def test_return_tile(): address = spacenetPath with as src: wgs_bounds = utils.get_wgs84_bounds(src) utm_crs = utils.calculate_UTM_crs(wgs_bounds) utm_bounds = utils.get_utm_bounds(src, utm_crs) cells_list = main.calculate_analysis_grid( utm_bounds, stride_size_meters=stride_size_meters, cell_size_meters=cell_size_meters) random_cell = random.choice(cells_list[0]) ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y = random_cell print(random_cell) tile, mask, window, window_transform = main.tile_utm( src, ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y, indexes=None, tilesize=tile_size_pixels, nodata=None, alpha=None, dst_crs=utm_crs) print(np.shape(tile)) assert np.shape(tile) == (8, tile_size_pixels, tile_size_pixels)
def test_calculate_utm_epsg(): wgs_bounds = utils.get_wgs84_bounds(ADDRESS) print(wgs_bounds) utm_crs = utils.calculate_UTM_crs(wgs_bounds) print(utm_crs) assert utm_crs == '+proj=utm +zone=13 +north +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs'
def test_return_vector_tile(): utm_crs = utils.calculate_UTM_crs( [-115.30170, 36.15604, -115.30170, 36.15604]) gdf = vector_utils.read_vector_file(geojsonPath) gdf.head() print(utm_crs) gdf = vector_utils.transformToUTM(gdf, utm_crs=utm_crs) utmX, utmY = 658029, 4006947 ll_x = utmX ur_x = utmX + 500 ll_y = utmY ur_y = utmY + 500 stride_size_meters = 300 cell_size_meters = 400 tile_size_pixels = 1600 small_gdf = vector_utils.vector_tile_utm( gdf, tile_bounds=[ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y]) img = vector_utils.rasterize_gdf(small_gdf, src_shape=(tile_size_pixels, tile_size_pixels)) print(img.shape) assert img.shape[0] == 1600
def get_processing_details( rasterPath, smallExample=False, dstkwargs={ "nodata": 0, "interleave": "pixel", "tiled": True, "blockxsize": 512, "blockysize": 512, "compress": "LZW" }): with as src: # Get Lat, Lon bounds of the Raster (src) wgs_bounds = utils.get_wgs84_bounds(src) # Use Lat, Lon location of Image to get UTM Zone/ UTM projection utm_crs = utils.calculate_UTM_crs(wgs_bounds) # Calculate Raster bounds in UTM coordinates utm_bounds = utils.get_utm_bounds(src, utm_crs) vrt_profile = utils.get_utm_vrt_profile( src, crs=utm_crs, ) dst_profile = vrt_profile dst_profile.update({ 'count': 1, 'dtype': rasterio.uint8, 'driver': "GTiff", }) # update for CogStandard dst_profile.update(dstkwargs) # open s3 Location rasterBounds =*utm_bounds) if smallExample: rasterBounds =*rasterBounds.centroid.buffer(1000).bounds) return rasterBounds, dst_profile
def test_grid_creation(): address = spacenetPath with as src: wgs_bounds = utils.get_wgs84_bounds(src) utm_EPSG = utils.calculate_UTM_crs(wgs_bounds) utm_bounds = utils.get_utm_bounds(src, utm_EPSG) print(utm_bounds) cells_list_dict = main.calculate_analysis_grid( utm_bounds, stride_size_meters=stride_size_meters, cell_size_meters=cell_size_meters) print(len(cells_list_dict)) assert len(cells_list_dict[0][0]) == 4 assert ((cells_list_dict[0][0][2] - cells_list_dict[0][0][0]), (cells_list_dict[0][0][3] - cells_list_dict[0][0][1])) == (cell_size_meters, cell_size_meters) assert (cells_list_dict[0][1][1] - cells_list_dict[0][0][1]) == stride_size_meters assert len(cells_list_dict[0]) == 2491
os.environ['CURL_CA_BUNDLE'] = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt' ## give location to SpaceNet 8-Band PanSharpened Geotiff on s3 #spacenetPath = "s3://spacenet-dataset/AOI_2_Vegas/srcData/rasterData/AOI_2_Vegas_MUL-PanSharpen_Cloud.tif" spacenetPath = "/home/dlindenbaum/datastorage/spacenet_sample/AOI_2_Vegas_MUL-PanSharpen_Cloud.tif" osm_labels_path = "./tests/fixtures/my-bucket/spacenet_test/las-vegas_nevada_osm_buildings.geojson" ## Prep files for UTM with as src: # Get Lat, Lon bounds of the Raster (src) wgs_bounds = utils.get_wgs84_bounds(src) # Use Lat, Lon location of Image to get UTM Zone/ UTM projection utm_crs = utils.calculate_UTM_crs(wgs_bounds) # Calculate Raster bounds in UTM coordinates utm_bounds = utils.get_utm_bounds(src, utm_crs) ## read vector file gdf = vector_utils.read_vector_file(osm_labels_path) gdf.head() gdf_utm = vector_utils.transformToUTM(gdf, utm_crs=utm_crs) # open s3 Location # Each grid starting point will be spaced 400m apart stride_size_meters = 400 # Each grid cell will be 400m on a side
def test_return_tile_full(): ## Set for specific tile in Las Vegas utm_crs = utils.calculate_UTM_crs( [-115.30170, 36.15604, -115.30170, 36.15604]) gdf = vector_utils.read_vector_file(geojsonPath) gdf.head() gdf = vector_utils.transformToUTM(gdf, utm_crs=utm_crs) utmX, utmY = 658029, 4006947 ll_x = utmX ur_x = utmX + 500 ll_y = utmY ur_y = utmY + 500 stride_size_meters = 300 cell_size_meters = 400 tile_size_pixels = 1600 address = spacenetPath with as src: src_profile = src.profile tile, mask, window, window_transform = main.tile_utm( src, ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y, indexes=None, tilesize=tile_size_pixels, nodata=None, alpha=None, dst_crs=utm_crs) print(np.shape(tile)) assert np.shape(tile) == (8, tile_size_pixels, tile_size_pixels) small_gdf = vector_utils.vector_tile_utm( gdf, tile_bounds=[ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y]) print(small_gdf.shape) small_gdf.to_file(os.path.join(PREFIX, "testTiff_Label.geojson"), driver='GeoJSON') img = vector_utils.rasterize_gdf( small_gdf, src_shape=(tile_size_pixels, tile_size_pixels), src_transform=window_transform, ) print("Label Count Burn {}:".format(np.sum(img))) assert img.shape == (tile_size_pixels, tile_size_pixels) dst_profile = src_profile dst_profile.update({ 'transform': window_transform, 'crs': utm_crs, 'width': tile_size_pixels, 'height': tile_size_pixels, 'count': 1, 'dtype': rasterio.uint8 }) with, "testTiff_Label.tif"), 'w', **dst_profile) as dst: dst.write(img, indexes=1) dst_profile = src_profile dst_profile.update({ 'transform': window_transform, 'crs': utm_crs, 'width': tile_size_pixels, 'height': tile_size_pixels, 'count': 8, 'dtype': rasterio.uint16 }) with, "testTiff_Image.tif"), 'w', **dst_profile) as dst: dst.write(tile)