コード例 #1
    def get_weights(self) -> pd.Series:
        assets_number = self.cov_matrix.shape[1]
        st_devs = self.std_of_assets.values
        st_devs = st_devs.reshape((1, -1))  # make it a horizontal vector

        P = matrix(self.cov_matrix.values)
        q = matrix(0.0, (assets_number, 1))

        A = matrix(st_devs)
        b = matrix([1.0])

        G_lower_bound, h_lower_bound = each_weight_greater_than_0_constraint(

        if self.upper_constraint is not None:
            G_upper_bound, h_upper_bound = self._get_upper_bound_constraints(
                P, q, G_lower_bound, h_lower_bound, A, b)
            G, h = merge_constraints(G_lower_bound, h_lower_bound,
                                     G_upper_bound, h_upper_bound)
            G, h = G_lower_bound, h_lower_bound

        result = qp(P, q, G, h, A, b, options=self.optimizer_options)
        dummy_weights = np.array(result['x']).squeeze()
        scaled_weights = dummy_weights / dummy_weights.sum()
        weights_series = pd.Series(data=scaled_weights,

        return weights_series
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self):
     self.u = mul(matrix(self.u), matrix(system.PV.u))
         'bus': None,
         'Type': 1,
         'vrmax': 3.3,
         'vrmin': -2.6,
         'K0': 0,
         'T1': 0,
         'T2': 0,
         'T3': 0,
         'T4': 0,
         'Te': 0,
         'Tr': 0,
         'Ae': 0,
         'Be': 0
     self._type = 'Avr1'
     self._name = 'Avr1'
     self._bus = {'bus': ['a', 'v']}
     self._algebs = ['vref']  # 后续得修改
     self._states = ['vm', 'vr1', 'vr2', 'vf']  # 后续得修改
         'u', 'vrmax', 'vrmin', 'K0', 'T1', 'T2', 'T3', 'T4', 'Te', 'Tr',
         'Ae', 'Be'
     self._voltages = ['V0']  # 后续得修改
     self._powers = ['Pg']  # 后续得修改
     self.ba = []
     self.bv = []
コード例 #3
ファイル: sample3.py プロジェクト: tungk/PyOptSamples
def solve_only_equalities_qp(kktsolver, fP, fA, resx0, resy0, dims):
    # Solve
    #     [ P  A' ] [ x ]   [ -q ]
    #     [       ] [   ] = [    ].
    #     [ A  0  ] [ y ]   [  b ]

    #  print(G)
    #  factor = kkt_chol2(G, dims, A)
    #  W = {'d': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)), 'di': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)), 'beta': [], 'v': [], 'r': [], 'rti': []}
    #  print(P)
    #  solver = factor(W, P)

        f3 = kktsolver({'d': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)), 'di':
                        matrix(0.0, (0, 1)), 'beta': [], 'v': [], 'r': [], 'rti': []})

        #  factor = kkt_chol2(G, dims, A)
        #  W = {'d': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)), 'di': matrix(0.0, (0, 1)), 'beta': [], 'v': [], 'r': [], 'rti': []}
        #  f3 = factor(W, P)

    except ArithmeticError:
        raise ValueError("Rank(A) < p or Rank([P; A; G]) < n")

    x = -1.0 * matrix(q)
    y = matrix(b)
    f3(x, y, matrix(0.0, (0, 1)))
    #  solver(x, y, matrix(0.0, (0, 1)))
    return {'status': 'optimal', 'x': x, 'y': y}
コード例 #4
ファイル: mnist-2.py プロジェクト: jko0531/Machine-Learning
def read(dataset = "training", path = "."):
    Python function for importing the MNIST data set.
    digits = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]
    if dataset is "training":
        fname_img = os.path.join(path, 'train-images-idx3-ubyte')
        fname_lbl = os.path.join(path, 'train-labels-idx1-ubyte')
    elif dataset is "testing":
        fname_img = os.path.join(path, 't10k-images-idx3-ubyte')
        fname_lbl = os.path.join(path, 't10k-labels-idx1-ubyte')
        raise ValueError, "dataset must be 'testing' or 'training'"

    flbl = open(fname_lbl, 'rb')
    magic_nr, size = struct.unpack(">II", flbl.read(8))
    lbl = array("b", flbl.read())

    fimg = open(fname_img, 'rb')
    magic_nr, size, rows, cols = struct.unpack(">IIII", fimg.read(16))
    img = array("B", fimg.read())

    ind = [ k for k in xrange(size) if lbl[k] in digits ]
    images =  matrix(0, (len(ind), rows*cols))
    labels = matrix(0, (len(ind), 1))
    for i in xrange(len(ind)):
        images[i, :] = img[ ind[i]*rows*cols : (ind[i]+1)*rows*cols ]
        labels[i] = lbl[ind[i]]

    return images, labels
コード例 #5
        def classifier2(Y, soft=False):

            M = Y.size[0]

            # K = Y*X' / sigma
            K = matrix(theta, (width, M))
                      alpha=1.0 / sigma,

            K = exp(K)
            K = div(K - K**-1, K + K**-1)

            # complete K
            lapack.potrs(L11, K)
            K = matrix([K, matrix(0., (N - width, M))], (N, M))
            chompack.trsm(Lc, K, trans='N')
            chompack.trsm(Lc, K, trans='T')

            x = matrix(b, (M, 1))
            blas.gemv(K, z, x, trans='T', beta=1.0)

            if soft: return x
            else: return matrix([2 * (xk > 0.0) - 1 for xk in x])
コード例 #6
ファイル: cvx_utils.py プロジェクト: deccs/PLearn
def numerical_hessian(x_k, f_k, func, epsilon, *args):
    n_params, one = x_k.size
    assert one==1
    H = cvx.matrix(0.0, (n_params,n_params))
    epsilon2 = epsilon**2
    ei = cvx.matrix(0.0, x_k.size)
    esame = cvx.matrix(0.0, x_k.size)
    ecross = cvx.matrix(0.0, x_k.size)
    for i in range(n_params):
        esame[i], ecross[i] = +epsilon, +epsilon
        for j in range(i):            
            esame[j], ecross[j] = +epsilon, -epsilon

            lhs = func(x_k+esame, *args) - func(x_k+ecross, *args)
            rhs = func(x_k-ecross, *args) - func(x_k-esame, *args)            
            H[i,j] = (lhs - rhs) / (4*epsilon2)
            H[j,i] = H[i,j]

            esame[j], ecross[j] = 0.0, 0.0
        esame[i], ecross[i] = 0.0, 0.0
        ei[i] = epsilon        
        H[i,i] = (func(x_k+ei, *args) + func(x_k-ei, *args) - 2*f_k) / epsilon2        
        ei[i] = 0.0        

    return H
コード例 #7
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: grbrkth/labb2
def calc_alpha(data,kernel,threshold,p=1):
    size = len(data)
    P = matrix(P_matrix(data,kernel,p))
    q = matrix(q_vector(size))
    G = matrix(G_matrix(size))
    h = matrix(h_vector(size))
    return [[data[i],a] for i,a in enumerate(list(qp(P,q,G,h)['x'])) if a>threshold]
コード例 #8
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: Yuanzhang2014/smcp
    def write_sdpa(self, fname=None, compress=False):
        """Writes problem data to sparse SDPA data file"""
        import bz2
        if not self._blockstruct: self._blockstruct = matrix(self.n, (1, 1))

        if fname is None:
            fname = self._pname

        fname += ".dat-s"
        if compress:
            if not os.path.isfile(fname) and not os.path.isfile(fname +
                f = open(fname, 'w')
            elif os.path.isfile(fname):
                raise IOError, "file %s already exists" % (fname)
                raise IOError, "file %s already exists" % (fname + ".bz2")
        elif not os.path.isfile(fname):
            f = open(fname, 'w')
            raise IOError, "file %s already exists" % (fname)
        if compress:
            f = open(fname + ".bz2", 'wb')
コード例 #9
ファイル: mnist.py プロジェクト: ebulagao27/handre
def read(digits, path = "./../../data/", data="alphabets-font-images.idx", label="alphabets-font-labels.idx", ignoreList = []):
    Python function for importing the MNIST data set.

