def classify(imgName): global img global FP global TP loadImage(imgName+'.jpg') loadMask(imgName+'.png') img=cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) imgHeight=img.shape[0] imgWidth=img.shape[1] blank_image =np.zeros((imgHeight, imgWidth, 1), np.uint8) for x in range(0, imgHeight): for y in range(0,imgWidth): A=img[x,y][0] A=translate(A,0,255,0,31) B=img[x,y][1] B=translate(B,0,255,0,31) histopeau=hist_fullHSVF[A,B] histononpeau=hist_fullHSVR[A,B] print (histopeau*percentPeau)/(histopeau*percentPeau+histononpeau*(100-percentPeau)) if((histopeau*percentPeau)/(histopeau*percentPeau+histononpeau*(100-percentPeau))>0.001): blank_image[x,y]=255 if(mask[x,y]!=0): TP+=1 else: FP+=1 else: blank_image[x,y]=0 cv2.imwrite('output2.jpg',blank_image) print TP print FP sys.exit()
def main(): for fname in glob("left/*/*/ein/sceneModel/model.yml"): print fname f = open(fname) lines = [] # ignore the %YAML:1.0, because the python parser doesn't handle 1.0. f.readline() for line in f: # for some reason the python parser doesn't like this line either. if "background_pose" in line: continue lines.append(line) data = "\n".join(lines) ymlobject = yaml.load(data) #print ymlobject scene = ymlobject["Scene"] observed_map = GaussianMap.fromYaml(scene["observed_map"]) image = observed_map.toImage() cv2.imwrite("observed.png", image) cv2.imshow("observed map", image) print "observed map: ", observed_map.width, "x", observed_map.height dimage = readMatFromYaml(scene["discrepancy_magnitude"]) cv2.imshow("discrepancy magnitude", dimage) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): ''' This function applies your split script to images. It will search through the images/part0 subfolder, and apply your splitting function to each one. It will then save the resulting images. ''' imagesfolder0 = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.curdir, 'images', 'part0')) print '''Searching for images in {} folder (will ignore red, green, or blue in the name)'''.format(imagesfolder0) exts = ['.bmp', '.pbm', '.pgm', '.ppm', '.sr', '.ras', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.jpe', '.jp2', '.tiff', '.tif', '.png'] for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(imagesfolder0): for filename in filenames: name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext in exts and 'red' not in name and 'green' not in name and \ 'blue' not in name: print "Splitting image {}.".format(filename) img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dirname, filename)) red, green, blue = split_rgb(img) for values, color, channel in zip((red, green, blue), ('red', 'green', 'blue'), (2,1,0)): img = np.zeros((values.shape[0], values.shape[1], 3), dtype = values.dtype) img[:,:,channel] = values print "Writing image {}.".format(name+color+ext) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dirname, name+color+ext), img)
def tryconcat(): flist=[] for j in range(8): for i in range(16): flist.append(cv2.imread('tmp/%d_%d_%d.jpg'%(i,j,1))) img=concat_images(flist, 8, 16) cv2.imwrite("temp_hd.jpg", img)
def skeletonization(img): ''' ''' img = img.copy() img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) size = np.size(img) skel = np.zeros(img.shape, np.uint8) # ret, img = cv2.threshold(img, 127, 255, 0) img = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 7, 2) element = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_CROSS, (3, 3)) while True: eroded = cv2.erode(img, element) temp = cv2.dilate(eroded, element) temp = cv2.subtract(img, temp) skel = cv2.bitwise_or(skel, temp) img = eroded.copy() zeros = size - cv2.countNonZero(img) if zeros == size: break cv2.imwrite("skel.png", skel) return skel
def show_img(data, suffix, show): global wnd_x global wnd_y if data == None: return image = data.astype(np.uint8) if image.shape[0] == 6: img = image.transpose(1,2,0) img1 = img[:,:,:3] img2 = img[:,:,3:] else: img1 = image[0] img2 = image[1] filename = 'img-1-'+suffix+'.jpg' cv2.imwrite(filename, img1) if show: cv2.imshow("IMG 1", img1) cv2.moveWindow("IMG 1", wnd_x, wnd_y) filename = 'img-2-'+suffix+'.jpg' cv2.imwrite(filename, img2) if show: cv2.imshow("IMG 2", img2) wnd_x+=300 cv2.moveWindow("IMG 2", wnd_x, wnd_y) wnd_x=10 wnd_y+=300
def detect(filename, cascade_file = "lbpcascade_animeface.xml"): if not os.path.isfile(cascade_file): raise RuntimeError("%s: not found" % cascade_file) cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cascade_file) image = cv2.imread(filename) gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray = cv2.equalizeHist(gray) faces = cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, # detector options scaleFactor = 1.1, minNeighbors = 5, minSize = (256, 256)) faceCount = 0; for (x, y, w, h) in faces: print (x, y, w, h) # cv2.rectangle(image, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 0, 255), 2) if len(sys.argv) >= 3: filanameWithExtension = os.path.basename(sys.argv[1]) filename = os.path.splitext(filanameWithExtension)[0] savepath = os.path.join(sys.argv[2], filename + "-" + str(faceCount) + ".png"); cv2.imwrite(savepath, image[y:y+h,x:x+w]) faceCount = faceCount + 1
def run(self): self.ratio = 100 self.resize_im = array([]) while True: ch = 0xFF & cv2.waitKey(50) if ch == 27: break if ch in [ord('s'), ord('S')]: if self.resize_im.any(): cv2.imwrite(str(self.filename), self.resize_im) print 'Image Saved.' break if ch in [ord('a'), ord('A')]: newFilename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save File As...', os.getenv('HOME'), "Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)") if newFilename: if self.resize_im.any(): cv2.imwrite(str(newFilename), self.resize_im) print 'Image Saved as ' + newFilename break if ch in [ord('r'), ord('R')]: ratio, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, 'Set Image Ratio', 'Type ratio value in % (ex: 80): ') if ok: if int(ratio) > 0 and int(ratio) <= 100: self.ratio = int(ratio) self.resizeImage() else: print 'Image scale must be between 1 and 100' cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def verb_showfilters(argv): """Dump source code of session""" f = KITNNFile(argv[2]) s = f.getSession(argv[3]).d["snap/1"] fine = s["data/2" ][...] medium = s["data/8" ][...] coarse = s["data/14"][...] w = 3+(16*7+15*3)+3 h = 3+( 9*7+ 8*3)+3 img= np.zeros((h,w,3), dtype="uint8") for i in xrange(9): for j in xrange(16): n = i*16+j if i in [0,1,2]: card = fine [n- 0] elif i in [3,4,5]: card = medium[n-48] elif i in [6,7,8]: card = coarse[n-96] card -= np.min(card) card /= np.max(card) card = card.transpose(1,2,0) img[3+i*10:3+i*10+7, 3+j*10:3+j*10+7] = 255*card img = cv2.resize(img, (0,0), None, 8, 8, cv2.INTER_NEAREST) cv2.imshow("Filters", img) cv2.imwrite("Filters.png", img) cv2.waitKey()
def featureMatching(input_keypoint_list, input_xy_list, input_img, template_img): #inputとtemplateのkeypoint_binary,xy_listを読み込む template_keypoint_list = [] template_keypoint = csv.reader(open('template_keypoint_binary.csv', 'r')) for temp_key in template_keypoint: template_keypoint_list.append(map(int,temp_key)) template_xy_list = [] template_xy = csv.reader(open('template_keypoint_xy.csv', 'r')) for temp_xy in template_xy: template_xy_list.append(map(int,temp_xy)) x_sum_img = len(input_img[0]) + len(template_img[0]) sum_img = np.zeros((len(input_img), x_sum_img), np.uint8) sum_img = np.hstack((input_img, template_img)) template_add_xsize = [] #ハミング距離をとって0になったらマッチングとする for temp_y in xrange(0,len(template_keypoint_list)): for inp_y in xrange(0,len(input_keypoint_list)): calc_list = template_keypoint_list[temp_y] - input_keypoint_list[inp_y] #print 'template_xy' + str(template_xy_list[temp_y]) #print 'input_xy' + str(input_xy_list[inp_y]) if all((x == 0 for x in calc_list)) == True: #マッチングした時のkeypoint_bineryと同じ場所のx,yの値を画像平面上にマッピングし、結果を出力 print 'get match' temp_xy = template_xy_list[temp_y] inp_xy = input_xy_list[inp_y] template_add_xsize = [temp_xy[1] + len(input_img[0]),temp_xy[0]] input_change_xy = [inp_xy[1],inp_xy[0]] add_input = tuple(input_change_xy) add_template = tuple(template_add_xsize),add_input,3,(0,0,0),-1),add_template,3,(0,0,255),-1) #cv2.line(sum_img,add_input,add_template,(255,255,0),1) #print 'add_input = ' +str(add_input) + ' add_template = ' +str(add_template) print 'quit calc' cv2.imwrite('sum_img.tif', sum_img)
def coolBlack(): IMAGE_WEIGHT = 0.5 image = cv2.imread("G:/Filters/wasim.jpg",0) black = cv2.imread("G:/Filters/black5.jpg",0) black = cv2.resize(black, image.shape[::-1]) res1 = cv2.addWeighted(image, IMAGE_WEIGHT, black, 1 - IMAGE_WEIGHT, 1) #NORMALIZE IMAGES image = np.float32(image) black = np.float32(black) image /= 255 black /= 200 res = image*black cv2.imshow("RES", res) cv2.waitKey(0) fname = "G:/Filtes/temp.jpg" cv2.imwrite(fname, res) res = cv2.imread(fname, 0) cv2.imshow("BLACK", res) cv2.waitKey(0)
def exitFrame(self): """Draw to the window. Write to files. Release the frame.""" if self.frame is None: self._enteredFrame = False return # Update the FPS estimate and related variables. if self._framesElapsed == 0: self._startTime = time.time() else: timeElapsed = time.time() - self._startTime self._fpsEstimate = self._framesElapsed / timeElapsed self._framesElapsed += 1 # Draw to the window, if any. if self.previewWindowManager is not None: if self.shouldMirrorPreview: mirroredFrame = numpy.fliplr(self._frame).copy() else: # Write to the image file, if any. if self.isWritingImage: cv2.imwrite(self._imageFilename, self._frame) self._imageFilename = None # Write to the video file, if any. self._writeVideoFrame() # Release the frame. self._frame = None self._enteredFrame = False
def describeNegativeHelper(imagePath, output): outputImagePath = '%s%s' % (imagePath, outputImageExtension) image = cv2.imread(imagePath) # Save an equalized version of the image. cv2.imwrite(outputImagePath, equalizedGray(image)) # Append the equalized image to the negative description. print >> output, outputImagePath
def calibrate(filenames): # termination criteria criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.001) # prepare object points, like (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (2,0,0) ....,(6,5,0) objp = np.zeros((6*7,3), np.float32) objp[:,:2] = np.mgrid[0:7,0:6].T.reshape(-1,2) # Arrays to store object points and image points from all the images. objpoints = [] # 3d point in real world space imgpoints = [] # 2d points in image plane. images = [] for filename in filenames: # Find the chess board corners. If found, add object points, image points (after refining them) img = cv2.imread(filename) if img != None: print "Loaded " + repr(filename) else: print "Unable to load image " + repr(filename) continue images.append(img) gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) ret, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(gray, (7,6), None) if ret == True: objpoints.append(objp) corners2 = cv2.cornerSubPix(gray, corners, (11,11), (-1,-1), criteria) imgpoints.append(corners2) ret, mtx, dist, rvecs, tvecs = cv2.calibrateCamera(objpoints, imgpoints, gray.shape[::-1],None,None) print "Loaded all images and calbulated calibration" for i, img in enumerate(images): img = images[i] h, w = img.shape[:2] newcameramtx, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(mtx, dist, (w,h), 1, (w,h)) dst = cv2.undistort(img, mtx, dist, None, newcameramtx) x, y, w, h = roi cv2.imwrite( 'calibrated/out_' + str(i) + '.png', dst[ y : y+h, x : x+w ]) print "Outputted calibrated image: 'calibrated/out_" + str(i) + ".png'"
