コード例 #1
def largest_connected_component(image):
    image = image.astype('uint8')

    # outputs labelled image, statistics and centroid for each label
    nb_components, output, stats, centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(
        image, connectivity=8)
    sizes = stats[:, -1]

    if (len(sizes) <= 1):
        blank_image = np.zeros(image.shape)
        return blank_image

    max_label = 1

    # Start from component 1 (not 0) because we want to leave out the background
    max_size = sizes[1]

    for i in range(2, nb_components):
        if sizes[i] > max_size:
            max_label = i
            max_size = sizes[i]

    img2 = np.zeros(output.shape)
    img2[output == max_label] = 0
    return img2
コード例 #2
def connectedComponents(binarized_img, connectivity = 8, ltype = cv2.CV_32S):
    output = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(binarized_img, connectivity, cv2.CV_32S)
    num_labels = output[0]
    labels = output[1]
    stats = output[2]
    centroids = output[3]

    return [num_labels, labels, stats, centroids]
コード例 #3
def get_corners(img, param1=2, param2=3, param3=0.04):
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray = np.float32(gray)
    dst = cv2.cornerHarris(gray, param1, param2, param3)
    ret, dst = cv2.threshold(dst, 0.1 * dst.max(), 255, 0)
    dst = np.uint8(dst)
    ret, labels, stats, centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(dst)
    criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 100, 0.001)
    corners = cv2.cornerSubPix(gray, np.float32(centroids), (5, 5), (-1, -1), criteria)

    return corners
コード例 #4
def get_multi_match(image, needle, thresh):

    match = get_all_match(image, needle)
    h, w = needle.shape[:2]
    # 模拟填充所有找到的匹配位置
    draw = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], dtype="uint8")
    h, w = needle.shape[:2]
    for y, x in zip(*np.where(match < thresh)):
        cv.rectangle(draw, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), 255, -1)
    # 连通域分析
    _, _, _, centroids = cv.connectedComponentsWithStats(draw.astype("uint8"))
    # 删去背景连通域
    centroids = centroids[1:]
    # 中心坐标转化为左上角坐标
    centroids[:, 0] -= w / 2
    centroids[:, 1] -= h / 2
    # 将数值转化为int型
    return centroids.round().astype("int")
コード例 #5
    def apply_threshold(self):

        height, width, bytes_per_component = self.image.shape
        bytes_per_line = 3 * width

        self.threshold_image = np.zeros(self.image.shape, np.uint8)
        cv2.threshold(self.light_removed_image, 50, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY,


        imgray = cv2.cvtColor(self.threshold_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

        result = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(imgray)

        # cv2.CC_STAT_AREA

        print(" %d objects found" % result[0])
        num_labels = result[0]
        # The second cell is the label matrix
        labels = result[1]
        stats = result[2]
        controlids = result[3]

        output = np.zeros(self.image.shape, np.uint8)


        font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX

        # org
        org = (50, 50)

        # fontScale
        fontScale = 0.5

        # Blue color in BGR
        color1 = (255, 0, 0)

        # Line thickness of 2 px
        thickness = 1

        outputed = False
        for i in range(1, num_labels):
            area = stats[i][cv2.CC_STAT_AREA]
            if area > 10:
                print("object:%d with area %d" % (i, area))
                mask = labels == i

                color = (random.randint(40, 220), random.randint(40, 220),
                         random.randint(40, 220))

                # np.putmask(output, mask, [color])

                output[mask] = color

                # Using cv2.putText() method

                # if not outputed:


                org = controlids[i].astype(int)

                output = cv2.putText(output, "area: %d" % (area), tuple(org),
                                     font, fontScale, color, thickness)

