def GroupGraphicLasso(X, rho, alpha ,groups): """ S is the empirical covariance matrix. """ S = np.cov(X.T) assert S.shape[0] == S.shape[1], "Matrix must be square" n = S.shape[0] #Phi = cvx.Variable(n, n) Phi = cvx.Semidef(n) rest = cvx.Semidef(n) group_pennal=[] non_one_pennal=[] A=set() for group in groups: group_pennal.append(cvx.norm(Phi[group,group],"fro")) non_index=nonGroupIndex(group, n) non_one_pennal.append(cvx.norm(Phi[group][:,non_index],1)) A.update(set(group)) non_block = [i for i in range(n) if i not in A] if len(non_block) > 0: block_onenorm = cvx.norm(Phi[:,non_block],1) obj = cvx.Minimize(-(cvx.log_det(Phi) - cvx.trace(S*Phi) - rho*sum(group_pennal) - alpha * sum(non_one_pennal)- alpha * block_onenorm)) else: obj = cvx.Minimize(-(cvx.log_det(Phi) - cvx.trace(S*Phi) - rho*sum(group_pennal) - alpha * sum(non_one_pennal))) constraints = [] prob = cvx.Problem(obj,constraints) prob.solve(solver=cvx.SCS, eps=1e-5) return Phi.value
def test_log_det(self) -> None: """Test gradient for log_det """ expr = cp.log_det(self.A) self.A.value = 2 * np.eye(2) self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.A].toarray(), 1.0 / 2 * np.eye(2)) mat = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 5]]) self.A.value = val = np.linalg.inv(self.A.value).T self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.A].toarray(), val) self.A.value = np.zeros((2, 2)) self.assertAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.A], None) self.A.value = -np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) self.assertAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.A], None) K = Variable((8, 8)) expr = cp.log_det(K[[1, 2]][:, [1, 2]]) K.value = np.eye(8) val = np.zeros((8, 8)) val[[1, 2], [1, 2]] = 1 self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(expr.grad[K].toarray(), val)
def optimal_entropy_cvxpy_batch(I, Sig, nsko, warm_start=None): if type(I) == int: lenI = 1 I = [I] else: lenI = len(I) p = len(Sig) I_PP = np.diag(np.tile(1, p)) #identity matrix I_PI = I_PP[:, I] I_IP = I_PI.transpose() s0 = cp.Variable(lenI) if warm_start is None: Objective = cp.Minimize(-cp.log_det(( (nsko + 1) / nsko) * Sig - I_PI @ cp.diag(s0) @ I_IP) - nsko * cp.sum(cp.log(s0))) prob = cp.Problem(Objective, [ s0 >= 0.00001, ((nsko + 1) / nsko) * Sig >> I_PI @ cp.diag(s0) @ I_IP ]) prob.solve() return s0.value else: if lenI == 1: s0.value = np.array([warm_start]) else: s0.value = warm_start Objective = cp.Minimize(-cp.log_det(( (nsko + 1) / nsko) * Sig - I_PI @ cp.diag(s0) @ I_IP) - nsko * cp.sum(cp.log(s0))) prob = cp.Problem( Objective, [s0 >= 0, ((nsko + 1) / nsko) * Sig >> I_PI @ cp.diag(s0) @ I_IP]) prob.solve(solver=cp.SCS) return s0.value
def test_log_det(self): """Test log det. """ P = np.arange(9) - 2j*np.arange(9) P = np.reshape(P, (3, 3)) P = np.conj(P.T).dot(P)/100 + np.eye(3)*.1 value = cvx.log_det(P).value X = Variable((3, 3), complex=True) prob = Problem(cvx.Maximize(cvx.log_det(X)), [X == P]) result = prob.solve(solver=cvx.SCS, eps=1e-6) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, value, places=2)
def mean_cov_prox_cvxpy(Y, eta, theta, t): if Y is None: return eta Y = Y[0] n,N = Y.shape ybar = cp.Parameter((n,1)) ybar.value = np.mean(Y,1).reshape(-1,1) Yemp = cp.Parameter((n,n)) Yemp.value = Y @ Y.T / N S = cp.Variable((n,n)) nu = cp.Variable((n,1)) eps = (1./(2*t)) main_part = -cp.log_det(S) main_part += cp.trace(S@Yemp) main_part += - 2*ybar.T@nu main_part += cp.matrix_frac(nu, S) prox_part = eps * cp.sum_squares(nu-eta[:, -1].reshape(-1,1)) prox_part += eps * cp.norm(S-eta[:, :-1], "fro")**2 prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(N*main_part+prox_part)) prob.solve(verbose=False, warm_start=True) return np.hstack((S.value, nu.value))
