コード例 #1
ファイル: variation.py プロジェクト: cshimmin/analysis_utils
    def __init__(self, source=None, process_fn=None, name='Variation', fallback=None, **kwargs):
        self._calculables = {}
        self._source = source
        self._fallback = fallback

        self._process_fn = process_fn
        self._name = name
        self._warn_once = False


        self._cutflow = Cutflow()

        # set up a list of calculable items by sniffing out methods
        # named _get_xxxx(). Save a reference to the instance method
        # for later.
        # self._calculables = dict([ (n[5:], m) for (n,m) in inspect.getmembers(self)
        #	if n.startswith('_get_') and inspect.ismethod(m) ])

        self._calculables = dict([(n[5:], m) for (n, m) in inspect.getmembers(self)
                                   if n.startswith('_get_') and inspect.ismethod(m)])
コード例 #2
def run_with_chain(tree, n_max_entries=-1):
    nttool = r.SusyNtTools()
    m_entry = r.Long(-1)
    ntevent = r.Susy.SusyNtObject(m_entry)
    isSimplifiedModel = False
    period, useRewUtils = "Moriond", False
    trig_logic = r.DilTrigLogic(period, useRewUtils)
    n_entries_to_print = 4
    sys = utils.SusyNtSys.NOM
    tauId = utils.TauID
    tauJetId, tauEleId, tauMuoId = tauId.TauID_loose, tauId.TauID_medium, tauId.TauID_medium
    cutflow = Cutflow()
    for iEntry, entry in enumerate(tree):
        m_entry = iEntry
        if n_max_entries > 0 and m_entry >= n_max_entries:
        if iEntry < n_entries_to_print:
            print "run ", ntevent.evt().run, " event ", ntevent.evt().event
        pre_elecs = nttool.getPreElectrons(ntevent, sys)
        pre_muons = nttool.getPreMuons(ntevent, sys)
        pre_taus = nttool.getPreTaus(ntevent, sys)
        pre_jets = nttool.getPreJets(ntevent, sys)
        nttool.performOverlap(pre_elecs, pre_muons, pre_taus, pre_jets)
        nttool.removeSFOSPair(pre_elecs, 12.0)
        nttool.removeSFOSPair(pre_muons, 12.0)
        rmLepsFromIso = False
        n_vertices = ntevent.evt().nVtx
        is_mc = ntevent.evt().isMC
        sig_elecs = nttool.getSignalElectrons(pre_elecs, pre_muons, n_vertices, is_mc, rmLepsFromIso)
        sig_muons = nttool.getSignalMuons(pre_muons, pre_elecs, n_vertices, is_mc, rmLepsFromIso)
        sig_taus = nttool.getSignalTaus(pre_taus, tauJetId, tauEleId, tauMuoId)
        sig_jets = nttool.getSignalJets(pre_jets, sys)
        sig_jets2l = nttool.getSignalJets2Lep(pre_jets, sys)
        met = nttool.getMet(ntevent, sys)
        pre_lep, sig_lep = r.LeptonVector(), r.LeptonVector()
        nttool.buildLeptons(pre_lep, pre_elecs, pre_muons)
        nttool.buildLeptons(sig_lep, sig_elecs, sig_muons)
        if iEntry < n_entries_to_print:
            print "pre_lep:\n", "\n".join(
                    "[%d] %s (eta,phi,pt) = (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)"
                    % (iL, "mu" if l.isMu() else "el", l.Eta(), l.Phi(), l.Pt())
                    for iL, l in enumerate(pre_lep)
        event_flag = ntevent.evt().cutFlags[0]

        def mll(leps):
            return (leps[0] + leps[1]).M()