def Get_wall_coordinates(source, dest): x = source; y = dest; # *******************************Image Processing for identifying corners in the image********************************** image = cv2.imread(x) gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray = np.float32(gray) dst = cv2.cornerHarris(gray, 2, 3, 0.04) image[dst > 0.01 * dst.max()] = [0, 0, 255] cv2.imwrite('coordinateImage.jpg', image) # *******************************Getting the pixel values of the detected corners*************************************** getCoord = np.where(np.all(image == (0, 0, 255), axis=-1)) coordinates = zip(getCoord[0], getCoord[1]) x = np.array(coordinates, dtype="int") print ("Coordinates : ") print (x) # ******************************* Generating the text file ************************************************************* filename1 = open(y, "w") filename1.write(str(coordinates)) filename1.close() #plt.scatter(getCoord[0], getCoord[1])
def extractDescriptor(fileName,descriptor,space,channel): descriptorName = "../temp/faces/" + fileName[19:-4] + "-" + descriptor + "-descriptor.txt" nameSpace = "" nname = fileName newName = nname[:-3] + "ppm" sourceImg = cv2.imread(fileName) if space == 0: destImg = cv2.cvtColor(sourceImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) elif space == 1: destImg = cv2.cvtColor(sourceImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) elif space == 2: destImg = cv2.cvtColor(sourceImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YCR_CB) elif space == 4: destImg = cv2.cvtColor(sourceImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB) else: destImg = sourceImg cv2.imwrite(nname,destImg) command = "convert " + nname + " " + newName os.system(command) command = "rm " + fileName os.system(command) upperDesc = descriptor.upper() if (upperDesc == "ACC") or (upperDesc == "BIC") or (upperDesc == "LCH") or (upperDesc == "CCV"): command = "../descriptors/" + descriptor + "/source/bin/./" + descriptor + "_extraction " + newName + " " + descriptorName else: command = "../descriptors/" + descriptor + "/source/bin/./" + descriptor + "_extraction " + newName + " " + descriptorName + " " + str(channel) os.system(command)
def run(self): runFlag = True cv2.namedWindow("TurtleCam 9000", 1) while(runFlag): image, timesImageServed = self.robot.getImage() with self.lock: if timesImageServed > 30: if self.stalled == False: print "Camera Stalled!" self.stalled = True else: self.stalled = False frame = self.mcs.update(image.copy()) cv2.imshow("TurtleCam 9000", frame) code = chr(cv2.waitKey(10) & 255) if code == 't': cv2.imwrite("/home/macalester/catkin_ws/src/speedy_nav/res/captures/cap-" + str( + ".jpg", image) print "Image saved!" if code == 'q': break with self.lock: runFlag = self.runFlag
def locate_thumbnail(thumbnail_filename, source_filename, display=False, save_visualization=False, save_reconstruction=False, reconstruction_format="jpg"): thumbnail_basename, thumbnail_image = open_image(thumbnail_filename) source_basename, source_image = open_image(source_filename)"Attempting to locate %s within %s", thumbnail_filename, source_filename) kp_pairs = match_images(thumbnail_image, source_image) if len(kp_pairs) >= 4: title = "Found %d matches" % len(kp_pairs) H, mask = find_homography(kp_pairs) new_thumbnail, corners, rotation = reconstruct_thumbnail(thumbnail_image, source_image, kp_pairs, H) print(json.dumps({ "master": { "source": source_filename, "dimensions": { "height": source_image.shape[0], "width": source_image.shape[1], } }, "thumbnail": { "source": thumbnail_filename, "dimensions": { "height": thumbnail_image.shape[0], "width": thumbnail_image.shape[1], } }, "bounding_box": { "height": corners[0][1] - corners[0][0], "width": corners[1][1] - corners[1][0], "x": corners[1][0], "y": corners[0][0], }, "rotation_degrees": rotation })) if save_reconstruction: new_filename = "%s.reconstructed.%s" % (thumbnail_basename, reconstruction_format) cv2.imwrite(new_filename, new_thumbnail)"Saved reconstructed thumbnail %s", new_filename) else: logging.warning("Found only %d matches; skipping reconstruction", len(kp_pairs)) new_thumbnail = corners = H = mask = None if display or save_visualization: vis_image = visualize_matches(source_image, thumbnail_image, new_thumbnail, corners, kp_pairs, mask) if save_visualization: vis_filename = "%s.visualized%s" % os.path.splitext(thumbnail_filename) cv2.imwrite(vis_filename, vis_image)"Saved match visualization %s", vis_filename) if display: cv2.imshow(title, vis_image) cv2.waitKey() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def showImageandPlot(N): #A simple attenmpt to get mouse inputs and display images using matplotlib I = cv2.imread('groundfloor.bmp') drawI = I.copy() #make figure and two subplots fig = figure(1) ax1 = subplot(1,2,1) ax2 = subplot(1,2,2) ax1.imshow(I) ax2.imshow(drawI) ax1.axis('image') ax1.axis('off') points = fig.ginput(5) fig.hold('on') for p in points: #Draw on figure subplot(1,2,1) plot(p[0],p[1],'rx') #Draw in image,(int(p[0]),int(p[1])),2,(0,255,0),10) ax2.cla ax2.imshow(drawI) draw() #update display: updates are usually defered show() savefig('somefig.jpg') cv2.imwrite("drawImage.jpg", drawI)
def img_test(forest, feature_extractor, points, colors, filename, size=512, radius=3, proba=True): img = np.zeros((size, size, 3)) v_min = points.min() v_max = points.max() step = float(v_max - v_min) / img.shape[0] grid = np.arange(v_min, v_max, step) xy = np.array(list(itertools.product(grid, grid))) features = feature_extractor.apply_all(xy) if proba: r = forest.predict_proba(features) col =, colors) else: r = forest.predict(features).astype('int32') col = colors[r] img[((xy[:, 1] - v_min) / step).astype('int32'), ((xy[:, 0] - v_min) / step).astype('int32')] = col points = ((points - v_min) / step).astype('int') for p, r in zip(points, responses): col = tuple(colors[int(r)]), tuple(p), radius + 1, (0, 0, 0), thickness=-1), tuple(p), radius, col, thickness=-1) cv2.imwrite(filename, img)
def show_circle(img, img_file_name): temp_img = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5) c_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) circles = find_circle(temp_img, 10, 100, 30) ix, iy = 0, 0 if circles is None: circle_out_str = "_circle_%d-%d.png" % (ix, iy) circle_out_file = re.sub(r'\.jpg', circle_out_str, img_file_name) cv2.imwrite(circle_out_file, c_img) return False for i in circles[0, :]: center = (i[0], i[1]) ix, iy = i[0], i[1] radius = i[2] circle_color = (0, 255, 0), center, radius, circle_color, 1) center_color = (0, 0, 255), center, 2, center_color, 1) circle_out_str = "_circle_%d-%d.png" % (ix, iy) circle_out_file = re.sub(r'\.jpg', circle_out_str, img_file_name) cv2.imwrite(circle_out_file, c_img) return True
def show_results(self, image, results, imshow=True, deteted_boxes_file=None, detected_image_file=None): """Show the detection boxes""" img_cp = image.copy() if deteted_boxes_file: f = open(deteted_boxes_file, "w") # draw boxes for i in range(len(results)): x = int(results[i][1]) y = int(results[i][2]) w = int(results[i][3]) // 2 h = int(results[i][4]) // 2 if self.verbose: print(" class: %s, [x, y, w, h]=[%d, %d, %d, %d], confidence=%f" % (results[i][0], x, y, w, h, results[i][-1])) cv2.rectangle(img_cp, (x - w, y - h), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(img_cp, (x - w, y - h - 20), (x + w, y - h), (125, 125, 125), -1) cv2.putText(img_cp, results[i][0] + ' : %.2f' % results[i][5], (x - w + 5, y - h - 7), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 0), 1) if deteted_boxes_file: f.write(results[i][0] + ',' + str(x) + ',' + str(y) + ',' + str(w) + ',' + str(h)+',' + str(results[i][5]) + '\n') if imshow: cv2.imshow('YOLO_small detection', img_cp) cv2.waitKey(1) if detected_image_file: cv2.imwrite(detected_image_file, img_cp) if deteted_boxes_file: f.close()
def test(): # 3 cards on flat table cards_3 = cv2.imread('images/set-3-texture.jpg') # 5 cards at an angle cards_5 = cv2.imread('images/set-5-random.jpg') thresh_3 = s.get_binary(cards_3) contours = s.find_contours(thresh_3, 3) assert len(s.transform_cards(cards_3, contours, 3)) == 3 res5 = s.detect_cards(cards_5) assert res5 is not None and len(res5) == 5 res3 = s.detect_cards(cards_3) assert res3 is not None and len(res3) == 3 for i in range(len(res5)): c = res5[i] #, 'card') cv2.imwrite('images/cards/card-5-%d.jpg' % i, c) for i in range(len(res3)): c = res3[i] #, 'card') cv2.imwrite('images/cards/card-3-%d.jpg' % i, c) # for cards detected, get properties for link in os.listdir('images/cards'): img = cv2.imread('images/cards/%s' % link) test_props(img) print 'tests pass'
def det2negative(xmldoc, opath): samples = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('sample') for sample in samples: detections = sample.getElementsByTagName('detections') detections = minidom.parseString(detections[0].toxml()) detections = detections.getElementsByTagName("_") if len(detections) is not 0: path = sample.getElementsByTagName("path") path = path[0].firstChild.nodeValue mat = cv2.imread(path) mat_h, mat_w, _ = mat.shape for detection in detections: detection = detection.childNodes for each in detection: rect = eval(re.sub( r"\b\s\b", ",", re.sub(r"\n", "[", each.nodeValue )) + "]") print rect ratio = 64.0 / rect[3] print rect, ratio mat = resize(mat, int(round(mat_w * ratio)), int(round(mat_h * ratio))) rect[0] = int(round(ratio * rect[0])) - 10 rect[1] = int(round(ratio * rect[1])) - 10 rect[2] = rect[0] + 32 + 20 rect[3] = rect[1] + 64 + 20 try: cropped = mat[rect[1]:(rect[3]), rect[0]:(rect[2]), :] img = os.path.join(opath, ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for i in range(8)) + ".png") cr_h, cr_w, _ = cropped.shape if cr_h is 84 and cr_w is 52: cv2.imwrite(img, cropped) except: pass
def listener(): global fnobj rospy.init_node('reconocimiento', anonymous=True) rospy.Subscriber("chatter", coordenadas, callback) rate = rospy.Rate(50) #hz cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) fnobj = 'logo.png' opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', ['feature=']) opts = dict(opts) feature_name = opts.get('--feature', 'sift') while not rospy.is_shutdown(): ret, frame = crop_img = frame[y:h,x:w] cv2.imwrite("full.png",crop_img) img1 = cv2.imread('full.png',0) img2 = cv2.imread(fnobj, 0) detector, matcher = init_feature(feature_name) if detector != None: print 'usando', feature_name else: print 'unknown feature:', feature_name sys.exit(1) kp1, desc1 = detector.detectAndCompute(img1, None) kp2, desc2 = detector.detectAndCompute(img2, None) print 'img1 - %d features, img2 - %d features' % (len(kp1), len(kp2)) match_and_draw('analisis', matcher,desc1,desc2,kp1,kp2,img1,img2) cv2.waitKey(1)
def _save(self, *argv): if not self._preview(): return self.consoleNor("过程控制:图片正在处理中...") filepath = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename() filename = os.path.basename(filepath) dotNum = filename.count(".") if dotNum == 0: if filename == "" : return postfix = ".jpg" elif dotNum >= 2 or not (filename.split(".")[1] in IMAGE_TYPES): self.consoleErr("格式错误:文件名格式错误!") return else: postfix = "" if os.path.exists(self.filename) and fileCheck.isImage(self.filename): try: if self.algNum == 0: im = tool_cv2.resize_linear(self.filename, self.wScale, self.hScale) else: im = tool_cv2.resize_cubic(self.filename, self.wScale, self.hScale) self.consoleNor("过程控制:图片处理完毕,开始保存...") cv2.imwrite(filepath+postfix, im) self.consoleNor("过程控制:图片保存完毕...") except: self.consoleErr("过程控制:图片保存过程出现问题...") else: self.consoleErr("类型错误:打开的不是图片或者是文件不存在!")
