def read_mapping(self): """ Read CSV file assuming file will have header """"Reading CustomerMapping file: %s" % self.mapping_file) if not os.path.exists(self.mapping_file): logger.error("CustomerMapping file (%s) not found." % self.mapping_file) return configreader = csv.DictReader(open(self.mapping_file)) result = {} for row in configreader: for column, value in row.iteritems(): result.setdefault(column, []).append(value) if result and len(result): for index in range(len(result[self.KEY_ID])): customer = Customer() customer.set(result[self.KEY_ID][index], result[self.KEY_URL][index], result[self.KEY_USERNAME][index], result[self.KEY_PASSWORD][index], int(result[self.KEY_TICKETING_API][index]), result[self.KEY_EXTRA_INFO][index] ) # int(result[self.KEY_AT_STATUS][index]), # int(result[self.KEY_AT_PRIORITY][index]), # int(result[self.KEY_AT_QUEUE_ID][index]), # int(result[self.KEY_AT_ACCOUNT_ID][index] customer.print_info() self.__customers[] = customer return len(self.__customers)
def customers_with_id(customer_id): if request.method == 'GET': data={"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} app.logger.error('GET /customers with id method called') responseStatusCode = 500 try: customer = collection_customers.find_one({"guid":customer_id})'customer object: ' + str(customer)) customer_obj = Customer.fromDict(customer) data = customer_obj responseStatusCode = 200 except KeyError as e: data = {"error":"Invalid id for the recording."} responseStatusCode = 400 except Exception as e: data = {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later. "+str(e)} responseStatusCode = 500 (data,mime) = (jsonParser.DateTimeJSONEncoder().encode(data),'application/json') return Response(data, status=responseStatusCode, mimetype=mime) if request.method == 'PUT': data={"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} app.logger.error('PUT /customers with id method called') responseStatusCode = 500 try: customer = collection_customers.find_one({"guid":customer_id}) customer_obj = Customer.fromJson(, request.method, customer_id)'customer object 2: ' + str(customer_obj)) #store the recording in the recording collection collection_customers.update({'guid':customer_id},{"$set": customer_obj.toDict()},upsert=True) #upsert creates the object if not existing data = customer_obj'customer object 3: ' + str(customer_obj)) responseStatusCode = 200 except TypeError as e: data = {"error":"Customer could not be created because the data in the body of the request was bad." + str(e)} responseStatusCode = 400 except Exception as e: data = {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later. "+ str(e)} responseStatusCode = 500 (data,mime) = (jsonParser.DateTimeJSONEncoder().encode(data),'application/json') return Response(data, status=responseStatusCode, mimetype=mime) if request.method == 'DELETE': data={"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} responseStatusCode = 500 try: collection_customers.update({'guid':customer_id},{"$set": {"status": "deleted"}}) data = {"success":"Customer with guid: "+customer_id+" deleted successfully."} responseStatusCode = 200 except KeyError as e: data = {"error":"Invalid id for the customer. "+str(e)} responseStatusCode = 400 except Exception as e: data = data={"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later. "+str(e)} responseStatusCode = 401 (data,mime) = (jsonParser.DateTimeJSONEncoder().encode(data),'application/json') return Response(data, status=responseStatusCode, mimetype=mime)
def addCombinedQueue(): cust=Customer(request.json['customerName'], request.json['custId'], request.json['order'],0) cust.orderTime = request.json['orderTime'] combinedOrder.put(cust) responsedata = { 'status': 'Order Received' } responsedata = json.dumps(responsedata) resp = Response(responsedata, status=201, mimetype='application/json') return resp
def test_statement(): checkingAccount = Account(CHECKING) savingsAccount = Account(SAVINGS) henry = Customer("Henry").openAccount(checkingAccount).openAccount(savingsAccount) checkingAccount.deposit(100.0) savingsAccount.deposit(4000.0) savingsAccount.withdraw(200.0) assert_equals(henry.getStatement(), "Statement for Henry" + "\n\nChecking Account\n deposit $100.00\nTotal $100.00" + "\n\nSavings Account\n deposit $4000.00\n withdrawal $200.00\nTotal $3800.00" + "\n\nTotal In All Accounts $3900.00")
def write(user_id, password, model, odoo_id, vals): _check_user(user_id, password) if model not in ["customer", "product"]: raise Fault("unknown_model", "Reference model does not exist!") if model == "customer": try: customer = Customer.get(Customer.odoo_id == odoo_id) except Customer.DoesNotExist: raise Fault("unknown_registry", "Customer not found!") q = Customer.update(**vals).where(Customer.odoo_id == odoo_id) else: try: product = Product.get(Product.odoo_id == odoo_id) except Product.DoesNotExist: raise Fault("unknown_registry", "Product not found!") q = Product.update(**vals).where(Product.odoo_id == odoo_id) q.execute() return True
def customers(): if request.method == 'GET': app.logger.error('GET /customers method called') data={"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} responseStatusCode = 500 try: customers = collection_customers.find() response = [] for customer_dict in customers: app.logger.error("sander" + str(customer_dict)) customer_obj = Customer.fromDict(customer_dict) response.append(customer_obj) data = response app.logger.error('Data sent as part of the GET /customers: ' + str(data)) responseStatusCode = 200 except Exception as e: data={"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later. "+str(e)} app.logger.error('Error in GET /customers: '+repr(e)) responseStatusCode = 500 (data,mime) = (jsonParser.DateTimeJSONEncoder().encode(data),'application/json') return Response(data, status=responseStatusCode, mimetype=mime) if request.method == 'POST': app.logger.error('POST /customers method called') data={"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} responseStatusCode = 500 try: customer_obj = Customer.fromJson( collection_customers.insert(customer_obj.toDict()) data = customer_obj #app.logger.error('Data sent as part of the POST /customers: ' + str(data)) (data,mime) = (jsonParser.DateTimeJSONEncoder().encode(data),'application/json') responseStatusCode = 200 except TypeError as e: data = {"error":"Customer could not be created because the data in the body of the request was bad." + str(e)} responseStatusCode = 400 except Exception as e: data = {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."+ str(e)} app.logger.error('Error in POST /customers: '+str(e)) responseStatusCode = 500 (data,mime) = (jsonParser.DateTimeJSONEncoder().encode(data),'application/json') return Response(data, status=responseStatusCode, mimetype=mime)
