コード例 #1
def GetMinimalSpeedToReachEpsilonNeighbordhoodVector(dt, epsilon, W, dW, dF):
        Ndim = W.shape[0]
        Nsamples = W.shape[1]

        dist_w = np.zeros((Nsamples-1))
        for i in range(0,Nsamples-1):
                dist_w[i] = np.linalg.norm(W[:,i]-W[:,i+1])

        p = Variable(Nsamples-1)
        sM = Variable(Nsamples-1)

        constraints = []
        objfunc = 0.0
        for i in range(0,Nsamples-1):
                #constraints.append( norm(p*dt*dW0[0:2] + dF +np.dot(dw,np.array((1,0))) ) < epsilon )
                constraints.append( norm(p[i]*dt*dW[:,i] + dt*dt/2*dF[:,i] + np.dot(dist_w[i],np.array((1,0,0,0))) ) < epsilon )
                constraints.append( sM[i] >= p[i] )
                constraints.append( sM[i] >= 0.0)
                constraints.append( p[i] >= 0.0 )
                objfunc += norm(sM[i])

        objective = Minimize(objfunc)

        prob = Problem(objective, constraints)

        print "solve minimal speed"
        result = prob.solve(solver=SCS)
        print "done.(",prob.value,"|",np.min(sM.value),")"

        if prob.value < inf:
                return np.array(sM.value).flatten()
                return np.array(sM.value).flatten()
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_atoms.py プロジェクト: Cloud2016/cvxpy
    def test_partial_optimize_numeric_fn(self):
        x, y = Variable(1), Variable(1)
        xval = 4

        # Solve the (simple) two-stage problem by "combining" the two stages (i.e., by solving a single linear program)
        p1 = Problem(Minimize(y), [xval + y >= 3])

        # Solve the two-stage problem via partial_optimize
        constr = [y >= -100]
        p2 = Problem(Minimize(y), [x + y >= 3] + constr)
        g = cvxpy.partial_optimize(p2, [y], [x])
        x.value = xval
        y.value = 42
        constr[0].dual_variable.value = 42
        result = g.value
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result, p1.value)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(y.value, 42)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(constr[0].dual_value, 42)

        # No variables optimized over.
        p2 = Problem(Minimize(y), [x + y >= 3])
        g = cvxpy.partial_optimize(p2, [], [x, y])
        x.value = xval
        y.value = 42
        p2.constraints[0].dual_variable.value = 42
        result = g.value
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result, y.value)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(y.value, 42)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(p2.constraints[0].dual_value, 42)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_domain.py プロジェクト: nicaiseeric/cvxpy
 def test_pnorm(self):
     """ Test domain for pnorm.
     dom = pnorm(self.a, -0.5).domain
     prob = Problem(Minimize(self.a), dom)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, 0)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_domain.py プロジェクト: nicaiseeric/cvxpy
    def test_partial_problem(self):
        """Test domain for partial minimization/maximization problems.
        for obj in [Minimize((self.a)**-1), Maximize(log(self.a))]:
            prob = Problem(obj, [self.x + self.a >= [5, 8]])
            # Optimize over nothing.
            expr = cvxpy.partial_optimize(prob, dont_opt_vars=[self.x, self.a])
            dom = expr.domain
            constr = [self.a >= -100, self.x >= 0]
            prob = Problem(Minimize(sum_entries(self.x + self.a)), dom + constr)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, 13)
            assert self.a.value >= 0
            assert np.all((self.x + self.a - [5, 8]).value >= -1e-3)

            # Optimize over x.
            expr = cvxpy.partial_optimize(prob, opt_vars=[self.x])
            dom = expr.domain
            constr = [self.a >= -100, self.x >= 0]
            prob = Problem(Minimize(sum_entries(self.x + self.a)), dom + constr)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, 0)
            assert self.a.value >= 0
            self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(self.x.value, [0, 0])

            # Optimize over x and a.
            expr = cvxpy.partial_optimize(prob, opt_vars=[self.x, self.a])
            dom = expr.domain
            constr = [self.a >= -100, self.x >= 0]
            prob = Problem(Minimize(sum_entries(self.x + self.a)), dom + constr)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(self.a.value, -100)
            self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(self.x.value, [0, 0])
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_domain.py プロジェクト: nicaiseeric/cvxpy
 def test_matrix_frac(self):
     """Test domain for matrix_frac.
     dom = matrix_frac(self.x, self.A + np.eye(2)).domain
     prob = Problem(Minimize(sum_entries(diag(self.A))), dom)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(prob.value, -2, places=3)
コード例 #6
def ForceCanBeCounteractedByAccelerationVector(dt, Fp, u1min, u1max, u2min, u2max, plot=False) :

        ### question (1) : can we produce an acceleration ddW, such that it counteracts F?

        ## dynamics projected onto identity element, it becomes obvious that in an infinitesimal neighborhood, 
        ## we can only counteract forces along the x and the theta axes due to non-holonomicity

        dt2 = dt*dt/2

        ## span dt2-hyperball in Ndim
        F = dt2*Fp
        thetamin = dt2*u2min
        thetamax = dt2*u2max
        xmin = 0.0
        xmax = dt2*u1max

        Xlow = np.dot(np.dot(Rz(-pi/2),Rz(thetamin)),np.array((1,0,0)))
        Xhigh = np.dot(np.dot(Rz(pi/2),Rz(thetamax)),np.array((1,0,0)))

        Ndim = Fp.shape[0]
        if Fp.ndim <= 1:
                Nsamples = 1
                Nsamples = Fp.shape[1]
        p = Variable(3,Nsamples)

        constraints = []
        objfunc = 0.0
        for i in range(0,Nsamples):
                constraints.append( norm(p[:,i]) <= xmax )
                constraints.append( np.matrix(Xlow[0:3])*p[:,i] <= 0 )
                constraints.append( np.matrix(Xhigh[0:3])*p[:,i] <= 0 )
                if Fp.ndim <= 1:
                        objfunc += norm(p[:,i]-F[0:3])
                        objfunc += norm(p[:,i]-F[0:3,i])

        objective = Minimize(objfunc)
        prob = Problem(objective, constraints)

        result = prob.solve(solver=SCS, eps=1e-7)

        #nearest_ddq = np.array(p.value)
        nearest_ddq = np.array(p.value/dt2)

        codimension = Ndim-nearest_ddq.shape[0]

        #print Ndim, nearest_ddq.shape
        #print codimension
        zero_rows = np.zeros((codimension,Nsamples))

        if nearest_ddq.shape[0] < Ndim:
                nearest_ddq = np.vstack((nearest_ddq,zero_rows))

        if plot:
                PlotReachableSetForceDistance(dt, u1min, u1max, u2min, u2max, -F, dt2*nearest_ddq)

        return nearest_ddq
コード例 #7
def l1_solution(A, b, lam=0.5):
    N = A.shape[0]
    x = Variable(N)
    objective = Minimize(sum_entries(square(A * x - b)) + lam * norm(x, 1))
    constraints = []
    prob = Problem(objective, constraints)

    xhat = x.value
    return xhat
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_atoms.py プロジェクト: alnurali/cvxpy
    def test_partial_optimize_numeric_fn(self):
        x,y = Variable(1), Variable(1)
        xval = 4

        # Solve the (simple) two-stage problem by "combining" the two stages (i.e., by solving a single linear program)
        p1 = Problem(Minimize(y), [xval+y>=3])

        # Solve the two-stage problem via partial_optimize
        p2 = Problem(Minimize(y), [x+y>=3])
        g = partial_optimize(p2, [y], [x])
        result = g(x).numeric([xval])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result, p1.value)
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_transforms.py プロジェクト: nishi951/cvxpy
 def test_indicator(self):
     """Test indicator transform.
     cons = [self.a >= 0, self.x == 2]
     obj = cvxpy.Minimize(self.a - sum_entries(self.x))
     expr = cvxpy.indicator(cons)
     assert expr.is_convex()
     assert expr.is_positive()
     prob = Problem(Minimize(expr) + obj)
     result = prob.solve()
     self.assertAlmostEqual(-4, result)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(0, self.a.value)
     self.assertItemsAlmostEqual([2, 2], self.x.value)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(0, expr.value)
     self.a.value = -1
     self.assertAlmostEqual(np.infty, expr.value)
コード例 #10
    def test_yield_constr_cost_min(self):
        # Create problem data.
        n = 10
        c = numpy.random.randn(n)
        P, q, r = numpy.eye(n), numpy.random.randn(n), numpy.random.randn()
        mu, Sigma = numpy.zeros(n), 0.1*numpy.eye(n)
        omega = NormalRandomVariable(mu, Sigma)
        m, eta = 100, 0.95