def evaluate(im, algo, gt_illuminant, i, range_thresh, bin_num, dst_folder): new_im = None start_time = timeit.default_timer() if algo=="grayworld": new_im = cv2.xphoto.autowbGrayworld(im, 0.95) elif algo=="nothing": new_im = im elif algo=="learning_based": new_im = cv2.xphoto.autowbLearningBased(im, None, range_thresh, 0.98, bin_num) elif algo=="GT": gains = gt_illuminant / min(gt_illuminant) g1 = float(1.0 / gains[2]) g2 = float(1.0 / gains[1]) g3 = float(1.0 / gains[0]) new_im = cv2.xphoto.applyChannelGains(im, g1, g2, g3) time = 1000*(timeit.default_timer() - start_time) #time in ms if len(dst_folder)>0: if not os.path.exists(dst_folder): os.makedirs(dst_folder) im_name = ("%04d_" % i) + algo + ".jpg" cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dst_folder, im_name), stretch_to_8bit(new_im)) #recover the illuminant from the color balancing result, assuming the standard model: estimated_illuminant = [0, 0, 0] eps = 0.01 estimated_illuminant[2] = np.percentile((im[:,:,0] + eps) / (new_im[:,:,0] + eps), 50) estimated_illuminant[1] = np.percentile((im[:,:,1] + eps) / (new_im[:,:,1] + eps), 50) estimated_illuminant[0] = np.percentile((im[:,:,2] + eps) / (new_im[:,:,2] + eps), 50) res = np.arccos(,estimated_illuminant)/ (np.linalg.norm(gt_illuminant) * np.linalg.norm(estimated_illuminant))) return (time, (res / np.pi) * 180)
def camactivate (): with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (512,512) time.sleep(2) camera.capture('im1.jpg') time.sleep(2) camera.capture('im2.jpg') time.sleep(2) camera.capture('im3.jpg') time.sleep(2) camera.capture('im4.jpg') im1=cv2.imread('im1.jpg',1) im2=cv2.imread('im2.jpg',1) im3=cv2.imread('im3.jpg',1) im4=cv2.imread('im4.jpg',1) cv2.putText(im1,'Cam1',(10,20),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,1,(255,255,255),2) cv2.putText(im2,'Cam2',(10,20),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,1,(255,255,255),2) cv2.putText(im3,'Cam3',(10,20),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,1,(255,255,255),2) cv2.putText(im4,'Cam4',(10,20),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,1,(255,255,255),2) cv2.namedWindow('Catenated Images',cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) concat=np.zeros((1024,1024,3),np.uint8) concat[0:512,0:512,:]=im1 concat[0:512,512:1024,:]=im2 concat[512:1024,0:512,:]=im3 concat[512:1024,512:1024,:]=im4 cv2.imshow('Catenated Images',concat) cv2.imwrite('concat.jpg',concat) cv2.waitKey(0)
def mask(img): biggest =None max_area = 0 grey = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) #blk = cv2.bitwise_not(grey) kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(3,3)) res = cv2.morphologyEx(grey,cv2.MORPH_OPEN,kernel) ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(grey,127,255,0) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) dest = np.zeros(thresh.shape, np.uint8) print contours[::1] print len(contours) print hierarchy for cnt in contours[::1]: rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) points = points = np.int0(np.around(points)) #cv2.drawContours(dest, [cnt],0,(0,255,0),2) #cv2.polylines(dest, [points], True,( 255,255,255), 2 ) cv2.fillPoly(orig, [cnt], (100,20,90), 4) cv2.fillPoly(dest, [cnt], (255,255,255), 4) x = cv2.cvtColor(dest,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) cv2.imshow('contour-highlighted image.jpg', x) cv2.imwrite("../../images/bound.jpg", x) cv2.imshow('masked image', orig)
def _generate_training_set(img, image_file): save_location = "images/training/" _, img = cv2.threshold(img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) _, regions = cv2.connectedComponents(img, img) if not os.path.exists("../images/cc"): os.makedirs("../images/cc") cv2.imwrite("../images/cc/cc.png", regions) cc = cv2.imread("../images/cc/cc.png", 0) _, cc_vis = cv2.threshold(cc, 1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) _, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(cc_vis, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) idx = 0 for cnt in contours: area = cv2.contourArea(cnt) if area < 50 or area > 1000: continue if len(cnt) < 5: continue idx += 1 x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt) roi = img[y: y + h, x: x + w] name = image_file.split('.')[0] inverted = (255 - roi) cv2.imwrite(save_location + name + str(idx) + '.jpg', inverted) cv2.waitKey(0)
# Label as found be YOLO CNN label = str(category.decode("utf-8")) # Draw Bounding Boxes around found RoIs, with different colours depending on found label/class if label == "horse": cv2.rectangle(img, (int(x - w / 2), int(y - h / 2)), (int(x + w / 2), int(y + h / 2)), (255, 0, 0), thickness=2) if label == "horse": cv2.rectangle(img, (int(x - w / 2), int(y - h / 2)), (int(x + w / 2), int(y + h / 2)), (0, 0, 255), thickness=2) # Write label and confidence score above each BoundingBox cv2.putText(img, f"{label} ({score})", (int(x), int(y)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 0)) # Save image cv2.imwrite("out.jpg", img) # flag to label an entire video set (-v) elif sys.argv[1] == "-v": # video passed as path in arguments (argv[2]) filepath = sys.argv[2] # read video vid = cv2.VideoCapture(filepath) try: # Check if video could be opened; if yes, process it if vid.isOpened(): # Find OpenCV version, to determine parameters that have been changed between versions (major_ver, minor_ver, subminor_ver) = (cv2.__version__).split('.') if int(major_ver) < 3:
import cv2 import numpy as np img = cv2.imread(r'C:\Users\tchat\.spyder-py3\bumblebee.jpg') gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create() kp = sift.detect(gray, None) img = cv2.drawKeypoints(img, kp, None, flags=cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS) cv2.imwrite('D:\Image Processing\HW3\sift_bum_keypoints.jpg', img) surf = cv2.xfeatures2d.SURF_create(4000) (kps, descs) = surf.detectAndCompute(gray, None) img1 = cv2.drawKeypoints(gray, kps, None, flags=cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS) cv2.imwrite('D:\Image Processing\HW3\surf_bum_keypoints.jpg', img1)
def __init__(self, image_directory): print(image_directory) img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(image_directory, "raw.png")) self.height, self.width = img.shape[0:2] self.horizontal_lines = [] self.vertical_lines = [] low_threshold = 100 high_threshold = 150 #edges = cv2.Canny(img, low_threshold, high_threshold) edges = auto_canny(img) cv2.imwrite("/tmp/edges.png", edges) rho = 1 # distance resolution in pixels of the Hough grid theta = np.pi / 180 # angular resolution in radians of the Hough grid threshold = 15 # minimum number of votes (intersections in Hough grid cell) min_line_length = 150 # minimum number of pixels making up a line max_line_gap = 30 # maximum gap in pixels between connectable line segments line_image = np.copy(img) * 0 # creating a blank to draw lines on # Run Hough on edge detected image # Output "lines" is an array containing endpoints of detected line segments lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges, rho, theta, threshold, np.array([]), min_line_length, max_line_gap) try: vertical_lines = [x for x in lines if x[0][0] == x[0][2]] except TypeError: return # debounce vertical_lines lines vertical_lines.sort(key=lambda a: a[0][0]) clean = vertical_lines[:1] for i in range(len(vertical_lines) - 1): line = vertical_lines[i + 1] last = clean[-1] if abs(last[0][0] - line[0][0]) < 20: # two very close line, just keep the longest last_len = last[0][1] - last[0][3] line_len = line[0][1] - line[0][3] if line_len > last_len: clean = clean[:-1] clean.append(line) else: clean.append(line) vertical_lines = clean # sort by size, biggest to smallest vertical_lines.sort(key=lambda a: a[0][1] - a[0][3], reverse=True) try: main_line = vertical_lines[0] except IndexError: return self.vertical_lines = [ VerticalLine(a[0][0], a[0][3], a[0][1]) for a in vertical_lines[:2] ] # filter: y1 == y2 and x1 < main_line.x1 and y2 > main_line.y1 - and y1 > main_line.y1 and y1 < main_line.y2 horizontal_lines = [ a for a in lines if a[0][1] == a[0][3] and (a[0][0] < main_line[0][0] < a[0][2]) and (main_line[0][3] <= a[0][3] <= main_line[0][1]) ] # debounce horizontal_lines horizontal_lines.sort(key=lambda a: a[0][1]) clean = horizontal_lines[:1] for i in range(len(horizontal_lines) - 1): line = horizontal_lines[i + 1] last = clean[-1] if abs(last[0][1] - line[0][1]) < 20: # two very close line, just keep the longest last_len = last[0][2] - last[0][0] line_len = line[0][2] - line[0][0] if line_len > last_len: clean = clean[:-1] clean.append(line) else: clean.append(line) horizontal_lines = clean # now filter the horizontal lines, keeping the ones at the clostest to top and bottom try: top_line = horizontal_lines[0] bottom_line = horizontal_lines[-1] self.horizontal_lines = [ HorizontalLine(x[0][1], x[0][0], x[0][2]) for x in [top_line, bottom_line] ] except IndexError: self.horizontal_lines = [] # # horizontal_lines.sort(key=lambda a: a[0][2] - a[0][0], reverse=True) # horizontal_lines = horizontal_lines[:2] # horizontal_lines.sort(key=lambda a: a[0][1]) # Find the longest vertical line_image - ideally just one for vline in self.vertical_lines: _ = cv2.line(line_image, (vline.x, vline.y1), (vline.x, vline.y2), (128 + int(random.random() * 128), 128, 128), 1) for hline in self.horizontal_lines: _ = cv2.line(line_image, (hline.x1, hline.y), (hline.x2, hline.y), (128, 128 + int(random.random() * 128), 128), 1) # # # lines_edges = cv2.addWeighted(img, 0.8, line_image, 1, 0) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(image_directory, "lines.png"), line_image)