            cutflow.cut_if(False, "input")
            cutflow.cut_if(not nttool.passLAr(event_flag), "lar")
            cutflow.cut_if(not nttool.passBadJet(event_flag), "bad_jet")
            cutflow.cut_if(not nttool.passBadMuon(event_flag), "bad_mu")
            cutflow.cut_if(not nttool.passCosmic(event_flag), "cosmic")
            cutflow.cut_if(not pre_lep.size() == 2, "2lep")
            cutflow.cut_if(not trig_logic.passDilTrig(pre_lep, met.Et, ntevent.evt()), "trigger")
            cutflow.cut_if(not mll(pre_lep) > 20.0, "mll20")
        except SkipEvent:
    print "\n" + 8 * "-" + " cutflow " + 8 * "-"
    print cutflow
コード例 #3
def run_with_chain(tree, n_max_entries=-1):
    nttool = r.SusyNtTools()
    m_entry = r.Long(-1)
    ntevent = r.Susy.SusyNtObject(m_entry)
    isSimplifiedModel = False
    nttool.buildSumwMap(tree, isSimplifiedModel)
    period, useRewUtils = 'Moriond', False
    trig_logic = r.DilTrigLogic(period, useRewUtils)
    n_entries_to_print = 4
    sys = utils.SusyNtSys.NtSys_NOM
    tauId = utils.TauID
    tauJetId, tauEleId, tauMuoId = tauId.TauID_loose, tauId.TauID_medium, tauId.TauID_medium
    cutflow = Cutflow()
    for iEntry, entry in enumerate(tree):
        m_entry = iEntry
        if n_max_entries>0 and m_entry >= n_max_entries : break
        if iEntry < n_entries_to_print : print 'run ', ntevent.evt().run,' event ',ntevent.evt().event
        pre_elecs  = nttool.getPreElectrons(ntevent, sys)
        pre_muons  = nttool.getPreMuons(ntevent, sys)
        pre_taus   = nttool.getPreTaus(ntevent, sys)
        pre_jets   = nttool.getPreJets(ntevent, sys)
        nttool.performOverlap(pre_elecs, pre_muons, pre_taus, pre_jets)
        nttool.removeSFOSPair(pre_elecs, 12.0)
        nttool.removeSFOSPair(pre_muons, 12.0)
        rmLepsFromIso = False
        n_vertices = ntevent.evt().nVtx
        is_mc = ntevent.evt().isMC
        sig_elecs = nttool.getSignalElectrons(pre_elecs, pre_muons, n_vertices, is_mc, rmLepsFromIso)
        sig_muons = nttool.getSignalMuons(pre_muons, pre_elecs, n_vertices, is_mc, rmLepsFromIso)
        sig_taus = nttool.getSignalTaus(pre_taus, tauJetId, tauEleId, tauMuoId)
        sig_jets = nttool.getSignalJets(pre_jets, sys)
        sig_jets2l = nttool.getSignalJets2Lep(pre_jets, sys)
        met = nttool.getMet(ntevent, sys)
        pre_lep, sig_lep = r.LeptonVector(), r.LeptonVector()
        nttool.buildLeptons(pre_lep, pre_elecs, pre_muons)
        nttool.buildLeptons(sig_lep, sig_elecs, sig_muons)
        if iEntry<n_entries_to_print:
            print 'pre_lep:\n','\n'.join(["[%d] %s (eta,phi,pt) = (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)"
                                          (iL, "mu" if l.isMu() else "el", l.Eta(), l.Phi(), l.Pt())
                                          for iL, l in enumerate(pre_lep)])
        event_flag = ntevent.evt().cutFlags[0]
        def mll(leps):
            return (leps[0] + leps[1]).M()
            cutflow.cut_if(False, 'input')
            cutflow.cut_if(not nttool.passLAr(event_flag), 'lar')
            cutflow.cut_if(not nttool.passBadJet(event_flag), 'bad_jet')
            cutflow.cut_if(not nttool.passBadMuon(event_flag), 'bad_mu')
            cutflow.cut_if(not nttool.passCosmic(event_flag), 'cosmic')
            cutflow.cut_if(not pre_lep.size()==2, '2lep')
            cutflow.cut_if(not trig_logic.passDilTrig(pre_lep, met.Et, ntevent.evt()), 'trigger')
            cutflow.cut_if(not mll(pre_lep)>20.0, 'mll20')
        except SkipEvent:
    print '\n'+8*'-'+' cutflow '+8*'-'
    print cutflow
コード例 #4
ファイル: variation.py プロジェクト: cshimmin/analysis_utils
class AnalysisVariation:

    def __init__(self, source=None, process_fn=None, name='Variation', fallback=None, **kwargs):
        self._calculables = {}
        self._source = source
        self._fallback = fallback

        self._process_fn = process_fn
        self._name = name
        self._warn_once = False


        self._cutflow = Cutflow()

        # set up a list of calculable items by sniffing out methods
        # named _get_xxxx(). Save a reference to the instance method
        # for later.
        # self._calculables = dict([ (n[5:], m) for (n,m) in inspect.getmembers(self)
        #	if n.startswith('_get_') and inspect.ismethod(m) ])

        self._calculables = dict([(n[5:], m) for (n, m) in inspect.getmembers(self)
                                   if n.startswith('_get_') and inspect.ismethod(m)])

    def set_source(self, source):
        self._source = source

    def set_fallback(self, fallback):
        if fallback == self:
        self._fallback = fallback

