コード例 #1
def init_mouse(window):
    glfw.SetInputMode(window, glfw.CURSOR, glfw.CURSOR_DISABLED)
    mouse_button_state = defaultdict(int)

    def on_mousedown(window, button, action, mods):
        if action == glfw.PRESS:
            mouse_button_state[button] = True
        elif action == glfw.RELEASE:
            mouse_button_state[button] = False

    glfw.SetMouseButtonCallback(window, on_mousedown)
    cursor_pos = glfw.GetCursorPos(window)
    theta_x, theta_y = 0.0, 0.0

    def process_mouse_input(dt, cue):
        pos = glfw.GetCursorPos(window)
        nonlocal cursor_pos
        lr, fb = pos[0] - cursor_pos[0], pos[1] - cursor_pos[1]
        cursor_pos = pos
        nonlocal theta_x, theta_y
        cue.velocity[2] = fb * MOUSE_CUE_MOVE_SPEED
        cue.velocity[0] = lr * MOUSE_CUE_MOVE_SPEED
        cue.position[:] += dt * cue.velocity

    return process_mouse_input
コード例 #2
ファイル: input_events.py プロジェクト: DeovratPrasad/yt_ap
    def start_rotation(self, event_coll, event):
        start_screen = glfw.GetCursorPos(event.window)  # Screen coordinates
        window_size = glfw.GetWindowSize(event.window)

        norm_x = -1.0 + 2.0 * start_screen[0] / window_size[0]
        norm_y = 1.0 - 2.0 * start_screen[1] / window_size[1]
        self.start = (norm_x, norm_y)
        self.rotation = True
        return False
コード例 #3
 def process_mouse_input(dt, cue):
     pos = glfw.GetCursorPos(window)
     nonlocal cursor_pos
     lr, fb = pos[0] - cursor_pos[0], pos[1] - cursor_pos[1]
     cursor_pos = pos
     nonlocal theta_x, theta_y
     cue.velocity[2] = fb * MOUSE_CUE_MOVE_SPEED
     cue.velocity[0] = lr * MOUSE_CUE_MOVE_SPEED
     cue.position[:] += dt * cue.velocity
コード例 #4
ファイル: input_events.py プロジェクト: DeovratPrasad/yt_ap
    def stop_rotation(self, event_coll, event):
        end_screen = glfw.GetCursorPos(event.window)
        window_size = glfw.GetWindowSize(event.window)

        norm_x = -1.0 + 2.0 * end_screen[0] / window_size[0]
        norm_y = 1.0 - 2.0 * end_screen[1] / window_size[1]
        end = (norm_x, norm_y)

        event_coll.camera.update_orientation(self.start[0], self.start[1],
                                             end[0], end[1])
        self.rotation = False
        return True
コード例 #5
ファイル: input_events.py プロジェクト: DeovratPrasad/yt_ap
    def do_rotation(self, event_coll, event):
        if not self.rotation: return False
        new_end_screen = glfw.GetCursorPos(event.window)
        window_size = glfw.GetWindowSize(event.window)

        norm_x = -1.0 + 2.0 * new_end_screen[0] / window_size[0]
        norm_y = 1.0 - 2.0 * new_end_screen[1] / window_size[1]
        new_end = (norm_x, norm_y)

        event_coll.camera.update_orientation(self.start[0], self.start[1],
                                             new_end[0], new_end[1])
        self.start = new_end
        return True
コード例 #6
    def processLookInput(self, window, deltaTime):

        cursor = np.array(glfw.GetCursorPos(window), np.float32)
        if 'lastCursor' in dir(self):
            deltaMouse = cursor - self.lastCursor
            deltaMouse = np.zeros(2)
        self.lastCursor = cursor