    fname_img = os.path.join(path, data)#'alphabets-font-images.idx')
    fname_lbl = os.path.join(path, label)#'alphabets-font-labels.idx')

    flbl = open(fname_lbl, 'rb')
    magic_nr, size = struct.unpack(">II", flbl.read(8))
    lbl = array("b", flbl.read())

    fimg = open(fname_img, 'rb')
    magic_nr, size, rows, cols = struct.unpack(">IIII", fimg.read(16))
    img = array("B", fimg.read())

    #print '(^_^)'
    #print 'ignoreList='+str(ignoreList)
    #print ('----')
    ind = [ k for k in xrange(size) if ((not lbl[k] in ignoreList) and  (lbl[k] in digits or digits == [])) ]
    images =  matrix(0, (len(ind), rows*cols))
    labels = matrix(0, (len(ind), 1))
    for i in xrange(len(ind)):
        images[i, :] = img[ ind[i]*rows*cols : (ind[i]+1)*rows*cols ]
        labels[i] = lbl[ind[i]]

    return images, labels
コード例 #10
def main():
	data = generateData()

	q = numpy.empty((DATAPOINTS,1))
	q[:] = -1.0

	h = numpy.empty((DATAPOINTS,1))
	h[:] = 0.0

	numpy.fill_diagonal(G, -1)

	P = createP(data)

	r = qp(matrix(P),matrix(q),matrix(G),matrix(h))

	alpha = list(r['x'])
	xrange = numpy.arange(-4, 4, 0.05)
	yrange = numpy.arange(-4, 4, 0.05)
	support = getSupportVectors(alpha, data)
	grid = matrix([[indicator(x,y,support) for y in yrange] for x in xrange])

	pylab.contour(xrange, yrange, grid, (-1.0, 0.0, 1.0), 
			colors=('red', 'black', 'blue'),
			linewidths=(1, 1, 1))
コード例 #11
ファイル: mnist.py プロジェクト: ebulagao27/handre
def read(digits, path = "./../../data/"):
    Python function for importing the MNIST data set.

    fname_img = os.path.join(path, 'img.idx')
    fname_lbl = os.path.join(path, 'label.idx')

    flbl = open(fname_lbl, 'rb')
    magic_nr, size = struct.unpack(">II", flbl.read(8))
    lbl = array("b", flbl.read())

    fimg = open(fname_img, 'rb')
    magic_nr, size, rows, cols = struct.unpack(">IIII", fimg.read(16))
    img = array("B", fimg.read())

    ind = [ k for k in xrange(size) if (lbl[k] in digits) ]
    images =  matrix(0, (len(ind), rows*cols))
    labels = matrix(0, (len(ind), 1))
    for i in xrange(len(ind)):
        images[i, :] = img[ ind[i]*rows*cols : (ind[i]+1)*rows*cols ]
        labels[i] = lbl[ind[i]]

    return images, labels
コード例 #12
def QuadOpt(x, P, slack, C):
    # intialize parameters
    # slack variable introduced
    if slack == 1:
        h = np.row_stack((np.zeros((len(x), 1)), C * np.ones((len(x), 1))))
        G = np.row_stack((np.diag([-1.0] * len(x)), np.diag([1.0] * len(x))))
        h = np.zeros((len(x), 1))
        G = np.diag([-1.0] * len(x))
    q = -1 * np.ones((len(x), 1))

    # call qp
    r = qp(matrix(P), matrix(q), matrix(G), matrix(h))
    alpha = list(r['x'])

    # pick out non-zero alpha
    # slack variable introduced
    support = list()
    for i in range(len(alpha)):
        if slack == 1:
            if (alpha[i] > 10e-5) and (alpha[i] < C):
                support.append((x[i][0], x[i][1], x[i][2], alpha[i]))
            if alpha[i] > 10e-5:
                support.append((x[i][0], x[i][1], x[i][2], alpha[i]))
    return support
コード例 #13
ファイル: cvx_utils.py プロジェクト: zbxzc35/PLearn
def numerical_hessian(x_k, f_k, func, epsilon, *args):
    n_params, one = x_k.size
    assert one == 1
    H = cvx.matrix(0.0, (n_params, n_params))
    epsilon2 = epsilon**2

    ei = cvx.matrix(0.0, x_k.size)
    esame = cvx.matrix(0.0, x_k.size)
    ecross = cvx.matrix(0.0, x_k.size)
    for i in range(n_params):
        esame[i], ecross[i] = +epsilon, +epsilon
        for j in range(i):
            esame[j], ecross[j] = +epsilon, -epsilon

            lhs = func(x_k + esame, *args) - func(x_k + ecross, *args)
            rhs = func(x_k - ecross, *args) - func(x_k - esame, *args)
            H[i, j] = (lhs - rhs) / (4 * epsilon2)
            H[j, i] = H[i, j]

            esame[j], ecross[j] = 0.0, 0.0
        esame[i], ecross[i] = 0.0, 0.0

        ei[i] = epsilon
        H[i, i] = (func(x_k + ei, *args) + func(x_k - ei, *args) -
                   2 * f_k) / epsilon2
        ei[i] = 0.0

    return H
コード例 #14
ファイル: lab2.py プロジェクト: jonac/machine_learning
	def findSplittingPlane(self,Mid, data,show_contour, C=-1):
		# having a default value on C is horrible but im to lazy to make it neat for such a small program
		P_Matrix = [[0.0 for x in range(len(data))] for x in range(len(data))] 
		# build p P_matrix
		for idi, i in enumerate(data):
			for idj, j in enumerate(data):
				# if i==j: is diagonal a special case?
				# 	continue
				P_Matrix[idi][idj] = self.getPelem(i,j,self.kernel)
		if(PRINT_P_MATRIX): self.printTwoDimensional(P_Matrix)
		# Build vectors for qp
		q_vec = [-1.0 for x in range(len(data))]
		h_vec = [0.0 for x in range(len(data))]
		G_Matrix = [[ -1.0 if x==y else 0.0  for y in range(len(data))] for x in range(len(data))]

		# call qp
		r = qp(matrix(P_Matrix), matrix(q_vec), matrix(G_Matrix), matrix(h_vec))
		alpha = list(r['x'])
		alphaValues =[]
		# pick out the non zero alpha values
		for idx,elem in enumerate(alpha):
			if(elem > pow(10,-5)):
				if( C!=-1 and elem <= C):
				data[idx].alpha = elem

		# implemnt the indication function
		xrange = numpy.arange(-4,4,0.05)
		yrange = numpy.arange(-4,4,0.05)
		grid=matrix([[self.indicator(x,y, alphaValues)
					for y in yrange]
					for x in xrange])

		if(PLOT_OUPUT): self.plotData(Mid, data,xrange,yrange,grid, show_contour)
コード例 #15
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: cvxopt/smcp
    def _gen_bandsdp(self,n,m,bw,seed):
        """Random data generator for SDP with band structure"""