     A convenience method; simply tries to invoke the user-supplied process function.
    def process_entry(self):
        # NB this is slow... maybe we should optimize.
        # but we'll put it here as a convenience method.
        except TypeError as e:
            if e.message == "'NoneType' object is not callable":
                if not self._warn_once:
                    print "Warning! No process function supplied for variation `%s`!" % self._name
                    self._warn_once = True
                raise e

     These methods may be called once (by a driver) before and after the main event loop.
    def pre_run(self):
    def post_run(self):

     This method is called if the input entry has been accepted *and* this instance
     passed (i.e. is in the valid state). It may be used, e.g., to write out ntuple branches.
    def accept_entry(self):
        if not self._warn_once:
            print "WARNING! Base class accept_entry() invoked for variation `%s`!" % self._name
            self._warn_once = True

     This method is called if the input entry was accepted for *some* variation,
     but this instance did not pass (i.e. this entry is not valid). It may be used,
     e.g., to fill an empty ntuple entry.
    def reject_entry(self):

     Reset the state of all managed calculables. Also set the current entry status
     to invalid for this object.
    def reset(self):
        # delete any cached calcuable results
        for c in self._calculables:
                delattr(self, c)
            except AttributeError:
                # fine, nothing to delete. it was never set.

        # and set state to invalid

    def cut_if(self, expr, cutname):
        self._cutflow.cut_if(expr, cutname)

    def defer(self):
        if self._fallback:
            raise CalculationFallback

    def defer_if(self, expr):
        if self._fallback and expr:
            raise CalculationFallback

    def defer_unless(self, expr):
        if self._fallback and not expr:
            raise CalculationFallback

    def can_defer(self):
        return self._fallback is not None

    def set_valid(self, valid):
        self._valid = valid

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        # here's the magic. if the requested attribute is calculable,
        # go calculate it and then cache the result.
            # user tried to access a calculable item, but it's not cached.
            # calculate and save the result, then return it.
            v = self._calculables[attr]()
            setattr(self, attr, v)
            return v
        except KeyError:
            # we're not managing this attribute, so escalate to the
            # "source" object (which by default is the underlying
            # TTree):
            return getattr(self._source, attr)
        except CalculationFallback:
            # defer the calculation to the fallback object
            return getattr(self._fallback, attr)

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Varation object `%s`>" % self._name
コード例 #5
def fill_histos(input_files, histos, tree_name='susyNt', max_num_entries=None, verbose=False):
    "fill histograms (for now unweighted, just to do a per-lepton comparison)"
    chain = r.TChain(tree_name)
    for f in input_files : chain.Add(f)
    num_entries = chain.GetEntries()
    if verbose : print "About to loop on %d entries from %d files"%(num_entries, len(input_files))
    nttool = r.SusyNtTools()
    m_entry = r.Long(-1)
    ntevent = r.Susy.SusyNtObject(m_entry)
    isSimplifiedModel = False
    period, useRewUtils = 'Moriond', False
    trig_logic = r.DilTrigLogic(period, useRewUtils)
    n_entries_to_print = 4
    sys = utils.SusyNtSys.NOM
    tauId = utils.TauID
    tauJetId, tauEleId, tauMuoId = tauId.TauID_loose, tauId.TauID_medium, tauId.TauID_medium
    cutflow = Cutflow()
    for iEntry, entry in enumerate(chain):
        m_entry = iEntry
        if max_num_entries and iEntry > max_num_entries : break
        pre_elecs  = nttool.getPreElectrons(ntevent, sys)
        pre_muons  = nttool.getPreMuons(ntevent, sys)
        pre_taus   = nttool.getPreTaus(ntevent, sys)
        pre_jets   = nttool.getPreJets(ntevent, sys)
        nttool.performOverlap(pre_elecs, pre_muons, pre_taus, pre_jets)
        nttool.removeSFOSPair(pre_elecs, 12.0)
        nttool.removeSFOSPair(pre_muons, 12.0)
        rmLepsFromIso = False
        n_vertices = ntevent.evt().nVtx
        is_mc = ntevent.evt().isMC
        sig_elecs = nttool.getSignalElectrons(pre_elecs, pre_muons, n_vertices, is_mc, rmLepsFromIso)
        sig_muons = nttool.getSignalMuons(pre_muons, pre_elecs, n_vertices, is_mc, rmLepsFromIso)
        sig_taus = nttool.getSignalTaus(pre_taus, tauJetId, tauEleId, tauMuoId)
        sig_jets = nttool.getSignalJets(pre_jets, sys)
        sig_jets2l = nttool.getSignalJets2Lep(pre_jets, sys)
        met = nttool.getMet(ntevent, sys)
        pre_lep, sig_lep = r.LeptonVector(), r.LeptonVector()
        nttool.buildLeptons(pre_lep, pre_elecs, pre_muons)
        nttool.buildLeptons(sig_lep, sig_elecs, sig_muons)
        if verbose and iEntry<n_entries_to_print:
            print "run {0} event {1}".format(ntevent.evt().run, ntevent.evt().event)
            print "pre_elecs[{0}], pre_muons[{1}] pre_taus[{2}] pre_jets[{3}]".format(len(pre_elecs), len(pre_muons), len(pre_taus), len(pre_jets))
            print 'pre_lep:\n','\n'.join(["[%d] %s (eta,phi,pt) = (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)"
                                          (iL, "mu" if l.isMu() else "el", l.Eta(), l.Phi(), l.Pt())
                                          for iL, l in enumerate(pre_lep)])
            print 'pre_jets:\n','\n'.join(["[%d] (eta,phi,pt) = (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)"
                                           (iL, j.Eta(), j.Phi(), j.Pt())
                                           for iL, j in enumerate(pre_jets)])

