コード例 #1
def testingMethod(img: numpy.ndarray):
    greyImg = cv2.cvtColor(src=img, code=cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    hog = HOGDescriptor((8, 16), (8, 8), (8, 8), (8, 8),
                        9)  # 16x32 -> col,row -> x,y
    hogDescriptors = []
    for i in range(0, 1000, 4):
        roi = greyImg[i:i + 16, i:i + 8]

    # create bf for knn matching
    bf = cv2.BFMatcher()
    description = numpy.array(hogDescriptors)  # convert to numpy.ndarray
    matches = bf.knnMatch(description, description, k=2)

    minimumDistance = 10000
    for i, (m, n) in enumerate(matches):
        if minimumDistance > n.distance - m.distance:
            minimumDistance = n.distance - m.distance

        print(' m query index = ', m.queryIdx, '| m train index = ',
              m.trainIdx, '| n query index = ', n.queryIdx,
              '| n train index = ', n.trainIdx, '| n distance - ', n.distance,
              '| m distance - ', m.distance, ' | distance : ',
              n.distance - m.distance)

    print('total matches', len(matches))
    print('minimum matches :', minimumDistance)
コード例 #2
def flannBasedMachHOG(image: numpy.uint8) -> None:
    """this will detect image keypoints using SIFT algorithm and match them using flannBasedMatch"""

    hog = HOGDescriptor((8, 8), (8, 8), (8, 8), (8, 8),
                        9)  # 16x32 -> col,row -> x,y

    hogDescriptor1 = []
    hogDescriptor2 = []
    for i in range(1, 20):  # iterating to get 10 descriptors
        hogDescriptor1.append(hog.compute(img=image[90 - i:240 - i, 100:300]))
        hogDescriptor2.append(hog.compute(img=image[70 + i:220 + i, 300:500]))

    # converting arrays to numpy.ndarray of data type float32
    print('length of all descriptors - ', len(hogDescriptor2))
    print('length - ', len(hogDescriptor2[1]))
    print('length - ', len(hogDescriptor1[2]))
    print('type - ', type(numpy.float32(hogDescriptor1)))
    hogDescriptor1 = numpy.float32(hogDescriptor1)
    hogDescriptor2 = numpy.float32(hogDescriptor2)

    # FLANN parameters
    index_params = dict(algorithm=FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE, trees=5)
    search_params = dict(checks=50)  # or pass empty dictionary

    flann = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher(index_params, search_params)

    matches = flann.knnMatch(hogDescriptor1, hogDescriptor2, k=2)
    print('length of matches : ', len(matches), ' type of matches - ',

    # ratio test as per Lowe's paper
    count = 0
    for i, (m, n) in enumerate(matches):
        if abs(m.distance - n.distance) < 0.8:
            count += 1
            print('distance : ', (n.distance - m.distance), m.trainIdx,
            # print(n.distance - m.distance)  # n has the higher value than m (always - did not encounter other way round)
    print('total count of matches : ', count)
コード例 #3
def calculateHOGofSuspectAreas():
    hog = HOGDescriptor((8, 8), (8, 8), (8, 8), (8, 8),
                        9)  # 16x32 -> col,row -> x,y
    # hogDescriptor1 = hog.compute(img=cv2.imread('/home/waasala/workspace/gimp/colorFlower.jpeg')[0:128, 0:64])
    # hogDescriptor2 = hog.compute(img=cv2.imread('/home/waasala/workspace/gimp/colorFlower.jpeg')[0:128, 0:64])
    image = ProcessImages.resizeImage(
        0, cv2.imread('/home/waasala/workspace/gimp/colorBird.jpeg')
    )  #imread('/home/waasala/workspace/PycharmProjects/OpenCVBasic/cloningDetection/image.png'))
    hogDescriptor1 = hog.compute(img=image[90:240, 100:300])
    hogDescriptor2 = hog.compute(img=image[70:220, 300:500])
    # # hogDescriptor1 = hog.detect(img=cv2.imread('/home/waasala/workspace/gimp/colorFlower.jpeg')[350:550, 350:550])
    # # hogDescriptor2 = hog.detect(img=cv2.imread('/home/waasala/workspace/gimp/colorFlower.jpeg')[250:550, 250:550])
    print('type of hog descriptor_1 - ', type(hogDescriptor1),
          ' first value of descriptor_1 - ', hogDescriptor1[0])
    print('type of hog descriptor_2 - ', type(hogDescriptor2),
          ' first value of descriptor_2 - ', hogDescriptor2[0])
    print('distance : ',
          scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean(hogDescriptor1, hogDescriptor2))
    image[90:240, 100:300, 0] = 0
    image[55:205, 300:500, 1] = 0
    cv2.imshow('test', hogDescriptor1)
コード例 #4
def calculsteHOGofSuspectAreas(suspectAreas: dict):
    hog = HOGDescriptor()
    returnVAl = hog.compute(img=suspectAreas.area1)
コード例 #5
def matchWithHOGKNN(noSIFTkeySegValList: list,
                    segments: numpy.ndarray,
                    imageColor: numpy.ndarray,
                    threshold=0.004) -> dict:
    """this will return array of numpy.ndarray of matched areas"""
    greyImage = cv2.cvtColor(src=imageColor, code=cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    '''prepare the HOG descriptor'''
    # detection_window_col = 8
    # detection_window_row = 16
    # hog = HOGDescriptor((detection_window_col, detection_window_row), (8, 8), (8, 8), (8, 8),
    #                     9)  # 16x32 -> col,row -> x,y
    # detection_window_col = 16
    # detection_window_row = 32
    # hog = HOGDescriptor((detection_window_col, detection_window_row), (16, 16), (8, 8), (8, 8),
    #                     9)  # 16x32 -> col,row -> x,y

