def resetCursor(self): try: self.cursorQ.close() self.cursor.close() except Exception: self.logger.error( "the cursor doesn't exist: going to create it" ) self.cursorQ = cx_Oracle.Cursor(self.connection) self.cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(self.connection) self.cursorQ.execute("alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'") self.cursor.execute("alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'")
def connect(self): import cx_Oracle try: connection_string = self.user + "/" + self.password + "@" + + ":" + str(self.port) + "/" + self.databaseName if self.cursor: self.cursor.close() if self.conn: self.conn.close() self.conn = cx_Oracle.Connection(connection_string) self.cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(self.conn) self.dictCursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(self.conn) except Exception as inst: print >> sys.stderr, "Cannot connect to Oracle database: ", inst,
def getVendorData(sql): host = "" port = "1521" sid = "ORCL" dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(host, port, sid) connection = cx_Oracle.connect("Group3", "groupgroup33", dsn) cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(connection) res = cursor.execute(sql) data = res.fetchall() fields = res.description res.close() connection.close() str_result = '' column_list = [] for i in fields: column_list.append(i[0]) result = [] datas = {} for row in data: rowdata = {} for idx, i in enumerate(fields, start = 0): value = row[idx] if type(value) is datetime.datetime: rowdata[column_list[idx]] = myconverter(row[idx]) else: rowdata[column_list[idx]] = row[idx].strip() result.append(rowdata) datas['1'] = result str_result = json.dumps(datas) return str_result
def insertCleanedDataset(self, rundId, siteName, dsn, cont, rcdate, dsSize, nAcc, cpuTime): cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(self.__connection) try: query = ''' INSERT INTO CMS_CLEANING_AGENT.t_cleaned_dataset (runId, siteName, dsn, cont, rcdate, dsSize, nAcc, cpuTime) VALUES(:runId, :siteName, :dsn, :cont, :rcdate, :dsSize, :nAcc, :cpuTime) ''' bindVar = { 'runId': runId, 'siteName': siteName, 'dsn': dsn, 'cont': cont, 'rcdate': rcdate, 'dsSize': dsSize, 'nAcc': nAcc, 'cpuTime': cpuTime } cursor.execute(query, bindVar) self.__connection.commit()'Inserted cleaned dataset %s for %s' % (dsn, siteName)) except: self.__logger.critical( 'Unable to insert a new cleaned replica: %s' % traceback.format_exc()) finally: cursor.close() return
def connectOracle(self, database): import cx_Oracle cx_Oracle.threaded = True self.conn = cx_Oracle.connect(database) self.cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(self.conn) print "Connected to ALERT"
def oracle_query(oradb, sql_cmd): print("Retrieving data from Oracle ...") ora_cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(oradb) print("# SQL: '%s'" % sql_cmd) ora_cursor.prepare(sql_cmd) ora_cursor.execute(sql_cmd) return ora_cursor
def saveDataToOracle(tableName, tableColList): """ 入库 根据表名,及表列配置信息, 批量存储配置 程序主动提交 """ ip = '' port = 1521 SID = 'ORCL' dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(ip, port, SID) # 连接数据库 connection = cx_Oracle.connect('PAY_34', '1', dsn) try: # 测试连接用——输出数据库版本 print(connection.version) # 获取游标 cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(connection) # 写入操作 cursor.prepare('insert into ' + tableName + ' (table_name, col_code, col_name, type, length, mo, required) ' 'values ' '(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7)') # 执行入库 cursor.executemany(None, tableColList) connection.commit() cursor.close() connection.close() except Exception as e: print('Oracle 写入失败,Exception:{0}'.format(e)) connection.rollback() connection.close()