        event_flag = ntevent.evt().cutFlags[0]
        def mll(leps):
            return (leps[0] + leps[1]).M()
            cutflow.cut_if(False, 'input')
            cutflow.cut_if(not nttool.passLAr(event_flag), 'lar')
            cutflow.cut_if(False, 'bad_jet') #not nttool.passBadJet(event_flag), 'bad_jet')
            cutflow.cut_if(False, 'bad_mu')  #not nttool.passBadMuon(event_flag), 'bad_mu')
            cutflow.cut_if(False, 'cosmic')  #not nttool.passCosmic(event_flag), 'cosmic')
            cutflow.cut_if(not pre_lep.size()==2, '2lep')
            cutflow.cut_if(not trig_logic.passDilTrig(pre_lep, met.Et, ntevent.evt()), 'trigger')
            cutflow.cut_if(not mll(pre_lep)>20.0, 'mll20')
            histos['el_n_base'].Fill(len(pre_elecs)) # todo: fix, use base rather than pre
            histos['mu_n_base'].Fill(len(pre_muons)) # todo: fix, use base rather than pre
            for el in sig_elecs:
            for mu in sig_muons:
        except SkipEvent:
    print '\n'+8*'-'+' cutflow '+8*'-'
    print cutflow
コード例 #6
def fill_histos(input_files,
    "fill histograms (for now unweighted, just to do a per-lepton comparison)"
    chain = r.TChain(tree_name)
    for f in input_files:
    num_entries = chain.GetEntries()
    if verbose: print "About to loop on %d entries" % num_entries
    nttool = r.SusyNtTools()
    m_entry = r.Long(-1)
    ntevent = r.Susy.SusyNtObject(m_entry)
    isSimplifiedModel = False
    period, useRewUtils = 'Moriond', False
    trig_logic = r.DilTrigLogic(period, useRewUtils)
    n_entries_to_print = 4
    sys = utils.SusyNtSys.NtSys_NOM
    tauId = utils.TauID
    tauJetId, tauEleId, tauMuoId = tauId.TauID_loose, tauId.TauID_medium, tauId.TauID_medium
    cutflow = Cutflow()
    for iEntry, entry in enumerate(chain):
        m_entry = iEntry
        if max_num_entries and iEntry > max_num_entries: break
        pre_elecs = nttool.getPreElectrons(ntevent, sys)
        pre_muons = nttool.getPreMuons(ntevent, sys)
        pre_taus = nttool.getPreTaus(ntevent, sys)
        pre_jets = nttool.getPreJets(ntevent, sys)
        nttool.performOverlap(pre_elecs, pre_muons, pre_taus, pre_jets)
        nttool.removeSFOSPair(pre_elecs, 12.0)
        nttool.removeSFOSPair(pre_muons, 12.0)
        rmLepsFromIso = False
        n_vertices = ntevent.evt().nVtx
        is_mc = ntevent.evt().isMC
        sig_elecs = nttool.getSignalElectrons(pre_elecs, pre_muons, n_vertices,
                                              is_mc, rmLepsFromIso)
        sig_muons = nttool.getSignalMuons(pre_muons, pre_elecs, n_vertices,
                                          is_mc, rmLepsFromIso)
        sig_taus = nttool.getSignalTaus(pre_taus, tauJetId, tauEleId, tauMuoId)
        sig_jets = nttool.getSignalJets(pre_jets, sys)
        sig_jets2l = nttool.getSignalJets2Lep(pre_jets, sys)
        met = nttool.getMet(ntevent, sys)
        pre_lep, sig_lep = r.LeptonVector(), r.LeptonVector()
        nttool.buildLeptons(pre_lep, pre_elecs, pre_muons)
        nttool.buildLeptons(sig_lep, sig_elecs, sig_muons)
        if verbose and iEntry < n_entries_to_print:
            print 'pre_lep:\n', '\n'.join([
                "[%d] %s (eta,phi,pt) = (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)" %
                (iL, "mu" if l.isMu() else "el", l.Eta(), l.Phi(), l.Pt())
                for iL, l in enumerate(pre_lep)
        event_flag = ntevent.evt().cutFlags[0]

