def overlap_contours(i,j): # Take the 'j'th contour, from the contours_sorted array, and the for every point of the 'j' check if its inside 'i' or on 'i' or outside 'i' # If we find that the contour 'j' is conpletely outside, we return -1, else if partially overlapped, we return 0, and if completely subsumed, we return +1 completely_outside = True completely_subsumed = True for k in contours[j][0]: #for every point in contour 'j' k_loc = cv2.pointPolygonTest(contours[i],(k[0],k[1]),False) if k_loc == 0: #Its on the contour[i] completely_outside = False completely_subsumed = False break elif k_loc == -1: #Its not subsumed completely_subsumed = False # end of for if completely_subsumed == True: return(j) if completely_outside == False and completely_subsumed == False: return(-1) #on the border if completely_outside == True: # we test the reverse condition, thats the object 'i' might be subsumed completely within object 'i' completely_subsumed = True for k in contours[i][0]: # for every point in contour 'i' if cv2.pointPolygonTest(contours[j], (k[0], k[1]), False) < 1: # Its on or outside the contour[j] completely_subsumed = False break if completely_subsumed == True: return(i) else: return(-2) return(-1)
def distance_image(self,point=None): '''find the distance between a point and adjacent point on contour specified. Point should be a tuple or list (x,y) If no point is given, distance to all point is calculated and distance image is returned''' if type(point) == tuple: if len(point)==2: self.dist = cv2.pointPolygonTest(self.cnt,point,True) return self.dist else: dst = np.empty(self.img.shape) for i in xrange(self.img.shape[0]): for j in xrange(self.img.shape[1]): dst.itemset(i,j,cv2.pointPolygonTest(self.cnt,(j,i),True)) dst = dst+127 dst = np.uint8(np.clip(dst,0,255)) # plotting using palette method in numpy palette = [] for i in xrange(256): if i<127: palette.append([2*i,0,0]) elif i==127: palette.append([255,255,255]) elif i>127: l = i-128 palette.append([0,0,255-2*l]) palette = np.array(palette,np.uint8) self.h2 = palette[dst] return self.h2
def isEllipse(contour): ''' Detects if the given polygon is an ellipse. Returns the ellipse form of the polygon if it's an ellipse, None otherwise. ''' try: rect = cv2.fitEllipse(contour) # Rotated rectangle representing the ellipse it tries to fit except: return None (x, y), (w, h), angle = rect # x offset, y offset, width, height, angle w, h = h, w # Switch them since our ellipses are usually rotated 90 degrees TEST_POINTS = 16 E = 0.1 # Radius percentage increase/decrease for test points MIN_SUCC_RATE = 0.9 successes = 0 for a in np.arange(0, 2*math.pi, 2*math.pi/TEST_POINTS): ipoint = (x+0.5*w*math.cos(a)*(1-E), y+0.5*h*math.sin(a)*(1-E)) opoint = (x+0.5*w*math.cos(a)*(1+E), y+0.5*h*math.sin(a)*(1+E)) test = cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, ipoint, False) if cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, ipoint, False) > 0: # The inside point is inside successes += 1 if cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, opoint, False) < 0: # The outside point is outside successes += 1 succ_rate = successes / (TEST_POINTS * 2) if succ_rate >= MIN_SUCC_RATE: return rect else: return None
def ppt(ct, p, b): if type(p) == tuple: return -cv2.pointPolygonTest(ct, p, b) elif len(np.shape(p)) == 1: return -cv2.pointPolygonTest(ct, tuple(p), b) else: return np.array([-cv2.pointPolygonTest(ct, tuple(pp), b) for pp in np.array(p)])
def plot_intercontour_hist(image, outer_contour_id, contours, graph, normalized=True): outer_contour = contours[outer_contour_id] (x, y, width, height) = cv2.boundingRect(outer_contour) subimage = get_subimage(image, (x, y), (x + width, y + height)) monochrome = cv2.cvtColor(subimage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) inverted_mask =, monochrome, cv2.CMP_EQ) inner_contours = [contours[int(contour_id)] for contour_id in graph.successors(outer_contour_id)] for i in range(width): for j in range(height): point = (x + i, y + j) outer_contour_test = cv2.pointPolygonTest(outer_contour, point, 0) inner_contours_test = -1 for inner_contour in inner_contours: inner_contour_test = cv2.pointPolygonTest(inner_contour, point, 0) if inner_contour_test > 0: inner_contours_test = 1 break if outer_contour_test >= 0 and inner_contours_test < 0: inverted_mask[j][i] = 0 mask = cv2.bitwise_not(inverted_mask) cv.Set(cv.fromarray(subimage), WHITE, cv.fromarray(inverted_mask)) inner_contour_id = len(str(inner_contours)) print 'inner contour id: ', inner_contour_id image_name = '%d-%s'%(outer_contour_id, inner_contour_id) #cv2.imshow(image_name, subimage) #subhists = plot_hist(subimage, mask, image_name) (subhists, winnames) = plot_hist_hls(subimage, mask, image_name, normalized) return subhists, subimage, mask, x, y, winnames
def isEllipse(contour): rect = cv2.fitEllipse(contour) # Rotated rectangle representing the ellipse it tries to fit (x, y), (w, h), angle = rect # x offset, y offset, width, height, angle w, h = h, w # Switch them since our ellipses are usually rotated 90 degrees # Draw TEST_INSIDE points inside the ellipse and TEST_OUTSIDE points outside and see if they're in the hull TEST_INSIDE = 10 TEST_OUTSIDE = 10 # Equation of ellipse: (x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 = 1 e = 0.1 tests = [] tests.append(cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, (x, y), False)) tests.append(cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, (x+w*(0.5-e), y), False)) tests.append(cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, (x-w*(0.5-e), y), False)) tests.append(cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, (x, y+h*(0.5-e)), False)) tests.append(cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, (x, y-h*(0.5-e)), False)) tests.append(not cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, (x+w*(0.5-e), y+h*(0.5-e)), False)) tests.append(not cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, (x+w*(0.5-e), y-h*(0.5-e)), False)) tests.append(not cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, (x-w*(0.5-e), y+h*(0.5-e)), False)) tests.append(not cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, (x-w*(0.5-e), y-h*(0.5-e)), False)) for test in tests: if test == -1.0: return False return True
def shrinkBoundingRectToCircumscribed(maskHull, x, y, w, h): # now we are going to SHRINK it until all 4 corners fit # ul= np.array([0,0]) # ur = np.array([0,0]) # ll = np.array([0,0]) # lr = np.array([0,0]) # ul= np.zeros(2,dtype = np.int32) # ur = np.zeros(2,dtype = np.int32) # ll = np.zeros(2,dtype = np.int32) # lr = np.zeros(2,dtype = np.int32) if (maskHull is None): return (0,0,0,0) testPolygon = maskHull # print "test polygon is:" # print testPolygon while True: # ul[0]=x # ul[1]=y # ur[0]=x+w # ur[1]=y # ll[0]=x # ll[1]=y+h # lr[0]=x+2 # lr[1]=y+h ul = (x, y) ur = (x + w - 1, y) ll = (x, y + h - 1) lr = (x + w - 1, y + h - 1) # ul = (y,x) # ur = (y,x+w) # ll = (y+h,x) # lr = (y+h,x+w) testval = (cv2.pointPolygonTest(testPolygon, ul, False) == 1) and ( cv2.pointPolygonTest(testPolygon, ur, False) == 1) and (cv2.pointPolygonTest(testPolygon, ll, False) == 1) and ( cv2.pointPolygonTest(testPolygon, lr, False) == 1) if (testval): # print "matches at:" # print ul, ur, ll, lr return (x, y, w, h) # print "Testing %d,%d size %d,%d", (x,y,x+w,y+h) x = x + 1 y = y + 1 w = w - 2 h = h - 2 if (w <= 0 or h <= 0): return (0, 0, 0, 0) pass
def get_targets(self, fly_erased_img, headpoint, centroidpoint, _bodyAxis): kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.uint8) _, mask = cv2.threshold(fly_erased_img, 60, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) mask = cv2.erode(mask, kernel, iterations=1) contourImage = mask.copy() contourImage = np.pad(contourImage,((2,2),(2,2)), mode='maximum') contours, hierarchy1 = cv2.findContours(contourImage, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) hierarchy = hierarchy1[0] for x in hierarchy: if x[3] <0: parent = x #headpoint = (int(track.loc[framenumber, 'c_head_location_x']), int(track.loc[framenumber, 'c_head_location_y'])) candidateTargets = [] for component in zip(contours, hierarchy): c = component[0] h = component[1] centroidCheck = cv2.pointPolygonTest(c,centroidpoint,True) if centroidCheck <=0: if np.array_equal(hierarchy[h[3]], parent) : #is in outer hierarchy (parent is edge.) if h[2] > 0: # has child (targets have inner and outer edge) if (cv2.contourArea(c) <= 150000) & (cv2.contourArea(c) >= 20000): ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(c) if not self.pointInEllipse(centroidpoint[0],centroidpoint[1],ellipse[0][0],ellipse[0][1],ellipse[1][0],ellipse[1][1],ellipse[2]): candidateTargets.append(c) areas = [] if len(candidateTargets) >0: for T in range(len(candidateTargets)): areas.append(cv2.contourArea(candidateTargets[T])) TARGET = cv2.convexHull(candidateTargets[areas.index(max(areas))] ) M = cv2.moments(TARGET) targCentre = (int(M['m10']/M['m00']), int(M['m01']/M['m00'])) distance = -1.0*cv2.pointPolygonTest(TARGET,headpoint,True) / 135.5 # based on 135.5 pixels per mm angle= self.angle_from_vertical(headpoint, targCentre) approachAngle= angle - _bodyAxis #track.loc[framenumber, 'd_bodyAxis'] if approachAngle < 0: approachAngle *= -1.0 if approachAngle >=180.0: approachAngle -= 180.0 else: distance = np.nan approachAngle = np.nan TARGET = None return TARGET, distance, approachAngle
def triangle_is_valid(self, start): # check if middle point of triangle is inside polygon. otherwise triangle is invalid middle = self.calc_triangle_middle(self.triangle) if cv2.pointPolygonTest(np.array([self.points], 'int32'), middle, False) < 0: return False # check if other points pf polygon are not inside triangle. otherwise triangle is invalid for i, point in enumerate(self.points): # ignore points of triangle if i < start or i > start + 1: if cv2.pointPolygonTest(np.array([self.triangle], 'int32'), (point[0], point[1]), False) > 0: return False # check if area of triangle is not too big and not too small for polygon area = cv2.contourArea(np.array(self.triangle, 'int32')) return MIN_COLOR_TRIANGLE_AREA < area / self.area < MAX_COLOR_TRIANGLE_AREA
def __compare_segmentations(img_a, img_b): # image, contours, hierarchy = cv.findContours(image, mode, method[, contours[, hierarchy[, offset]]]) [opencv3] # contours, hierarchy = cv.findContours(image, mode, method[, contours[, hierarchy[, offset]]]) [opencv2] out_img_a, ct_img_a, h_a = cv.findContours(img_a, cv.RETR_TREE, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) out_img_b, ct_img_b, h_b = cv.findContours(img_b, cv.RETR_TREE, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) error = [] height, width = img_a.shape[:2] for comp_a in ct_img_a: mask_a = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8) mask_b = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8) first_point = comp_a[0][0] cv.fillConvexPoly(mask_a, comp_a, (255)) for comp_b in ct_img_b: if cv.pointPolygonTest(comp_b, (first_point[0], first_point[1]), False) >= 0: cv.fillConvexPoly(mask_b, comp_b, (50)) break set_difference = mask_a - mask_b set_difference_count = (set_difference == 255).sum() error.append(set_difference_count) return error
def rotate_contour(contour, frame_bin): center, size, angle = cv2.minAreaRect(contour) xt,yt,h,w = cv2.boundingRect(contour) region_points = [] for i in range (xt,xt+h): for j in range(yt,yt+w): dist = cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour,(i,j),False) if dist>=0 and frame_bin[j,i]==255: # da li se tacka nalazi unutar konture? region_points.append([i,j]) cx,cy = center height, width = size if width<height: angle-=90 # Rotiranje svake tačke regiona oko centra rotacije alpha = np.pi/2 - abs(np.radians(angle)) region_points_rotated = np.ndarray((len(region_points), 1,2), dtype=np.int32) for i, point in enumerate(region_points): x = point[0] y = point[1] #TODO 1 - izračunati koordinate tačke nakon rotacije rx = np.sin(alpha)*(x-cx) - np.cos(alpha)*(y-cy) + cx ry = np.cos(alpha)*(x-cx) + np.sin(alpha)*(y-cy) + cy region_points_rotated[i] = [rx,ry] return region_points_rotated
def select_and_convexify(self, selection_method, make_convex, object): # index_desired = self.candidate_objects.index(self.desired_object) object_index = self.candidate_objects.index(object) self.segments[object] = np.zeros(self.segmentation.shape, np.uint8) self.contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(np.logical_and(self.bin_mask, self.segmentation == object_index).astype('uint8'), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if self.contours: # # compute the area for each contour if selection_method == "all": self.selected_contours = range(len(self.contours)) elif selection_method == "largest": contour_areas = [cv2.contourArea(cnt) for cnt in self.contours] self.selected_contours = [np.argmax(contour_areas)] elif selection_method == "max_smooth": # find most likely point for object on the parts that were segmented argmax = (self.posterior_images_smooth[object] * (self.segmentation == object_index)).argmax() # compute the image coordinates of this point max_posterior_point = np.unravel_index(argmax, self.posterior_images_smooth[object].shape)[::-1] # select contour that includes this point self.selected_contours = [np.argmax([cv2.pointPolygonTest(cnt,max_posterior_point,False) for cnt in self.contours])] else: print("I DON'T KNOW THIS SELECTION METHOD!") for i in self.selected_contours: if make_convex: self.contours[i] = cv2.convexHull(self.contours[i]) cv2.drawContours(self.segments[object], [self.contours[i]], 0, 255, -1)
def getInternalPixels(img, contour, nullval=-1): maxx, maxy = 0, 0 minx, miny = sys.maxsize, sys.maxsize for val in contour: if val[0][0] > maxx : maxx = val[0][0] if val[0][0] < minx : minx = val[0][0] if val[0][1] > maxy : maxy = val[0][1] if val[0][1] < miny : miny = val[0][1] retPx = np.zeros((maxy-miny+3, maxx-minx+3, 3), np.uint8) ri, ci = 0, 0 for row in range(miny-1, maxy+2): ci = 0 for col in range(minx-1, maxx+2): if cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, (col, row), False) >= 0: retPx[ri][ci] = img[row][col] else: retPx[ri][ci] = nullval ci += 1 ri += 1 return retPx
def extract_face(face_id, img_width, img_height, face_name): landmark = api.detection.landmark(face_id=face_id, type='83p') #center point to expend the contour nose_x = landmark['result'][0]['landmark']['nose_tip']['x'] nose_y = landmark['result'][0]['landmark']['nose_tip']['y'] nose_x = nose_x / 100 * img_width nose_y = nose_y / 100 * img_height contour = [] contour_point_name = [] for v in contour_name_list2: x = landmark['result'][0]['landmark'][v]['x'] y = landmark['result'][0]['landmark'][v]['y'] x = x / 100 * img_width y = y / 100 * img_height if 'mouth' in v: dx = (x-nose_x) * 1.2 dy = (y-nose_y) * 1.2 #print '%s: %5.2f %5.2f' % (v, x-nose_x, y-nose_y) x = dx + nose_x y = dy + nose_y contour.append([x, y]) contour = np.array(contour, dtype=np.int32) extract_face = cv2.imread(face_name) #print extract_face.shape for x in xrange(img_width): for y in xrange(img_height): if cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour,(x,y),False) < 0: #print x, y extract_face[y][x][0] = 0 extract_face[y][x][1] = 0 extract_face[y][x][2] = 0 return extract_face
def pointInRoi(self, point): """ Returns True if the point is in the roi :param tuple point: and (x,y) point """ return cv2.pointPolygonTest(self.points, point, False) > 0
def testInside(self, p, measureDist=False): """extends Widget.testInside() to support distance to ellipse. Note: distance to ellipse is approximate.""" if self.type == 'ellipse': pdiff = -( uc =, nu) / self.u vc =, nv) / self.v d2 = uc*uc + vc*vc if measureDist: d = math.sqrt(d2) if d: uc /= d vc /= d else: uc = 1 vc = 0 pc = + uc*self.u* + vc*self.v*self.nv diff = -(pc - p) dc = math.sqrt(, diff)) if d2 < 1: return dc else: return -dc elif d2 == 1: return 0 elif d2 < 1: return 1 elif d2 > 1: return -1 else: if len(self.points) != 9: updatePoints() ppoly = self.points[self.outer] return cv2.pointPolygonTest( ppoly, a2t(p), measureDist )
def find_morse_contours(group_morse): h, w = group_morse.shape[:2] group_morse = cv2.erode(group_morse, np.ones((11, 11), np.uint8), iterations=8) # erode to create big contours - groups, aka letters group_morse[0:0.03 * h, :] = 255 group_morse[0.97 * h:h, :] = 255 group_morse[:, 0:0.03 * w] = 255 group_morse[:, 0.97 * w:w] = 255 _, grp_cnts, _ = cv2.findContours(group_morse.copy(), cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) morse_grp_cnts = [] for c in grp_cnts: if cv2.arcLength(c, 1) < ((2 * h + 2 * w) * 0.5): morse_grp_cnts.append(c) morse_groups = [] morse_groups_cent = [] for grp_cnt in morse_grp_cnts: grp = [] grp_cent = [] for i in range(0, len(morse_cnts)): if cv2.pointPolygonTest(grp_cnt, (morse_cent[i][0], morse_cent[i][1]), False) > 0: # if centroid is in group shape, this dot/dash belongs to group grp.append(morse_cnts[i]) grp_cent.append(morse_cent[i]) if len(grp) != 0: morse_groups.append(grp) # add group to group set morse_groups_cent.append(grp_cent) morse_groups = morse_groups[::-1] morse_groups_cent = morse_groups_cent[::-1] for i in range(len(morse_groups)): morse_groups[i], morse_groups_cent[i] = sort_by_centroids(morse_groups[i], morse_groups_cent[i]) return group_morse, morse_groups, morse_groups_cent, morse_grp_cnts
def identifyNotes(img,noteheads,staffData): # Invert the image for findContours img = 255 - img # Find contours contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(img,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) # Remove contours that have dimensions that are too large to correspond to notes heightThreshold = 8*(staffData.lineThickness + staffData.lineSpacing) filteredContours = [] for contour in contours: roi = cv2.boundingRect(contour) if (roi[3] < heightThreshold): filteredContours.append(contour) contours = filteredContours # contourMap is a list of tuples (contour,noteheads) where contour is a list of points representing a contour and noteheads is a list of noteheads whose centre lies within that contour contourMap = [] # Identify, for each contour, which noteheads has a centre that lies within that contour for contour in contours: noteheadsInContour = [] for notehead in noteheads: if (cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour,tuple(map(lambda (x,y): x+y/2,zip(notehead.point,notehead.dimensions))),False) == 1): noteheadsInContour.append(notehead) if (noteheadsInContour): contourMap.append((contour,noteheadsInContour))