        # Create and solve optimization problem.
        x = Variable(n)
        yield_constr = prob(quad_form(x+omega,P)
                        + (x+omega).T*q + r >= 0, m) <= 1-eta
        p = Problem(Minimize(x.T*c), [yield_constr])
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_grad.py プロジェクト: nicaiseeric/cvxpy
    def test_partial_problem(self):
        """Test grad for partial minimization/maximization problems.
        for obj in [Minimize((self.a)**-1), Maximize(entr(self.a))]:
            prob = Problem(obj, [self.x + self.a >= [5, 8]])
            # Optimize over nothing.
            expr = cvxpy.partial_optimize(prob, dont_opt_vars=[self.x, self.a])
            self.a.value = None
            self.x.value = None
            grad = expr.grad
            self.assertAlmostEqual(grad[self.a], None)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(grad[self.x], None)
            # Outside domain.
            self.a.value = 1.0
            self.x.value = [5, 5]
            grad = expr.grad
            self.assertAlmostEqual(grad[self.a], None)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(grad[self.x], None)

            self.a.value = 1
            self.x.value = [10, 10]
            grad = expr.grad
            self.assertAlmostEqual(grad[self.a], obj.args[0].grad[self.a])
            self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(grad[self.x].todense(), [0, 0, 0, 0])

            # Optimize over x.
            expr = cvxpy.partial_optimize(prob, opt_vars=[self.x])
            self.a.value = 1
            grad = expr.grad
            self.assertAlmostEqual(grad[self.a], obj.args[0].grad[self.a] + 0)

            # Optimize over a.
            fix_prob = Problem(obj, [self.x + self.a >= [5, 8], self.x == 0])
            dual_val = fix_prob.constraints[0].dual_variable.value
            expr = cvxpy.partial_optimize(prob, opt_vars=[self.a])
            self.x.value = [0, 0]
            grad = expr.grad
            self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(grad[self.x].todense(), dual_val)

            # Optimize over x and a.
            expr = cvxpy.partial_optimize(prob, opt_vars=[self.x, self.a])
            grad = expr.grad
            self.assertAlmostEqual(grad, {})
コード例 #12
def mcFrobSolveLeftFactor_cvx(V, M_Omega, mask, **kwargs):
    mcFrobSolveLeftFactor_cvx(V, M_Omega, mask, **kwargs)
    A solver for the left factor, U, in the problem
        min FrobNorm( P_Omega(U * V.T - M) )
    where U is an m-by-r matrix, V an n-by-r matrix.
    M_Omega is the set of observed entries in matrix form, while
    mask is a Boolean array with 1/True-valued entries corresponding 
    to those indices that were observed.

    This function is computed using the CVXPY package (and 
    thus is likely to be slower than a straight iterative 
    least squares solver).
    # Options
    returnObjectiveValue = kwargs.get('returnObjectiveValue', False)
    solver = kwargs.get('solver', SCS)
    verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False)

    if isinstance(verbose, int):
        if verbose > 1:
            verbose = True
            verbose = False

    # Parameters
    m = mask.shape[0]
    if V.shape[0] < V.shape[1]:
        # make sure V_T is "short and fat"
        V = V.T
    r = V.shape[1]

    Omega_i, Omega_j = matIndicesFromMask(mask)

    # Problem
    U = Variable(m, r)
    obj = Minimize(cvxnorm(cvxvec((U @ V.T)[Omega_i, Omega_j]) - M_Omega))
    prob = Problem(obj)
    prob.solve(solver=solver, verbose=verbose)
    if returnObjectiveValue:
        return (U.value, prob.value)
        return U.value
コード例 #13
    def test_simple_problem(self):
        # Create problem data.
        n = numpy.random.randint(1,10)
        eta = 0.95
        num_samples = 10

        c = numpy.random.rand(n,1)

        mu = numpy.zeros(n)
        Sigma = numpy.eye(n)
        a = NormalRandomVariable(mu, Sigma)

        b = numpy.random.randn()

        # Create and solve optimization problem.
        x = Variable(n)
        p = Problem(Maximize(x.T*c), [prob(max_entries(x.T*a-b) >= 0, num_samples) <= 1-eta])
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_qp.py プロジェクト: waxz/cvxpy
    def sparse_system(self, solver):
        m = 100
        n = 80
        density = 0.4
        A = sp.rand(m, n, density)
        b = numpy.random.randn(m)

        p = Problem(Minimize(sum_squares(A*self.xs - b)), [self.xs == 0])
        s = self.solve_QP(p, solver)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(b.T.dot(b), p.value, places=4)
コード例 #15
ファイル: schedule.py プロジェクト: shuaiwang88/inventory
def define_schedule_problem():
    Define the optimization problem
    demand_schedule = create_demand_schedule()
    variables = create_variables(plant, demand_schedule)
    objective = create_objective(variables, demand_schedule)
    constraints = create_constraints(variables, plant, demand_schedule)
    problem = Problem(objective, constraints)
    return problem
コード例 #16
def test_card():
    """Test card variable."""
    x = Card(5, k=3, M=1)
    p = Problem(Maximize(sum(x)), [x <= 1, x >= 0])
    result = p.solve(**solve_args)

    assert result[0] == approx(3)
    for v in np.nditer(x.value):
        assert v * (1 - v) == approx(0)
    assert x.value.sum() == approx(3)

    # Should be equivalent to x == choose.
    x = Variable((5, 4))
    c = Choose((5, 4), k=4)
    b = Boolean((5, 4))
    p = cp.Problem(Minimize(sum(1 - x) + sum(x)), [x == c, x == b])
    result = p.solve(**solve_args)
    assert result[0] == approx(20)
    for v in np.nditer(x.value):
        assert v * (1 - v) == approx(0)
コード例 #17
    def test_log_normcdf(self) -> None:
        self.assertEqual(cp.log_normcdf(self.x).sign, s.NONPOS)
        self.assertEqual(cp.log_normcdf(self.x).curvature, s.CONCAVE)

        for x in range(-4, 5):

        y = Variable((2, 2))
        obj = Minimize(cp.sum(-cp.log_normcdf(y)))
        prob = Problem(obj, [y == 2])
        result = prob.solve()
                               4 * np.log(scipy.stats.norm.cdf(2)),
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_functions.py プロジェクト: Ayeps/cvxconsensus
    def test_rho_init(self):
        p_list = [Problem(Minimize(norm(self.x)))]
        rho_list = assign_rho(p_list)
        self.assertDictEqual(rho_list[0], {self.x.id: 1.0})

        rho_list = assign_rho(p_list, default=0.5)
        self.assertDictEqual(rho_list[0], {self.x.id: 0.5})

        rho_list = assign_rho(p_list, rho_init={self.x.id: 1.5})
        self.assertDictEqual(rho_list[0], {self.x.id: 1.5})

            Problem(Minimize(0.5 * sum_squares(self.y)), [norm(self.x) <= 10]))
        rho_list = assign_rho(p_list)
        self.assertDictEqual(rho_list[0], {self.x.id: 1.0})
        self.assertDictEqual(rho_list[1], {self.x.id: 1.0, self.y.id: 1.0})

        rho_list = assign_rho(p_list, rho_init={self.x.id: 2.0}, default=0.5)
        self.assertDictEqual(rho_list[0], {self.x.id: 2.0})
        self.assertDictEqual(rho_list[1], {self.x.id: 2.0, self.y.id: 0.5})
コード例 #19
    def test_partial_optimize_min_1norm(self) -> None:
        # Minimize the 1-norm in the usual way
        dims = 3
        x, t = Variable(dims), Variable(dims)
        p1 = Problem(Minimize(cp.sum(t)), [-t <= x, x <= t])

        # Minimize the 1-norm via partial_optimize
        g = partial_optimize(p1, [t], [x])
        p2 = Problem(Minimize(g))

        self.assertAlmostEqual(p1.value, p2.value)
コード例 #20
    def test_partial_optimize_params(self):
        """Test partial optimize with parameters.
        x, y = Variable(1), Variable(1)
        gamma = Parameter()

        # Solve the (simple) two-stage problem by "combining" the two stages (i.e., by solving a single linear program)
        p1 = Problem(Minimize(x+y), [x+y >= gamma, y >= 4, x >= 5])
        gamma.value = 3

        # Solve the two-stage problem via partial_optimize
        p2 = Problem(Minimize(y), [x+y >= gamma, y >= 4])
        g = cvxpy.partial_optimize(p2, [y], [x])
        p3 = Problem(Minimize(x+g), [x >= 5])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(p1.value, p3.value)
コード例 #21
    def test_simple_problem(self):
        # Create problem data.
        n = numpy.random.randint(1, 10)
        eta = 0.95
        num_samples = 10

        c = numpy.random.rand(n, 1)

        mu = numpy.zeros(n)
        Sigma = numpy.eye(n)
        a = NormalRandomVariable(mu, Sigma)

        b = numpy.random.randn()