def test_key_error(self): """Test examples that caused key error. """ if cvx.CVXOPT in cvx.installed_solvers(): x = cvx.Variable() u = -cvx.exp(x) prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Maximize(u), [x == 1]) prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=cvx.CVXOPT) prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=cvx.CVXOPT) ########################################### import numpy as np kD = 2 Sk = cvx.Variable((kD, kD), PSD=True) Rsk = cvx.Parameter((kD, kD)) mk = cvx.Variable((kD, 1)) musk = cvx.Parameter((kD, 1)) logpart = -0.5 * cvx.log_det(Sk) + 0.5 * cvx.matrix_frac( mk, Sk) + (kD / 2.) * np.log(2 * np.pi) linpart = mk.T * musk - 0.5 * cvx.trace(Sk * Rsk) obj = logpart - linpart prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(obj), [Sk == Sk.T]) musk.value = np.ones((2, 1)) covsk = np.diag([0.3, 0.5]) Rsk.value = covsk + (musk.value * musk.value.T) prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=cvx.CVXOPT) print("second solve") prob.solve(verbose=False, solver=cvx.CVXOPT)
def test_log_det(self) -> None: """Test domain for log_det. """ dom = cp.log_det(self.A + np.eye(2)).domain prob = Problem(Minimize(cp.sum(cp.diag(self.A))), dom) prob.solve(solver=cp.SCS) self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, -2, places=3)
def robust_ellipsoid(A_set_list, B_set_list, Hx, Hu, hx, hu): nx = Hx.shape[-1] nu = Hu.shape[-1] E = cp.Variable((nx, nx), symmetric=True) Y = cp.Variable((nu, nx)) objective = -cp.log_det(E) constraints = [] for A, B in zip(A_set_list, B_set_list): constraints.append(E @ A.T + A @ E + Y.T @ B.T + B @ Y << 0) for j in range(Hx.shape[0]): constraints.append(cp.bmat([ [hx[j, None] ** 2, Hx[j, None] @ E], [(Hx[j, None] @ E).T, E] ]) >> 0) for k in range(Hu.shape[0]): constraints.append(cp.bmat([ [hu[k, None] ** 2, Hu[k, None] @ Y], [(Hu[k, None] @ Y).T, E] ]) >> 0) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective), constraints) prob.solve(solver="MOSEK", verbose=False) P = np.linalg.inv(E.value) K = Y.value @ P return P, K
def main(): print("What is N ... ") N = int(input()) #Generate A A = [] for i in range(1, N + 1): u_i = -1 + 2 * (i - 1) / (N - 1) tmp_a = np.array([[1, u_i, u_i**2]]) # 1 x 3 tmp_b = np.transpose(tmp_a) # 3 x 1 A_i = np.matmul(tmp_b, tmp_a) A.append(A_i) # Initializing Variables, Objective, and Constraints W = cp.Variable(N) obj = cp.Minimize(-cp.log_det(cp.sum([W[i] * A[i] for i in range(N)]))) const = [0 <= W, cp.sum(W) == 1] # Creating Problem & Solving prob = cp.Problem(obj, const) prob.solve() print('Index\tValue') eps = 0.0001 for i in range(N): if W.value[i] > eps: print(f"{i}\t{W[i].value}") #print("\nW = ", W.value) print("Sum of W = ", sum(W.value)) print("Method used: ", prob.solver_stats.solver_name)
def over_approx_or(self): try: from cvxpy import (Variable, Semidef, Variable, Minimize, Problem, log_det, bmat) tree = deepcopy(self) tau = Variable(len(tree.operands)) X = Semidef(tree.operands[0].P.shape[0]) b_ = Variable(tree.operands[0].P.shape[0]) constraints = [] for i in range(len(tree.operands)): X11 = X - tau[i] * tree.operands[i].A X12 = b_ - tau[i] * tree.operands[i].b X13 = np.zeros( (tree.operands[0].P.shape[0], tree.operands[0].P.shape[0])) X21 = (b_ - tau[i] * tree.operands[i].b).T X22 = -1 - tau[i] * tree.operands[i].c X23 = b_.T X31 = np.zeros( (tree.operands[0].P.shape[0], tree.operands[0].P.shape[0])) X32 = b_ X33 = -X constraints.append((bmat([[X11, X12, X13], [X21, X22, X23], [X31, X32, X33]]) << 0)) constraints.append(tau[i] >= 0) objective = Minimize(-log_det(X)) prob = Problem(objective, constraints) result = prob.solve(solver='CVXOPT') A = np.array(X.value) b = np.array(b_.value) c =, b) - 1 return Ellipsoid(A=A, b=b, c=c, approx=True) except: "Make sure it's an ellipse!" return Empty()
