コード例 #1
def norm(x, p=2, axis=None):
    """Wrapper on the different norm atoms.

    x : Expression or numeric constant
        The value to take the norm of.  If `x` is 2D and `axis` is None,
        this function constructs a matrix norm.
    p : int or str, optional
        The type of norm. Valid options include any positive integer,
        'fro' (for frobenius), 'nuc' (sum of singular values), np.inf or
        'inf' (infinity norm).
    axis : The axis along which to apply the norm, if any.

        An Expression representing the norm.
    x = Expression.cast_to_const(x)
    # matrix norms take precedence
    num_nontrivial_idxs = sum([d > 1 for d in x.shape])
    if axis is None and x.ndim == 2:
        if p == 1:  # matrix 1-norm
            return cvxpy.atoms.max(norm1(x, axis=0))
        # Frobenius norm
        elif p == 'fro' or (p == 2 and num_nontrivial_idxs == 1):
            return pnorm(vec(x), 2)
        elif p == 2:  # matrix 2-norm is largest singular value
            return sigma_max(x)
        elif p == 'nuc':  # the nuclear norm (sum of singular values)
            return normNuc(x)
        elif p in [np.inf, "inf", "Inf"]:  # the matrix infinity-norm
            return cvxpy.atoms.max(norm1(x, axis=1))
            raise RuntimeError('Unsupported matrix norm.')
        if p == 1 or x.is_scalar():
            return norm1(x, axis=axis)
        elif p in [np.inf, "inf", "Inf"]:
            return norm_inf(x, axis)
            return pnorm(x, p, axis)
コード例 #2
ファイル: pnorm.py プロジェクト: zxuen/cvxpy
def pnorm(x, p=2, axis=None, keepdims=False, max_denom=1024):
    """Factory function for a mathematical p-norm.

    p : numeric type or string
       The type of norm to construct; set this to np.inf or 'inf' to
       construct an infinity norm.

       A norm1, norm_inf, or Pnorm object.
    if p == 1:
        return norm1(x, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif p in [np.inf, 'inf', 'Inf']:
        return norm_inf(x, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        return Pnorm(x, p=p, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, max_denom=max_denom)
コード例 #3
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: gitcal/StConRL
def TP_MPC(mu, J_x, J_u, x_max, x_min, init_traj, T_mpc, x_0, xf, Q, R):
    feas_flag = True
    Q = 10  # state cost
    R = 1  # control cost
    dt = 1.0  # time step
    #flag = 3
    u_thresh = 10.0

    x = Variable((1, T_mpc + 1))  # state variable
    u = Variable((1, T_mpc))  # control variable
    #d = Variable((1, T_mpc+1)) # control invariant set
    cost = 0
    constr = []
    constr += [x[:, 0] == x_0]
    for t in range(T_mpc):
        cost += Q * norm(x[:, t] - xf)**2 + R * norm(
            u[:, t]
        )**2  #Q*norm(x[:,t]-d[:,t])**2 +R*norm(u[:,t]-(-1/dt*np.cbrt(root_cnst*xf)-1/(dt*3)*np.cbrt(root_cnst)*(np.cbrt(xf))**(-2)*(d[:,t]-xf)+xf))**2
        # nonlinear cases
        constr += [
            x[:, t + 1] == mu[t] + J_x[t] * (x[:, t] - init_traj[t]) +
            J_u[t] * u[:, t],  # x[:,t] <= x_max[t], x[:,t] >= x_min[t],
            norm_inf(u[:, t]) <= u_thresh
    constr += [x[:, T_mpc][0] <= xf + 0.1, x[:, T_mpc][0] >= xf - 0.1]
    cost += Q * norm(x[:, T_mpc] - xf)**2

    problem = Problem(Minimize(cost), constr)
        solver=OSQP, verbose=False
    )  # eps_abs = 1.0e-02, eps_rel = 1.0e-02, eps_prim_inf = 1.0e-02
    # print('Total cost in iteration {} is {}.'.format(j, problem.value))
    # print('******************************')
    # print('MPC iteration {}.'.format(j))
    # print('******************************')
    # print('Target state is {}.'.format(xf))
    # print('******************************')
    # print('Actual end State is {}.'.format(x.value[0][0]))
    # print('******************************')
    return x.value[0], u.value[0]
コード例 #4
ファイル: norm.py プロジェクト: yuhaopp/cvxpy
def norm(x, p=2, axis=None):
    """Wrapper on the different norm atoms.

    x : Expression or numeric constant
        The value to take the norm of.
    p : int or str, optional
        The type of norm.