def create(user_id, password, model, vals): _check_user(user_id, password) odoo_id = vals["odoo_id"] if model not in ["customer", "product"]: raise Fault("unknown_model", "Reference model does not exist!") if model == "customer": try: customer = Customer.get(Customer.odoo_id == odoo_id) except Customer.DoesNotExist: q = Customer.insert(**vals) else: q = Customer.update(**vals).where(Customer.odoo_id == odoo_id) else: try: product = Product.get(Product.odoo_id == odoo_id) except Product.DoesNotExist: q = Product.insert(**vals) else: q = Product.update(**vals).where(Product.odoo_id == odoo_id) q.execute() return True
def arrival(self, agenda): # Servers are available, service the customer service_time = gamma(self.aS, self.bS) if agenda.has_servers(): # Initialise the customer customer = Customer(agenda.current_time, service_time) customer.set_service_start(agenda.current_time) # Schedule customer for departure agenda.get_server() agenda.schedule(agenda.current_time + service_time, self.departure, [customer]) # No servers available, add customer to the queue else: agenda.add_customer(Customer(agenda.current_time, service_time)) self.arrivals += 1 if self.arrivals < self.max_arrivals: # New arrival new_arr_time = gamma(self.aA, self.bA) agenda.schedule(agenda.current_time + new_arr_time, self.arrival, [])
def unlink(user_id, password, model, odoo_id): _check_user(user_id, password) if model not in ["customer", "product"]: raise Fault("unknown_model", "Reference model does not exist!") q = False if model == "customer": try: customer = Customer.get(Customer.odoo_id == odoo_id) except Customer.DoesNotExist: pass else: q = Customer.delete().where(Customer.odoo_id == odoo_id) else: try: product = Product.get(Product.odoo_id == odoo_id) except Product.DoesNotExist: pass else: q = Product.delete().where(Product.odoo_id == odoo_id) if q: q.execute() return True
def runSimulation(self): """Run the clock for n ticks.""" for currentTime in xrange(self._lengthOfSimulation): # Attempt to generate a new customer customer = Customer.generateCustomer( self._probabilityOfNewArrival, currentTime, self._averageTimePerCus) # Send customer to cashier if successfully generated if customer != None: self._cashier.addCustomer(customer) # Tell cashier to provide another unit of service self._cashier.serveCustomers(currentTime) return str(self._cashier)
def runSimulation(self): """Run the clock for n ticks.""" for currentTime in range(self._lengthOfSimulation): # Attempt to generate a new customer customer = Customer.generateCustomer( self._probabilityOfNewArrival, currentTime, self._averageTimePerCus) # Send customer to a randomly chosen cashier # if successfully generated if customer != None: random.choice(self._cashiers).addCustomer(customer) # Tell all cashiers to provide another unit of service for cashier in self._cashiers: cashier.serveCustomers(currentTime)
def handle_message_event(json): tagId = json['data'] result = Customer.objects(tagId=tagId); try: customer = result[0] oldTracking = customer.tracking currentTracking = 'loung' newTracking = '?' now = if oldTracking != currentTracking: customer.update(tracking=currentTracking,trackingDate = now) newTracking = currentTracking else: customer.update(tracking=newTracking,trackingDate = now) newTracking = '?' broadcastSelectedCustomer(customer.tagId) broadcastCustomerListInLoung() except IndexError: print('Customer ?')
def broadcastCustomerListInLoung(): result = Customer.objects(tracking='loung').order_by('-trackingDate') customerList = [] for customer in result: customerList.append({ 'tagId':customer.tagId, 'firstName':customer.firstName, 'lastName':customer.lastName, 'sex', 'tracking':customer.tracking, 'trackingDate':customer.trackingDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 'flyingBlueId':customer.flyingBlueId, 'language':customer.language, 'phone', 'email', 'birthday':customer.birthday.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 'flightFrom':customer.flightFrom, 'flightTo':customer.flightTo, 'departureTime':customer.departureTime, 'meal':customer.meal, 'newsPaper':customer.newsPaper}) socketio.emit('customerListInLoung', customerList, broadcast=True)
def broadcastSelectedCustomer(tagId): result = Customer.objects(tagId=tagId) singleCustomerList = [] for customer in result: singleCustomerList.append({ 'tagId':customer.tagId, 'firstName':customer.firstName, 'lastName':customer.lastName, 'sex', 'tracking':customer.tracking, 'trackingDate':customer.trackingDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 'flyingBlueId':customer.flyingBlueId, 'language':customer.language, 'phone', 'email', 'birthday':customer.birthday.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 'flightFrom':customer.flightFrom, 'flightTo':customer.flightTo, 'departureTime':customer.departureTime, 'meal':customer.meal, 'newsPaper':customer.newsPaper}) if len(singleCustomerList): socketio.emit('selectedCustomer', singleCustomerList, broadcast=True)
def test_statement_for_many_movies_and_rentals(self): customer1 = Customer('David') movie1 = Movie('Madagascar', Movie.CHILDRENS) rental1 = Rental(movie1, 6) # 6 day rental movie2 = Movie('Star Wars', Movie.NEW_RELEASE) rental2 = Rental(movie2, 2) # 2 day rental movie3 = Movie('Gone with the Wind', Movie.REGULAR) rental3 = Rental(movie3, 8) # 8 day rental customer1.add_rental(rental1) customer1.add_rental(rental2) customer1.add_rental(rental3) expected = """Rental Record for David \tMadagascar\t6.0 \tStar Wars\t6.0 \tGone with the Wind\t11.0 Amount owed is 23.0 You earned 4 frequent renter points""" statement = customer1.statement() self.assertEquals(expected, statement)
import random import datetime from customer import Customer atm = Customer(id) while True: id = int(input("Masukkan pin anda: ")) trial = 0 while (id != int(atm.checkPin()) and trial < 3): id = int(input("Pin anda salah. Silahkan masukkan lagi: ")) trial += 1 if trial == 3: print("Error. SIlahkan ambil kartu dan coba lagi...") exit() while True: print("Selamat datang di ATM Progate...") print( "\n1 - Cek Saldo \t 2 - Debet \t 3 - Simpan \t 4 - Ganti Pin \t 5 - Keluar" ) selectmenu = int(input("\n Silahkan pilih menu: ")) if selectmenu == 1: print("\n Saldo anda sekarang: Rp. " + str(atm.checkBalance()) + "\n")
