def call_const(self, env, ndim): if not isinstance(ndim, int): raise TypeError('ndim must be an integer') # Numba convention: for 1D we return a single variable, # otherwise a tuple if ndim == 1: return Data(self._code.format(n='x'), _cuda_types.uint32) elif ndim == 2: dims = ('x', 'y') elif ndim == 3: dims = ('x', 'y', 'z') else: raise ValueError('Only ndim=1,2,3 are supported') elts_code = ', '.join(self._code.format(n=n) for n in dims) ctype = _cuda_types.Tuple([_cuda_types.uint32] * ndim) return Data(f'thrust::make_tuple({elts_code})', ctype)
def _transpile_expr_internal(expr, env): if isinstance(expr, ast.BoolOp): values = [_transpile_expr(e, env) for e in expr.values] value = values[0] for rhs in values[1:]: value = _eval_operand(expr.op, (value, rhs), env) return value if isinstance(expr, ast.BinOp): left = _transpile_expr(expr.left, env) right = _transpile_expr(expr.right, env) return _eval_operand(expr.op, (left, right), env) if isinstance(expr, ast.UnaryOp): value = _transpile_expr(expr.operand, env) return _eval_operand(expr.op, (value, ), env) if isinstance(expr, ast.Lambda): raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented.') if isinstance(expr, ast.Compare): values = [expr.left] + expr.comparators if len(values) != 2: raise NotImplementedError( 'Comparison of 3 or more values is not implemented.') values = [_transpile_expr(e, env) for e in values] return _eval_operand(expr.ops[0], values, env) if isinstance(expr, ast.IfExp): cond = _transpile_expr(expr.test, env) x = _transpile_expr(expr.body, env) y = _transpile_expr(expr.orelse, env) if isinstance(expr, Constant): return x if expr.obj else y if cond.ctype.dtype.kind == 'c': raise TypeError("Complex type value cannot be boolean condition.") x, y = _infer_type(x, y, env), _infer_type(y, x, env) if x.ctype.dtype != y.ctype.dtype: raise TypeError('Type mismatch in conditional expression.: ' f'{x.ctype.dtype} != {y.ctype.dtype}') cond = _astype_scalar(cond, _cuda_types.bool_, 'unsafe', env) return Data(f'({cond.code} ? {x.code} : {y.code})', x.ctype) if isinstance(expr, ast.Call): func = _transpile_expr(expr.func, env) args = [_transpile_expr(x, env) for x in expr.args] kwargs = dict([(kw.arg, _transpile_expr(kw.value, env)) for kw in expr.keywords]) builtin_funcs = _builtin_funcs.builtin_functions_dict if is_constants(func) and (func.obj in builtin_funcs): func = builtin_funcs[func.obj] if isinstance(func, _internal_types.BuiltinFunc): return, *args, **kwargs) if not is_constants(func): raise TypeError(f"'{func}' is not callable.") func = func.obj if is_constants(*args, *kwargs.values()): # compile-time function call args = [x.obj for x in args] kwargs = dict([(k, v.obj) for k, v in kwargs.items()]) return Constant(func(*args, **kwargs)) if isinstance(func, _kernel.ufunc): # ufunc call dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype', Constant(None)).obj if len(kwargs) > 0: name = next(iter(kwargs)) raise TypeError( f"'{name}' is an invalid keyword to ufunc {}") return _call_ufunc(func, args, dtype, env) if inspect.isclass(func) and issubclass(func, _typeclasses): # explicit typecast if len(args) != 1: raise TypeError( f'function takes {func} invalid number of argument') ctype = _cuda_types.Scalar(func) return _astype_scalar(args[0], ctype, 'unsafe', env) if isinstance(func, _interface._JitRawKernel) and func._device: args = [Data.init(x, env) for x in args] in_types = tuple([x.ctype for x in args]) fname, return_type = _transpile_func_obj(func._func, ['__device__'], env.mode, in_types, None, env.generated) in_params = ', '.join([x.code for x in args]) return Data(f'{fname}({in_params})', return_type) raise TypeError(f"Invalid