コード例 #1
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: TooMuch4U/pisspricer-scraper
    def get_items_barcodes(self, items):
        Gets barcodes and image urls for all items
        :param items: List of items
        :return: List of dict items with barcode, and image_url added
        request_list = [(item['url'], item) for item in items]
        iteration = [0]
        self.print_func(0, len(request_list), 'Get Item barcodes')
        responses = asyncio.run(
                request_list, {
                    (self.print_func, len(request_list), 'Get item barcodes'),
                }, self._async_get))

        items = process_item_pages(responses)
        new_items = self.add_store_ids(items)
        return new_items
コード例 #2
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: TooMuch4U/pisspricer-scraper
    def _get_henry_items(self):
        Gets a list of items from henrys website. Excluding barcodes
        :return: List of items from henrys api
        category_ids = [
            16639, 16642, 16643, 16644, 16648, 16649, 23625, 23626, 23627,
            23628, 23634, 23630, 23633, 23635, 23629, 13651, 13650, 13652,
            13652, 13651, 13650, 13653, 13654, 13655, 13656, 13579, 13658,
            13659, 13660, 13661, 13662, 13664, 13583, 13657, 13667, 13580,
            13663, 13670, 13672, 13577, 24350, 13587, 24680, 24675, 24676,
            24677, 24349, 24351, 24352, 24350, 24351, 24352, 13587, 24680,
            24675, 24676, 24677, 24349, 24589, 24673, 24674, 24679
        category_ids_str = [str(cat) for cat in category_ids]
        url = f"https://www.henrys.co.nz/api/products?categories={','.join(category_ids_str)}"

        # Get first page
        first_page = requests.get(url + "&page=0").json()
        total_pages = int(first_page['totalPages'])
        other_pages_urls = [(url + f"&page={i}", None)
                            for i in range(1, total_pages + 1)]

        # Get rest of pages
        iteration = [0]
        self.print_func(0, len(other_pages_urls) - 1, 'Get Items')
        responses = asyncio.run(
                other_pages_urls, {
                    "printer": (self.print_func, total_pages - 1, 'Get Items'),
                    "iteration": iteration
                }, self._async_get))

        # Collate all items in a list
        items = first_page['products']
        for _, page in responses:
            items += page.json()['products']
        return items
コード例 #3
    def upload_new_images(self, items, print_func):
        Uploads images for items that don't have one
        :param items: List of item dict objects. {"sku": int, "image_url": string}
        :return: None
        all_items = req.get(self.api.url + "/allitems", headers=self.api.headers).json()

        # Iterate through items and add to get list if there isn't an image
        req_list = []

        checked_skus = set()
        for item in items:
            if item["sku"] not in checked_skus:

                has_image = True
                for cur_item in all_items:
                    if cur_item["sku"] == item["sku"]:
                        # Check if item doesn't have an image
                        if cur_item["hasImage"] == 0:
                            has_image = False
                if not has_image:

                    # Item doesn't have image

                # Add sku to set

        # Get images
        iteration = [0]
        if len(req_list) > 0:
            print_func(0, len(req_list), "get images")
        responses = asyncio.run(
                                   {"headers": self.api.headers,
                                    "printer": (print_func, len(req_list), "get images"),
                                    "iteration": iteration},

        # Create put image request list
        image_list = []
        print_func(0, len(responses), 'processing images')
        for i, (item, res) in enumerate(responses):
                content = res.read()
                image_bytes = images.process_response_content(content)
                image_list.append((item["sku"], image_bytes))
            except Exception as err:
                print_func(i + 1, len(responses))

        if len(image_list) > 0:
            print_func(0, len(image_list), "put images")
        responses = req.post_images(image_list,
                                    self.api.url + "/items",
                                    printer=(print_func, len(image_list), "put images"))
コード例 #4
    def update_item_prices(self, items, brand_id, brand_name, print_func=None):
        Posts items to pisspricer api that are new
        :param items: List of dict items
        :param brand_id: Store brand id
        :param print_func: Function for printing
        :return: None
        barcodes = req.get(self.api.url + "/barcodes", headers=self.api.headers)
        skus = req.get(self.api.url + "/internalids", headers=self.api.headers, params={"brandId": brand_id})
        barcodes = barcodes.json()
        skus = skus.json()

        requests = []
        for item in items:
            if item.get("barcode", None) is not None:
                barcode = item["barcode"]
                if barcode not in barcodes:
                    # Add item to requests list
                    requests.append([self.api.url + "/items",
                    barcodes[barcode] = []
            elif item.get("internalSku", None) is None or item.get("internalSku", None) not in skus:
                requests.append([self.api.url + "/items",
                skus[item["internalSku"]] = []

        # Post all items
        iteration = [0]
        if print_func is not None and len(requests) > 0:
            print_func(0, len(requests), "create new products")
        responses = asyncio.run(req.create_async_tasks(requests,
                                           {"headers": self.api.headers,
                                            "printer": (print_func, len(requests), "create new products"),
                                            "iteration": iteration},

        # Add new items to dictionaries
        for res in responses:
            if res.status == 200 or res.status == 201:
                data = res.json()
                new_sku = data["sku"]
                item = res.content
                barcode = item.get("barcode", None)
                if barcode is not None:
                    barcodes[barcode] = [new_sku]
                    skus[item["internalSku"]] = [new_sku]

        # Create request list for prices
        requests = []
        for item in items:

            if item.get("barcode") is not None:
                sku = barcodes[item["barcode"]][0]
                sku = skus[item["internalSku"]][0]
            item["sku"] = sku

