コード例 #1
ファイル: maxcutrel.py プロジェクト: dimpase/kpage-crossing
def maxcutrel(A, solver=None): 
   from cvxopt.base import matrix as m
   from cvxopt.base import spmatrix as spm
   from cvxopt import solvers
   if solver=='dsdp': 
      from cvxopt import dsdp 
#   solvers.options['show_progress']=False

# data type and dimensions
      A = A.weighted_adjacency_matrix()
      return maxcutrel(A, solver=solver)
   except (AttributeError,TypeError):
          A = A.adjacency_matrix()
          return maxcutrel(A, solver=solver)
      except (AttributeError,TypeError):
      d = A.nrows()

# SDP constraints 
      c = m([-1.]*d)
      G = [spm(1., [i*(d+1) for i in range(d)], range(d), (d*d,d))]
      sol = solvers.sdp(c, Gs=G, hs=[m(1.*A.numpy())], solver=solver)
      return 0.25*(sum(sum(A))+sol['primal objective']),sol
   #return sol['primal objective'], sol['status']
   except AttributeError:
      print "Wrong matrix format"
      print "Unknown error"
コード例 #2
def linear_program(c, G, h, A=None, b=None, solver=None):
    Solves the dual linear programs:

    - Minimize  `c'x` subject to `Gx + s = h`, `Ax = b`, and `s \geq 0` where
      `'` denotes transpose.

    - Maximize  `-h'z - b'y` subject to `G'z + A'y + c = 0` and `z \geq 0`.


    - ``c`` -- a vector

    - ``G`` -- a matrix

    - ``h`` -- a vector

    - ``A`` -- a matrix

    - ``b`` --- a vector

    - ``solver`` (optional) --- solver to use. If None, the cvxopt's lp-solver
                                is used. If it is 'glpk', then glpk's solver
                                is used.

    These can be over any field that can be turned into a floating point


    A dictionary ``sol`` with keys ``x``, ``s``, ``y``, ``z`` corresponding
    to the variables above:

    - ``sol['x']`` -- the solution to the linear program

    - ``sol['s']`` -- the slack variables for the solution

    - ``sol['z']``, ``sol['y']`` -- solutions to the dual program


    First, we minimize `-4x_1 - 5x_2` subject to `2x_1 + x_2 \leq 3`,
    `x_1 +  2x_2 \leq 3`, `x_1 \geq 0`, and `x_2 \geq 0`::

        sage: c=vector(RDF,[-4,-5])
        sage: G=matrix(RDF,[[2,1],[1,2],[-1,0],[0,-1]])
        sage: h=vector(RDF,[3,3,0,0])
        sage: sol=linear_program(c,G,h)
        sage: sol['x']
        (0.999..., 1.000...)

    Next, we maximize `x+y-50` subject to `50x + 24y \leq 2400`,
    `30x + 33y \leq 2100`, `x \geq 45`, and `y \geq 5`::

        sage: v=vector([-1.0,-1.0,-1.0])
        sage: m=matrix([[50.0,24.0,0.0],[30.0,33.0,0.0],[-1.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,-1.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,1.0],[0.0,0.0,-1.0]])
        sage: h=vector([2400.0,2100.0,-45.0,-5.0,1.0,-1.0])
        sage: sol=linear_program(v,m,h)
        sage: sol['x']
        (45.000000..., 6.2499999...3, 1.00000000...)
        sage: sol=linear_program(v,m,h,solver='glpk')
        GLPK Simplex Optimizer...
        sage: sol['x']
        (45.0..., 6.25, 1.0...)
    from cvxopt.base import matrix as m
    from cvxopt import solvers
    solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
    if solver == 'glpk':
        from cvxopt import glpk
        glpk.options['LPX_K_MSGLEV'] = 0
    c_ = m(c.base_extend(RDF).numpy())
    G_ = m(G.base_extend(RDF).numpy())
    h_ = m(h.base_extend(RDF).numpy())
    if A != None and b != None:
        A_ = m(A.base_extend(RDF).numpy())
        b_ = m(b.base_extend(RDF).numpy())
        sol = solvers.lp(c_, G_, h_, A_, b_, solver=solver)
        sol = solvers.lp(c_, G_, h_, solver=solver)
    status = sol['status']
    if status != 'optimal':
        return {
            'primal objective': None,
            'x': None,
            's': None,
            'y': None,
            'z': None,
            'status': status
    x = vector(RDF, list(sol['x']))
    s = vector(RDF, list(sol['s']))
    y = vector(RDF, list(sol['y']))
    z = vector(RDF, list(sol['z']))
    return {
        'primal objective': sol['primal objective'],
        'x': x,
        's': s,
        'y': y,
        'z': z,
        'status': status
コード例 #3
ファイル: optimize.py プロジェクト: jeromeca/sagesmc
def linear_program(c,G,h,A=None,b=None,solver=None):
    Solves the dual linear programs:

    - Minimize  `c'x` subject to `Gx + s = h`, `Ax = b`, and `s \geq 0` where
      `'` denotes transpose.

    - Maximize  `-h'z - b'y` subject to `G'z + A'y + c = 0` and `z \geq 0`.


    - ``c`` -- a vector

    - ``G`` -- a matrix

    - ``h`` -- a vector

    - ``A`` -- a matrix

    - ``b`` --- a vector

    - ``solver`` (optional) --- solver to use. If None, the cvxopt's lp-solver
                                is used. If it is 'glpk', then glpk's solver
                                is used.

    These can be over any field that can be turned into a floating point


    A dictionary ``sol`` with keys ``x``, ``s``, ``y``, ``z`` corresponding
    to the variables above:

    - ``sol['x']`` -- the solution to the linear program

    - ``sol['s']`` -- the slack variables for the solution

    - ``sol['z']``, ``sol['y']`` -- solutions to the dual program


    First, we minimize `-4x_1 - 5x_2` subject to `2x_1 + x_2 \leq 3`,
    `x_1 +  2x_2 \leq 3`, `x_1 \geq 0`, and `x_2 \geq 0`::

        sage: c=vector(RDF,[-4,-5])
        sage: G=matrix(RDF,[[2,1],[1,2],[-1,0],[0,-1]])
        sage: h=vector(RDF,[3,3,0,0])
        sage: sol=linear_program(c,G,h)
        sage: sol['x']
        (0.999..., 1.000...)

    Next, we maximize `x+y-50` subject to `50x + 24y \leq 2400`,
    `30x + 33y \leq 2100`, `x \geq 45`, and `y \geq 5`::

        sage: v=vector([-1.0,-1.0,-1.0])
        sage: m=matrix([[50.0,24.0,0.0],[30.0,33.0,0.0],[-1.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,-1.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,1.0],[0.0,0.0,-1.0]])
        sage: h=vector([2400.0,2100.0,-45.0,-5.0,1.0,-1.0])
        sage: sol=linear_program(v,m,h)
        sage: sol['x']
        (45.000000..., 6.2499999...3, 1.00000000...)
        sage: sol=linear_program(v,m,h,solver='glpk')
        GLPK Simplex Optimizer...
        sage: sol['x']
        (45.0..., 6.25, 1.0...)
    from cvxopt.base import matrix as m
    from cvxopt import solvers
    if solver=='glpk':
        from cvxopt import glpk
        glpk.options['LPX_K_MSGLEV'] = 0
    if A!=None and b!=None:
    if status != 'optimal':
       return  {'primal objective':None,'x':None,'s':None,'y':None,
    return  {'primal objective':sol['primal objective'],'x':x,'s':s,'y':y,
コード例 #4
#Problema Quemo Chemical Company 
from cvxopt import glpk
from cvxopt.base import matrix as m
c = m([-25000., -18000., -31000.]) #Matriz con los valores de la funcion objetivo
A = m([[8000., 7000.], [6000., 4000.], [12000., 8000.]]) #Valores de las variables de las restricciones
b = m([20000., 16000.]) #Valores independientes de las restricciones