function call '{fname}'.") if isinstance(expr, ast.Constant): return Constant(expr.value) if isinstance(expr, ast.Num): # Deprecated since py3.8 return Constant(expr.n) if isinstance(expr, ast.Str): # Deprecated since py3.8 return Constant(expr.s) if isinstance(expr, ast.NameConstant): # Deprecated since py3.8 return Constant(expr.value) if isinstance(expr, ast.Subscript): array = _transpile_expr(expr.value, env) index = _transpile_expr(expr.slice, env) return _indexing(array, index, env) if isinstance(expr, ast.Name): value = env[] if value is None: raise NameError(f'Unbound name: {}') return env[] if isinstance(expr, ast.Attribute): value = _transpile_expr(expr.value, env) if is_constants(value): return Constant(getattr(value.obj, expr.attr)) if isinstance(value.ctype, _cuda_types.ArrayBase): if 'ndim' == expr.attr: return Constant(value.ctype.ndim) if isinstance(value.ctype, _cuda_types.CArray): if 'size' == expr.attr: return Data(f'static_cast<long long>({value.code}.size())', _cuda_types.Scalar('q')) if isinstance(value.ctype, _interface._Dim3): if expr.attr in ('x', 'y', 'z'): return Data(f'{value.code}.{expr.attr}', _cuda_types.uint32) # TODO(leofang): support arbitrary Python class methods if isinstance(value.ctype, _ThreadGroup): return _internal_types.BuiltinFunc.from_class_method( value.code, getattr(value.ctype, expr.attr)) raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented: __getattr__') if isinstance(expr, ast.Tuple): elts = [_transpile_expr(x, env) for x in expr.elts] # TODO: Support compile time constants. elts = [Data.init(x, env) for x in elts] elts_code = ', '.join([x.code for x in elts]) ctype = _cuda_types.Tuple([x.ctype for x in elts]) return Data(f'thrust::make_tuple({elts_code})', ctype) if isinstance(expr, ast.Index): return _transpile_expr(expr.value, env) raise ValueError('Not supported: type {}'.format(type(expr)))
def _transpile_expr_internal(expr, env): if isinstance(expr, ast.BoolOp): values = [_transpile_expr(e, env) for e in expr.values] value = values[0] for rhs in values[1:]: value = _eval_operand(expr.op, (value, rhs), env) return value if isinstance(expr, ast.BinOp): left = _transpile_expr(expr.left, env) right = _transpile_expr(expr.right, env) return _eval_operand(expr.op, (left, right), env) if isinstance(expr, ast.UnaryOp): value = _transpile_expr(expr.operand, env) return _eval_operand(expr.op, (value, ), env) if isinstance(expr, ast.Lambda): raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented.') if isinstance(expr, ast.Compare): values = [expr.left] + expr.comparators if len(values) != 2: raise NotImplementedError( 'Comparison of 3 or more values is not implemented.') values = [_transpile_expr(e, env) for e in values] return _eval_operand(expr.ops[0], values, env) if isinstance(expr, ast.IfExp): cond = _transpile_expr(expr.test, env) x = _transpile_expr(expr.body, env) y = _transpile_expr(expr.orelse, env) if isinstance(expr, Constant): return x if expr.obj else y if cond.ctype.dtype.kind == 'c': raise NotImplementedError('') x = Data.init(x, env) y = Data.init(y, env) if x.ctype.dtype != y.ctype.dtype: raise TypeError('Type mismatch in conditional expression.: ' f'{x.ctype.dtype} != {y.ctype.dtype}') cond = _astype_scalar(cond, _cuda_types.bool_, 'unsafe', env) return Data(f'({cond.code} ? {x.code} : {y.code})', x.ctype) if isinstance(expr, ast.Call): func = _transpile_expr(expr.func, env) args = [_transpile_expr(x, env) for x in expr.args] kwargs = dict([(kw.arg, _transpile_expr(kw.value, env)) for kw in expr.keywords]) builtin_funcs = _builtin_funcs.builtin_functions_dict if is_constants(func) and (func.obj in builtin_funcs): func = builtin_funcs[func.obj] if