コード例 #1
 def _pm_expand(self, constr):
     Description: Return the partial minimization 
     expansion of the function. 
     Argument constr: The constraint to be
     replaced. It is assumed to be in expanded
     format so the right hand side is a variable.
     arg = constr.left.children[0]
     right = constr.right
     return cvxpy_list([less(-right, arg), less(arg, right)])
コード例 #2
ファイル: abs.py プロジェクト: yfamy123/subgradient-py
 def _pm_expand(self,constr):
     Description: Return the partial minimization 
     expansion of the function. 
     Argument constr: The constraint to be
     replaced. It is assumed to be in expanded
     format so the right hand side is a variable.
     arg = constr.left.children[0]
     right = constr.right
     return cvxpy_list([less(-right,arg),
コード例 #3
def transform(constr_list):
    Transforms nonlinear equality constraints
    to equivalent form involving two inequalities.

    constr_list: cvxpy_list of constraints in 
    expanded form so that all nonlinear constraints
    are equalities.

    # New list
    new_list = cvxpy_list([])

    # Transform
    for constr in constr_list:

        # Function
        if (constr.left.type == TREE and constr.left.item.type == FUNCTION):

            # Get function
            fn = constr.left.item

            # Get equivalent transformation
            new_constr = cvxpy_list([
                less(constr.left, constr.right),
                greater(constr.left, constr.right)

            # Append
            new_list += cvxpy_list(new_constr)

        # Not a function

            # Append
            new_list += cvxpy_list([constr])

    # Return transformed list
    return new_list
コード例 #4
ファイル: transform.py プロジェクト: yfamy123/subgradient-py
def transform(constr_list):
    Transforms nonlinear equality constraints
    to equivalent form involving two inequalities.

    constr_list: cvxpy_list of constraints in 
    expanded form so that all nonlinear constraints
    are equalities.

    # New list
    new_list = cvxpy_list([])

    # Transform
    for constr in constr_list:

        # Function
        if(constr.left.type == TREE and
           constr.left.item.type == FUNCTION):

            # Get function
            fn = constr.left.item

            # Get equivalent transformation
            new_constr = cvxpy_list([less(constr.left,constr.right),
            # Append
            new_list += cvxpy_list(new_constr)
        # Not a function
            # Append
            new_list += cvxpy_list([constr])
    # Return transformed list
    return new_list
コード例 #5
ファイル: max.py プロジェクト: zc8340311/subgradient-py
    def _pm_expand(self, constr):
        Return the partial minimization 
        expansion of the function. 
        constr: The constraint to be replaced. 
        It is assumed the constraint was expanded
        and transformed so that the right hand side 
        is a variable.
        new_list = []
        for arg in constr.left.children:
            if type(arg) is cvxpy_obj:
                arg = arg.get_value()
            new_list += [less(arg, constr.right)]
        return cvxpy_list(new_list)
コード例 #6
ファイル: max.py プロジェクト: architkumar02/subgradient-py
    def _pm_expand(self, constr):
        Return the partial minimization 
        expansion of the function. 
        constr: The constraint to be replaced. 
        It is assumed the constraint was expanded
        and transformed so that the right hand side 
        is a variable.
        new_list = []
        for arg in constr.left.children:
            if (type(arg) is cvxpy_obj):
                arg = arg.get_value()
            new_list += [less(arg, constr.right)]
        return cvxpy_list(new_list)
コード例 #7
ファイル: program.py プロジェクト: yfamy123/subgradient-py
    def _pm_expand(self,constr):
        Given the constraint, which must be in the form
        self(args) operator variable, the parameters
        are replaced with arguments and then the 
        partial minimization description of the program
        is merged with the constraint.

        constr: cvxpy_constr of the form self(args) 
        operator variable.

        # Get arguments
        args = constr.left.children

        # Create arg-param map by position
        p_map = {}
        for k in range(0,len(args),1):
            p_map[self.params[k]] = args[k]

        # Create new program
        new_p = prog((self.action,re_eval(self.obj,p_map)),

        # Expand partial minimization
        right = constr.right
        new_constr = []
        if(self.curvature == CONVEX):
            new_constr += [less(new_p.obj,right)]
            new_constr += [greater(new_p.obj,right)]
        new_constr += new_p.constr
        # Return constraints
        return cvxpy_list(new_constr)
コード例 #8
    def _pm_expand(self, constr):
        Given the constraint, which must be in the form
        self(args) operator variable, the parameters
        are replaced with arguments and then the 
        partial minimization description of the program
        is merged with the constraint.

        constr: cvxpy_constr of the form self(args) 
        operator variable.

        # Get arguments
        args = constr.left.children

        # Create arg-param map by position
        p_map = {}
        for k in range(0, len(args), 1):
            p_map[self.params[k]] = args[k]

        # Create new program
        new_p = prog((self.action, re_eval(self.obj, p_map)),
                     re_eval(self.constr, p_map), [], self.options, self.name)

        # Expand partial minimization
        right = constr.right
        new_constr = []
        if (self.curvature == CONVEX):
            new_constr += [less(new_p.obj, right)]
            new_constr += [greater(new_p.obj, right)]
        new_constr += new_p.constr

        # Return constraints
        return cvxpy_list(new_constr)
コード例 #9
def re_eval(arg,param_map):
    Replaces parameters found in arg using the param_map
    and re-evaluates the resulting object.
    arg: Argument to be re-evaluated.
    param_map: Dictionery that maps the parameters 
    to objects.

    # Number
        return arg
    # Constant object
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_obj):
        return arg.get_value()
    # Scalar variable
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_scalar_var):
        return arg
    # Scalar param
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_scalar_param):
        return re_eval(param_map[arg],param_map)

    # Summation
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_tree and arg.item.name == '+'):
        new_children = map(lambda x:re_eval(x,param_map),arg.children)
        return sum(new_children)

    # Multiplication
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_tree and arg.item.name == '*'):
        child1 = re_eval(arg.children[0],param_map)
        child2 = re_eval(arg.children[1],param_map)
        return child1*child2

    # Function
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_tree and arg.item.type == FUNCTION):
        new_children = map(lambda x:re_eval(x,param_map),arg.children)
        return arg.item(new_children)

    # Constraint
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_constr):
        # Not set membership
        if(arg.op != 'in'):
            left = re_eval(arg.left ,param_map)
            right= re_eval(arg.right,param_map)
            if(arg.op == '=='):
                return equal(left,right)
            elif(arg.op == '<='):
                return less(left,right)
                return greater(left,right)

        # Set membership
            left = re_eval(arg.left,param_map)
            return belongs(left,arg.right)

    # Array
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_expression or
         type(arg) is cvxpy_var or
         type(arg) is cvxpy_param):
        (m,n) = arg.shape
        new_exp = cvxpy_expression(m,n)
        for i in range(0,m,1):
            for j in range(0,n,1):
                new_exp[i,j] = re_eval(arg[i,j],param_map)
        return new_exp

    # List
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_list):
        new_list = cvxpy_list([])
        for c in arg:
            new_list += cvxpy_list([re_eval(c,param_map)])
        return new_list

    # Invalid
        raise ValueError('Invalid argument')