def compute_disparity_from_z_info( filepath_in: str, filepath_out: str, baseline_mm: float, calibration_matrix: np.array, res_x: int = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x, res_y: int = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y, scale: float = 1e4): """Compute disparity map from given z info (depth or range). Values are in .1 mm By convention, disparity is computed from left camera to right camera (even for the right camera). if z = depth, this is assumed to be stored as a PNG image of uint16 (compressed) values in .1 mm If z = range, this is assumed to be stored as a EXR image of float32 (true range) values in meters Args: fpath_in(str): path to input file to read in fpath_out(str): path to output file to write out. If None (explicitly given), only return (no save to file). NOTE: make sure the filesystem tree exists baseline_mm(float): baseline value (in mm) between parallel cameras setup calibration_matrix(np.array): 3x3 camera calibration matrix. Used also to extract the focal lenght in pixel NOTE: if z = range, depth must be computed. This requires additional arguments. See Opt Args: res_x(int): render/image x resolution. Default: bpy.context.scene.resolution_x res_y(int): render/image y resolution. Default: bpy.context.scene.resolution_y scale(float): value used to convert range (in m) to depth. Default: 1e4 (.1mm) Returns: np.array<np.uint16>: disparity map in pixels """ # check filepath_in to read file from if '.png' in filepath_in:'Loading depth from .PNG file {filepath_in}') depth = (cv2.imread(filepath_in, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)).astype(np.uint16) elif '.exr' in filepath_in: # in case of exr file we convert range to depth first'Computing depth from EXR range file {filepath_in}') depth = project_pinhole_range_to_rectified_depth( filepath_in, None, calibration_matrix, res_x, res_y, scale) else: logger.error( f'Given file {filepath_in} is neither of type PNG nor EXR. Skipping!' ) return # depth is always converted to mm and to float for precision computations depth = depth.astype(np.float32) / (scale / 1e3)'Computing disparity map') # get focal lenght focal_length_px = calibration_matrix[0, 0] # disparity in pixels disparity = baseline_mm * focal_length_px * np.reciprocal(depth) # cast to uint16 for PNG format disparity = (disparity).astype(np.uint16) # write out if requested if filepath_out is not None: cv2.imwrite( filepath_out, disparity, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY, cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY_DEFAULT])'Saved disparity map at {filepath_out}') return disparity
def project_pinhole_range_to_rectified_depth( filepath_in: str, filepath_out: str, calibration_matrix: np.array, res_x: int = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x, res_y: int = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y, scale: float = 1e4): """ Given a depth map computed (as standard in ABR setup) using a perfect pinhole model, compute the projected rectified depth The function assumes to read-in from an Exr image format (32 bit true range values) and to write-out in PNG image format (16 bit truncated depth values). NOTE: depth values that might cause overflow in 16bit (i.e. >65k) are set to 0. Args: filepath_in(str): path to (.exr) file with range values (assumed in m) to load filepath_out(str): path to (.png) file where (rectified) depth map is write to. If None (explicitly given) only return converted image (no save). NOTE: make sure the filesystem tree exists calibration_matrix(np.array): 3x3 camera calibration matrix Optional Args: res_x(int): render/image x resolution (pixel). Default is initial scene resolution_x res_y(int): render/image y resolution (pixel). Default is initial scene resolution_y scale(float): scaling factor to convert range (in m) to depth. Default 1e4 (m to .1 mm) Return: np.array<np.uint16>: converted depth """ # quick check file type if '.exr' not in filepath_in: raise ValueError(f'Given input file {filepath_in} not of type EXR') if '.png' not in filepath_out and filepath_out is not None: raise ValueError(f'Given output file {filepath_out} not of tyep PNG') # read range image (float32 values) in meters # NOTE: the ANYDEPTH flag lead to a offset in the read value # range_exr = (cv2.imread(filepath_in, cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH)).astype(np.float32) range_exr = (cv2.imread(filepath_in, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED))[:, :, 0].astype(np.float32)'Rectifying pinhole range map into depth') grid = np.indices((res_y, res_x)) u = grid[1].flatten() v = grid[0].flatten() uv1 = np.array([u, v, np.ones(res_x * res_y)]) K_inv = np.linalg.inv(calibration_matrix) v_dirs_mtx =, uv1).T.reshape(res_y, res_x, 3) v_dirs_mtx_unit_inv = np.reciprocal(np.linalg.norm(v_dirs_mtx, axis=2)) depth_img = (range_exr * v_dirs_mtx_unit_inv * scale) # remove overflow values depth_img[depth_img > 65000] = 0 # cast to 16 bit depth_img = depth_img.astype(np.uint16) # write out if requested if filepath_out is not None: cv2.imwrite( filepath_out, depth_img, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY, cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY_DEFAULT])'Saved (rectified) depth map at {filepath_out}') return depth_img
def face_detection(DONE, saved_frames_counter, max_saved_frames): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(2) detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() predictor = dlib.shape_predictor("shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat") x_ratio = 0.3 y_ratio = 0.5 frame_id = 0 save_frame_path = "./face_frames/" # overwrite previus images frame_container = [None] * max_saved_frames frame_container_coords = [None] * max_saved_frames while True: _, frame = gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) faces = detector(gray) center = np.zeros(2, dtype=int) x_Crop = 0 y_Crop = 0 save = False for face in faces: x1 = face.left() y1 = x2 = face.right() y2 = face.bottom() # cv2.rectangle(frame, (x1,y1),(x2,y2),(0,255,0),3) y_Crop = int((x2 - x1) * (1.0 + x_ratio)) // 2 x_Crop = int((y2 - y1) * (1.0 + y_ratio)) // 2 landmarks = predictor(gray, face) center = np.zeros(2, dtype=int) for n in range(0, 68): x = landmarks.part(n).x y = landmarks.part(n).y #,(x,y),4,(255,0,0),-1) center += np.array([x, y]) center = center // 68 save = random.random() > 0.5 # print(center) #, (center[0],center[1]), 4, (0,0,255), -1) frame_coords = [ center[1] - x_Crop, center[1] + x_Crop, center[0] - y_Crop, center[0] + y_Crop ] cv2.imshow("LandMark Detection", frame) if save and saved_frames_counter < max_saved_frames: frame_container[saved_frames_counter] = copy.copy(frame) frame_container_coords[saved_frames_counter] = copy.copy( frame_coords) saved_frames_counter += 1 if saved_frames_counter == max_saved_frames and not DONE: print("The Coords") shape = np.matrix(frame_container_coords).sum( axis=0) // max_saved_frames shape = shape.tolist()[0] print(shape) for ii in range(max_saved_frames): alt_frame = frame_container[ii][shape[0]:shape[1], shape[2]:shape[3], :] cv2.imwrite(save_frame_path + "frame{:d}.jpg".format(ii), alt_frame) print("Working" + "".join(["."] * (ii % 4))) print("DONE") DONE = True key = cv2.waitKey(1) if key == 27: break frame_id += 1 cv2.destroyAllWindows() cap.release()
im = img.crop((x, y, x + nw, y + nh)) return im, x, y, x + nw, y + nh #Width and height of random crops widthc = 1000 heightc = 700 i = 0 listFiles = os.listdir('.') pattern = "*.png" print(listFiles) for entry in listFiles: if fnmatch.fnmatch(entry, pattern): #Resize image before performing random crops im = + 1)) im = im.resize((2707, 3828), Image.BILINEAR) for j in range(0, numcrops): image, xminc, yminc, xmaxc, ymaxc = randCrop(im, widthc, heightc) imcv2 = np.array(image) togray = cv2.cvtColor(imcv2, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) image2 = np.zeros_like(image) image2[:, :, 0] = togray image2[:, :, 1] = togray image2[:, :, 2] = togray cv2.imwrite( 'newcrops/randscore{0}'.format(i + 1) + 'crop{0}.jpg'.format(j + 1), image2) i += 1