intVars = range(3) #Especificamos que las 3 variables son enteras
binVars = range(3) #Especificamos que las 3 variables son binarias

sol = glpk.ilp(c, A, b, I=set(intVars), B=set(binVars))
print('Los valores óptimos de las variables son:\n{0}'.format(sol[1]))  #Si se encuantra valores optimos se muestran
if sol[0]=='optimal':
    print('El valor óptimo es:  {0}'.format((-c.T*sol[1])[0]))
# El valor óptimo debemos transponerlo y cambiarle el signo, estamos maximizando.
    print('El problema no devolvió una solución óptima. El estado del solucionador fue {0}'.format(sol[0]))  #Si no encuentra dice que no se encontro
コード例 #5
    c_pickle = []
    old_q = 0
    for q in num_q:
        time_count = 0
        if nx.has_path(G, 0, 1):
            if path_flag == False:
                path_form_charge = old_q
                path_flag = True
            old_q = q
            c_model_activated = []
            # Initiating charge vector
            qv = np.zeros(nwires_plus_leads)
            qv[0] = +q
            qv[1] = -q
            Qmatrix = m(qv)

            # mc_matrix will be updated while noups=True
            noups = True

            # Store positions of activated junctions at this charge
            inter_point_act_charge = []

            # Counts how many junctions were activated at this charge
            nactivated_total = 0

            # Counts the time of the avalanche
            time = 0

            # Loop for tries (mc_matrix might be updated at the same charge)
            while (noups):
コード例 #6
#Problema Propuesto "Municipalidad"
from cvxopt import glpk
from cvxopt.base import matrix as m

c = m(
    [-842628., -421314., -631971., -1263943., -1078564., -1137548.,
     -758365.])  #Matriz con los valores de la funcion objetivo
A = m([[1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.], [0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1., 0.],
       [1., 1., 1., 1., 0., 1., 1.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1.],
       [1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
        1.]])  #Valores de las variables de las restricciones
b = m([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1,
       1.])  #Valores independientes de las restricciones

intVars = range(7)  #Especificamos que las 7 variables son enteras
binVars = range(7)  #Especificamos que las 7 variables son binarias

sol = glpk.ilp(c, A, b, I=set(intVars), B=set(binVars))
print('Los valores óptimos de las variables son:\n{0}'.format(
    sol[1]))  #Si se encuantra valores optimos se muestran
if sol[0] == 'optimal':

    print('El valor óptimo es:  ${0} COP'.format((-c.T * sol[1])[0]))
# El valor óptimo debemos transponerlo y cambiarle el signo, estamos maximizando.


        'El problema no devolvió una solución óptima. El estado del solucionador fue {0}'
        .format(sol[0]))  #Si no encuentra dice que no se encontro
コード例 #7
        1), :]  # determine rows corresponding to non-connected nodes
    mr_nonconnected_plus = mr_nozero_rows_plus[:, ~(
        mr_nozero_rows_plus == 0
    )]  # remove the non-connected nodes, this is done for numerical reasons

    # some parameters for the symmlq numerical solving routine. til is tolerance, make it smaller for more accuracy, show plots some info to terminal during the routine, maxit limits the routine to a maximum number of iterations
    tol = 1e-10
    show = False
    maxit = None

    i0 = 1.0  #  test current through the network
    ic = np.zeros(
        mr_nonconnected_plus.shape[0])  # initialise the current vector
    ic[0] = +i0  # current injected into electrode 0
    ic[1] = -i0  # current extracted at electrode 1

    Imatrix = m(ic)  # some function to get ic into correct format for symmlq
    Amatrix = m(
    )  # # some function to get mr_connected_plus into correct format for symmlq
    elec_pot_mr = symmlq(
        Imatrix, Gfun, show=show, rtol=tol, maxit=maxit
    )  # solve the set of linear equations. elec_pot_mr[0] contains the potential of each node

    resistance = ((elec_pot_mr[0][0] - elec_pot_mr[0][1])
                  ) / i0  # resistance of the network between electrodes

    print(material, resistance)
コード例 #8
ファイル: optimize.py プロジェクト: kliem/sage
def linear_program(c, G, h, A=None, b=None, solver=None):
    Solve the dual linear programs:

    - Minimize  `c'x` subject to `Gx + s = h`, `Ax = b`, and `s \geq 0` where
      `'` denotes transpose.