                # outputed = True
                # cv2.putText(output, "area %d" % (area), tuple(controlids[i]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX,int(6) , color)
        demo_utils.show_cvimage_to_label(output, self.segment_label)
コード例 #6
    def cloud_shadow_detection(self,
        if self.sensor == 'S2A':
            blue_fn = [item for item in self.rhot_fns if 'rhot_492' in item][0]
            green_fn = [item for item in self.rhot_fns
                        if 'rhot_560' in item][0]
            red_fn = [item for item in self.rhot_fns if 'rhot_665' in item][0]
            nir_fn = [item for item in self.rhot_fns if 'rhot_833' in item][0]
            swir1_fn = [item for item in self.rhot_fns
                        if 'rhot_1614' in item][0]
            swir2_fn = [item for item in self.rhot_fns
                        if 'rhot_2202' in item][0]
            cirrus_fn = [
                item for item in self.rhot_fns if 'rhot_1373' in item
            blue_fn = [item for item in self.rhot_fns if 'rhot_492' in item][0]
            green_fn = [item for item in self.rhot_fns
                        if 'rhot_559' in item][0]
            red_fn = [item for item in self.rhot_fns if 'rhot_665' in item][0]
            nir_fn = [item for item in self.rhot_fns if 'rhot_833' in item][0]
            swir1_fn = [item for item in self.rhot_fns
                        if 'rhot_1610' in item][0]
            swir2_fn = [item for item in self.rhot_fns
                        if 'rhot_2186' in item][0]
            cirrus_fn = [
                item for item in self.rhot_fns if 'rhot_1377' in item
        blue = utils.band_math([blue_fn], 'B1')
        green = utils.band_math([green_fn], 'B1')
        red = utils.band_math([red_fn], 'B1')
        ndsi = utils.band_math([green_fn, swir1_fn], '(B1-B2)/(B1+B2)')
        swir2 = utils.band_math([swir2_fn], 'B1')
        ndvi = utils.band_math([nir_fn, red_fn], '(B1-B2)/(B1+B2)')
        blue_swir = utils.band_math([blue_fn, swir1_fn], 'B1/B2')
        # step 1
        cloud_prob1 = (swir2 > 0.03) * (ndsi < 0.8) * (ndvi < 0.5) * (red >
        mean_vis = (blue + green + red) / 3
        cloud_prob2 = (np.abs(blue - mean_vis) / mean_vis +
                       np.abs(green - mean_vis) / mean_vis +
                       np.abs(red - mean_vis) / mean_vis) < 0.7
        cloud_prob3 = (blue - 0.5 * red) > 0.08
        cloud_prob4 = utils.band_math([nir_fn, swir1_fn], 'B1/B2>0.75')
        cloud = cloud_prob1 * cloud_prob2 * cloud_prob3 * cloud_prob4
        cloud = cloud.astype(np.uint8)
        cnt_cloud = len(cloud[cloud == 1])
        cloud_level = cnt_cloud / np.shape(cloud)[0] / np.shape(cloud)[1]
        print('cloud level:%.3f' % cloud_level)
        cloud_large = np.copy(cloud) * 0
        # -- only the cloud over water was saved --
        # labels_struct[0]: count;
        # labels_struct[1]: label matrix;
        # labels_struct[2]: [minY,minX,block_width,block_height,cnt]
        labels_struct = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(cloud, connectivity=4)
        img_h, img_w = cloud.shape
        for i in range(1, labels_struct[0]):
            patch = labels_struct[2][i]
            if patch[4] > 2000:
                cloud_large[labels_struct[1] == i] = 1
        # cloud shadow detection
        PI = 3.1415
        shadow_dire = sola + 180.0
        if shadow_dire > 360.0:
            shadow_dire -= 360.0
        cloud_height = [100 + 100 * i for i in range(100)]
        shadow_mean = []
        for item in cloud_height:
            shadow_dist = item * np.tan(solz / 180.0 * PI) / 10.0
            w_offset = np.sin(shadow_dire / 180.0 * PI) * shadow_dist
            h_offset = np.cos(shadow_dire / 180.0 * PI) * shadow_dist * -1
            affine_m = np.array([[1, 0, w_offset], [0, 1, h_offset]])
            cloud_shadow = cv2.warpAffine(cloud_large, affine_m,
                                          (img_w, img_h))
            cloud_shadow = (cloud_shadow == 1) * (cloud_large != 1)
        cloud_hight_opt = cloud_height[shadow_mean.index(min(shadow_mean))]
        shadow_dist_metric = cloud_hight_opt * np.tan(solz / 180.0 * PI)
        if cloud_hight_opt > 200 and cloud_hight_opt < 10000 and shadow_dist_metric < 5000:
            print('cloud height: %dm' % cloud_hight_opt)
            shadow_dist = cloud_hight_opt * np.tan(
                solz / 180.0 * PI) / pixel_size
            w_offset = np.sin(shadow_dire / 180.0 * PI) * shadow_dist
            h_offset = np.cos(shadow_dire / 180.0 * PI) * shadow_dist * -1
            affine_m = np.array([[1, 0, w_offset], [0, 1, h_offset]])
            cloud_shadow = cv2.warpAffine(cloud_large, affine_m,
                                          (img_w, img_h))
            cloud_shadow = (cloud_shadow == 1) * (cloud_large != 1)