def getProfile(tag): result = Customer.objects(tagId=tag) return result[0].tagId + ' ' + result[0].firstName + ' ' + result[0].lastName + ' ' + result[0].email
from supplier import Supplier from item import Item from supply import Supply from order import Order from admin import Administrator supply = list() orders = list() items = list() admin1 = Administrator("iamgod", "iamthelaw", "*****@*****.**") supplier1 = Supplier("isupply", "4real", "Crab Shack Company", "Van Crabs", "000-112-35-8", "*****@*****.**") supplier2 = Supplier("isupplytoo", "4real", "Reliable Company", "Van Reliable", "011-112-35-8", "*****@*****.**") customer1 = Customer("iamguido", "4sure", "Guido", "Van Rossum", "000-112-35-8", "*****@*****.**", "09-09-1968") item1 = Item("Banana", "Better than ever before", 799.0, ("Golden", "Fresh Green")) item2 = Item("Best Banana", "Better than others", 899.0, ("Truly Golden", "Fresher Green")) supply.append(supplier1.add_supply(item1, 10)) supply.append(supplier2.add_supply(item2, 3)) customer1.create_order(item2, 5) print(customer1.orders[0].status) admin1.update_supply([supplier1, supplier2]) admin1.update_orders([customer1]) admin1.check_order(customer1.orders[0])
def main(): # Initialize different plans single_plan = Plan('Single', 49, 1) plus_plan = Plan('Plus', 99, 3) infinite_plan = Plan('Infinite', 249, -1) # Initialize multiple websites website_1 = Website('') website_2 = Website('') website_3 = Website('') website_4 = Website('') # Initialize multiple customers customer_1 = Customer('customer_1', '123456789', '*****@*****.**') customer_2 = Customer('customer_2', '123456789', '*****@*****.**') customer_3 = Customer('customer_3', '123456789', '*****@*****.**') # customer_1 subscribed for single_plan customer_1.add_subscription(single_plan) print("{} has subscribed for {} plan".format(customer_1, customer_1.subscription.plan)) # customer_1 added one website customer_1.add_website(website_1) print("{} has added website {} as per the {} plan".format(customer_1, \ customer_1.websites, customer_1.subscription.plan)) # customer_1 can not add more website in single_plan customer_1.add_website(website_2) print("{} can't add website {} as per the {} plan".format(customer_1, \ website_2, customer_1.subscription.plan)) # customer_1 can change plan from single_plan to plus_plan customer_1.change_plan(plus_plan) print("{} has changed his current plan {} to {} plan".format(customer_1, \ single_plan, customer_1.subscription.plan)) # customer_2 subscribe for infinite_plan customer_2.add_subscription(infinite_plan) # customer_2 can add multiple websites customer_2.add_website(website_1) customer_2.add_website(website_2) customer_2.add_website(website_3) customer_2.add_website(website_4) print("{} has added four websites {} under infinite plan".format(customer_2, \ customer_2.websites))
# for myRow in schedRows: # print(myRow["CruiseDate"]) # print(myRow["CruiseNo"]) # print(myRow["departure"]) # print(myRow["name"]) # else: # print(sched.error) #exit() # cntry = Country() # (dbStatus, name) = cntry.readCountryByCode(con,'nzl') # print ('CountryName: ',name) # Create new customer custRow = [] cust = Customer(con, 'NZL') print('Customer country code: ', cust.countryCode) #(dbStatus, custRow) = cust.readCustbyEmail(con,"*****@*****.**") # (dbStatus, custRow) = cust.readCustbyEmail(con,"*****@*****.**") # if (dbStatus == True): # print(cust.surname) # else: # print(cust.error) # cust.surname = "" # dbStatus = cust.updateCust(con,cust.CustID) # if dbStatus == True: # print('Updated Successfully') # else: # print('Error:', cust.error) #
import random import datetime from customer import Customer atm = Customer(id) while True: id = int(input("Enter your pin number: ")) trial = 0 while (id != int(atm.checkPin()) and trial < 3): id = int(input("Wrong pin number. Try again: ")) trial += 1 if trial == 3: print("Error! Take a card and Try again..") exit() while True: print("Welcome to ATM Console") print( "1. Balance Check \n2. Withdraw \n3. Deposit \n4. Change Pin \n5. Exit" ) selectMenu = int(input("Select Menu: ")) if selectMenu == 1: print("\nYour current balance: Rp. " + str(atm.checkBalance()) + "\n") elif selectMenu == 2:
def __init__(self, accountid, customerid, custname, address, contactdetails): super().__init__() self.accountID = accountid self.customer = Customer(customerid, custname, address, contactdetails) self.balance = 0
def add_customer(self): # assign a new customer to the staging queue c = Customer(r.randint(1, 5)) self.staging_queue.enqueue(c) self.n_customers += 1 # increment n_customers
now = dt_string = now.strftime("%H%M%S_%d_%m_%Y") #print("date and time =", dt_string) if not os.path.exists("log"): os.mkdir("log") logging.basicConfig(filename=os.path.join("log", dt_string + '.log'), level=logging.INFO) random.seed(para.seed) #'consumer_' + str(i) # Create 500 Consumers objects and assign initial with tolerance and wallet customers = [ Customer(name=names.get_full_name(), wallet=500, tolerance=0.5 + 0.4 * random.random()) for i in range(1, (para.numberofcustomer + 1)) ] # Construct a product object with following attributes iphone = Product(name='iphoneX', price=300, quality=0.9) galaxy = Product(name='Note', price=200, quality=0.8) sony = Product(name='Xperia', price=100, quality=0.6) # Create a Seller object with product as one of the attributes seller_apple = Seller(name='APPLE INC', product=iphone, wallet=1000) seller_samsung = Seller(name='SAMSUNG MOBILES', product=galaxy, wallet=500) seller_sony = Seller(name='SONY', product=sony, wallet=500) # Wait till the simulation ends try:
def test_when_create_customer_then_customer_should_have_name_and_lastName_notempty(self): customer = Customer('vero', 'rodriguez') assert customer.get_name() assert customer.get_last_name()
