
def test_masked_registration_random_masks_non_equal_sizes(): """masked_register_translation should be able to register translations between images that are not the same size even with random masks.""" # See random number generator for reproducible results np.random.seed(23) reference_image = cp.asarray(camera()) shift = (-7, 12) shifted = cp.real( fft.ifft2(fourier_shift(fft.fft2(reference_image), shift))) # Crop the shifted image shifted = shifted[64:-64, 64:-64] # Random masks with 75% of pixels being valid ref_mask = np.random.choice([True, False], reference_image.shape, p=[3 / 4, 1 / 4]) shifted_mask = np.random.choice([True, False], shifted.shape, p=[3 / 4, 1 / 4]) reference_image = cp.asarray(reference_image) shifted = cp.asarray(shifted) measured_shift = masked_register_translation( reference_image, shifted, cp.ones(ref_mask.shape, dtype=ref_mask.dtype), cp.ones(shifted_mask.shape, dtype=shifted_mask.dtype), ) cp.testing.assert_array_equal(measured_shift, -cp.asarray(shift))
def test_masked_registration_random_masks(): """masked_register_translation should be able to register translations between images even with random masks.""" # See random number generator for reproducible results np.random.seed(23) reference_image = cp.array(camera()) shift = (-7, 12) shifted = cp.real(fft.ifft2(fourier_shift( fft.fft2(reference_image), shift))) # Random masks with 75% of pixels being valid ref_mask = np.random.choice( [True, False], reference_image.shape, p=[3 / 4, 1 / 4]) shifted_mask = np.random.choice( [True, False], shifted.shape, p=[3 / 4, 1 / 4]) ref_mask = cp.asarray(ref_mask) shifted_mask = cp.asarray(shifted_mask) measured_shift = masked_register_translation(reference_image, shifted, reference_mask=ref_mask, moving_mask=shifted_mask) cp.testing.assert_array_equal(measured_shift, -cp.asarray(shift))
def test_wiener(): psf = np.ones((5, 5)) / 25 data = convolve2d(test_img.get(), psf, "same") np.random.seed(0) data += 0.1 * data.std() * np.random.standard_normal(data.shape) psf = cp.asarray(psf) data = cp.asarray(data) deconvolved = restoration.wiener(data, psf, 0.05) if have_fetch: path = fetch("restoration/tests/camera_wiener.npy") else: path = pjoin(dirname(abspath(__file__)), "camera_wiener.npy") cp.testing.assert_allclose(deconvolved, np.load(path), rtol=1e-3) _, laplacian = uft.laplacian(2, data.shape) otf = uft.ir2tf(psf, data.shape, is_real=False) deconvolved = restoration.wiener(data, otf, 0.05, reg=laplacian, is_real=False) cp.testing.assert_allclose(cp.real(deconvolved), np.load(path), rtol=1e-3)
def solve_reg(self, u, mu, tau, alpha): z = self.fwd_reg(u) + mu / tau # Soft-thresholding za = cp.sqrt(cp.real(cp.sum(z * cp.conj(z), 0))) z[:, za <= alpha / tau] = 0 z[:, za > alpha/tau] -= alpha/tau * \ z[:, za > alpha/tau]/(za[za > alpha/tau]) return z
def positive_constrain(self,dn_3D,dF_3D_2): n_med = 1.334 wavelength = 532 k2 = (2*np.pi*n_med/wavelength)**2 n_med2 = n_med**2 # dF_3D = cupy.multiply(cupy.subtract(cupy.divide(cupy.multiply(dn_3D,dn_3D),n_med2),1),-k2) # dF_3D = cupy.fft.fftn(dF_3D) # dF_3D[cupy.not_equal(dF_3D_2,0)] = dF_3D_2[cupy.not_equal(dF_3D_2,0)] # dF_3D = cupy.fft.ifftn(dF_3D) # dn_3D = cupy.multiply(cupy.sqrt(cupy.add(cupy.divide(dF_3D,-k2), 1)), n_med) # dn_3D = cupy.fft.fftshift(dn_3D); dn_3D[cupy.less(cupy.real(dn_3D),n_med)] = n_med+1j*cupy.imag(dn_3D[cupy.less(cupy.real(dn_3D),n_med)]) dn_3D[cupy.less(cupy.imag(dn_3D),0)] = cupy.real(dn_3D[cupy.less(cupy.imag(dn_3D), 0)]) return dn_3D