            cloud1 = np.copy(cloud)
            cloud1[cloud_shadow] = 2
            cloud_all = np.copy(cloud)
            cloud_all[cloud_shadow] = 1
            self.cloud = (cloud_all == 1)
            dst_fn = os.path.join(self.res_dir, self.pre_name + 'cloud.tif')

            kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (2, 2))
            cloud_shadow = cv2.morphologyEx(cloud_shadow.astype(np.uint8),
                                            cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
            cloud_shadow_key = True
            cloud_shadow_key = False
            self.cloud = cloud == 1
        cirrus = utils.band_math([cirrus_fn], 'B1')
        # step 1
        cloud_prob1 = (red - 0.07) / (0.25 - 0.07)
        cloud_prob1[cloud_prob1 < 0] = 0
        cloud_prob1[cloud_prob1 > 1] = 1
        # step 2
        cloud_prob2 = (ndsi + 0.1) / (0.2 + 0.1)
        cloud_prob2[cloud_prob2 < 0] = 0
        cloud_prob2[cloud_prob2 > 1] = 1
        cloud_prob = cloud_prob1 * cloud_prob2
        # step 3: water
        cloud_prob[blue_swir > 2.5] = 0
        cloud_prob = (cloud_prob * 100).astype(np.int)
        if cloud_shadow_key:
            self.water = (ndsi > -0.1) * (cloud_prob == 0) * (
                cirrus < 0.012) * (cloud_shadow == 0)
            self.water = (ndsi > -0.1) * (cloud_prob == 0) * (cirrus < 0.012)
        # vector mask
        if vector is not None:
            self.vector_mask = utils.vector2mask(blue_fn, vector)
            self.water = self.water * (self.vector_mask == 0)
            self.vector_mask = self.water * 0
コード例 #7
ファイル: piano2sheet.py プロジェクト: cooldecola/piano2sheet

#cropping the image based on y_cord list
crop_img = img[int(y_cord[1]) + 20:int(y_cord[0])]
crop_blur = cv2.cvtColor(crop_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
#display_img("crop_blur", crop_blur)

#Using standard threshold to create contrast between white/black keys
_, th1 = cv2.threshold(crop_blur, 85, 150,
                       cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
display_img("threshold", th1)

####### using connected component detection algorithm to seperate all the black notes
connectivity = 8
output = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(th1, connectivity, cv2.CV_32S)
num_labels = output[0]
labels = output[1]
stats = output[2]
centroids = output[3]

final_labels = []

#For loop only used for displaying
for i in range(1, num_labels):
    if i == 0:
        text = "examining component {}/{} (background)".format(
            i + 1, num_labels)
        text = "examining component {}/{}".format(i + 1, num_labels)
コード例 #8
# Threshold for an optimal value, it may vary depending on the image.
har = img.copy()


