コード例 #1
 def __get_inspected_objs(self, source_file):
     email1 = EmailMessage()
     email1.from_ = '*****@*****.**'
     email1.to = '*****@*****.**'
     email1.subject = 'Subject1'
     email1.date = DateTime('21-06-2015T19:52:00')
     email1.add_related(source_file, "Extracted_From", inline=False)
     return [email1]
コード例 #2
ファイル: email.py プロジェクト: plouzek/crits-1
    def to_cybox(self, exclude=None):
        Convert an email to a CybOX Observables.

        Pass parameter exclude to specify fields that should not be
        included in the returned object.

        Returns a tuple of (CybOX object, releasability list).

        To get the cybox object as xml or json, call to_xml() or
        to_json(), respectively, on the resulting CybOX object.

        if exclude == None:
            exclude = []

        observables = []

        obj = EmailMessage()
        # Assume there is going to be at least one header
        obj.header = EmailHeader()

        if 'message_id' not in exclude:
            obj.header.message_id = String(self.message_id)

        if 'subject' not in exclude:
            obj.header.subject = String(self.subject)

        if 'sender' not in exclude:
            obj.header.sender = Address(self.reply_to, Address.CAT_EMAIL)

        if 'reply_to' not in exclude:
            obj.header.reply_to = Address(self.reply_to, Address.CAT_EMAIL)

        if 'x_originating_ip' not in exclude:
            obj.header.x_originating_ip = Address(self.x_originating_ip,

        if 'raw_body' not in exclude:
            obj.raw_body = self.raw_body

        if 'raw_header' not in exclude:
            obj.raw_header = self.raw_header

        #copy fields where the names differ between objects
        if 'helo' not in exclude and 'email_server' not in exclude:
            obj.email_server = String(self.helo)
        if ('from_' not in exclude and 'from' not in exclude
                and 'from_address' not in exclude):
            obj.header.from_ = EmailAddress(self.from_address)
        if 'date' not in exclude and 'isodate' not in exclude:
            obj.header.date = DateTime(self.isodate)

        return (observables, self.releasability)
コード例 #3
ファイル: email_to_cybox.py プロジェクト: AAG-SATIEDN/Tools
    def __create_cybox_headers(self, msg):
        """ Returns a CybOX EmailHeaderType object """
        if self.__verbose_output:
            sys.stderr.write("** parsing headers\n")

        headers = EmailHeader()

        if 'received' in self.headers:
            headers.received_lines = self._parse_received_headers(msg)
        if 'to' in self.headers:
            headers.to = _get_email_recipients(msg['to'])
        if 'cc' in self.headers:
            headers.cc = _get_email_recipients(msg['cc'])
        if 'bcc' in self.headers:
            headers.bcc = _get_email_recipients(msg['bcc'])
        if 'from' in self.headers:
            headers.from_ = _get_single_email_address(msg['from'])
        if 'sender' in self.headers:
            headers.sender = _get_single_email_address(msg['sender'])
        if 'reply-to' in self.headers:
            headers.reply_to = _get_single_email_address(msg['reply-to'])
        if 'subject' in self.headers:
            headers.subject = String(msg['subject'])
        if 'in-reply-to' in self.headers:
            headers.in_reply_to = String(msg['in-reply-to'])
        if 'errors-to' in self.headers:
            headers.errors_to = String(msg['errors-to'])
        if 'date' in self.headers:
            headers.date = DateTime(msg['date'])
        if 'message-id' in self.headers:
            headers.message_id = String(msg['message-id'])
        if 'boundary' in self.headers:
            headers.boundary = String(msg['boundary'])
        if 'content-type' in self.headers:
            headers.content_type = String(msg['content-type'])
        if 'mime-version' in self.headers:
            headers.mime_version = String(msg['mime-version'])
        if 'precedence' in self.headers:
            headers.precedence = String(msg['precedence'])
        if 'user-agent' in self.headers:
            headers.user_agent = String(msg['user-agent'])
        if 'x-mailer' in self.headers:
            headers.x_mailer = String(msg['x-mailer'])
        if 'x-originating-ip' in self.headers:
            headers.x_originating_ip = Address(msg['x-originating-ip'],
        if 'x-priority' in self.headers:
            headers.x_priority = String(msg['x-priority'])

        return headers
コード例 #4
def to_cybox_observable(obj, exclude=None, bin_fmt="raw"):
    Convert a CRITs TLO to a CybOX Observable.