def __createJob__(self, cmd): ''' Create a job for DBMS_SCHEDULER Be Careful: Special chars are not allowed in the command line ''''Create a job named {0}'.format(self.jobName)) splitCmd = cmd.split() parameters = { 'job_name': self.jobName, 'job_type': 'EXECUTABLE', 'job_action': splitCmd[0], 'number_of_arguments': len(splitCmd) - 1, 'auto_drop': False } cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(self.args['dbcon']) try: if self.args['show_sql_requests'] == True: "SQL request executed: DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job with these parameters: {0}" .format(parameters)) cursor.callproc(name="DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job", keywordParameters=parameters) except Exception, e:'Error with DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job:{0}'.format( self.cleanError(e))) return ErrorSQLRequest(e)
def get_conn(repeat_time=3): """ 获取数据库连接 :return {tuple}: conn, cursor """ conn = None cursor = None global db_conn, CONFIG # 允许出错时重复提交多次,只要设置了 repeat_time 的次数 while repeat_time > 0: try: if db_conn is None: db_conn = oracle.connect('{user}/{password}@{host}:{port}/{sid}'.format(**CONFIG)) if db_conn: conn = db_conn # 尝试连接数据库 cursor = oracle.Cursor(conn) return conn, cursor # 数据库连接,默认8小时没有使用会自动断开,这里捕获这异常 except Exception as e: repeat_time -= 1 logging.error('oracle connection error:%s', e, exc_info=True) try: if cursor: cursor.close() except: pass try: if conn: conn.close() except: pass return conn, cursor
def insertAccountingRecord(self, rundId, siteName, total, used, toBeDeleted, inDeletionQueue, newlyCleaned): cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(self.__connection) try: query = ''' INSERT INTO CMS_CLEANING_AGENT.t_accounting_record (runId, siteName, total, used, toBeDeleted, inDeletionQueue, newlyCleaned) VALUES(:runId, :siteName, :total, :used, :toBeDeleted, :inDeletionQueue, :newlyCleaned) ''' bindVar = { 'runId': runId, 'siteName': siteName, 'total': total, 'used': used, 'toBeDeleted': toBeDeleted, 'inDeletionQueue': inDeletionQueue, 'newlyCleaned': newlyCleaned } cursor.execute(query, bindVar) self.__connection.commit()'Inserted accounting record for %s' % (siteName)) except: self.__logger.critical( 'Unable to insert a new accounting record: %s' % traceback.format_exc()) finally: cursor.close() return
def __execPLSQLwithDbmsOutput__(self, request, addLineBreak=False): ''' Execute the request containing dbms_output ''' responsedata = "" cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(self.args['dbcon']) try: cursor.callproc("dbms_output.enable") try: cursor.execute(request) except Exception as e: "Impossible to execute the query `{0}`: {1}".format( request, self.cleanError(e))) return ErrorSQLRequest(e) else: statusVar = cursor.var(cx_Oracle.NUMBER) lineVar = cursor.var(cx_Oracle.STRING) while True: cursor.callproc("dbms_output.get_line", (lineVar, statusVar)) if statusVar.getvalue() != 0: break line = lineVar.getvalue() if line == None: line = '' responsedata += line if addLineBreak == True: responsedata += '\n' cursor.close() except Exception as e:"Error with the request: {0}".format(str(e))) return ErrorSQLRequest(e) return responsedata
def Ins_OracleCommend(self, severName, df, tableName=''): """serveranme , dataFrame , TableName""" try: connection = self.GetOrConn(severName) cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(connection) # Insert SQL cols = df.columns.tolist() strsql = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + "(" + ','.join( cols) + ") VALUES ( :" + ",:".join(cols) + ")" for ix in df.index: data = df.iloc[ix, :].tolist() #rt={strsql:data} cursor.execute(strsql, data) connection.commit() #return rt except Exception as err: print("Unexpected error: Ins_OracleCommend", str(err)) msg = "Ins_OracleCommend Err" + err + "\r\n" msg += strsql + "\r\n" msg += data self.WiteLog(msg) return msg
def grava_alarme(target, alarme, descricao): """Grava um novo alarme""" #conectando config_dbmon = Settings() dbmon_string = config_dbmon.conn_dbmon conn_dbmon = cx_Oracle.Connection(dbmon_string) cur_dbmon = cx_Oracle.Cursor(conn_dbmon) #check se nao existe check = check_alarme_ativo(target, alarme) if check == 0: #cadastro novo alarme strinsert = """ INSERT INTO TARGET_ALARME (TARGET, ALARME, DATA_ALARME, DESCRICAO, ISRECONHECIDO) VALUES (:binTarget, :binAlarme, sysdate, :binDescricao, 0) """ cur_dbmon.execute(strinsert, binTarget=target, binAlarme=alarme, binDescricao=descricao) conn_dbmon.commit() if check == 1: #atualizo o alarme informando a data do alarme atualizada strupdate = """ UPDATE TARGET_ALARME SET DATA_ULTIMO_ALARME=SYSDATE WHERE TARGET=:binTarget AND ALARME=:binAlarme AND ISRECONHECIDO=0 """ cur_dbmon.execute(strupdate, binTarget=target, binAlarme=alarme) conn_dbmon.commit() cur_dbmon.close() conn_dbmon.close()