# Detectando as faces na imagem detecteds_face = classificator.detectMultiScale(image_gray, scaleFactor=1.5, minSize=(150, 150)) # Percorrendo todas as faces detectadas for (x, y, l, a) in detecteds_face: # Desenhando um retângulo sobre a face cv2.rectangle(image, (x, y), (x + l, y + a), (0, 0, 255), 2) # Caso aperte 'c', é tirado uma foto para análise if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('c'): # Recortando somente o rosto image_face = cv2.resize(image_gray[y:y + a, x:x + l], (220, 220)) # Escrevendo a imagem cv2.imwrite( "Pictures/pessoa." + str(id) + "." + str(image) + ".jpg", image_face) print("[Foto " + str(sample) + " capturada com sucesso]") sample += 1 cv2.imshow("Face", image) cv2.waitKey(1) if sample >= number_samples + 1: break print("Faces capturadas com sucesso") web_camera.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
import time import subprocess import cv2 def detect_gender(img_path): output = subprocess.check_output('th gender_detection.lua '+img_path, shell=True) gender = output.split('\n')[-2].split('\t')[0] return gender if __name__ == "__main__": img_path = "tmp.jpg" #Starting the camera vid = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while(vid.isOpened()): start_time = time.time() ret, frame = if ret==True: cv2.imwrite("tmp.jpg",frame) gender = detect_gender(img_path) print gender if gender == 'Male' or gender == 'Female': cv2.putText(frame,gender,(100,100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1,(0,255,0),2) print("Time taken = ",time.time()-start_time) cv2.imshow("Gender",frame) cv2.waitKey(1)
color = green text = "Result: " + status + " " img, line_width = draw_text_in_image(img, text, (margin + line_width, v_pos), color, line_width) if ovmax > 0: # if there is intersections between the bounding-boxes bbgt = [ float(x) for x in gt_match["bbox"].split() ] cv2.rectangle(img,(int(bbgt[0]),int(bbgt[1])),(int(bbgt[2]),int(bbgt[3])),light_blue,2) if status == "MATCH!": cv2.rectangle(img,(int(bb[0]),int(bb[1])),(int(bb[2]),int(bb[3])),green,2) else: cv2.rectangle(img,(int(bb[0]),int(bb[1])),(int(bb[2]),int(bb[3])),light_red,2) cv2.imshow("Animation", img) cv2.waitKey(20) # show image for 20 ms # save image to results output_img_path = results_files_path + "/images/" + class_name + "_prediction" + str(idx) + ".jpg" cv2.imwrite(output_img_path, img) #print(tp) # compute precision/recall cumsum = 0 for idx, val in enumerate(fp): fp[idx] += cumsum cumsum += val cumsum = 0 for idx, val in enumerate(tp): tp[idx] += cumsum cumsum += val #print(tp) rec = tp[:] for idx, val in enumerate(tp): rec[idx] = float(tp[idx]) / gt_counter_per_class[class_name]
out1 = conv(dma,xlnk,in_buffer,1,0,precision,img,B1,W1,Configuration,in_buffer_x,in_buffer_bias,in_buffer_weight,in_buffer_param,in_buffer_out) # test =np.divide(out1,precision).reshape(32,32,32) # print(test[:,:,0]) out2 = conv(dma,xlnk,in_buffer,1,0,precision,out1,B2,W2,Configuration,in_buffer_x,in_buffer_bias,in_buffer_weight,in_buffer_param,in_buffer_out) # test =np.divide(out2,precision).reshape(32,32,32) # print(test[:,:,0]) out3 = conv(dma,xlnk,in_buffer,1,0,precision,out2,B3,W3,Configuration,in_buffer_x,in_buffer_bias,in_buffer_weight,in_buffer_param,in_buffer_out) # test =np.divide(out3,precision).reshape(32,32,32) # print(test[:,:,0]) out4 = conv(dma,xlnk,in_buffer,1,0,precision,out3,B4,W4,Configuration,in_buffer_x,in_buffer_bias,in_buffer_weight,in_buffer_param,in_buffer_out) # test =np.divide(out4,precision).reshape(32,32,32) # print(test[:,:,0]) out5 = conv(dma,xlnk,in_buffer,1,0,precision,out4,B5,W5,Configuration,in_buffer_x,in_buffer_bias,in_buffer_weight,in_buffer_param,in_buffer_out) out6 = conv(dma,xlnk,in_buffer,1,0,precision,out5,B6,W6,Configuration,in_buffer_x,in_buffer_bias,in_buffer_weight,in_buffer_param,in_buffer_out) out7 = conv(dma,xlnk,in_buffer,1,0,precision,out6,B7,W7,Configuration,in_buffer_x,in_buffer_bias,in_buffer_weight,in_buffer_param,in_buffer_out) out8 = conv(dma,xlnk,in_buffer,1,0,precision,out7,B8,W8,Configuration,in_buffer_x,in_buffer_bias,in_buffer_weight,in_buffer_param,in_buffer_out) out9 = conv(dma,xlnk,in_buffer,1,0,precision,out8,B9,W9,Configuration,in_buffer_x,in_buffer_bias,in_buffer_weight,in_buffer_param,in_buffer_out) # test =np.divide(out9,precision).reshape(32,32,32) # print(test[:,:,0]) out = conv(dma,xlnk,in_buffer,0,1,precision,out9,B10,W10,Configuration,in_buffer_x,in_buffer_bias,in_buffer_weight,in_buffer_param,in_buffer_out) final = np.divide(out,precision).reshape(32,32,32) img_final[inputsize*h:inputsize*(h+1),inputsize*w:inputsize*(w+1)] = final[:,:,0] t3 = time.time() print(t3-t1) x = sigmoid_all(img_final,256,256) final = img1*x+img2*(1-x) # conv(dma,xlnk,in_buffer,relu,sigmoid,x,Bias,Weight,Configuration,in_buffer_x,in_buffer_bias,in_buffer_weight,in_buffer_param,in_buffer_out): t2 = time.time() print(t2-t1) cv2.imwrite('./dma.jpg',x*255)
def dm_line_cycle_decoder(dm_image, output_dir, zxing_enable=True, **kwargs): img = cv2.GaussianBlur(dm_image.gray, (3, 3), 0) rets = dm_image.ret_candidate use_avaliable = np.zeros(len(rets)) count = 0 messages = [] for ret in rets: show = False if use_avaliable[count] != 0: return use_avaliable[count] = 1 pts1 = ret.astype(np.float32) width = int( np.sqrt((pts1[0][0] - pts1[1][0])**2 + (pts1[0][1] - pts1[1][1])**2)) height = int( np.sqrt((pts1[2][0] - pts1[1][0])**2 + (pts1[2][1] - pts1[1][1])**2)) aspect_ratio = float(width) / height if aspect_ratio < 1: width = min(256, max(128, width)) height = int(width / aspect_ratio) else: height = min(256, max(128, height)) width = int(height * aspect_ratio) # aspect_ratio = float(width)/height if height > width: aspect_ratio = 1 / aspect_ratio pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [width, 0], [width, height], [0, height]]) M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts1, pts2) dst = cv2.warpPerspective(img, M, (width, height)) search_range_w = width // 10 search_width_w = max(4, search_range_w // 4) search_range_h = height // 10 search_width_h = max(4, search_range_h // 4) internal_top, num_top = get_signal(dst[:search_range_w, :], width, search_width_w) internal_btm, num_btm = get_signal(dst[-search_range_w:, :], width, search_width_w) internal_lft, num_lft = get_signal( np.transpose(dst[:, :search_range_h]), height, search_width_h) internal_rht, num_rht = get_signal( np.transpose(dst[:, -search_range_h:]), height, search_width_h) four_egde = sorted([num_top, num_btm, num_lft, num_rht]) sort_index = np.argsort(np.array([num_top, num_btm, num_lft, num_rht])) if aspect_ratio <= 1.6: # 方形重写。 large_ud = max(num_top, num_btm) small_ud = min(num_top, num_btm) large_lr = max(num_lft, num_rht) small_lr = min(num_lft, num_rht) if (abs(large_ud - small_ud * 2) == 0 or abs(large_ud - small_lr * 2) == 0) and large_ud >= 10: # 上下最多跳跃点为正解时 num = POSSIBLE_SQAR_SIZE[np.argmin( abs(POSSIBLE_SQAR_SIZE - large_ud))] elif (abs(large_lr - small_lr * 2) == 0 or abs(large_lr - small_ud * 2) == 0) and large_lr >= 10: # 左右最多跳跃点为正解时 num = POSSIBLE_SQAR_SIZE[np.argmin( abs(POSSIBLE_SQAR_SIZE - large_lr))] elif (abs(large_ud - large_lr * 2) == 0 or abs(large_lr - large_ud * 2) == 0) and max(large_lr, large_ud) >= 10: # 存在双倍关系时 num = POSSIBLE_SQAR_SIZE[np.argmin( abs(POSSIBLE_SQAR_SIZE - max(large_ud, large_lr)))] else: if large_ud > large_lr: index = np.argmin( abs(np.concatenate((POSSIBLE_SQAR_SIZE - large_ud * 2, POSSIBLE_SQAR_SIZE - large_ud)))) % \ POSSIBLE_SQAR_SIZE.shape[0] num = POSSIBLE_SQAR_SIZE[index] else: index = np.argmin( abs(np.concatenate((POSSIBLE_SQAR_SIZE - large_lr * 2, POSSIBLE_SQAR_SIZE - large_lr)))) % \ POSSIBLE_SQAR_SIZE.shape[0] num = POSSIBLE_SQAR_SIZE[index] grid_num = [num, num] elif aspect_ratio > 1.6: # 矩形重写。 # ud: up down # lr: left right large_ud = max(num_top, num_btm) small_ud = min(num_top, num_btm) large_lr = max(num_lft, num_rht) small_lr = min(num_lft, num_rht) if width > height: # #-------------# # | | # #-------------# # 长边的点数量筛选。 if abs(large_ud - small_ud * 2) == 0: grid_num = POSSIBLE_RECT_SIZE[np.argmin( abs(POSSIBLE_RECT_SIZE[:, 1] - large_ud))] elif abs(large_lr - small_lr * 2) == 0: grid_num = POSSIBLE_RECT_SIZE[np.argmin( abs(POSSIBLE_RECT_SIZE[:, 0] - large_lr))] else: # 最差的结果:直接取长边。 index = np.argmin(abs(np.concatenate( (POSSIBLE_RECT_SIZE[:, 1] - large_ud * 2, POSSIBLE_RECT_SIZE[:, 1] - large_ud)))) % \ POSSIBLE_RECT_SIZE.shape[0] grid_num = POSSIBLE_RECT_SIZE[index] else: # #----# # | | # | | # | | # | | # #----# if abs(large_lr - small_lr * 2) == 0: grid_num = POSSIBLE_RECT_SIZE[np.argmin( abs(POSSIBLE_RECT_SIZE[:, 1] - large_lr))] elif abs(large_ud - small_ud * 2) == 0: grid_num = POSSIBLE_RECT_SIZE[np.argmin( abs(POSSIBLE_RECT_SIZE[:, 0] - large_ud))] else: # 最差的结果:直接取长边。 index = np.argmin(abs(np.concatenate( (POSSIBLE_RECT_SIZE[:, 1] - large_lr * 2, POSSIBLE_RECT_SIZE[:, 1] - large_lr)))) % \ POSSIBLE_RECT_SIZE.shape[0] grid_num = POSSIBLE_RECT_SIZE[index] grid_num = [grid_num[1], grid_num[0]] inverse = False # draw a pseudo binary code. if min(grid_num) >= 4: grid_size_y = height / grid_num[0] grid_size_x = width / grid_num[1] y_offset = int(grid_size_y // 5) x_offset = int(grid_size_x // 5) res_img = np.zeros((8 * grid_num[0], 8 * grid_num[1])) sample_val = np.zeros((grid_num[0], grid_num[1])) # 取样开始。 for i in range(grid_num[0]): for j in range(grid_num[1]): sample_val[i][j] = np.mean( dst[int(i * grid_size_y) + y_offset:int((i + 1) * grid_size_y) - y_offset, int(j * grid_size_x) + x_offset:int((j + 1) * grid_size_x) - x_offset]) mean_val = np.mean(sample_val) mean_border = ( np.mean(sample_val[0, :]) + np.mean(sample_val[:, 0]) + np.mean(sample_val[-1, :]) + np.mean(sample_val[:, -1])) / 4 # DOTO: 是否是dash需要判断。 