        I = matrix([ i for j in range(n) for i in range(j,min(j+bw+1,n))])
        J = matrix([ j for j in range(n) for i in range(j,min(j+bw+1,n))])
        V = spmatrix(0.,I,J,(n,n))
        Il = misc.sub2ind((n,n),I,J)
        Id = matrix([i for i in range(len(Il)) if I[i]==J[i]])

        # generate random y with norm 1
        y0 = normal(m,1)
        y0 /= blas.nrm2(y0)

        # generate random S0
        S0 = mk_rand(V,cone='posdef',seed=seed)
        X0 = mk_rand(V,cone='completable',seed=seed)

        # generate random A1,...,Am and set A0 = sum Ai*yi + S0
        A_ = normal(len(I),m+1,std=1./len(I))
        u = +S0.V
        A_[:,0] = u
        # compute b
        x = +X0.V
        x[Id] *= 0.5
        self._b = matrix(0.,(m,1))
        # form A
        self._A = spmatrix(A_[:],
                     [i for j in range(m+1) for i in Il],
                     [j for j in range(m+1) for i in Il],(n**2,m+1))

        self._X0 = X0; self._y0 = y0; self._S0 = S0
コード例 #16
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: cvxopt/smcp
    def solve_cvxopt(self,primalstart=None,dualstart=None,\
        Passes problem data to CVXOPT sdp solver.


        sol       Dictionary

        from cvxopt import solvers
        if options:
            for key in list(options.keys()):
                solvers.options[key] = options[key]

        if primalstart:
            y0,S0 = dualstart['y'],dualstart['s']
            PS = {'x':y0,'s':[matrix(S0[:])]}
            PS = None

        if dualstart:
            X0 = primalstart['x']
            DS = {'y':None,'zl':[matrix(X0[:])]}
        else: DS = None

        return solvers.conelp(c = -self._b,
                              G = self._A[:,1:],
                              h = matrix(self.get_A(0)[:]),
                              dims = {'l':0,'q':[],'s':[self.n]},
                              primalstart = PS, dualstart = DS,
                              kktsolver = kktsolver)
コード例 #17
    def intervention(self, t):
        for item in range(system.Line.n):
            if t == self.tf[item]:      #发生故障
                print('线路%i在t = %s s断开' % (item+1, self.tf[item]))


                system.Line.u[item] = 0

                self._ang = matrix(system.DAE.y[system.Bus.a])
                self._vol = matrix(system.DAE.y[system.Bus.n:len(system.DAE.y)])

            if t == self.tc[item]:    #故障清除

                print('线路%i在t = %s s恢复连接' % (item+1, self.tc[item]))

                # 禁用故障
                system.Line.u[item] = 1

                if system.Settings.resetangles:
                    system.DAE.y[system.Bus.a] = matrix(self._ang)
                    system.DAE.y[system.Bus.n:len(system.DAE.y)] = matrix(self._vol)

コード例 #18
ファイル: CVXOPT_LP_Solver.py プロジェクト: wqlsky/openopt
def CVXOPT_LP_Solver(p, solverName):
    #os.close(1); os.close(2)
    if solverName == 'native_CVXOPT_LP_Solver': solverName = None
    cvxopt_solvers.options['maxiters'] = p.maxIter
    cvxopt_solvers.options['feastol'] = p.contol    
    cvxopt_solvers.options['abstol'] = p.ftol
    if p.iprint <= 0:
        cvxopt_solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
        cvxopt_solvers.options['LPX_K_MSGLEV'] = 0
        cvxopt_solvers.options['MSK_IPAR_LOG'] = 0

    # CVXOPT have some problems with x0 so currently I decided to avoid using the one
    #if  p.x0.size>0 and p.x0.flatten()[0] != None and all(isfinite(p.x0)):
    #    sol= cvxopt_solvers.solvers.lp(Matrix(p.f), Matrix(p.A), Matrix(p.b), Matrix(p.Aeq), Matrix(p.beq), solverName)

    if (len(p.intVars)>0 or len(p.binVars)>0) and solverName == 'glpk':
        from cvxopt.glpk import ilp
        c = Matrix(p.f)
        A, b = Matrix(p.Aeq),  Matrix(p.beq)
        G, h = Matrix(p.A),  Matrix(p.b)
        if A is None:
            A = matrix(0.0,  (0, p.n))
            b = matrix(0.0,(0,1))
        if G is None:
            G = matrix(0.0,  (0, p.n))
            h = matrix(0.0,(0,1))

        (status, x) = ilp(c, G, h, A, b, set(p.intVars), B=set(p.binVars))
        if status == 'optimal': p.istop = SOLVED_WITH_UNIMPLEMENTED_OR_UNKNOWN_REASON
        elif status == 'maxiters exceeded': p.istop = IS_MAX_ITER_REACHED
        elif status == 'time limit exceeded': p.istop = IS_MAX_TIME_REACHED
        elif status == 'unknown': p.istop = UNDEFINED
        if x is None:
            p.xf = nan*ones(p.n)
            p.xf = array(x).flatten()#w/o flatten it yields incorrect result in ff!
        p.ff = sum(p.dotmult(p.f, p.xf))
        p.msg = status
#        if len(p.b) != 0: 
#            s0 = matrix(p.b - dot(p.A, p.x0))
#        else:
#            s0 = matrix()
#        primalstart = {'x': matrix(p.x0), 's': s0}
#        sol = cvxopt_solvers.lp(Matrix(p.f), Matrix(p.A), Matrix(p.b), Matrix(p.Aeq), Matrix(p.beq), solverName, primalstart)
        sol = cvxopt_solvers.lp(Matrix(p.f), Matrix(p.A), Matrix(p.b), Matrix(p.Aeq), Matrix(p.beq), solverName)
        p.msg = sol['status']
        if p.msg == 'optimal' :  p.istop = SOLVED_WITH_UNIMPLEMENTED_OR_UNKNOWN_REASON
        else: p.istop = -100
        if sol['x'] is not None:
            p.xf = asarray(sol['x']).flatten()
            # ! don't involve p.ff  - it can be different because of goal and additional constant from FuncDesigner
            p.duals = concatenate((asarray(sol['y']).flatten(), asarray(sol['z']).flatten()))
            p.ff = nan
            p.xf = nan*ones(p.n)
コード例 #19
def read(digits, dataset="training", path="."):
    Python function for importing the MNIST data set.
    #print("dataset is ",dataset)
    if dataset is "training":
        fname_img = os.path.join(path, '\\train-images-idx3-ubyte')
        fname_lbl = os.path.join(path, '\\train-labels-idx1-ubyte')
    elif dataset is "testing":
        fname_img = os.path.join(path, '\\t10k-images-idx3-ubyte')
        fname_lbl = os.path.join(path, '\\t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte')
        raise ValueError("dataset must be 'testing' or 'training'")

    flbl = open(fname_lbl, 'rb')
    magic_nr, size = struct.unpack(">II", flbl.read(8))
    lbl = array("b", flbl.read())

    fimg = open(fname_img, 'rb')
    magic_nr, size, rows, cols = struct.unpack(">IIII", fimg.read(16))
    img = array("B", fimg.read())