    :param obj: The TLO to convert.
    :type obj: :class:`crits.core.crits_mongoengine.CRITsBaseAttributes`
    :param exclude: Attributes to exclude.
    :type exclude: list
    :param bin_fmt: The format for the binary (if applicable).
    :type bin_fmt: str

    type_ = obj._meta['crits_type']
    if type_ == 'Certificate':
        custom_prop = Property(
        )  # make a custom property so CRITs import can identify Certificate exports
        custom_prop.name = "crits_type"
        custom_prop.description = "Indicates the CRITs type of the object this CybOX object represents"
        custom_prop._value = "Certificate"
        obje = File()  # represent cert information as file
        obje.md5 = obj.md5
        obje.file_name = obj.filename
        obje.file_format = obj.filetype
        obje.size_in_bytes = obj.size
        obje.custom_properties = CustomProperties()
        obs = Observable(obje)
        obs.description = obj.description
        data = obj.filedata.read()
        if data:  # if cert data available
            a = Artifact(data, Artifact.TYPE_FILE)  # create artifact w/data
            obje.add_related(a, "Child_Of")  # relate artifact to file
        return ([obs], obj.releasability)
    elif type_ == 'Domain':
        obje = DomainName()
        obje.value = obj.domain
        obje.type_ = obj.record_type
        return ([Observable(obje)], obj.releasability)
    elif type_ == 'Email':
        if exclude == None:
            exclude = []

        observables = []

        obje = EmailMessage()
        # Assume there is going to be at least one header
        obje.header = EmailHeader()

        if 'message_id' not in exclude:
            obje.header.message_id = String(obj.message_id)

        if 'subject' not in exclude:
            obje.header.subject = String(obj.subject)

        if 'sender' not in exclude:
            obje.header.sender = Address(obj.sender, Address.CAT_EMAIL)

        if 'reply_to' not in exclude:
            obje.header.reply_to = Address(obj.reply_to, Address.CAT_EMAIL)

        if 'x_originating_ip' not in exclude:
            obje.header.x_originating_ip = Address(obj.x_originating_ip,

        if 'x_mailer' not in exclude:
            obje.header.x_mailer = String(obj.x_mailer)

        if 'boundary' not in exclude:
            obje.header.boundary = String(obj.boundary)

        if 'raw_body' not in exclude:
            obje.raw_body = obj.raw_body

        if 'raw_header' not in exclude:
            obje.raw_header = obj.raw_header

        #copy fields where the names differ between objects
        if 'helo' not in exclude and 'email_server' not in exclude:
            obje.email_server = String(obj.helo)
        if ('from_' not in exclude and 'from' not in exclude
                and 'from_address' not in exclude):
            obje.header.from_ = EmailAddress(obj.from_address)
        if 'date' not in exclude and 'isodate' not in exclude:
            obje.header.date = DateTime(obj.isodate)

        obje.attachments = Attachments()

        return (observables, obj.releasability)
    elif type_ == 'Indicator':
        observables = []
        obje = make_cybox_object(obj.ind_type, obj.value)
        return (observables, obj.releasability)
    elif type_ == 'IP':
        obje = Address()
        obje.address_value = obj.ip
        if obj.ip_type == IPTypes.IPv4_ADDRESS:
            obje.category = "ipv4-addr"
        elif obj.ip_type == IPTypes.IPv6_ADDRESS:
            obje.category = "ipv6-addr"
        elif obj.ip_type == IPTypes.IPv4_SUBNET:
            obje.category = "ipv4-net"
        elif obj.ip_type == IPTypes.IPv6_SUBNET:
            obje.category = "ipv6-subnet"
        return ([Observable(obje)], obj.releasability)
    elif type_ == 'PCAP':
        obje = File()
        obje.md5 = obj.md5
        obje.file_name = obj.filename
        obje.file_format = obj.contentType
        obje.size_in_bytes = obj.length
        obs = Observable(obje)
        obs.description = obj.description
        art = Artifact(obj.filedata.read(), Artifact.TYPE_NETWORK)
        obje.add_related(art, "Child_Of")  # relate artifact to file
        return ([obs], obj.releasability)
    elif type_ == 'RawData':
        obje = Artifact(obj.data.encode('utf-8'), Artifact.TYPE_FILE)
        obs = Observable(obje)
        obs.description = obj.description
        return ([obs], obj.releasability)
    elif type_ == 'Sample':
        if exclude == None:
            exclude = []