def main(): #a, b = sys.argv[1:2] #(-1,1),(-2,2),(0,1)(0,5) a = -1;b = 1 print('a:',a," b:",b) N = [x for x in range(11,1002,200)] for i in range(1001,21002,2000): N.append(i) N.append(100001) print(N) p = 3 eps = 0.0075 #Header print('D-Optimal') print('N\tU_i\tValue') for n in N: A = model(n,p,a,b) W = cp.Variable(n) obj = cp.Minimize(- cp.log_det( cp.sum( [W[i] * A[i] for i in range(n)]) ) ) const = [0 <= W, cp.sum(W) == 1] # Creating Problem & Solving prob = cp.Problem(obj, const) prob.solve() #Output for i in range(n): if W.value[i] > eps: print(f"{n}\t{a + (b - a) * ((i+1)-1) / (n-1)}\t{W[i].value}")
def omega_solve(self, snk, alpha): # Create a variable that is constrained to the positive semidefinite cone. n = len(snk[0]) S = cvx.semidefinite(n) # Form the logdet(S) - tr(SY) objective. Note the use of a set # comprehension to form a set of the diagonal elements of S*Y, and the # native sum function, which is compatible with cvxpy, to compute the trace. # TODO: If a cvxpy trace operator becomes available, use it! obj = cvx.Minimize(-cvx.log_det(S) + sum([(S * np.array(snk))[i, i] for i in range(n)])) # Set constraint. constraints = [cvx.sum_entries(cvx.abs(S)) <= alpha] # Form and solve optimization problem prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints) prob.solve() if prob.status != cvx.OPTIMAL: raise Exception('CVXPY Error') # If the covariance matrix R is desired, here is how it to create it. # Threshold S element values to enforce exact zeros: S = S.value S[abs(S) <= 1e-4] = 0 return np.array(S).tolist()
def test_key_error(self): """Test examples that caused key error. """ import cvxpy as cvx x = cvx.Variable() u = -cvx.exp(x) prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Maximize(u), [x == 1]) prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=cvx.CVXOPT) prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=cvx.CVXOPT) ########################################### import numpy as np import cvxopt import cvxpy as cp kD=2 Sk=cp.semidefinite(kD) Rsk=cp.Parameter(kD,kD) mk=cp.Variable(kD,1) musk=cp.Parameter(kD,1) logpart=-0.5*cp.log_det(Sk)+0.5*cp.matrix_frac(mk,Sk)+(kD/2.)*np.log(2*np.pi) linpart=mk.T*musk-0.5*cp.trace(Sk*Rsk) obj=logpart-linpart prob=cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj)) musk.value=np.ones((2,1)) covsk=np.diag([0.3,0.5]) Rsk.value=covsk+(musk.value*musk.value.T) prob.solve(verbose=True,solver=cp.CVXOPT) print "second solve" prob.solve(verbose=False, solver=cp.CVXOPT)
def cvxsolve(): global n, m, T, A, W, Zp, N, K, lmd, mu, R, m2v, v2m Z = cvx.Variable(T, m) #for v in N.keys(): # i,j=v # Z[i,j]=0 #for v in K.keys(): # i,j=v # Z[i,j]=1 zsm = 0 for i in xrange(T): zsm += Z[i, :] obf = lmd * cvx.max_entries(zsm) for i in xrange(T): obf += (W[i].reshape(1, m)) * (Z[i, :].T) obj = cvx.Minimize(obf) const = [] const += [0 <= Z, Z <= 1, zsm >= 1] for v in N.keys(): i, j = v const += [Z[i, j] == 0] for v in K.keys(): i, j = v const += [Z[i, j] == 1] for i in xrange(T): const += [cvx.log_det((A.T) * cvx.diag(Z[i, :]) * A) >= mu] prob = cvx.Problem(obj, const) result = prob.solve(solver='SCS', verbose=True, eps=1e-1) return Z.value