# Corner with SubPixel Accuracy

# Sometimes, you may need to find the corners with maximum accuracy. OpenCV comes with a function cv2.cornerSubPix() which further refines the corners detected with sub-pixel accuracy. Below is an example. As usual, we need to find the harris corners first. Then we pass the centroids of these corners (There may be a bunch of pixels at a corner, we take their centroid) to refine them. Harris corners are marked in red pixels and refined corners are marked in green pixels. For this function, we have to define the criteria when to stop the iteration. We stop it after a specified number of iteration or a certain accuracy is achieved, whichever occurs first. We also need to define the size of neighbourhood it would search for corners.

ret, dst = cv2.threshold(dst,0.01*dst.max(),255,0)
dst = np.uint8(dst)

# find centroids
ret, labels, stats, centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(dst)

# define the criteria to stop and refine the corners
criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 100, 0.001)
corners = cv2.cornerSubPix(gray,np.float32(centroids),(5,5),(-1,-1),criteria)

# Now draw them
res = np.hstack((centroids,corners))
res = np.uint8(res)
subpix = img.copy()
subpix[res[:,3],res[:,2]] = [0,255,0]
cv2.imshow('sub pix',subpix)

コード例 #9
import numpy as np

orgImage = cv2.imread(

cv2.imshow('org', orgImage)
resizeImage = cv2.resize(orgImage, (400, 400))
blurImage = cv2.GaussianBlur(resizeImage, (5, 5), 0)
_, binaryImage = cv2.threshold(blurImage, 153, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)

getROI = binaryImage[:300, :]

contours, hierachy = cv2.findContours(getROI.copy(), cv2.RETR_LIST,
nlabels, labels, stats, centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(getROI)
leftList, topList, bottomList, RightList = [], [], [], []
for i in range(nlabels):
    if i == 0: continue
    leftList.append([i - 1, int(stats[i, cv2.CC_STAT_LEFT])])
    topList.append([i - 1, int(stats[i, cv2.CC_STAT_TOP])])
        [i - 1,
         int(stats[i, cv2.CC_STAT_TOP] + stats[i, cv2.CC_STAT_HEIGHT])])
        [i - 1,
         int(stats[i, cv2.CC_STAT_LEFT] + stats[i, cv2.CC_STAT_WIDTH])])

topIndex, leftIndex, bottomIndex = 0, 0, 0
mintopIndex = (min(i[1] for i in topList))
for i in topList:
コード例 #10
def detect(viddir,frame_id, random_num):
    viddir = '/home/lby/lace-defect-detection-app/'+viddir
    vidcap = cv2.VideoCapture(viddir)
    R = 5
    for i in range(4):
    num = 0

    while vidcap.isOpened():
        cur_frame_num = vidcap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)
        ret,frame0 = vidcap.read()
        frame0_gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame0,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        frame0_gray = frame0_gray[490:1080,90:1440]
        if(not ret):
        vidcap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,cur_frame_num+626)#or 626
        ret,frame1 = vidcap.read()
        frame1_gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        frame1_gray = frame1_gray[490:1080,90:1440]
        Mu1,Sigma1 = AreaMuSigma(frame0_gray,R)
        Mu2,Sigma2 = AreaMuSigma(frame1_gray,R)
        KL_value = KL(Mu1,Sigma1,Mu2,Sigma2)
        KL_value = KL_value/np.max(KL_value)

        kl_max = np.max(KL_value)
        _,mask = cv2.threshold(KL_value,0.1*kl_max,1,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
        mask = mask.astype(np.uint8)
        kernel = np.ones((10, 10), np.uint8)
        mask = cv2.dilate(mask, kernel)