from vendor import Vendor from weather import Weather from customer import Customer from money import Money from supplies import Supplies from lemonade import Lemonade vendor = Vendor() today = Weather() cash = Money() supplies = Supplies() lemonade = Lemonade() customer = Customer() def main(): day = 0 play_time = today.get_play_duration() weekdays = today.get_weekday_list(play_time) while day < play_time: cash.show_status() today.get_forecast() vendor.show_list_buy(supplies, cash, vendor) cash.show_status() lemonade.make_lemonade(supplies.lemons, supplies.sugar,, supplies.cups) vendor.set_price() customer.get_customers(vendor.price, cash, today.weather_score, supplies, vendor, lemonade) supplies.subtract_supplies(lemonade.sold_lemonade()) cash.show_earnings() for each_day in weekdays: weekdays.remove(weekdays[0])
def test_when_create_customer_with_identifier_type_passport_then_identifier_type_should_cedula_passport_ruc(self): customer = Customer('vero', 'rodri', 'passport') self.assertIn(customer.get_identifier_type(), ['celula', 'passport', 'ruc'])
from customer import Customer luiz = Customer('Luiz', 32) luiz.insert_address('Belo Horizonte', 'MG') print( luiz.list_addresses() del luiz maria = Customer('Maria', 55) maria.insert_address('Salvador', 'BA') maria.insert_address('Rio de Janeiro', 'RJ') print( maria.list_addresses() del maria john = Customer('John', 19) john.insert_address('Sao Paulo', 'SP') print( john.list_addresses() del john
if dvd in customer.rented_dvds: customer.rented_dvds.remove(dvd) dvd.is_rented = False return f"{} has successfully returned {}" return f"{} does not have that DVD" def __repr__(self): result = "" for customer in self.customers: result += customer.__repr__() + "\n" for dvd in self.dvds: result += dvd.__repr__() + "\n" return result c1 = Customer("John", 16, 1) c2 = Customer("Anna", 55, 2) d1 = DVD("Black Widow", 1, 2020, "April", 18) d2 = DVD.from_date(2, "The Croods 2", "23.12.2020", 3) movie_world = MovieWorld("The Best Movie Shop") movie_world.add_customer(c1) movie_world.add_customer(c2) movie_world.add_dvd(d1) movie_world.add_dvd(d2) print(movie_world.rent_dvd(1, 1)) print(movie_world.rent_dvd(2, 1))
def customer_is_registered(self, customer): Customer.customer_is_registered(customer)
def __main__(): # create character myName = raw_input("Please enter character name: ") myGender = raw_input("Please enter character gender (M/F): ") if myName == "": myName = "Hero" if myGender == "": myGender = "M" myCustomer = Customer(myName, myGender) print str(myCustomer) myMonster = CookieMonster() print print str(myMonster) ### if DEBUG_MODE: print "DEBUG: cust/monst HP: " + str(myCustomer.getHealth()) +\ "/" + str(myMonster.getHealth()) print "DEBUG: DEATH: " + str(myCustomer.isDead()) +\ "/" + str(myMonster.isDead()) ### print "monster found! BATTLE!!" # while loop while (not myCustomer.isDead()) and myCustomer.getLevel() < 4: #if monster is alive #battle round if myMonster.getHealth() > 0: ##### #USER TURN ##### needInput = True monsterHit = False while needInput: print "" print "Your HP: " + str(myCustomer.getHealth()) +\ "Monster HP: " + str(myMonster.getHealth()) print "" userIn = raw_input("would you like to (F)ight, " +\ "(R)un, or (E)xplode? ").upper() print "" if userIn == 'E': print "You run up and hug the Cookie Monster, " +\ "begin to tick, and blow up, " +\ "taking it and all the thin mints with you." myMonster.setHealth(0) myCustomer.setHealth(0) needInput = False ### if DEBUG_MODE: print "DEBUG: cust/monst HP: " + str(myCustomer.getHealth()) +\ "/" + str(myMonster.getHealth()) print "DEBUG: DEATH: " + str(myCustomer.isDead()) +\ "/" + str(myMonster.isDead()) ### elif userIn == 'R': print "COWARD! You manage to get away, "+\ "though not with your dignity..." myMonster.setHealth(0) needInput = False elif userIn == 'F': monsterHit = True print "You tell the Cookie Monster " +\ "you don't have any money!" if myMonster.isHit(): dmg = myCustomer.dealsDamage() print "You weaken the Cookie Monster's " +\ "sales pitch by " + str(dmg) + " damage!" myMonster.takesHit(dmg) else: print "The Cookie Monster doesn't believe your lie " +\ "and laughs at your incompetence!" needInput = False else: print "Lets try this input thing again, shall we?" ##### #MONSTER TURN ##### #if monster is still alive if not myMonster.isDead(): print "The Cookie Monster tries to sell you delicious cookies!" if myCustomer.isHit(): dmg = myMonster.dealsDamage() print "The Cookie Monster hits your wallet for " +\ str(dmg) + " damage!" myCustomer.takesHit(dmg) else: print "You start to talk about the weather, " +\ "breaking the Cookie Monster's sales pitch!" #if monster was killed by player elif monsterHit: print "You chased her off crying! " +\ "\nDon't you feel like a big person!" #get XP myCustomer.setExperience(myMonster.getXP()) myCustomer.incrementLevel() print "!!!LEVEL UP!!! \n*fireworks, fireworks*\n" +\ "You are now level " + str(myCustomer.getLevel()) #get cookies cookiesDropped = myMonster.getThinMints() if cookiesDropped > 0: print "Wait, she dropped some cookies! " +\ "Well, would be a shame if they went to waste..." print "\nAcquired " + str(cookiesDropped) +\ " Cookies!\n" myCustomer.setThinMints(cookiesDropped) #if monster is dead else: #regen if myCustomer.getHealth() < myCustomer.getMaxHealth(): myCustomer.regenHealth() #eat cookies if myCustomer.getThinMints() != 0: print "You have " + str(myCustomer.getThinMints()) +\ "\nand " + str(myCustomer.getHealth()) +\ "/" + str(myCustomer.getMaxHealth()) +\ "health." userIn = eval(raw_input("How many thin mints would" +\ "you like to eat? ")) myCustomer.eatThinMints(userIn) print "You NOW have " + str(myCustomer.getThinMints()) +\ "\nand " + str(myCustomer.getHealth()) +\ "/" + str(myCustomer.getMaxHealth()) +\ "health." #chance to ATAMO if myCustomer.atamo(): print "REMEMBER THE ALAMO! errr... ATAMO! " +\ "\n FULL HEAL!" myCustomer.setHealth(myCustomer.getMaxHealth()) #chance to spawn new monster if random.randint(1, 3) == 1: myMonster = CookieMonster() print "monster found! BATTLE!!" ##### #END GAME LOOP #DO END GAME RESULTS ##### #end of game messages, check health and level to determine msg print "\n" if myCustomer.isDead(): if myMonster.isDead(): print "Well, you're in debt for the rest of your life, " +\ "but at least you took one down with you!" else: print "You have fallen to the seductive nature of the thin mint." +\ "Enjoy being broke and fat!" elif myMonster.isDead(): if myCustomer.getLevel() >= 4: print "You Win!!! You weathered the storm and " +\ "managed to keep your bank account in the black... this year!" else: print "Wait, you shouldn't be here!" +\ "Quick! Report this bug to the nearest girlscout!!" print "\nGAME OVER\n" raw_input("Press Enter to exit.")