def test_log_det(self): # TODO # Generate data x = np.matrix("0.55 0.0;" "0.25 0.35;" "-0.2 0.2;" "-0.25 -0.1;" "-0.0 -0.3;" "0.4 -0.2").T (n, m) = x.shape # Create and solve the model A = cp.Variable(n, n); b = cp.Variable(n); obj = cp.Maximize( cp.log_det(A) ) constraints = [] for i in range(m): constraints.append( cp.norm(A*x[:, i] + b) <= 1 ) p = cp.Problem(obj, constraints) result = p.solve() self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 1.9746) # # Risk return tradeoff curve # def test_risk_return_tradeoff(self): # from math import sqrt # from cvxopt import matrix # from cvxopt.blas import dot # from cvxopt.solvers import qp, options # import scipy # n = 4 # S = matrix( [[ 4e-2, 6e-3, -4e-3, 0.0 ], # [ 6e-3, 1e-2, 0.0, 0.0 ], # [-4e-3, 0.0, 2.5e-3, 0.0 ], # [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]] ) # pbar = matrix([.12, .10, .07, .03]) # N = 100 # # CVXPY # Sroot = numpy.asmatrix(scipy.linalg.sqrtm(S)) # x = cp.Variable(n, name='x') # mu = cp.Parameter(name='mu') # mu.value = 1 # TODO cp.Parameter("positive") # objective = cp.Minimize(-pbar*x + mu*quad_over_lin(Sroot*x,1)) # constraints = [sum(x) == 1, x >= 0] # p = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) # mus = [ 10**(5.0*t/N-1.0) for t in range(N) ] # xs = [] # for mu_val in mus: # mu.value = mu_val # p.solve() # xs.append(x.value) # returns = [ dot(pbar,x) for x in xs ] # risks = [ sqrt(dot(x, S*x)) for x in xs ] # # QP solver
def basic_glasso(target_dim, cov_mat, reg=0.1, norm=1, return_inv=False, verbose=False): theta = cvx.Semidef(target_dim) objective = cvx.Minimize(-cvx.log_det(theta) + cvx.trace(cov_mat*theta) + reg*cvx.norm(theta, norm)) problem = cvx.Problem(objective) problem.solve(verbose=verbose) out = theta.value if return_inv: out = np.linalg.inv(out) return out
def solve_glasso(cov, lambda_): p = cov.shape[0] X = cp.Variable((p, p), PSD=True) constraints = [X >> 0] objective = cp.Minimize( cp.sum(cp.multiply(cov, X)) - cp.log_det(X) + lambda_ * cp.pnorm(X, 1)) prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) prob.solve() theta = X.value return theta
def grid_search_cv(samples, alphas, K=10, p=0.7): training_datasets, test_datasets = generate_partitions(samples, K=K, p=p) test_losses = np.empty((len(alphas), K)) for alpha_ix, alpha in enumerate(alphas): for data_ix, (training_data, test_data) in enumerate( tqdm(zip(training_datasets, test_datasets), total=K)): cov_train = np.cov(training_data, rowvar=False) p = cov_train.shape[1] X = cp.Variable((p, p), PSD=True) constraints = [X >> 0] cov_train_cp = cp.Parameter((p, p), PSD=True) cov_train_cp.value = cov_train objective = cp.Minimize( cp.sum(cp.multiply(cov_train, X)) - cp.log_det(X) + alpha * cp.pnorm(X, 1)) prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) prob.solve() theta = X.value cov_test = np.cov(test_data, rowvar=False) test_loss = np.sum(cov_test * theta) - np.log(np.linalg.det(theta)) test_losses[alpha_ix, data_ix] = test_loss avg_losses = test_losses.mean(axis=1) min_ix = np.argmin(avg_losses) best_alpha = alphas[min_ix] cov_train = np.cov(samples, rowvar=False) p = cov_train.shape[1] X = cp.Variable((p, p), PSD=True) constraints = [X >> 0] cov_train_cp = cp.Parameter((p, p), PSD=True) cov_train_cp.value = cov_train objective = cp.Minimize( cp.sum(cp.multiply(cov_train, X)) - cp.log_det(X) + best_alpha * cp.pnorm(X, 1)) prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) prob.solve() theta = X.value return alphas[min_ix], theta
def get_mve(x): n, m = x.shape # Create and solve the model A = cvx.Variable((n, n), symmetric=True) b = cvx.Variable((n)) obj = cvx.Minimize(-cvx.log_det(A)) constrs = [cvx.norm(A * x[:, i] + b, 2) <= 1 for i in range(m)] prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constrs) prob.solve(solver=cvx.SCS, verbose=False, eps=1e-6) return A.value, b.value, prob.value