    ind = [k for k in range(size) if lbl[k] in digits]
    images = matrix(0, (len(ind), rows * cols))
    labels = matrix(0, (len(ind), 1))
    for i in range(len(ind)):
        images[i, :] = img[ind[i] * rows * cols:(ind[i] + 1) * rows * cols]
        labels[i] = lbl[ind[i]]

    return images, labels
コード例 #20
def read_mps_preprocess(filepath):
    problem = op()
    mat_form = problem._inmatrixform(format='dense')
    format = 'dense'
    assert mat_form
    lp, vmap, mmap = mat_form

    variables = lp.variables()
    x = variables[0]
    c = lp.objective._linear._coeff[x]
    inequalities = lp._inequalities
    G = inequalities[0]._f._linear._coeff[x]
    h = -inequalities[0]._f._constant
    equalities = lp._equalities
    A, b = None, None
    if equalities:
        A = equalities[0]._f._linear._coeff[x]
        b = -equalities[0]._f._constant
    elif format == 'dense':
        A = matrix(0.0, (0, len(x)))
        b = matrix(0.0, (0, 1))
        A = spmatrix(0.0, [], [], (0, len(x)))  # CRITICAL
        b = matrix(0.0, (0, 1))

    c = np.array(c).flatten()
    G = np.array(G)
    h = np.array(h).flatten()
    A = np.array(A)
    b = np.array(b).flatten()

    return c, G, h, A, b
コード例 #21
    def gcall(self):

        if self.n == 0:

        slip = system.DAE.x[self.slip]

        V = mul(self.u, system.DAE.y[self.v])  # 后续得修改
        t = system.DAE.y[self.a]
        st = sin(t)
        ct = cos(t)

        Vr = mul(V, st)
        Vm = mul(V, ct)

        e1r = system.DAE.x[self.e1r]
        e1m = system.DAE.x[self.e1m]

        a03 = mul(self.rs, self.rs) + mul(self.x1, self.x1)
        a13 = div(self.rs, a03)
        a23 = div(self.x1, a03)
        a33 = self.x0 - self.x1

        Im = mul(-a23, -Vr - e1r + mul(a13, (Vm - e1m)))
        Ir = mul(a13, -Vr - e1r) + mul(a23, Vm - e1m)

        system.DAE.g = system.DAE.g \
                       + spmatrix(mul(-Vr, Ir)+mul(Vm, Im), self.a, matrix(0, (self.n, 1)), (system.DAE.ny, 1)) \
                       + spmatrix(mul(Vr, Im) + mul(Vm, Ir), self.v, matrix(0, (self.n, 1)), (system.DAE.ny, 1))
コード例 #22
ファイル: dae.py プロジェクト: 1217720084/PowerSimu
    def __init__(self):
        self.g = []  # 代数方程
        self.f = []  # 微分方程
        self.y = []  # 代数变量
        self.x = []  # 状态变量
        self.Y = matrix()  # 导纳矩阵
        self.Y_G = matrix()  # 导纳矩阵实部
        self.Y_B = matrix()  # 导纳矩阵虚部
        self.Gy = []  # 代数方程的雅可比矩阵
        self.Fx = []
        self.Fy = []
        self.Gx = []
        self.nx = 0  # 状态变量个数
        self.ny = 0  # 代数变量个数,默认为0
        self.n_bus = 0  # 母线节点数,默认为0
        self.t = []

        self.factorize = []  # 如果是True,则对雅可比矩阵进行因式分解
        self._params = [
            'g', 'x', 'y', 'f', 'Fx', 'Fy', 'Gx', 'Y', 'Y_G', 'Y_B', 'Gy'

        self.factorize = True  # 如果是True,则对雅可比矩阵进行因式分解
        self.tn = []  # 时域仿真的微分方程
        self.Ac = []  # 时域仿真雅可比方程
コード例 #23
    def solve(self):
        c_ = matrix(self.c)

        # adding the dummy constraint
        A_ = np.vstack((self.A, -self.c))
        b_ = np.hstack((self.b, [1.0]))

        G = matrix(A_)
        h = matrix(b_)

        self.result = solvers.lp(c_, G, h, solver=solver)

        primal_objective_ = self.result['primal objective']
        status_ = self.result['status']
        if primal_objective_ < -0.5:
            logger.warning('cvxopt status={} with dummy'.format(status_))
            self.status = UNBOUNDED
            logger.warning('cvxopt status={}'.format(status_))
            self.status = OPTIMAL

        self.objective = primal_objective_

        _x = self.result['x']
        self._x = np.array(_x).flatten()

        _z = self.result['z']
        self._z = np.array(_z).flatten()[:-1]  # remove the dummy constraint
コード例 #24
    def intervention(self, t):

        for item in range(self.n):
            if t == self.tf[item]:  #发生故障
                print('故障发生在t = %s s' % self.tf[item])


                self.u[item] = 1
                system.DAE.factorize = True

                self._ang = matrix(system.DAE.y[system.Bus.a])
                self._vol = matrix(

            if t == self.tc[item]:  #故障清除

                print('在t = %s s清除故障' % self.tc[item])

                # 禁用故障
                self.u[item] = 0
                system.DAE.factorize = True

                if system.Settings.resetangles:
                    system.DAE.y[system.Bus.a] = matrix(self._ang)
                    system.DAE.y[system.Bus.n:len(system.DAE.y)] = matrix(
コード例 #25
    def Gycall(self):
        system.DAE.y = matrix(system.DAE.y)
        U = exp(system.DAE.y[system.Bus.a] * 1j)
        V = mul(system.DAE.y[system.Bus.v] + 0j, U)
        I = self.Y * V
        nb = len(system.Bus.a)
        diagU = spmatrix(U, system.Bus.a, system.Bus.a, (nb, nb), 'z')
        diagV = spmatrix(V, system.Bus.a, system.Bus.a, (nb, nb), 'z')
        diagI = spmatrix(I, system.Bus.a, system.Bus.a, (nb, nb), 'z')
        dS = self.Y * diagU

        dS = diagV * dS.H.T

        dS += diagI.H.T * diagU
        dR = diagI
        dR = dR - self.Y * diagV

        dR = diagV.H.T * dR

        # system.DAE.Gy = matrix(0.0, (system.DAE.ny, system.DAE.ny))
        # system.DAE._list2matrix()
        # system.DAE.Gy = spmatrix(dR.imag().V, dR.imag().I, dR.imag().J, (system.DAE.ny, system.DAE.ny)) \
        #                 + spmatrix(dR.real().V, dR.real().I, dR.real().J+system.Bus.n, (system.DAE.ny, system.DAE.ny)) \
        #                 + spmatrix(dS.real().V, dS.real().I+system.Bus.n, dS.real().J, (system.DAE.ny, system.DAE.ny)) \
        #                 + spmatrix(dS.imag().V, dS.imag().I+system.Bus.n, dS.imag().J+system.Bus.n, (system.DAE.ny, system.DAE.ny))

        Gy = sparse([[dR.imag(), dR.real()], [dS.real(), dS.imag()]])
        # system.DAE.Gy = zeros([system.DAE.ny,system.DAE.ny])
        system.DAE.Gy = spmatrix(Gy.V, Gy.I, Gy.J,
                                 (system.DAE.ny, system.DAE.ny))

        system.DAE.Gy = matrix(system.DAE.Gy)
コード例 #26
ファイル: shunt.py プロジェクト: 1217720084/PowerSimu
    def gcall(self):

        if self.n == 0:

        system.DAE.y = matrix(system.DAE.y)
        V = system.DAE.y[self.v]
        V2 = mul(V, V)
        p = mul(matrix(self.g), V2)
        q = mul(matrix(self.b), V2)