def IsValidOracleName(self, name): """Return true if the name is valid for use within Oracle.""" cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(self) try: cursor.execute("select 1 as %s from dual %s" % (name, name)) return True except: return False
def getcursor(self): if not self.conn: self.connect() try: return db.Cursor(self.conn) except db.DatabaseError, e: raise STARSdbError("STARS database connection error: %s" % str(e))
def __init__(self): try: import cx_Oracle connection_string = config.host_info_user + "/" + config.host_info_password + "@" + config.host_info_host + ":" + str( config.host_info_port) + "/" + config.host_info_name self.conn = cx_Oracle.Connection(connection_string) self.cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(self.conn) except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, "Could not connect to HostInfoDB: ", e sys.exit(-1)
def prepara_fila(self): """ Procedimento para geracao da fila de ambientes para serem realizados o checklist """ dbmon_string = "dbmon/dbmon123@scandbmon:1521/dbmon" conn_dbmon = cx_Oracle.Connection(dbmon_string) cur_dbmon = cx_Oracle.Cursor(conn_dbmon) try: strsql=""" SELECT TARGET,TIPO_AMBIENTE FROM ALL_TARGETS_MONITORAMENTO WHERE TIPO_AMBIENTE in (SELECT TIPO_AMBIENTE FROM CHECKLIST_TIPOAMBIENTE WHERE CHECKLIST='"""+self.checklist+"""' ) """ cur_dbmon.execute(strsql) strIns=""" INSERT INTO CONTROLE_CHECKLIST_FILA ( ID_CHECKLIST ,TARGET ,TIPO_AMBIENTE ,STATUS)VALUES ( :binID_CHECKLIST ,:binTARGET ,:binTIPO_AMBIENTE ,'AGUARDANDO' )""" cur_insDbmon = cx_Oracle.Cursor(conn_dbmon) for row in cur_dbmon.fetchall(): cur_insDbmon.execute(strIns ,binID_CHECKLIST=self.id_checklist ,binTARGET=row[0] ,binTIPO_AMBIENTE=row[1] ) conn_dbmon.commit() cur_dbmon.close() cur_insDbmon.close() conn_dbmon.close() print("Fila concluida com sucesso!") except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as error : print("\n\n[ERRO] Problemas na gravacao da fila") print("Oracle-Error-Code:", error.code) print("Oracle-Error-Message:", error.message) print("\n\n[FIM_ERRO]")
def get_monitoramentos(self): """ Pega lista de monitoramentos """ dbmon_string = "dbmon/dbmon123@scandbmon:1521/dbmon" conn_dbmon = cx_Oracle.Connection(dbmon_string) cur_dbmon = cx_Oracle.Cursor(conn_dbmon) strsql="select monitoramento from checklist_monitoramento where checklist='" + self.checklist + "' order by seq " monitoramentos=[] cur_dbmon.execute(strsql) for row in cur_dbmon.fetchall(): monitoramentos.append(row[0]) return(monitoramentos)
def check_quantidade(self): """ Procedimento para validar quantidade de objetos a serem processados - Tabela CONTROLE_CHECKLIST_FILA""" dbmon_string = "dbmon/dbmon123@scandbmon:1521/dbmon" conn_dbmon = cx_Oracle.Connection(dbmon_string) cur_dbmon = cx_Oracle.Cursor(conn_dbmon) strsql=""" select count(1) from controle_checklist_fila where id_checklist=:binIDCHECKLIST""" cur_dbmon.execute(strsql, binIDCHECKLIST=self.id_checklist) for row in cur_dbmon.fetchall(): quant=row[0] return(int(quant) )
def get_targets(self): """ Pega os targets que serao executados no checklist""" dbmon_string = "dbmon/dbmon123@scandbmon:1521/dbmon" conn_dbmon = cx_Oracle.Connection(dbmon_string) cur_dbmon = cx_Oracle.Cursor(conn_dbmon) strsql="select target from controle_checklist_fila where id_checklist='" + str(self.id_checklist) +"' and status='AGUARDANDO'" targets=[] cur_dbmon.execute(strsql) for row in cur_dbmon.fetchall(): targets.append(row[0]) return(targets)