    - Maximize  `-h'z - b'y` subject to `G'z + A'y + c = 0` and `z \geq 0`.

    This function is deprecated.  Use :class:`MixedIntegerLinearProgram` instead.

    This function depends on the optional package ``cvxopt``.


    - ``c`` -- a vector

    - ``G`` -- a matrix

    - ``h`` -- a vector

    - ``A`` -- a matrix

    - ``b`` --- a vector

    - ``solver`` (optional) --- solver to use. If None, the cvxopt's lp-solver
                                is used. If it is 'glpk', then glpk's solver
                                is used.

    These can be over any field that can be turned into a floating point


    A dictionary ``sol`` with keys ``x``, ``s``, ``y``, ``z`` corresponding
    to the variables above:

    - ``sol['x']`` -- the solution to the linear program

    - ``sol['s']`` -- the slack variables for the solution

    - ``sol['z']``, ``sol['y']`` -- solutions to the dual program


    First, we minimize `-4x_1 - 5x_2` subject to `2x_1 + x_2 \leq 3`,
    `x_1 +  2x_2 \leq 3`, `x_1 \geq 0`, and `x_2 \geq 0`::

        sage: c=vector(RDF,[-4,-5])
        sage: G=matrix(RDF,[[2,1],[1,2],[-1,0],[0,-1]])
        sage: h=vector(RDF,[3,3,0,0])
        sage: sol=linear_program(c,G,h)                                                # optional - cvxopt
        DeprecationWarning: linear_program is deprecated; use MixedIntegerLinearProgram instead
        See https://trac.sagemath.org/32226 for details.
        sage: sol['x']                                                                 # optional - cvxopt
        (0.999..., 1.000...)

    Here we solve the same problem with 'glpk' interface to 'cvxopt'::

        sage: sol=linear_program(c,G,h,solver='glpk')                                  # optional - cvxopt
        GLPK Simplex Optimizer...
        sage: sol['x']                                                                 # optional - cvxopt
        (1.0, 1.0)

    Next, we maximize `x+y-50` subject to `50x + 24y \leq 2400`,
    `30x + 33y \leq 2100`, `x \geq 45`, and `y \geq 5`::

        sage: v=vector([-1.0,-1.0,-1.0])
        sage: m=matrix([[50.0,24.0,0.0],[30.0,33.0,0.0],[-1.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,-1.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,1.0],[0.0,0.0,-1.0]])
        sage: h=vector([2400.0,2100.0,-45.0,-5.0,1.0,-1.0])
        sage: sol=linear_program(v,m,h)                                                # optional - cvxopt
        sage: sol['x']                                                                 # optional - cvxopt
        (45.000000..., 6.2499999..., 1.00000000...)
        sage: sol=linear_program(v,m,h,solver='glpk')                                  # optional - cvxopt
        GLPK Simplex Optimizer...
        sage: sol['x']                                                                 # optional - cvxopt
        (45.0..., 6.25..., 1.0...)
        'linear_program is deprecated; use MixedIntegerLinearProgram instead')

    from cvxopt.base import matrix as m
    from cvxopt import solvers
    solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
    if solver == 'glpk':
        from cvxopt import glpk
        glpk.options['LPX_K_MSGLEV'] = 0
    c_ = m(c.base_extend(RDF).numpy())
    G_ = m(G.base_extend(RDF).numpy())
    h_ = m(h.base_extend(RDF).numpy())
    if A is not None and b is not None:
        A_ = m(A.base_extend(RDF).numpy())
        b_ = m(b.base_extend(RDF).numpy())
        sol = solvers.lp(c_, G_, h_, A_, b_, solver=solver)
        sol = solvers.lp(c_, G_, h_, solver=solver)
    status = sol['status']
    if status != 'optimal':
        return {
            'primal objective': None,
            'x': None,
            's': None,
            'y': None,
            'z': None,
            'status': status
    x = vector(RDF, list(sol['x']))
    s = vector(RDF, list(sol['s']))
    y = vector(RDF, list(sol['y']))
    z = vector(RDF, list(sol['z']))
    return {
        'primal objective': sol['primal objective'],
        'x': x,
        's': s,
        'y': y,
        'z': z,
        'status': status
コード例 #9
                    Kirchoff_Mat[y][x] = Kirchoff_Mat[x][y]

