コード例 #1
def test_selection_from_bedfile_and_subselection(conn):
    """Test the creation of a selection based on BED data

    .. note:: Please note that the bedreader **is not** tested here!
    larger_string = """
        chr1 1    10   feature1  0 +
        chr1 50   60   feature2  0 -
        chr1 51 59 another_feature 0 +
    # According to VARIANTS global variable with 3 variants (pos 10, 50 and 45)
    # 1: chr1, pos 1 to 10 => 1 variant concerned (pos 10)
    # 2: chr1, pos 50 to 60 => 1 variant concerned (pos 50)
    # 3: chr1, pos 51 to 59 => 0 variants
    bedtool = BedReader(larger_string)

    # Create now a sub selection => 2 variants (pos 10, 45)
    query = "SELECT variants.id,chr,pos,ref,alt FROM variants WHERE ref='G'"
    set_A_id = sql.create_selection_from_sql(conn, query, "setA", count=None)
    # 2nd selection (1st is the default "variants")
    assert set_A_id == 2
    assert "setA" in list(s["name"] for s in sql.get_selections(conn))

    # 1: chr1, pos 1 to 10 => 1 remaining variant
    # 2: chr1, pos 50 to 60 => 0 variant
    # 3: chr1, pos 51 to 59 => 0 variant
    ret = sql.create_selection_from_bed(conn, "setA", "sub_bedname", bedtool)
    # id of selection
    assert ret == 3

    data = conn.execute(
        "SELECT * FROM selection_has_variant WHERE selection_id = ?", (ret, ))
    expected = ((1, ret), )
    record = tuple([tuple(i) for i in data])
    assert record == expected
コード例 #2
def create_cmd(
        conn: sqlite3.Connection,
        target: str,
    """Create a selection from the given source, filtered by filters

    This following VQL command:
        `CREATE boby FROM variants WHERE pos > 3`
    will execute :
        `create_cmd(conn, "boby", "variants", {"AND":[{"pos",">",3}]})`

        conn (sqlite3.Connection): sqlite3 connection
        target (str): target selection name
        source (str): source selection name
        filters (dict): filters used to select the variants from source
        count (int): precomputed variant count

        dict: {"id": selection_id} if lines have been inserted,
            or empty dict in case of error
    if target is None:
        return {}

    sql_query = build_full_sql_query(

    LOGGER.debug("command:create_cmd:: %s", sql_query)
    selection_id = sql.create_selection_from_sql(conn,
    return dict() if selection_id is None else {"id": selection_id}
コード例 #3
def test_selections(conn):
    """Test the creation of a full selection in "selection_has_variant"
    and "selections" tables; Test also the ON CASCADE deletion of rows in
    "selection_has_variant" when a selection is deleted.

    # Create a selection that contains all 8 variants in the DB
    # (no filter on this list, via annotation table because this table is not
    # initialized here)
    query = """SELECT variants.id,chr,pos,ref,alt FROM variants
       LEFT JOIN annotations
        ON annotations.variant_id = variants.rowid"""

    # Create a new selection (a second one, since there is a default one during DB creation)
    ret = sql.create_selection_from_sql(conn,
    assert ret == 2

    # Query the association table (variant_id, selection_id)
    data = conn.execute("SELECT * FROM selection_has_variant")
    expected = ((1, ret), (2, ret), (3, ret))
    record = tuple([tuple(i) for i in data])

    # Is the association table 'selection_has_variant' ok ?
    assert record == expected

    # Test ON CASCADE deletion
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    cursor.execute("DELETE FROM selections WHERE rowid = ?", str(ret))

    assert cursor.rowcount == 1

    # Now the table must be empty
    data = conn.execute("SELECT * FROM selection_has_variant")
    expected = tuple()
    record = tuple([tuple(i) for i in data])

    assert record == expected

    # Extra tests on transactions states
    assert conn.in_transaction
    assert not conn.in_transaction
コード例 #4
def set_cmd(conn: sqlite3.Connection, target: str, first: str, second: str,
            operator, **kwargs):
    """Perform set operation like intersection, union and difference between two table selection