def _getDBConnection(self): try: self.cursor.close() self.connection.close() except Exception as inst: a = 1 #print inst # __str__ allows args to printed directly self.connection = cx_Oracle.Connection(self.connection_string) self.cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(self.connection)
def check_pendente_fila(self): """ Procedimento para retornar a quantidade de itens pendente no checklist """ dbmon_string = "dbmon/dbmon123@scandbmon:1521/dbmon" conn_dbmon = cx_Oracle.Connection(dbmon_string) cur_dbmon = cx_Oracle.Cursor(conn_dbmon) strsql=""" select count(1) from controle_checklist_fila where ID_CHECKLIST=:binIDCHECKLIST and status not in ('PROCESSADO','CANCELADO') """ cur_dbmon.execute(strsql, binIDCHECKLIST=str(self.id_checklist) ) for row in cur_dbmon.fetchall(): quant=row[0] cur_dbmon.close() conn_dbmon.close()
def set_checklist(self): dbmon_string = "dbmon/dbmon123@scandbmon:1521/dbmon" conn_dbmon = cx_Oracle.Connection(dbmon_string) cur_dbmon = cx_Oracle.Cursor(conn_dbmon) strsql="select CHECKLIST, IDENTIFICACAO, TIPO_EXECUCAO, STATUS, TAREFA from controle_checklist where id_checklist='"+str(self.id_checklist)+"'" cur_dbmon.execute(strsql) for row in cur_dbmon.fetchall(): self.checklist=row[0] self.ident_checklist=row[1] self.tipo_execucao=row[2] self.status=row[3] self.tarefa=row[4]
def pega_target(id_checklist,id_fila): dbmon_string = "dbmon/dbmon123@scandbmon:1521/dbmon" conn_dbmon = cx_Oracle.Connection(dbmon_string) cur_dbmon = cx_Oracle.Cursor(conn_dbmon) target = cur_dbmon.var(cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR) cur_dbmon.callproc("NXT_TARGET_CHECKLIST",(int(id_checklist),int(id_fila),target)) target=target.getvalue() target=target.lstrip() target=target.rstrip() return target cur_dbmon.close() conn_dbmon.close()
def open(self): try: self.conn = cx_Oracle.connect(self.str, mode=cx_Oracle.SYSDBA) self.cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(self.conn) self.isClosed = False except Exception as e: print('连接出错') self.cursor = None self.isClosed = True return self.cursor
def EditData(sql): host = "" port = "1521" sid = "ORCL" dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(host, port, sid) connection = cx_Oracle.connect("Group3", "groupgroup33", dsn) cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(connection) cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() connection.close() str_result = 'Success' return str_result
def __runJob__(self): ''' run the job named self.jobName ''''Run the job') cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(self.args['dbcon']) try: cursor.callproc(name="DBMS_SCHEDULER.enable", keywordParameters={'name': self.jobName}) except Exception, e:'DBMS_SCHEDULER.enable:{0}'.format( self.cleanError(e))) return ErrorSQLRequest(e)
def __init__(self, **list_first_data): logger.debug("类:Oracle,接收数据list first data:%s" % str(list_first_data)) self.password = None if not isinstance(list_first_data, dict): raise ValueError('%s do not a dict.' % list_first_data) try: dns = cx_Oracle.makedsn(list_first_data['url'], list_first_data['port'], list_first_data['oracle_name']) self.oracle_connection = cx_Oracle.Connection(list_first_data['username'], list_first_data['password'], dns) self.oracle_cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(self.oracle_connection) except Exception as err: logger.error('Oracle():%s' % err) else: logger.debug('类:Oracle,完成初始化')
def __init__(self,username,password,ip,port,servicename): try: if username=='sys': self.con=db.connect("{0}/{1}@{2}:{3}/{4}".format(username, password, ip,port, servicename),mode=db.SYSDBA) else: self.con=db.connect("{0}/{1}@{2}:{3}/{4}".format(username, password, ip,port, servicename)) self.cur=db.Cursor(self.con) except Exception as errmsg: print('connect error the error msg is:',str(errmsg)) sys.exit() else: pass
def _refresh_T_CorruptedFiles(): start_time = connection = cx_Oracle.Connection(connection_string) cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(connection) cursor.callproc('CMS_POPULARITY_SYSTEM.CORRUPTEDFILEREFRESH') stop_time = printStats(start_time, stop_time, 'CORRUPTEDFILEREFRESH') connection.commit() cursor.close() connection.close()