    np.fill_diagonal((Kirchoff_Mat), abs(Kirchoff_Mat.sum(1)))
    I = 10.0  # total current being pumped through the system
    i0 = I / (
    )  # the current that will be put into each node on the left lead and is then extracted on the right lead
    ic = np.zeros(Kirch_Dim)  # current vector
    for i in range(0, Lead - 1):
        # This loop fills in the current vector
        ic[i] = +i0  # an injection node
        ic[(Kirch_Dim) - i - 1] = -i0  # an extraction node
    Kirchoff_Matrix = m(
    )  # This just changes the format of Kirchoff_Mat so it can be solved by the symmlq routine
    Imatrix = m(ic)  # puts ic in the format for symmlq
    # Solving Ax = B (Mr * V = I) with symmlq
    Amatrix = Kirchoff_Matrix  # renamed Amatrix for Gfun function above
    elec_pot_mr = symmlq(
        Imatrix, Gfun, show=show, rtol=tol, maxit=maxit
    )  # result from symmlq. elec_pot_mr[0] is the voltage vector.
    V_left = list()
    V_right = list()

    for k in range(0, Lead - 1):
        # adding total voltages on each lead

        V_right.append(elec_pot_mr[0][(Kirch_Dim) - 1 - k])
コード例 #10
ファイル: mnr_jda_scan.py プロジェクト: colinjoc/PhD_code
def mnr_scan(Nw, in_node, out_node):
    t0 = time.time()

    def Gfun(x, y, trans='N'):
        ''' Function that passes matrix A to the symmlq routine which solves Ax=B.'''
        gemv(Amatrix, x, y, trans)

    resist_info = open(
        "mnr_conductance_curve_nodes_%s_%s.txt" % (in_node, out_node), "w")
    num_i = np.arange(0.001, 5, 0.001)
    mr_matrix = Nw.mnr_mr_matrix
    mr_mnr_matrix = mr_matrix
    neigh_mr = Nw.mnr_neigh
    nwires_plus_leads = len(Nw.coords)

    alph = 0.05  #3.5248
    expon = 1.1
    Roff = 10000.0
    Ron = 11.0

    for ic in num_i:

        # Initiating fixed current vector
        iv = np.zeros(len(mr_matrix))
        iv[in_node] = +ic
        iv[out_node] = -ic
        Imatrix = m(iv)

        tol = 1e-10
        show = False
        maxit = None

        mr_matrix_form = m(mr_matrix)
        Amatrix = mr_matrix_form
        elec_pot_mr = symmlq(Imatrix, Gfun, show=show, rtol=tol, maxit=maxit)

        resistance = (elec_pot_mr[0][in_node] - elec_pot_mr[0][out_node]) / ic
        #resistance = (pot[0]-pot[1])/ic

        print('Sheet Resistance: ', resistance, ic)
        resist_info.write('%s   %s\n' % (ic, 1.0 / resistance))

        #ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((1,2),(0,1),colspan=3)

        # Loop over all inter-wire connections
        for i in range(len(neigh_mr[0])):

            diffmr = abs(elec_pot_mr[0][neigh_mr[0][i]] -

            # current passing through the junction
            jcurr = diffmr / (abs(
                1.0 / mr_matrix[neigh_mr[0][i], neigh_mr[1][i]]))