        _,labels,status,centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(mask)#labels,stats,centroids
        labels = labels.astype(np.uint8)

        status = np.delete(status,0,axis=0)
        max_idx=np.argmax(status[:,4],axis=0) + 1  #因为我把第一个删掉了

        labels[labels != max_idx] = 0
        labels[labels == max_idx] = 255

        max_centroids = centroids[max_idx - 1]
        if judgeDefect(max_centroids,defect_center_queue):

            delta = 30
            max_status = status[max_idx - 1]
            left = int(max_status[0] - max_status[2]/2 + 90)
            top = int(max_status[1] -max_status[3]/2 + 490 + delta)
            right = int(max_status[0] + max_status[2]/2 + 90)
            bottom = int(max_status[1] + max_status[3]/2 + 490 + delta)
            cv2.rectangle(frame0, (left,top), (right,bottom),(0, 255, 0), 2)

            # prepare for the front page
            mask_save_path = '/home/lby/lace-defect-detection-app/src/static/result_mask_'+random_num+'.png'
            origin_save_path = '/home/lby/lace-defect-detection-app/src/static/result_origin_'+random_num+'.png'
            cv2.imwrite(mask_save_path, KL_value*255)
            cv2.imwrite(origin_save_path, frame0[490:1080,90:1440])
        num += 1
コード例 #11
#cv2.imshow(imgName+"Global Thresholding (v = 127)", th1)
cv2.imwrite(imgName+"_Global_Thresholding.png", th1)
#cv2.imshow(imgName+"Adaptive Mean Thresholding", th2)
cv2.imwrite(imgName+"_Adaptive_Mean_Thresholding.png", th2)
#cv2.imshow(imgName+"Adaptive Gaussian Thresholding", th3)
cv2.imwrite(imgName+"_Adaptive_Gaussian_Thresholding.png", th3)

th1 = cv2.threshold(th1, 240, 255, 1)[1]  # ensure binary
th2 = cv2.threshold(th2, 240, 255, 1)[1]  # ensure binary
th3 = cv2.threshold(th3, 240, 255, 1)[1]  # ensure binary

labels = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(th1)
labels2 = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(th2)
labels3 = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(th3)

def imshow_components(labels,num):
    # Map component labels to hue val
    label_hue = np.uint8(50000000*labels/np.max(labels))
    blank_ch = 255*np.ones_like(label_hue)
    labeled_img = cv2.merge([label_hue, blank_ch, blank_ch])