        # Create and solve optimization problem.
        x = Variable(n)
        p = Problem(
            Maximize(x.T * c),
            [prob(max_entries(x.T * a - b) >= 0, num_samples) <= 1 - eta])
コード例 #22
def clean_angles(Om, print_out):
    from cvxpy import Semidef, Variable, Mnimize, Problem
    E = len(Om)
    X = Semidef(E)
    Noise = Variable(E, E)

    constraints = [X + Noise == Om]  # include weighting matrix?
    [constraints.append(X[i, i] == 1.0) for i in range(E)]

    obj = Minimize(trace(X) + norm(Noise))
    prob = Problem(obj, constraints)

    #total_cost = prob.solve(solver='SCS',verbose=True, eps=1e-10)
    #total_cost = prob.solve(solver='CVXOPT',verbose=True,
    #                        abstol=1e-10, reltol=1e-8, feastol=1e-10,
    #                        kktsolver="robust")
    total_cost = prob.solve(solver='CVXOPT',
    if X.value is not None:
        return X.value, Noise.value
コード例 #23
    def test_partial_optimize_numeric_fn(self):
        x, y = Variable(), Variable()
        xval = 4

        # Solve the (simple) two-stage problem by "combining" the two stages
        # (i.e., by solving a single linear program)
        p1 = Problem(Minimize(y), [xval + y >= 3])

        # Solve the two-stage problem via partial_optimize
        constr = [y >= -100]
        p2 = Problem(Minimize(y), [x + y >= 3] + constr)
        g = partial_optimize(p2, [y], [x])
        x.value = xval
        y.value = 42
        constr[0].dual_variables[0].value = 42
        result = g.value
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result, p1.value)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(y.value, 42)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(constr[0].dual_value, 42)

        # No variables optimized over.
        p2 = Problem(Minimize(y), [x + y >= 3])
        g = partial_optimize(p2, [], [x, y])
        x.value = xval
        y.value = 42
        p2.constraints[0].dual_variables[0].value = 42
        result = g.value
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result, y.value)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(y.value, 42)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(p2.constraints[0].dual_value, 42)
コード例 #24
def mcFrobSolveRightFactor_cvx(U, M_Omega, mask, **kwargs):
    A solver for the right factor, V, in the problem 
        min FrobNorm( P_Omega(U * V.T - M) )
    where U is an m-by-r matrix, V an n-by-r matrix.
    M_Omega is the set of observed entries in matrix form, while
    mask is a Boolean array with 1/True-valued entries corresponding 
    to those indices that were observed.

    This function is computed using the CVXPY package (and 
    thus is likely to be slower than a straight iterative 
    least squares solver).
    # Options
    returnObjectiveValue = kwargs.get('returnObjectiveValue', False)
    solver = kwargs.get('solver', SCS)
    verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False)

    if isinstance(verbose, int):
        if verbose > 1:
            verbose = True
            verbose = False

    # Parameters
    n = mask.shape[1]
    r = U.shape[1]

    Omega_i, Omega_j = matIndicesFromMask(mask)

    # Problem
    V_T = Variable(r, n)
    obj = Minimize(cvxnorm(cvxvec((U @ V_T)[Omega_i, Omega_j]) - M_Omega))
    prob = Problem(obj)
    prob.solve(solver=solver, verbose=verbose)
    V = V_T.value.T
    if returnObjectiveValue:
        return (V, prob.value)
        return V
コード例 #25
    def test_value_at_risk(self):
        # Create problem data.
        n = numpy.random.randint(1,10)
        pbar = numpy.random.randn(n)
        Sigma = numpy.eye(n)
        p = NormalRandomVariable(pbar,Sigma)

        o = numpy.ones((n,1))
        beta = 0.05
        num_samples = 50

        # Create and solve optimization problem.
        x = Variable(n)
        p1 = Problem(Minimize(-x.T*pbar), [prob(-x.T*p >= 0, num_samples) <= beta, x.T*o == 1, x >= -0.1])

        # Create and solve analytic form of optimization problem (as a check).
        p2 = Problem(Minimize(-x.T*pbar),
                     [x.T*pbar >= scipy.stats.norm.ppf(1-beta) * norm2(sqrtm(Sigma) * x), x.T*o == 1, x >= -0.1])

        tol = 0.1
        if numpy.abs(p1.value - p2.value) < tol:
コード例 #26
    def test_quad_over_lin(self):
        """Test quad_over_lin atom.
        P = np.array([[10, 1j], [-1j, 10]])
        X = Variable((2, 2), complex=True)
        b = 1
        y = Variable(complex=False)

        value = cvx.quad_over_lin(P, b).value
        expr = cvx.quad_over_lin(X, y)
        prob = Problem(cvx.Minimize(expr), [X == P, y == b])
        result = prob.solve(solver=cvx.SCS,
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result, value, places=3)

        expr = cvx.quad_over_lin(X - P, y)
        prob = Problem(cvx.Minimize(expr), [y == b])
        result = prob.solve(solver=cvx.SCS,
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0, places=3)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, P, places=3)
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_stochastic.py プロジェクト: mmargenot/cvxstoc
    def test_multistage(self):
        # Create problem data.
        b = 10
        s = 25
        r = 5

        d_probs = [0.3, 0.7]
        d_vals = [55, 141]
        d = RandomVariableFactory().create_categorical_rv(d_vals, d_probs)

        u = 150

        # Create optimization variables.
        x = Variable()
        y1, y2 = Variable(), Variable()
        y3, y4 = Variable(), Variable()

        # Create third stage problem.
        p3 = Problem(Minimize(-s * y3 - r * y4),
                     [y3 + y4 <= x, 0 <= y3, y3 <= d, y4 >= 0])
        Q2 = partial_optimize(p3, [y3, y4])

        # Create second stage problem.
        p2 = Problem(
            Minimize(-s * y1 - r * y2 + expectation(Q2, want_de=True)),
            [y1 + y2 <= x, 0 <= y1, y1 <= d, y2 >= 0])
        Q1 = partial_optimize(p2, [y1, y2])

        # Create and solve first stage problem.
        p1 = Problem(Minimize(b * x + expectation(Q1, want_de=True)),
                     [0 <= x, x <= u])

コード例 #28
    def test_socp(self):
        """Test SOCP problems.
        for solver in self.solvers:
            # Basic.
            p = Problem(Minimize(self.b), [pnorm(self.x, p=2) <= self.b])
            pmod = Problem(Minimize(self.b), [SOC(self.b, self.x)])
            p_new = ConeMatrixStuffing().apply(pmod)
            if not solver.accepts(p_new[0]):
            result = p.solve(solver.name())
            sltn = solver.solve(p_new[0], False, False, {})
            self.assertAlmostEqual(sltn.opt_val, result)
            inv_sltn = ConeMatrixStuffing().invert(sltn, p_new[1])
            self.assertAlmostEqual(inv_sltn.opt_val, result)
            for var in p.variables():

            # More complex.
            p = Problem(Minimize(self.b), [
                pnorm(self.x / 2 + self.y[:2], p=2) <= self.b + 5, self.x >= 1,
                self.y == 5
            pmod = Problem(Minimize(self.b), [
                SOC(self.b + 5, self.x / 2 + self.y[:2]), self.x >= 1, self.y
                == 5
            result = p.solve(solver.name())
            p_new = ConeMatrixStuffing().apply(pmod)
            sltn = solver.solve(p_new[0], False, False, {})
            self.assertAlmostEqual(sltn.opt_val, result, places=2)
            inv_sltn = ConeMatrixStuffing().invert(sltn, p_new[1])
            self.assertAlmostEqual(inv_sltn.opt_val, result, places=2)
            for var in p.variables():
コード例 #29
    def smooth_ridge(self, solver):
        n = 500
        k = 50
        eta = 1

        A = numpy.ones((k, n))
        b = numpy.ones((k, 1))
        obj = sum_squares(A * self.xsr -
                          b) + eta * sum_squares(self.xsr[:-1] - self.xsr[1:])
        p = Problem(Minimize(obj), [])
        s = self.solve_QP(p, solver)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0, s.opt_val)
コード例 #30
    def test_robust_svm(self):
        # Create problem data.
        m = 100  # num train points
        m_pos = math.floor(m / 2)
        m_neg = m - m_pos

        n = 2  # num dimensions
        mu_pos = 2 * numpy.ones(n)
        mu_neg = -2 * numpy.ones(n)
        sigma = 1
        X = numpy.matrix(
            numpy.vstack((mu_pos + sigma * numpy.random.randn(m_pos, n),
                          mu_neg + sigma * numpy.random.randn(m_neg, n))))

        y = numpy.hstack((numpy.ones(m_pos), -1 * numpy.ones(m_neg)))