## Ch09 P9.26 from customer import Customer c1 = Customer() print(c1.makePurchase(90)) print(c1.makePurchase(20)) print(c1.makePurchase(80)) print(c1.makePurchase(100)) print(c1.makePurchase(60))
def main(): print("### Testing Products ###") p1 = Product("1238223", "Sword", 1899.99, 10) print("Id: {}".format( print("Name: {}".format( print("Price: {}".format(p1.price)) print("Quantity: {}".format(p1.quantity)) p1.display() print() p2 = Product("838ab883", "Shield", 989.75, 6) print("Id: {}".format( print("Name: {}".format( print("Price: {}".format(p2.price)) print("Quantity: {}".format(p2.quantity)) p2.display() print("\n### Testing Orders ###") # Now test Orders order1 = Order() = "1138" order1.add_product(p1) order1.add_product(p2) order1.display_receipt() print("\n### Testing Customers ###") # Now test customers c = Customer() = "aa32" = "Gandalf" c.add_order(order1) c.display_summary() print() c.display_receipts() # Add another product and order and display again p3 = Product("2387127", "The Ring", 1000000, 1) p4 = Product("1828191", "Wizard Staff", 199.99, 3) order2 = Order() = "1277182" order2.add_product(p3) order2.add_product(p4) c.add_order(order2) print() c.display_summary() print() c.display_receipts()
class TestCustomer(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self._customer = Customer('Sallie') self._create_movies() def _create_movies(self): self._movies = {} for movie in TEST_MOVIES: self._movies[movie[0]] = Movie(*movie) def test_add_rental(self): movie = Movie('Gone with the Wind', Movie.REGULAR) rental = Rental(movie, 3) # 3 day rental self._customer.add_rental(rental) self.assertIn(rental, self._customer.get_rentals()) def test_get_name(self): self.assertEquals('Sallie', self._customer.get_name()) def rent(self, name, duration): rental = Rental(self._movies[name], duration) self._customer.add_rental(rental) def check_statement(self, expected): self.assertEquals(expected, self._customer.statement()) def test_statement_for_regular_movie(self):'Gone with the Wind', 3) self.check_statement("""Rental Record for Sallie \tGone with the Wind\t3.5 Amount owed is 3.5 You earned 1 frequent renter points""") def test_statement_for_new_release_movie(self):'Star Wars', 3) self.check_statement("""Rental Record for Sallie \tStar Wars\t9.0 Amount owed is 9.0 You earned 2 frequent renter points""") def test_statement_for_childrens_movie(self):'Madagascar', 3) self.check_statement("""Rental Record for Sallie \tMadagascar\t1.5 Amount owed is 1.5 You earned 1 frequent renter points""") def test_statement_for_many_movies_and_rentals(self): customer1 = Customer('David') movie1 = Movie('Madagascar', Movie.CHILDRENS) rental1 = Rental(movie1, 6) # 6 day rental movie2 = Movie('Star Wars', Movie.NEW_RELEASE) rental2 = Rental(movie2, 2) # 2 day rental movie3 = Movie('Gone with the Wind', Movie.REGULAR) rental3 = Rental(movie3, 8) # 8 day rental customer1.add_rental(rental1) customer1.add_rental(rental2) customer1.add_rental(rental3) expected = """Rental Record for David \tMadagascar\t6.0 \tStar Wars\t6.0 \tGone with the Wind\t11.0 Amount owed is 23.0 You earned 4 frequent renter points""" statement = customer1.statement() self.assertEquals(expected, statement)
def fill_test(self): show=notification.Notifications() Rotana_hotel = Hotel(1,"Rotana","Abu Dhabi",200,40) Rotana_hotel.add_hotel() show.display(Rotana_hotel) # Display General details for ONE hotels Sheraton_hotel = Hotel(2,"Sheraton","Abu Dhabi",300,100) Sheraton_hotel.add_hotel() Hayat_hotel = Hotel(3,"Hayat","Aden",150,100) Hayat_hotel.add_hotel() Crecent_hotel = Hotel(4,"Crecent","Mukala",200,50) Crecent_hotel.add_hotel() Holydayin_hotel = Hotel(5,"Holydayin","Sana'a",200,100) Holydayin_hotel.add_hotel() Rotana_hotel = Hotel(1,"Rotana","Abu Dhabi",200,40) Rotana_hotel.add_hotel() Zero_hotel = Hotel(6,"Zero","Virtual",200,0) # used to check unavailablity condition Zero_hotel.add_hotel() show.display("\t list of the Hotels available") show.display( # Display General details for all hotels show.display(Hayat_hotel.hotel_name) # Display the name for ONE hotel #Create instance objects for 4 customers Saqr_Thabet=Reservation("Hayat","Saqr_thabet","+8613094449161") Ali_Ahmed=Reservation("Holydayin","Ali_ahmed","+8613094449161") Ameer_Nezar=Reservation("Holydayin","Ameer_nezar","+8613094449161") Galal_Taleb=Reservation("Zero","Galal_taleb","+8613228191565") #Create reservations for 4 customers if Saqr_Thabet.add_new_reservation(): s_t=Customer(Saqr_Thabet.hotel_name,Saqr_Thabet.customer,Saqr_Thabet.number) s_t.add_customer() show.display(Saqr_Thabet.message) #show.display(Saqr_Thabet.reservations) #show.send_message(Saqr_Thabet.message,Saqr_Thabet.number) if Ali_Ahmed.add_new_reservation(): m_a=Customer(Ali_Ahmed.hotel_name,Ali_Ahmed.customer,Ali_Ahmed.number) m_a.add_customer() show.display(Ali_Ahmed.message) #show.display(Ali_Ahmed.reservations) #show.send_message(Ali_Ahmed.message,Ali_Ahmed.number) if Ameer_Nezar.add_new_reservation(): m_b=Customer(Ameer_Nezar.hotel_name,Ameer_Nezar.customer,Ameer_Nezar.number) m_b.add_customer() show.display(Ameer_Nezar.message) #show.display(Ameer_Nezar.reservations) #show.send_message(Ameer_Nezar.message,Ameer_Nezar.number) #def Test_reservation_disapproval(): show.display("\t Test_reservation_disapproval ") if Galal_Taleb.add_new_reservation(): # no rooms available m_c=Customer(Galal_Taleb.hotel_name,Galal_Taleb.customer,Galal_Taleb.number) #show.display(Galal_Taleb.message) #show.display(Galal_Taleb.reservations) #m_a1.send_message(Galal_Taleb.message,Galal_Taleb.number) #def Test_misspelled_hotel_name(): show.display("\t Test_misspelled_hotel_name ") Fagr_khalil=Reservation("Holyday","Fagr_Khalil","+8613094449161") Fagr_khalil.add_new_reservation() #def Test_delete_a_customer(): show.display('\t Test_delete_a_customer') show.display(m_b.customer_list) m_a.delete_customer() # delete customer from customer Class show.display(m_b.customer_list) #def Test_reservation_removal(): show.display('\t Test_reservation_removal') show.display(Ameer_Nezar.reservations) Ameer_Nezar.delete_a_reservation() # delete customer booking from reswervation Class show.display(Ameer_Nezar.reservations) #def Test_delete_a_hotel(): show.display('\t Test_delete_a_hotel') show.display( Rotana_hotel.delete_hotel() show.display( #def Test_reservation_in_a_hotel(hotel): show.display("\t Test_reservation_in_a_hotel('Holydayin')") show.display(reservation.list_resevrations_for_hotel('Holydayin')) #from #def Test_list_of_available_hotels_in_a_city(city): show.display("\t Test_list_of_available_hotels_in_a_city('Abu Dhabi')") show.display(hotel.list_hotels_in_city('Abu Dhabi')) # from