            # resistance updated as a function of its current
            new_resis = 1.0 / (alph * jcurr**expon)

            # thresholds (the junction resistance cannot be bigger than Roff or smaller than Ron)
            if new_resis > Roff:
                new_resis = Roff
            if new_resis < Ron:
                new_resis = Ron
                Ron_list.append([neigh_mr[0][i], neigh_mr[1][i], ival])
            # modify resistance of the junction
            mr_matrix[neigh_mr[0][i], neigh_mr[1][i]] = -1.0 / new_resis
            mr_matrix[neigh_mr[1][i], neigh_mr[0][i]] = -1.0 / new_resis

        # Reset diagonal elements before updating Mr!
        np.fill_diagonal(mr_matrix, 0.0)

        sum_rows_mr = mr_matrix.sum(1)
        np.fill_diagonal(mr_matrix, abs(sum_rows_mr))

    Ron_save = open(
        "mnr_Ron_list_nodes_%s_%s_scan_end_%s.txt" % (in_node, out_node, ival),
    for row in Ron_list:
        Ron_save.write("%s %s %s\n" % (row[0], row[1], row[2]))

    tf = time.time()
    print("TOTAL TIME: %s" % (tf - t0))
コード例 #11
ファイル: mnr_jda_scan.py プロジェクト: colinjoc/PhD_code
def jda_scan(Nw, in_node, out_node):
    def Gfun(x, y, trans='N'):
        ''' Function that passes matrix A to the symmlq routine which solves Ax=B.'''
        gemv(Amatrix, x, y, trans)

    resist_info = open(
        "jda_conductance_curve_nodes_%s_%s.txt" % (in_node, out_node), "w")
    num_i = np.arange(0.001, 5, 0.001)
    mr_matrix = Nw.jda_mr_matrix
    mr_jda_matrix = mr_matrix
    nwires_plus_leads = len(Nw.coords)

    alph = 0.05  #3.5248
    expon = 1.1
    Roff = 10000.0
    Ron = 11.0

    for ival in num_i:
        Ron_list = []
        r_model_activated = []
        # Initiating fixed current vector
        iv = np.zeros(len(mr_matrix))
        iv[in_node] = +ival
        iv[out_node] = -ival
        Imatrix = m(iv)

        mr_matrix_form = m(mr_matrix)
        Amatrix = mr_matrix_form

        tol = 1e-10
        show = False
        maxit = None

        elec_pot_mr = symmlq(Imatrix, Gfun, show=False, rtol=tol, maxit=maxit)

        resistance = abs(elec_pot_mr[0][in_node] -
                         elec_pot_mr[0][out_node]) / ival
        conductance = 1.0 / resistance

        print('Sheet Resistance: %s, ic: %s ' % (resistance, ival))
        resist_info.write('%s   %s\n' % (ival, conductance))

        #have to update Gr!

        # Loop over all inter-wire connections
        for i in range(nwires_plus_leads):
            for j in range(i + 1, nwires_plus_leads):
                if mr_jda_matrix[i][j] != 0:
                    diffmr = abs(elec_pot_mr[0][i] - elec_pot_mr[0][j])

                    # current passing through the junction
                    jcurr = diffmr / (abs(1.0 / mr_jda_matrix[i][j]))

                    # resistance updated as a function of its current
                    new_resis = 1.0 / (alph * jcurr**expon)

                    # thresholds (the junction resistance cannot be bigger than Roff or smaller than Ron)
                    if new_resis > Roff:
                        new_resis = Roff
                    if new_resis <= Ron:
                        new_resis = Ron
                        Ron_list.append([i, j, ival])
                    # modify resistance of the junction
                    mr_jda_matrix[i][j] = -1.0 / new_resis
                    mr_jda_matrix[j][i] = -1.0 / new_resis
        np.fill_diagonal(mr_jda_matrix, 0.0)
        sum_rows_mr = mr_jda_matrix.sum(1)
        # Place the sum in the diagonal of Mr.
        np.fill_diagonal(mr_jda_matrix, abs(sum_rows_mr))
    save_Ron(Ron_list, in_node, out_node, ival)