def create(**kwargs): m = kwargs["m"] n = kwargs["n"] k = kwargs["k"] A = np.matrix(np.random.rand(m, n)) A -= np.mean(A, axis=0) K = np.array([(A[i].T * A[i]).flatten() for i in xrange(m)]) sigma = cp.Variable(n, n) t = cp.Variable(m) tdet = cp.Variable(1) f = cp.sum_largest(t + tdet, k) z = K * cp.reshape(sigma, n * n, 1) C = [-cp.log_det(sigma) <= tdet, t == z] det_eval = lambda: -cp.log_det(sigma).value z_eval = lambda: (K * cp.reshape(sigma, n * n, 1)).value f_eval = lambda: cp.sum_largest(z_eval() + det_eval(), k).value return cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(f), C), f_eval
def d_optimal(A, N): # Initializing Variables, Objective, and Constraints W = cp.Variable(N) obj = cp.Minimize(-cp.log_det(cp.sum([W[i] * A[i] for i in range(N)]))) const = [0 <= W, cp.sum(W) == 1] # Creating Problem & Solving prob = cp.Problem(obj, const) prob.solve() return prob
def create(**kwargs): m = kwargs["m"] n = kwargs["n"] k = kwargs["k"] A = np.matrix(np.random.rand(m,n)) A -= np.mean(A, axis=0) K = np.array([(A[i].T*A[i]).flatten() for i in xrange(m)]) sigma = cp.Variable(n,n) t = cp.Variable(m) tdet = cp.Variable(1) f = cp.sum_largest(t+tdet, k) z = K*cp.reshape(sigma, n*n, 1) C = [-cp.log_det(sigma) <= tdet, t == z] det_eval = lambda: -cp.log_det(sigma).value z_eval = lambda: (K*cp.reshape(sigma, n*n, 1)).value f_eval = lambda: cp.sum_largest(z_eval()+det_eval(), k).value return cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(f), C), f_eval
def dilat_lvggm_ccg_cvx_sub(S, alpha, beta, covariance_h, precision_h, max_iter_in=1000, threshold_in=1e-3, verbose=False): ''' A cvx implementation of the Decayed-influence Latent variable Gaussian Graphial Model The subproblem in Convex-Concave Procedure min_{R} -log det(R) + trace(R*S_t) + alpha*||[1,0]*R*[1;0]||_1 + gamma*||[0, Theta]*R*[1;0]||_{1,2} s.t. [0,1]*R*[0;1] = Theta^{-1} R >= 0 S_t = [Cov(X), -Cov*B*Theta; -Theta*B'*Cov, beta I] ''' if np.linalg.norm(S-S.T) > 1e-3: raise ValueError("Covariance matrix should be symmetric.") n = S.shape[0] #n1 = covariance.shape[0] n2 = covariance_h.shape[0] n1 = n - n2 #if n != (n1+n2): if n1 < 0: raise ValueError("dimension mismatch n=%d, n1=%d, n2=%d" % (n,n1,n2)) mask = np.zeros((n,n)) mask[np.ix_(np.arange(n1), np.arange(n1))] J1 = np.zeros((n, n1)) J1[np.arange(n1),:] = np.eye(n1) J2 = np.zeros((n, n2)) J2[np.arange(n1,n), :] = np.eye(n2) Q = np.zeros((n,n2)) Q[np.arange(n1,n),:] = precision_h #Q = np.zeros((n, n1)) #Q[np.arange(n1),:] = -covariance J1 = np.asmatrix(J1) J2 = np.asmatrix(J2) Q = np.asmatrix(Q) S - np.asmatrix(S) R = cvx.Semidef(n) # define the SDP problem objective = cvx.Minimize(-cvx.log_det(R) + cvx.trace(S*R) + alpha*(cvx.norm((J1.T*R*J1), 1) + beta*cvx.mixed_norm((J1.T*R*Q).T, 2, 1) ))#beta*cvx.norm( (J1.T*R*Q), 1)) ) constraints = [J2.T*R*J2 == covariance_h] # solve the problem problem = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints) problem.solve(verbose = verbose) return np.asarray(R.value)
def get_mve(a, b): m, n = a.shape # Create and solve the model A = cvx.Variable((n, n), symmetric=True) d = cvx.Variable((n)) obj = cvx.Maximize(cvx.log_det(A)) constrs = [cvx.norm(A * a[i, :], 2) + a[i].T * d <= b[i] for i in range(m)] prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constrs) prob.solve(solver=cvx.SCS, verbose=False, eps=1e-6) print("status:", prob.status) print("optimal value", prob.value) print("optimal var", A.value, d.value) return A.value, d.value
def get_ellipse(x): x = x.T n, m = x.shape # Create and solve the model A = cvx.Variable((n, n), symmetric=True) b = cvx.Variable((n)) obj = cvx.Maximize(cvx.log_det(A)) constrs = [cvx.norm(A * x[:, i] + b, 2) <= 1 for i in range(m)] prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constrs) prob.solve(solver=cvx.SCS, verbose=False, eps=1e-6) print("status:", prob.status) print("optimal value", prob.value) print("optimal var", A.value, b.value) return A.value, b.value