    detection_window_col = 32
    detection_window_row = 32
    hog = HOGDescriptor((detection_window_col, detection_window_row), (16, 16),
                        (8, 8), (8, 8), 9)  # 16x32 -> col,row -> x,y
    ''''preparing a dictionary to hold the descriptors of all segments'''
    dictionary = {}
    '''dictionary to hold the matched patches with key->segmentValue | value->array_of_matched_segments'''
    matchedSegments = {}

    min_height = 10000  # for testing purposes
    min_width = 10000  # for testing purposes
    '''assuming cloned area is not in the same segment - 
    iterating over the list of segment values those without enough keys detected'''
    for segVal in noSIFTkeySegValList:
        rows, cols = numpy.where(segments == segVal)

        if max(rows) - min(rows) < min_height:  # for testing purposes
            min_height = max(rows) - min(rows)  # for testing purposes
        if max(cols) - min(cols) < min_width:  # for testing purposes
            min_width = max(cols) - min(cols)  # for testing purposes
        '''checking if the segment is large enough to run the window'''
        if ((max(rows) - min(rows)) > detection_window_row) & (
            (max(cols) - min(cols)) > detection_window_col):
            '''iterating the HOG sliding window'''
            for y in range(min(rows), max(rows) - detection_window_row, 4):
                for x in range(min(cols), max(cols) - detection_window_col, 4):
                    roi = greyImage[y:y + detection_window_row, x:x +
                                    detection_window_col]  # [y1:y2, x1:x2]
                    '''add the descriptor with segment value'''
                    # temp_h_o_g_descriptors.append(hog.compute(img=roi))
                    dictionary[SegVal(segVal)] = hog.compute(img=roi)

            # '''after iterating the HOG kernel over the segment, add the descriptors to the dictionary'''
            # dictionary[segVal] = temp_h_o_g_descriptors
    print('segments with proper size for HOG : ', len(dictionary))
    print('minimum height of roi -', min_height, ' | minimum width of roi -',
    '''after iterating over all the segments that are without the required amount of key points,
    compare between the descriptors of each segment obtained
    here in the dictionary key->segment_value | value->HOG descriptor'''
    minimum_distance = 10000  # for testing purposes
    '''prepare a numpy array of HOG descriptors'''
    hog_descriptors = numpy.array(list(dictionary.values()))
    list_of_keys = numpy.array(list(dictionary.keys()))
    print('every thing is fine since descriptors and keys are of same length-',
          len(hog_descriptors), ',', len(list_of_keys))
    # print('check with final item : ',hog_descriptors[758] == hog_descriptors[645],'segment value : ',)
    # print('check final item test 2 : ', hog_descriptors[49415] == hog_descriptors[9143])
    # print('check final item test 3 : ', hog_descriptors[49415] == hog_descriptors[6252])
    '''prepare the BF matcher'''
    bf = cv2.BFMatcher()
    matches = bf.knnMatch(hog_descriptors, hog_descriptors, k=2)
    '''iterating over matches to get the best matches'''
    for i, (m, n) in enumerate(matches):
        distance = abs(n.distance - m.distance)