def findMaxContours(): conts = [] for c in range(180): # for c in [170,50,86,111]: lower_blue = np.array([c-hdelta,0,0]) upper_blue = np.array([c+hdelta,255,250]) mask = cv2.inRange(img, lower_blue, upper_blue) x = kersize kernel = np.ones((x,x), np.uint8) erosion = cv2.dilate(mask,kernel,iterations = 1) kernel = np.ones((x/2,x/2), np.uint8) erosion = cv2.erode(erosion,kernel,iterations = 1) contours,h = cv2.findContours(erosion,1,2) for i,cnt in enumerate(contours): x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt) if w > 0.6 * img.shape[1]: app = True for cnt2 in conts: if cv2.pointPolygonTest(cnt2, tuple(cnt2[0][0]) , False): app = False if app: conts.append(cnt) contsS = sorted(conts, key=lambda x: cv2.boundingRect(x)[2] ) for i,cnt in enumerate(contsS[-90:] ): cv2.drawContours(img,[cnt],0,(0,i*10 % 255, (i*223)%255 ),4) cv2.imshow('dst',img) return contsS[-100:]
def select_roi2(image_orig, image_bin): img, contours_borders, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(image_bin.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) contours = [] contour_angles = [] contour_centers = [] contour_sizes = [] for contour in contours_borders: if((cv2.contourArea(contour) >200) and (isTriangleP(contour) or isOsmougao(contour) or isSquareP(contour) or isCircleP(contour))): center, size, angle = cv2.minAreaRect(contour) xt,yt,h,w = cv2.boundingRect(contour) cv2.rectangle(image_orig,(xt,yt),(xt+w,yt+h),(255,0,0),10) region_points = [] for i in range (xt,xt+h): for j in range(yt,yt+w): dist = cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour,(i,j),False) if dist>=0 and image_bin[j,i]==255: # da li se tacka nalazi unutar konture? region_points.append([i,j]) contour_centers.append(center) contour_angles.append(angle) contour_sizes.append(size) contours.append(region_points) #Postavljanje kontura u vertikalan polozaj contours = rotate_regions(contours, contour_angles, contour_centers, contour_sizes) #spajanje kukica i kvacica #contours = merge_regions(contours) regions_dict = {} for contour in contours: min_x = min(contour[:,0]) max_x = max(contour[:,0]) min_y = min(contour[:,1]) max_y = max(contour[:,1]) region = np.zeros((max_y-min_y+1,max_x-min_x+1), dtype=np.int16) for point in contour: x = point[0] y = point[1] # TODO 3 - koordinate tacaka regiona prebaciti u relativne koordinate '''Pretpostavimo da gornja leva tačka regiona ima apsolutne koordinate (100,100). Ako uzmemo tačku sa koordinatama unutar regiona, recimo (105,105), nakon prebacivanja u relativne koordinate tačka bi trebala imati koorinate (5,5) unutar samog regiona. ''' region[y-min_y,x-min_x] = 255 regions_dict[min_x] = [resize_region(region), (min_x,min_y,max_x-min_x,max_y-min_y)] sorted_regions_dict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(regions_dict.items())) sorted_regions = np.array(sorted_regions_dict.values()) return image_orig, sorted_regions[:, 0]
def sort_pixels(image,shape): spill_pixels = [] outside_pixels = [] # test_image = np.zeros(image.shape) # cv2.fillConvexPoly(test_image,shape,1) border = 50 x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(shape) x = max(0,x-border) y = max(0,y-border) w += 2*border h += 2*border x2 = min(x+w,image.shape[1]) y2 = min(y+h,image.shape[0]) ### Testing # rect = test_image[y:y+h,x:x+w] # cv2.imshow("test",rect) # cv2.waitKey(0) ### Testing for i in range(x,x2): for j in range(y,y2): # if test_image[j,i]: dist = cv2.pointPolygonTest(shape,(i,j),True) if dist >= 0: spill_pixels.append(image[j,i]) elif dist >= -50: outside_pixels.append(image[j,i]) # print cv2.contourArea(shape),len(pixels),cv2.arcLength(shape,True) # assert cv2.contourArea(shape) == len(pixels) return np.array(spill_pixels),np.array(outside_pixels)
def contains(self, point, closed=True): """do we contain point? if closed (in set-theoretic sense) then we include points on our border, else False""" contour = np.array([[x,y] for x,y in self.points], dtype=np.float32) point = (np.float32(point.x()), np.float32(point.y())) test = cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, point, False) return test > (-0.5 if closed else 0.5)
def distFromBorder(self, point): """ Returns the distance from the point to the border of the roi :param tuple point: The (x, y) point to check """ return cv2.pointPolygonTest(self.points, point, True)
def minimumDistanceContour(contours, center): distances = [] for i in range(0,len(contours)): distance = cv2.pointPolygonTest(contours[i], center, True) distances.append(np.fabs(distance)) index = distances.index(min(distances)) return index
def in_region(self, contour): hits = 0 for (x, y) in self.control_pts: if cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, (x, y), False) >= 0: hits += 1 # do majority vote of points return hits > len(self.control_pts) / 2
def selectByPiont(self, row, col): for c in self.contours: if cv2.pointPolygonTest(c, (col,row), False) >= 0: r = cv2.boundingRect(c) i1, j1, i2, j2 = rect2coordinates(r) return i1, j1, i2, j2 return -1, -1, -1, -1
def PolygonTestRC(contour, pt, count = 0, counter_code = ''): count += 1 Inside = cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, pt, False) if Inside > -1: counter_code = counter_code + '+' + str(count) else: counter_code = counter_code + '-' + str(count) return count, counter_code
def in_contour(input_file, point, squares=True, thresh_val=255, k_size=5, iterations=30): """ >>> isinstance(in_contour(test_image, (200, 200)), np.ndarray) True >>> in_contour(test_image, (0, 0)) -1 >>> in_contour(None, (0,0)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? IOError: The input file can't be a None object >>> in_contour("", (0,0)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? IOError: The input file can't be ''. >>> in_contour("fakeRoute", (0,0)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? IOError: Input file not found. >>> in_contour(test_image, (0,0), thresh_val=-200) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? ValueError: All threshold values must be between 0 and 255. >>> in_contour(test_image, (0,0), k_size=-10) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? ValueError: Kernel size value must be greater than 0. >>> in_contour(test_image, (0,0), iterations=-10) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? ValueError: Iterations value must be greater than 0. """ image = iu.get_image(input_file) check_threshold(thresh_val) check_kernel(k_size) check_iterations(iterations) contours = detect_contours(image, thresh_val, k_size, iterations) if squares == True: contours = get_squares(contours) contours = join_contours(contours) cnt = -1 for c in contours: if cv.pointPolygonTest(c, point, measureDist=False) >= 0: cnt = c return cnt
def _get_palm_circle(contour, fore): dist_max = np.zeros((fore.shape[0], fore.shape[1])) for y in range(0, fore.shape[0], 4): for x in range(0, fore.shape[1], 4): if fore[y, x]: dist_max[y, x] = cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, (x, y), True) min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc(dist_max) return max_loc, max_val
def circleCheck(contours, hierarchy,circleX,circleY): for h,cnt in enumerate(contours): if cv2.pointPolygonTest(cnt,(circleX,circleY), False) == 1: if hierarchy[0,h][2] == -1: return h else: nuH = hierarchy[0,h][2] kinderList = [] passed = True if cv2.pointPolygonTest(contours[nuH],(circleX,circleY), False) != 1: kinderList = recursiveNeighborCheck(kinderList,hierarchy,nuH,0) kinderList = recursiveNeighborCheck(kinderList,hierarchy,nuH,1) for kind in kinderList: if cv2.pointPolygonTest(contours[kind],(circleX,circleY), False) == 1: passed = False if passed: return h return False
def testInside(self, p, measureDist=False): """tests to see if the point is inside the region described by this Widget, or returns an approximate distance, depending on whether measureDist is True.""" return cv2.pointPolygonTest(self.points, a2t(p), measureDist)
def isInContourV2(cont, pt, patch_size=256): return 1 if cv2.pointPolygonTest(cont, (pt[0] + patch_size / 2, pt[1] + patch_size / 2), False) >= 0 else 0
def fix_hsv(x, y, param): sliders = param[1].table frame = param[0] #print (sliders.value()) sliders['low h'].setValue(0) sliders['low s'].setValue(100) sliders['low v'].setValue(50) sliders['high h'].setValue(187) sliders['high s'].setValue(255) sliders['high v'].setValue(255) blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(frame, (15, 15), 0) hsv = cv2.cvtColor(blur, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) sample = hsv[y, x] print('clicked on', sample) sliders['high h'].setValue(sample[0] + 1) sliders['low h'].setValue(sample[0] - 1) best_area = 0.0 best_radius = 0.0 object_found = False while object_found == False: lower_red = np.array([ sliders['low h'].value(), sliders['low s'].value(), sliders['low v'].value() ]) upper_red = np.array([ sliders['high h'].value(), sliders['high s'].value(), sliders['high v'].value() ]) mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red, upper_red) mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=2) mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=2) cnts = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts = cnts[0] for contour in cnts: inside = cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, (x, y), False) if inside >= 0: object_found = True print('found') ((x, y), radius) = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(contour) area = cv2.contourArea(contour) best_area = area break print('inside:', inside) if object_found == False: sliders['high h'].setValue(sliders['high h'].value() + 1) sliders['low h'].setValue(sliders['low h'].value() - 1) print('best area', radius) sliders['high h'].setValue(sliders['high h'].value() + 1) lower_red = np.array([ sliders['low h'].value(), sliders['low s'].value(), sliders['low v'].value() ]) upper_red = np.array([ sliders['high h'].value(), sliders['high s'].value(), sliders['high v'].value() ]) mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red, upper_red) mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=2) mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=2) cnts = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts = cnts[0] for contour in cnts: inside = cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, (x, y), False) if inside >= 0: ((x, y), radius) = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(contour) area = cv2.contourArea(contour) while area > best_area and radius > best_radius: print('area', area, 'radius', radius) best_radius = radius best_area = area sliders['high h'].setValue(sliders['high h'].value() + 1) #sliders['low h'].setValue(sliders['low h'].value()-1) lower_red = np.array([ sliders['low h'].value(), sliders['low s'].value(), sliders['low v'].value() ]) upper_red = np.array([ sliders['high h'].value(), sliders['high s'].value(), sliders['high v'].value() ]) mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red, upper_red) mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=2) mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=2) cnts = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts = cnts[0] for contour in cnts: inside = cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, (x, y), False) if inside >= 0: ((x, y), radius) = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(contour) area = cv2.contourArea(contour) sliders['low h'].setValue(sliders['low h'].value() - 1) lower_red = np.array([ sliders['low h'].value(), sliders['low s'].value(), sliders['low v'].value() ]) upper_red = np.array([ sliders['high h'].value(), sliders['high s'].value(), sliders['high v'].value() ]) mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red, upper_red) mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=2) mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=2) cnts = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts = cnts[0] for contour in cnts: inside = cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, (x, y), False) if inside >= 0: ((x, y), radius) = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(contour) area = cv2.contourArea(contour) while area > best_area and radius > best_radius: print('area', area, 'radius', radius) best_radius = radius best_area = area #sliders['high h'].setValue(sliders['high h'].value()+1) sliders['low h'].setValue(sliders['low h'].value() - 1) lower_red = np.array([ sliders['low h'].value(), sliders['low s'].value(), sliders['low v'].value() ]) upper_red = np.array([ sliders['high h'].value(), sliders['high s'].value(), sliders['high v'].value() ]) mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red, upper_red) mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=2) mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=2) cnts = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts = cnts[0] for contour in cnts: inside = cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, (x, y), False) if inside >= 0: ((x, y), radius) = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(contour) area = cv2.contourArea(contour) sliders['low s'].setValue(sliders['low s'].value() + 1) lower_red = np.array([ sliders['low h'].value(), sliders['low s'].value(), sliders['low v'].value() ]) upper_red = np.array([ sliders['high h'].value(), sliders['high s'].value(), sliders['high v'].value() ]) mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red, upper_red) mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=2) mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=2) cnts = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts = cnts[0] while len(cnts) > 1: sliders['low s'].setValue(sliders['low s'].value() + 1) lower_red = np.array([ sliders['low h'].value(), sliders['low s'].value(), sliders['low v'].value() ]) upper_red = np.array([ sliders['high h'].value(), sliders['high s'].value(), sliders['high v'].value() ]) mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red, upper_red) mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=2) mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=2) cnts = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts = cnts[0]
def analyze_object(img, obj, mask): """Outputs numeric properties for an input object (contour or grouped contours). Inputs: img = RGB or grayscale image data for plotting obj = single or grouped contour object mask = Binary image to use as mask for moments analysis Returns: shape_header = shape data table headers shape_data = shape data table values analysis_images = list of output images :param img: numpy.ndarray :param obj: list :param mask: numpy.ndarray :return shape_header: list :return shape_data: list :return analysis_images: list """ params.device += 1 # Valid objects can only be analyzed if they have >= 5 vertices if len(obj) < 5: return None, None, None ori_img = np.copy(img) # Convert grayscale images to color if len(np.shape(ori_img)) == 2: ori_img = cv2.cvtColor(ori_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) if len(np.shape(img)) == 3: ix, iy, iz = np.shape(img) else: ix, iy = np.shape(img) size = ix, iy, 3 size1 = ix, iy background = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.uint8) background1 = np.zeros(size1, dtype=np.uint8) background2 = np.zeros(size1, dtype=np.uint8) # Check is object is touching image boundaries (QC) frame_background = np.zeros(size1, dtype=np.uint8) frame = frame_background + 1 frame_contour, frame_hierarchy = cv2.findContours( frame, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[-2:] ptest = [] vobj = np.vstack(obj) for i, c in enumerate(vobj): xy = tuple(c) pptest = cv2.pointPolygonTest(frame_contour[0], xy, measureDist=False) ptest.append(pptest) in_bounds = all(c == 1 for c in ptest) # Convex Hull hull = cv2.convexHull(obj) hull_vertices = len(hull) # Moments # m = cv2.moments(obj) m = cv2.moments(mask, binaryImage=True) # Properties # Area area = m['m00'] if area: # Convex Hull area hull_area = cv2.contourArea(hull) # Solidity solidity = 1 if int(hull_area) != 0: solidity = area / hull_area # Perimeter perimeter = cv2.arcLength(obj, closed=True) # x and y position (bottom left?) and extent x (width) and extent y (height) x, y, width, height = cv2.boundingRect(obj) # Centroid (center of mass x, center of mass y) cmx, cmy = (m['m10'] / m['m00'], m['m01'] / m['m00']) # Ellipse center, axes, angle = cv2.fitEllipse(obj) major_axis = np.argmax(axes) minor_axis = 1 - major_axis major_axis_length = axes[major_axis] minor_axis_length = axes[minor_axis] eccentricity = np.sqrt(1 - (axes[minor_axis] / axes[major_axis])**2) # Longest Axis: line through center of mass and point on the convex hull that is furthest away, (int(cmx), int(cmy)), 4, (255, 255, 255), -1) center_p = cv2.cvtColor(background, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) ret, centerp_binary = cv2.threshold(center_p, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) centerpoint, cpoint_h = cv2.findContours(centerp_binary, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[-2:] dist = [] vhull = np.vstack(hull) for i, c in enumerate(vhull): xy = tuple(c) pptest = cv2.pointPolygonTest(centerpoint[0], xy, measureDist=True) dist.append(pptest) abs_dist = np.absolute(dist) max_i = np.argmax(abs_dist) caliper_max_x, caliper_max_y = list(tuple(vhull[max_i])) caliper_mid_x, caliper_mid_y = [int(cmx), int(cmy)] xdiff = float(caliper_max_x - caliper_mid_x) ydiff = float(caliper_max_y - caliper_mid_y) # Set default values slope = 1 if xdiff != 0: slope = (float(ydiff / xdiff)) b_line = caliper_mid_y - (slope * caliper_mid_x) if slope != 0: xintercept = int(-b_line / slope) xintercept1 = int((ix - b_line) / slope) if 0 <= xintercept <= iy and 0 <= xintercept1 <= iy: cv2.line(background1, (xintercept1, ix), (xintercept, 0), (255), params.line_thickness) elif xintercept < 0 or xintercept > iy or xintercept1 < 0 or xintercept1 > iy: # Used a random number generator to test if either of these cases were possible but neither is possible # if xintercept < 0 and 0 <= xintercept1 <= iy: # yintercept = int(b_line) # cv2.line(background1, (0, yintercept), (xintercept1, ix), (255), 5) # elif xintercept > iy and 0 <= xintercept1 <= iy: # yintercept1 = int((slope * iy) + b_line) # cv2.line(background1, (iy, yintercept1), (xintercept1, ix), (255), 