        # #V = matrix(0, (system.Shunt.n, 1))
        # V = [1.0] * system.Shunt.n
        # print(V)
        # for i in range(system.Shunt.n):
        #     V[i] = system.DAE.y[self.v[i]]
        # print(V)
        # V = np.array(V)
        # V2 = V * V
        # print(V2)
        # J = [1] * system.Shunt.n
        # print(self.a)
        # print(J)
        # p = [0] * system.Shunt.n
        # q = [0] * system.Shunt.n

        # for i in range(system.Shunt.n):
        #      p[i] = self.g[i] * V2[i]
        #      q[i] = self.b[i] * V2[i]

        for key, value in zip(self.a, p):
            system.DAE.g[key] += value
        for key, value in zip(self.v, q):
            system.DAE.g[key] -= value
コード例 #27
ファイル: bus.py プロジェクト: 1217720084/PowerSimu
    def yinit(self, dae):
        zeros = [0.0] * (2 * self.n)
        dae.y = zeros[:]
        dae.g = zeros[:]

        for i in range(self.n):
            if self.V_0[i] < 0.5:
                    'Warning: Bus %i initial guess voltage magnitudes are too low.'
                    % i)
            if self.V_0[i] > 1.5:
                    'Warning: Bus %i initial guess voltage magnitudes are too high.'
                    % i)
        system.DAE.y = matrix(system.DAE.y)
        system.DAE.y[self.v] = self.V_0

        aref = min(abs(matrix(self.theta0)))
        for i in range(self.n):
            if self.theta0[i] - aref < -1.5708:
                    'Warning: Bus %i initial guess voltage phases are too low.'
                    % i)
            if self.theta0[i] - aref > 1.5708:
                    'Warning: Bus %i initial guess voltage phases are too high.'
                    % i)
        system.DAE.y[self.a] = self.theta0
コード例 #28
    def fcall(self):

        if self.n == 0:

        tg1 = system.DAE.x[self.tg1]
        tg2 = system.DAE.x[self.tg2]
        tg3 = system.DAE.x[self.tg3]
        wref = system.DAE.y[self.wref]

        gain = div(matrix(1.0, (self.n, 1)), self.R)

        a_s = div(matrix(1.0, (self.n, 1)), self.Ts)
        ac = div(matrix(1.0, (self.n, 1)), self.Tc)
        a5 = div(matrix(1.0, (self.n, 1)), self.T5)
        K1 = mul(self.T3, ac)
        K2 = 1 - K1
        K3 = mul(self.T4, a5)
        K4 = 1 - K3
        system.Syn6.omega = matrix(system.Syn6.omega)
        omega = system.Syn6.omega[self.a]

        tin = self.Porder + mul(gain, wref - system.DAE.x[omega])
        for i in range(self.n):
            tin[i] = max(tin[i], self.Pmin[i])
            tin[i] = min(tin[i], self.Pmax[i])

        system.DAE.f[self.tg1] = mul(self.u, a_s, -tg1+tin)
        system.DAE.f[self.tg2] = mul(self.u, ac, -tg2 + mul(K2, tg1))
        system.DAE.f[self.tg3] = mul(self.u, a5, -tg2 + mul(K4, tg2+mul(K1, tg1)))
コード例 #29
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: cvxopt/smcp
    def _gen_mtxnormsdp(self,p,q,r,d,seed):
        Random data generator for matrix norm minimization SDP.
        n = p + q;

        I = matrix([ i for j in range(q) for i in range(q,n)])
        J = matrix([ j for j in range(q) for i in range(q,n)])
        Il = list(misc.sub2ind((n,n),I,J))

        if type(d) is float:
            nz = min(max(1, int(round(d*p*q))), p*q)
            A = sparse([[spmatrix(normal(p*q,1),Il,[0 for i in range(p*q)],(n**2,1))],
                                  [i for j in range(r) for i in random.sample(Il,nz)],
                                  [j for j in range(r) for i in range(nz)],(n**2,r))]])
        elif type(d) is list:
            if len(d) == r:
                nz = [min(max(1, int(round(v*p*q))), p*q) for v in d]
                nnz = sum(nz)
                A = sparse([[spmatrix(normal(p*q,1),Il,[0 for i in range(p*q)],(n**2,1))],
                                      [i for j in range(r) for i in random.sample(Il,nz[j])],
                                      [j for j in range(r) for i in range(nz[j])],(n**2,r))]])
        else: raise TypeError
        self._A = sparse([[A],[spmatrix(-1.,list(range(0,n**2,n+1)),[0 for i in range(n)],(n**2,1))]])

        self._b = matrix(0.,(r+1,1))
        self._b[-1] = -1.
コード例 #30
def sum_weights_equal_1_constraint(
        assets_number: int) -> Tuple[matrix, matrix]:
    Creates a constraint which assures that all weights sum up to 1.
    A = matrix(1.0, (1, assets_number))
    b = matrix(1.0)
    return A, b
コード例 #31
ファイル: svm.py プロジェクト: Ricordel/svm_machine_learning
def find_alphas(P, q, G, h):
    # Utilisation de cvxopt: cf enonce du TP
    r = qp(matrix(P), matrix(q), matrix(G), matrix(h))
    alphas = np.array(list(r['x']))
    # remplacer les valeurs trop petites par 0, garder le reste
    alphas = np.where(np.fabs(alphas) < 10e-5, 0, alphas)

    return alphas
コード例 #32
 def test_negative(self):
     t = self.solver.calculate(
         self.tols_vector, self.flows_vector.transpose(),
     self.assertEqual(t, None)
コード例 #33
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: adamvlang/ML_LAB2
def build_qGh(n):
    print('Building q, G, h...')
    q = matrix(-1., (n, 1))
    h = matrix(0., (n, 1))
    G = matrix(0., (n, n))
    G[::(n + 1)] = -1

    return q, h, G
コード例 #34
ファイル: svm.py プロジェクト: Ricordel/svm_machine_learning
def find_alphas(P, q, G, h):
    # Utilisation de cvxopt: cf enonce du TP
    r = qp(matrix(P), matrix(q), matrix(G), matrix(h))
    alphas = np.array(list(r['x']))
    # remplacer les valeurs trop petites par 0, garder le reste
    alphas = np.where(np.fabs(alphas) < 10e-5, 0, alphas)

    return alphas
コード例 #35
def l1regls(A, b, gamma): 
        minimize  0.5 * ||A*x-b||_2^2  + gamma*sum_k |x_k| 

    with complex data. 

    m, n = A.size 

    # Solve as 
    #     minimize  0.5 * || AA*u - bb ||_2^2 + gamma* sum(t) 
    #     subject   || (u[k], u[k+n]) ||_2 <= t[k], k = 0, ..., n-1. 
    # with real data and u = ( Re(x), Im(x) ). 