    # cvt to BGR for display
    labeled_img = cv2.cvtColor(labeled_img, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
コード例 #12
ファイル: mosaic.py プロジェクト: Quason/cloud-remove
def adjust0(fn_list):
    fn_base = fn_list[0]
    for i in range(len(fn_list) - 1):
        print('%d of %d...' % (i + 1, len(fn_list) - 1))
        fn_move = fn_list[i + 1]
        ds = gdal.Open(fn_move)
        geo_trans = ds.GetGeoTransform()
        proj_ref = ds.GetProjection()
        data_base = cv2.imread(fn_base).astype(float)
        data_move = cv2.imread(fn_move).astype(float)
        # 色调匹配
        # diff = np.sum(np.abs(data_move - data_base) / data_base, axis=2)
        # valid_key = diff < 0.5
        # for n_band in range(3):
        #     band_base = data_base[:, :, n_band]
        #     band_move = data_move[:, :, n_band]
        #     valid_key_t = valid_key * (band_base>10) * (band_base<240) * (band_move>10) * (band_move<240)
        #     invalid_key = (band_base==0) * (band_move==0)
        #     band_base = band_base[valid_key_t]
        #     band_move = band_move[valid_key_t]
        #     slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = st.linregress(band_move, band_base)
        #     data_move_single = data_move[:, :, n_band] * slope + intercept
        #     data_move_single[invalid_key] = 0
        #     data_move[:, :, n_band] = data_move_single
        # 确定替换条件
        data_move_gray = color.rgb2gray(data_move.astype(np.uint8)) * 255
        data_base_gray = color.rgb2gray(data_base.astype(np.uint8)) * 255
        thresh = 150
        key = (data_move_gray <= thresh) * (data_base_gray > thresh)
        # 去除碎斑
        label_cnt = np.shape(key)[0] * np.shape(key)[1]
        labels_struct = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(key.astype(np.uint8),
        key_simp = np.zeros(key.shape, np.uint8)
        area_thresh = 200
        base_std = np.std(data_base, axis=2)
        for j in range(labels_struct[0]):
            area_tmp = labels_struct[2][j][4]
            if (area_tmp > area_thresh) and (area_tmp < label_cnt * 0.1):
                key_tmp = labels_struct[1] == j
                # 云块一般为灰白色,std较低
                base_gray_extract = base_std[key_tmp]
                base_patch_std = np.mean(base_gray_extract)
                if base_patch_std < 10:
                    key_simp[key_tmp] = 1
        key = key_simp
        # 云区域膨胀
        kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (8, 8))
        key = cv2.dilate(key.astype(np.uint8), kernel)  # 膨胀
        key = key == 1
        # dilated2用于确定融合范围
        kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (10, 10))
        dilated2 = cv2.dilate(key.astype(np.uint8), kernel) * 255
        # 目标替换
        for j in range(3):
            band_data = data_base[:, :, j]
            data_select = data_move[:, :, j]
            band_data[key] = data_select[key]
            data_base[:, :, j] = band_data
        # 泊松融合
        mask = key.astype(np.uint8) * 255
        labels_struct = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(mask, connectivity=8)
        label_cnt = np.shape(mask)[0] * np.shape(mask)[1]
        bg_img = data_base.astype(np.uint8)
        data_move = data_move.astype(np.uint8)
        for i in range(labels_struct[0]):
            area_tmp = labels_struct[2][i][4]
            if (area_tmp > 100) and (area_tmp < label_cnt * 0.1):
                block_w0 = int(labels_struct[2][i][0])
                block_w1 = int(labels_struct[2][i][0] + labels_struct[2][i][2])
                block_h0 = int(labels_struct[2][i][1])
                block_h1 = int(labels_struct[2][i][1] + labels_struct[2][i][3])
                fg_img = data_move[block_h0:block_h1, block_w0:block_w1, :]
                mask_sub = dilated2[block_h0:block_h1, block_w0:block_w1]
                center = (int(
                    (block_w0 + block_w1) / 2), int((block_h0 + block_h1) / 2))
                output = cv2.seamlessClone(fg_img, bg_img, mask_sub, center,
                bg_img = output
        dst_fn = fn_base.replace('.tif', '_mosaic.tif')
        output_flip = np.copy(output)
        output_flip[:, :, 0] = output[:, :, 2]
        output_flip[:, :, 2] = output[:, :, 0]

        fn_base = dst_fn
コード例 #13
ファイル: mosaic.py プロジェクト: Quason/cloud-remove
def adjust(fn_list, fn_base_clear):
    img_base_clear = cv2.imread(fn_base_clear)
    ds = gdal.Open(fn_list[0])
    geo_trans = ds.GetGeoTransform()
    proj_ref = ds.GetProjection()
    img_width = ds.RasterXSize
    img_height = ds.RasterYSize
    img_stack = np.zeros((img_height, img_width, len(fn_list)), np.uint8)
    for i, item in enumerate(fn_list):
        img = cv2.imread(item)
        img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        img_stack[:, :, i] = img_gray
    min_stack = np.min(img_stack, axis=2)
    max_stack = np.max(img_stack, axis=2)
    median_stack = np.median(img_stack, axis=2)
    imedian_stack = np.zeros((img_height, img_width), np.uint8)