        C = 1  # regularization trade-off parameter
        ns = 50
        eta = 0.1

        # Create and solve optimization problem.
        w, b, xi = Variable(n), Variable(), NonNegative(m)

        constr = []
        Sigma = 0.1 * numpy.eye(n)
        for i in range(m):
            mu = numpy.array(X[i])[0]
            x = NormalRandomVariable(mu, Sigma)
            chance = prob(-y[i] * (w.T * x + b) >= (xi[i] - 1), ns)
            constr += [chance <= eta]

        p = Problem(Minimize(norm(w, 2) + C * sum_entries(xi)), constr)

        w_new = w.value
        b_new = b.value

        # Create and solve the canonical SVM problem.
        constr = []
        for i in range(m):
            constr += [y[i] * (X[i] * w + b) >= (1 - xi[i])]

        p2 = Problem(Minimize(norm(w, 2) + C * sum_entries(xi)), constr)

        w_old = w.value
        b_old = b.value

コード例 #31
ファイル: test_domain.py プロジェクト: rileyjmurray/cvxpy
    def test_power(self) -> None:
        """Test domain for power.
        opts = {'eps': 1e-8, 'max_iters': 100000}
        dom = cp.sqrt(self.a).domain
        Problem(Minimize(self.a), dom).solve(solver=cp.SCS, **opts)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.a.value, 0)

        dom = cp.square(self.a).domain
        Problem(Minimize(self.a), dom + [self.a >= -100]).solve(solver=cp.SCS,
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.a.value, -100)

        dom = ((self.a)**-1).domain
        Problem(Minimize(self.a), dom + [self.a >= -100]).solve(solver=cp.SCS,
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.a.value, 0)

        dom = ((self.a)**3).domain
        Problem(Minimize(self.a), dom + [self.a >= -100]).solve(solver=cp.SCS,
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.a.value, 0)
コード例 #32
def calc_Input_Koopman(Kol,Yf,Yp,Up,flag=1,lambda_val=0.0):
    solver_instance = cvxpy.SCS;
    Ki = None;
    if flag==1: # moore penrose inverse, plain ol' least squares input-Koopman
        #Yp_inv = np.dot(np.transpose(Yp_final), np.linalg.inv( np.dot(Yp_final,np.transpose(Yp_final)) )   );
        Yfprime = Yf-np.dot(Kol,Yp)
        Up_inv = np.linalg.pinv(Up);
        Ki = np.dot(Yfprime,Up_inv);

    if flag ==2: # cvx optimization approach - L2 + L1 lasso 
        norm1_term = 0.0;
        all_col_handles = [None]*Up.shape[0]
        for i in range(0,Up.shape[0]):
            all_col_handles[i] = Variable(shape=(Yf.shape[0],1)) ;#Variable(shape=(Yf.shape[0],1) );
        #    if norm1_term < cvxpy.norm(all_col_handles[i],p=1):
        #        norm1_term = cvxpy.norm(all_col_handles[i],p=1);
            #norm1_term =  cvxpy.max(cvxpy.hstack( [norm1_term,cvxpy.norm(all_col_handles[i],p=1) ])  );
        operator = cvxpy.hstack(all_col_handles);
        norm1_term =cvxpy.norm( operator,p=1);
        #operator = all_col_handles[0];
        #for i in range(1,Yf.shape[0]):
        #    operator = cvxpy.hstack([operator,all_col_handles[i]]);
        #print("[INFO]: CVXPY Koopman operator variable: " +repr(operator.shape));
        #print("[INFO]: Yf.shape in calc_Koopman: " + repr(Yf.shape));
        #print("[INFO]: Yp.shape in calc_Koopman: " + repr(Yp.shape));
        Yfprime = Yf-np.dot(Kol,Yp)
        norm2_fit_term = cvxpy.norm(cvxpy.norm(Yfprime-operator*Up,p=2,axis=0),p=2);
        objective = Minimize(norm2_fit_term + lambda_val*norm1_term)
        constraints = [];
        prob = Problem(objective,constraints);
        result = prob.solve(verbose=True,solver=solver_instance,max_iters=np.int(1e7))#,reltol=1e-10,abstol=1e-10);
        print("[INFO]: Finished executing cvx solver, printing CVXPY problem status")
        Ki = operator.value;
    return Ki;
コード例 #33
ファイル: test_qp.py プロジェクト: jleamer/convex-polarimetry
    def smooth_ridge(self, solver):
        n = 200
        k = 50
        eta = 1

        A = np.ones((k, n))
        b = np.ones((k))
        obj = sum_squares(A*self.xsr - b) + \
        p = Problem(Minimize(obj), [])
        self.solve_QP(p, solver)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0, p.value, places=4)
コード例 #34
 def test_nonneg_constraints_backend(self):
     x = Variable(shape=(2,), name='x')
     objective = Maximize(-4 * x[0] - 5 * x[1])
     constr_expr = hstack([3 - (2 * x[0] + x[1]),
                           3 - (x[0] + 2 * x[1]),
     constraints = [NonNeg(constr_expr)]
     prob = Problem(objective, constraints)
     p_min = FlipObjective().apply(prob)
def calculate_charging_schedule(normalized_demand, maximum_charging_rate, power_req, plug_in_time,
                                plug_out_time, previous_schedule):

    # Define variables for new charging rates during each time slot
    # new_schedule = V(T)

    length = int(np.ceil(power_req/maximum_charging_rate))

    A = plug_out_time - length - plug_in_time + 1
    rate = np.zeros(shape=(A, T))
    for i in range(A):
        for t in range(A, A+length):
            rate[i][t] = maximum_charging_rate

    rate_new = np.transpose(rate)
    new_schedule = V(T)

    # probability = np.empty(A)
    # probability.fill(1/A)
    # prob = np.transpose(probability)

    # prod = rate_new.dot(prob)
    # print(normalized_demand)
    # print(prod)

    # Define Objective functio
    objective = MIN( SS((normalized_demand - new_schedule) + (new_schedule - previous_schedule) ) )

    # Define constraints list
    constraints = []

    # Solve the problem
    prob = PB(objective, constraints)

    # Solution
    result = (new_schedule.value).tolist()
    return result
コード例 #36
ファイル: test_stochastic.py プロジェクト: mmargenot/cvxstoc
    def test_news_vendor(self):
        # Create problem data.
        c, s, r, b = 10, 25, 5, 150
        d_probs = [0.5, 0.5]
        d_vals = [55, 139]
        d = CategoricalRandomVariable(d_vals, d_probs)

        # Create optimization variables.
        x = NonNegative()
        y, z = NonNegative(), NonNegative()

        # Create second stage problem.
        obj = -s * y - r * z
        constrs = [y + z <= x,
                   z <= d]  # Putting these constrs in breaks the test:
        # y<=d, z<=d
        p2 = Problem(Minimize(obj), constrs)
        Q = partial_optimize(p2, [y, z], [x])

        # Create and solve first stage problem
        p1 = Problem(Minimize(c * x + expectation(Q, want_de=True)), [x <= b])

        # Solve problem the old way (i.e., deterministic equivalent) as a check.
        x = Variable()

        y1 = Variable()
        y2 = Variable()

        z1 = Variable()
        z2 = Variable()

        p3 = Problem(
            Minimize(c * x + 0.5 * (-r * y1 - s * z1) + 0.5 *
                     (-r * y2 - s * z2)), [
                         0 <= x, x <= b, 0 <= y1, 0 <= z1, 0 <= y2, 0 <= z2,
                         y1 + z1 <= x, y2 + z2 <= x
                     ])  # Putting these constrs in breaks the test:
        # y1 <= 55, y2 <= 139, z1 <= 55, z2 <= 139

        self.assertAlmostEqual(p1.value, p3.value, 4)
コード例 #37
ファイル: markowitz.py プロジェクト: dan0712/django-app
def markowitz_optimizer_2(mu, sigma, m, alpha, lam=1):
    Implementation of a long only mean-variance optimizer based
        on Markowitz's Portfolio
    Construction method:


    This function relies on cvxpy.