        # Upload images
        self.upload_new_images(items, print_func)

        # Put prices
        iteration = [0]
        if print_func is not None:
            print_func(0, len(requests), "post new prices")
        reses = asyncio.run(req.create_async_tasks(requests,
                                           {"headers": self.api.headers,
                                            "printer": (print_func, len(requests), "post new prices"),
                                            "iteration": iteration}, self._async_put_json))
        return reses
コード例 #5
    def upload_new_stores(self, locations, brand_id, printer=None):
        Posts stores to pisspricer api that are new (based on internal id).
        Gets data from google maps api if location data is incomplete.
        Uploads region if it doesn't already exist.
        :param printer: (print_function, total, title) for printing
        :param brand_id: Brand id of store locations
        :param locations: List of dict objects
                name: "required|string",
                url: "required|string",
                region: "required|string",
                region_lat: "numeric",
                region_lng: "numeric",
                address: "required|string",
                postcode: "numeric",
                lattitude: "numeric",
                longitude: "numeric"
                internalId: "string"
        :return: None
        # Get current locations
        cur_locations_res = req.get(self.api.url + "/stores",
                                    params={"brandId": brand_id})
        if cur_locations_res.status != 200:
            raise custom_exceptions.AiohttpException(cur_locations_res, "get stores", "pisspricer")
        cur_locations = cur_locations_res.json()

        # Create a set of internal ids
        cur_locs_set = set()
        for loc in cur_locations:

        # Get a list of regions
        regions = self.get_regions()

        # Print first iteration
        if printer is not None:
            print_func, total, task = printer
            print_func(0, total, task)

        # Create a list of new stores
        new_locations = []
        for i, loc in enumerate(locations):
                # Check if the store is new
                if loc["internalId"] not in cur_locs_set:

                    # Get location if data not supplied
                    region = loc["region"]
                    lat = loc["lattitude"]
                    lng = loc["longitude"]
                    postcode = loc["postcode"]
                    address = loc["address"]
                    location_list = [region, lat, lng, postcode, address]
                    if any(item is None for item in location_list):
                        lat, lng, address, postcode, region = tools.geocode_address(f"{loc['name']}, {address}")

                    # Create new location dict
                    new_loc = {
                        "name": loc["name"],
                        "url": loc["url"],
                        "brandId": brand_id,
                        "regionId": self._get_region_id(regions, region, lat=loc["region_lat"], lng=loc["region_lng"]),
                        "lattitude": lat,
                        "longitude": lng,
                        "postcode": postcode,
                        "address": address,
                        "internalId": loc["internalId"]

                    # Add new store to task list
                    new_locations.append([self.api.url + "/stores", new_loc])

            except custom_exceptions.GoogleApiException as err:
            except custom_exceptions.AiohttpException as err:
                if printer is not None:
                    print_func(i+1, total, task)

        # Post all stores
        # TODO Change post function
        iteration = [0]
        print_func, _, task = printer
        kwargs = {"headers": self.api.headers,
                  "printer": (print_func, len(new_locations), task),
                  "iteration": iteration}
        responses = asyncio.run(req.create_async_tasks(new_locations, kwargs, self._async_post_json))
        for res in responses:
            if res.status != 201:
                tools.log_error(custom_exceptions.AiohttpException(res, "post stores", "pisspricer"))
コード例 #6
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: TooMuch4U/pisspricer-scraper
    def get_items(self, stores, should_print=True):

        task = "get items from liquorland"
        # Iterate through stores and categories and make items for HTTP get
        first_page_items = []
        for store in stores:
            internal_id = store["internalId"]
            for cat in self.categories:
                for _, endpoint, subcatId in cat["subcats"]:

                    cookies = copy.deepcopy(self.cookie)
                    cookies["selectedStore"] = internal_id

                    item = [
                        f"{self.base_url}{endpoint}", {
                            "categoryId": cat["id"],
                            "subcategoryId": subcatId,
                            "storeId": store["storeId"],
                            "internalId": store["internalId"],
                            "url": f"{self.base_url}{endpoint}",
                        }, cookies, self.params


        # Batch get first pages
        iteration = [0]
        responses = asyncio.run(
                first_page_items, {
                    "printer": (self.print_func, len(first_page_items) - 1,
                                task + " 1", iteration)
                }, self._async_get_item_page))

        items = []
        requests = []

        if should_print:
            self.print_func(0, len(responses),
                            "process responses liquorland 1")

        for i, (item, res) in enumerate(responses):
            soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text(), features="html.parser")
            item_divs = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "productItemDisplay"})
            for item_div in item_divs:

                # Create a new item
                new_item = self._create_item(item_div, item)

            # work out anymore requests that need to be made for subsequent pages, if any
            item_count = self._get_page_item_count(soup)
            n_pages = math.ceil(item_count / self.page_count)

            cookies = copy.deepcopy(self.cookie)
            cookies["selectedStore"] = item["internalId"]
            for p in range(1, n_pages):
                params = copy.deepcopy(self.params)
                params["p"] = p
                req_item = [
                    res.url, {
                        "categoryId": item["categoryId"],
                        "subcategoryId": item["subcategoryId"],
                        "storeId": item["storeId"],
                        "internalId": item["internalId"],
                        "url": res.url,
                    }, cookies, params

            # Print Progress
            if should_print:
                self.print_func(i, len(responses),
                                "process responses liquorland 1")

        iteration = [0]
        responses = asyncio.run(
                requests, {
                    "printer": (self.print_func, len(requests) - 1,
                                task + " 2", iteration)
                }, self._async_get_item_page))
        if should_print:
            self.print_func(0, len(responses),
                            "process responses liquorland 2")

        for i, (item, res) in enumerate(responses):
            soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text(), features="html.parser")
            item_divs = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "productItemDisplay"})
            for item_div in item_divs:
                new_item = self._create_item(item_div, item)

            # Print Progress
            if should_print:
                self.print_func(i + 1, len(responses),
                                "process responses liquorland 2")

        return items