        observables = []
        f = File()
        for attr in ['md5', 'sha1', 'sha256']:
            if attr not in exclude:
                val = getattr(obj, attr, None)
                if val:
                    setattr(f, attr, val)
        if obj.ssdeep and 'ssdeep' not in exclude:
            f.add_hash(Hash(obj.ssdeep, Hash.TYPE_SSDEEP))
        if 'size' not in exclude and 'size_in_bytes' not in exclude:
            f.size_in_bytes = UnsignedLong(obj.size)
        if 'filename' not in exclude and 'file_name' not in exclude:
            f.file_name = obj.filename
        # create an Artifact object for the binary if it exists
        if 'filedata' not in exclude and bin_fmt:
            data = obj.filedata.read()
            if data:  # if sample data available
                a = Artifact(data,
                             Artifact.TYPE_FILE)  # create artifact w/data
                if bin_fmt == "zlib":
                elif bin_fmt == "base64":
                f.add_related(a, "Child_Of")  # relate artifact to file
        if 'filetype' not in exclude and 'file_format' not in exclude:
            #NOTE: this doesn't work because the CybOX File object does not
            #   have any support built in for setting the filetype to a
            #   CybOX-binding friendly object (e.g., calling .to_dict() on
            #   the resulting CybOX object fails on this field.
            f.file_format = obj.filetype
        return (observables, obj.releasability)
        return (None, None)
コード例 #5
ファイル: email_to_cybox.py プロジェクト: AAG-SATIEDN/Tools
    def __create_whois_object(self, domain):
        """ Creates a CybOX WHOISObjectType object """
        if not domain:
            return None

            sys.stderr.write("** creating Whois object for: %s\n" % domain)

        if self.http_whois:
            record = self.__get_whois_record_http(domain)
            record = self.__get_whois_record(domain)

        if not record:
            return None

        whois = WhoisEntry()

        record['status'] = ['OK' if status == 'ACTIVE' else status for status in record['status']]

        #Only build registrar info objects if we have the relevant info
        if (record['registrar'] or record['whois_server'] or
                    record['registrar_address'] or record['referral_url'] or
            registrar = WhoisRegistrar()
            registrar.name = String(record.get('registrar'))
            registrar.address = String(record.get('registrar_address'))
            registrar.whois_server = URI(record.get('whois_server'))
            registrar.referral_url = URI(record.get('referral_url'))

            contacts = WhoisContacts()
            for email in record['registrar_contacts']:
                contact = WhoisContact()
                contact.contact_type = 'ADMIN'
                contact.name = String(record.get('registrar'))
                contact.email_address = EmailAddress(email)

            registrar.contacts = contacts

            whois.registrar_info = registrar

        whois.domain_name = self.__create_domain_name_object(record.get('domain_name'))

        nservers = WhoisNameservers()
        for url in record.get('name_servers', []):
        if nservers:
            whois.nameservers = nservers

        status = WhoisStatuses()
        for s in record.get('status', []):
        if status:
            whois.status = status

        whois.updated_date = DateTime(record.get('updated_date'))
        whois.creation_date = DateTime(record.get('creation_date'))
        whois.expiration_date = DateTime(record.get('expiration_date'))

        return whois
コード例 #6
    def __create_cybox_headers(self, msg):
        """ Returns a CybOX EmailHeaderType object """
        if self.__verbose_output:
            sys.stderr.write("** parsing headers\n")

        headers = EmailHeader()