    AA = matrix([ [A.real(), A.imag()], [-A.imag(), A.real()] ]) 
    bb = matrix([ b.real(), b.imag() ]) 
    # P = [AA'*AA, 0; 0, 0] 
    P = matrix(0.0, (3*n, 3*n)) 

    # q = [-AA'*bb; gamma*ones] 
    q = matrix([-AA.T * bb, matrix(gamma, (n,1))]) 
    # n second order cone constraints || (u[k], u[k+n]) ||_2 <= t[k] 
    I = matrix(0.0, (n,n)) 
    I[::n+1] = -1.0 
    G = matrix(0.0, (3*n, 3*n)) 
    G[1::3, :n] = I 
    G[2::3, n:2*n] = I 
    G[::3, -n:] = I 
    def Gfun(x, y, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0, trans = 'N'):
        if trans=='N':
            gx[1::3,:]=-x[  :  n,:]
            gx[2::3,:]=-x[ n:2*n,:]
            gx[ ::3,:]=-x[-n:   ,:]
        elif trans=='T':
            gx[  :  n,:]=-x[1::3,:]
            gx[ n:2*n,:]=-x[2::3,:]
            gx[-n:   ,:]=-x[ ::3,:]
    h = matrix(0.0, (3*n, 1)) 

    dims = {'l': 0, 'q': n*[3], 's': []} 
    sol = solvers.coneqp(P, q, Gfun, h, dims,kktsolver=factor) 
    return sol['x'][:n] + 1j*sol['x'][n:2*n] 
コード例 #36
 def classifier(Y, soft = False):
     M = Y.size[0]
     x = matrix(b, (M,1))
     #print('b ( = w_0)')
     #print('about to print long vector?')
     blas.gemv(Y, w, x, beta = 1.0)
     if soft: return x
     else:    return matrix([ 2*(xk > 0.0) - 1 for xk in x ])
コード例 #37
        def classifier(Y, soft=False):
            M = Y.size[0]
            # K = Y*X' / sigma
            K = matrix(0.0, (M, Nr))
            blas.gemm(Y, Xr, K, transB='T', alpha=1.0 / sigma)

            x = K**degree * zr + b
            if soft: return x
            else: return matrix([2 * (xk > 0.0) - 1 for xk in x])
コード例 #38
ファイル: solvers.py プロジェクト: sl7rf/sigopt
def maximize_fapx_cvxopt( node, problem, scoop=False):
    Finds the value of y solving maximize sum(fapx(x)) subject to:
                       l <= x <= u
    fapx is calculated by approximating the functions given in fs
    as the concave envelope of the function that is tight, 
    for each coordinate i, at the points in tight[i]
    fs should be a list of tuples containing the function and its derivative
    corresponding to each coordinate of the vector x.
    Returns a dict containing the optimal variable y as a list, 
    the optimal value of the approximate objective,
    and the value of sum(f(x)) at x.
    scoop = True optionally dumps all problem parameters into a file
    which can be parsed and solved using the scoop second order cone 
    modeling language
    n = len(node.l);
    l = matrix(node.l); u = matrix(node.u)

    x = problem.variable
    constr = problem.constr
    # add box constraints
    box = [x[i]<=u[i] for i in xrange(n)] + [x[i]>=l[i] for i in xrange(n)]

    # find approximation to concave envelope of each function
    (fapx,slopes,offsets,fapxs) = utilities.get_fapx(node.tight,problem.fs,l,u,y=x)
    if problem.check_z:
    if scoop:
    obj = sum( fapx )
    o = op(obj,constr + box)
        o.solve(solver = 'glpk')
    if not o.status == 'optimal':
        if o.status == 'unknown':
            raise ImportError('Unable to solve subproblem. Please try again after installing cvxopt with glpk binding.')
            # This node is dead, since the problem is infeasible
            return False
        # find the difference between the fapx and f for each coordinate i
        fi = numpy.array([problem.fs[i][0](x.value[i]) for i in range(n)])
        fapxi = numpy.array([list(-fun.value())[0] for fun in fapx])
        #if verbose: print 'fi',fi,'fapxi',fapxi
        maxdiff_index = numpy.argmax( fapxi - fi )
        results = {'x': list(x.value), 'fapx': -list(obj.value())[0], 'f': float(sum(fi)), 'maxdiff_index': maxdiff_index}
        return results
コード例 #39
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: Yuanzhang2014/smcp
def robustLS_toep(q, r, delta=None, seed=0):
    Random data generator for matrix norm minimization SDP.
    Al,b = robustLS_toep(q,r,delta=0.1,seed=0])
    Generates random data for a robust least squares problem
    with Toeplitz structure:
      minimize e_wc(x)^2
      e_wc(x)=sup_{norm(u)<=1} norm((Ab+A1*u1+...+Ar*ur)*x - b),
      Ab,A1,...,Ar \in \reals^{p \times q}        
    The parameter r determines the number of nonzero diagonals
    in Ab (1 <= r <= p).

    q         integer
    r         integer

    delta     float
    Al        list of CVXOPT matrices, [Ab,A1,...,Ar]

    b         CVXOPT matrix


    p = q + r - 1
    Alist = [
                matrix([normal(r, 1), matrix(0., (p - r, 1))], (p, 1)),
                matrix(0., (q, 1))))
    x = normal(q, 1)
    b = normal(p, 1, std=0.1)
    b += Alist[0] * x

    if delta is None:
        delta = 1. / r

    for i in xrange(r):
            spmatrix(delta, xrange(i, min(p, q + i)), xrange(min(q, p - i)),
                     (p, q)))

    return robustLS_SDP(Alist, b)
コード例 #40
def train(training_data: List[Tuple[float, float, float]],
          kernel: Callable = linear_kernel,
          slack: bool = False,
          C: float = None) -> Callable:
    if slack:
        assert C

    X = [(e[0], e[1]) for e in training_data]
    T = [e[2] for e in training_data]
    N = len(training_data)

    # build P
    P = numpy.empty(shape=(N, N))
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(N):
            P[i][j] = T[i] * T[j] * kernel(X[i], X[j])

    # build q
    q = numpy.ones(N) * -1

    # build h
    h = None
    if slack:
        h = numpy.empty(2 * N)
        for i in range(N):
            h[i] = 0
        for i in range(N, 2 * N):
            h[i] = C
        h = numpy.zeros(N)

    # build G
    G = numpy.zeros(shape=(2 * N, N)) if slack else numpy.zeros(shape=(N, N))
    for i, j in zip(range(N), range(N)):
        G[i][j] = -1

    if slack:
        for i, j in zip(range(N, 2 * N), range(N)):
            G[i][j] = 1

    r = qp(matrix(P), matrix(q), matrix(G), matrix(h))
    alpha = list(r['x'])

    # get all non-zero alphas and corresponding points and classes
    alpha_nz = []
    for i in range(len(alpha)):
        if alpha[i] >= FLOAT_THRESHOLD:
            alpha_nz.append((alpha[i], X[i], T[i]))

    def indicator(nX):
        sum = 0.0
        for (a, x, t) in alpha_nz:
            sum += a * t * kernel(nX, x)
        return sum