def compensate_dispersion_3D(spectra: np.ndarray, calibration: dict) -> cp.array: calib = cp.asarray(calibration['dispersion']) Pdispersion = cp.asarray(calib * complex(0, 1) * Arguments.dispersion) return cp.real(hilbert_3D(spectra) * cp.exp(Pdispersion))
def spectrum_shift_2D(Volume_spectra: cp.ndarray) -> cp.ndarray: Volume_spectra = hilbert_2D(Volume_spectra) spectrum_shift = cp.exp(complex(0,1) * cp.arange( start=0, stop=Arguments.dimension[2], dtype=cp.float ) * Arguments.shift) Volume_spectra = cp.multiply(Volume_spectra, spectrum_shift) return cp.real(Volume_spectra)
def compensate_dispersion_2D(Volume_spectra: cp.ndarray, dispersion) -> cp.ndarray: Pdispersion = cp.asarray( dispersion * complex(0,1) * Arguments.dispersion ) compensated_spectra = hilbert_2D(Volume_spectra) * cp.exp( Pdispersion ) compensated_spectra = cp.real(compensated_spectra) return compensated_spectra
def inner_with_domain(sub_loads, ignore_domain=False): full_loads = cp.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) full_loads[domain] = sub_loads fft_loads = forward_trans(full_loads, s=input_shape) full = norm_inv * cp.real(backward_trans(fft_loads * fft_im)) full = full[:full_loads.shape[0], :full_loads.shape[1]] if ignore_domain: return full return full[domain]
def spectrum_shift_3D(temp: cp.ndarray): spectrum_shift = cp.exp( complex(0, 1) * cp.arange(start=0, stop=Arguments.dimension[2]) * shift) temp = cp.multiply(temp, spectrum_shift) temp = cp.real(temp)
def distance_marglinalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h, h_inner_h): log_l = ( -2 / self.duration * xp.real(h_inner_h * self.parameters["luminosity_distance"]**2 / self.distance_array**2 - 2 * d_inner_h * self.parameters["luminosity_distance"] / self.distance_array)) log_l = xp.log(xp.sum(xp.exp(log_l) * self.distance_prior_array)) return log_l
def Hadj(self, x): x = np.expand_dims(x, -1) x = x * self.mask x = self.pad(x) x = np.fft.fft2(x, axes=(0, 1)) x = np.fft.ifft2(self.Hconj * x, axes=(0, 1)) x = np.real(x) return x
def Compute_fiedler_vector(G): nrom_laplacian_matrics = nx.normalized_laplacian_matrix(G,weight='weight') nrom_laplacian_matrics_cupy=cp.asarray(nrom_laplacian_matrics.toarray()) w,v=cp.linalg.eigh(nrom_laplacian_matrics_cupy) #algebraic_connectivity,fiedler_vector=power_iteration(nrom_laplacian_matrics.) algebraic_connectivity = w[1] # Neat measure of how tight the graph is fiedler_vector = v[:,1].T fiedler_vector=torch.Tensor(cp.asarray(cp.real(fiedler_vector))) algebraic_connectivity=torch.Tensor(cp.asarray(algebraic_connectivity)) return algebraic_connectivity, fiedler_vector
def magnetization(s, B, d): sz = cp.diag([Sz(conf, 0) for conf in range(0, d)]) # sz=cp.array([[0,1],[1,0]]) mag = cp.array(0., dtype=np.float32) for i_bond in range(2): sB = cp.tensordot(cp.diag(s[np.mod(i_bond - 1, 2)]), B[i_bond], axes=(1, 1)) C = cp.tensordot(sB, cp.conj(sB), axes=([0, 2], [0, 2])) mag += cp.real(cp.tensordot(C, sz, axes=([0, 1], [0, 1])).get()) return mag * 0.5
def take_lagr(self, data, psi, prb, scan, z, lamd, rho): """Compute Lagrangian""" lagr = np.zeros(4, dtype='float32') for k in range(self.nnodes): ids = cp.arange(k*self.nscan, (k+1)*self.nscan) lagr[0] += cp.linalg.norm(cp.abs(self.fwd_ptycho(psi[k], prb, scan[:, ids]))-cp.sqrt(data[ids]))**2 lagr[1] = 2*cp.sum(cp.real(cp.conj(lamd)*(psi-z))) lagr[2] = rho*cp.linalg.norm(psi-z)**2 lagr[3] = cp.sum(lagr[:3]) return lagr