        # if distance < minimum_distance:  # for testing purposes
        #     minimum_distance = distance  # for testing purposes

        if distance < 0.4:
            print(' m query index = ', m.queryIdx, '| m train index = ',
                  m.trainIdx, '| n query index = ', n.queryIdx,
                  '| n train index = ', n.trainIdx, '| n distance - ',
                  n.distance, '| m distance - ', m.distance, ' | distance : ',
            '''obtain the segment values for matched descriptors'''
            keyValue1 = list_of_keys[m.queryIdx].segmentValue
            keyValue2 = list_of_keys[n.trainIdx].segmentValue
            # tested combinations -
            # (m.queryIdx,n.trainIdx):"seem to be fine a little"
            # (m.queryIdx,m.trainIdx):"I think this is not working"
            '''need to make sure that the descriptors arenot of the same segment'''
            if keyValue1 != keyValue2:
                print('above is taken')
                '''fill into the return array of matches'''
                if keyValue1 in matchedSegments:
                elif keyValue2 in matchedSegments:
                    matchedSegments[keyValue1] = [keyValue2]

    print('the minimum distance rechorded : ', minimum_distance)
    return matchedSegments
コード例 #6
def matchWithHOGDescriptors(noSIFTkeySegValList: list,
                            segments: numpy.ndarray,
                            imageColor: numpy.ndarray,
                            threshold=15) -> dict:
    """this will return array of numpy.ndarray of matched areas"""
    greyImage = cv2.cvtColor(src=imageColor, code=cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    '''prepare the HOG descriptor'''
    detection_window_col = 8
    detection_window_row = 8
    hog = HOGDescriptor((detection_window_col, detection_window_row), (8, 8),
                        (8, 8), (8, 8), 9)  # 16x32 -> col,row -> x,y
    ''''preparing a dictionary to hold the descriptors of all segments'''
    dictionary = {}
    '''dictionary to hold the matched patches with key->segmentValue | value->array_of_matched_segments'''
    matchedSegments = {}

    min_height = 10000  # for testing purposes
    min_width = 10000  # for testing purposes
    '''assuming cloned area is not in the same segment - 
    iterating over the list of segment values those without enough keys detected'''
    for segVal in noSIFTkeySegValList:
        rows, cols = numpy.where(segments == segVal)
        '''initializing a dictionary to hold hog descriptors for the segment'''
        temp_h_o_g_descriptors = []

        if max(rows) - min(rows) < min_height:  # for testing purposes
            min_height = max(rows) - min(rows)  # for testing purposes
        if max(cols) - min(cols) < min_width:  # for testing purposes
            min_width = max(cols) - min(cols)  # for testing purposes
        '''checking if the segment is large enough to run the window'''
        if ((max(rows) - min(rows)) > detection_window_row) & (
            (max(cols) - min(cols)) > detection_window_col):
            '''iterating the HOG sliding window'''
            for y in range(min(rows), max(rows) - detection_window_row, 4):
                for x in range(min(cols), max(cols) - detection_window_col, 4):
                    roi = greyImage[y:y + detection_window_row, x:x +
                                    detection_window_col]  # [y1:y2, x1:x2]
                    '''check if the area of interest is more then the kernel size of HOG descriptor'''
            '''after iterating the HOG kernel over the segment, add the descriptors to the dictionary'''
            dictionary[segVal] = temp_h_o_g_descriptors
    print('segments with proper size for HOG : ', len(dictionary))
    print('minimum height of roi -', min_height, ' | minimum width of roi -',
    '''after iterating over all the segments that are without the required amount of key points,
    compare between the descriptors of each segment obtained
    here in the dictionary key->segment_value | value->2D_array_of_descriptors'''
    minimum_distance = 10000  # for testing purposes
    for index1, keyValue1 in enumerate(dictionary):
        for index2, keyValue2 in enumerate(dictionary):
            if index2 > index1:
                '''iterating over the each descriptor of the segment'''
                for descriptor1 in dictionary[keyValue1]:
                    for descriptor2 in dictionary[keyValue2]:
                        distance = scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean(
                            descriptor1, descriptor2)

                        if distance < minimum_distance:  # for testing purposes
                            minimum_distance = distance  # for testing purposes

                        if distance < threshold:
                            '''fill into the return array of matches'''
                            if keyValue1 in matchedSegments:
                            elif keyValue2 in matchedSegments:
                                matchedSegments[keyValue1] = [keyValue2]

    print('the minimum distance rechorded : ', minimum_distance)
    return matchedSegments