    Argument Definitions:
    :param mu: 1xn numpy array of expected asset returns
    :param sigma: nxn covariance matrix between asset return time series
    :param m: first m
    :param alpha: percentage of portfolio weight to place in the first m assets
             note that 1-alpha percent of the portfolio weight will be placed
             in (m+1)st through nth asset
    :param lam: optional risk tolerance parameter

    Argument Constraints:
    sigma -- positive semidefinite symmetric matrix
    m     -- m < n
    alpha -- a float between 0 and 1
    lam   -- any non-negative float

    # define variable of weights to be solved for by optimizer
    x = Variable(len(sigma))
    # define Markowitz mean/variance objective function
    objective = Minimize(quad_form(x, sigma) - lam * mu * x)
    constraints = [
        sum_entries(x[0:m]) == alpha,
        sum_entries(x[m::]) == (1 - alpha), x >= 0
    ]  # define long only constraint
    p = Problem(objective, constraints)  # create optimization problem
    L = p.solve()  # solve problem
    return np.array(x.value).flatten()  # return optimal weights
コード例 #38
ファイル: test_domain.py プロジェクト: nicaiseeric/cvxpy
    def test_geo_mean(self):
        """Test domain for geo_mean
        dom = geo_mean(self.x).domain
        prob = Problem(Minimize(sum_entries(self.x)), dom)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, 0)

        # No special case for only one weight.
        dom = geo_mean(self.x, [0, 2]).domain
        dom.append(self.x >= -1)
        prob = Problem(Minimize(sum_entries(self.x)), dom)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(self.x.value, [-1, 0])

        dom = geo_mean(self.z, [0, 1, 1]).domain
        dom.append(self.z >= -1)
        prob = Problem(Minimize(sum_entries(self.z)), dom)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(self.z.value, [-1, 0, 0])
コード例 #39
def compute_node_be_curvature(g, n=None, solver=None, solver_options={}, verbose=False):
    if n is not None:
        if g.degree[n] > 0:
            dgamma2 = construct_dgamma2(g, n, verbose)
            gammax = construct_gammax(g, n)

            dim_b1 = gammax.shape[0]
            dim_b2 = dgamma2.shape[0]
            dim_s2 = dgamma2.shape[0] - gammax.shape[0]

            if verbose:
                print('dim dgamma2 {0}; dim gammax {1}'.format(dim_b2, dim_b1))

            gammax_ext = np.block([
                [gammax, np.zeros((dim_b1, dim_s2))],
                [np.zeros((dim_b1, dim_s2)).T, np.zeros((dim_s2, dim_s2))],

            a = Parameter((dim_b2, dim_b2), value=dgamma2)
            b = Parameter((dim_b2, dim_b2), value=gammax_ext)
            kappa = Variable()
            constraints = [(a - kappa * b >> 0)]

            objective = Maximize(kappa)
            prob = Problem(objective, constraints)
            if verbose:
            prob.solve(solver=solver, **solver_options)
            if verbose:
            return prob.value
            return 0
        r = {n: compute_node_be_curvature(g, n, solver=solver, solver_options=solver_options, verbose=verbose) for n in g.nodes()}
    return r
コード例 #40
    def test_gurobi_time_limit_no_solution(self) -> None:
        """Make sure that if Gurobi terminates due to a time limit before finding a solution:
            1) no error is raised,
            2) solver stats are returned.
            The test is skipped if something changes on Gurobi's side so that:
            - a solution is found despite a time limit of zero,
            - a different termination criteria is hit first.
        from cvxpy import GUROBI
            import gurobipy
            objective = Minimize(self.x[0])
            constraints = [self.x[0] >= 1]
            prob = Problem(objective, constraints)
                prob.solve(solver=GUROBI, TimeLimit=0.0)
            except Exception as e:
                    "An exception %s is raised instead of returning a result."
                    % e)

            extra_stats = None
            solver_stats = getattr(prob, "solver_stats", None)
            if solver_stats:
                extra_stats = getattr(solver_stats, "extra_stats", None)
                            "Solver stats have not been returned.")

            nb_solutions = getattr(extra_stats, "SolCount", None)
            if nb_solutions:
                    "Gurobi has found a solution, the test is not relevant anymore."

            solver_status = getattr(extra_stats, "Status", None)
            if solver_status != gurobipy.StatusConstClass.TIME_LIMIT:
                    "Gurobi terminated for a different reason than reaching time limit, "
                    "the test is not relevant anymore.")

            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
                prob = Problem(Minimize(norm(self.x, 1)), [self.x == 0])
                prob.solve(solver=GUROBI, TimeLimit=0)
                             "The solver %s is not installed." % GUROBI)
コード例 #41
ファイル: test_qp.py プロジェクト: jleamer/convex-polarimetry
    def equivalent_forms_1(self, solver):
        m = 100
        n = 80
        r = 70
        A = np.random.randn(m, n)
        b = np.random.randn(m)
        G = np.random.randn(r, n)
        h = np.random.randn(r)

        obj1 = .1 * sum((A * self.xef - b)**2)
        cons = [G * self.xef == h]

        p1 = Problem(Minimize(obj1), cons)
        self.solve_QP(p1, solver)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(p1.value, 68.1119420108, places=4)
コード例 #42
    def equivalent_forms_1(self, solver):
        m = 100
        n = 80
        r = 70
        A = numpy.random.randn(m, n)
        b = numpy.random.randn(m, 1)
        G = numpy.random.randn(r, n)
        h = numpy.random.randn(r, 1)

        obj1 = sum((A * self.xef - b)**2)
        cons = [G * self.xef == h]

        p1 = Problem(Minimize(obj1), cons)
        s = self.solve_QP(p1, solver)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(s.opt_val, 681.119420108)
コード例 #43
def convert_to_cvxpy(sdp):
    """Convert an SDP relaxation to a CVXPY problem.

    :param sdp: The SDP relaxation to convert.
    :type sdp: :class:`ncpol2sdpa.sdp`.

    :returns: :class:`cvxpy.Problem`.
    from cvxpy import Minimize, Problem, Variable
    row_offsets = [0]
    cumulative_sum = 0
    for block_size in sdp.block_struct:
        cumulative_sum += block_size**2
    x = Variable(sdp.n_vars)
    # The moment matrices are the first blocks of identical size
    constraints = []
    for idx, bs in enumerate(sdp.block_struct):
        nonzero_set = set()
        F = [lil_matrix((bs, bs)) for _ in range(sdp.n_vars + 1)]
        for ri, row in enumerate(
                sdp.F.rows[row_offsets[idx]:row_offsets[idx + 1]],
            block_index, i, j = convert_row_to_sdpa_index(
                sdp.block_struct, row_offsets, ri)
            for col_index, k in enumerate(row):
                value = sdp.F.data[ri][col_index]
                F[k][i, j] = value
                F[k][j, i] = value
        if bs > 1:
            sum_ = sum(F[k] * x[k - 1] for k in nonzero_set if k > 0)
            if not isinstance(sum_, (int, float)):
                if F[0].getnnz() > 0:
                    sum_ += F[0]
                constraints.append(sum_ >> 0)
            sum_ = sum(F[k][0, 0] * x[k - 1] for k in nonzero_set if k > 0)
            if not isinstance(sum_, (int, float)):
                sum_ += F[0][0, 0]
                constraints.append(sum_ >= 0)
    obj = sum(ci * xi for ci, xi in zip(sdp.obj_facvar, x) if ci != 0)
    problem = Problem(Minimize(obj), constraints)
    return problem
コード例 #44
ファイル: test_atoms.py プロジェクト: TPNguyen/cvxpy
    def test_partial_optimize_min_1norm(self):
        # Minimize the 1-norm in the usual way
        dims = 3
        x, t = Variable(dims), Variable(dims)
        p1 = Problem(Minimize(sum_entries(t)), [-t<=x, x<=t])

        # Minimize the 1-norm via partial_optimize
        g = partial_optimize(p1, [t], [x])
        p2 = Problem(Minimize(g))

        self.assertAlmostEqual(p1.value, p2.value)
コード例 #45
ファイル: test_atoms.py プロジェクト: TPNguyen/cvxpy
    def test_partial_optimize_simple_problem(self):
        x, y = Variable(1), Variable(1)

        # Solve the (simple) two-stage problem by "combining" the two stages (i.e., by solving a single linear program)
        p1 = Problem(Minimize(x+y), [x+y>=3, y>=4, x>=5])

        # Solve the two-stage problem via partial_optimize
        p2 = Problem(Minimize(y), [x+y>=3, y>=4])
        g = partial_optimize(p2, [y], [x])
        p3 = Problem(Minimize(x+g), [x>=5])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(p1.value, p3.value)
コード例 #46
    def test_quad_form(self):
        """Test quad_form atom.
        # Create a random positive definite Hermitian matrix for all tests.
        P = np.random.randn(3, 3) - 1j * np.random.randn(3, 3)
        P = np.conj(P.T).dot(P)

        # Solve a problem with real variable
        b = np.arange(3)
        x = Variable(3, complex=False)
        value = cvx.quad_form(b, P).value
        prob = Problem(cvx.Minimize(cvx.quad_form(x, P)), [x == b])
        result = prob.solve()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result, value)

        # Solve a problem with complex variable
        b = np.arange(3) + 3j * (np.arange(3) + 10)
        x = Variable(3, complex=True)
        value = cvx.quad_form(b, P).value
        prob = Problem(cvx.Minimize(cvx.quad_form(x, P)), [x == b])
        result = prob.solve()
        normalization = max(abs(result), abs(value))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result / normalization,
                               value / normalization,