def insert_customer(cpf, name, active, total_value): c = Customer(cpf, name, active, total_value) handler.insert(c)
def main(): """ The main function """ # Create two manufacturers and add models of bike pinarello = Manufacturer("Pinarello", 0.3) pinarello.add_model("TimeAttack", CarbonFrame, TimeTrialWheel) pinarello.add_model("RoadWarrior", AluminiumFrame, RoadWheel) pinarello.add_model("SanRemo", CarbonFrame, RoadWheel) trek = Manufacturer("Trek", 0.3) trek.add_model("MountainHawg", SteelFrame, MountainBikeWheel) trek.add_model("Rodeo", SteelFrame, RoadWheel) trek.add_model("Everest", CarbonFrame, MountainBikeWheel) # Create a shop which stocks products from both manufacturers bobs_cycles = Shop("Bob's Cycles", 0.2) bobs_cycles.add_manufacturer(pinarello) bobs_cycles.add_manufacturer(trek) # Buy 5 of each bike as stock for i in xrange(5):"Pinarello", "TimeAttack")"Pinarello", "RoadWarrior")"Pinarello", "SanRemo")"Trek", "MountainHawg")"Trek", "Rodeo")"Trek", "Everest") # Create three customers with different budgets alice = Customer("Alice", 200) dan = Customer("Dan", 500) carol = Customer("Carol", 1000) customers = (alice, dan, carol) # Print the weight of the bikes sold by Bob's Cycles print "Bicycle weights:" print "" for bike_specification in bobs_cycles.product_range(): print "{:40} {}kg".format(bike_specification.full_name(), bike_specification.weight) print "" # Print the bikes which each customer can afford print "Customers:" print "" for customer in customers: print "{} can afford the following bikes:".format( print "" for bike_specification in bobs_cycles.product_range(): price = bobs_cycles.price(bike_specification.manufacturer_name, if price > continue print bike_specification.full_name() print "" # Print the current stock levels at Bob's Cycles print "Inventory of Bob's Cycles: " print "" for bike_specification in bobs_cycles.product_range(): stock = bobs_cycles.stock(bike_specification.manufacturer_name, print "{:40} {} in stock".format(bike_specification.full_name(), stock) # Buy a bike for each customer, "Trek", "MountainHawg"), "Trek", "MountainHawg"), "Pinarello", "SanRemo") print "" # Print the customer's purchases, and remaining money for customer in customers: print "{} now owns a {}".format(, print "{} has ${:.2f} remaining".format(, print "" # Print the updates stock levels print "Updated inventory of Bob's Cycles: " print "" for bike_specification in bobs_cycles.product_range(): stock = bobs_cycles.stock(bike_specification.manufacturer_name, print "{:40} {} in stock".format(bike_specification.full_name(), stock) print "" # Print the amount of profit Bob has made print "Profit for Bob's Cycles: ${}".format(bobs_cycles.profit)
datestring = generate_datestring(curr_date) amount = round(random.uniform(0.01, 999999.99), 2) signed_transaction = merchants[merchant_id].create_transaction( customers[customer_id], datestring, amount) miner.add_block(signed_transaction) return curr_date if __name__ == "__main__": curr_date =, 1, 1) customers = [Customer() for i in range(5)] merchants = [Merchant() for i in range(2)] miner = MinerNode() for i in range(0, 25): curr_date = generate_transaction(customers, merchants, miner, curr_date) if sys.argv[1] == '0': miner.display() elif sys.argv[1] == '1': if miner.is_chain_valid(): print("The Blockchain has not been tampered with!") else: print("The Blockchain HAS been tampered with!") miner.increment_fifteen()
def test_oneAccount(): oscar = Customer("Oscar").openAccount(Account(SAVINGS)) assert_equals(oscar.numAccs(), 1)
def register_customer(self, customer): Customer.register_customer_in_db(self, customer)
def setUp(self): self._customer = Customer('Sallie') self._create_movies()
from supplier import Supplier from log_orm import logger from item import Item from supply import Supply from order import Order supply = list() orders = list() item = list() admin1 = Administrator("iamgod", "iamthelaw", "*****@*****.**") supplier1 = Supplier("isupply", "4real", "Crab Shack Company", "Van Crabs", "000-112-35-8", "*****@*****.**") supplier2 = Supplier("isupplytoo", "4real", "Reliable Company", "Van Reliable", "011-112-35-8", "*****@*****.**") customer1 = Customer("iamguido", "4sure", "Guido", "Van Rossum", "000-112-35-8", "*****@*****.**", "09-09-1968") customer2 = Customer("_iamguido", "_4sure", "_Guido", "_Van Rossum", "000-112-35-8", "*****@*****.**", "09-09-1968") item1 = Item("Banana", "Better than ever before", 799.0, ("Golden", "Fresh Green")) item2 = Item("Best Banana", "Better than others", 899.0, ("Truly Golden", "Fresher Green")) supply.append(supplier1.add_supply(item1, 10)) supply.append(supplier2.add_supply(item2, 5)) customer1.create_order(item2, 5)[0].status) customer1.create_review(item1, 10)[0].status)
from customer import Customer from Menu import * PrintCustManMenu() cust1 = Customer("0001", "Jessie", "Andy", "Delso", "336 N. Martha St. Lombard, IL 60148","September 18, 2010") cust1.printCustomer()
def add_customers(self, N_cust, added=False): """ Initialize customers on random positions. Returns a list of all customers """ # a list of weights of which the indices correspond to the id of the agent # to who this weight is given weights_list = [] # Adaptive strategy if self.adaptive is True: # Decide weights for every customer for j in self.strategy_composition.keys(): for i in range(round(N_cust * self.strategy_composition[j])): weights_list.append(j) # Add weights for the random strategy if len(weights_list) < self.N_cust: rand = random.choice(self.strategies) weights_list.append(rand) elif len(weights_list) > self.N_cust: rand = random.choice(weights_list) weights_list.remove(rand) else: if self.strategy is not "Random": for i in range(round(N_cust)): print(self.weight) weights_list.append(self.weight) cust_list = [] for i in range(N_cust): # Get random location within grid height and width pos_temp = [ random.randint(0, WIDTH - 1), random.randint(0, HEIGHT - 1) ] rand_x, rand_y = pos_temp[0], pos_temp[1] pos = (rand_x, rand_y) if added is True: i = self.cust_ids if self.strategy == "Random_test_4": if weights_list[i] == "Random_test_4": strategy = "Random_test_4" else: strategy = "Closest_by" else: strategy = self.strategy if weights_list == []: weight = None else: weight = weights_list[i] # make customer a = Customer(i, self, pos, strategy, weight, self.adaptive) self.schedule_Customer.add(a) self.grid.place_agent(a, pos) cust_list.append(a) return cust_list