5) # elif 0 <= xintercept <= iy and xintercept1 < 0: # yintercept = int(b_line) # cv2.line(background1, (0, yintercept), (xintercept, 0), (255), 5) # elif 0 <= xintercept <= iy and xintercept1 > iy: # yintercept1 = int((slope * iy) + b_line) # cv2.line(background1, (iy, yintercept1), (xintercept, 0), (255), 5) # else: yintercept = int(b_line) yintercept1 = int((slope * iy) + b_line) cv2.line(background1, (0, yintercept), (iy, yintercept1), (255), 5) else: cv2.line(background1, (iy, caliper_mid_y), (0, caliper_mid_y), (255), params.line_thickness) ret1, line_binary = cv2.threshold(background1, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # print_image(line_binary,(str(device)+'_caliperfit.png')) cv2.drawContours(background2, [hull], -1, (255), -1) ret2, hullp_binary = cv2.threshold(background2, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # print_image(hullp_binary,(str(device)+'_hull.png')) caliper = cv2.multiply(line_binary, hullp_binary) # print_image(caliper,(str(device)+'_caliperlength.png')) caliper_y, caliper_x = np.array(caliper.nonzero()) caliper_matrix = np.vstack((caliper_x, caliper_y)) caliper_transpose = np.transpose(caliper_matrix) caliper_length = len(caliper_transpose) caliper_transpose1 = np.lexsort((caliper_y, caliper_x)) caliper_transpose2 = [(caliper_x[i], caliper_y[i]) for i in caliper_transpose1] caliper_transpose = np.array(caliper_transpose2) # else: # hull_area, solidity, perimeter, width, height, cmx, cmy = 'ND', 'ND', 'ND', 'ND', 'ND', 'ND', 'ND' # Store Shape Data shape_header = [ 'HEADER_SHAPES', 'area', 'hull-area', 'solidity', 'perimeter', 'width', 'height', 'longest_axis', 'center-of-mass-x', 'center-of-mass-y', 'hull_vertices', 'in_bounds', 'ellipse_center_x', 'ellipse_center_y', 'ellipse_major_axis', 'ellipse_minor_axis', 'ellipse_angle', 'ellipse_eccentricity' ] shape_data = [ 'SHAPES_DATA', area, hull_area, solidity, perimeter, width, height, caliper_length, cmx, cmy, hull_vertices, in_bounds, center[0], center[1], major_axis_length, minor_axis_length, angle, eccentricity ] analysis_images = [] # Draw properties if area: cv2.drawContours(ori_img, obj, -1, (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.drawContours(ori_img, [hull], -1, (0, 0, 255), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(ori_img, (x, y), (x + width, y), (0, 0, 255), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (0, 0, 255), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(ori_img, (tuple(caliper_transpose[caliper_length - 1])), (tuple(caliper_transpose[0])), (0, 0, 255), params.line_thickness), (int(cmx), int(cmy)), 10, (0, 0, 255), params.line_thickness) # Output images with convex hull, extent x and y # out_file = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '_shapes.jpg' # out_file1 = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '_mask.jpg' # print_image(ori_img, out_file) analysis_images.append(ori_img) # print_image(mask, out_file1) analysis_images.append(mask) else: pass # Store into global measurements if not "shapes" in outputs.measurements: outputs.measurements["shapes"] = {} outputs.measurements["shapes"]["area"] = area outputs.measurements["shapes"]["hull-area"] = hull_area outputs.measurements["shapes"]["solidity"] = solidity outputs.measurements["shapes"]["perimeter"] = perimeter outputs.measurements["shapes"]["width"] = width outputs.measurements["shapes"]["height"] = height outputs.measurements["shapes"]["longest_axis"] = caliper_length outputs.measurements["shapes"]["center-of-mass-x"] = cmx outputs.measurements["shapes"]["center-of-mass-y"] = cmy outputs.measurements["shapes"]["hull_vertices"] = hull_vertices outputs.measurements["shapes"]["in_bounds"] = in_bounds outputs.measurements["shapes"]["ellipse_center_x"] = center[0] outputs.measurements["shapes"]["ellipse_center_y"] = center[1] outputs.measurements["shapes"]["ellipse_major_axis"] = major_axis_length outputs.measurements["shapes"]["ellipse_minor_axis"] = minor_axis_length outputs.measurements["shapes"]["ellipse_angle"] = angle outputs.measurements["shapes"]["ellipse_eccentricity"] = eccentricity if params.debug is not None: cv2.drawContours(ori_img, obj, -1, (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.drawContours(ori_img, [hull], -1, (0, 0, 255), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(ori_img, (x, y), (x + width, y), (0, 0, 255), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (0, 0, 255), params.line_thickness), (int(cmx), int(cmy)), 10, (0, 0, 255), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(ori_img, (tuple(caliper_transpose[caliper_length - 1])), (tuple(caliper_transpose[0])), (0, 0, 255), params.line_thickness) if params.debug == 'print': print_image( ori_img, os.path.join(params.debug_outdir, str(params.device) + '_shapes.jpg')) elif params.debug == 'plot': if len(np.shape(img)) == 3: plot_image(ori_img) else: plot_image(ori_img, cmap='gray') # Store images outputs.images.append(analysis_images) return shape_header, shape_data, analysis_images
def __call__(self, pt): return 1 if cv2.pointPolygonTest( self.cont, (pt[0] + self.patch_size // 2, pt[1] + self.patch_size // 2), False) >= 0 else 0
def findDefects(): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) kernel=(5,5) if(cap.isOpened()==False): print('Unable to read camera feed') count=0 global cx;global cy; while(True): ret, frame = # frame=cv2.resize(frame,(1920,1080)) gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) blur = cv2.bilateralFilter(gray,10,50,50) ret,thresh1 = cv2.threshold(blur,110,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV+cv2.THRESH_OTSU) thresh1 = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh1, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) thresh1 = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh1, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) blah,contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh1,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # blah,contours = cv2.findContours(thresh1,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) max_area=0;ci=0; for i in range(len(contours)): cnt=contours[i] area = cv2.contourArea(cnt) if(area>max_area): max_area=area ci=i cnt = contours[ci] hull = cv2.convexHull(cnt) moments = cv2.moments(cnt) if moments['m00']!=0: cx = int(moments['m10']/moments['m00']) cy = int(moments['m01']/moments['m00']) #print(cx,cy,end='\r') center = (cx,cy) # pyautogui.moveTo(cx,cy) cnt = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt,0.01*cv2.arcLength(cnt,True),True) drawing = np.zeros(frame.shape,np.uint8) frame =,center,5,[0,255,255],2) frame = cv2.drawContours(drawing,[cnt],0,(0,255,0),2) frame = cv2.drawContours(drawing,[hull],0,(0,0,255),2) hull = cv2.convexHull(cnt,returnPoints = False) defects = cv2.convexityDefects(cnt,hull) if defects is None: continue mind=0;maxd=0;i=0;fin=0; for i in range(defects.shape[0]): s,e,f,d = defects[i,0] start = tuple(cnt[s][0]) end = tuple(cnt[e][0]) far = tuple(cnt[f][0]) dist = cv2.pointPolygonTest(cnt,center,True) frame = cv2.line(frame,start,end,[255,0,0],2) frame =,far,5,[0,0,255],-1) a = math.sqrt((end[0] - start[0]) ** 2 + (end[1] - start[1]) ** 2) b = math.sqrt((far[0] - start[0]) ** 2 + (far[1] - start[1]) ** 2) c = math.sqrt((end[0] - far[0]) ** 2 + (end[1] - far[1]) ** 2) angle = math.acos((b ** 2 + c ** 2 - a ** 2) / (2 * b * c)) if angle <= math.pi / 2: fin+=1, far, 8, [211, 84, 0], -1) #print('fingers=',fin) cv2.imshow('frame',frame) if cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF == 27: break if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows() break if(fin<=3): count=count+1 clicker(count) cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def analyze_bound_vertical(img, obj, mask, line_position, filename=False): """User-input boundary line tool Inputs: img = RGB or grayscale image data for plotting obj = single or grouped contour object mask = Binary mask made from selected contours shape_header = pass shape header data to function shape_data = pass shape data so that analyze_bound data can be appended to it line_position = position of boundry line (a value of 0 would draw the line through the left side of the image) filename = False or image name. If defined print image. Returns: bound_header = data table column headers bound_data = boundary data table analysis_images = output image filenames :param img: numpy.ndarray :param obj: list :param mask: numpy.ndarray :param line_position: int :param filename: str :return bound_header: tuple :return bound_data: tuple :return analysis_images: list """ params.device += 1 ori_img = np.copy(img) # Draw line horizontal line through bottom of image, that is adjusted to user input height if len(np.shape(ori_img)) == 2: ori_img = cv2.cvtColor(ori_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) iy, ix, iz = np.shape(ori_img) size = (iy, ix) size1 = (iy, ix, 3) background = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.uint8) wback = (np.zeros(size1, dtype=np.uint8)) + 255 x_coor = 0 + int(line_position) y_coor = int(iy) rec_point1 = (0, 0) rec_point2 = (x_coor, y_coor - 2) cv2.rectangle(background, rec_point1, rec_point2, (255), -1) right_contour, right_hierarchy = cv2.findContours(background, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[-2:] x, y, width, height = cv2.boundingRect(obj) if x_coor - x <= 0: width_left_bound = 0 width_right_bound = width elif x_coor - x > 0: width_1 = x_coor - x if width - width_1 <= 0: width_left_bound = width width_right_bound = 0 else: width_left_bound = x_coor - x width_right_bound = width - width_left_bound right = [] left = [] mask_nonzerox, mask_nonzeroy = np.nonzero(mask) obj_points = np.vstack((mask_nonzeroy, mask_nonzerox)) obj_points1 = np.transpose(obj_points) for i, c in enumerate(obj_points1): xy = tuple(c) pptest = cv2.pointPolygonTest(right_contour[0], xy, measureDist=False) if pptest == 1: left.append(xy), xy, 1, (0, 0, 255)), xy, 1, (0, 0, 255)) else: right.append(xy), xy, 1, (0, 255, 0)), xy, 1, (0, 255, 0)) right_bound_area = len(right) left_bound_area = len(left) percent_bound_area_right = ((float(right_bound_area)) / (float(left_bound_area + right_bound_area))) * 100 percent_bound_area_left = ((float(left_bound_area)) / (float(right_bound_area + left_bound_area))) * 100 bound_header = [ 'HEADER_BOUNDARY' + str(line_position), 'width_left_bound', 'width_right_bound', 'left_bound_area', 'percent_left_bound_area', 'right_bound_area', 'percent_right_bound_area' ] bound_data = [ 'BOUNDARY_DATA', width_left_bound, width_right_bound, left_bound_area, percent_bound_area_left, right_bound_area, percent_bound_area_right ] analysis_images = [] if left_bound_area or right_bound_area: point3 = (x_coor+2, 0) point4 = (x_coor+2, y_coor) cv2.line(ori_img, point3, point4, (255, 0, 255), 5) cv2.line(wback, point3, point4, (255, 0, 255), 5) m = cv2.moments(mask, binaryImage=True) cmx, cmy = (m['m10'] / m['m00'], m['m01'] / m['m00']) if x_coor - x <= 0: cv2.line(ori_img, (x, int(cmy)), (x + width, int(cmy)), (0, 255, 0), 3) cv2.line(wback, (x, int(cmy)), (x + width, int(cmy)), (0, 255, 0), 3) elif x_coor - x > 0: width_1 = x_coor - x if width - width_1 <= 0: cv2.line(ori_img, (x, int(cmy)), (x + width, int(cmy)), (255, 0, 0), 3) cv2.line(wback, (x, int(cmy)), (x + width, int(cmy)), (255, 0, 0), 3) else: cv2.line(ori_img, (x_coor + 2, int(cmy)), (x_coor + width_left_bound, int(cmy)), (255, 0, 0), 3) cv2.line(ori_img, (x_coor + 2, int(cmy)), (x_coor - width_right_bound, int(cmy)), (0, 255, 0), 3) cv2.line(wback, (x_coor + 2, int(cmy)), (x_coor + width_left_bound, int(cmy)), (255, 0, 0), 3) cv2.line(wback, (x_coor + 2, int(cmy)), (x_coor - width_right_bound, int(cmy)), (0, 255, 0), 3) if filename: # Output images with boundary line, above/below bound area out_file = str(filename[0:-4]) + '_boundary' + str(line_position) + '.jpg' print_image(ori_img, out_file) analysis_images = ['IMAGE', 'boundary', out_file] if params.debug is not None: point3 = (x_coor+2, 0) point4 = (x_coor+2, y_coor) cv2.line(ori_img, point3, point4, (255, 0, 255), 5) cv2.line(wback, point3, point4, (255, 0, 255), 5) m = cv2.moments(mask, binaryImage=True) cmx, cmy = (m['m10'] / m['m00'], m['m01'] / m['m00']) if x_coor - x <= 0: cv2.line(ori_img, (x, int(cmy)), (x + width, int(cmy)), (0, 255, 0), 3) cv2.line(wback, (x, int(cmy)), (x + width, int(cmy)), (0, 255, 0), 3) elif x_coor - x > 0: width_1 = x_coor - x if width - width_1 <= 0: cv2.line(ori_img, (x, int(cmy)), (x + width, int(cmy)), (255, 0, 0), 3) cv2.line(wback, (x, int(cmy)), (x + width, int(cmy)), (255, 0, 0), 3) else: cv2.line(ori_img, (x_coor + 2, int(cmy)), (x_coor + width_left_bound, int(cmy)), (255, 0, 0), 3) cv2.line(ori_img, (x_coor + 2, int(cmy)), (x_coor - width_right_bound, int(cmy)), (0, 255, 0), 3) cv2.line(wback, (x_coor + 2, int(cmy)), (x_coor + width_left_bound, int(cmy)), (255, 0, 0), 3) cv2.line(wback, (x_coor + 2, int(cmy)), (x_coor - width_right_bound, int(cmy)), (0, 255, 0), 3) if params.debug == 'print': print_image(wback, os.path.join(params.debug_outdir, str(params.device) + '_boundary_on_white.jpg')) print_image(ori_img, os.path.join(params.debug_outdir, str(params.device) + '_boundary_on_img.jpg')) if params.debug == 'plot': plot_image(wback) plot_image(ori_img) return bound_header, bound_data, analysis_images
def check_modular_boxes(self): if len(self.contour_to_show) <= 0: self.OrientationStatus = "BAD" return self.OrientationStatus BlockRectanglesGood = [] BlockRectanglesFlip = [] TestResultsGood = [] TestResultsFlip = [] img_box = cv2.cvtColor(self.image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) self.OrientationStatus = "BAD" = cv2.minAreaRect(self.contour_to_show) box_angle =[2] box_dimensions =[1] box = box = np.array(box, dtype="int") cv2.drawContours(img_box, [box], -1, (255, 0, 0), 2) cv2.drawContours(img_box, self.contour_to_show, -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) if box_dimensions[0] < box_dimensions[1]: box_angle += 90 #print("box angle: ",box_angle) #BlockRectanglesGood=np.zeros((1,4,2), if box_angle < 0: boxSorted = [ box[box[:, 1].argmin()], box[box[:, 0].argmax()], box[box[:, 1].argmax()], box[box[:, 0].argmin()] ] boxTopRightX = boxSorted[0][0] boxTopRightY = boxSorted[0][1] boxBottomRightX = boxSorted[1][0] boxBottomRightY = boxSorted[1][1] boxBottomLeftX = boxSorted[2][0] boxBottomLeftY = boxSorted[2][1] boxTopLeftX = boxSorted[3][0] boxTopLeftY = boxSorted[3][1] elif box_angle > 0: boxSorted = [ box[box[:, 1].argmin()], box[box[:, 0].argmax()], box[box[:, 1].argmax()], box[box[:, 0].argmin()] ] boxTopLeftX = boxSorted[0][0] boxTopLeftY = boxSorted[0][1] boxTopRightX = boxSorted[1][0] boxTopRightY = boxSorted[1][1] boxBottomRightX = boxSorted[2][0] boxBottomRightY = boxSorted[2][1] boxBottomLeftX = boxSorted[3][0] boxBottomLeftY = boxSorted[3][1] else: maxX = box[box[:, 0].argmax()][0] maxY = box[box[:, 1].argmax()][1] #boxSorted=[box[box[:,1].argmin()],box[box[:,0].argmax()],box[box[:,1].argmax()],box[box[:,0].argmin()]] for i in range(0, 4): if box[i][0] == maxX: if box[i][1] == maxY: boxBottomRightX = box[i][0] boxBottomRightY = box[i][1] #print("bottomRx: "+str(boxBottomRightX)+" bottomRy: "+str(boxBottomRightY)) else: boxTopRightX = box[i][0] boxTopRightY = box[i][1] #print("TopRightx: "+str(boxTopRightX)+" TopRighty: "+str(boxTopRightY)) else: if box[i][1] == maxY: boxBottomLeftX = box[i][0] boxBottomLeftY = box[i][1] #print("bottomLx: "+str(boxBottomLeftX)+" bottomLy: "+str(boxBottomLeftY)) else: boxTopLeftX = box[i][0] boxTopLeftY = box[i][1] #print("TopLeftx: "+str(boxTopLeftX)+" TopLefty: "+str(boxTopLeftY)) boxHeightX = boxBottomLeftX - boxTopLeftX boxHeightY = boxBottomLeftY - boxTopLeftY boxWidthX = boxBottomRightX - boxBottomLeftX boxWidthY = boxBottomRightY - boxBottomLeftY #print("box: ",box) #print("boxWidthX :"+str(boxWidthX)+" boxWidthY :"+str(boxWidthY)+" boxHeightX :"+str(boxHeightX)+" boxHeightY :"+str(boxHeightY)+" boxTopLeftX :"+str(boxTopLeftX)+" boxTopLeftY :"+str(boxTopLeftY)) for i in range(0, 10): #print("EmptyBoxes: ",self.EmptyBoxes[i]) if sum(self.EmptyBoxes[i]) > 0: #print("we draw rectangle i: ",i) #print("EmptyBoxes in if: ",self.EmptyBoxes[i]) #print("BlockRect: ",BlockRectanglesGood) TopLeftX = boxTopLeftX + int( self.EmptyBoxes[i][0] * boxWidthX) + int( self.EmptyBoxes[i][1] * boxHeightX) TopLeftY = boxTopLeftY + int( self.EmptyBoxes[i][0] * boxWidthY) + int( self.EmptyBoxes[i][1] * boxHeightY) #print("WidthY :"+str(self.EmptyBoxes[i][1]*boxWidthY)+" HeightY: "+str(self.EmptyBoxes[i][1]*boxHeightY)) TopRightX = TopLeftX + int(self.EmptyBoxes[i][2] * boxWidthX) TopRightY = TopLeftY + int(self.EmptyBoxes[i][2] * boxWidthY) BottomRightX = TopRightX + int( self.EmptyBoxes[i][3] * boxHeightX) BottomRightY = TopRightY + int( self.EmptyBoxes[i][3] * boxHeightY) BottomLeftX = BottomRightX - int( self.EmptyBoxes[i][2] * boxWidthX) BottomLeftY = BottomRightY - int( self.EmptyBoxes[i][2] * boxWidthY) TopLeft = [TopLeftX, TopLeftY] TopRight = [TopRightX, TopRightY] BottomLeft = [BottomLeftX, BottomLeftY] BottomRight = [BottomRightX, BottomRightY] to_append = [TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft] to_append = np.array(to_append, dtype="int") BlockRectanglesGood.append(to_append) BottomRightX = boxBottomRightX - int( self.EmptyBoxes[i][0] * boxWidthX) - int( self.EmptyBoxes[i][1] * boxHeightX) BottomRightY = boxBottomRightY - int( self.EmptyBoxes[i][0] * boxWidthY) - int( self.EmptyBoxes[i][1] * boxHeightY) BottomLeftX = BottomRightX - int( self.EmptyBoxes[i][2] * boxWidthX) BottomLeftY = BottomRightY - int( self.EmptyBoxes[i][2] * boxWidthY) TopLeftX = BottomLeftX - int( self.EmptyBoxes[i][3] * boxHeightX) TopLeftY = BottomLeftY - int( self.EmptyBoxes[i][3] * boxHeightY) TopRightX = TopLeftX + int(self.EmptyBoxes[i][2] * boxWidthX) TopRightY = TopLeftY + int(self.EmptyBoxes[i][2] * boxWidthY) TopLeft = [TopLeftX, TopLeftY] TopRight = [TopRightX, TopRightY] BottomLeft = [BottomLeftX, BottomLeftY] BottomRight = [BottomRightX, BottomRightY] to_append = [TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft] to_append = np.array(to_append, dtype="int") BlockRectanglesFlip.append(to_append) #BlockRectanglesGood = np.array(BlockRectanglesGood, dtype="int") #print("we draw rectangle points: ",len(BlockRectanglesFlip)) statusText = "" for i in range(0, len(self.contour_to_show)): contourPoint = (self.contour_to_show[i][0][0], self.contour_to_show[i][0][1]) for k in range(0, len(BlockRectanglesFlip)): cv2.drawContours(img_box, [BlockRectanglesGood[k]], -1, (255, 255, 0), 2) #light blue cv2.drawContours(img_box, [BlockRectanglesFlip[k]], -1, (0, 255, 255), 2) #yellow if len(TestResultsGood) < k + 1: TestResultsGood.append( cv2.pointPolygonTest(BlockRectanglesGood[k], contourPoint, False)) else: if TestResultsGood[k] <= 0: TestResultsGood[k] = cv2.pointPolygonTest( BlockRectanglesGood[k], contourPoint, False) if len(TestResultsFlip) < k + 1: TestResultsFlip.append( cv2.pointPolygonTest(BlockRectanglesFlip[k], contourPoint, False)) else: if TestResultsFlip[k] <= 0: TestResultsFlip[k] = cv2.pointPolygonTest( BlockRectanglesFlip[k], contourPoint, False) #print("TestResultsGood: ",max(TestResultsGood)) if max(TestResultsGood) < 0 and max(TestResultsFlip) > 0: self.OrientationStatus = "GOOD" elif max(TestResultsGood) > 0 and max(TestResultsFlip) < 0: self.OrientationStatus = "FLIP" else: self.OrientationStatus = "BAD" cv2.putText( img_box, " Box Dimensions: " + str(box_dimensions) + " Time: " + str(time.time()), (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.45, (255, 255, 255), 2) #cv2.putText(img_box," Box Dimensions: "+str(box_dimensions)+" Time: "+str(time.time())+" Delta Time: "+str(QualityMeasures['deltaTime'])+" Delta Good: "+str(QualityMeasures['deltaGood']),(10,30),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,0.45, (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.putText( img_box, "ORIENTATION: " + self.OrientationStatus + " SIZE: " + self.SizeStatus, (10, self.dimX - 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 255), 2) #print("TestResultsFlip: ",TestResultsFlip) #if len(TestResultsGood) self.analyzedImage = img_box return self.OrientationStatus