        # Solve a problem with an imaginary variable
        b = 3j * (np.arange(3) + 10)
        x = Variable(3, imag=True)
        value = cvx.quad_form(b, P).value
        expr = cvx.quad_form(x, P)
        prob = Problem(cvx.Minimize(expr), [x == b])
        result = prob.solve()
        normalization = max(abs(result), abs(value))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result / normalization, value / normalization)
コード例 #47
ファイル: test_examples.py プロジェクト: Ayeps/cvxconsensus
	def test_ols(self):
		# Solve the following consensus problem using ADMM:
		# Minimize sum(f_i(x)), where f_i(x) = square(norm(x - a_i))

		# Generate a_i's.
		a = np.random.randn(3,10)
		# Construct separate problems.
		x = Variable(3)
		funcs = [square(norm(x - a_i)) for a_i in a.T]
		p_list = [Problem(Minimize(f_i)) for f_i in funcs]
		probs = Problems(p_list)
		# Solve via consensus.
		probs.solve(method = "consensus", rho_init = 5, max_iter = 50)
		print("Objective:", probs.value)
		print("Solution:", x.value)
コード例 #48
ファイル: test_atoms.py プロジェクト: alnurali/cvxpy
    def test_partial_optimize_eval_1norm(self):
        # Evaluate the 1-norm in the usual way (i.e., in epigraph form).
        dims = 3
        x, t = Variable(dims), Variable(dims)
        xval = [-5]*dims
        p1 = Problem(Minimize(sum_entries(t)), [-t<=xval, xval<=t])

        # Minimize the 1-norm via partial_optimize.
        p2 = Problem(Minimize(sum_entries(t)), [-t<=x, x<=t])
        g = partial_optimize(p2, [t], [x])
        p3 = Problem(Minimize(g(xval)), [])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(p1.value, p3.value)
コード例 #49
    def test_robust_svm(self):
        # Create problem data.
        m = 100                                                 # num train points
        m_pos = math.floor(m/2)
        m_neg = m - m_pos

        n = 2 # num dimensions
        mu_pos = 2*numpy.ones(n)
        mu_neg = -2*numpy.ones(n)
        sigma = 1
        X = numpy.matrix(numpy.vstack((mu_pos + sigma*numpy.random.randn(m_pos,n),
                                       mu_neg + sigma*numpy.random.randn(m_neg,n))))

        y = numpy.hstack((numpy.ones(m_pos), -1*numpy.ones(m_neg)))

        C = 1                                                   # regularization trade-off parameter
        ns = 50
        eta = 0.1

        # Create and solve optimization problem.
        w, b, xi = Variable(n), Variable(), NonNegative(m)

        constr = []
        Sigma = 0.1*numpy.eye(n)
        for i in range(m):
            mu = numpy.array(X[i])[0]
            x = NormalRandomVariable(mu, Sigma)
            chance = prob(-y[i]*(w.T*x+b) >= (xi[i]-1), ns)
            constr += [chance <= eta]

        p = Problem(Minimize(norm(w,2) + C*sum_entries(xi)),

        w_new = w.value
        b_new = b.value

        # Create and solve the canonical SVM problem.
        constr = []
        for i in range(m):
            constr += [y[i]*(X[i]*w+b) >= (1-xi[i])]

        p2 = Problem(Minimize(norm(w,2) + C*sum_entries(xi)), constr)

        w_old = w.value
        b_old = b.value

コード例 #50
ファイル: test_atoms.py プロジェクト: TPNguyen/cvxpy
    def test_partial_optimize_params(self):
        """Test partial optimize with parameters.
        x, y = Variable(1), Variable(1)
        gamma = Parameter()
        # Solve the (simple) two-stage problem by "combining" the two stages (i.e., by solving a single linear program)
        p1 = Problem(Minimize(x+y), [x+y>=gamma, y>=4, x>=5])
        gamma.value = 3

        # Solve the two-stage problem via partial_optimize
        p2 = Problem(Minimize(y), [x+y>=gamma, y>=4])
        g = partial_optimize(p2, [y], [x])
        p3 = Problem(Minimize(x+g), [x>=5])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(p1.value, p3.value)
コード例 #51
ファイル: ilp_solver.py プロジェクト: GroundPound/PyExZ3
def main():
    argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Solves for the optimal set of queries to attempt in order to "
                                                    "maximize coverage during a symbolic execution.")
    argparser.add_argument('explorationgraph', help="The serialized exploration graph on which to solve the best "
                                                    "scheduling strategy.")
    argparser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', help="Enables debugging output.", action="store_true")
    argparser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help="Enables verbose output. Debugging output includes verbose output.",

    args = argparser.parse_args()

    debuglogging = args.debug
    verboselogging = args.verbose

    if debuglogging:
        loglevel = logging.DEBUG
    elif verboselogging:
        loglevel = logging.INFO
        loglevel = logging.WARNING

    FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s : %(message)s'
    logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=loglevel, format=FORMAT, datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')

    graph = pickle.load(open(args.explorationgraph, 'rb'))

    root = graph.root_constraint

    exploration_timeout = 0.1
    maximize_code = True
    maximize_branch = False
    assert(maximize_code != maximize_branch)

    ilp_constraints = []

    # Create constraint variables
    path_constraints = {} # {Constraint.id : ilp_constraint_id}
    for path_constraint in all_path_constraints(root):
        path_constraints[path_constraint.id] = len(path_constraints)
    ilp_path_constraints = Int(len(path_constraints))
    for ilp_path_constraint in ilp_path_constraints:
        ilp_constraints.append(ilp_path_constraint <= 1)
        ilp_constraints.append(ilp_path_constraint >= 0)

    # Create branch coverage variables
    if maximize_branch:
        branch_coverage = {} # {(filename, arc_origin, arc_dest) : ilp_branch_id}
        for path_constraint in all_path_constraints(root):
            for filename, arcs in path_constraint.branches_covered.items():
                for arc in arcs:
                    arc_origin, arc_dest = arc
                    if (filename, arc_origin, arc_dest) not in branch_coverage:
                        branch_coverage[(filename, arc_origin, arc_dest)] = len(branch_coverage)
        ilp_branches = Int(len(branch_coverage))
        for ilp_branch in ilp_branches:
            ilp_constraints.append(ilp_branch <= 1)
            ilp_constraints.append(ilp_branch >= 0)

    # Create code coverage variables
    if maximize_code:
        code_coverage = {} # {(filename, line): ilp_code_id}
        for path_constraint in all_path_constraints(root):
            for filename, lines in path_constraint.lines_covered.items():
                for line in lines:
                    if (filename, line) not in code_coverage:
                        code_coverage[(filename, line)] = len(code_coverage)
        ilp_code_lines = Int(len(code_coverage))
        for ilp_code_line in ilp_code_lines:
            ilp_constraints.append(ilp_code_line <= 1)
            ilp_constraints.append(ilp_code_line >= 0)

    # Calculate response times
    response_times = {} # {Constraint.id : response_time}
    for path_constraint in all_path_constraints(root):
        if path_constraint.parent is not None and path_constraint.parent.inputs == path_constraint.inputs:
            response_times[path_constraint.id] = 0.
            response_times[path_constraint.id] = path_constraint.solving_time

    # Constraint 1: Total solve time
    total_solve_time = 0
    for path_constraint_id, ilp_path_constraint_id in path_constraints.items():
        total_solve_time += ilp_path_constraints[ilp_path_constraint_id]*response_times[path_constraint_id]
    ilp_constraints.append(total_solve_time <= exploration_timeout)

    # Constraint 2: Seed input
    ilp_constraints.append(ilp_path_constraints[0] == 1)

    # Constraint 3: Branch discovery
    for path_constraint in all_path_constraints(root):
        parent = path_constraint.parent
        if parent is not None:
            # The constraint is only in the schedule if its parent is in the schedule
            ilp_constraints.append(ilp_path_constraints[path_constraints[path_constraint.id]] <= ilp_path_constraints[path_constraints[parent.id]])
            if extract_model(parent) == extract_model(path_constraint):
                ilp_constraints.append(ilp_path_constraints[path_constraints[path_constraint.id]] == ilp_path_constraints[path_constraints[parent.id]])

    # Constraint 4: Coverage
    ## A path constraint is "covering" a branch if the input that discovers the path constraint covers the branch.
    if maximize_branch:
        for branch, ilp_branch_var in branch_coverage.items():
            covering_path_constraints = 0
            for path_constraint in all_path_constraints(root):
                filename, arc_origin, arc_dest = branch
                if (arc_origin, arc_dest) in path_constraint.branches_covered.get(filename, set()):
                    covering_path_constraints += ilp_path_constraints[path_constraints[path_constraint.id]]
            assert(type(covering_path_constraints) != int)
            ilp_constraints.append(ilp_branches[ilp_branch_var] <= covering_path_constraints)

    if maximize_code:
        for code_line, ilp_code_line_var in code_coverage.items():
            covering_path_constraints = 0
            for path_constraint in all_path_constraints(root):
                filename, line = code_line
                if line in path_constraint.lines_covered.get(filename, set()):
                    covering_path_constraints += ilp_path_constraints[path_constraints[path_constraint.id]]
            assert(type(covering_path_constraints) != int)
            ilp_constraints.append(ilp_code_lines[ilp_code_line_var] <= covering_path_constraints)

    if maximize_branch:
        objective = Maximize(sum_entries(ilp_branches)) # Maximize branch coverage
    if maximize_code:
        objective = Maximize(sum_entries(ilp_code_lines)) # Maximize code coverage
    problem = Problem(objective, ilp_constraints)