num_white_points = len(sample_val[0, :][sample_val[0, :] > mean_border]) + \ len(sample_val[:, 0][sample_val[:, 0] > mean_border]) + \ len(sample_val[-1, :][sample_val[-1, :] > mean_border]) + \ len(sample_val[:, -1][sample_val[:, -1] > mean_border]) if num_white_points > grid_num[0] + grid_num[1]: inverse = True for i in range(grid_num[0]): for j in range(grid_num[1]): interest_area = sample_val[i][j] if np.mean(interest_area) > mean_val: if not inverse: res_img[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8, j * 8:(j + 1) * 8] = 255 elif inverse: res_img[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8, j * 8:(j + 1) * 8] = 255 # cv2.imwrite(out_dir + '/warp/init_res{}_{}.png'.format(os.path.basename(img_data.img_path), count), res_img) # refine finder boundary pattern. border_img = np.zeros_like(res_img) for i in range(1, grid_num[1], 2): border_img[-8:, i * 8:(i + 1) * 8] = 255 for i in range(1, grid_num[0], 2): border_img[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8, -8:] = 255 border_type = ['d', 'd', 'd', 'd'] split_point = np.zeros(4) # top top_fake_border = res_img[0, :] split_point[0] = np.sum( np.abs(top_fake_border - np.concatenate((res_img[0, 1:], np.zeros(1)))) / 255) # bottom btm_fake_border = res_img[-1, :] split_point[1] = np.sum( np.abs(btm_fake_border - np.concatenate((res_img[-1, 1:], np.zeros(1)))) / 255) # left lft_fake_border = res_img[:, 0] split_point[2] = np.sum( np.abs(lft_fake_border - np.concatenate((res_img[1:, 0], np.zeros(1)))) / 255) # right rht_fake_border = res_img[:, -1] split_point[3] = np.sum( np.abs(rht_fake_border - np.concatenate((res_img[1:, -1], np.zeros(1)))) / 255) index = np.argsort(split_point) # print(np.argsort(split_point), split_point) border_type[index[0]] = 'l' border_type[index[1]] = 'l' if border_type[0] == border_type[3] == 'l': border_img = cv2.flip(border_img, 1) elif border_type[1] == border_type[2] == 'l': border_img = cv2.flip(border_img, 0) elif border_type[1] == border_type[3] == 'l': # print('trans') border_img = cv2.flip(border_img, 1) border_img = cv2.flip(border_img, 0) res_img[-8:, :] = border_img[-8:, :] res_img[:8, :] = border_img[:8, :] res_img[:, -8:] = border_img[:, -8:] res_img[:, :8] = border_img[:, :8] res_img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(res_img, 50, 50, 50, 50, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=255) # barcode = self.zxing_reader.decode() # draw some lines to justify the hypothesis. dst = cv2.cvtColor(dst, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # print(output_dir + '/warp/{}_{}.png'.format(os.path.basename(dm_image.img_path), count)) cv2.imwrite( output_dir + '/warp/{}_{}.png'.format( os.path.basename(dm_image.img_path), count), dst) if min(grid_num) >= 4: cv2.imwrite( output_dir + '/recon/{}_{}_code.png'.format( os.path.basename(dm_image.img_path), count), res_img) cv2.imwrite( output_dir + '/mirror/{}_{}_code.png'.format( os.path.basename(dm_image.img_path), count), cv2.flip(res_img, 0)) if zxing_enable: message = zxing.BarCodeReader().decode( output_dir + '/recon/{}_{}_code.png'.format( os.path.basename(dm_image.img_path), count)) if message.raw != '': return message.raw count += 1 return None
######### drawing examples fname='/data2/xuyangf/OcclusionProject/NaiveVersion/prunning/prunL3/dictionary_'+cat+'.pickle' with open(fname,'rb') as fh: assignment, centers, example, __= pickle.load(fh) ss=int(math.sqrt(example[0].shape[0]/3)) fname ='/data2/xuyangf/OcclusionProject/NaiveVersion/new_vc_score/layer3/cat'+str(cat)+'.npz' ff=np.load(fname) img_vc=ff['vc_score'] vc_num=len(img_vc[0]) img_num=len(img_vc) img_vc_avg=[] for i in range(vc_num): img_vc_avg.append(float(np.sum(img_vc[np.where(img_vc[:,i]!=-1),i]))/img_num) img_vc_avg=np.asarray(img_vc_avg) rindexsort=np.argsort(-img_vc_avg) big_img = np.zeros((5+ss, 5+(ss+5)*len(pool4_merge), 3)) for j in range(len(pool4_merge)): rnum=5 cnum=5+j*(ss+5) select_vc=rindexsort[pool4_merge[j]] big_img[rnum:rnum+ss, cnum:cnum+ss, :] = example[select_vc][:,0].reshape(ss,ss,3).astype(int) fname = '/data2/xuyangf/OcclusionProject/NaiveVersion/example/tmpexample/'+str(cat)+'.png' cv2.imwrite(fname, big_img)
def plot_images(images, targets, paths=None, fname='images.jpg', names=None, max_size=640, max_subplots=16): tl = 3 # line thickness tf = max(tl - 1, 1) # font thickness if os.path.isfile(fname): # do not overwrite return None if isinstance(images, torch.Tensor): images = images.cpu().float().numpy() if isinstance(targets, torch.Tensor): targets = targets.cpu().numpy() # un-normalise if np.max(images[0]) <= 1: images *= 255 bs, _, h, w = images.shape # batch size, _, height, width bs = min(bs, max_subplots) # limit plot images ns = np.ceil(bs ** 0.5) # number of subplots (square) # Check if we should resize scale_factor = max_size / max(h, w) if scale_factor < 1: h = math.ceil(scale_factor * h) w = math.ceil(scale_factor * w) # Empty array for output mosaic = np.full((int(ns * h), int(ns * w), 3), 255, dtype=np.uint8) # Fix class - colour map prop_cycle = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] # hex2rgb = lambda h: tuple(int(h[1 + i:1 + i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)) color_lut = [hex2rgb(h) for h in prop_cycle.by_key()['color']] for i, img in enumerate(images): if i == max_subplots: # if last batch has fewer images than we expect break block_x = int(w * (i // ns)) block_y = int(h * (i % ns)) img = img.transpose(1, 2, 0) if scale_factor < 1: img = cv2.resize(img, (w, h)) mosaic[block_y:block_y + h, block_x:block_x + w, :] = img if len(targets) > 0: image_targets = targets[targets[:, 0] == i] boxes = xywh2xyxy(image_targets[:, 2:6]).T classes = image_targets[:, 1].astype('int') gt = image_targets.shape[1] == 6 # ground truth if no conf column conf = None if gt else image_targets[:, 6] # check for confidence presence (gt vs pred) boxes[[0, 2]] *= w boxes[[0, 2]] += block_x boxes[[1, 3]] *= h boxes[[1, 3]] += block_y for j, box in enumerate(boxes.T): cls = int(classes[j]) color = color_lut[cls % len(color_lut)] cls = names[cls] if names else cls if gt or conf[j] > 0.3: # 0.3 conf thresh label = '%s' % cls if gt else '%s %.1f' % (cls, conf[j]) plot_one_box(box, mosaic, label=label, color=color, line_thickness=tl) # Draw image filename labels if paths is not None: label = os.path.basename(paths[i])[:40] # trim to 40 char t_size = cv2.getTextSize(label, 0, fontScale=tl / 3, thickness=tf)[0] cv2.putText(mosaic, label, (block_x + 5, block_y + t_size[1] + 5), 0, tl / 3, [220, 220, 220], thickness=tf, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) # Image border cv2.rectangle(mosaic, (block_x, block_y), (block_x + w, block_y + h), (255, 255, 255), thickness=3) if fname is not None: mosaic = cv2.resize(mosaic, (int(ns * w * 0.5), int(ns * h * 0.5)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) cv2.imwrite(fname, cv2.cvtColor(mosaic, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) return mosaic
import cv2 import itertools import glob import natsort source1 = "./reside_dataset/reside_pix2pix/temp/" source2 = "./reside_dataset/reside_pix2pix/temp1/" destination = "./reside_dataset/reside_pix2pix/train/" list1 = os.listdir(source1) list2 = os.listdir(source2) list1 = natsort.natsorted(list1,reverse=True) list2 = natsort.natsorted(list2,reverse=True) # for (i,j) in zip(list1,list2): # print(i,j) count = 1399 for (img1,img2) in zip(list1,list2): im1 = cv2.imread(source1 + img1) im2 = cv2.imread(source2 + img2) width = int(im1.shape[1] * (256/620) ) height = int(im1.shape[0] * (256/460) ) dim = (width, height) img_resized_1 = cv2.resize(im1, dim, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) img_resized_2 = cv2.resize(im2, dim, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) img_con_h = cv2.hconcat([img_resized_1, img_resized_2]) cv2.imwrite(destination + str(count).zfill(6) + ".png", img_con_h ) count = count+1
def main(argv): tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) common.print_args() EKF_VIS_DIR = 'EKF_RESULTS' ekf_vis_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.ckpt_dir, EKF_VIS_DIR) if not os.path.exists(ekf_vis_dir): os.makedirs(ekf_vis_dir) with tf.Graph().as_default(): dataset = generator.Dataset( dataset_dir=os.path.join('dataset', 'cityscapes', 'tfrecord'), dataset_name='cityscapes', split_name=['val_fine'], batch_size=1, crop_size=[HEIGHT, WIDTH], is_training=False, model_variant='resnet_v1_101_beta', min_scale_factor=0.50, max_scale_factor=2.0, should_shuffle=False, should_repeat=False) ite = dataset.get_one_shot_iterator() sample = ite.get_next() images, labels = sample[common.IMAGE], sample[common.LABEL] module_order = search_model() model = segModel.SegModel( num_classes=dataset.num_classes, model_variant='resnet_v1_101_beta', output_stride=16, backbone_atrous_rates=[1, 2, 4], is_training=False, ppm_rates=[1, 2, 3, 6], module_order=module_order, decoder_output_stride=4) logits = logits = tf.image.resize_bilinear(logits, tf.shape(images)[1:3], align_corners=True) # logits = tf.nn.softmax(logits, axis=3) height_ind = tf.range(HEIGHT, dtype=tf.int32) width_ind = tf.range(WIDTH, dtype=tf.int32) height_ind = tf.expand_dims(tf.math.logical_and(tf.math.greater_equal(height_ind, FLAGS.mask_heights[0]), tf.math.greater_equal(FLAGS.mask_heights[1], height_ind)), 1) width_ind = tf.expand_dims(tf.math.logical_and(tf.math.greater_equal(width_ind, FLAGS.mask_widths[0]), tf.math.greater_equal(FLAGS.mask_widths[1], width_ind)), 