def init(self): self.window = curses.initscr() self.initted = True self.ymax, self.xmax = self.window.getmaxyx() terminfo = curses.longname() assert '256' in terminfo # your env TERM must be xterm-256color! assert curses.has_colors() curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() ctr = 1 for fg in CLRS: for bg in CLRS: if ctr <= curses.COLORS-1 and fg != bg: curses.init_pair(ctr, CLRS[fg], CLRS[bg]) pairs[(fg,bg)] = curses.color_pair(ctr) ctr += 1 curses.meta(1) curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.curs_set(0) curses.delay_output(0) curses.mouseinterval(150) availmask,_ = curses.mousemask(curses.ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS) assert availmask != 0 # mouse must be available! self.window.leaveok(1) self.window.scrollok(0) self.window.keypad(1) if NONBLOCKING: self.window.nodelay(1) self.window.timeout(NONBLOCKING_TIMEOUT) else: self.window.nodelay(0) self.window.timeout(-1) self.window.refresh()
def main(scrn): box = scrn.subwin(3,5, 0,0) box.addstr(1,1, "box") border = scrn.subwin(3,8, 0,6) border.border() border.addstr(1,1, "border") background = scrn.subwin(3,14, 0,15) curses.init_pair(7, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_GREEN) curses.init_pair(8, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.COLOR_WHITE) background.bkgd("#", curses.color_pair(7)) background.addstr(1,2, "background", curses.color_pair(8)) background.refresh background2 = scrn.subwin(4,14, 0,30) background2.bkgdset("#") background2.addstr(" ") background2.addstr(" background ") background2.addstr(" ") lines = scrn.subwin(3,11, 0,45) lines.hline(1,0, curses.ACS_HLINE, 11) lines.vline(0,2, curses.ACS_VLINE, 3) lines.vline(0,8, curses.ACS_VLINE, 3) lines.addstr(0,3, "lines") lines.addch(1,2, curses.ACS_SSSS) lines.addch(1,8, curses.ACS_SSSS) text = scrn.subwin(10,9, 4,0) text.addstr(0,0, "dim", curses.A_DIM) text.addstr(1,0, "normal", curses.A_NORMAL) text.addstr(2,0, "underline", curses.A_UNDERLINE) text.addstr(3,0, "bold", curses.A_BOLD) text.addstr(4,0, "standout", curses.A_STANDOUT) text.addstr(5,0, "reverse", curses.A_REVERSE) text.addstr(6,0, "blink", curses.A_BLINK) text.addstr(7,0, "invisible", curses.A_INVIS) curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) text.move(8,0) text.addch("c", curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) text.addch("o", curses.color_pair(2) | curses.A_BOLD) text.addch("l", curses.color_pair(3) | curses.A_BOLD) text.addch("o", curses.color_pair(2) | curses.A_BOLD) text.addch("r", curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) scrn.addstr(15,0, curses.termname()) scrn.addstr(": " + curses.longname()) scrn.getch() curses.flash() scrn.getch()
def safescreen(termstr=None): """A context manager that acts like curses.wrapper. Example: with safescreen('xterm-256color') as scr: scr.addstr('123456') scr.getch() """ try: if 'TERM' in os.environ: oldterm = os.environ['TERM'] else: oldterm = None if termstr: # modify enviornmental variables to duplicate another term os.environ['TERM'] = termstr # only way stdscr=curses.initscr() log('colors:', curses.tigetnum('colors'),curses.longname()) curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() stdscr.keypad(1) # try to start colors, and ignore errors try: curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() log('colors started') except: log('safescreen:','ERROR STARTING COLORS') pass yield stdscr finally: if termstr and oldterm is not None: os.environ['TERM'] = oldterm try: stdscr.keypad(0) except: pass try: curses.echo() curses.nocbreak() curses.endwin() except: pass
x, y = 15, 15 controls = { 'h': (-1, 0), 'l': (1, 0), 'j': (0, 1), 'k': (0, -1), 'y': (-1, -1), 'u': (1, -1), 'b': (-1, 1), 'n': (1, 1), } while True: cui.clear() cui.putString( 10, 10, "Hello world!" ) cui.putString( 10, 11, "This window is %dx%d" % (w,h) ) cui.putString( 10, 13, "longname(): %s" % curses.longname() ) cui.putString( 10, 14, "COLOR_PAIRS: %d" % curses.COLOR_PAIRS ) cui.putString( 10, 15, "can_change_color(): %s" % curses.can_change_color() ) cui.put( x, y, "@", fg = 'red' ) rv = None try: rv = cui.get() except ResizedException: w, h = cui.dimensions() if rv: if rv.type == "keypress": if rv.key == 'q': break if controls.has_key( rv.key ): dx, dy = controls[ rv.key ] x += dx
import curses print "Imported" w1 = curses.initscr() print "initscr" print "Type:", type(w1) print curses.longname() print "Baudrate:", curses.baudrate() print "Has colors:", curses.has_colors() curses.curs_set(1) w2 = curses.newwin(0, 0) print "New window (fullscreen)" w2.addch(ord('A')) w2.addch('B') w2.addstr("some text") print "some text" w2.addstr(" more text") print "more text" w2.addstr(" even more text") print "even more text"
import curses, sys try: try: curses.initscr() print 1 print curses.version curses.longname() print curses.baudrate() print curses.can_change_color() curses.start_color() print curses.color_pair(curses.A_BLINK) finally: curses.endwin() except: print sys.exc_info()[1]
import curses, sys try: try: curses.initscr() print 1 print curses.version print curses.longname() print curses.baudrate() print curses.can_change_color() curses.start_color() print curses.color_pair(curses.A_BLINK) finally: curses.endwin() except: print sys.exc_info()[1]