        An Expression representing the norm.
    x = Expression.cast_to_const(x)
    # matrix norms take precedence
    if axis is None and x.ndim == 2:
        if p == 1:  # matrix 1-norm
            return cvxpy.atoms.max(norm1(x, axis=0))
        elif p == 2:  # matrix 2-norm is largest singular value
            return sigma_max(x)
        elif p == 'nuc':  # the nuclear norm (sum of singular values)
            return normNuc(x)
        elif p == 'fro':  # Frobenius norm
            return pnorm(vec(x), 2)
        elif p in [np.inf, "inf", "Inf"]:  # the matrix infinity-norm
            return cvxpy.atoms.max(norm1(x, axis=1))
            raise RuntimeError('Unsupported matrix norm.')
        if p == 1 or x.is_scalar():
            return norm1(x, axis=axis)
        elif p in [np.inf, "inf", "Inf"]:
            return norm_inf(x, axis)
            return pnorm(x, p, axis)
コード例 #5
    def policy(self, observations):

        A = np.zeros((len(observations), self.action_dim_per_agent))

        print('t: ', self.env.times[self.env.time_step])

        for agent_i in self.env.agents:

            observation = observations[agent_i.i]
            relative_goal = observation[0:self.state_dim_per_agent]
            relative_neighbors = observation[self.state_dim_per_agent:]
            n_neighbor = int(
                len(relative_neighbors) / self.state_dim_per_agent)

            # calculate nominal controller
            a_nom = self.param.cbf_kp * relative_goal[
                0:2] + self.param.cbf_kv * relative_goal[
                    2:]  # [pgx - pix, pgy - piy]
            scale = self.alpha / np.max(np.abs(a_nom))
            if scale < 1:
                a_nom = scale * a_nom

            # print()
            # print('n_neighbor:',n_neighbor)
            # print('i: ', agent_i.i)
            # print('observation: ', observation)
            # print('relative_goal: ', relative_goal)
            # print('vi: ', relative_goal[2:])
            # print('relative_neighbors: ', relative_neighbors)
            # print('sg: ', agent_i.s_g)
            # print('agent_i.p: ', agent_i.p)
            # print('a_nom: ', a_nom)
            # print()
            # exit()

            # CVX
            a_i = cp.Variable(self.action_dim_per_agent)
            v_i = -1 * relative_goal[2:]
            dt = self.param.sim_dt
            constraints = []

            if not n_neighbor == 0:
                for j in range(n_neighbor):
                    rn_idx = self.state_dim_per_agent * j + np.arange(
                        0, self.state_dim_per_agent, dtype=int)

                    p_ij = -1 * relative_neighbors[rn_idx[0:2]]
                    v_ij = -1 * relative_neighbors[rn_idx[2:]]

                    A_ij = -p_ij.T
                    b_ij = 1 / 2 * self.get_b_ij(p_ij, v_ij)

                    constraints.append(A_ij @ a_i <= b_ij)

            # acceleration and velocity limits
            constraints.append(norm_inf(a_i) <= self.alpha)
            constraints.append(norm_inf(v_i + a_i * dt) <= self.param.v_max)

            obj = cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(a_i - a_nom))
            prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)

            # print('Solving...')

                prob.solve(verbose=False, solver=cp.GUROBI)
                # prob.solve(verbose=True)

                if prob.status in ["optimal"]:
                    a_i = np.array(a_i.value)
                    # do nothing
                    # a_i = 0*a_nom

                    # brake
                    # a_i = -self.alpha*relative_goal[0:2]

                    # backup
                    a_i = -self.alpha * v_i / np.linalg.norm(v_i)

            except Exception as e:
                # do nothing
                # a_i = 0*a_nom

                # brake
                # a_i = -self.alpha*relative_goal[0:2]

                # backup
                a_i = -self.alpha * v_i / np.linalg.norm(v_i)

            A[agent_i.i, :] = a_i + self.param.cbf_noise * np.random.normal(
                size=(1, 2))
            # A[agent_i.i,:] = a_i

        # exit()
        # print('A: ',A)
        return A