0) # height_ind = tf.expand_dims(tf.math.equal(height_ind, HEIGHT//4), 1) # width_ind = tf.expand_dims(tf.math.equal(width_ind, WIDTH//4), 0) height_map = [] width_map = [] for w in range(WIDTH): height_map.append(height_ind) for h in range(HEIGHT): width_map.append(width_ind) height_map = tf.concat(height_map, axis=1) width_map = tf.concat(width_map, axis=0) height_map = tf.cast(height_map, tf.float32) width_map = tf.cast(width_map, tf.float32) mask = tf.expand_dims(tf.math.multiply(height_map, width_map), axis=2) m_concat = [] for _ in range(dataset.num_classes): m_concat.append(mask) mask = tf.concat(m_concat, axis=2) masked_logits = tf.multiply(mask, logits) grad = tf.gradients(masked_logits, [images]) ########### SESSION CREATING PROCESS ############# checkpoints_iterator = FLAGS.ckpt_dir) for checkpoint_path in checkpoints_iterator: restorer = tf.train.Saver() scaffold = tf.train.Scaffold(init_op=tf.global_variables_initializer(), saver=restorer, ready_for_local_init_op=None) session_creator = tf.train.ChiefSessionCreator( scaffold=scaffold, master='', checkpoint_filename_with_path=checkpoint_path) with tf.train.MonitoredSession( session_creator=session_creator, hooks=None) as sess: grad_list = [] batch_num = 0 while not sess.should_stop(): im, l, g =[images, logits, grad]) grad_list.append(g[0]) im = im[0] g = np.abs(g[0][0]) if batch_num == 0: sum_g = g else: sum_g += g batch_num += 1 g = normalizeImg(g) im = normalizeImg(im) img_path = os.path.join(ekf_vis_dir, '{}_img.jpg'.format(batch_num)) grad_path = os.path.join(ekf_vis_dir, '{}_grad.jpg'.format(batch_num)) cv2.imwrite(img_path, cv2.cvtColor(im*255, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) cv2.imwrite(grad_path, cv2.cvtColor(g*255, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) print('Processing {} done!'.format(batch_num)) if batch_num % 100 == 0: print('100 second sleep') time.sleep(100) if batch_num >= 20: break break sum_g = sum_g / batch_num print('max: {:.3f}, min: {:.3f}'.format(np.max(sum_g), np.min(sum_g))) sum_g = normalizeImg(sum_g) binary_g = sum_g.copy() binary_g[sum_g > np.mean(sum_g)] = 255 cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(ekf_vis_dir, 'average_grad.jpg'), cv2.cvtColor(sum_g*255, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) plt.title('average grad') plt.imshow(sum_g) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(ekf_vis_dir, 'sum_grad_{}.jpg'.format(batch_num)), cv2.cvtColor(binary_g.astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))
from keras.optimizers import Adam from data_loader import load_cucumber from train import normalize, denormalize if __name__ == '__main__': iterations = 100 input_dim = 30 anogan_optim = Adam(lr=0.001, amsgrad=True) ### 0. prepare data X_train, X_test, y_test = load_cucumber() X_train = normalize(X_train) X_test = normalize(X_test) input_shape = X_train[0].shape ### 1. train generator & discriminator dcgan = DCGAN(input_dim, input_shape) dcgan.load_weights('weights/generator_3999.h5', 'weights/discriminator_3999.h5') for i, test_img in enumerate(X_test): test_img = test_img[np.newaxis,:,:,:] anogan = ANOGAN(input_dim, dcgan.g) anogan.compile(anogan_optim) anomaly_score, generated_img = anogan.compute_anomaly_score(test_img, iterations) generated_img = denormalize(generated_img) imgs = np.concatenate((denormalize(test_img[0]), generated_img[0]), axis=1) cv2.imwrite('predict' + os.sep + str(int(anomaly_score)) + '_' + str(i) + '.png', imgs) print(str(i) + ' %.2f'%anomaly_score) with open('scores.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(str(anomaly_score) + '\n')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX bottomLeftCornerOfText = (10, 100) fontScale = 1 fontColor = (0, 0, 0) lineType = 2 cv2.putText(img, '98205849', bottomLeftCornerOfText, font, fontScale, fontColor, lineType) cv2.putText(gray, '98205849 ', bottomLeftCornerOfText, font, fontScale, fontColor, lineType) cv2.imshow('image', img) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.imshow('image', gray) k = cv2.waitKey(0) if k == ord('e'): # wait for 'e' key to exit cv2.destroyAllWindows() elif k == ord('s'): # wait for 's' key to save and exit cv2.imwrite('edited_img.png', img) cv2.imwrite('edited_img1.png', gray) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def take_photos(photos_path): ''' Take photos from a camera. User is required to press SPACEBAR to take photos Arguments: 1. photos_path: the path to store the photos Returns: 1. img_num: total number of photos taken ''' # NOTE: To handle non-consecutive image naming # For example, the current image file names might be # ['0001.jpg', '0004.jpg', '0006.jpg, 0007.jpg'] # # When taking photos, the new naming should first use this set # 0000.jpg, 0002.jpg, 0003.jpg, 0005.jpg # # then, followed by # 0008.jpg, 0009.jpg, 0010.jpg ... and so on photos_exist = [x for x in os.listdir(photos_path) if not x.startswith('.')] num_photos_exist = len(photos_exist) idx_required = [] idx_max = 0 # Check if there are photos in photos_path if num_photos_exist > 0: # Convert all photos name to integer value idx = [ 0 if photo == "0000.jpg" else int(os.path.splitext(photo)[0].lstrip('0')) for photo in photos_exist ] idx_max = max(idx) # Find the missing integer between 0 to n (inclusive) # These indices would be used for saving the image first all_idx = list(range(0, idx_max+1)) idx_required = sorted( list(set(all_idx).difference(set(idx))) ) idx_max = idx_max + 1 frame_name = "Photo Taking" cam = VideoStream(0).start() cv2.namedWindow(frame_name) cv2.moveWindow(frame_name, 500,200); img_num = 0 while True: frame = if frame.any() == None: break frame = resize(frame, width=1024) frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1) frame_with_text = np.copy(frame) text = "Number of photos taken = " + str(img_num) + "/10" cv2.putText(frame_with_text, text, (20, 450), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 0), 2) text = "Press SPACEBAR to take photo" cv2.putText(frame_with_text, text, (20, 500), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 1, (255, 0, 255), 2) text = "Press ESC to Exit" cv2.putText(frame_with_text, text, (20, 550), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 1, (0, 128, 0), 2) cv2.imshow(frame_name, frame_with_text) # TODO: Handle unicode input # Now, if the keyboard is Chinese or Russian # and when the keystroke (QWER ..etc) is pressed # the program stops with assertion error # k = cv2.waitKey(1) k = cv2.waitKeyEx(1) # ESC is pressed or 10 photos are taken if k % 256 == 27 or img_num >= 10: break # SPACEBAR is pressed to take a photo elif k % 256 == 32: if len(idx_required) > 0: name = str(idx_required.pop(0)).zfill(4) else: name = str(idx_max).zfill(4) idx_max += 1 img_name = os.path.join(photos_path, name + ".jpg") cv2.imwrite(img_name, frame) img_num += 1 print("Image saved to " + img_name) cam.stop() cv2.destroyAllWindows() return img_num
from sys import argv script, filename = argv import cv2 import numpy as np import time img = cv2.imread(filename) gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # surf.hessianThreshold=3000 surf = cv2.SURF(3000) print "**********88" kp, res = surf.detectAndCompute(gray, None) print res.shape img = cv2.drawKeypoints(gray, kp) #img = cv2.drawKeypoints(img,kp,None,(255,0,255),4) print(len(kp)) cv2.namedWindow("SURF") cv2.imshow("SURF", img) cv2.imwrite("surf.jpg", img) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
# Export the frame within the being/end slice video_filename = ann['video_filename'] video_file = glob.glob(join(VIDEO_DIR, '**/' + video_filename))[0] video_output_dir = join(join(OUTPUT_VIDEO_DIR, str(n_objects)), os.path.splitext(video_filename)[0]) if not os.path.exists(video_output_dir): os.makedirs(video_output_dir) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file) success, frame_image = frame = 1 while success: frame_file = join(video_output_dir, '%d.png'%(frame - frame_begin)) success, frame_image = if frame >= frame_begin and frame < frame_end: cv2.imwrite(frame_file, frame_image) frame += 1 print('Generated sliced video for %d/%d'%(ann_idx, len(annotation_files))) #================================ # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software # and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, # sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software # is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
for c in range(C): out[pad + y, pad + x, c] = np.median(tmp[y:y + K_size, x:x + K_size, c]) out = out[pad:pad + H, pad:pad + W].astype(np.uint8) return out # Average filter # 作为对比 def average_filter(img, G=3): out = img.copy() H, W, C = img.shape Nh = int(H / G) Nw = int(W / G) for y in range(Nh): for x in range(Nw): for c in range(C): out[G * y:G * (y + 1), G * x:G * (x + 1), c] = np.mean( out[G * y:G * (y + 1), G * x:G * (x + 1), c]).astype( return out # Read image pic_name = input('picture name: ') img = cv2.imread(pic_name) # Median Filter and Average Filter out1 = median_filter(img, K_size=3) # Save result cv2.imwrite("../report/media_out1.jpg", out1) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