isinstance(func, _internal_types.BuiltinFunc): return, *args, **kwargs) if not is_constants(func): raise NotImplementedError( 'device function call is not implemented.') func = func.obj if is_constants(*args, *kwargs.values()): # compile-time function call args = [x.obj for x in args] kwargs = dict([(k, v.obj) for k, v in kwargs.items()]) return Constant(func(*args, **kwargs)) if isinstance(func, _kernel.ufunc): # ufunc call dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype', Constant(None)).obj if len(kwargs) > 0: name = next(iter(kwargs)) raise TypeError( f"'{name}' is an invalid keyword to ufunc {}") return _call_ufunc(func, args, dtype, env) if inspect.isclass(func) and issubclass(func, _typeclasses): # explicit typecast if len(args) != 1: raise TypeError( f'function takes {func} invalid number of argument') ctype = _cuda_types.Scalar(func) return _astype_scalar(args[0], ctype, 'unsafe', env) raise NotImplementedError( f'function call of `{func.__name__}` is not implemented') if isinstance(expr, ast.Constant): return Constant(expr.value) if isinstance(expr, ast.Num): # Deprecated since py3.8 return Constant(expr.n) if isinstance(expr, ast.Str): # Deprecated since py3.8 return Constant(expr.s) if isinstance(expr, ast.NameConstant): # Deprecated since py3.8 return Constant(expr.value) if isinstance(expr, ast.Subscript): value = _transpile_expr(expr.value, env) index = _transpile_expr(expr.slice, env) if is_constants(value): if is_constants(index): return Constant(value.obj[index.obj]) raise TypeError( f'{type(value.obj)} is not subscriptable with non-constants.') value = Data.init(value, env) if isinstance(value.ctype, _cuda_types.Tuple): raise NotImplementedError if isinstance(value.ctype, _cuda_types.ArrayBase): index = Data.init(index, env) ndim = value.ctype.ndim if isinstance(index.ctype, _cuda_types.Scalar): index_dtype = index.ctype.dtype if ndim != 1: raise TypeError( 'Scalar indexing is supported only for 1-dim array.') if index_dtype.kind not in 'ui': raise TypeError('Array indices must be integers.') return Data(f'{value.code}[{index.code}]', value.ctype.child_type) if isinstance(index.ctype, _cuda_types.Tuple): if ndim != len(index.ctype.types): raise IndexError(f'The size of index must be {ndim}') for t in index.ctype.types: if not isinstance(t, _cuda_types.Scalar): raise TypeError('Array indices must be scalar.') if t.dtype.kind not in 'iu': raise TypeError('Array indices must be integer.') if ndim == 0: return Data(f'{value.code}[0]', value.ctype.child_type) if ndim == 1: return Data(f'{value.code}[thrust::get<0>({index.code})]', value.ctype.child_type) return Data(f'{value.code}._indexing({index.code})', value.ctype.child_type) if isinstance(index.ctype, _cuda_types.Array): raise TypeError('Advanced indexing is not supported.') assert False # Never reach. raise TypeError(f'{value.code} is not subscriptable.') if isinstance(expr, ast.Name): value = env[] if value is None: raise NameError(f'Unbound name: {}') return env[] if isinstance(expr, ast.Attribute): value = _transpile_expr(expr.value, env) if is_constants(value): return Constant(getattr(value.obj, expr.attr)) raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented: __getattr__') if isinstance(expr, ast.Tuple): elts = [_transpile_expr(x, env) for x in expr.elts] # TODO: Support compile time constants. elts = [Data.init(x, env) for x in elts] elts_code = ', '.join([x.code for x in elts]) ctype = _cuda_types.Tuple([x.ctype for x in elts]) return Data(f'thrust::make_tuple({elts_code})', ctype) if isinstance(expr, ast.Index): return _transpile_expr(expr.value, env) raise ValueError('Not supported: type {}'.format(type(expr)))