    # Correctness assertions
    ## All constraints are 0 or 1 indicator variables
    for ilp_path_constraint_var in path_constraints.values():
        assert(0 <= round(ilp_path_constraints[ilp_path_constraint_var].value) <= 1)

    ## All branch coverage variables are 0 or 1
    if maximize_branch:
        for ilp_branch_var in branch_coverage.values():
            assert(0 <= round(ilp_branches[ilp_branch_var].value) <= 1)

    ## All code coverage variables are 0 or 1
    if maximize_code:
        for ilp_code_line_var in code_coverage.values():
            assert(0 <= round(ilp_code_lines[ilp_code_line_var].value) <= 1)

    ## Initial values are in the schedule and they have a response time of 0
    assert(round(ilp_path_constraints[path_constraints[0]].value) == 1)
    assert(response_times[path_constraints[0]] == 0)

    ## Constraints are discovered if used
    for path_constraint_id, ilp_path_constraint_var in path_constraints.items():
        if round(ilp_path_constraints[ilp_path_constraint_var].value) == 1:
            for path_constraint in all_path_constraints(root):
                if path_constraint.id == path_constraint_id and path_constraint.parent is not None:
                    assert(round(ilp_path_constraints[path_constraints[path_constraint.parent.id]].value) == 1)

    ## If input is used in constraint, then all constraints from that input are used as well
    for path_constraint_id, ilp_path_constraint_var in path_constraints.items():
        if round(ilp_path_constraints[ilp_path_constraint_var].value) == 1:
            path_constraint_input = None
            for path_constraint in all_path_constraints(root):
                if path_constraint_id == path_constraint.id:
                    path_constraint_input = extract_model(path_constraint)
            assert(path_constraint_input is not None or path_constraint_id == 0)
            for path_constraint in all_path_constraints(root):
                if extract_model(path_constraint) == path_constraint_input:
                    assert(round(ilp_path_constraints[path_constraints[path_constraint.id]].value) == 1)

    ## Branch coverage comes from discovered constraints
    if maximize_branch:
        for branch, ilp_branch_var in branch_coverage.items():
            if round(ilp_branches[ilp_branch_var].value) == 1:
                filename, arc_origin, arc_dest = branch
                assert(any((arc_origin, arc_dest) in path_constraint.branches_covered.get(filename, set()) for path_constraint
                           in all_path_constraints(root) if round(ilp_path_constraints[path_constraints[path_constraint.id]].value) == 1))

    ## Code coverage comes from discovered constraints
    if maximize_code:
        for code_line, ilp_code_line_var in code_coverage.items():
            if round(ilp_code_lines[ilp_code_line_var].value) == 1:
                filename, line = code_line
                assert(any(line in path_constraint.lines_covered.get(filename, set()) for path_constraint
                           in all_path_constraints(root) if round(ilp_path_constraints[path_constraints[path_constraint.id]].value) == 1))

    optimal_constraint_ids = set() # {Constraint.id}
    optimal_inputs = {} # {inputs : solving_time}
    optimal_branches = {} # {(source_file: str) : {(origin_line: int, dest_line: int)}}
    optimal_lines = {} # {(source_file: str) : {line: int}}
    for path_constraint_id, var_index in path_constraints.items():
        if bool(round(ilp_path_constraints[var_index].value)):

    for path_constraint in all_path_constraints(root):
        if path_constraint.id in optimal_constraint_ids and not extract_model(path_constraint) is None:
            optimal_inputs[extract_model(path_constraint)] = path_constraint.solving_time
            for file, branches in path_constraint.branches_covered.items():
                if file in optimal_branches:
                    optimal_branches[file] |= branches
                    optimal_branches[file] = set(branches)
            for file, lines in path_constraint.lines_covered.items():
                if file in optimal_lines:
                    optimal_lines[file] |= lines
                    optimal_lines[file] = set(lines)

    print("Solver CPU: {} seconds".format(sum(optimal_inputs.values())))
    print("Path coverage: {} paths".format(len(optimal_inputs)))
    print("Line coverage: {} lines".format(sum(len(lines) for file, lines in optimal_lines.items())))
    print("Branch coverage: {} branches".format(sum(len(branches) for file, branches in optimal_branches.items())))
コード例 #52
ファイル: test_atoms.py プロジェクト: TPNguyen/cvxpy
 def test_nonnegative_variable(self):
     x = NonNegative()
     p = Problem(Minimize(5+x),[x>=3])
コード例 #53
ファイル: hm3_data.py プロジェクト: rayjim/cvxpy
rohs = rohs[idx[0]]
A3 = vstack([A,identity(m)*sqrt(rohs)])
b3  = vstack([ones((n,1)),sqrt(rohs)*0.5*ones((m,1))])
p_ls_reg = np.linalg.lstsq(A3, b3)[0]
val_ls_reg = np.max(np.abs(log(A*matrix(p_ls_reg))))
print p_ls_reg
print val_ls_reg

#solution 4 chebyshev approximation
from cvxpy import Minimize, normInf, Variable, Problem, inv_pos

x=Variable (m,1)
objective = Minimize(normInf(matrix(A)*x-ones((n,1))))
constraints =[x>=0,x<=1]
pro = Problem(objective, constraints) 
result = pro.solve()
print x.value
val_ls_chev = np.max(np.abs(log(A*matrix(x.value))))
print val_ls_chev

#solution 5 cvxpy

from cvxpy import max
y=Variable (m,1)
Am = matrix(A)
qq = [max(Am[i,:]*y,inv_pos(Am[i,:]*y)) for i in range(n)]
objective1 = Minimize(max(*qq))
constraints1 =[y>=0,y<=1]
pro1 = Problem(objective1, constraints1) 
result1 = pro1.solve()
コード例 #54
ファイル: test_atoms.py プロジェクト: TPNguyen/cvxpy
    def test_partial_optimize_eval_1norm(self):
        # Evaluate the 1-norm in the usual way (i.e., in epigraph form).
        dims = 3
        x, t = Variable(dims), Variable(dims)
        xval = [-5]*dims
        p1 = Problem(Minimize(sum_entries(t)), [-t<=xval, xval<=t])

        # Minimize the 1-norm via partial_optimize.
        p2 = Problem(Minimize(sum_entries(t)), [-t<=x, x<=t])
        g = partial_optimize(p2, [t], [x])
        p3 = Problem(Minimize(g), [x == xval])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(p1.value, p3.value)

        # Try leaving out args.

        # Minimize the 1-norm via partial_optimize.
        g = partial_optimize(p2, opt_vars=[t])
        p3 = Problem(Minimize(g), [x == xval])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(p1.value, p3.value)

        # Minimize the 1-norm via partial_optimize.
        g = partial_optimize(p2, dont_opt_vars=[x])
        p3 = Problem(Minimize(g), [x == xval])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(p1.value, p3.value)

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            g = partial_optimize(p2)
            "partial_optimize called with neither opt_vars nor dont_opt_vars.")