import unittest from customer import Customer import json cust = Customer() class testadd(unittest.TestCase): #def initialize(self, customers): #self.customers = customers def test_add(self): result = cust.add_customer("90000000", "RCB", "*****@*****.**") self.assertIn("RCB", result)
def post(self): # Check user user = users.get_current_user() url_linktext, greeting, user_class = check.check_user(user, self.request.uri) # check user are shoping or not shop = self.request.get("shop") # check client requesting service client = self.request.get("client") if user_class not in ["manager", "employee"] and not shop and client != "mobile": # render template_values = { "greeting": greeting, "user_class": user_class, "url_linktext": url_linktext, "detail": "Limited Access!", } path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "error.html") self.response.out.write(template.render(path, template_values)) return # Get var from request and pass to data model object code = self.request.get("code") # shoping user cant mofify order if shop and code: # render template_values = { "greeting": greeting, "user_class": user_class, "url_linktext": url_linktext, "detail": "Limited Access!", } path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "error.html") self.response.out.write(template.render(path, template_values)) return # Query # query = db.Query(Product, keys_only=False); # query.filter("code =", code); # data = query.fetch(1); try: order = db.get(db.Key.from_path("Order", int(code))) except: order = None status = "" if order: status = "Sửa thông tin thành công!" else: status = "Tạo Đơn Hàng thành công!" order = Order() order.created = order.who_created = user # save order to get auto generated code order.put() order.code = str(order.key().id()) order.modified = order.who_modified = user # get customer of order try: customer = db.get(db.Key.from_path("Customer", order.customer)) except: customer = None # freely to change if confirm is false if not order.confirm: try: order.confirm = bool(self.request.get("confirm")) except: pass # get list_item and list_quantity, list_chosen (and make changes to database if confirm = true for i in range(15): # save last item code prev_item_code = order.list_item[i] # get new item code order.list_item[i] = self.request.get("item" + str(i)) try: order.list_price[i] = float(self.request.get("price" + str(i))) except: pass # get price if item code change try: item = db.get(db.Key.from_path("Product", order.list_item[i])) except: item = None # clear price when no product code if not item: order.list_price[i] = 0.0 # update quantity and spec chosen try: order.list_quantity[i] = int(self.request.get("quantity" + str(i))) except: order.list_quantity[i] = 0 order.list_chosen[i] = self.request.get("chosen" + str(i)) # clear spec_chosen when phoduct code change (except for the case shop , client mobile) or product code = '' if not shop and client != "mobile" and prev_item_code != order.list_item[i] or order.list_item[i] == "": order.list_chosen[i] = "" # only update price when product code changes if item and prev_item_code != order.list_item[i]: # price = item.sell_price*(1-item.on_sale% or customer.private_sale%) sale_off = 0 if customer: sale_off = customer.private_sale if item.on_sale: sale_off = item.on_sale if sale_off > 100: sale_off = 100 order.list_price[i] = item.sell_price * (1 - float(sale_off) / 100) # also make quantity = 1 if quantity=0 if not order.list_quantity[i]: order.list_quantity[i] = 1 # check for remove quantity and spec_choice from database when confirm change from false to true. If cant remove, confirm order = false. if item and order.confirm: if (item.quantity < order.list_quantity[i]) or ( item.spec_choices and order.list_chosen[i] not in item.spec_choices ): status = "Đơn hàng này ko xác nhận được! Kiểm tra lại các thông tin sản phẩm!" order.confirm = False # get var from request try: order.hidden = bool(self.request.get("hidden")) except: order.hidden = False # actually remove quantity and spec_choice from database if order.confirm: for i in range(15): try: item = db.get(db.Key.from_path("Product", order.list_item[i])) except: continue if not item: continue # save root_price at the time product being sold order.list_root_price[i] = item.root_price # change and save item item.quantity -= order.list_quantity[i] for iter0 in range(order.list_quantity[i]): try: item.spec_choices.remove(order.list_chosen[i]) except: pass item.put() # make hidden = False ( confirmed order cant be hidden) order.hidden = False # get var from request order.customer = self.request.get("customer") try: order.note = db.Text(self.request.get("note")) except: order.note = "" # order is confirmed, cant change but only unconfirmed. if order.confirm: try: order.confirm = bool(self.request.get("confirm")) except: pass if order.confirm: status = "Đơn hàng này đã được xác nhận! Thông tin sẽ ko thể thay đổi cho tới khi hủy xác nhận!" else: # unconfirming order # undo the changes from database and get list_item and list_quantity, list_chosen for i in range(15): # save last item code prev_item_code = order.list_item[i] # get new item code order.list_item[i] = self.request.get("item" + str(i)) try: item = db.get(db.Key.from_path("Product", order.list_item[i])) except: item = None # undo the changes from database when confirm change from true to false. # find prev item if prev_item_code == order.list_item[i]: prev_item = item elif prev_item_code: prev_item = db.get(db.Key.from_path("Product", prev_item_code)) if prev_item: # undo changes and save prev_item.quantity += order.list_quantity[i] for iter0 in range(order.list_quantity[i]): prev_item.spec_choices += [order.list_chosen[i]] prev_item.put() # Get price try: order.list_price[i] = float(self.request.get("price" + str(i))) except: pass # only update price when product code changes if item and prev_item_code != order.list_item[i]: # price = item.sell_price*(1-item.on_sale% or customer.private_sale%) sale_off = 0 if customer: sale_off = customer.private_sale if item.on_sale: sale_off = item.on_sale if sale_off > 100: sale_off = 100 order.list_price[i] = item.sell_price * (1 - float(sale_off) / 100) # update quantity and spec chosen try: order.list_quantity[i] = int(self.request.get("quantity" + str(i))) except: order.list_quantity[i] = 0 order.list_chosen[i] = self.request.get("chosen" + str(i)) order.customer = self.request.get("customer") try: order.note = db.Text(self.request.get("note")) except: order.note = "" try: order.hidden = bool(self.request.get("hidden")) except: order.hidden = False order.put() # save data model object to data base # create account at first time user send an order if shop and order.customer and not customer: customer = Customer(key_name=order.customer) customer.created = customer.who_created = user customer.code = order.customer = db.Email(order.customer) customer.modified = customer.who_modified = user m ="Ten KH:\s*(.