    # 判断基准图像的云分布
    img = cv2.imread(fn_list[0])
    img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    img_std = np.std(img.astype(float), axis=2)
    key_cloud = (img_gray == max_stack) * (img_gray > 150) * (img_std < 10) + (
        img_gray == 255)  # cloud
    cloud0 = np.zeros(key_cloud.shape, np.uint8)
    cloud0[key_cloud] = 255
    kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (5, 5))
    cloud0 = cv2.morphologyEx(cloud0, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)  # 开操作去除碎斑
    kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (5, 5))
    for i in range(20):
        cloud0 = cv2.dilate(cloud0, kernel)
    # dst_fn = fn_list[0].replace('.tif', '_cloud_shadow.tif')
    # utils.raster2tif(cloud0.astype(np.uint8), geo_trans, proj_ref, dst_fn, type='uint8', mask=True)

    # 判断其他影像的云分布
    cloud_stack = np.zeros(
        (np.shape(cloud0)[0], np.shape(cloud0)[1], len(fn_list) - 1), np.uint8)
    rgb_stack = []
    for i, item in enumerate(fn_list[1:]):
        print('    %s...' % item)
        img = cv2.imread(item)
        img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        img_std = np.std(img.astype(float), axis=2)
        key_cloud = (img_gray == max_stack) * (img_gray > 150) * (
            img_std < 10) + (img_gray == 255)  # cloud
        dst_fn = fn_list[0].replace('.tif', '_cloud_shadow.tif')
        cloud = np.zeros(key_cloud.shape, np.uint8)
        cloud[key_cloud] = 255
        kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (5, 5))
        cloud = cv2.morphologyEx(cloud, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)  # 开操作去除碎斑
        kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (5, 5))
        for n in range(10):
            cloud = cv2.dilate(cloud, kernel)
        cloud_stack[:, :, i] = (cloud == 255).astype(np.uint8)

    # 遍历寻找最合适的影像进行替换
    labels_struct = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(cloud0, connectivity=8)
    label_cnt = np.shape(cloud0)[0] * np.shape(cloud0)[1]
    img_bg = cv2.imread(fn_list[0])
    kernel_dilate = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (2, 2))
    for i in range(labels_struct[0]):
        area_tmp = labels_struct[2][i][4]
        cloud_cnt = np.Inf
        if (area_tmp < label_cnt * 0.5):
            key = labels_struct[1] == i
            key_uint8 = key.astype(np.uint8) * 255
            # key_dilation = cv2.dilate(key_uint8, kernel_dilate)
            # key_edge = (key_uint8==0) * (key_dilation==255)
            for j in range(len(fn_list) - 1):
                cloud_tmp = cloud_stack[:, :, j]
                cloud_cnt_tmp = np.sum(cloud_tmp[key])
                if cloud_cnt_tmp == 0:
                    cloud_cnt = cloud_cnt_tmp
                    select_index = j
                elif cloud_cnt_tmp < cloud_cnt:
                    cloud_cnt = cloud_cnt_tmp
                    select_index = j
            if cloud_cnt != 0:
                img_fg = img_base_clear
                img_fg = rgb_stack[select_index]
            block_w0 = int(labels_struct[2][i][0])
            block_w1 = int(labels_struct[2][i][0] + labels_struct[2][i][2])
            block_h0 = int(labels_struct[2][i][1])
            block_h1 = int(labels_struct[2][i][1] + labels_struct[2][i][3])
            img_fg_sub = img_fg[block_h0:block_h1, block_w0:block_w1, :]
            mask_sub = cloud0[block_h0:block_h1, block_w0:block_w1]
            center = (int(
                (block_w0 + block_w1) / 2), int((block_h0 + block_h1) / 2))
            output = cv2.seamlessClone(img_fg_sub, img_bg, mask_sub, center,
            img_bg = output
    output = np.flip(output, axis=2)
    dst_fn = fn_list[0].replace('.tif', '_mosaic.tif')
コード例 #14
    all_out = merge(out, num, padding)

    number = int(round(all_out.sum()))

    print('start drawing circles')

    points = all_out * 100
    res, binary = cv2.threshold(points, 3.5, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    if number < 300:
        out = cv2.dilate(binary, None, iterations=2)
        out = cv2.dilate(binary, None, iterations=1)

    out = np.array(out, dtype='uint8')