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            g = partial_optimize(p2, [], [x])
            ("If opt_vars and new_opt_vars are both specified, "
             "they must contain all variables in the problem.")
コード例 #55
ファイル: hw5_3.py プロジェクト: rayjim/python_proj
from cvxpy import Minimize, Variable, Problem, max, abs, sum
import numpy as np

n = 3
N = 30
A = np.matrix([[-1, 0.4, 0.8], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]])
b = np.matrix([1, 0, 0.3]).T
x0 = zeros((n, 1))
xdes = np.matrix([7, 2, -6]).T
x = Variable(n, N + 1)
u = Variable(1, N)
objective = Minimize(sum(max(abs(u), 2 * abs(u) - 1)))
constraints1 = [x[:, 1 : N + 1] == A * x[:, 0:N] + b * u]
constraints2 = [x[:, 0] == x0]
constraints3 = [x[:, N] == xdes]
constraints = constraints1 + constraints2 + constraints3
prob1 = Problem(objective, constraints)
print u.value
step(range(30), u.value.T)
コード例 #56
ファイル: inventory.py プロジェクト: dave31415/inventory
def create_schedule(n_days, inventory_start,
                    n_totes_washed_start, pars=None,
                    do_plot=True, verbose=True):
    Demo an optimal supply chain scheduling with variable
    labor costs, and the concept of totes that hold a number of
    products. Totes need to be cleaned on a regular basis.
    :param pars: parameters from create_default_params
    :param do_plot: True if you want a plot created (default)
    :return: None
    if pars is None:
        pars = create_default_params()

    days = np.arange(n_days)

    print 'creating demand'
    demand = create_demand(days)
    labor_costs = get_labor_costs(days, pars)

    # define variables which keep track of
    # production, inventory and number of totes washed per day

    print 'defining variables'
    production = Variable(n_days)
    sales = Variable(n_days)
    inventory = Variable(n_days)
    n_totes_washed = Variable(n_days)

    print 'calculating costs and profit'
    # calculate when the totes that were washed become dirty again
    shift_matrix = mu.time_shift_matrix(n_days,

    n_totes_become_dirty = (shift_matrix*n_totes_washed)[:n_days]

    # calculate the number of clean totes on any day
    cum_matrix = mu.cumulative_matrix(n_days)

    n_washed_totes_available = n_totes_washed_start \
        + cum_matrix*(n_totes_washed - n_totes_become_dirty)

    print 'calculating total cost'

    # Minimize total cost which is
    # sum of labor costs, storage costs and washing costs

    total_cost = production.T*labor_costs + \
                 pars['storage_cost'] * sum(inventory) + \
                 pars['washing_tote_cost'] * sum(n_totes_washed)

    total_profit = pars['sales_price']*sum(sales)-total_cost

    print 'defining objective'
    objective = Maximize(total_profit)

    # Subject to these constraints

    constraints = make_constraints(production, sales, inventory, pars,
                                   n_totes_washed, demand, inventory_start)

    # define the problem and solve it

    problem = Problem(objective, constraints)

    solver = 'cvxpy'
    print 'solving with: %s' % solver
    start = time()

    finish = time()
    run_time = finish - start
    print 'Solve time: %s seconds' % run_time

    print "Status: %s" % problem.status
    if problem.status == 'infeasible':
        print "Problem is infeasible, no solution found"

    n_items_sold = sum(sales.value)
    total_cost = problem.value
    total_washing_cost = pars['washing_tote_cost']*sum(n_totes_washed.value)
    total_labor_cost = (production.T*labor_costs).value
    total_storage_cost = sum(inventory.value)*pars['storage_cost']
    total_cost_per_item = problem.value/n_items_sold

    print "Total cost: %s" % total_cost
    print "Total labor cost: %s" % total_labor_cost
    print "Total washing cost: %s" % total_washing_cost
    print "Total storage cost: %s" % total_storage_cost
    print "Total cost/item: %s" % total_cost_per_item
    print "Total profit: %s" % total_profit.value

    if do_plot:
        plot_variables(days, production, inventory, sales, demand,
コード例 #57
ファイル: acent.py プロジェクト: heath9/cvxpy
from cvxpy import Variable, Problem, Minimize, log
import cvxopt

cvxopt.solvers.options['show_progress'] = False

# create problem data
m, n = 5, 10
A = cvxopt.normal(m,n)
tmp = cvxopt.uniform(n,1)
b = A*tmp

x = Variable(n)

p = Problem(
    [A*x == b]
status = p.solve()
cvxpy_x = x.value

def acent(A, b):
    m, n = A.size
    def F(x=None, z=None):
        if x is None: return 0, cvxopt.matrix(1.0, (n,1))
        if min(x) <= 0.0: return None
        f = -sum(cvxopt.log(x))
        Df = -(x**-1).T
        if z is None: return f, Df
        H = cvxopt.spdiag(z[0] * x**-2)
        return f, Df, H
    sol = cvxopt.solvers.cp(F, A=A, b=b)
コード例 #58
def WaypointsToWeights(waypts):
        ## fit a polynomial from a set of basis functions to estimate a N-dim curve

        Ndim = waypts.shape[0]
        Nsamples = waypts.shape[1]

        ## discretization of trajectory
        M = 500 ## points on precomputed functions
        K = 500  ## number of precomputed basis functions
        plotFunctionalSpace = True

        if M < Nsamples:
                print "ERROR: more waypoints than discretization, abord"

        constraints = []
        print np.around(waypts,2)

        T = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,M)
        F = Fpoly(T,K)
        dF = dFpoly(T,K)
        #F = Fchebyshev(T,K)
        #dF = dFchebyshev(T,K)

        print np.around(F,decimals=2)
        Weights = Variable(K,Ndim)

        if plotFunctionalSpace:
                plt.title('Basis Functions')
                Kp = min(10,K)
                print T.shape,F.shape
                for i in range(0,Kp):
                        plt.subplot(Kp, 1, i)
        #print np.around(F,decimals=2)

        dw = 1.0/float(Nsamples-1)
        Twpt = np.zeros((Nsamples,1))
        for i in range(0,Nsamples):
                tidx = find_nearest_idx(T,i*dw)
                Ftmp = np.reshape(F[:,tidx],(K,1))
                constraints.append(norm(waypts[:,i] - Weights.T*Ftmp) <= 0.01)
                #constraints.append(waypts[:,i] == Weights.T*Ftmp)

        ## add smoothing condition
        for t in T[1:]:
                tidx = find_nearest_idx(T,t)
                Ftmp0 = np.reshape(F[:,tidx-1],(K,1))
                Ftmp1 = np.reshape(F[:,tidx],(K,1))
                constraints.append(norm(Weights.T*Ftmp0 - Weights.T*Ftmp1) <= 0.01)

        if plotFunctionalSpace:
                plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
                plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
                plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)

        objective = Minimize(norm(Weights,1))
        prob = Problem(objective, constraints)

        #result = prob.solve(solver=SCS, use_indirect=True, eps=1e-2, verbose=True)
        #prob.solve(verbose=True, abstol_inacc=1e-2,reltol_inacc=1e-2,max_iters= 300, reltol=1e-2)
        result = prob.solve(solver=SCS, verbose=True)

        if plotFunctionalSpace:
                Y = np.zeros((M,Ndim))
                for t in T:
                        tidx = find_nearest_idx(T,t)
                        Ftmp = np.reshape(F[:,tidx],(K,1))
                        WF = Weights.T.value*Ftmp
                        Y[ctr,0] = WF[0]
                        Y[ctr,1] = WF[1]
                        Y[ctr,2] = WF[2]
                plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
                plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
                plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)


        if not (prob.status == OPTIMAL):
                print "ERROR: infeasible cvx program"

        return [Weights.value,T,F,dF]
コード例 #59
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: rayjim/python_proj
#qp example
from cvxopt import matrix, solvers
from cvxopt.solvers import qp
from cvxpy import Variable
Q = matrix([[1.0,-1/2], [-1/2,2]])
f = matrix([-1.0,0])
A = matrix([[1.0,2],[1,-4],[5,76]])
b = matrix([-2.0,-3,1])

sol = qp(Q,f,A.T,b,None,None)
print sol['x']

from cvxpy import Minimize, Problem,norm2
L = matrix(np.linalg.cholesky(Q))
x = Variable(2,1)
objective = Minimize(norm2(L*x)+f.T*x)
constraints = [A.T*x <= b]
pro1 = Problem(objective, constraints)
print pro1.solve()
print x.value 

#purtube version of QP

コード例 #60
ファイル: cvxpy_.py プロジェクト: stephane-caron/oqp
def cvxpy_solve_qp(P, q, G=None, h=None, A=None, b=None, initvals=None,
    Solve a Quadratic Program defined as:

            (1/2) * x.T * P * x + q.T * x

        subject to
            G * x <= h
            A * x == b

    calling a given solver using the CVXPY <http://www.cvxpy.org/> modelling

    P : array, shape=(n, n)
        Primal quadratic cost matrix.
    q : array, shape=(n,)
        Primal quadratic cost vector.
    G : array, shape=(m, n)
        Linear inequality constraint matrix.
    h : array, shape=(m,)
        Linear inequality constraint vector.
    A : array, shape=(meq, n), optional
        Linear equality constraint matrix.
    b : array, shape=(meq,), optional
        Linear equality constraint vector.
    initvals : array, shape=(n,), optional
        Warm-start guess vector (not used).
    solver : string, optional
        Solver name in ``cvxpy.installed_solvers()``.

    x : array, shape=(n,)
        Solution to the QP, if found, otherwise ``None``.
    if initvals is not None:
        print("CVXPY: note that warm-start values are ignored by wrapper")
    n = q.shape[0]
    x = Variable(n)
    P = Constant(P)  # see http://www.cvxpy.org/en/latest/faq/
    objective = Minimize(0.5 * quad_form(x, P) + q * x)
    constraints = []
    if G is not None:
        constraints.append(G * x <= h)
    if A is not None:
        constraints.append(A * x == b)
    prob = Problem(objective, constraints)
    x_opt = array(x.value).reshape((n,))
    return x_opt