def smallestCircumScribedEllip(ptS, P=None, obj=None, maxChange=[None, None], Pold=None, **kwargs): #ptS holds the points columnwise #mindCondition < lambda_max/lambda_min opts = {'minCondition': 1.e3} opts.update(kwargs) Pold = (Pold.T + Pold) / 2. dim = ptS.shape[0] if P is None: P = cvxpy.Semidef(dim, "P") cstr = [cvxpy.quad_form(aPt, P) <= 1. for aPt in ptS.T] eigMax = np.max(np.linalg.eigh(Pold)[0]) #restrict changement zeta = cvxpy.Variable(1) if not (Pold is None) and not (maxChange[0] is None): cstr.append(eigMax * maxChange[0] * np.identity(dim) < P - zeta * Pold) if not (Pold is None) and not (maxChange[1] is None): cstr.append(P - zeta * Pold < eigMax * maxChange[1] * np.identity(dim)) if not (opts['minCondition'] is None): cstr.append( cvxpy.lambda_max(P) < opts['minCondition'] * cvxpy.lambda_min(P)) if obj is None: obj = cvxpy.Maximize(cvxpy.log_det(P)) prob = cvxpy.Problem(obj, cstr) #prob.solve(); prob.solve(solver='CVXOPT', verbose=False, kktsolver=cvxpy.ROBUST_KKTSOLVER) assert prob.status == 'optimal', "Failed to solve circumscribed ellip prob" Pval = np.array(P.value) return Pval
def max_ellipsoid(Hx, hx, x_0=None): if x_0 is not None: Hx, hx = move_constraint(Hx, hx, x_0) nx = Hx.shape[-1] E = cp.Variable((nx, nx), symmetric=True) objective = -cp.log_det(E) constraints = [] constraints.append(E >> 0) for j in range(Hx.shape[0]): constraints.append(cp.bmat([ [hx[j, None] ** 2, Hx[j, None] @ E], [(Hx[j, None] @ E).T, E] ]) >> 0) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective), constraints) prob.solve(solver='MOSEK', verbose=False) return np.linalg.inv(E.value)
def maxGaussianEpigraphProblem(problemOptions, solverOptions): m = problemOptions['m'] n = problemOptions['n'] k = problemOptions['k'] A = np.matrix(np.random.rand(m,n)) A -= np.mean(A, axis=0) K = np.array([(A[i].T*A[i]).flatten() for i in range(m)]) sigma_inv = cp.Variable(n, n) # Inverse covariance matrix obs = cp.vstack([-cp.log_det(sigma_inv) + cp.trace(A[i].T*A[i]*sigma_inv) for i in range(m)]) f = cp.sum_largest(obs, k) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(f)) prob.solve(**solverOptions) return {'Problem':prob, 'name':'maxGaussianEpigraphProblem'}
def test_log_det(self): # Generate data x = np.array([[0.55, 0.0], [0.25, 0.35], [-0.2, 0.2], [-0.25, -0.1], [-0.0, -0.3], [0.4, -0.2]]).T (n, m) = x.shape # Create and solve the model A = cvx.Variable((n, n)) b = cvx.Variable(n) obj = cvx.Maximize(cvx.log_det(A)) constraints = [] for i in range(m): constraints.append(cvx.norm(A * x[:, i] + b) <= 1) p = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints) result = p.solve() self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 1.9746, places=2)
def _construct_objective(covariance_matrices, weights): ''' Constructs the CVX objective function. ''' num_samples = len(covariance_matrices) num_dim = int(covariance_matrices[0].shape[0]) matrix_part = np.zeros([num_dim, num_dim]) for j in xrange(0, num_samples): matrix_part = matrix_part + covariance_matrices[j] * weights[j] # A-optimality criteria # objective = 0 # for i in xrange(0, num_dim): # k_vec = np.zeros(num_dim) # k_vec[i] = 1.0 # objective = objective + cvx.matrix_frac(k_vec, matrix_part) # D-optimality criteria objective = cvx.log_det(matrix_part) return objective