    return indicator
コード例 #41
ファイル: cvx_utils.py プロジェクト: deccs/PLearn
def numerical_gradient(x_k, func, epsilon, *args):
    n_params, one = x_k.size
    assert one==1
    ei = cvx.matrix(0.0, x_k.size)
    grad = cvx.matrix(0.0, x_k.size)
    for i in range(n_params):
        ei[i]   = epsilon
        grad[i] = ( func(x_k+ei, *args) - func(x_k-ei, *args) ) / (2*epsilon)
        ei[i]   = 0.0
    return grad.T
コード例 #42
ファイル: lab2.py プロジェクト: ViktorCollin/ml13
def generateAlpha(P,q,h,G):
  threshold = 0.00001
  r = qp(matrix(P), matrix(q), matrix(G, (2*len(data), len(data)), 'd'), matrix(h))
  if(r['status'] != 'optimal'):
	print "I failed =("
  alpha = list(r['x'])
  for a in xrange(len(alpha)):
    if abs(alpha[a]) < threshold:
      alpha[a] = 0.0
  return alpha
コード例 #43
ファイル: nmfals.py プロジェクト: SilviaWren/pymf
 def update_h(self):
     def updatesingleH(i):
         # optimize alpha using qp solver from cvxopt
         FA = base.matrix(np.float64(np.dot(-self.W.T, self.data[:,i])))
         al = solvers.qp(HA, FA, INQa, INQb)
         self.H[:,i] = np.array(al['x']).reshape((1,-1))
     # float64 required for cvxopt
     HA = base.matrix(np.float64(np.dot(self.W.T, self.W)))            
     INQa = base.matrix(-np.eye(self._num_bases))
     INQb = base.matrix(0.0, (self._num_bases,1))            
     map(updatesingleH, xrange(self._num_samples))                        
コード例 #44
ファイル: nmfals.py プロジェクト: SilviaWren/pymf
    def update_w(self):
        def updatesingleW(i):
        # optimize alpha using qp solver from cvxopt
            FA = base.matrix(np.float64(np.dot(-self.H, self.data[i,:].T)))
            al = solvers.qp(HA, FA, INQa, INQb)                
            self.W[i,:] = np.array(al['x']).reshape((1,-1))            
        # float64 required for cvxopt
        HA = base.matrix(np.float64(np.dot(self.H, self.H.T)))                    
        INQa = base.matrix(-np.eye(self._num_bases))
        INQb = base.matrix(0.0, (self._num_bases,1))            

        map(updatesingleW, xrange(self._data_dimension))
コード例 #45
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: cvxopt/smcp
    def _gen_randsdp(self,V,m,d,seed):
        Random data generator
        n = self._n
        V = chompack.tril(V)
        N = len(V)
        I = V.I; J = V.J
        Il = misc.sub2ind((n,n),I,J)
        Id = matrix([i for i in range(len(Il)) if I[i]==J[i]])

        # generate random y with norm 1
        y0 = normal(m,1)
        y0 /= blas.nrm2(y0)

        # generate random S0, X0
        S0 = mk_rand(V,cone='posdef',seed=seed)
        X0 = mk_rand(V,cone='completable',seed=seed)

        # generate random A1,...,Am
        if type(d) is float:
            nz = min(max(1, int(round(d*N))), N)
            A = sparse([[spmatrix(normal(N,1),Il,[0 for i in range(N)],(n**2,1))],
                                  [i for j in range(m) for i in random.sample(Il,nz)],
                                  [j for j in range(m) for i in range(nz)],(n**2,m))]])
        elif type(d) is list:
            if len(d) == m:
                nz = [min(max(1, int(round(v*N))), N) for v in d]
                nnz = sum(nz)
                A = sparse([[spmatrix(normal(N,1),Il,[0 for i in range(N)],(n**2,1))],
                                      [i for j in range(m) for i in random.sample(Il,nz[j])],
                                      [j for j in range(m) for i in range(nz[j])],(n**2,m))]])
        else: raise TypeError

        # compute A0
        u = +S0.V
        for k in range(m):
        A[Il,0] = u
        self._A = A

        # compute b
        X0[Il[Id]] *= 0.5
        self._b = matrix(0.,(m,1))
        u = matrix(0.)
        for k in range(m):
            self._b[k] = u
コード例 #46
ファイル: svm.py プロジェクト: jzeeck/machineLearning
def svmMain(indata, kernel, figure, par1, par2, C):
	print "Defining the variables needed for vecktor machine"
	N = len(indata)
	P = matrix(buildPMatrix(indata, kernel, par1, par2))
	#G = spmatrix(-1.0, range(2*N), range(N))
	G = np.zeros((2*N,N))
	for i in range(0,N):
		G[i,i] = -1.0
	for i in range(N+1,2*N):
		G[i,i-N] = 1.0
	#print G
	G = matrix(G)
	q = matrix(np.linspace(-1,-1,N))
	h = matrix(np.zeros(2*N))
	for i in range(N, (2*N)-1):
		h[i] = C
	#print h

	print "Calling qp, solving the linear equation"
	r = qp(P, q, G, h)
	alpha = list(r['x'])

	print "Finding the non zero alpha that minimizes the linear equation"
	indicationMapping = []
	epsylon = 0.00001
	for i in range(N):
		if alpha[i] > epsylon:

	print "Found ", len(indicationMapping), " non zero alphas"

	print "Printing data!"
	figure.plot([p[0] for p in classA],
		[p[1] for p in classA],
	figure.plot([p[0] for p in classB],
		[p[1] for p in classB],

	print "Setting up massive grid"
	xrange = np.arange(-4, 4, 0.05)
	yrange = np.arange(-4, 4, 0.05)

	grid = matrix([[indicator(x, y, indicationMapping, kernel, par1, par2)
		for y in yrange]
		for x in xrange])

	figure.contour(xrange, yrange, grid, (-1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
	colors=('red', 'black', 'blue'), linewidths=(1, 3, 1))
コード例 #47
ファイル: svm.py プロジェクト: justdoitqxb/BTC
    def solve_optimization(self, train_x, labels):
        Q = self.build_Q(train_x, labels)
        p = [-1.0] * train_x.shape[0]

        if self.with_slack:
            h = [0.0] * train_x.shape[0] + [self.C] * train_x.shape[0]
            G = np.concatenate((np.identity(train_x.shape[0]) * -1,
            h = [0.0] * train_x.shape[0]
            G = np.identity(train_x.shape[0]) * -1

        optimized = qp(matrix(Q), matrix(p), matrix(G), matrix(h))
        if optimized['status'] == 'optimal':
            alphas = list(optimized['x'])

            self.support_vector = [(alpha, train_x[i,:],labels[i])
                                   for i,alpha in enumerate(alphas)
                                   if alpha>self.epsilon]
            return True
            print "No valid separating hyperplane found"
            print "Find a best hyperplane for the mixture data..."
            h = [0.0] * train_x.shape[0] + [self.C] * train_x.shape[0]
            G = np.concatenate((np.identity(train_x.shape[0]) * -1,
            optimized = qp(matrix(Q), matrix(p), matrix(G), matrix(h))
            alphas = list(optimized['x'])

            self.support_vector = [(alpha, train_x[i,:],labels[i])
                                   for i,alpha in enumerate(alphas)
                                   if alpha>self.epsilon]
            return False
コード例 #48
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: cvxopt/smcp
def robustLS_toep(q,r,delta=None,seed=0):
    Random data generator for matrix norm minimization SDP.