backbone.load_state_dict(torch.load('weights/backbone.pth')['net']) backbone = backbone.eval() print('==> Processing data ...') with torch.no_grad(): anchor_features = get_features(anchor_loader, len_anchor, len(anchor_dataset)) test_features = get_features(test_loader, len_test, len(test_dataset)) similarity = result_dir = 'result' if not os.path.exists(result_dir): os.mkdir(result_dir) for i in range(similarity.shape[1]): top1 = np.argmax(similarity[:, i]) name = anchor_dataset.image_labels[top1] prob = np.round( (1.0 / (1 + np.exp(-9.8 * similarity[top1, i] + 3.763)) * 1.0023900077282935 + -1.290327970702342e-06), decimals=4) * 100 # if prob < 60: # continue prob = f'{prob:.2f}' src_img = cv2.imread(test_dataset.image_names[i]) rst_name = os.path.join( result_dir, name + '-' + prob + '-' + test_dataset.image_names[i].split('.')[0].split('/')[-1] + '.jpg') cv2.imwrite(rst_name, src_img) print('Saving {} ...'.format(rst_name))
# sample point to avoid out of memory sample_int = sampleIntensities([x[:, :, i] for x in image_list]) # recover response curse response_curve = gslove(image_list, sample_int, 100, i) # reconstruct radiance map tmp_i = reconstruct_radiance_map(image_list, response_curve, i) tmp_i = cv2.normalize(tmp_i, None, alpha=0, beta=255, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX) radiance_img.append(tmp_i) radiance_img = np.array(radiance_img) # output : reshape radiance image to rgb image output = np.zeros((radiance_img.shape[1], radiance_img.shape[2], 3)) for i in range(3): output[:, :, i] = radiance_img[i] # TODO : tonemapping # cv2.imwrite(out_dir+'test_out.hdr',output) # output = tone_mapping(output, 1.5) # output = cv2.normalize(output, None, alpha=0, beta=255, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX) cv2.imwrite(out_dir + 'test_out.png', output)
def eval_with_plac(img_dir, det_net, num_imgs, image_ext, draw_imgs=False): # 1. preprocess img img_plac = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.uint8, shape=[None, None, 3]) # is RGB. not BGR img_batch = tf.cast(img_plac, tf.float32) img_batch = short_side_resize_for_inference_data(img_tensor=img_batch, target_shortside_len=cfgs.IMG_SHORT_SIDE_LEN, length_limitation=cfgs.IMG_MAX_LENGTH) if cfgs.NET_NAME in ['resnet152_v1d', 'resnet101_v1d', 'resnet50_v1d']: img_batch = (img_batch / 255 - tf.constant(cfgs.PIXEL_MEAN_)) / tf.constant(cfgs.PIXEL_STD) else: img_batch = img_batch - tf.constant(cfgs.PIXEL_MEAN) img_batch = tf.expand_dims(img_batch, axis=0) detection_scores, detection_category, detection_boxes_angle = det_net.build_whole_detection_network( input_img_batch=img_batch, gtboxes_batch_h=None, gtboxes_batch_r=None, gt_encode_label=None) init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer() ) restorer, restore_ckpt = det_net.get_restorer() config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: if not restorer is None: restorer.restore(sess, restore_ckpt) print('restore model') all_boxes_r = [] imgs = os.listdir(img_dir) pbar = tqdm(imgs) for a_img_name in pbar: a_img_name = a_img_name.split(image_ext)[0] raw_img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(img_dir, a_img_name + image_ext)) raw_h, raw_w = raw_img.shape[0], raw_img.shape[1] resized_img, det_boxes_r_, det_scores_r_, det_category_r_ = \ [img_batch, detection_boxes_angle, detection_scores, detection_category], feed_dict={img_plac: raw_img[:, :, ::-1]} ) if draw_imgs: detected_indices = det_scores_r_ >= cfgs.VIS_SCORE detected_scores = det_scores_r_[detected_indices] detected_boxes = det_boxes_r_[detected_indices] detected_categories = det_category_r_[detected_indices] det_detections_r = draw_box_in_img.draw_boxes_with_label_and_scores(np.squeeze(resized_img, 0), boxes=detected_boxes, labels=detected_categories, scores=detected_scores, method=1, in_graph=True) save_dir = os.path.join('test_hrsc', cfgs.VERSION, 'hrsc2016_img_vis') tools.mkdir(save_dir) cv2.imwrite(save_dir + '/{}.jpg'.format(a_img_name), det_detections_r[:, :, ::-1]) if det_boxes_r_.shape[0] != 0: resized_h, resized_w = resized_img.shape[1], resized_img.shape[2] det_boxes_r_ = forward_convert(det_boxes_r_, False) det_boxes_r_[:, 0::2] *= (raw_w / resized_w) det_boxes_r_[:, 1::2] *= (raw_h / resized_h) det_boxes_r_ = backward_convert(det_boxes_r_, False) x_c, y_c, w, h, theta = det_boxes_r_[:, 0], det_boxes_r_[:, 1], det_boxes_r_[:, 2], \ det_boxes_r_[:, 3], det_boxes_r_[:, 4] boxes_r = np.transpose(np.stack([x_c, y_c, w, h, theta])) dets_r = np.hstack((det_category_r_.reshape(-1, 1), det_scores_r_.reshape(-1, 1), boxes_r)) all_boxes_r.append(dets_r) pbar.set_description("Eval image %s" % a_img_name) # fw1 = open(cfgs.VERSION + '_detections_r.pkl', 'wb') # pickle.dump(all_boxes_r, fw1) return all_boxes_r
loaddir='sketch_png' savedir='sketch_cls' outsize=128 numclusters=5 finaldict={} with open('categories.txt') as file: for line in file: ipdir=os.path.join(loaddir,line.strip()) classfile=os.listdir(ipdir) classdata=np.zeros((len(classfile),outsize**2)) for cfile in range(len(classfile)): ipfilename=os.path.join(ipdir,classfile[cfile]) tempimage=cv2.imread(ipfilename,0) tempimage=cv2.resize(tempimage,(outsize,outsize)) classdata[cfile,:]=tempimage.ravel() classfile[cfile]=classfile[cfile].split('.')[0] classdata=classdata/255. kmeansout=KMeans(n_clusters=numclusters,random_state=0).fit(classdata) kmeanscls=list(kmeansout.labels_) print str(Counter(kmeanscls)) finaldict[line.strip()]=dict(zip(classfile,kmeanscls)) opdir=os.path.join(savedir,line.strip()) if not os.path.exists(opdir): os.mkdir(opdir) outputfiles=kmeansout.cluster_centers_.reshape((numclusters,outsize,outsize)) for i in range(numclusters): opfilename=os.path.join(opdir,line.strip()+'%'+str(i).zfill(2)+'.png') cv2.imwrite(opfilename,(outputfiles[i,:,:]*255).astype(int)) print line.strip()+' Done......' pickle.dump(finaldict,open('clusters.p','wb'))
import numpy as np import cv2 import glob import os import sys for filename in glob.glob("train/Seq01/imagesjpg/*.jpg"):#specify your own path img = cv2.imread(filename) img = cv2.cvtColor( img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY ) cv2.imwrite( filename, img )
font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX nm = nm.replace("V ", "").replace("Liquid Suspension", "Suspension").replace(" GENERAL", "") ImOverlay1 = Im.copy() ImOverlay1[:, :, 1][Lb == 1] = 0 cv2.putText(ImOverlay1, nm, (int(w / 3), int(h / 6)), font, 2, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) ImOverlay1[:, :, 0][Lb == 1] = 255 OutMain[h * y:h * (y + 1), w * x:w * (x + 1)] = ImOverlay1 x += 1 if x >= mx: x = 0 y += 1 h, w, d = OutMain.shape cv2.imwrite(OutDir + "/" + name[:-4] + "_Main.png", OutMain) fr = np.max([h / 700, w / 1400]) OIm = np.zeros([704, 1404, 3], np.uint8) OutMain = cv2.resize(OutMain, (int(w / fr), int(h / fr))) h, w, d = OutMain.shape OIm[0:h, 0:w, :] = OutMain print(OIm.shape) MainCatsVideoWriter.write(OIm) cv2.imwrite(OutDir + "/" + name[:-4] + "_Main.png", OIm) cv2.imshow('Main Classes', OIm) cv2.waitKey(25) #------------------------------------Display all classes on the image---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- h, w, d = Im.shape
cat_name = one['cat_name'] labels.append("%s: %.2f"%(cat_name, float(one['score']))) if not color_assign.has_key(cat_name): this_color = color_queue.pop() color_assign[cat_name] = this_color # recycle it color_queue.insert(0, this_color) color = color_assign[cat_name] box_colors.append(color) else: if args.show_only_result_frame: continue ori_im = cv2.imread(frame, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) new_im = draw_boxes(ori_im, boxes, labels, box_colors, font_scale=0.8, font_thick=10, box_thick=2, bottom_text=False) if args.show_frame_num: # write the frame idx cv2.putText(new_im, "# %d" % frameIdx, (0, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2) if args.show_only_result_frame: filename = "%08d" % actual_count actual_count += 1 target_file = os.path.join(target_path, "%s.jpg" % filename) cv2.imwrite(target_file, new_im)
"default: piece_parameters.json", default="piece_parameters.json") ap.add_argument('-s', '--save', help="Path to the created pattern", required=True) args = vars(ap.parse_args()) border, shape_height, rect_width, start_x, start_y, cyan, \ yellow, magenta, t_height, t_width = pattern_pars('piece_parameters.json') c = 0 # the shape is symmetrical and the pattern depends on the initial parameters above # when the first side is drawn the shape is rotated at 90 degrees and the next side is drawn in the same fashion img = np.zeros((t_height, t_width, 3), np.uint8) img[:] = (0, 0, 0) while c < 4: img = side_drawer(shape_height, rect_width, start_x, start_y, cyan, yellow, magenta) cols, rows, dims = img.shape M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols / 2, rows / 2), 90, 1) img = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (cols, rows)) c += 1 # Draw a white frame cv2.rectangle(img, (0, 0), (t_height, t_width), (255, 255, 255), 120) # Draw the ROI area cv2.rectangle(img, (cyan, cyan), (380, 380), (255, 255, 255), -1) # Save name = os.path.join(args["save"], "piece.jpg") cv2.imwrite(name, img) # Display the image cv2.imshow("img", img) cv2.waitKey(0)