def getLargestInnerEllip(pt, maxChange=[None, None], Pold=None, optsIn={}): #Opts opts = {'conv': 1e-2} opts.update(optsIn) #There are faster ways to do this, but this is very convenient dim, Npt = pt.shape if Pold is None: Pval = np.identity(dim) else: Pval = Pold oldDet = 2 * det(Pval) #To avoid constant recreation of vars P = cvxpy.Semidef(pt.shape[0], "P") obj = cvxpy.Maximize(cvxpy.log_det(P)) while ((np.abs(oldDet - det(Pval)) / oldDet) > opts['conv']): oldDet = det(Pval) CpreTrans = chol(Pval).T CpreTransI = inv(CpreTrans) ptPre = ndot(CpreTrans, pt) normPtsq = colWiseSquaredNorm(ptPre) ptI = np.divide(ptPre, np.tile(normPtsq, (dim, 1))) #Adapt old PoldInvA = inv(ndot(CpreTransI.T, Pold, CpreTransI)) ptInM = np.max(colWiseSquaredKerNorm(PoldInvA, ptI)) PoldInvA = PoldInvA / ptInM #Solve PpreInv = smallestCircumScribedEllip(ptI, P=P, obj=obj, maxChange=maxChange, Pold=PoldInvA) Ppre = inv(PpreInv) Pval = ndot(CpreTrans.T, Ppre, CpreTrans) thisAlpha = ((det(Pval))**(1. / float(dim))) thisP = Pval / thisAlpha return [thisP, thisAlpha]
def covselProblem(problemOptions, solverOptions): m = problemOptions['m'] n = problemOptions['n'] lam = problemOptions['lam'] A = sps.rand(n,n, problemOptions['density']) A = np.asarray( + problemOptions['beta']*np.eye(n)) L = np.linalg.cholesky(np.linalg.inv(A)) X = np.random.randn(m,n).dot(L.T) S = W = np.ones((n,n)) - np.eye(n) Theta = cp.Variable(n,n) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize( lam*cp.norm1(cp.mul_elemwise(W,Theta)) + cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(S,Theta)) - cp.log_det(Theta))) prob.solve(**solverOptions) return {'Problem':prob, 'name':'covselProblem'}
def mveSolver(self, tolerance=0.0001): try: # create a symmetric matrix variable C = cp.Variable((self.n_x, self.n_x), symmetric=True) d = cp.Variable(self.n_x) # create the constraints constraints = [C >> tolerance] for i in range(self.hyperplanes_a.shape[0]): constraints += [ (cp.norm2(C @ self.hyperplanes_a[i].reshape(-1, 1)) + self.hyperplanes_a[i] @ d) <= self.hyperplanes_b[i] ] prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(-cp.log_det(C)), constraints) prob.solve(solver=cp.MOSEK, verbose=False) return d.value, C.value except: return None, None
def main(): print("What is N ... ", end = '') N = int(input()) print("\nWhat is a ... ", end = '') a = int(input()) print("\nWhat is b ... ", end = '') b = int(input()) print("\nWhat is p ... ", end = '') p = int(input()) print('\n( N, a, b, p) = (',N,',',a,',',b,',',p,')') #Generate A A = [] for i in range(1,N+1): u_i = a + (b - a) * (i-1) / (N-1) tmp_a = np.array([[u_i**i for i in range(p+1)]]) # 1 x (p+1) tmp_b = np.transpose(tmp_a) # (p+1) x 1 A_i = np.matmul(tmp_b,tmp_a) A.append(A_i) # Initializing Variables, Objective, and Constraints W = cp.Variable(N) obj = cp.Minimize(- cp.log_det( cp.sum( [W[i] * A[i] for i in range(N)]) ) ) const = [0 <= W, cp.sum(W) == 1] # Creating Problem & Solving start = timeit.default_timer() prob = cp.Problem(obj, const) prob.solve() stop = timeit.default_timer() print('Index\tValue') eps = 0.0001 for i in range(N): if W.value[i] > eps: print(f"{i}\t{W[i].value}")
def create(m, n, lam): np.random.seed(0) m = int(n) n = int(n) lam = float(lam) A = sp.rand(n,n, 0.01) A = np.asarray( + 0.1*np.eye(n)) L = np.linalg.cholesky(np.linalg.inv(A)) X = np.random.randn(m,n).dot(L.T) S = W = np.ones((n,n)) - np.eye(n) Theta = cp.Variable(n,n) return cp.Problem(cp.Minimize( lam*cp.norm1(cp.mul_elemwise(W,Theta)) + cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(S,Theta)) - cp.log_det(Theta)))
def test_log_det(self): # TODO # Generate data x = np.matrix("0.55 0.0;" "0.25 0.35;" "-0.2 0.2;" "-0.25 -0.1;" "-0.0 -0.3;" "0.4 -0.2").T (n, m) = x.shape # Create and solve the model A = cp.Variable(n, n); b = cp.Variable(n); obj = cp.Maximize( cp.log_det(A) ) constraints = [] for i in range(m): constraints.append( cp.norm(A*x[:, i] + b) <= 1 ) p = cp.Problem(obj, constraints) result = p.solve() self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 1.9746)