    Al,b = robustLS_toep(q,r,delta=0.1,seed=0])

    Generates random data for a robust least squares problem
    with Toeplitz structure:

      minimize e_wc(x)^2


      e_wc(x)=sup_{norm(u)<=1} norm((Ab+A1*u1+...+Ar*ur)*x - b),

      Ab,A1,...,Ar \in \reals^{p \times q}

    The parameter r determines the number of nonzero diagonals
    in Ab (1 <= r <= p).

    q         integer

    r         integer

    delta     float

    Al        list of CVXOPT matrices, [Ab,A1,...,Ar]

    b         CVXOPT matrix


    p = q+r-1
    Alist = [sparse(misc.toeplitz(matrix([normal(r,1),matrix(0.,(p-r,1))],(p,1)),matrix(0.,(q,1))))]
    x = normal(q,1)
    b = normal(p,1,std=0.1)
    b += Alist[0]*x

    if delta is None:
        delta = 1./r

    for i in range(r):

    return robustLS_SDP(Alist, b)
コード例 #49
def CVXOPT_SOCP_Solver(p, solverName):
    if solverName == 'native_CVXOPT_SOCP_Solver': solverName = None
    cvxopt_solvers.options['maxiters'] = p.maxIter
    cvxopt_solvers.options['feastol'] = p.contol    
    cvxopt_solvers.options['abstol'] = p.ftol
    if p.iprint <= 0:
        cvxopt_solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
        cvxopt_solvers.options['LPX_K_MSGLEV'] = 0
        cvxopt_solvers.options['MSK_IPAR_LOG'] = 0
    #FIXME: if problem is search for MAXIMUM, not MINIMUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    f = copy(p.f).reshape(-1,1)

    # CVXOPT has some problems with x0 so currently I decided to avoid using the one
    Gq, hq = [], []
    C, d, q, s = p.C, p.d, p.q, p.s
    for i in range(len(q)):
        Gq.append(Matrix(Vstack((-atleast_1d(q[i]),-atleast_1d(C[i]) if not isspmatrix(C[i]) else C[i]))))
        hq.append(matrix(hstack((atleast_1d(s[i]), atleast_1d(d[i]))), tc='d'))
    sol = cvxopt_solvers.socp(Matrix(p.f), Gl=Matrix(p.A), hl = Matrix(p.b), Gq=Gq, hq=hq, A=Matrix(p.Aeq), b=Matrix(p.beq), solver=solverName)
    p.msg = sol['status']
    if p.msg == 'optimal' :  p.istop = SOLVED_WITH_UNIMPLEMENTED_OR_UNKNOWN_REASON
    else: p.istop = -100
    if sol['x'] is not None:
        p.xf = asarray(sol['x']).flatten()
        p.ff = sum(p.dotmult(p.f, p.xf))
        p.ff = nan
        p.xf = nan*ones(p.n)
コード例 #50
ファイル: solution.py プロジェクト: wnr/mlearn-lab2
def build_p_matrix(points, classes, K):
	N = len(points)
	P = matrix(0.0, (N, N))
	for i in range(0, N):
		for j in range(0, N):
			P[i, j] = classes[i] * classes[j] * K(points[i], points[j])
	return P
コード例 #51
ファイル: xmatch.py プロジェクト: avventi/xspectral
	def build_inv_weight(w, exact_mask=None):
		# as it is this function now if, for a certain k, w[k,k] is zero and 
		# exact_mask[k] is true at the same time, the first take precedence,
		# that is the corresponing parameter will not be matched at all. 
		I = []
		J = []
		E = []
		kk = 0
		for k in range(0,w.size[0]):
			 if not w[k,k] == 0:
				kk += 1
			 if exact_mask is not None and w[k,k] == 0:
				del exact_mask[kk]
		M = cb.spmatrix(E, I, J)
		w_r = M*w*M.T
		i_w_r = cb.matrix(linalg.inv(w_r))
		if exact_mask is None:
			return i_w_r, M
		for k in range(0,len(exact_mask)):
			if exact_mask[k]:
				i_w_r[k,:] = 0.0
				i_w_r[:,k] = 0.0
		return i_w_r, M
コード例 #52
def DictToList(d):
    i = 0
    r = []
    while i in d.keys():
        r.append(matrix(d[i], tc = 'd'))
        i += 1
    return r
コード例 #53
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: bonnywong/DD2431
def contour(list):
    xrange = numpy.arange(-5, 5, 0.05)
    yrange = numpy.arange(-5, 5, 0.05)

    grid = matrix([[indicator(x, y, list) for y in yrange] for x in xrange])
    pylab.contour(xrange, yrange, grid, (-1.0, 0.0, 1.0), colors=('red', 'black', 'blue'), linewidths=(1, 3, 1))
コード例 #54
def uniform(nrows, ncols=1, a=0, b=1):
    Randomly generates a matrix with uniformly distributed entries.
    uniform(nrows, ncols=1, a=0, b=1)

    Returns a matrix with typecode 'd' and size nrows by ncols, with
    its entries randomly generated from a uniform distribution on the
    interval (a,b).

    nrows     number of rows

    ncols     number of columns

    a         lower bound

    b         upper bound

        from cvxopt import gsl
        from cvxopt.base import matrix
        from random import uniform
        return matrix([uniform(a, b) for k in range(nrows*ncols)],
                      (nrows,ncols), 'd' )

    return gsl.uniform(nrows, ncols, a, b)
コード例 #55
def normal(nrows, ncols=1, mean=0.0, std=1.0):
    Randomly generates a matrix with normally distributed entries.

    normal(nrows, ncols=1, mean=0, std=1)
    Returns a matrix with typecode 'd' and size nrows by ncols, with
    its entries randomly generated from a normal distribution with mean
    m and standard deviation std.

    nrows     number of rows

    ncols     number of columns

    mean      approximate mean of the distribution
    std       standard deviation of the distribution

        from cvxopt import gsl
        from cvxopt.base import matrix
        from random import gauss
        return matrix([gauss(mean, std) for k in range(nrows*ncols)],
                      (nrows,ncols), 'd' )
    return gsl.normal(nrows, ncols, mean, std)
コード例 #56
ファイル: lab2.py プロジェクト: kalleand/machinelearning
def main():
    print("Running main method.")
    # Generate the datapoints and plot them.
    classA, classB = gen_datapoints_helper()

    for k in kernels:
        pylab.plot([p[0] for p in classA],
                    [p[1] for p in classA],
        pylab.plot([p[0] for p in classB],
                    [p[1] for p in classB],

        # Add the sets together and shuffle them around.
        datapoints = gen_datapoints_from_classes(classA, classB)

        t= train(datapoints, k)

        # Plot the decision boundaries.
        xr=numpy.arange(-4, 4, 0.05)
        yr=numpy.arange(-4, 4, 0.05)
        grid=matrix([[indicator(t, x, y, k) for y in yr] for x in xr])
        pylab.contour(xr, yr, grid, (-1.0, 0.0, 1.0), colors=('red', 'black', 'blue'), linewidths=(1, 3, 1))

    # Now that we are done we show the ploted datapoints and the decision
    # boundary.
コード例 #57
ファイル: svm.py プロジェクト: jzeeck/machineLearning
def buildPMatrix(datapoints, kernel, par1, par2):
	tempMatrix = matrix(0.1,(len(datapoints),len(datapoints)))
	for i in range(len(datapoints)):
		for j in range(len(datapoints)):
			#print "solving P, point (x, y) (",i,", ",j,")"
			tempMatrix[i,j] = datapoints[i][2]*datapoints[j][2]*kernel(
				[datapoints[i][0], datapoints[i][1]], [datapoints[j][0], datapoints[j][1]], par1, par2)
	return tempMatrix
コード例 #58
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Dexterminator/maskininl-lab2
def plot_decision_boundary(machine):
    x_range = numpy.arange(-4, 4, 0.05)
    y_range = numpy.arange(-4, 4, 0.05)
    grid = matrix([[machine.indicator((x, y)) for y in y_range] for x in x_range])
    pylab.contour(x_range, y_range, grid,
                  (-1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
                  colors=('red', 'black', 'blue'),
                  linewidths=(1, 3, 1))