cy = int(moments['m01'] / moments['m00']) # cy = M01/M00 centr = (cx, cy), centr, 5, [0, 0, 255], 2) cv2.drawContours(drawing, [cnt], 0, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.drawContours(drawing, [hull], 0, (0, 0, 255), 2) cnt = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, 0.01 * cv2.arcLength(cnt, True), True) hull = cv2.convexHull(cnt, returnPoints=False) if (1): defects = cv2.convexityDefects(cnt, hull) mind = 0 maxd = 0 for i in range(defects.shape[0]): s, e, f, d = defects[i, 0] start = tuple(cnt[s][0]) end = tuple(cnt[e][0]) far = tuple(cnt[f][0]) dist = cv2.pointPolygonTest(cnt, centr, True) cv2.line(img, start, end, [0, 255, 0], 2), far, 5, [0, 0, 255], -1) print(i) i = 0 cv2.imshow('output', drawing) cv2.imshow('input', img) k = cv2.waitKey(10) if k == 27: break
topx = 0 topy = 0 botx = 100000000000000 boty = 100000000000000 for a in range(0, len(c)): if (c[a][0][0] > topx): topx = c[a][0][0] if (c[a][0][1] > topy): topy = c[a][0][1] if (c[a][0][0] < botx): botx = c[a][0][0] if (c[a][0][1] < boty): boty = c[a][0][1] print(topx, topy, botx, boty) for b in range(1, len(discs) + 1): dist = cv2.pointPolygonTest(c, (discs[b]), False) if (dist > 0): inzone.append(b) print(discs) matchdiscs = matchdiscs + len(inzone) if (len(inzone) == 1): minzonedist = 10000000000000000000000000000000000 mindishdist = minzonedist radii = [] avgradius = 0 for f in range(0, len(c)): xdist = c[f][0][0] - discs[inzone[0]][0] ydist = c[f][0][1] - discs[inzone[0]][1]
def contains_point(self, point): """Is the provided point inside of the Polygon?""" return cv2.pointPolygonTest(self.points, point, False) > 0
def analyze_bound_horizontal(img, obj, mask, line_position, label="default"): """User-input boundary line tool Inputs: img = RGB or grayscale image data for plotting obj = single or grouped contour object mask = Binary mask made from selected contours line_position = position of boundary line (a value of 0 would draw the line through the top of the image) label = optional label parameter, modifies the variable name of observations recorded Returns: analysis_images = list of output images :param img: numpy.ndarray :param obj: list :param mask: numpy.ndarray :param line_position: int :param label: str :return analysis_images: list """ ori_img = np.copy(img) # Draw line horizontal line through bottom of image, that is adjusted to user input height if len(np.shape(ori_img)) == 2: ori_img = cv2.cvtColor(ori_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) iy, ix, iz = np.shape(ori_img) size = (iy, ix) size1 = (iy, ix, 3) background = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.uint8) wback = (np.zeros(size1, dtype=np.uint8)) + 255 x_coor = int(ix) y_coor = line_position rec_corner = int(iy - 2) rec_point1 = (1, rec_corner) rec_point2 = (x_coor - 2, y_coor - 2) cv2.rectangle(background, rec_point1, rec_point2, (255), 1) below_contour, below_hierarchy = cv2.findContours( background, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[-2:] x, y, width, height = cv2.boundingRect(obj) if y_coor - y <= 0: height_above_bound = 0 height_below_bound = height elif y_coor - y > 0: height_1 = y_coor - y if height - height_1 <= 0: height_above_bound = height height_below_bound = 0 else: height_above_bound = y_coor - y height_below_bound = height - height_above_bound below = [] above = [] mask_nonzerox, mask_nonzeroy = np.nonzero(mask) obj_points = np.vstack((mask_nonzeroy, mask_nonzerox)) obj_points1 = np.transpose(obj_points) for i, c in enumerate(obj_points1): xy = tuple(c) pptest = cv2.pointPolygonTest(below_contour[0], xy, measureDist=False) if pptest == 1: below.append(xy), xy, 1, (155, 0, 255)), xy, 1, (155, 0, 255)) else: above.append(xy), xy, 1, (0, 255, 0)), xy, 1, (0, 255, 0)) above_bound_area = len(above) below_bound_area = len(below) percent_bound_area_above = ( (float(above_bound_area)) / (float(above_bound_area + below_bound_area))) * 100 percent_bound_area_below = ( (float(below_bound_area)) / (float(above_bound_area + below_bound_area))) * 100 analysis_images = [] if above_bound_area or below_bound_area: point3 = (0, y_coor - 4) point4 = (x_coor, y_coor - 4) cv2.line(ori_img, point3, point4, (255, 0, 255), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, point3, point4, (255, 0, 255), params.line_thickness) m = cv2.moments(mask, binaryImage=True) cmx, cmy = (m['m10'] / m['m00'], m['m01'] / m['m00']) if y_coor - y <= 0: cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (0, 255, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (0, 255, 0), params.line_thickness) elif y_coor - y > 0: height_1 = y_coor - y if height - height_1 <= 0: cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) else: cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y_coor - 2), (int(cmx), y_coor - height_above_bound), (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y_coor - 2), (int(cmx), y_coor + height_below_bound), (0, 255, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, (int(cmx), y_coor - 2), (int(cmx), y_coor - height_above_bound), (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, (int(cmx), y_coor - 2), (int(cmx), y_coor + height_below_bound), (0, 255, 0), params.line_thickness) # Output image with boundary line, above/below bound area analysis_images.append(wback) analysis_images.append(ori_img) if params.debug is not None: params.device += 1 point3 = (0, y_coor - 4) point4 = (x_coor, y_coor - 4) cv2.line(ori_img, point3, point4, (255, 0, 255), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, point3, point4, (255, 0, 255), params.line_thickness) m = cv2.moments(mask, binaryImage=True) cmx, cmy = (m['m10'] / m['m00'], m['m01'] / m['m00']) if y_coor - y <= 0: cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (0, 255, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (0, 255, 0), params.line_thickness) elif y_coor - y > 0: height_1 = y_coor - y if height - height_1 <= 0: cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) else: cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y_coor - 2), (int(cmx), y_coor - height_above_bound), (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y_coor - 2), (int(cmx), y_coor + height_below_bound), (0, 255, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, (int(cmx), y_coor - 2), (int(cmx), y_coor - height_above_bound), (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, (int(cmx), y_coor - 2), (int(cmx), y_coor + height_below_bound), (0, 255, 0), params.line_thickness) if params.debug == 'print': print_image( wback, os.path.join(params.debug_outdir, str(params.device) + '_boundary_on_white.png')) print_image( ori_img, os.path.join(params.debug_outdir, str(params.device) + '_boundary_on_img.png')) if params.debug == 'plot': plot_image(wback) plot_image(ori_img) outputs.add_observation(sample=label, variable='horizontal_reference_position', trait='horizontal reference position', method='plantcv.plantcv.analyze_bound_horizontal', scale='none', datatype=int, value=line_position, label='none') outputs.add_observation(sample=label, variable='height_above_reference', trait='height above reference', method='plantcv.plantcv.analyze_bound_horizontal', scale='pixels', datatype=int, value=height_above_bound, label='pixels') outputs.add_observation(sample=label, variable='height_below_reference', trait='height_below_reference', method='plantcv.plantcv.analyze_bound_horizontal', scale='pixels', datatype=int, value=height_below_bound, label='pixels') outputs.add_observation(sample=label, variable='area_above_reference', trait='area above reference', method='plantcv.plantcv.analyze_bound_horizontal', scale='pixels', datatype=int, value=above_bound_area, label='pixels') outputs.add_observation(sample=label, variable='percent_area_above_reference', trait='percent area above reference', method='plantcv.plantcv.analyze_bound_horizontal', scale='none', datatype=float, value=percent_bound_area_above, label='none') outputs.add_observation(sample=label, variable='area_below_reference', trait='area below reference', method='plantcv.plantcv.analyze_bound_horizontal', scale='pixels', datatype=int, value=below_bound_area, label='pixels') outputs.add_observation(sample=label, variable='percent_area_below_reference', trait='percent area below reference', method='plantcv.plantcv.analyze_bound_horizontal', scale='none', datatype=float, value=percent_bound_area_below, label='none') # Store images outputs.images.append(analysis_images) return ori_img, tuple(cnt[cnt[:, :, 1].argmin()][0]), 2, (0, 0, 255), 2), tuple(cnt[cnt[:, :, 1].argmax()][0]), 2, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.imshow('img', img) # region hull = cv2.convexHull(cnt, returnPoints=False) defects = cv2.convexityDefects(cnt, hull) for i in range(defects.shape[0]): s, e, f, d = defects[i, 0] #, tuple(cnt[s][0]), 2, (0, 0, 255), 2) #, tuple(cnt[e][0]), 2, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.line(img, tuple(cnt[s][0]), tuple(cnt[e][0]), (0, 0, 255), 1), tuple(cnt[f][0]), 2, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow('img', img) dist = cv2.pointPolygonTest(cnt, (50, 50), True) inner = cv2.pointPolygonTest(cnt, (343, 218), False) img = cv2.imread('f:/index.jpg') img = cv2.drawContours(img, contours, 7, (0, 0, 255), 2) img = cv2.drawContours(img, contours, 9, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.imshow('img', img) cnt1 = contours[7] cnt2 = contours[9] cv2.matchShapes(cnt1, cnt2, cv2.CONTOURS_MATCH_I1, 0.0) # retrieval image, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(th, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # histogram
def imgProcess(img): # NEED TO SAVE AS SAME THING EACH TIME, 0 converts to grayscale # img = cv2.imread('test.jpg', 0) # Resize image 300 x 225 pixels params r = 400.0 / img.shape[1] dim = (400, int(img.shape[0] * r)) # perform the actual resizing of the image and show it kSize = 3 kernel = np.ones((kSize, kSize), np.uint8) resized = cv2.resize(img, dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) # smoothed = cv2.filter2D(img, -1, kernel) # Smooth image with 15x15 array opening = cv2.morphologyEx(resized, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) # Resize image # cv2.imwrite('Resized.jpg', resized) # apply automatic Canny edge detection using the computed median # Define automatic upper and lower thresholds for Canny detection v = np.median(opening) sigma = 0.333 lower = int(max(0, (1.0 - sigma) * v)) upper = int(min(255, (1.0 + sigma) * v)) edges = cv2.Canny(opening, lower, upper) # Perform Canny Edge Detection # edge_save = cv2.imwrite('edged.jpg', edges) # Resized colour version of original image smallColr = cv2.resize(img, dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) # cv2.imshow('Edges', edges) # Find contours in canny image image, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edges, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) showcontours = cv2.drawContours(smallColr, contours, -1, (0, 255, 0), 3) #cv2.imwrite('origcontours.jpg', showcontours) #cv2.imshow('original contours',showcontours) # for i in range(len(contours)): # color = np.random.rand(3) * 255 # cnt_img = cv2.drawContours(cnt_img, contours, i, color, 3) from perspCorr2 import perspMatrix h = perspMatrix # import perspective distortion matrix from other file # cnt_img is transformed image (transform small colour image) # cnt_img = cv2.warpPerspective(smallColr, h, (4000, 3000)) # cv2.imshow('Warped', cnt_img) # cv2.imshow('Original', smallColr) # Added finding contour work: # This assumes that the robot is already on the line # create array containing closest contours to robot # duplicate contours list and remove any contours that are too short contours_shorten = list(contours) minLength = 19 # remove any small contours (typically errors) for cont in range(len(contours)): if len(contours[cont]) < minLength: contours_shorten.remove(contours[cont]) contour_pertr = [] # perspective correction contours contours_pertrInts = [] # iterate through contour list for cont3 in range(len(contours_shorten)): contours_shorten[cont3] = contours_shorten[cont3].reshape(-1, 2) # take each contour in term a = contours_shorten[cont3] a = np.array([a]) a = a.astype(float) # apply perspective transform to each contour contour_pertr.append(cv2.perspectiveTransform(a, h)) contour_pertr[cont3] = np.reshape(np.ravel(contour_pertr[cont3]), (-1, 2)) contours_pertrInts.append(cv2.perspectiveTransform(a, h)) contours_pertrInts[cont3] = np.reshape( np.ravel(contours_pertrInts[cont3]), (-1, 2)) # contours_pertrInts[cont3] = contours_pertrInts[cont3].astype(int) # for ind in range(2): # contours_pertrInts[cont3][cont_pertr][ind] = int(contour_pertr[cont3][cont_pertr][ind]) # contours_pertrInts[cont3] = np.reshape(np.ravel(contours_pertrInts[cont3]), (-1, 1, 2)) # contours_pertrInts[cont3].astype(int) # contour_pertr[cont3] = np.reshape(np.ravel(contour_pertr[cont3]), (-1, 1, 2)) # contours_shorten[cont3] = a.reshape(-1, 1, 2) # contours = contours3 # contour_pertr.astype(int) # draw contours to image # cnt_img2 = cv2.drawContours(cnt_img, contours_pertrInts, -1, (0, 255, 0), 3) # cv2.imshow('Contours', cnt_img2) closestContours = [] for i in range(len(contours)): # iterate through each contour for point in range(len( contours[i])): # iterate through the points in each contour # find contours with points in middle 165-235 pixels x and bottom 280-300 y - i.e. closest contours # thresholds can be changed to ensure just 2 contours are found if 100 <= contours[i][point][0][0] <= 300 and 280 <= contours[i][ point][0][1] <= 299: closestContours.append(i) break midpointx = [] midpointy = [] mptheta = [] clcont = [] #print(len(closestContours)) if len(closestContours) == 0: # Not on line if len(contours) >= 1: for k in range(len(contours)): # iterate through list of contours clcont.append( abs(cv2.pointPolygonTest(contours[k], (200, 299), True)) ) # calculate the distance between bottom centre of image and contour followContour = clcont.index( min(clcont) ) # find the contour with the shortest distance from point #randpoint = [0, 0] p = [200, 299] #while distance.euclidean(p, randpoint) >= 150 or distance.euclidean(p, randpoint) <= 30: # choose a random point on contour randindex = randint(0, len(contours[followContour]) - 1) randpoint = contours[followContour][randindex][0] for k in range(-2, 2): # choose 2 points either side of chosen point refindex = randindex + k if 0 <= refindex < len( contours[followContour] ): # as long as additional points are actually on contour - if a point too close to the end is chosen, other points may fall off end of contour midpointx.append(contours[followContour][refindex][0][0]) midpointy.append( contours[followContour][refindex][0][1] ) # creates a set of 5 points to head towards on line # plot midpoints midptList = np.array(list(zip( midpointx, midpointy))) # create one list containing x and y midpoints midptList = midptList.reshape( (-1, 1, 2)) # ensure midptList is in correct format midptList = midptList.reshape(-1, 2) b = midptList b = np.array([b]) b = b.astype(float) # convert to float midptList_dist = cv2.perspectiveTransform( b, h) # apply perspective transform to midpoints midptList_dist = midptList_dist.reshape( (-1, 1, 2)) # reshape output array into original contour array form # cv2.polylines(cnt_img2, np.int32([midptList_dist]), True, (0, 255, 255), 1) # cv2.namedWindow('midpoints') # cv2.imshow('midpoints', cnt_img2) for midpt1 in range( len(midptList_dist) - 1 ): # create array of angles between each midpoint of the transformed midpoints (i.e. actual angles) mptheta.append( np.arctan2((midptList_dist[midpt1 + 1][0][1] - midptList_dist[midpt1][0][1]), (midptList_dist[midpt1 + 1][0][0] - midptList_dist[midpt1][0][0]))) mptheta.append( mptheta[len(mptheta) - 1] ) # add last midpoint angle on at end, this makes angle array same size as midpoint array # else: # no contours or lines in image # Go to Nessa's code to move robot to locate new contour if len( closestContours ) == 1: # Can only see one contour, choose points on this line to follow #randpoint = [200, 150] p = [0, 0] #while distance.euclidean(p, randpoint) >= 550 or distance.euclidean(p, randpoint) <= 3: # choose random point on contour thats not too close or too far randindex = randint( 0, len(contours[closestContours[0]]) - 1) # start by choosing random index on closest contour randpoint = contours[closestContours[0]][randindex][ 0] # and then find the corresponding point and check the distance # we choose just a few points so that if there is only one horizontal contour the robot can see, it doesnt choose points along the line # on both sides of the robot, as we dont want it to try and go in two different directions for k in range(-2, 2): # Again choose 2 points either side of chosen point refindex = randindex + k if 0 <= refindex < len(contours[closestContours[0]]): midpointx.append( contours[closestContours[0]][refindex][0][0] ) # robot will drive to these points located on the contours midpointy.append(contours[closestContours[0]][refindex][0][1]) # plot midpoints midptList = np.array( list(zip(midpointx, midpointy) )) # combine x and y midpoint coordinate data into one list midptList = midptList.reshape((-1, 1, 2)) midptList = midptList.reshape(-1, 2) b = midptList b = np.array([b]) b = b.astype(float) midptList_dist = cv2.perspectiveTransform( b, h) # apply perspective transform to midpoint data midptList_dist = midptList_dist.reshape( (-1, 1, 2)) # reshape transformed midpoints back to original shape # cv2.polylines(cnt_img2, np.int32([midptList_dist]), True, (0, 255, 255), 1) # cv2.namedWindow('midpoints') # cv2.imshow('midpoints', cnt_img2) for midpt1 in range(len(midptList_dist) - 1): # create array of angles between each midpoint # calculate angle between each transformed midpoint - gives real life angle mptheta.append( np.arctan2((midptList_dist[midpt1 + 1][0][1] - midptList_dist[midpt1][0][1]), (midptList_dist[midpt1 + 1][0][0] - midptList_dist[midpt1][0][0]))) mptheta.append(mptheta[len(mptheta) - 1]) if len(closestContours ) == 2: # If two contours are close to robot, then track both # Pick one of the two contours to follow at random followContour = random.choice( closestContours) # choose one of two contours to follow at random # print(followContour) # dist2 = [] # Find the other contour that is not being followed m = [] contours2 = list(contours) # copy contours list contours2.remove( contours2[followContour]) # remove the contour we are following for contour in range( len(contours2 )): # iterate through contours excluding followed contour if len( contours2[contour] ) > 19: # for contours longer than 19, create a combined list of every other contour points contourpoints = np.reshape(np.ravel(contours2[contour]), (-1, 2)).tolist() m = m + contourpoints # followContourListPosition = closestContours.index(followContour) # otherContour = closestContours[abs(followContourListPosition-1)] # otherContourList = np.reshape(np.ravel(contours[otherContour]), (-1, 2)) # For each point in the followed contour, find the closest point in the other contour tree = spatial.KDTree(m) # create tree of all contour points for pt in range(0, len(contours[followContour]), 1): # iterate through follow contour p = contours[followContour][pt][ 0] # for each point on the follow contour pointonLine = m[tree.query(p) [1]] # find the closest point on the other contour lineDistance = distance.euclidean( p, pointonLine) # find the distance between the two lines if 5 <= lineDistance <= 130: # if distance between lines is around tape width - i.e. lines not diverging (may need to change) midpointx.append((p[0] + pointonLine[0]) / 2) # add midpoints midpointy.append((p[1] + pointonLine[1]) / 2) # plot midpoints midptList = np.array(list( zip(midpointx, midpointy))) # combine midpoint coordinates into one list midptList = midptList.reshape( (-1, 1, 2)) # reshape this new list into the original shape midptList = midptList.reshape(-1, 2) b = midptList b = np.array([b]) b = b.astype(float) midptList_dist = cv2.perspectiveTransform( b, h ) # find perspecitve transform of the midpoints i.e. map them to real life positions midptList_dist = midptList_dist.reshape((-1, 1, 2)) # cv2.polylines(cnt_img2, np.int32([midptList_dist]), True, (0, 255, 255), 1) for midpt1 in range(len(midptList_dist) - 1): # create array of angles between each midpoint # iterate through corrected midpoint list, and calculate angle between each midpoint - as midpoints have been persp.corrected, these angles will be real life angle mptheta.append( np.arctan2((midptList_dist[midpt1 + 1][0][1] - midptList_dist[midpt1][0][1]), (midptList_dist[midpt1 + 1][0][0] - midptList_dist[midpt1][0][0]))) mptheta.append( mptheta[len(mptheta) - 1] ) # add on last angle to list to make angle list same length as midpoint list # cv2.namedWindow('midpoints') # cv2.imshow('midpoints', cnt_img2) # cv2.imwrite('midpts.jpg', cnt_img2) if len(closestContours) == 3: # 3 contours found in radius i.e. t junction dist3 = [] randcont = [] # ** Old Code ** # for cont3 in range(len(closestContours)): # dist3.append(abs(cv2.pointPolygonTest(contours[closestContours[cont3]], (200, 299), True))) # max_dist_index = dist3.index(max(dist3)) # furthestcontour = closestContours[max_dist_index] # randcont.append(furthestcontour) # always follow new contour (starts furthest away) # closestContours.remove(furthestcontour) # randcont.append(random.choice(closestContours)) # followContour = random.choice(randcont) # choose at random one of other two contours to follow # followContourListPosition = randcont.index(followContour) # otherContour = randcont[abs(followContourListPosition-1)] # choose at random which contour will be the main contour to follow # otherContourList = np.reshape(np.ravel(contours[otherContour]), (-1, 2)) # **New Code ** correctcontour = 0 while correctcontour == 0: followContour = random.choice( closestContours) # choose random contour to follow # print(followContour) # Find the other contour that is not being followed for cnt3 in range(len(contours)): # iterate through contour list dist3 = [] if cnt3 != followContour: # don't choose the contour that is being followed for c in range( 0, len(contours[followContour]), round(len(contours[followContour]) / 10)): # choose 10 points along contour fcPt = contours[followContour][c][ 0] # points on follow contour dist3.append( abs( cv2.pointPolygonTest(contours[cnt3], tuple(fcPt.tolist()), True)) ) # find distance between follow contour and these 10 points if all( 10 <= dst <= 130 for dst in dist3 ): # if all distances are within a set distance, assume the contours are parallel cnt3list = np.reshape(np.ravel(contours[cnt3]), (-1, 2)) tree = spatial.KDTree(cnt3list) pointonLine = cnt3list[tree.query( fcPt)[1]] # find nearest point on other contour midx = int(round((fcPt[0] + pointonLine[0]) / 2)) midy = int(round((fcPt[1] + pointonLine[1]) / 2)) midpt = [midx, midy] if resized[midy][ midx] < 100: # check that this midpoint is on a black line, and not the white gap between two lines otherContour = cnt3 correctcontour = 1 # set flag to break from while loop break otherContourList = np.reshape(np.ravel(contours[otherContour]), (-1, 2)) # For each point in the followed contour, find the closest point in the other contour tree = spatial.KDTree( otherContourList) # create tree of points on other contour for pt in range(len( contours[followContour])): # iterate through contour followed p = contours[followContour][pt][0] pointonLine = otherContourList[tree.query( p )[1]] # find closest point on other contour to each point on follow contour lineDistance = distance.euclidean(p, pointonLine) if 5 <= lineDistance <= 150: # if distance between lines is around tape width - i.e. lines not diverging (may need to change) midpointx.append((p[0] + pointonLine[0]) / 2) # add midpoints midpointy.append((p[1] + pointonLine[1]) / 2) # plot midpoints midptList = np.array(list(zip( midpointx, midpointy))) # join x and y midpoints into one list midptList = midptList.reshape(-1, 2) b = midptList b = np.array([b]) b = b.astype(float) midptList_dist = cv2.perspectiveTransform( b, h) # apply perspective transforms to midpoints midptList_dist = midptList_dist.reshape((-1, 1, 2)) #cv2.polylines(cnt_img2, np.int32([midptList_dist]), True, (0, 255, 255), 1) for midpt1 in range(len(midptList_dist) - 1): # create array of angles between each midpoint # find angle between each midpoint mptheta.append( np.arctan2((midptList_dist[midpt1 + 1][0][1] - midptList_dist[midpt1][0][1]), (midptList_dist[midpt1 + 1][0][0] - midptList_dist[midpt1][0][0]))) mptheta.append(mptheta[len(mptheta) - 1]) #cv2.namedWindow('midpoints') # cv2.imshow('midpoints', cnt_img2) #cv2.imwrite('midpointsnew',) if len(closestContours) > 3: for k in range(len(contours)): # iterate through contours clcont.append( abs(cv2.pointPolygonTest(contours[k], (200, 299), True)) ) # create array of distances between robot and each contour followContour = clcont.index( min(clcont)) # choose the closest contour to follow #randpoint = [0, 0] p = [200, 299] #while distance.euclidean(p, randpoint) >= 250 or distance.euclidean(p, randpoint) <= 30: randindex = randint(0, len(contours[followContour]) - 1) randpoint = contours[followContour][randindex][0] for k in range( -2, 2): # choose some points on the closest contour to follow refindex = randindex + k if 0 <= refindex < len(contours[followContour]): midpointx.append(contours[followContour][refindex][0][0]) midpointy.append(contours[followContour][refindex][0][1]) # plot midpoints midptList = np.array(list(zip(midpointx, midpointy))) midptList = midptList.reshape((-1, 1, 2)) midptList = midptList.reshape(-1, 2) b = midptList b = np.array([b]) b = b.astype(float) midptList_dist = cv2.perspectiveTransform(b, h) midptList_dist = midptList_dist.reshape((-1, 1, 2)) # cv2.polylines(cnt_img2, np.int32([midptList_dist]), True, (0, 255, 255), 1) # cv2.namedWindow('midpoints') # cv2.imshow('midpoints', cnt_img2) for midpt1 in range( len(midptList_dist) - 1): # create array of angles between each midpoint mptheta.append( np.arctan2((midptList_dist[midpt1 + 1][0][1] - midptList_dist[midpt1][0][1]), (midptList_dist[midpt1 + 1][0][0] - midptList_dist[midpt1][0][0]))) mptheta.append(mptheta[len(mptheta) - 1]) # end_time = time.time()-start_time #print('finished') return [midptList_dist, mptheta] # return list of x and y midpoints and angle list ##test: #img = cv2.imread('test5.jpg',0) #[midptList_dist, mptheta] = imgProcess(img)
def main(self): #model prototxt = 'MobileNetSSD_deploy.prototxt.txt' model = 'MobileNetSSD_deploy.caffemodel' CLASSES = ["car"] # load our serialized model from disk print("[INFO] loading model...") net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromCaffe(prototxt, model) # m = coordinates m = ((48, 443), (196, 367), (446, 581), (243, 685)) # Read a image I = cv2.imread('images/image.jpg') # I = frame # First find the minX minY maxX and maxY of the polygon minX = I.shape[1] maxX = -1 minY = I.shape[0] maxY = -1 for point in m: x = point[0] y = point[1] if x < minX: minX = x if x > maxX: maxX = x if y < minY: minY = y if y > maxY: maxY = y # Go over the points in the image if thay are out side of the emclosing rectangle put zero # if not check if thay are inside the polygon or not cropedImage = np.zeros_like(I) for y in range(0, I.shape[0]): for x in range(0, I.shape[1]): if x < minX or x > maxX or y < minY or y > maxY: continue if cv2.pointPolygonTest(np.asarray(m), (x, y), False) >= 0: cropedImage[y, x, 0] = I[y, x, 0] cropedImage[y, x, 1] = I[y, x, 1] cropedImage[y, x, 2] = I[y, x, 2] # Now we can crop again just the envloping rectangle finalImage = cropedImage[minY:maxY, minX:maxX] image = finalImage (h, w) = image.shape[:2] blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(cv2.resize(image, (300, 300)), 0.007843, (300, 300), 127.5) # pass the blob through the network and obtain the detections and # predictions print("[INFO] computing object detections...") net.setInput(blob) detections = net.forward() # loop over the detections for i in np.arange(0, detections.shape[2]): confidence = detections[0, 0, i, 2] # print type(confidence) if confidence >= 0.2: print 'confidence' else: print 'no detection' cv2.imshow('d', finalImage)
def acute(obj, mask, win, thresh): """acute: identify landmark positions within a contour for morphometric analysis Inputs: obj = An opencv contour array of interest to be scanned for landmarks mask = binary mask used to generate contour array (necessary for ptvals) win = maximum cumulative pixel distance window for calculating angle score; 1 cm in pixels often works well thresh = angle score threshold to be applied for mapping out landmark coordinate clusters within each contour Outputs: homolog_pts = pseudo-landmarks selected from each landmark cluster start_pts = pseudo-landmark island starting position; useful in parsing homolog_pts in downstream analyses stop_pts = pseudo-landmark island end position ; useful in parsing homolog_pts in downstream analyses ptvals = average values of pixel intensity from the mask used to generate cont; useful in parsing homolog_pts in downstream analyses chain = raw angle scores for entire contour, used to visualize landmark clusters verbose_out = supplemental file which stores coordinates, distance from landmark cluster edges, and angle score for entire contour. Used in troubleshooting. :param obj: ndarray :param mask: ndarray :param win: int :param thresh: int :return homolog_pts: """ chain = [] # Create empty chain to store angle scores for k in list(range(len(obj))): # Coordinate-by-coordinate 3-point assignments vert = obj[k] dist_1 = 0 for r in range(len(obj)): # Reverse can to obtain point A rev = k - r pos = obj[rev] dist_2 = np.sqrt(np.square(pos[0][0]-vert[0][0])+np.square(pos[0][1]-vert[0][1])) if r >= 2: if (dist_2 > dist_1) & (dist_2 <= win): # Further from vertex than current pt A while within window? dist_1 = dist_2 ptA = pos # Load best fit within window as point A elif dist_2 > win: break else: ptA = pos dist_1 = 0 for f in range(len(obj)): # Forward scan to obtain point B fwd = k + f if fwd >= len(obj): fwd -= len(obj) pos = obj[fwd] dist_2 = np.sqrt(np.square(pos[0][0]-vert[0][0])+np.square(pos[0][1]-vert[0][1])) if f >= 2: if (dist_2 > dist_1) & (dist_2 <= win): # Further from vertex than current pt B while within window? dist_1 = dist_2 ptB = pos # Load best fit within window as point B elif dist_2 > win: break else: ptB = pos # Angle in radians derived from Law of Cosines, converted to degrees P12 = np.sqrt((vert[0][0]-ptA[0][0])*(vert[0][0]-ptA[0][0])+(vert[0][1]-ptA[0][1])*(vert[0][1]-ptA[0][1])) P13 = np.sqrt((vert[0][0]-ptB[0][0])*(vert[0][0]-ptB[0][0])+(vert[0][1]-ptB[0][1])*(vert[0][1]-ptB[0][1])) P23 = np.sqrt((ptA[0][0]-ptB[0][0])*(ptA[0][0]-ptB[0][0])+(ptA[0][1]-ptB[0][1])*(ptA[0][1]-ptB[0][1])) dot = (P12*P12 + P13*P13 - P23*P23)/(2*P12*P13) # Used a random number generator to test if either of these cases were possible but neither is possible # if dot > 1: # If float exceeds 1 prevent arcos error and force to equal 1 # dot = 1 # elif dot < -1: # If float exceeds -1 prevent arcos error and force to equal -1 # dot = -1 ang = math.degrees(math.acos(dot)) chain.append(ang) index = [] # Index chain to find clusters below angle threshold for c in range(len(chain)): # Identify links in chain with acute angles if float(chain[c]) <= thresh: index.append(c) # Append positions of acute links to index acute_pos = obj[index] # Extract all island points blindly float(len(acute_pos)) / float(len(obj)) # Proportion of informative positions if len(index) != 0: isle = [] island = [] for c in range(len(index)): # Scan for iterative links within index if not island: island.append(index[c]) # Initiate new link island elif island[-1]+1 == index[c]: island.append(index[c]) # Append successful iteration to island elif island[-1]+1 != index[c]: ptA = obj[index[c]] ptB = obj[island[-1]+1] dist = np.sqrt(np.square(ptA[0][0]-ptB[0][0])+np.square(ptA[0][1]-ptB[0][1])) if win/2 > dist: island.append(index[c]) else: isle.append(island) island = [index[c]] isle.append(island) if len(isle) > 1: if (isle[0][0] == 0) & (isle[-1][-1] == (len(chain)-1)): print('Fusing contour edges') # Cannot add a range and a list (or int) # island = range(-(len(chain)-isle[-1][0]), 0)+isle[0] # Fuse overlapping ends of contour # Delete islands to be spliced if start-end fusion required del isle[0] del isle[-1] # isle.insert(0, island) # Prepend island to isle else: print('Microcontour...') # Homologous point maximum distance method pt = [] vals = [] maxpts = [] SSpts = [] TSpts = [] ptvals = [] max_dist = [['cont_pos', 'max_dist', 'angle']] for x in range(len(isle)): # Identify if contour is concavity/convexity using image mask pix_x, pix_y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(obj[isle[x]]) # Obtain local window around island for c in range(w): for r in range(h): # Identify pixels in local window internal to the island hull pos = cv2.pointPolygonTest(obj[isle[x]], (pix_x+c, pix_y+r), 0) if 0 < pos: vals.append(mask[pix_y+r][pix_x+c]) # Store pixel value if internal if len(vals) > 0: ptvals.append(sum(vals)/len(vals)) vals = [] else: ptvals.append('NaN') # If no values can be retrieved (small/collapsed contours) vals = [] # Identify pixel coordinate to use as pseudolandmark for island if len(isle[x]) == 1: # If landmark is a single point (store position) # print 'route A' pt = isle[x][0] max_dist.append([isle[x][0], '-', chain[isle[x][0]]]) # print pt elif len(isle[x]) == 2: # If landmark is a pair of points (store more acute position) # print 'route B' ptA = chain[isle[x][0]] ptB = chain[isle[x][1]] if ptA < ptB: pt = isle[x][0] # Store point A if more acute max_dist.append([isle[x][0], '-', chain[isle[x][0]]]) elif ptA > ptB: pt = isle[x][1] # Store point B if more acute max_dist.append([isle[x][1], '-', chain[isle[x][1]]]) # print pt else: # If landmark is multiple points (distance scan for position) # print 'route C' SS = obj[[isle[x]]][0] # Store isle "x" start site TS = obj[[isle[x]]][-1] # Store isle "x" termination site dist_1 = 0 for d in range(len(isle[x])): # Scan from SS to TS within isle "x" site = obj[[isle[x][d]]] SSd = np.sqrt(np.square(SS[0][0]-site[0][0][0])+np.square(SS[0][1]-site[0][0][1])) TSd = np.sqrt(np.square(TS[0][0]-site[0][0][0])+np.square(TS[0][1]-site[0][0][1])) # Current mean distance of 'd' to 'SS' & 'TS' dist_2 = np.mean([np.abs(SSd), np.abs(TSd)]) max_dist.append([isle[x][d], dist_2, chain[isle[x][d]]]) if dist_2 > dist_1: # Current mean distance better fit that previous best? pt = isle[x][d] dist_1 = dist_2 # Current mean becomes new best mean # print pt maxpts.append(pt) # Empty 'pts' prior to next mean distance scan SSpts.append(isle[x][0]) TSpts.append(isle[x][-1]) homolog_pts = obj[maxpts] start_pts = obj[SSpts] stop_pts = obj[TSpts] return homolog_pts, start_pts, stop_pts, ptvals, chain, max_dist else: return [], [], [], [], [], []
plt.imshow(NewMaxFlare) #contours on MinFlare image _, contours2, _ = cv2.findContours(MinFlare.astype('uint8'), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) NewMinFlare = cv2.drawContours(MinFlare.astype('uint8'), contours2, -1, (0, 0, 255), 1) plt.figure() plt.title(' contours on AIA 1700 (at time of flare minimum) ') plt.imshow(NewMinFlare) area = [] for rows in range(MaxFlare.shape[0]): for columns in range(MaxFlare.shape[1]): for n in contours: if (cv2.pointPolygonTest(n, (rows, columns), measureDist=False)) == 1: area.append([rows, columns]) #contours on Magnetogram (max) NewMag = cv2.drawContours(Mag.astype('uint8'), contours, -1, (0, 0, 255), 1) plt.figure() plt.title(' contours on Magnetogram (at time of flare maximum) ') plt.imshow(NewMag) #contours on Continuum NewCon = cv2.drawContours(Con.astype('uint8'), contours, -1, (0, 0, 255), 1) plt.figure() plt.title(' contours on Continuum (at time of flare maximum) ') plt.imshow(NewCon) #contours on Magnetogram (min) NewMag2 = cv2.drawContours(Mag.astype('uint8'), contours2, -1, (0, 0, 255), 1)
def __iter__(self): for x in range(self.min[0], self.max[0] + 1): for y in range(self.min[1], self.max[1] + 1): if cv2.pointPolygonTest(self._contour, (x, y), measureDist=False) >= 0: yield x, y
def random_warp_landmarks(self, image, src_points=None, dst_points=None): """ get warped image, target image and target mask From DFAKER plugin """ logger.trace("Randomly warping landmarks") size = image.shape[0] coverage = self.get_coverage(image) // 2 p_mx = size - 1 p_hf = (size // 2) - 1 edge_anchors = [(0, 0), (0, p_mx), (p_mx, p_mx), (p_mx, 0), (p_hf, 0), (p_hf, p_mx), (p_mx, p_hf), (0, p_hf)] grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[0:p_mx:complex(size), 0:p_mx:complex(size)] source = src_points destination = (dst_points.copy().astype('float32') + np.random.normal(size=dst_points.shape, scale=2.0)) destination = destination.astype('uint8') face_core = cv2.convexHull( np.concatenate( # pylint:disable=no-member [source[17:], destination[17:]], axis=0).astype(int)) source = [(pty, ptx) for ptx, pty in source] + edge_anchors destination = [(pty, ptx) for ptx, pty in destination] + edge_anchors indicies_to_remove = set() for fpl in source, destination: for idx, (pty, ptx) in enumerate(fpl): if idx > 17: break elif cv2.pointPolygonTest( face_core, # pylint:disable=no-member (pty, ptx), False) >= 0: indicies_to_remove.add(idx) for idx in sorted(indicies_to_remove, reverse=True): source.pop(idx) destination.pop(idx) grid_z = griddata(destination, source, (grid_x, grid_y), method="linear") map_x = np.append([], [ar[:, 1] for ar in grid_z]).reshape(size, size) map_y = np.append([], [ar[:, 0] for ar in grid_z]).reshape(size, size) map_x_32 = map_x.astype('float32') map_y_32 = map_y.astype('float32') warped_image = cv2.remap( image, # pylint:disable=no-member map_x_32, map_y_32, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, # pylint:disable=no-member cv2.BORDER_TRANSPARENT) # pylint:disable=no-member target_image = image # TODO Make sure this replacement is correct slices = slice(size // 2 - coverage, size // 2 + coverage) # slices = slice(size // 32, size - size // 32) # 8px on a 256px image warped_image = cv2.resize( # pylint:disable=no-member warped_image[slices, slices, :], (self.input_size, self.input_size), cv2.INTER_AREA) # pylint:disable=no-member logger.trace("Warped image shape: %s", warped_image.shape) target_images = [ cv2.resize( target_image[slices, slices, :], # pylint:disable=no-member (size, size), cv2.INTER_AREA) # pylint:disable=no-member for size in self.output_sizes ] logger.trace("Target image shapea: %s", [img.shape for img in target_images]) return self.compile_images(warped_image, target_images)
def create_cloth_mesh(cloth_img, cloth_contours): points = [] height, width, _ = cloth_img.shape # 1.1 get the biggest/external contour maxcontouridx = 0 maxcontourlen = 0 for i in range(len(cloth_contours)): if maxcontourlen < len(cloth_contours[i]): maxcontourlen = len(cloth_contours[i]) maxcontouridx = i max_contour = cloth_contours[maxcontouridx] # get all mesh points/vertices and handle points # note control vertices handle_v_list = [] # 1.2 add sampled points from contour # seglen = maxcontourlen//20 seglen = maxcontourlen // 30 vidx = 0 for ind, each in enumerate(max_contour): if ind % seglen == 0 and ind > 0 and not _checkCloseToHandles( handle_v_list, points, each[0]): if vidx not in handle_v_list: handle_v_list.append( vidx) # now we add only contours for handles points.append(tuple(each[0])) # add mesh vertices also vidx = vidx + 1 else: try: # check angles of the points, take acute or smaller obtuse angles for adding to control points this_angle = get_angle(max_contour[ind - 5][0], max_contour[ind][0], max_contour[ind + 5][0]) if this_angle < 150 and not _checkCloseToHandles( handle_v_list, points, each[0]): # if this_angle < 150: if vidx not in handle_v_list: handle_v_list.append( vidx) # now we add only contours for handles points.append(tuple(each[0])) # add mesh vertices also vidx = vidx + 1 except Exception as err: print(err) # 2. the bounding box # get minimum and maximum of the contour mc_x = max_contour[:, :, 0] mc_y = max_contour[:, :, 1] xmin = min(mc_x)[0] ymin = min(mc_y)[0] xmax = max(mc_x)[0] ymax = max(mc_y)[0] seglen = (xmax - xmin) // 10 # 10 # 20 # add points from inside cloth for _y in range(int((ymax - ymin) / seglen)): for _x in range(int((xmax - xmin) / seglen)): x, y = xmin + seglen * _x, ymin + seglen * _y # bug fixed 2020. 8. 16 if ymin <= y <= ymax and xmin <= x <= xmax: # >= 0: # check if inside cloth contour dist = cv2.pointPolygonTest(max_contour, (x, y), True) if dist > 0 and dist > seglen / 4: # inside and not too close to the contours points.append((x, y)) # 3 list to numpy array @TODO o_vertices = np.asarray(points) o_handles = np.asarray(handle_v_list) # 4 build triangles # @Note: now we generate rectangle mesh only, so do not need to use Subdiv2D rect = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) # @TODO Do we need to use opencv ? We could build more easily subdiv = cv2.Subdiv2D(rect) for p in points: subdiv.insert(p) # why we get points for minus coordinates triangleList = subdiv.getTriangleList() # 5 build triangles (of indices of vertices) from point locations triangles = np.zeros((len(triangleList), 3), dtype=int) tidx = 0 for t in triangleList: x, y = t[0], t[1] if (xmin > x or x > xmax) or ( ymin > y or y > ymax): # often subdiv2d gives out of rectangle continue x, y = t[2], t[3] if (xmin > x or x > xmax) or ( ymin > y or y > ymax): # often subdiv2d gives out of rectangle continue x, y = t[4], t[5] if (xmin > x or x > xmax) or ( ymin > y or y > ymax): # often subdiv2d gives out of rectangle continue idx0 = _findNearestinMesh(o_vertices, (t[0], t[1])) idx1 = _findNearestinMesh(o_vertices, (t[2], t[3])) idx2 = _findNearestinMesh(o_vertices, (t[4], t[5])) # get the triangle center if False: centerX = (points[idx0][0] + points[idx1][0] + points[idx2][0]) / 3 centerY = (points[idx0][1] + points[idx1][1] + points[idx2][1]) / 3 # check if inside cloth contour if cv2.pointPolygonTest(max_contour, (centerX, centerY), True) >= 0: triangles[tidx] = (idx0, idx1, idx2) tidx = tidx + 1 else: triangles[tidx] = (idx0, idx1, idx2) tidx = tidx + 1 triangles = np.resize(triangles, (tidx, 3)) # remove triangle out of cloth # 3. Finally create meshes and handle points objects o_mesh = TriangleMesh(o_vertices, triangles, o_handles) handle_tracker = ControlPtsTrack(handle_v_list) for each in handle_v_list: handle_tracker.srcPos.append(o_mesh.vertices[each, :]) handle_tracker.tgtPos = handle_tracker.srcPos.copy() return o_mesh, handle_tracker
def isOutside(self, point): dist = cv2.pointPolygonTest(self.contour, point, True) if dist < 0: return True else: return False
def __call__(self, pt): return 1 if cv2.pointPolygonTest(self.cont, pt, False) >= 0 else 0
def analyze_bound_vertical(img, obj, mask, line_position): """User-input boundary line tool Inputs: img = RGB or grayscale image data for plotting obj = single or grouped contour object mask = Binary mask made from selected contours shape_header = pass shape header data to function shape_data = pass shape data so that analyze_bound data can be appended to it line_position = position of boundary line (a value of 0 would draw the line through the left side of the image) Returns: analysis_images = output images :param img: numpy.ndarray :param obj: list :param mask: numpy.ndarray :param line_position: int :return analysis_images: list """ ori_img = np.copy(img) # Draw line horizontal line through bottom of image, that is adjusted to user input height if len(np.shape(ori_img)) == 2: ori_img = cv2.cvtColor(ori_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) iy, ix, iz = np.shape(ori_img) size = (iy, ix) size1 = (iy, ix, 3) background = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.uint8) wback = (np.zeros(size1, dtype=np.uint8)) + 255 x_coor = 0 + int(line_position) y_coor = int(iy) rec_point1 = (0, 0) rec_point2 = (x_coor, y_coor - 2) cv2.rectangle(background, rec_point1, rec_point2, (255), -1) right_contour, right_hierarchy = cv2.findContours( background, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[-2:] x, y, width, height = cv2.boundingRect(obj) if x_coor - x <= 0: width_left_bound = 0 width_right_bound = width elif x_coor - x > 0: width_1 = x_coor - x if width - width_1 <= 0: width_left_bound = width width_right_bound = 0 else: width_left_bound = x_coor - x width_right_bound = width - width_left_bound right = [] left = [] mask_nonzerox, mask_nonzeroy = np.nonzero(mask) obj_points = np.vstack((mask_nonzeroy, mask_nonzerox)) obj_points1 = np.transpose(obj_points) for i, c in enumerate(obj_points1): xy = tuple(c) pptest = cv2.pointPolygonTest(right_contour[0], xy, measureDist=False) if pptest == 1: left.append(xy), xy, 1, (155, 0, 255)), xy, 1, (155, 0, 255)) else: right.append(xy), xy, 1, (0, 255, 0)), xy, 1, (0, 255, 0)) right_bound_area = len(right) left_bound_area = len(left) percent_bound_area_right = ( (float(right_bound_area)) / (float(left_bound_area + right_bound_area))) * 100 percent_bound_area_left = ( (float(left_bound_area)) / (float(right_bound_area + left_bound_area))) * 100 analysis_images = [] if left_bound_area or right_bound_area: point3 = (x_coor + 2, 0) point4 = (x_coor + 2, y_coor) cv2.line(ori_img, point3, point4, (255, 0, 255), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, point3, point4, (255, 0, 255), params.line_thickness) m = cv2.moments(mask, binaryImage=True) cmx, cmy = (m['m10'] / m['m00'], m['m01'] / m['m00']) if x_coor - x <= 0: cv2.line(ori_img, (x, int(cmy)), (x + width, int(cmy)), (0, 255, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, (x, int(cmy)), (x + width, int(cmy)), (0, 255, 0), params.line_thickness) elif x_coor - x > 0: width_1 = x_coor - x if width - width_1 <= 0: cv2.line(ori_img, (x, int(cmy)), (x + width, int(cmy)), (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, (x, int(cmy)), (x + width, int(cmy)), (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) else: cv2.line(ori_img, (x_coor + 2, int(cmy)), (x_coor + width_left_bound, int(cmy)), (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(ori_img, (x_coor + 2, int(cmy)), (x_coor - width_right_bound, int(cmy)), (0, 255, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, (x_coor + 2, int(cmy)), (x_coor + width_left_bound, int(cmy)), (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, (x_coor + 2, int(cmy)), (x_coor - width_right_bound, int(cmy)), (0, 255, 0), params.line_thickness) # Output images with boundary line analysis_images.append(wback) analysis_images.append(ori_img) if params.debug is not None: params.device += 1 point3 = (x_coor + 2, 0) point4 = (x_coor + 2, y_coor) cv2.line(ori_img, point3, point4, (255, 0, 255), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, point3, point4, (255, 0, 255), params.line_thickness) m = cv2.moments(mask, binaryImage=True) cmx, cmy = (m['m10'] / m['m00'], m['m01'] / m['m00']) if x_coor - x <= 0: cv2.line(ori_img, (x, int(cmy)), (x + width, int(cmy)), (0, 255, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, (x, int(cmy)), (x + width, int(cmy)), (0, 255, 0), params.line_thickness) elif x_coor - x > 0: width_1 = x_coor - x if width - width_1 <= 0: cv2.line(ori_img, (x, int(cmy)), (x + width, int(cmy)), (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, (x, int(cmy)), (x + width, int(cmy)), (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) else: cv2.line(ori_img, (x_coor + 2, int(cmy)), (x_coor + width_left_bound, int(cmy)), (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(ori_img, (x_coor + 2, int(cmy)), (x_coor - width_right_bound, int(cmy)), (0, 255, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, (x_coor + 2, int(cmy)), (x_coor + width_left_bound, int(cmy)), (255, 0, 0), params.line_thickness) cv2.line(wback, (x_coor + 2, int(cmy)), (x_coor - width_right_bound, int(cmy)), (0, 255, 0), params.line_thickness) if params.debug == 'print': print_image( wback, os.path.join(params.debug_outdir, str(params.device) + '_boundary_on_white.png')) print_image( ori_img, os.path.join(params.debug_outdir, str(params.device) + '_boundary_on_img.png')) if params.debug == 'plot': plot_image(wback) plot_image(ori_img) outputs.add_observation(variable='vertical_reference_position', trait='vertical reference position', method='plantcv.plantcv.analyze_bound_vertical', scale='none', datatype=int, value=line_position, label='none') outputs.add_observation(variable='width_left_reference', trait='width left of reference', method='plantcv.plantcv.analyze_bound_vertical', scale='pixels', datatype=int, value=width_left_bound, label='pixels') outputs.add_observation(variable='width_right_reference', trait='width right of reference', method='plantcv.plantcv.analyze_bound_vertical', scale='pixels', datatype=int, value=width_right_bound, label='pixels') outputs.add_observation(variable='area_left_reference', trait='area left of reference', method='plantcv.plantcv.analyze_bound_vertical', scale='pixels', datatype=int, value=left_bound_area, label='pixels') outputs.add_observation(variable='percent_area_left_reference', trait='percent area left of reference', method='plantcv.plantcv.analyze_bound_vertical', scale='none', datatype=float, value=percent_bound_area_left, label='none') outputs.add_observation(variable='area_right_reference', trait='area right of reference', method='plantcv.plantcv.analyze_bound_vertical', scale='pixels', datatype=int, value=right_bound_area, label='pixels') outputs.add_observation(variable='percent_area_right_reference', trait='percent area right of reference', method='plantcv.plantcv.analyze_bound_vertical', scale='none', datatype=float, value=percent_bound_area_right, label='none') # Store images outputs.images.append(analysis_images) return ori_img
def analyze_bound_horizontal(img, obj, mask, line_position, filename=False): """User-input boundary line tool Inputs: img = RGB or grayscale image data for plotting obj = single or grouped contour object mask = Binary mask made from selected contours line_position = position of boundry line (a value of 0 would draw the line through the bottom of the image) filename = False or image name. If defined print image. Returns: bound_header = data table column headers bound_data = boundary data table analysis_images = output image filenames :param img: numpy.ndarray :param obj: list :param mask: numpy.ndarray :param line_position: int :param filename: str :return bound_header: tuple :return bound_data: tuple :return analysis_images: list """ params.device += 1 ori_img = np.copy(img) # Draw line horizontal line through bottom of image, that is adjusted to user input height if len(np.shape(ori_img)) == 2: ori_img = cv2.cvtColor(ori_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) iy, ix, iz = np.shape(ori_img) size = (iy, ix) size1 = (iy, ix, 3) background = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.uint8) wback = (np.zeros(size1, dtype=np.uint8)) + 255 x_coor = int(ix) y_coor = int(iy) - int(line_position) rec_corner = int(iy - 2) rec_point1 = (1, rec_corner) rec_point2 = (x_coor - 2, y_coor - 2) cv2.rectangle(background, rec_point1, rec_point2, (255), 1) below_contour, below_hierarchy = cv2.findContours( background, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[-2:] x, y, width, height = cv2.boundingRect(obj) if y_coor - y <= 0: height_above_bound = 0 height_below_bound = height elif y_coor - y > 0: height_1 = y_coor - y if height - height_1 <= 0: height_above_bound = height height_below_bound = 0 else: height_above_bound = y_coor - y height_below_bound = height - height_above_bound below = [] above = [] mask_nonzerox, mask_nonzeroy = np.nonzero(mask) obj_points = np.vstack((mask_nonzeroy, mask_nonzerox)) obj_points1 = np.transpose(obj_points) for i, c in enumerate(obj_points1): xy = tuple(c) pptest = cv2.pointPolygonTest(below_contour[0], xy, measureDist=False) if pptest == 1: below.append(xy), xy, 1, (0, 0, 255)), xy, 1, (0, 0, 255)) else: above.append(xy), xy, 1, (0, 255, 0)), xy, 1, (0, 255, 0)) above_bound_area = len(above) below_bound_area = len(below) percent_bound_area_above = ( (float(above_bound_area)) / (float(above_bound_area + below_bound_area))) * 100 percent_bound_area_below = ( (float(below_bound_area)) / (float(above_bound_area + below_bound_area))) * 100 bound_header = [ 'HEADER_BOUNDARY' + str(line_position), 'height_above_bound', 'height_below_bound', 'above_bound_area', 'percent_above_bound_area', 'below_bound_area', 'percent_below_bound_area' ] bound_data = [ 'BOUNDARY_DATA', height_above_bound, height_below_bound, above_bound_area, percent_bound_area_above, below_bound_area, percent_bound_area_below ] analysis_images = [] if above_bound_area or below_bound_area: point3 = (0, y_coor - 4) point4 = (x_coor, y_coor - 4) cv2.line(ori_img, point3, point4, (255, 0, 255), 5) cv2.line(wback, point3, point4, (255, 0, 255), 5) m = cv2.moments(mask, binaryImage=True) cmx, cmy = (m['m10'] / m['m00'], m['m01'] / m['m00']) if y_coor - y <= 0: cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (0, 255, 0), 3) cv2.line(wback, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (0, 255, 0), 3) elif y_coor - y > 0: height_1 = y_coor - y if height - height_1 <= 0: cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (255, 0, 0), 3) cv2.line(wback, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (255, 0, 0), 3) else: cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y_coor - 2), (int(cmx), y_coor - height_above_bound), (255, 0, 0), 3) cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y_coor - 2), (int(cmx), y_coor + height_below_bound), (0, 255, 0), 3) cv2.line(wback, (int(cmx), y_coor - 2), (int(cmx), y_coor - height_above_bound), (255, 0, 0), 3) cv2.line(wback, (int(cmx), y_coor - 2), (int(cmx), y_coor + height_below_bound), (0, 255, 0), 3) if filename: # Output images with boundary line, above/below bound area out_file = str( filename[0:-4]) + '_boundary' + str(line_position) + '.jpg' print_image(ori_img, out_file) analysis_images = ['IMAGE', 'boundary', out_file] if params.debug is not None: point3 = (0, y_coor - 4) point4 = (x_coor, y_coor - 4) cv2.line(ori_img, point3, point4, (255, 0, 255), 5) cv2.line(wback, point3, point4, (255, 0, 255), 5) m = cv2.moments(mask, binaryImage=True) cmx, cmy = (m['m10'] / m['m00'], m['m01'] / m['m00']) if y_coor - y <= 0: cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (0, 255, 0), 3) cv2.line(wback, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (0, 255, 0), 3) elif y_coor - y > 0: height_1 = y_coor - y if height - height_1 <= 0: cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (255, 0, 0), 3) cv2.line(wback, (int(cmx), y), (int(cmx), y + height), (255, 0, 0), 3) else: cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y_coor - 2), (int(cmx), y_coor - height_above_bound), (255, 0, 0), 3) cv2.line(ori_img, (int(cmx), y_coor - 2), (int(cmx), y_coor + height_below_bound), (0, 255, 0), 3) cv2.line(wback, (int(cmx), y_coor - 2), (int(cmx), y_coor - height_above_bound), (255, 0, 0), 3) cv2.line(wback, (int(cmx), y_coor - 2), (int(cmx), y_coor + height_below_bound), (0, 255, 0), 3) if params.debug == 'print': print_image( wback, os.path.join(params.debug_outdir, str(params.device) + '_boundary_on_white.jpg')) print_image( ori_img, os.path.join(params.debug_outdir, str(params.device) + '_boundary_on_img.jpg')) if params.debug == 'plot': plot_image(wback) plot_image(ori_img) return bound_header, bound_data, analysis_images
def step1(): cell_area_hist_list = [] print("============Step 1 Start============") #-----read----- root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename() #img=cv.imread("G:\\2020summer\\Project\\Chromophobe_dataset1\\4.jpg") img = cv.imread(file_path) img_original = img print("Img size: [Height :", img.shape[0], "]", "[Width :", img.shape[1], "]") if img.shape[0] < 450 or img.shape[1] < 600: img = cv.copyMakeBorder(img, 80, 450, 360, 360, cv.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=[255, 255, 255]) else: img = cv.copyMakeBorder(img, 80, 450, 60, 60, cv.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=[255, 255, 255]) #img=cv.cvtColor(img,cv.COLOR_BGR2BGRA) img_masked = img.copy() img_nucleus_white_img = img.copy() #-----preprocess----- gray = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #cv.imshow("gray", gray) gauss = cv.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 5) #cv.imshow("gauss1",gauss) ret, thresh = cv.threshold(gauss, 190, 255, 0) cv.imwrite( "G:\\2020summer\\Project\\Chromophobe_dataset1\\figure3_left.jpg", thresh) #cv.imshow("thresh",thresh) erode = cv.erode(thresh, None, iterations=1) #cv.imshow("erode",erode) #-----remove outlines----- #cv.imshow("erode",erode) for i in range(0, img.shape[0]): for j in range(0, img.shape[1]): erode[0][j] = 255 #-----find contours----- cnts, hierarchy = cv.findContours(erode.copy(), cv.RETR_LIST, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) def cnt_area(cnt): area = cv.contourArea(cnt) return area counter_number = 0 location_cells_center = {} area_of_cells_nucleus = [] Whole_pic_cell_area_ave_percent = [] Whole_pic_cell_color_ave = [] for i in range(0, len(cnts)): if 250 <= cnt_area(cnts[i]) <= 0.2 * (img.shape[0] * img.shape[1]): cell_area_hist_list.append(cnt_area(cnts[i])) #print(cnts[i]) #cell_area_hist_list.append(area_calculate_from_points(cnts[i])) counter_number += 1 #print(cnts[i]) #print("======") cv.drawContours(img_masked, cnts[i], -1, (0, 0, 255), 2) #draw contours cv.drawContours(img_nucleus_white_img, [cnts[i]], -1, (255, 255, 255), -1) #masked white M = cv.moments(cnts[i]) #检索每个细胞的内部颜色 x, y, w, h = cv.boundingRect(cnts[i]) #cv.imshow('single_cell', newimage) cell_area_percent = 0 for row in range(y, y + h): for col in range(x, x + w): result = cv.pointPolygonTest(cnts[i], (col, row), False) if result == -1:, (col, row), 1, 255, -1), (col, row), 1, (255, 255, 255), -1) cell_area_percent += 1 cv.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (153, 153, 0), 1) newimage_gray = gray[y:y + h, x:x + w] Single_Cell_Color_Distrution = [] for row in range(h): for col in range(w): if newimage_gray[row, col] != 255: Single_Cell_Color_Distrution.append(newimage_gray[row, col]) ''' plt.hist(Single_Cell_Color_Distrution,bins=50) plt.title(str(counter_number)) ''' #print("this cell area percent= ",str(cell_area_percent/(w*h))) numpy.set_printoptions(precision=3) Whole_pic_cell_area_ave_percent.append(cell_area_percent / (w * h)) Whole_pic_cell_color_ave.append( numpy.mean(Single_Cell_Color_Distrution)) """#找出masked细胞内点的坐标 rect = cv.minAreaRect(cnts[i]) cx, cy = rect[0] box = cv.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(box) cv.drawContours(img_masked, [box], 0, (0, 0, 255), 2), (np.int32(cx), np.int32(cy)), 2, (255, 0, 0), 2, 8, 0) box_gray_color=[] for by in range(box[2][1],box[0][1]+1): for bx in range(box[1][0],box[3][0]+1): #print(bx,by),(bx, by), 1, (255, 0, 0), 2, 8, 0) box_gray_color.append(gray[bx,by]) plt.hist(box_gray_color) plt.hist(box_gray_color,bins=50) plt.title(str(counter_number)) dist=cv.pointPolygonTest(cnts[i],(50,50),True) """ try: cX = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]) cY = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"]), (cX, cY), 3, (255, 255, 255), -1) cv.putText(img_masked, str(counter_number), (cX - 20, cY - 20), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), 2) area_of_cells_nucleus.append(cnt_area(cnts[i])) location_cells_center[counter_number] = [cX, cY] except: pass if counter_number == 1: x1 = cX y1 = cY if counter_number == 2: x2 = cX y2 = cY if counter_number == 1: x_sample = cX y_sample = cY #cv.drawContours(img_masked, [cnts[i]], -1, (255, 255, 255), -1)#mask contours print("Whole pic average cell nucleus area percent: ", Whole_pic_cell_area_ave_percent) print("Whole pic average cell nucleus area percent_ave: ", numpy.mean(Whole_pic_cell_area_ave_percent)) print("Whole pic average cell nucleus color deep percent: ", Whole_pic_cell_color_ave) print("Whole pic average cell nucleus color deep percent_ave: ", numpy.mean(Whole_pic_cell_color_ave)) cv.imshow('single_cell', img) #-----put Text----- print("total cells number : ", counter_number) #cv.line(img_masked, (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (0,0,255), 2) list_of_two_points = pixel_between_two_points(x1, x2, y1, y2) #-----output information on the line height_of_two_points = [] height_of_two_points_B = [] height_of_two_points_G = [] height_of_two_points_R = [] for m in range(0, len(list_of_two_points)): height = img[list_of_two_points[m][1], list_of_two_points[m][0]] try: height_B = img[list_of_two_points[m][1], list_of_two_points[m][0]][0] height_G = img[list_of_two_points[m][1], list_of_two_points[m][0]][1] height_R = img[list_of_two_points[m][1], list_of_two_points[m][0]][2] height_of_two_points_B.append(height_B) height_of_two_points_G.append(height_G) height_of_two_points_R.append(height_R) except: pass #print(height) height_of_two_points.append(height) img_sample = img.copy(), (x_sample, y_sample), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1) font = cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv.putText(img_sample, "Sample_Point", (x_sample - 20, y_sample - 20), font, 0.7, (255, 255, 255), 2) #cv.imshow("img_sample_location_RED_DOT", img_sample) # save to local f = open("G:\\2020summer\\Project\\Cell_classfication_1.0.0\\dict.txt", 'w') f.write(str(location_cells_center)) f.close() # < list save file1 = open('area_of_nucleus.txt', 'w') for fp in area_of_cells_nucleus: file1.write(str(fp)) file1.write('\n') file1.close() # list save > cv.imwrite("G:\\2020summer\\Project\\Cell_classfication_1.0.0\\temp.bmp", img_masked) cv.imwrite("G:\\2020summer\\Project\\Cell_classfication_1.0.0\\temp_1.bmp", img_nucleus_white_img) cv.imwrite( "G:\\2020summer\\Project\\Chromophobe_dataset1\\figure3_right.jpg", img_masked) #================hist of cells area================== #plt.hist(cell_area_hist_list) #================================= #----- #=================================UI/ cv.putText(img_masked, "Overview", (80, 40), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 0), 2) image_size_text = "Image size: [Width :" + str( img_original.shape[0]) + "]" + "[Height :" + str( img_original.shape[1]) + "]" cv.putText(img_masked, image_size_text, (80, img.shape[0] - 400), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 0), 2) cv.putText(img_masked, "Total cells number: " + str(counter_number), (80, img.shape[0] - 350), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 0), 2) cv.putText(img_masked, "Close window to continue", (80, img.shape[0] - 250), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 0, 0), 1) #=================================/UI cv.imshow('img_copy', img_masked) print("============Step 1 End============") cv.waitKey() return counter_number
def is_in_contour(cont, point): x, y = point return cv2.pointPolygonTest(cont, (x, y), False) > 0
for idx, (_curr, _next) in enumerate(zip(contours[::], contours[1::])): # if article_complete: article_mask = np.ones( image.shape, dtype="uint8" ) * 255 # blank layer image for antother separate article [cx, cy, cw, ch] = cv2.boundingRect(_curr) [nx, ny, nw, nh] = cv2.boundingRect(_next) if (ny - cy) > (nh + ch) * 2: # next is greater than current... print('Big Gap! {}'.format(idx)) # loop through contents and insert any valid ones in this gap for idxx in range(len(content_contours)): [x, y, w, h] = cv2.boundingRect(content_contours[idxx]) # search_area_rect = cv2.rectangle(contents_mask,(cx,cy),(x+w,y+h),(0,0,255),thickness=3,shift=0) dist = cv2.pointPolygonTest(content_contours[idxx], (x, y), False) # if cy < y and cx - 10 < x and x < ( cx + w): # less than because it appears above # check but not greater than the next title!! if y > ny: # or next is another column break # cv2.drawContours(contents_mask, [c], -1, 0, -1) # cv2.rectangle(contents_mask, (x,y), (x+w,y+h), (0, 0, 255), 3) contents = contents_mask[y:y + h, x:x + w] article_mask[ y:y + h, x:x + w] = contents # copied title contour onto the blank image image[y:y + h, x:x + w] = 255 # nullified the title contour on original image # cv2.putText(contents_mask, "#{},x{},y{}".format(idxx, x, y), cv2.boundingRect(contours[idxx])[:2], cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2.0, [255, 153, 255], 2) # [B, G, R]
def applyMask( image_path, mask_path, save_path, segmented_save_path, mat_save, threshold, git_repo_base, bregma_list, atlas_to_brain_align, model, dlc_pts, atlas_pts, olfactory_check, use_unet, use_dlc, plot_landmarks, align_once, atlas_label_list, region_labels=True, original_label=False, ): """ Use mask output from model to segment brain image into brain regions, and save various outputs. :param image_path: path to folder where brain images are saved :param mask_path: path to folder where masks are saved :param save_path: path to overall folder for saving all images :param segmented_save_path: path to overall folder for saving segmented/labelled brain images :param mat_save: choose whether or not to output brain regions to .mat files :param threshold: set threshold for segmentation of foregrounds :param git_repo_base: The path to the base git repository containing necessary resources for MesoNet (reference atlases, DeepLabCut config files, etc.) :param bregma_list: The list of bregma locations (or landmarks closest to bregma). :param region_labels: Choose whether or not to attempt to label each region with its name from the Allen Institute Mouse Brain Atlas. :param use_unet: Choose whether or not to define the borders of the cortex using a U-net model. :param atlas_to_brain_align: If True, registers the atlas to each brain image. If False, registers each brain image to the atlas. :param model: The name of the U-net model (for passthrough to :param dlc_pts: The landmarks for brain-atlas registration as determined by the DeepLabCut model. :param atlas_pts: The landmarks for brain-atlas registration from the original brain atlas. :param olfactory_check: If True, draws olfactory bulb contours on the brain image. :param plot_landmarks: If True, plots DeepLabCut landmarks (large circles) and original alignment landmarks (small circles) on final brain image. :param atlas_label_list: A list of aligned atlases in which each brain region is filled with a unique numeric label. This allows for consistent identification of brain regions across images. If original_label is True, this is an empty list. :param align_once: If True, carries out all alignments based on the alignment of the first atlas and brain. This can save time if you have many frames of the same brain with a fixed camera position. :param region_labels: choose whether to assign a name to each region based on an existing brain atlas (not currently implemented). :param original_label: If True, uses a brain region labelling approach that attempts to automatically sort brain regions in a consistent order (left to right by hemisphere, then top to bottom for vertically aligned regions). This approach may be more flexible if you're using a custom brain atlas (i.e. not one in which each region is filled with a unique number). """ tif_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(image_path, "*tif")) if atlas_to_brain_align: if use_dlc and align_once: image_name_arr = glob.glob( os.path.join(mask_path, "*_brain_warp.png")) else: image_name_arr = glob.glob(os.path.join(image_path, "*.png")) image_name_arr.sort(key=natural_sort_key) if tif_list: tif_stack = imageio.mimread(os.path.join(image_path, tif_list[0])) image_name_arr = tif_stack else: # FOR ALIGNING BRAIN TO ATLAS image_name_arr = glob.glob(os.path.join(mask_path, "*_brain_warp.png")) image_name_arr.sort(key=natural_sort_key) region_bgr_lower = (220, 220, 220) region_bgr_upper = (255, 255, 255) base_c_max = [] count = 0 # Find the contours of an existing set of brain regions (to be used to identify each new brain region by shape) mat_files = glob.glob( os.path.join(git_repo_base, "atlases/mat_contour_base/*.mat")) mat_files.sort(key=natural_sort_key) # adapt. from cm = pylab.get_cmap("viridis") colors = [cm(1.0 * i / NUM_COLORS)[0:3] for i in range(NUM_COLORS)] colors = [ tuple(color_idx * 255 for color_idx in color_t) for color_t in colors ] for file in mat_files: mat = os.path.join(git_repo_base, "atlases/mat_contour_base/", file)) mat = mat["vect"] ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(mat, 5, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) base_c = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) base_c = imutils.grab_contours(base_c) base_c_max.append(max(base_c, key=cv2.contourArea)) if not atlas_to_brain_align and use_unet: # FOR ALIGNING ATLAS TO BRAIN num_images = len(glob.glob(os.path.join(mask_path, "*_brain_warp*"))) output = os.path.join(mask_path, "..") from mesonet.predict_regions import predictRegion mask_generate = True tif_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(image_path, "*tif")) if tif_list: input_path = image_path else: input_path = mask_path predictRegion( input_path, num_images, model, output, mat_save, threshold, mask_generate, git_repo_base, atlas_to_brain_align, dlc_pts, atlas_pts, olfactory_check, use_unet, plot_landmarks, align_once, atlas_label_list, region_labels, original_label, ) for i, item in enumerate(image_name_arr): label_num = 0 if not atlas_to_brain_align: atlas_path = os.path.join(mask_path, "{}_atlas.png".format(str(i))) mask_input_path = os.path.join(mask_path, "{}.png".format(i)) mask_warped_path = os.path.join( mask_path, "{}_mask_warped.png".format(str(i))) atlas_to_mask(atlas_path, mask_input_path, mask_warped_path, mask_path, i, use_unet, atlas_to_brain_align, git_repo_base, olfactory_check, []) new_data = [] if len(tif_list) != 0 and atlas_to_brain_align: img = item img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) else: img = cv2.imread(item) if atlas_to_brain_align: img = cv2.resize(img, (512, 512)) if use_dlc: bregma_x, bregma_y = bregma_list[i] else: bregma_x, bregma_y = [ round(img.shape[0] / 2), round(img.shape[1] / 2) ] original_label = True mask = cv2.imread(os.path.join(mask_path, "{}.png".format(i))) mask = cv2.resize(mask, (img.shape[0], img.shape[1])) # Get the region of the mask that is white mask_color = cv2.inRange(mask, region_bgr_lower, region_bgr_upper) io.imsave(os.path.join(save_path, "{}_mask_binary.png".format(i)), mask_color) # Marker labelling # noise removal kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) # 3, 3 mask_color = np.uint8(mask_color) thresh_atlas, atlas_bw = cv2.threshold(mask_color, 128, 255, 0) # if atlas_to_brain_align and use_dlc: # atlas_bw = cv2.dilate(atlas_bw, kernel, iterations=1) # 1 # io.imsave(os.path.join(save_path, "{}_atlas_binary.png".format(i)), atlas_bw) if not atlas_to_brain_align: watershed_run_rule = i == 0 else: if len(tif_list) == 0: watershed_run_rule = True else: watershed_run_rule = i == 0 if align_once: watershed_run_rule = i == 0 labels_from_region = [] if watershed_run_rule: orig_list = [] orig_list_labels = [] orig_list_labels_left = [] orig_list_labels_right = [] # unique_regions = (np.unique(atlas_label)).tolist() # unique_regions = [e for e in unique_regions if e.is_integer()] unique_regions = [ -275, -268, -255, -249, -164, -150, -143, -136, -129, -98, -78, -71, -64, -57, -50, -43, -36, -29, -21, -15, 0, 15, 21, 29, 36, 43, 50, 57, 64, 71, 78, 98, 129, 136, 143, 150, 164, 249, 255, 268, 275, 300, 400, ] # atlas_label_df = pd.DataFrame(atlas_label) # atlas_label_df.to_csv(os.path.join(save_path, "atlas_label.csv")) cnts_orig = [] # Find contours in original aligned atlas if atlas_to_brain_align and not original_label: np.savetxt( "atlas_label_list_{}.csv".format(i), atlas_label_list[i], delimiter=",", ) for region_idx in unique_regions: if region_idx in [300, 400]: # workaround to address olfactory contours not being found region = cv2.inRange(atlas_label_list[i], region_idx - 5, region_idx + 5) cnt_for_idx, hierarchy = cv2.findContours( region.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[-2:] if len(cnt_for_idx) >= 1: cnt_for_idx = cnt_for_idx[0] else: region = cv2.inRange(atlas_label_list[i], region_idx, region_idx) cnt_for_idx = cv2.findContours(region.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) cnt_for_idx = imutils.grab_contours(cnt_for_idx) if len(cnt_for_idx) >= 1: cnt_for_idx = max(cnt_for_idx, key=cv2.contourArea) if len(cnt_for_idx) >= 1: cnts_orig.append(cnt_for_idx) labels_from_region.append(region_idx) else: cnts_orig = cv2.findContours(atlas_bw.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) cnts_orig = imutils.grab_contours(cnts_orig) if not use_dlc: # cnts_orig = cv2.findContours( # atlas_bw.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE #) cnts_orig, hierarchy = cv2.findContours( atlas_bw.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[-2:] # cnts_orig = imutils.grab_contours(cnts_orig) labels_cnts = [] for (num_label, cnt_orig) in enumerate(cnts_orig): labels_cnts.append(cnt_orig) try: cv2.drawContours(img, cnt_orig, -1, (255, 0, 0), 1) # io.imsave(os.path.join(segmented_save_path, "check_contour.png"), img) except: print("Could not draw contour!") # try: if atlas_to_brain_align: c_orig_as_list = cnt_orig.tolist() c_orig_as_list = [[c_val[0] for c_val in c_orig_as_list]] else: c_orig_as_list = cnt_orig.tolist() c_orig_as_list = [[c_val[0] for c_val in c_orig_as_list]] orig_polylabel = polylabel(c_orig_as_list) orig_x, orig_y = int(orig_polylabel[0]), int(orig_polylabel[1]) if not original_label and atlas_to_brain_align: label_to_use = unique_regions.index( labels_from_region[num_label]) (text_width, text_height) = cv2.getTextSize(str(label_to_use), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, thickness=1)[0] label_jitter = 0 label_color = (0, 0, 255) cv2.rectangle( img, (orig_x + label_jitter, orig_y + label_jitter), ( orig_x + label_jitter + text_width, orig_y + label_jitter - text_height, ), (255, 255, 255), cv2.FILLED, ) cv2.putText( img, str(label_to_use), (int(orig_x + label_jitter), int(orig_y + label_jitter)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, label_color, 1, ) label_num += 1 orig_list.append((orig_x, orig_y)) orig_list_labels.append((orig_x - bregma_x, orig_y - bregma_y, orig_x, orig_y, num_label)) if (orig_x - bregma_x) < 0: orig_list_labels_left.append(( orig_x - bregma_x, orig_y - bregma_y, orig_x, orig_y, num_label, )) elif (orig_x - bregma_x) > 0: orig_list_labels_right.append(( orig_x - bregma_x, orig_y - bregma_y, orig_x, orig_y, num_label, )) orig_list.sort() orig_list_labels_sorted_left = sorted(orig_list_labels_left, key=lambda t: t[0], reverse=True) orig_list_labels_sorted_right = sorted(orig_list_labels_right, key=lambda t: t[0]) flatten = lambda l: [obj for sublist in l for obj in sublist] orig_list_labels_sorted = flatten( [orig_list_labels_sorted_left, orig_list_labels_sorted_right]) vertical_check = np.asarray( [val[0] for val in orig_list_labels_sorted]) for (orig_coord_val, orig_coord) in enumerate(orig_list_labels_sorted): vertical_close = np.where( (abs(vertical_check - orig_coord[0]) <= 5)) vertical_close_slice = vertical_close[0] vertical_matches = np.asarray( orig_list_labels_sorted)[vertical_close_slice] if len(vertical_close_slice) > 1: vertical_match_sorted = sorted(vertical_matches, key=lambda t: t[1]) orig_list_labels_sorted_np = np.asarray( orig_list_labels_sorted) orig_list_labels_sorted_np[ vertical_close_slice] = vertical_match_sorted orig_list_labels_sorted = orig_list_labels_sorted_np.tolist( ) img = np.uint8(img) else: for num_label, cnt_orig in enumerate(cnts_orig): # cnts_orig try: cv2.drawContours(img, cnt_orig, -1, (255, 0, 0), 1) except: print("Could not draw contour!") if not atlas_to_brain_align and use_unet: cortex_mask = cv2.imread( os.path.join(mask_path, "{}_mask.png".format(i))) cortex_mask = cv2.cvtColor(cortex_mask, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) thresh, cortex_mask_thresh = cv2.threshold(cortex_mask, 128, 255, 0) cortex_cnt = cv2.findContours(cortex_mask_thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) cortex_cnt = imutils.grab_contours(cortex_cnt) cv2.drawContours(img, cortex_cnt, -1, (0, 0, 255), 3) labels_x = [] labels_y = [] areas = [] sorted_labels_arr = [] label_jitter = 0 mask = np.zeros(mask_color.shape, dtype="uint8") cnts = cnts_orig print("LEN CNTS: {}".format(len(cnts))) print("LEN LABELS: {}".format(len(orig_list_labels_sorted))) if original_label or not atlas_to_brain_align: labels_from_region = [0] * len(orig_list_labels_sorted) for (z, cnt), (coord_idx, coord), label_from_region in zip( enumerate(cnts), enumerate(orig_list_labels_sorted), labels_from_region): if atlas_to_brain_align and not original_label: coord_label_num = unique_regions.index( labels_from_region[coord_idx]) else: coord_label_num = coord_idx # compute the center of the contour if len(cnts) > 1: z = 0 c_x, c_y = int(coord[2]), int(coord[3]) c = cnt if not atlas_to_brain_align and use_unet: cnt_loc_label = ("inside" if [1.0] in [ list( set([ cv2.pointPolygonTest( cortex_sub_cnt, ( c_coord.tolist()[0][0], c_coord.tolist()[0][1], ), False, ) for c_coord in c ])) for cortex_sub_cnt in cortex_cnt ] else "outside") else: cnt_loc_label = "" rel_x = c_x - bregma_x rel_y = c_y - bregma_y pt_inside_cnt = [ coord_check for coord_check in orig_list_labels_sorted if cv2.pointPolygonTest(c, (int(coord_check[2]), int(coord_check[3])), False) == 1 ] if original_label: try: pt_inside_cnt_idx = orig_list_labels_sorted.index( pt_inside_cnt[0]) label_for_mat = pt_inside_cnt_idx except: label_for_mat = coord_label_num print( "WARNING: label was not found in region. Order of labels may be incorrect!" ) else: label_for_mat = coord_label_num # if cnt_loc_label != '': # coord_label_num = "{} {}".format(coord_label_num, cnt_loc_label) # The centroid of the contour works as the contour centre in most cases. However, sometimes the # centroid is outside of the contour. As such, using the average x and y positions of the contour edges # that intersect with the centroid could be a safer option. We try to find this average position and if # there are more than two intersecting edges or if the average position is over 200 px from the # centroid, we fall back to using the centroid as our measure of the centre of the contour. # for coord in c_for_centre: # if coord[0][0] == c_x: # edge_coords_y.append(coord[0].tolist()) # if coord[0][1] == c_y: # edge_coords_x.append(coord[0].tolist()) # print("{}: edge coords x: {}, edge coords y: {}".format(label, edge_coords_x, edge_coords_y)) # adj_centre_x = int(np.mean([edge_coords_x[0][0], edge_coords_x[-1][0]])) # adj_centre_y = int(np.mean([edge_coords_y[0][1], edge_coords_y[-1][1]])) # adj_centre = [adj_centre_x, adj_centre_y] # if abs(adj_centre_x - c_x) <= 100 and abs(adj_centre_x - c_y) <= 100: # print("adjusted centre: {}, {}".format(adj_centre[0], adj_centre[1])) # c_x, c_y = (adj_centre[0], adj_centre[1]) # edge_coords_x = [] # edge_coords_y = [] # compute center relative to bregma # rel_x = contour centre x coordinate - bregma x coordinate # rel_y = contour centre y coordinate - bregma y coordinate # print("Contour {}: centre ({}, {}), bregma ({}, {})".format(label, rel_x, rel_y, bregma_x, bregma_y)) c_rel_centre = [rel_x, rel_y] if not os.path.isdir( os.path.join(segmented_save_path, "mat_contour_centre")): os.mkdir( os.path.join(segmented_save_path, "mat_contour_centre")) # If .mat save checkbox checked in GUI, save contour paths and centre to .mat files for each contour if mat_save: mat_save = True else: mat_save = False # Prepares lists of the contours identified in the brain image, in the order that they are found by # OpenCV # labels_arr.append(label) sorted_labels_arr.append(coord_label_num) labels_x.append(int(c_x)) labels_y.append(int(c_y)) areas.append(cv2.contourArea(c)) # The first contour just outlines the entire image (which does not provide a useful label or .mat # contour) so we'll ignore it # if coord_label_num != 0: # Cross-references each contour with a set of contours from a base brain atlas that was manually # labelled with brain regions (as defined in 'region_labels.csv' in the 'atlases' folder). If the # area of the contour is within 5000 square px of the original region and the centre of the contour # is at most 100 px away from the centre of the original contour, label the contour with its # corresponding brain region. Until we figure out how to consistently and accurately label small # brain regions, we only label brain regions with an area greater than 1000 square px. shape_list = [] label_color = (0, 0, 255) for n_bc, bc in enumerate(base_c_max): shape_compare = cv2.matchShapes(c, bc, 1, 0.0) shape_list.append(shape_compare) # for (n_r, r), (n_bc, bc) in zip(enumerate(regions.itertuples()), enumerate(base_c_max)): # min_bc = list(bc[0][0]) # min_c = list(c[0][0]) # max_bc = list(bc[0][-1]) # max_c = list(c[0][-1]) # # # 0.3, 75 # if label_num == 0 and region_labels and \ # (min(shape_list) - 0.3 <= cv2.matchShapes(c, bc, 1, 0.0) <= min(shape_list) + 0.3) and \ # min_bc[0] - 75 <= min_c[0] <= min_bc[0] + 75 and \ # min_bc[1] - 75 <= min_c[1] <= min_bc[1] + 75 and \ # max_bc[0] - 75 <= max_c[0] <= max_bc[0] + 75 and \ # max_bc[1] - 75 <= max_c[1] <= max_bc[1] + 75: # # print("Current contour top left corner: {},{}".format(min_c[0], min_c[1])) # # print("Baseline contour top left corner: {},{}".format(min_bc[0], min_bc[1])) # closest_label = # cv2.putText(img, "{} ({})".format(closest_label, r.Index), # (int(c_x + label_jitter), int(c_y + label_jitter)), # cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.3, label_color, 1) # label_num += 1 # if label_num == 0 and not region_labels: if (not region_labels and original_label) or (not region_labels and not atlas_to_brain_align): (text_width, text_height) = cv2.getTextSize(str(coord_label_num), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, thickness=1)[0] cv2.rectangle( img, (c_x + label_jitter, c_y + label_jitter), (c_x + label_jitter + text_width, c_y + label_jitter - text_height), (255, 255, 255), cv2.FILLED, ) cv2.putText( img, str(coord_label_num), (int(c_x + label_jitter), int(c_y + label_jitter)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, label_color, 1, ) label_num += 1 if mat_save: # Create an empty array of the same size as the contour, with the centre of the contour # marked as "255" c_total = np.zeros_like(mask) c_centre = np.zeros_like(mask) # Follow the path of the contour, setting every pixel along the path to 255 # Fill in the contour area with 1s cv2.fillPoly(c_total, pts=[c], color=(255, 255, 255)) # Set the contour's centroid to 255 if c_x < mask.shape[0] and c_y < mask.shape[0]: c_centre[c_x, c_y] = 255 if not os.path.isdir( os.path.join(segmented_save_path, "mat_contour")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(segmented_save_path, "mat_contour")) if not os.path.isdir( os.path.join(segmented_save_path, "mat_contour_centre")): os.mkdir( os.path.join(segmented_save_path, "mat_contour_centre")) sio.savemat( os.path.join( segmented_save_path, "mat_contour/roi_{}_{}_{}_{}.mat".format( cnt_loc_label, i, label_for_mat, z), ), { "roi_{}_{}_{}_{}".format(cnt_loc_label, i, label_for_mat, z): c_total }, appendmat=False, ) sio.savemat( os.path.join( segmented_save_path, "mat_contour_centre/roi_centre_{}_{}_{}_{}.mat".format( cnt_loc_label, i, label_for_mat, z), ), { "roi_centre_{}_{}_{}_{}".format( cnt_loc_label, i, label_for_mat, z): c_centre }, appendmat=False, ) sio.savemat( os.path.join( segmented_save_path, "mat_contour_centre/rel_roi_centre_{}_{}_{}_{}.mat". format(cnt_loc_label, i, label_for_mat, z), ), { "rel_roi_centre_{}_{}_{}_{}".format( cnt_loc_label, i, label_for_mat, z): c_rel_centre }, appendmat=False, ) count += 1 if align_once: idx_to_use = 0 else: idx_to_use = i if plot_landmarks: for pt, color in zip(dlc_pts[idx_to_use], colors):, (int(pt[0]), int(pt[1])), 10, color, -1) for pt, color in zip(atlas_pts[idx_to_use], colors):, (int(pt[0]), int(pt[1])), 5, color, -1) io.imsave( os.path.join(segmented_save_path, "{}_mask_segmented.png".format(i)), img) img_edited = os.path.join(save_path, "{}_mask_binary.png".format(i))) # Generates a transparent version of the brain atlas. img_rgba = img_edited.convert("RGBA") data = img_rgba.getdata() for pixel in data: if pixel[0] == 255 and pixel[1] == 255 and pixel[2] == 255: new_data.append((pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2], 0)) else: new_data.append(pixel) img_rgba.putdata(new_data) os.path.join(save_path, "{}_mask_transparent.png".format(i))) img_transparent = cv2.imread( os.path.join(save_path, "{}_mask_transparent.png".format(i))) img_trans_for_mat = np.uint8(img_transparent) if mat_save: sio.savemat( os.path.join(segmented_save_path, "mat_contour/transparent_{}".format(i)), {"transparent_{}".format(i): img_trans_for_mat}, ) masked_img = cv2.bitwise_and(img, img_transparent, mask=mask_color) if plot_landmarks: for pt, color in zip(dlc_pts[idx_to_use], colors):, (int(pt[0]), int(pt[1])), 10, color, -1) for pt, color in zip(atlas_pts[idx_to_use], colors):, (int(pt[0]), int(pt[1])), 5, color, -1) io.imsave(os.path.join(save_path, "{}_overlay.png".format(i)), masked_img) print("Mask {} saved!".format(i)) d = { "sorted_label": sorted_labels_arr, "x": labels_x, "y": labels_y, "area": areas, } df = pd.DataFrame(data=d) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(segmented_save_path, "region_labels")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(segmented_save_path, "region_labels")) df.to_csv( os.path.join(segmented_save_path, "region_labels", "{}_region_labels.csv".format(i))) print("Analysis complete! Check the outputs in the folders of {}.".format( save_path)) k.clear_session() if dlc_pts: os.chdir("../..") else: os.chdir(os.path.join(save_path, '..'))
def isInContourV1(cont, pt, patch_size=None): return 1 if cv2.pointPolygonTest(cont, pt, False) >= 0 else 0
def __init__(self, root, cropSize, trainFlag, imageRGBfilenames, rgbContours, rgbXYWHCR, depthImgFilename, depthXYWHCR): super(grantXdataset, self).__init__() """ Args: root(string): directory with all the input images. cropSize(integer): size of classification image (in meter) trainFlag(string): 'train', 'vali' or 'test' Outputs: self.imageRGBfilenames: for future reading self.rgbContours: The contours of all rgb pics self.rgbXYWHCR: The originalX, originalY, pixel width, pixel height, cols and rows of rgb pics self.trainShapes: self.trainCategory: self.testShapes: self.testCategory: self.valiShapes: self.valiCategory: """ self.root = root self.cropSize = cropSize # read all rgb tif images and load the image's polygon for each image self.imageRGBfilenames = imageRGBfilenames self.rgbContours = rgbContours self.rgbXYWHCR = rgbXYWHCR self.depthImgFilename = depthImgFilename self.depthXYWHCR = depthXYWHCR self.trainFlag = trainFlag # transform function # self.toTensor = transforms.ToTensor() # self.normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], # std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) # augmentation self.color_jitter = transforms.ColorJitter(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1) # read all shapes and divide them self.categories = {'Water': 0, 'Bog': 1, 'Channel_Fen': 2, 'Forest_Dense': 3, 'Forest_Sparse': 4, 'Wetland': 5, 'Dense_Forest': 3, 'Sparse_Forest': 4} # training flag if trainFlag == 'train': self.augmentationFlag = True else: self.augmentationFlag = False # sf = shapefile.Reader(join(root, "Class_Samples/Class_Samples.shp")) sf = shapefile.Reader(join(self.root, "Class_Samples/{}Shapes.shp".format(trainFlag))) shapes = [] shapeCategories = [] for rec in sf.shapeRecords(): pts = [] for point in rec.shape.points: pts.append(point) shapes.append(pts) shapeCategories.append(self.categories[rec.record[-1]]) # training shape balance if 'train' in trainFlag: trainingShapeEachCategory = [[], [], [], [], [], []] categoryState = np.zeros(6, dtype=np.int32) for shape, category in zip(shapes, shapeCategories): trainingShapeEachCategory[category].append(shape) categoryState[category] += 1 upbound = np.max(categoryState) for cntCategory, categoryNum in enumerate(categoryState): for q in range(upbound - categoryNum): trainingShapeEachCategory[cntCategory].append( shapeAug(random.choice(trainingShapeEachCategory[cntCategory]))) shapes = [] shapeCategories = [] for cntCategory, shapeVec in enumerate(trainingShapeEachCategory): for shape in shapeVec: shapes.append(shape) shapeCategories.append(cntCategory) # writeShape(self.shapes, self.ShapeCategories, 'fortesting') # generate RGB shapes for pics self.originShapes = shapes self.shapes = [] if cropSize is None: pass else: for i, shape in enumerate(self.originShapes): resizeRate = cropSize / 30 centerPt = (np.array(shape[0]) + np.array(shape[1]) + np.array(shape[2]) + np.array(shape[3])) / 4 newShape = [] for pt in shape: newShape.append(tuple(resizeRate * (pt - centerPt) + centerPt)) self.shapes.append(newShape) # generate which shape is in which image shapeInImg = [] for i, shape in enumerate(self.shapes): shapeInImg.append([]) for j, rgbCnt in enumerate(self.rgbContours): for cnt, pt in enumerate(shape): if cv2.pointPolygonTest(rgbCnt, pt, False) < 0: break if cnt == 3: shapeInImg[i].append(j) # if shape is not in any image newOriginShape, newShape, newCategory, newShapeInImg = [], [], [], [] for i, shapeImgInfo in enumerate(shapeInImg): if not shapeImgInfo: continue newOriginShape.append(self.originShapes[i]) newShape.append(self.shapes[i]) newCategory.append(shapeCategories[i]) newShapeInImg.append(shapeInImg[i]) self.originShapes = newOriginShape self.shapes = newShape self.ShapeCategories = newCategory self.shapeInImg = newShapeInImg