+)", self.request.get("note")) if m: = m ="Dia Chi:\s*(.+)\nSo DT:", self.request.get("note"), re.DOTALL) if m: customer.address = db.Text( m ="So DT:\s*(.+)", self.request.get("note")) if m: = m ="Ngay Sinh Nhat:\s*(\d+)\s*/\s*(\d+)\s*", self.request.get("note")) if m: customer.birth_day = int( customer.birth_month = int( customer.put() # response and redirect self.response.out.write(status) if shop: if user: self.redirect("/user/?" + urllib.urlencode({"code": order.code, "status": status})) else: self.redirect("/") else: self.redirect("/order/?" + urllib.urlencode({"code": order.code, "status": status, "client": client}))
oscar = Customer("Oscar").openAccount(Account(SAVINGS)) oscar.openAccount(Account(CHECKING)) assert_equals(oscar.numAccs(), 2) @nottest def test_threeAccounts(): oscar = Customer("Oscar").openAccount(Account(SAVINGS)) oscar.openAccount(Account(CHECKING)) assert_equals(oscar.numAccs(), 3) bank = Bank() checkingAccount = Account(CHECKING) savingAccount = Account(SAVINGS) bill = Customer("Bill") bill.openAccount(checkingAccount) bill.openAccount(savingAccount) bank.addCustomer(bill) checkingAccount.deposit(100.0) checkingAccount.deposit(500.0) checkingAccount.deposit(2000.0) savingAccount.deposit(900.0) from_acc = checkingAccount to_acc = savingAccount def test_transfer_success(): transfer_amount = 100 result = bill.transfer(from_acc, to_acc, transfer_amount)
def test_threeAccounts(): oscar = Customer("Oscar").openAccount(Account(SAVINGS)) oscar.openAccount(Account(CHECKING)) assert_equals(oscar.numAccs(), 3)
def customer(self): if self.customer_id is None: return False return Customer.fetch(self.customer_id)
class VideoStoreTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.customer = Customer('Fred') def test_single_new_release_statement(self): self.customer.add_rental(Rental(Movie('The Cell', Movie.NEW_RELEASE), 3)) self.assertEquals('Rental Record for Fred\n\tThe Cell\t9\nYou owed 9\nYou earned 2 frequent renter points\n', self.customer.statement()) def test_dual_new_release_statement(self): self.customer.add_rental(Rental(Movie('The Cell', Movie.NEW_RELEASE), 3)) self.customer.add_rental(Rental(Movie('The Tigger Movie', Movie.NEW_RELEASE), 3)) self.assertEquals('Rental Record for Fred\n\tThe Cell\t9\n\tThe Tigger Movie\t9\nYou owed 18\nYou earned 4 frequent renter points\n', self.customer.statement()) def test_single_childrens_statement(self): self.customer.add_rental(Rental(Movie('The Tigger Movie', Movie.CHILDRENS), 3)) self.assertEquals('Rental Record for Fred\n\tThe Tigger Movie\t1.5\nYou owed 1.5\nYou earned 1 frequent renter points\n', self.customer.statement()) def test_multiple_regular_statement(self): self.customer.add_rental(Rental(Movie('Plan 9 from Outer Space', Movie.REGULAR), 1)) self.customer.add_rental(Rental(Movie('8 1/2', Movie.REGULAR), 2)) self.customer.add_rental(Rental(Movie('Eraserhead', Movie.REGULAR), 3)) self.assertEquals('Rental Record for Fred\n\tPlan 9 from Outer Space\t2\n\t8 1/2\t2\n\tEraserhead\t3.5\nYou owed 7.5\nYou earned 3 frequent renter points\n', self.customer.statement())
def customers(cls, **kwargs): return Customer._build_list(cls.get("customers", **kwargs))
c.execute("SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last=:last", {'last': lastname}) return c.fetchall() def update_points(cust, points): with conn: c.execute("""UPDATE customers SET points = :points WHERE first = :first AND last = :last""", {'first': cust.first, 'last': cust.last, 'points': points}) def remove_custs(cust): with conn: c.execute("DELETE from customers WHERE first = :first AND last = :last", {'first': cust.first, 'last': cust.last}) cust_1 = Customer('James', 'Gibson', 670) cust_2= Customer('Holly ', 'Burns', 12039) cust_3 = Customer('Alyson', 'Harper', 835) cust_4 = Customer('Kimberly', 'Reeves', 23489) def input_answer(): while True: answer= input("Enter Y for yes or N for No:") if answer == "y": print("Welcome to Esobar Mart.") print("Are you a returning customer?")
import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web from customer import Customer from addhandler import AddHandler from delhandler import DelHandler from gethandler import GetHandler from query import GetDetails custs = Customer() class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.write("Customers information Microservice v1") def make_app(): return tornado.web.Application([ (r"/v1", MainHandler), (r"/v1/addcustomer", AddHandler, dict(custs=custs)), (r"/v1/delcustomer", DelHandler, dict(custs=custs)), (r"/v1/getcustomers", GetHandler, dict(custs=custs)), (r"/v1/getdetails", GetDetails, dict(custs=custs)) ]) if __name__ == "__main__": app = make_app() app.listen(8888) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().start()
from customer import Customer from supplier import Supplier from item import Item from supply import Supply from order import Order from admin import Administrator from review import Review supply = list() orders = list() items = list() reviews = list() admin1 = Administrator("iamgod", "iamthelaw", "*****@*****.**") supplier1 = Supplier("isupply", "4real", "Crab Shack Company", "Van Crabs", "000-112-35-8", "*****@*****.**") supplier2 = Supplier("isupplytoo", "4real", "Reliable Company", "Van Reliable", "011-112-35-8", "*****@*****.**") customer1 = Customer("iamguido", "4sure", "Guido", "Van Rossum", "000-112-35-8", "*****@*****.**", "09-09-1968") item1 = Item("Banana", "Better than ever before", 799.0, ("Golden", "Fresh Green")) item2 = Item("Best Banana", "Better than others", 899.0, ("Truly Golden", "Fresher Green")) customer1.add_review(item2, "very tasty", 5) reviews.append(customer1.add_review(item2, "very tasty", 5))
def setUp(self): self.customer = Customer('Fred')