コード例 #1
def shared_roi(*images):
    '''Return the part of the region of interest that all arguments share.
    Returns None if they don't share one rect all together.'''
    roi = Rectangle.from_cv_rect(cv.GetImageROI(images[0]))

    for image in images[1:]:
        roi = Rectangle.from_cv_rect(cv.GetImageROI(image)).union(roi)

    return roi.as_cv_rect() if roi.is_real else None
コード例 #2
def displayDepth(name, dep, imshow=cv.ShowImage):
    width = cv.GetImageROI(dep)[2]
    height = cv.GetImageROI(dep)[3]
    disp = cv.CloneImage(dep)

    cv.ConvertScale(disp, disp, 10);
    imshow(name, disp)

    del disp
コード例 #3
def cvCmpS(src, scalar, dst, code):
    width1 = cv.GetImageROI(src)[2]
    height1 = cv.GetImageROI(src)[3]
    width2 = cv.GetImageROI(dst)[2]
    height2 = cv.GetImageROI(dst)[3]

    if not (width1 == width2 and height1 == height2):
        print 'cvCmpS src, dst size error'
        print (width1, height1), (width2, height2)

    cv.CmpS(src, scalar, dst, code)
コード例 #4
def cvCopy(src, dst, mask=None):
    width1 = cv.GetImageROI(src)[2]
    height1 = cv.GetImageROI(src)[3]
    width2 = cv.GetImageROI(dst)[2]
    height2 = cv.GetImageROI(dst)[3]
    if not (src.depth == dst.depth and width1 == width2 and height1 == height2):
        print 'cvCopy argument error'
        print (width1, height1, src.depth), (width2, height2, dst.depth)
        raise RuntimeError

    cv.Copy(src, dst, mask)
コード例 #5
    def calibrate(self, img, mask_range = (50, 100)):
        # mask: ignore pixels that are really close or far away, like the
        # Nao (close, low values) and kinect noise (far far away, high values)
        _, _, width, height = cv.GetImageROI(img)
        mask = cv.CreateImage((width, height), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
        cv.InRangeS(img, mask_range[0], mask_range[1], mask)

        # using the mask, create a new image containing only the pixels of
        # interest.
        self.base_img = cv.CreateImage((width, height), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
        cv.SetImageROI(self.base_img, cv.GetImageROI(img))

        # get the minimum value, and subtract that from all pixels so only
        # the difference in depth in the image remains.
        minimum, _, _, _ = cv.MinMaxLoc(img, mask)
        cv.SubS(img, minimum, self.base_img)
コード例 #6
 def render_with_histogram(img):
     '''Just a utility to draw a grayscale histogram next to an image.'''
     _, _, width, height = cv.GetImageROI(img)
     canvas = cv.CreateImage((width + 200, max(height, 255)), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
     cv.Rectangle(canvas, (width, 0), (width + 200, height), (0), cv.CV_FILLED)
     cv.SetImageROI(canvas, (0, 0, width, height))
     cv.Copy(img, canvas)
     cv.SetImageROI(canvas, (width, 0, 200, canvas.height))
     hist = cv.CreateHist([255], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, [(0,255)], 1)
     cv.CalcHist([img], hist)
     values = [cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, n) for n in range(255)]
     max_value = max(values)
     for n, value in enumerate(values):
             (0, n),
             (int((value / max_value) * 200), n + 1),
             (255), cv.CV_FILLED)
     cv.SetImageROI(canvas, (0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height))
     return canvas
コード例 #7
    def filter(self, input_img):
        original_input_roi = cv.GetImageROI(input_img)
        filter_roi = shared_roi(input_img, self.base_img)
        if not filter_roi:
            raise Exception("input image and training image do not share a region of interest")
        cv.SetImageROI(input_img, filter_roi)

        # and that is it! Just subtract the difference we calibrated on from
        # the normal image, and tada!
        input_roi = cv.GetImageROI(input_img)
        cv.SetImageROI(self.base_img, input_roi)

        cv.Sub(input_img, self.base_img, input_img)
        cv.SetImageROI(input_img, original_input_roi)
コード例 #8
def cvConvertScale(src, dst, scale=None, offs=None):
    width1 = cv.GetImageROI(src)[2]
    height1 = cv.GetImageROI(src)[3]
    width2 = cv.GetImageROI(dst)[2]
    height2 = cv.GetImageROI(dst)[3]

    if not (width1 == width2 and height1 == height2 and src.nChannels == dst.nChannels):
        print 'cvConvertScale argument error'
        print (width1, height1, src.nChannels), (width2, height2, dst.nChannels)
        raise RuntimeError

    if scale and offs:
        cv.ConvertScale(src, dst, scale, offs)
    elif scale:
        cv.ConvertScale(src, dst, scale)
    elif offs:
        cv.ConvertScale(src, dst, offset = offs)
        cv.ConvertScale(src, dst)
コード例 #9
def clone_color_image(img):
    '''Create a new color image based on a grayscale image'''
    roi = cv.GetImageROI(img)

    color = cv.CreateImage((img.width, img.height), img.depth, 4)
    cv.SetImageROI(color, roi)

    empty = cv.CreateImage((img.width, img.height), img.depth, 1)
    cv.SetImageROI(empty, roi)

    cv.Merge(img, img, img, empty, color)
    return color
コード例 #10
def cvAnd(A, B, dst):
    width1 = cv.GetImageROI(A)[2]
    height1 = cv.GetImageROI(A)[3]
    width2 = cv.GetImageROI(B)[2]
    height2 = cv.GetImageROI(B)[3]
    width3 = cv.GetImageROI(dst)[2]
    height3 = cv.GetImageROI(dst)[3]

    if not (width1 == width3 and height1 == height3 and A.depth == dst.depth):
        print 'cvAnd argument error: size, type of src1, dst'
        print (width1, height1, A.depth), (width3, height3, dst.depth)
        raise RuntimeError