def C_soc_translated(): return [cp.norm2(x + randn()) <= t + randn()] def C_soc_scaled_translated(): return [cp.norm2(randn()*x + randn()) <= randn()*t + randn()] # Proximal operators PROX_TESTS = [ #prox("MATRIX_FRAC", lambda: cp.matrix_frac(p, X)), #prox("SIGMA_MAX", lambda: cp.sigma_max(X)), prox("AFFINE", lambda: randn(n).T*x), prox("CONSTANT", lambda: 0), prox("LAMBDA_MAX", lambda: cp.lambda_max(X)), prox("LOG_SUM_EXP", lambda: cp.log_sum_exp(x)), prox("MAX", lambda: cp.max_entries(x)), prox("NEG_LOG_DET", lambda: -cp.log_det(X)), prox("NON_NEGATIVE", None, C_non_negative_scaled), prox("NON_NEGATIVE", None, C_non_negative_scaled_elemwise), prox("NON_NEGATIVE", None, lambda: [x >= 0]), prox("NORM_1", f_norm1_weighted), prox("NORM_1", lambda: cp.norm1(x)), prox("NORM_2", lambda: cp.norm(X, "fro")), prox("NORM_2", lambda: cp.norm2(x)), prox("NORM_NUCLEAR", lambda: cp.norm(X, "nuc")), #prox("QUAD_OVER_LIN", lambda: cp.quad_over_lin(p, q1)), prox("SECOND_ORDER_CONE", None, C_soc_scaled), prox("SECOND_ORDER_CONE", None, C_soc_scaled_translated), prox("SECOND_ORDER_CONE", None, C_soc_translated), prox("SECOND_ORDER_CONE", None, lambda: [cp.norm(X, "fro") <= t]), prox("SECOND_ORDER_CONE", None, lambda: [cp.norm2(x) <= t]), prox("SEMIDEFINITE", None, lambda: [X >> 0]),
print 'bound: exact = %f, numerical = %f' % (upper_bound_logpartition_41(tau_init, inv_alpha_1_init), \ upper_bound_logpartition_42(tau_init, inv_alpha_1_init)) res1 = fmin(objfun, res0, xtol=1e-7) #res1 = fmin_bfgs(objfun, res0) theta1 = res1[:-1] rho1 = sigmoid(res1[-1]) if mode == 4: UB1 = upper_bound_logpartition_41(theta1,rho1) else: UB1 = upper_bound_logpartition_42(theta1,rho1) print 'optimized rho1 = %.3f, alpha_1 = %.3f' % (rho1, 1./rho1) elif mode == 5: print A tau_1 = cvx.Variable(N+D) # obj = cvx.Minimize(np.sum(np.log(tau_1)) -0.5 * cvx.log_det(A - np.diag(tau_1)) - sum([(S*Y)[i, i] for i in range(n)])) obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_entries(cvx.log(tau_1)) -0.5 * cvx.log_det(A - np.diag(tau_1))) # Set constraint. constraints = [tau_1 >= 0, A - np.diag(tau_1) == cvx.Semidef(N+D)] # Form and solve optimization problem prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints) prob.solve() if prob.status != cvx.OPTIMAL: raise Exception('CVXPY Error') print tau_1 #def upper_bound_logpartition(tau, inv_alpha_1): # tau_1, tau_2 = tau[:D+N], tau[D+N:]
def C_soc_translated(): return [cp.norm2(x + randn()) <= t + randn()] def C_soc_scaled_translated(): return [cp.norm2(randn()*x + randn()) <= randn()*t + randn()] # Proximal operators PROX_TESTS = [ #prox("MATRIX_FRAC", lambda: cp.matrix_frac(p, X)), #prox("SIGMA_MAX", lambda: cp.sigma_max(X)), prox("AFFINE", lambda: randn(n).T*x), prox("CONSTANT", lambda: 0), prox("LAMBDA_MAX", lambda: cp.lambda_max(X)), prox("LOG_SUM_EXP", lambda: cp.log_sum_exp(x)), prox("MAX", lambda: cp.max_entries(x)), prox("NEG_LOG_DET", lambda: -cp.log_det(X)), prox("NON_NEGATIVE", None, C_non_negative_scaled), prox("NON_NEGATIVE", None, C_non_negative_scaled_elemwise), prox("NON_NEGATIVE", None, lambda: [x >= 0]), prox("NORM_1", f_norm1_weighted), prox("NORM_1", lambda: cp.norm1(x)), prox("NORM_2", lambda: cp.norm(X, "fro")), prox("NORM_2", lambda: cp.norm2(x)), prox("NORM_NUCLEAR", lambda: cp.norm(X, "nuc")), prox("SECOND_ORDER_CONE", None, C_soc_scaled), prox("SECOND_ORDER_CONE", None, C_soc_scaled_translated), prox("SECOND_ORDER_CONE", None, C_soc_translated), prox("SECOND_ORDER_CONE", None, lambda: [cp.norm(X, "fro") <= t]), prox("SECOND_ORDER_CONE", None, lambda: [cp.norm2(x) <= t]), prox("SEMIDEFINITE", None, lambda: [X >> 0]), prox("SUM_DEADZONE", f_dead_zone),