    nLabels, labels, stats, centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(
        out, connectivity=4)

    centroids = centroids[1:, ]

    nLabels = nLabels - 1
    center_x = centroids[:, 0]
    center_y = centroids[:, 1]

    all_img = cv2.imread(outfile, 1)

    for i in range(nLabels):
        cv2.circle(all_img, (int(round(center_x[i])), int(round(center_y[i]))),
                   5, (0, 0, 255), -1)

    cv2.putText(all_img, 'Number: ' + str(nLabels),
                (int(allRadius[0] - 300), int(allRadius[0])),
コード例 #15
kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
cv2.imshow('gray2', gray)
gray = cv2.erode(gray, kernel, 2)  # 通过腐蚀运算填补黑块内部的白色空隙
cv2.imshow('gray1', gray)
gray = cv2.threshold(gray, 90, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]  # 设置过滤无关边界内容
gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (3, 3), 0)  # 使图像模糊,便于减少无关图像干扰

gray = np.float32(gray)

dst = cv2.cornerHarris(gray, 2, 3, 0.04)  # 找到Harris角点
dst = cv2.dilate(dst, None)  # 膨胀操作
ret, dst = cv2.threshold(dst, 0.01 * dst.max(), 255, 0)  # 二值化,除去不相关图像
dst = cv2.GaussianBlur(dst, (3, 3), 0)  # 使图像模糊,便于减少无关图像干扰
dst = np.uint8(dst)

centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(dst)[3]  # 寻找连通区域
criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 100, 0.001
            )  # 设置终止条件,迭代30次或移动0.001
corners = cv2.cornerSubPix(gray, np.float32(centroids), (5, 5), (-1, -1),
                           criteria)  # cv2.cornerSubPix()检测十分精细,但不便于显示

res = np.hstack((centroids, corners))
res = np.int0(res)
# cv2.cornerHarris检测出的角点,粗略
pointImg[dst > 0.1012 * dst.max()] = [0, 0, 255]
# cv2.cornerSubPix检测出的角点,精确
pointImg[res[:, 1], res[:, 0]] = [0, 0, 255]
# 绿色点为修正点
pointImg[res[:, 3], res[:, 2]] = [0, 255, 0]

cv2.imshow('dst2', pointImg)
コード例 #16
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: Quason/cloud-remove
    img_std = np.std(img.astype(float), axis=2)
    key_cloud = (img_gray == max_stack) * (img_gray > 150) * (img_std < 10) + (
        img_gray == 255)  # cloud
    dst_fn = fn_list[0].replace('.tif', '_cloud_shadow.tif')
    cloud = np.zeros(key_cloud.shape, np.uint8)
    cloud[key_cloud] = 255
    kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (5, 5))
    cloud = cv2.morphologyEx(cloud, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)  # 开操作去除碎斑
    kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (5, 5))
    for n in range(10):
        cloud = cv2.dilate(cloud, kernel)
    cloud_stack[:, :, i] = (cloud == 255).astype(np.uint8)

# 遍历寻找最合适的影像进行替换
labels_struct = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(cloud0, connectivity=8)
label_cnt = np.shape(cloud0)[0] * np.shape(cloud0)[1]
img_bg = cv2.imread(fn_list[0])
kernel_dilate = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (2, 2))
for i in range(labels_struct[0]):
    area_tmp = labels_struct[2][i][4]
    cloud_cnt = np.Inf
    if (area_tmp < label_cnt * 0.5):
        key = labels_struct[1] == i
        key_uint8 = key.astype(np.uint8) * 255
        # key_dilation = cv2.dilate(key_uint8, kernel_dilate)
        # key_edge = (key_uint8==0) * (key_dilation==255)
        for j in range(len(fn_list) - 1):
            cloud_tmp = cloud_stack[:, :, j]
            cloud_cnt_tmp = np.sum(cloud_tmp[key])
            if cloud_cnt_tmp == 0: