コード例 #1
  def homography(self,last_puzzle,puzzle,warp,maxCorners=5000,qualityLevel=.01,minDistance=3):
    f_feats = goodFeaturesToTrack(frame,maxCorners,qualityLevel,minDistance)#,mask=self.orb_mask)
    f_kps = [KeyPoint(x=f[0][0],y=f[0][1],_size=20) for f in f_feats]
    f_kps,f_des = self.orb.compute(frame,f_kps)

    w_feats = goodFeaturesToTrack(warp,maxCorners,qualityLevel,minDistance)#,mask=self.orb_mask)
    w_kps = [KeyPoint(x=f[0][0],y=f[0][1],_size=20) for f in w_feats]
    w_kps,w_des = self.orb.compute(warp,w_kps)

    ret = []
    matches = self.bfm.knnMatch(w_des,f_des,k=2)
    for m,n in matches:
      # if m.distance <= 1 * n.distance:

    Rt = None
    H, mask, warp_pts, orig_pts = None,None,None,None
    if len(ret) > 0:
        warp_pts = float32([r[0] for r in ret]).reshape(-1,1,2)
        orig_pts = float32([r[1] for r in ret]).reshape(-1,1,2)
        H,mask = findHomography(warp_pts,orig_pts,RANSAC,5.0)

    return H,mask,warp_pts,orig_pts
コード例 #2
def kp_and_des_for_blank_image(im, descriptor_extractor):
    h, w = im.shape[:2]
    x, y = (int(w / 2), int(h / 2))
    size = 1
    kp = KeyPoint(x, y, size, -1, 0, 0, -1)
    des = np.zeros((descriptor_extractor.descriptorSize()), dtype=np.uint8)
    return [kp], [des]
コード例 #3
    def load_ground_truth(self, ground_truth_file_path):
        # type: (str) -> ([], [])
        TODO docs
        # generate file path
        file_path = self.package_path + ground_truth_file_path
        features = ([], [])

        if path.isfile(file_path):
            # load keypoints of pickle file
            with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
                features = pickle.load(f)
            rospy.loginfo('Loaded ground truth file at: %(path)s' %
                          {'path': file_path})

            keypoint_values = features['keypoint_values']
            descriptors = features['descriptors']
            meta = features['meta']

            # TODO broken
            # self.check_meta_information(meta)

            # convert keypoint values to cv2 Keypoints
            keypoints = [
                KeyPoint(kp[0], kp[1], kp[2], kp[3], kp[4], kp[5], kp[6])
                for kp in keypoint_values

            return (keypoints, descriptors)
            rospy.logerr('NO ground truth file found at: %(path)s' %
                         {'path': file_path})
コード例 #4
    def load_feature_map(self, feature_map_file_path):
        # type: (str) -> ([], [])
        Loads the map describing the surrounding field background
        # generate file path
        file_path = self.package_path + feature_map_file_path
        features = ([], [])

        if path.isfile(file_path):
            # load keypoints of pickle file
            with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
                features = pickle.load(f)
            rospy.loginfo('Loaded map file at: %(path)s' % {'path': file_path})

            keypoint_values = features['keypoint_values']
            descriptors = features['descriptors']
            meta = features['meta']

            # TODO broken
            # self.check_meta_information(meta)

            # convert keypoint values to cv2 Keypoints
            keypoints = [
                KeyPoint(kp[0], kp[1], kp[2], kp[3], kp[4], kp[5], kp[6])
                for kp in keypoint_values

            return ((keypoints, descriptors), meta)
            rospy.logerr('NO map file found at: %(path)s' %
                         {'path': file_path})
コード例 #5
def getListKPFromSearializedObj(listOfKP):
    Возвращение из сериализованных данных списка KeyPoint-ов
    return [
        KeyPoint(listOfKP[i]['x'], listOfKP[i]['y'], listOfKP[i]['size'],
                 listOfKP[i]['angle'], listOfKP[i]['response'],
                 listOfKP[i]['octave'], listOfKP[i]['class_id'])
        for i in range(1, len(listOfKP))
コード例 #6
ファイル: pysift.py プロジェクト: Dallas98/Applet
def computeKeypointsWithOrientations(keypoint, octave_index, gaussian_image, radius_factor=3, num_bins=36,
                                     peak_ratio=0.8, scale_factor=1.5):
    """Compute orientations for each keypoint
    logger.debug('Computing keypoint orientations...')
    keypoints_with_orientations = []
    image_shape = gaussian_image.shape

    scale = scale_factor * keypoint.size / float32(
        2 ** (octave_index + 1))  # compare with keypoint.size computation in localizeExtremumViaQuadraticFit()
    radius = int(round(radius_factor * scale))
    weight_factor = -0.5 / (scale ** 2)
    raw_histogram = zeros(num_bins)
    smooth_histogram = zeros(num_bins)

    for i in range(-radius, radius + 1):
        region_y = int(round(keypoint.pt[1] / float32(2 ** octave_index))) + i
        if region_y > 0 and region_y < image_shape[0] - 1:
            for j in range(-radius, radius + 1):
                region_x = int(round(keypoint.pt[0] / float32(2 ** octave_index))) + j
                if region_x > 0 and region_x < image_shape[1] - 1:
                    dx = gaussian_image[region_y, region_x + 1] - gaussian_image[region_y, region_x - 1]
                    dy = gaussian_image[region_y - 1, region_x] - gaussian_image[region_y + 1, region_x]
                    gradient_magnitude = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
                    gradient_orientation = rad2deg(arctan2(dy, dx))
                    weight = exp(weight_factor * (
                                i ** 2 + j ** 2))  # constant in front of exponential can be dropped because we will find peaks later
                    histogram_index = int(round(gradient_orientation * num_bins / 360.))
                    raw_histogram[histogram_index % num_bins] += weight * gradient_magnitude

    for n in range(num_bins):
        smooth_histogram[n] = (6 * raw_histogram[n] + 4 * (raw_histogram[n - 1] + raw_histogram[(n + 1) % num_bins]) +
                               raw_histogram[n - 2] + raw_histogram[(n + 2) % num_bins]) / 16.
    orientation_max = max(smooth_histogram)
    orientation_peaks = \
    where(logical_and(smooth_histogram > roll(smooth_histogram, 1), smooth_histogram > roll(smooth_histogram, -1)))[0]
    for peak_index in orientation_peaks:
        peak_value = smooth_histogram[peak_index]
        if peak_value >= peak_ratio * orientation_max:
            # Quadratic peak interpolation
            # The interpolation update is given by equation (6.30) in https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/sasp/Quadratic_Interpolation_Spectral_Peaks.html
            left_value = smooth_histogram[(peak_index - 1) % num_bins]
            right_value = smooth_histogram[(peak_index + 1) % num_bins]
            interpolated_peak_index = (peak_index + 0.5 * (left_value - right_value) / (
                        left_value - 2 * peak_value + right_value)) % num_bins
            orientation = 360. - interpolated_peak_index * 360. / num_bins
            if abs(orientation - 360.) < float_tolerance:
                orientation = 0
            new_keypoint = KeyPoint(*keypoint.pt, keypoint.size, orientation, keypoint.response, keypoint.octave)
    return keypoints_with_orientations
コード例 #7
 def extract_features(self, frame: np.ndarray) -> ProcessedFrameData:
     This method extracts ORB features
     res = goodFeaturesToTrack(image=frame,
     list_of_keypoints: List[KeyPoint] = [
         KeyPoint(point[0], point[1], -1) for point in list(res.squeeze())
     return ProcessedFrameData.build(frame=frame,
コード例 #8
ファイル: SIFT.py プロジェクト: albgp/SIFT
    def calculateOrientation(self, kp, img_index, octv_index):
        img = self.g_pyr[octv_index][img_index]
        img_shape = img.shape
        scale = self.params["scale_factor"] * kp.size / (2**(octv_index + 1))
        rad = int(round(self.params["radius_factor"] * scale))
        weight_factor = -(scale * scale) / 2
        num_bins = self.params["num_bins"]
        raw_histogram = zeros(num_bins)
        smooth_histogram = zeros(num_bins)

        for i in range(-rad, rad + 1):
            reg_y = int(round(kp.pt[1] / (2**octv_index))) + i
            if reg_y > 0 and reg_y < img_shape[0] - 1:
                for j in range(-rad, rad + 1):
                    reg_x = int(round(kp.pt[0] / (2**octv_index))) + j
                    if reg_x > 0 and reg_x < img_shape[1] - 1:
                        dx = img[reg_y, reg_x + 1] - img[reg_y, reg_x - 1]
                        dy = img[reg_y + 1, reg_x] - img[reg_y - 1, reg_x]
                        grad_mag = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
                        grad_orient = 360 / (2 * pi) * arctan2(dy, dx)
                        weight = exp(weight_factor * (i * i + j * j))
                        hist_index = int(round(grad_orient * num_bins / 360))
                        raw_histogram[hist_index %
                                      num_bins] += weight * grad_mag

        for n in range(num_bins):
            smooth_histogram[n] = (
                6 * raw_histogram[n] + 4 *
                (raw_histogram[n - 1] + raw_histogram[(n + 1) % num_bins]) +
                raw_histogram[n - 2] + raw_histogram[(n + 2) % num_bins]) / 16.
            orientation_max = max(smooth_histogram)
            orientation_peaks = where(
                logical_and(smooth_histogram > roll(smooth_histogram, 1),
                            smooth_histogram > roll(smooth_histogram, -1)))[0]

            for peak_indx in orientation_peaks:
                peak_val = smooth_histogram[peak_indx]
                if peak_val >= self.params["peak_ratio"] * orientation_max:
                    left_value = smooth_histogram[(peak_indx - 1) % num_bins]
                    right_value = smooth_histogram[(peak_indx + 1) % num_bins]
                    interpolated_peak_indx = (
                        peak_indx + 0.5 * (left_value - right_value) /
                        (left_value - 2 * peak_val + right_value)) % num_bins
                    orientation = 360. - interpolated_peak_indx * 360. / num_bins
                    if abs(orientation - 360.) < self.params["float_tol"]:
                        orientation = 0
                    new_kp = KeyPoint(*kp.pt, kp.size, orientation,
                                      kp.response, kp.octave)
コード例 #9
def computeKeypointsWithOrientations(keypoint, indice_octava, imagen_gaussiana, radius_factor=3, num_bins=36, proporcion_pico=0.8, escala_factor=1.5):
    """Calcula las orientaciones de cada miserable Punto Clave, entendieron sabandijas
    logger.debug('Calculando las orientaciones de los Puntos Clave...')
    keypoints_con_orientaciones = []
    image_shape = imagen_gaussiana.shape

    escala = escala_factor * keypoint.size / float32(2 ** (indice_octava + 1))  # comparar con el cálculo keypoint.size en localizar_Extremo_via_AjusteCuadratico ()
    radio= int(round(radius_factor * escala))
    factor_peso = -0.5 / (escala ** 2)
    histog_crudo = zeros(num_bins) # histograma sin procesar
    histog_suave= zeros(num_bins)

    for i in range(-radio, radio+ 1):
        region_y = int(round(keypoint.pt[1] / float32(2 ** indice_octava))) + i
        if region_y > 0 and region_y < image_shape[0] - 1:
            for j in range(-radio, radio+ 1):
                region_x = int(round(keypoint.pt[0] / float32(2 ** indice_octava))) + j
                if region_x > 0 and region_x < image_shape[1] - 1:
                    dx = imagen_gaussiana[region_y, region_x + 1] - imagen_gaussiana[region_y, region_x - 1]
                    dy = imagen_gaussiana[region_y - 1, region_x] - imagen_gaussiana[region_y + 1, region_x]
                    magnitud_gradiente = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
                    orientacion_gradiente = rad2deg(arctan2(dy, dx))
                    # la constante frente al exponencial puede ser eliminada porque encontraremos despues encontraremos picos
                    peso = exp(factor_peso * (i ** 2 + j ** 2))
                    histogram_index = int(round(orientacion_gradiente * num_bins / 360.))
                    histog_crudo[histogram_index % num_bins] += peso * magnitud_gradiente

    for n in range(num_bins):
        histog_suave[n] = (6 * histog_crudo[n] + 4 * (histog_crudo[n - 1] + histog_crudo[(n + 1) % num_bins]) + histog_crudo[n - 2] + histog_crudo[(n + 2) % num_bins]) / 16.
    orientacion_max = max(histog_suave)
    picos_orientacion = where(logical_and(histog_suave> roll(histog_suave, 1), histog_suave> roll(histog_suave, -1)))[0]
    for indice_pico in picos_orientacion:
        valor_pico = histog_suave[indice_pico]
        if valor_pico >= proporcion_pico * orientacion_max:
            # Interpolación de picos cuadráticos
            # La actualización de la interpolación viene dada por la ecuación (6.30) en:
            # https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/sasp/Quadratic_Interpolation_Spectral_Peaks.html
            valor_Izquierdo = histog_suave[(indice_pico - 1) % num_bins]
            valor_Derecho = histog_suave[(indice_pico + 1) % num_bins]
            interpolated_indice_pico = (indice_pico + 0.5 * (valor_Izquierdo - valor_Derecho) / (valor_Izquierdo - 2 * valor_pico + valor_Derecho)) % num_bins
            orientacion = 360. - interpolated_indice_pico * 360. / num_bins
            if abs(orientacion - 360.) < float_tolerance:
                orientacion = 0
            new_keypoint = KeyPoint(*keypoint.pt, keypoint.size, orientacion, keypoint.response, keypoint.octave)
    return keypoints_con_orientaciones
コード例 #10
  def extract(self,frame,maxCorners=5000,qualityLevel=.01,minDistance=3):
    feats = goodFeaturesToTrack(frame,maxCorners,qualityLevel,minDistance)#,mask=self.orb_mask)
    kps = [KeyPoint(x=f[0][0],y=f[0][1],_size=20) for f in feats]
    kps,des = self.orb.compute(frame,kps)

    ret = []
    if self.last is not None:
      matches = self.bfm.knnMatch(des,self.last['des'],k=2)
      for m,n in matches:
        if m.distance < 0.7 * n.distance:

    Rt = None
    if len(ret) > 0:
      ret = array(ret)
      ret[:,0,:] = self.normalize(ret[:,0,:])
      ret[:,1,:] = self.normalize(ret[:,1,:])

        # print(f"{len(ret)=}, {ret[:,0].shape=}, {ret[:,1].shape=}")
        model, inliers = ransac((ret[:, 0],ret[:, 1]),

        ret = ret[inliers]

        Rt = self.extractRt(model.params)

    self.last = {'kps': kps,'des':des}
    return ret,Rt
コード例 #11
ファイル: pysift.py プロジェクト: Dallas98/Applet
def localizeExtremumViaQuadraticFit(i, j, image_index, octave_index, num_intervals, dog_images_in_octave, sigma,
                                    contrast_threshold, image_border_width, eigenvalue_ratio=10,
    """Iteratively refine pixel positions of scale-space extrema via quadratic fit around each extremum's neighbors
    logger.debug('Localizing scale-space extrema...')
    extremum_is_outside_image = False
    image_shape = dog_images_in_octave[0].shape
    for attempt_index in range(num_attempts_until_convergence):
        # need to convert from uint8 to float32 to compute derivatives and need to rescale pixel values to [0, 1] to apply Lowe's thresholds
        first_image, second_image, third_image = dog_images_in_octave[image_index - 1:image_index + 2]
        pixel_cube = stack([first_image[i - 1:i + 2, j - 1:j + 2],
                            second_image[i - 1:i + 2, j - 1:j + 2],
                            third_image[i - 1:i + 2, j - 1:j + 2]]).astype('float32') / 255.
        gradient = computeGradientAtCenterPixel(pixel_cube)
        hessian = computeHessianAtCenterPixel(pixel_cube)
        extremum_update = -lstsq(hessian, gradient, rcond=None)[0]
        if abs(extremum_update[0]) < 0.5 and abs(extremum_update[1]) < 0.5 and abs(extremum_update[2]) < 0.5:
        j += int(round(extremum_update[0]))
        i += int(round(extremum_update[1]))
        image_index += int(round(extremum_update[2]))
        # make sure the new pixel_cube will lie entirely within the image
        if i < image_border_width or i >= image_shape[0] - image_border_width or j < image_border_width or j >= \
                image_shape[1] - image_border_width or image_index < 1 or image_index > num_intervals:
            extremum_is_outside_image = True
    if extremum_is_outside_image:
        logger.debug('Updated extremum moved outside of image before reaching convergence. Skipping...')
        return None
    if attempt_index >= num_attempts_until_convergence - 1:
        logger.debug('Exceeded maximum number of attempts without reaching convergence for this extremum. Skipping...')
        return None
    functionValueAtUpdatedExtremum = pixel_cube[1, 1, 1] + 0.5 * dot(gradient, extremum_update)
    if abs(functionValueAtUpdatedExtremum) * num_intervals >= contrast_threshold:
        xy_hessian = hessian[:2, :2]
        xy_hessian_trace = trace(xy_hessian)
        xy_hessian_det = det(xy_hessian)
        if xy_hessian_det > 0 and eigenvalue_ratio * (xy_hessian_trace ** 2) < (
                (eigenvalue_ratio + 1) ** 2) * xy_hessian_det:
            # Contrast check passed -- construct and return OpenCV KeyPoint object
            keypoint = KeyPoint()
            keypoint.pt = (
            (j + extremum_update[0]) * (2 ** octave_index), (i + extremum_update[1]) * (2 ** octave_index))
            keypoint.octave = octave_index + image_index * (2 ** 8) + int(round((extremum_update[2] + 0.5) * 255)) * (
                        2 ** 16)
            keypoint.size = sigma * (2 ** ((image_index + extremum_update[2]) / float32(num_intervals))) * (
                        2 ** (octave_index + 1))  # octave_index + 1 because the input image was doubled
            keypoint.response = abs(functionValueAtUpdatedExtremum)
            return keypoint, image_index
    return None
コード例 #12
def localizar_Extremo_via_AjusteCuadratico(i, j, indice_imagen, indice_octava, num_intervalos, imagenes_dog_por_octava, sigma, contrast_threshold, ancho_borde_imagen, eigenvalue_ratio=10, num_attempts_until_convergence=5):
    """Refina iterativamente las posiciones de los píxeles de los extremos del espacio de escala mediante un ajuste cuadrático alrededor de los vecinos de cada extremo
       Por eso es costoso esta wada
    logger.debug('Localizando los extremos del espacio-escala...')
    extremo_esta_fuera_Imagen = False
    image_shape = imagenes_dog_por_octava[0].shape
    for attempt_index in range(num_attempts_until_convergence):
        Los extremos relacionados con el espacio de escala deben convertirse de uint8 a float32
        para calcular derivadas y deben cambiar la escala de los valores de píxeles a [0, 1] para aplicar los umbrales de Lowe's.
        primera_imagen, segunda_imagen, tercera_imagen = imagenes_dog_por_octava[indice_imagen-1:indice_imagen+2]
        pixel_cube = stack([primera_imagen[i-1:i+2, j-1:j+2],
                            segunda_imagen[i-1:i+2, j-1:j+2],
                            tercera_imagen[i-1:i+2, j-1:j+2]]).astype('float32') / 255.
        gradient = calcular_Gradiente_Pixel_Central(pixel_cube)
        hessiana = calcular_Hessiana_Pixel_central(pixel_cube)
        extremo_actualizado = -lstsq(hessiana, gradient, rcond=None)[0]
        if abs(extremo_actualizado[0]) < 0.5 and abs(extremo_actualizado[1]) < 0.5 and abs(extremo_actualizado[2]) < 0.5:
        j += int(round(extremo_actualizado[0]))
        i += int(round(extremo_actualizado[1]))
        indice_imagen += int(round(extremo_actualizado[2]))

        # Nos aseguramos  de que el nuevo cubo de píxeles se encuentre completamente dentro de la imagen
        if i < ancho_borde_imagen or i >= image_shape[0] - ancho_borde_imagen or j < ancho_borde_imagen or j >= image_shape[1] - ancho_borde_imagen or indice_imagen < 1 or indice_imagen > num_intervalos:
            extremo_esta_fuera_Imagen = True
    if extremo_esta_fuera_Imagen:
        logger.debug('El extremo actualizado se movió fuera de la imagen antes de alcanzar la convergencia -> Salto...')
        return None
    if attempt_index >= num_attempts_until_convergence - 1:
        logger.debug('Se superó el número máximo de intentos sin alcanzar la convergencia para este extremo -> Salto...')
        return None
    ValorFuncion_Extrenmo_actualizado = pixel_cube[1, 1, 1] + 0.5 * dot(gradient, extremo_actualizado)
    if abs(ValorFuncion_Extrenmo_actualizado) * num_intervalos >= contrast_threshold:
        xy_hessian = hessiana[:2, :2]
        xy_hessian_traza = trace(xy_hessian)
        xy_hessian_determinante = det(xy_hessian)
        if xy_hessian_determinante > 0 and eigenvalue_ratio * (xy_hessian_traza ** 2) < ((eigenvalue_ratio + 1) ** 2) * xy_hessian_determinante:
            # Comprobación de contraste superada: construir y devolver el objeto Punto Clave
            keypoint = KeyPoint()
            keypoint.pt = ((j + extremo_actualizado[0]) * (2 ** indice_octava), (i + extremo_actualizado[1]) * (2 ** indice_octava))
            keypoint.octave = indice_octava + indice_imagen * (2 ** 8) + int(round((extremo_actualizado[2] + 0.5) * 255)) * (2 ** 16)

            #indice_octava + 1 porque la imagen de entrada se duplicó   Pesha PS PELOTUDO
            keypoint.size = sigma * (2 ** ((indice_imagen + extremo_actualizado[2]) / float32(num_intervalos))) * (2 ** (indice_octava + 1))
            keypoint.response = abs(ValorFuncion_Extrenmo_actualizado)
            return keypoint, indice_imagen
    return None
コード例 #13
ファイル: corner.py プロジェクト: zpzp307/obstacle-avoidance
 def run(self):
     # Estrazione degli Harris Corner.
     corners = cornerHarris(self.image, blockSize=2, ksize=3, k=0.04)
     # Calcolo orientamento keypoints tramite gradienti e ad angolo tra questi ultimi.
     grad_x = Sobel(self.image, CV_32F, 1, 0, ksize=3, scale=4.5)
     grad_y = Sobel(self.image, CV_32F, 0, 1, ksize=3, scale=4.5)
     theta = phase(grad_x, grad_y, angleInDegrees=True)
     # Filtraggio e creazione degli oggetti Keypoint di OpenCV.
     strength = int(self.config.get('mops')['corner_ratio'] * corners.max())
     for x in range(0, self.image.shape[0]):
         for y in range(0, self.image.shape[1]):
             if int(corners[x][y]) > strength:
コード例 #14
def localizeExtremumViaQuadraticFit(i, j, image_index, octave_index, num_intervals, dog_images_in_octave, sigma, contrast_threshold, image_border_width, eigenvalue_ratio=10, num_attempts_until_convergence=5):
    logger.info('Localizing scale-space extrema...')
    extremum_is_outside_image = False
    image_shape = dog_images_in_octave[0].shape
    for attempt_index in range(num_attempts_until_convergence):
        first_image, second_image, third_image = dog_images_in_octave[image_index-1:image_index+2]
        pixel_cube = stack([first_image[i-1:i+2, j-1:j+2],
                            second_image[i-1:i+2, j-1:j+2],
                            third_image[i-1:i+2, j-1:j+2]]).astype('float32') / 255.
        gradient = computeGradientAtCenterPixel(pixel_cube)
        hessian = computeHessianAtCenterPixel(pixel_cube)
        extremum_update = -lstsq(hessian, gradient, rcond=None)[0]
        if abs(extremum_update[0]) < 0.5 and abs(extremum_update[1]) < 0.5 and abs(extremum_update[2]) < 0.5:
        j += int(round(extremum_update[0]))
        i += int(round(extremum_update[1]))
        image_index += int(round(extremum_update[2]))

        if i < image_border_width or i >= image_shape[0] - image_border_width or j < image_border_width or j >= image_shape[1] - image_border_width or image_index < 1 or image_index > num_intervals:
            extremum_is_outside_image = True
    functionValueAtUpdatedExtremum = pixel_cube[1, 1, 1] + 0.5 * dot(gradient, extremum_update)
    if abs(functionValueAtUpdatedExtremum) * num_intervals >= contrast_threshold:
        xy_hessian = hessian[:2, :2]
        xy_hessian_trace = trace(xy_hessian)
        xy_hessian_det = det(xy_hessian)
        if xy_hessian_det > 0 and eigenvalue_ratio * (xy_hessian_trace ** 2) < ((eigenvalue_ratio + 1) ** 2) * xy_hessian_det:
            # 设计Keypoints
            keypoint = KeyPoint()
            keypoint.pt = ((j + extremum_update[0]) * (2 ** octave_index), (i + extremum_update[1]) * (2 ** octave_index))
            keypoint.octave = octave_index + image_index * (2 ** 8) + int(round((extremum_update[2] + 0.5) * 255)) * (2 ** 16)
            keypoint.size = sigma * (2 ** ((image_index + extremum_update[2]) / float32(num_intervals))) * (2 ** (octave_index + 1))  # octave_index + 1 because the input image was doubled
            keypoint.response = abs(functionValueAtUpdatedExtremum)
            return keypoint, image_index
    return None
def localize_extremum_via_quadratic_fit(i,
    extremum_is_outside_image = False
    image_shape = dog_images_in_octave[0].shape
    for attempt_index in range(num_attempts_until_convergence):
        # need to convert from uint8 to float32 to compute derivatives and need
        # to rescale pixel values to [0, 1] to apply Lowe's thresholds
        first_image, second_image, third_image = dog_images_in_octave[
            image_index - 1:image_index + 2]
        pixel_cube = stack([
            first_image[i - 1:i + 2, j - 1:j + 2],
            second_image[i - 1:i + 2, j - 1:j + 2], third_image[i - 1:i + 2,
                                                                j - 1:j + 2]
        ]).astype('float32') / 255.
        gradient = compute_gradient_at_center_pixel(pixel_cube)
        hessian = compute_hessian_at_center_pixel(pixel_cube)
        extremum_update = -lstsq(hessian, gradient, rcond=None)[0]
        if abs(extremum_update[0]) < 0.5 and abs(
                extremum_update[1]) < 0.5 and abs(extremum_update[2]) < 0.5:
        j += int(round(extremum_update[0]))
        i += int(round(extremum_update[1]))
        image_index += int(round(extremum_update[2]))
        # make sure the new pixel_cube will lie entirely within the image
        if i < image_border_width or i >= image_shape[0] - image_border_width or j < image_border_width or j >= \
                image_shape[1] - image_border_width or image_index < 1 or image_index > num_intervals:
            extremum_is_outside_image = True
    if extremum_is_outside_image:
        return None
    if attempt_index >= num_attempts_until_convergence - 1:
        return None
    functionValueAtUpdatedExtremum = pixel_cube[1, 1, 1] + 0.5 * dot(
        gradient, extremum_update)
    if abs(functionValueAtUpdatedExtremum) * \
            num_intervals >= contrast_threshold:
        xy_hessian = hessian[:2, :2]
        xy_hessian_trace = trace(xy_hessian)
        xy_hessian_det = det(xy_hessian)
        if xy_hessian_det > 0 and eigenvalue_ratio * (xy_hessian_trace**2) < (
            (eigenvalue_ratio + 1)**2) * xy_hessian_det:
            # Contrast check passed -- construct and return OpenCV KeyPoint
            # object
            keypoint = KeyPoint()
            keypoint.pt = ((j + extremum_update[0]) * (2**octave_index),
                           (i + extremum_update[1]) * (2**octave_index))
            keypoint.octave = octave_index + image_index * \
                (2 ** 8) + int(round((extremum_update[2] + 0.5) * 255)) * (2 ** 16)
            keypoint.size = sigma * (2**(
                (image_index + extremum_update[2]) / float32(num_intervals)
            )) * (2**(octave_index + 1)
                  )  # octave_index + 1 because the input image was doubled
            keypoint.response = abs(functionValueAtUpdatedExtremum)
            return keypoint, image_index
    return None
コード例 #16
ファイル: sift.py プロジェクト: daidaiershidi/sift_img_splice
def ComputeKeypointsWithOrientations(Keypoint,
    @param Keypoint: 关键点
    @param OctaveIndex: 关键点所在组数,用于求Sigma_oct
    @param GaussianImg: 关键点所在高斯金字塔的图片
    @param LenOfHistogram: 梯度直方图的长度这里是36,一个柱10度
    @param PeakRatio: 大于主方向的PeakRatio倍,也要存储,Lowe推荐0.8
    @return: 带方向的极值点KeyPoint
    KeyPointWithOrientations = []
    ImgShape = np.shape(GaussianImg)

    Sigma_oct = 1.5 * Keypoint.size / np.float32(2**(OctaveIndex + 1))
    Radius = int(np.round(3 * Sigma_oct))
    WeightFactor = -0.5 / (Sigma_oct**2)
    Histogram = np.zeros(LenOfHistogram)
    SmoothHistogram = np.zeros(LenOfHistogram)

    for i in range(-Radius, Radius + 1):
        Region_y = int(np.round(
            Keypoint.pt[1] / np.float32(2**OctaveIndex))) + i
        if Region_y > 0 and Region_y < ImgShape[0] - 1:
            for j in range(-Radius, Radius + 1):
                Region_x = int(
                    np.round(Keypoint.pt[0] / np.float32(2**OctaveIndex))) + j
                if Region_x > 0 and Region_x < ImgShape[1] - 1:
                    if np.sqrt(i**2 + j**2) < Radius:  # 圆形区域内
                        dx = GaussianImg[Region_y, Region_x +
                                         1] - GaussianImg[Region_y,
                                                          Region_x - 1]
                        dy = GaussianImg[Region_y - 1,
                                         Region_x] - GaussianImg[Region_y + 1,
                        Magnitude = np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
                        Orientation = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(dy, dx))  # 1-360

                        Weight = np.exp(WeightFactor * (i**2 + j**2))
                        HistogramIndex = int(
                            np.round(Orientation * LenOfHistogram /
                                     360.)) % LenOfHistogram
                        Histogram[HistogramIndex] = Histogram[
                            HistogramIndex] + Weight * Magnitude
    # 在直方图统计时,每相邻三个像素点采用高斯加权,根据Lowe的建议,模板采用[0.25,0.5,0.25],并且连续加权两次.
    for i in range(2):
        for n in range(LenOfHistogram):
            if n == 0:
                SmoothHistogram[n] = 0.5 * Histogram[n] + 0.25 * (
                    Histogram[LenOfHistogram - 1] + Histogram[n + 1])
            if n == LenOfHistogram - 1:
                SmoothHistogram[n] = 0.5 * Histogram[n] + 0.25 * (
                    Histogram[n - 1] + Histogram[0])
                SmoothHistogram[n] = 0.5 * Histogram[n] + 0.25 * (
                    Histogram[n - 1] + Histogram[n + 1])
        Histogram = SmoothHistogram

    OrientationMax = max(SmoothHistogram)
    SmoothHistogramPeaks = np.where(
            SmoothHistogram > np.roll(SmoothHistogram, 1),
            SmoothHistogram > np.roll(SmoothHistogram, -1)))[0]  # 找平滑后的直方图的极值点

    for PeakIndex in SmoothHistogramPeaks:
        PeakValue = SmoothHistogram[PeakIndex]
        if PeakValue >= PeakRatio * OrientationMax:  # 统计主方向和大于0.8倍主方向的方向
            LeftValue = SmoothHistogram[(PeakIndex - 1) % LenOfHistogram]
            RightValue = SmoothHistogram[(PeakIndex + 1) % LenOfHistogram]

            InterpolatedPeakIndex = 0.5 * (LeftValue - RightValue) / (
                LeftValue - 2 * PeakValue + RightValue)
            Orientation = (PeakIndex +
                           InterpolatedPeakIndex) * (360 / LenOfHistogram)
            Orientation = 360 - Orientation
            NewkeyPoint = KeyPoint(*tuple(0.5 * np.array(Keypoint.pt)),
                                   0.5 * Keypoint.size, Orientation,
                                   Keypoint.response, Keypoint.octave)
            # 这里的KeyPoint的极值点就全部检测完成了,为回到初始图片的大小所以乘以0.5
    return KeyPointWithOrientations
コード例 #17
 def values2key_points(self, pt_x, pt_y, size, angle, response, octave,
     return KeyPoint(pt_x, pt_y, size, angle, response, octave, class_id)
コード例 #18
 def values2key_points(self, pt_x, pt_y, size, angle, response, octave,
     A better constructor for the CV2 Keypoint class
     return KeyPoint(pt_x, pt_y, size, angle, response, octave, class_id)
コード例 #19
ファイル: sift.py プロジェクト: daidaiershidi/sift_img_splice
def DetecteKeyPoint(i,
    @param i: 极值点坐标i
    @param j: 极值点坐标j
    @param ImgIndex: 图片的层数s
    @param OctaveIndex: 图片所在组数O
    @param NumOfIntervals: SIFT里的大S
    @param DoGImgInOctave: 差分高斯金字塔的一组图片,探测时可能移动层数
    @param Sigma0: SIFT里的Sigma0
    @param ContrastThreshold: SIFT里用于消除噪音点
    @param ImgBorderWidth: 抛弃的图片边缘的长度,便于计算,网上说一般为5
    @param EigenvalueRatio: 消除边缘响应的阈值里的r
    @param NumOfAttempts: 关键点的探测次数
    @return: 如果探测到关键点就返回KeyPoint,探测不到就返回None
    ImgShape = (len(DoGImgInOctave[0]), len(DoGImgInOctave[0][0]))
    for AttemptIndex in range(NumOfAttempts):
        FirstImg, SecondImg, ThirdImg = DoGImgInOctave[ImgIndex - 1:ImgIndex +
        DoGArray = np.array([
            FirstImg[i - 1:i + 2, j - 1:j + 2],
            SecondImg[i - 1:i + 2, j - 1:j + 2], ThirdImg[i - 1:i + 2,
                                                          j - 1:j + 2]
        ]).astype(np.float) / 255  # Lowe要求归一化,为了跟阈值比较,消除噪音点

        Gradient = ComputeGradientAtCenterPixel(DoGArray)
        Hessian = ComputeHessianAtCenterPixel(DoGArray)
        CoordinatesUpdateValueOfKeyPoint = -1 * np.dot(
            np.array([Gradient]).reshape((3, 1)))
        CoordinatesUpdateValueOfKeyPoint.reshape(-1)  # 偏移量

        if abs(CoordinatesUpdateValueOfKeyPoint[0]) < 0.5 and abs(
                CoordinatesUpdateValueOfKeyPoint[1]) < 0.5 and abs(
                    CoordinatesUpdateValueOfKeyPoint[2]) < 0.5:
        j += int(np.round(CoordinatesUpdateValueOfKeyPoint[0]))
        i += int(np.round(CoordinatesUpdateValueOfKeyPoint[1]))
        ImgIndex += int(np.round(CoordinatesUpdateValueOfKeyPoint[2]))
        if i < ImgBorderWidth or i >= ImgShape[
                0] - ImgBorderWidth or j < ImgBorderWidth or j >= ImgShape[
                    1] - ImgBorderWidth or ImgIndex < 1 or ImgIndex > NumOfIntervals:
            return None
    if AttemptIndex >= NumOfAttempts - 1:
        return None

    NewKeyPointValue = DoGArray[1, 1, 1] + 0.5 * np.dot(
        Gradient, CoordinatesUpdateValueOfKeyPoint)

    if abs(NewKeyPointValue) * NumOfIntervals >= ContrastThreshold:
        xy_Hessian = Hessian[:2, :2]
        Tr = xy_Hessian[0, 0] + xy_Hessian[1, 1]
        Det = xy_Hessian[0, 0] * xy_Hessian[1, 1] - (xy_Hessian[0, 1]**2)
        if Det > 0 and EigenvalueRatio * (Tr**2) < (
            (EigenvalueRatio + 1)**2) * Det:
            Keypoint = KeyPoint()
            Keypoint.pt = ((j + CoordinatesUpdateValueOfKeyPoint[0]) *
                           (i + CoordinatesUpdateValueOfKeyPoint[1]) *
            # Keypoint.pt 要以初始图片大小为准,这里的初始图片是扩大二倍后的图片
            Keypoint.octave = OctaveIndex + ImgIndex * (2**8) + np.int(
                    (CoordinatesUpdateValueOfKeyPoint[2]) * 255)) * (2**16)
            # Keypoint.octave 0-7位保存Octave,8-15位保存ImgIndex, 16-23位保存sigma,防止在后面用Sigma返过来求s时,s直接取整会出错
            Keypoint.size = Sigma0 * (2**(
                (ImgIndex + CoordinatesUpdateValueOfKeyPoint[2]) /
                np.float32(NumOfIntervals))) * (2**(OctaveIndex + 1))
            # Keypoint.size 这里的初始图片是扩大二倍后的图片,各个Sigma要多乘一个2, 所以OctaveIndex + 1
            Keypoint.response = abs(NewKeyPointValue)
            # 为什么不直接从初始图片开始算?SIFT关键点主要在-1组,具体在报告中介绍

            return Keypoint, int(ImgIndex +
    return None
コード例 #20
ファイル: SIFT.py プロジェクト: albgp/SIFT
    def localize(self, x, y, top, center, bottom, index_img, index_octv, octv):
        outside_image = False
        img_shape = center.shape
        num_intervals = len(octv) + 1
        for attempt in range(self.params["convergence_attempts"] + 1):
            cube = stack([
                bottom[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2],
                center[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2], top[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]
            ]).astype('float32') / 255

            update = -lstsq(LocateKeypoints.getHessian(cube),

            if all(update < 0.5):

            x += int(round(update[0]))
            y += int(round(update[1]))
            index_octv += int(round(update[2]))

            image_border_width = self.params["image_border_width"]

            if (x < image_border_width
                    or x >= img_shape[0] - image_border_width
                    or y < image_border_width
                    or y >= img_shape[1] - image_border_width or index_img < 1
                    or index_img >= num_intervals - 1):
                outside_image = True

            top, center, bottom = octv[index_img +
                                       1], octv[index_img], octv[index_img - 1]

        if outside_image:
                f'Updated extremum {x},{y} moved outside of image before reaching convergence. Skipping...'
            return None

        if attempt == self.params["convergence_attempts"]:
            logger.debug(f'The extremum {x},{y} did not converge. Skipping...')
            return None

        functionValueAtUpdatedExtremum = cube[1, 1, 1] + 0.5 * dot(
            LocateKeypoints.getGrad(cube), update)
        eigenvalue_ratio = self.params["eigenvalue_ratio"]

        if abs(functionValueAtUpdatedExtremum
               ) * num_intervals >= self.params["contrast_threshold"]:
            xy_hessian = LocateKeypoints.getHessian(cube)[:2, :2]
            xy_hessian_trace = trace(xy_hessian)
            xy_hessian_det = det(xy_hessian)
            if xy_hessian_det > 0 and eigenvalue_ratio * (
                    xy_hessian_trace**2) < (
                        (eigenvalue_ratio + 1)**2) * xy_hessian_det:
                # Contrast check passed -- construct and return OpenCV KeyPoint object
                keypoint = KeyPoint()
                keypoint.pt = ((y + update[0]) * (2**index_octv),
                               (x + update[1]) * (2**index_octv))
                keypoint.octave = index_octv + index_img * (2**8) + int(
                    round((update[2] + 0.5) * 255)) * (2**16)
                keypoint.size = self.params["sigma"] * (2**(
                    (index_img + update[2]) / float32(num_intervals))) * (
                        2**(index_octv + 1)
                    )  # octave_index + 1 because the input image was doubled
                keypoint.response = abs(functionValueAtUpdatedExtremum)
                return keypoint, index_img, index_octv
        return None