        if 'received' in self.headers:
            lines = self._parse_received_headers(msg)
            if lines:
                headers.received_lines = lines
        if 'to' in self.headers:
            headers.to = _get_email_recipients(msg['to'])
            if msg['delivered-to'] and not headers.to:
                headers.to = _get_email_recipients(msg['delivered-to'])
        if 'cc' in self.headers:
            headers.cc = _get_email_recipients(msg['cc'])
        if 'bcc' in self.headers:
            headers.bcc = _get_email_recipients(msg['bcc'])
        if 'from' in self.headers:
            headers.from_ = _get_single_email_address(msg['from'])
        if 'sender' in self.headers:
            headers.sender = _get_single_email_address(msg['sender'])
        if 'reply-to' in self.headers:
            headers.reply_to = _get_single_email_address(msg['reply-to'])
        if 'subject' in self.headers and 'subject' in msg:
            headers.subject = String(msg['subject'])
        if 'in-reply-to' in self.headers and 'in-reply-to' in msg:
            headers.in_reply_to = String(msg['in-reply-to'])
        if 'errors-to' in self.headers and 'errors-to' in msg:
            headers.errors_to = String(msg['errors-to'])
        if 'date' in self.headers and 'date' in msg:
            headers.date = DateTime(msg['date'])
        if 'message-id' in self.headers and 'message-id' in msg:
            headers.message_id = String(msg['message-id'])
        if 'boundary' in self.headers and 'boundary' in msg:
            headers.boundary = String(msg['boundary'])
        if 'content-type' in self.headers and 'content-type' in msg:
            headers.content_type = String(msg['content-type'])
        if 'mime-version' in self.headers and 'mime-version' in msg:
            headers.mime_version = String(msg['mime-version'])
        if 'precedence' in self.headers and 'precedence' in msg:
            headers.precedence = String(msg['precedence'])
        if 'user-agent' in self.headers and 'user-agent' in msg:
            headers.user_agent = String(msg['user-agent'])
        if 'x-mailer' in self.headers and 'x-mailer' in msg:
            headers.x_mailer = String(msg['x-mailer'])
        if 'x-originating-ip' in self.headers and msg['x-originating-ip']:
            headers.x_originating_ip = Address(msg['x-originating-ip'],
        if 'x-priority' in self.headers and 'x-priority' in msg:
            #Must be a digit - pull one out of anything that could be a string such as 3 (Normal)
            import re
            priority = ''
            for p in re.findall(r'\d+',msg['x-priority']):
                if p.isdigit():
                    priority = p
            if priority:
                headers.x_priority = String(priority)

        return headers
コード例 #7
ファイル: properties_test.py プロジェクト: reza/es_eventgens
 def test_list_dates(self):
     dt = DateTime([self.dt, self.dt, self.dt])
     self.assertEqual(3, len(dt.value))
     expected = "{0}{1}{0}{1}{0}".format(self.dt.isoformat(), DEFAULT_DELIM)
     actual = normalize_to_xml(dt.serialized_value, DEFAULT_DELIM)
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #8
ファイル: properties_test.py プロジェクト: reza/es_eventgens
 def test_parse_date_string(self):
     cybox_dt2 = DateTime(self.dt_str)
     self.assertEqual(self.dt, cybox_dt2.value)
     self.assertEqual(self.dt.isoformat(), cybox_dt2.serialized_value)
     self.assertEqual(self.dt.isoformat(), six.text_type(cybox_dt2))
コード例 #9
ファイル: properties_test.py プロジェクト: reza/es_eventgens
 def test_parse_datetime(self):
     cybox_dt = DateTime(self.dt)
     self.assertEqual(self.dt, cybox_dt.value)
     self.assertEqual(self.dt.isoformat(), six.text_type(cybox_dt))
コード例 #10
ファイル: properties_test.py プロジェクト: reza/es_eventgens
 def test_isodate(self):
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     dt = DateTime(now)
     self.assertEqual(now.isoformat(), dt.serialized_value)
     self.assertEqual(now.isoformat(), dt.to_obj().valueOf_)
コード例 #11
build_information.compiler_version = String('')
build_information.linker_name = String('')
build_information.linker_version = String('')

# https://cybox.readthedocs.org/en/stable/_modules/cybox/common/digitalsignature.html#DigitalSignature
digital_signature = DigitalSignature()
digital_signature.certificate_issuer = String('')
digital_signature.certificate_subject = String('')
digital_signature.signature_description = String('')
digital_signature.signature_exists = None
digital_signature.signature_verified = None

# https://cybox.readthedocs.org/en/stable/_modules/cybox/objects/win_executable_file_object.html#PEExports
exports = PEExports()
exports.exported_functions = PEExportedFunctions()
exports.exports_time_stamp = DateTime()
exports.name = String()
exports.number_of_addresses = Long()
exports.number_of_functions = Integer()
exports.number_of_names = Long()

# The Extraneous_Bytes field specifies the number of extraneous bytes contained in the PE binary.
extraneous_bytes = Integer()

# https://cybox.readthedocs.org/en/stable/_modules/cybox/objects/win_executable_file_object.html#PEHeaders
headers = PEHeaders()
headers.dos_header = DOSHeader()
headers.entropy = Entropy()
headers.file_header = PEFileHeader()
headers.hashes = HashList()
headers.optional_header = PEOptionalHeader()