def inner_no_domain(full_loads): full_loads = cp.asarray(full_loads) if full_loads.shape == shape: flat = False else: full_loads = cp.reshape(full_loads, loads.shape) flat = True fft_loads = forward_trans(full_loads, s=input_shape) full = norm_inv * cp.real(backward_trans(fft_loads * fft_im)) full = full[:full_loads.shape[0], :full_loads.shape[1]] if flat: full = full.flatten() return full
def dftUpsample(imageCorr, upsampleFactor, xyShift): """ This performs a matrix multiply DFT around a small neighboring region of the inital correlation peak. By using the matrix multiply DFT to do the Fourier upsampling, the efficiency is greatly improved. This is adapted from the subfuction dftups found in the dftregistration function on the Matlab File Exchange. The matrix multiplication DFT is from: Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, Samuel T. Thurman, and James R. Fienup, "Efficient subpixel image registration algorithms," Opt. Lett. 33, 156-158 (2008). Args: imageCorr (complex valued ndarray): Correlation image between two images in Fourier space. upsampleFactor (int): Scalar integer of how much to upsample. xyShift (list of 2 floats): Coordinates in the UPSAMPLED GRID around which to upsample. These must be single-pixel IN THE UPSAMPLED GRID Returns: (ndarray): Upsampled image from region around correlation peak. """ imageSize = imageCorr.shape pixelRadius = 1.5 numRow = np.ceil(pixelRadius * upsampleFactor) numCol = numRow colKern = cp.exp( (-1j * 2 * cp.pi / (imageSize[1] * upsampleFactor)) * cp.outer( (cp.fft.ifftshift((cp.arange(imageSize[1]))) - cp.floor(imageSize[1] / 2)), (cp.arange(numCol) - xyShift[1]), ) ) rowKern = cp.exp( (-1j * 2 * cp.pi / (imageSize[0] * upsampleFactor)) * cp.outer( (cp.arange(numRow) - xyShift[0]), (cp.fft.ifftshift(cp.arange(imageSize[0])) - cp.floor(imageSize[0] / 2)), ) ) imageUpsample = cp.real(rowKern @ imageCorr @ colKern) return imageUpsample
def corrszsz(dist, s, B, d): sz = cp.diag([Sz(conf, 0) for conf in range(0, d)]) corr = cp.array(0., dtype=np.float32) if dist == 0: sz2 = cp.tensordot(sz, sz, axes=(1, 0)) for i_bond in range(2): sB = cp.tensordot(cp.diag(s[np.mod(i_bond - 1, 2)]), B[i_bond], axes=(1, 1)) C = cp.tensordot(sB, cp.conj(sB), axes=([0, 2], [0, 2])) corr += cp.real( cp.tensordot(C, sz2, axes=([0, 1], [0, 1])) - cp.tensordot(C, sz, axes=([0, 1], [0, 1])) * cp.tensordot(C, sz, axes=([0, 1], [0, 1]))) return 0.5 * corr if dist != 0: dist = cp.abs(dist) for i_bond in range(2): sB = cp.tensordot(cp.diag(s[np.mod(i_bond - 1, 2)]), B[i_bond], axes=(1, 1)) C = cp.tensordot(sB, cp.conj(sB), axes=(0, 0)) R = cp.tensordot(C, sz, axes=([0, 2], [0, 1])) mean1 = cp.trace(R) for i in range(dist - 1): T = cp.tensordot(R, B[np.mod(i_bond + 1 + i, 2)], axes=(0, 1)) T = cp.tensordot(T, cp.conj(B[np.mod(i_bond + 1 + i, 2)]), axes=(0, 1)) R = cp.trace(T, axis1=0, axis2=2) C = cp.tensordot(B[cp.mod(i_bond + dist, 2)], cp.conj(B[cp.mod(i_bond + dist, 2)]), axes=(2, 2)) L = cp.tensordot(R, C, axes=([0, 1], [1, 3])) corr += cp.real( cp.tensordot(L, sz, axes=([0, 1], [0, 1])) - mean1 * mean1) return 0.5 * corr
def besselFirstKindOnGPU(order, arg): import cupy as cp from cupyx.scipy import special if order == 0: bess = special.j0(arg) elif order == 1: bess = special.j1(arg) elif order >= 2: bess = 2 * (float(order) - 1) * besselFirstKindOnGPU( int(order) - 1, arg) / cp.real(arg) - besselFirstKindOnGPU( int(order) - 2, arg) if not cp.all(arg): zero_idx = cp.where(arg == 0) bess[zero_idx] = 0 return bess