    This following VQL command:
        `CREATE boby = raymond & charles`
    will execute :
        `set_cmd(conn, "boby", "raymond", "charles", "&")`

        conn (sqlite3.Connection): sqlite3 connection
        target (str): table selection target
        first (str): first selection in operation
        second (str): second selection in operation
        operator (str): + (union), - (difference), & (intersection) Set operators

        dict: {"id": selection_id} if lines have been inserted,
            or empty dict in case of error

        {"id": 2}: 2 lines inserted
    if target is None or first is None or second is None or operator is None:
        return {}

    query_first = build_sql_query(["id"], first, limit=None)
    query_second = build_sql_query(["id"], second, limit=None)

    func_query = {
        "|": sql.union_variants,
        "-": sql.subtract_variants,
        "&": sql.intersect_variants,

    sql_query = func_query[operator](query_first, query_second)
    LOGGER.debug("command:set_cmd:: %s", sql_query)

    selection_id = sql.create_selection_from_sql(conn,
    return dict() if selection_id is None else {"id": selection_id}
コード例 #5
def test_sql_selection_operation(conn):
    """Test set operations on selections using SQL API

    .. Todo:: Only union is tested here test intersect and expect
        (intersect is tested in test_command)
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    # Query the first default selection
    all_selection = cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM selections").fetchone()

    # {'id': 1, 'name': 'variants', 'count': 3, 'query': ''}
    print("all", dict(all_selection))
    # index 0: id in db
    assert all_selection[1] == "variants"
    assert all_selection[2] == len(VARIANTS)

    # Create a selection from sql
    query = "SELECT id, chr, pos FROM variants where alt = 'A' "
    sql.create_selection_from_sql(conn, query, "test")

    # check if selection has been created
    assert "test" in [record["name"] for record in sql.get_selections(conn)]

    # Check if selection of variants returns same data than selection query
    selection_id = 2
    insert_data = cursor.execute(query).fetchall()

    read_data = cursor.execute(f"""
        SELECT variants.id, variants.chr, variants.pos FROM variants
        INNER JOIN selection_has_variant sv ON variants.rowid = sv.variant_id AND sv.selection_id = {selection_id}

    # set because, it can contains duplicate variants
    assert set(read_data) == set(insert_data)

    # TEST Unions
    query1 = "SELECT id, chr, pos FROM variants where alt = 'A' "  # 2 variants
    query2 = "SELECT id, chr, pos FROM variants where alt = 'C' "  # 1 variant

    union_query = sql.union_variants(query1, query2)
    selection_id = sql.create_selection_from_sql(conn, union_query, "union_GT")
    print("union_GT selection id: ", selection_id)
    assert selection_id is not None
    record = cursor.execute(
        f"SELECT id, name FROM selections WHERE name = 'union_GT'").fetchone()
    print("Found record:", dict(record))
    selection_id = record[0]
    selection_name = record[1]
    assert selection_id == 3  # test if selection id equal 2 ( the first is "variants")
    assert selection_name == "union_GT"

    # Select statement from union_GT selection must contains only variant.alt G or T
    records = cursor.execute(f"""
        SELECT variants.chr, variants.pos, variants.ref, variants.alt FROM variants
        INNER JOIN selection_has_variant sv ON variants.rowid = sv.variant_id AND sv.selection_id = {selection_id}

    # {'chr': 'chr1', 'pos': 10, 'ref': 'G', 'alt': 'A'}
    # {'chr': 'chr1', 'pos': 50, 'ref': 'C', 'alt': 'C'}
    # {'chr': 'chr1', 'pos': 45, 'ref': 'G', 'alt': 'A'}
    for found_variants, record in enumerate(records, 1):
        assert record["alt"] in ("A", "C")

    assert found_variants == 3