        def mll(leps):
            return (leps[0] + leps[1]).M()

            cutflow.cut_if(False, 'input')
            cutflow.cut_if(not nttool.passLAr(event_flag), 'lar')
            cutflow.cut_if(not nttool.passBadJet(event_flag), 'bad_jet')
            cutflow.cut_if(not nttool.passBadMuon(event_flag), 'bad_mu')
            cutflow.cut_if(not nttool.passCosmic(event_flag), 'cosmic')
            cutflow.cut_if(not pre_lep.size() == 2, '2lep')
                not trig_logic.passDilTrig(pre_lep, met.Et, ntevent.evt()),
            cutflow.cut_if(not mll(pre_lep) > 20.0, 'mll20')
            for el in sig_elecs:
            for mu in sig_muons:
        except SkipEvent:
    print '\n' + 8 * '-' + ' cutflow ' + 8 * '-'
    print cutflow
コード例 #7
ファイル: variation.py プロジェクト: gerbaudo/analysis_utils
class AnalysisVariation:
	def __init__(self, source=None, process_fn=None, name='Variation', fallback=None, **kwargs):
		self.__calculables = {}
		self.__source = source
		self.__fallback = fallback

		self.process_fn = process_fn
		self.name = name
		self.warn_once = False


		self.cutflow = Cutflow()

		# set up a list of calculable items by sniffing out methods
		# named _get_xxxx(). Save a reference to the instance method
		# for later.
		#self.__calculables = dict([ (n[5:], m) for (n,m) in inspect.getmembers(self)
		#	if n.startswith('_get_') and inspect.ismethod(m) ])

		self.__calculables = dict([ (n[5:], m) for (n,m) in inspect.getmembers(self)
				if n.startswith('_get_') and inspect.ismethod(m) ])
	def set_source(self, source):
		self.__source = source
	def set_fallback(self, fallback):
		if fallback == self:
		self.__fallback = fallback

	def process(self):
		# this is slow... maybe we should optimize.
		# but we'll put it here as a convenience method.
		except TypeError as e:
			if e.message == "'NoneType' object is not callable":
				if not self.warn_once:
					print "Warning! No process() function supplied for variation `%s`!"%self.name
					self.warn_once = True
				raise e

	def cut_if(self, expr, cutname):
		self.cutflow.cut_if(expr, cutname)
	def defer(self):
		if self.__fallback:
			raise CalculationFallback
	def defer_if(self, expr):
		if self.__fallback and expr:
			raise CalculationFallback
	def defer_unless(self, expr):
		if self.__fallback and not expr:
			raise CalculationFallback
	def reset(self):
		# delete any cached calcuable results
		for c in self.__calculables:
				delattr(self, c)
			except AttributeError:
				# fine, nothing to delete. it was never set.
		# and set state to invalid
	def set_valid(self, valid):
		self.__valid = valid
	def write_ntuple(self):
		if not self.warn_once:
			print "WARNING! Base class write_ntuple() invoked for variation `%s`!"%self.name
			self.warn_once = True
	def __getattr__(self, attr):
		# here's the magic. if the requested attribute is calculable,
		# go calculate it and then cache the result.
			# user tried to access a calculable item, but it's not cached.
			# calculate and save the result, then return it.
			v = self.__calculables[attr]()
			setattr(self, attr, v)
			return v
		except KeyError:
			# we're not managing this attribute, so escalate to the
			# "source" object (which by default is the underlying
			# TTree):
			return getattr(self.__source, attr)
		except CalculationFallback:
			# defer the calculation to the fallback object
			return getattr(self.__fallback, attr)

	def __str__(self):
		return "<Varation object `%s`>"%self.name