        # windowWidth, windowHeight = glfw.GetWindowSize(window)
        # glfw.SetCursorPos(window, windowWidth / 2, windowHeight / 2)

        self.sphericalDir[1] -= float(deltaMouse[0]) * self.lookSpeed
        self.sphericalDir[2] -= float(deltaMouse[1]) * self.lookSpeed
        # self.sphericalDir[1:3] -= deltaMouse * self.lookSpeed
        self.sphericalDir[2] = min(max(-np.pi*0.5 * 0.9, self.sphericalDir[2]), np.pi*0.5 * 0.9)
コード例 #7
ファイル: cbwindow.py プロジェクト: wuyuzaizai/car-detection
        def key_callback(window, key, scancode, action, mods):
            if (key == glfw.KEY_ESCAPE and action == glfw.PRESS):
                glfw.SetWindowShouldClose(window, True)

            if (action == glfw.PRESS and key == glfw.KEY_L):
                self.cameraLocked = not self.cameraLocked
                print 'cameraLocked:', self.cameraLocked

                glfw.SetInputMode(window, glfw.CURSOR, glfw.CURSOR_NORMAL if self.cameraLocked else glfw.CURSOR_DISABLED)

                # if not self.cameraLocked:
                # Ensure that locking/unlocking doesn't move the view:
                windowWidth, windowHeight = glfw.GetWindowSize(window)
                glfw.SetCursorPos(window, windowWidth / 2, windowHeight / 2)
                self.currentCamera.lastCursor = np.array(glfw.GetCursorPos(window), np.float32)
                self.currentCamera.lastUpdateTime = glfw.GetTime()

            if (action == glfw.PRESS and key == glfw.KEY_R):
                self.mainRender.renderCairo(self.playerCamera, self.cairoSavePath)

コード例 #8
    def _compute_matrices_from_input(self):
        old_focus = self._focus
        self._focus = glfw.GetWindowAttrib(self.window, glfw.FOCUSED)
        if old_focus != self._focus and self._focus:
            glfw.SetCursorPos(self.window, self._window_size[0] / 2,
                              self._window_size[1] / 2)

        FoV = 45
        mouse_speed = 0.001
        speed = 5.0
        # glfwGetTime is called only once, the first time this function is called
        if self._lastTime is None:
            self._lastTime = glfw.GetTime()

        currentTime = glfw.GetTime()
        if self._focus:
            if self._is_key_pressed(glfw.KEY_O):
                self._camera_position = self._org_camera_position.copy()
                self._horizontalAngle = self._org_angle[0]
                self._verticalAngle = self._org_angle[1]

            deltaTime = currentTime - self._lastTime
            #if deltaTime > 0.01:
            xpos, ypos = glfw.GetCursorPos(self.window)

            # Reset mouse position for next frame
            if xpos != self._window_size[0] / 2 or ypos != self._window_size[
                    1] / 2:
                glfw.SetCursorPos(self.window, self._window_size[0] / 2,
                                  self._window_size[1] / 2)

            # Compute new orientation
            self._horizontalAngle += mouse_speed * float(self._window_size[0] /
                                                         2.0 - xpos)
            self._verticalAngle += mouse_speed * float(self._window_size[1] /
                                                       2.0 - ypos)

        # Direction : Spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates conversion
        direction = vec3(
            mathf.cos(self._verticalAngle) * mathf.sin(self._horizontalAngle),
            mathf.cos(self._verticalAngle) * mathf.cos(self._horizontalAngle))

        # Right vector
        right = vec3(mathf.sin(self._horizontalAngle - 3.14 / 2.0), 0.0,
                     mathf.cos(self._horizontalAngle - 3.14 / 2.0))

        # Up vector
        up = vec3.cross(right, direction)

        if self._focus:
            # Move forward
            if self._is_key_pressed([glfw.KEY_W, glfw.KEY_UP]):
                self._camera_position += direction * deltaTime * speed

            # Move backward
            if self._is_key_pressed([glfw.KEY_S, glfw.KEY_DOWN]):
                self._camera_position -= direction * deltaTime * speed

            # Strafe right
            if self._is_key_pressed([glfw.KEY_D, glfw.KEY_RIGHT]):
                self._camera_position += right * deltaTime * speed

            # Strafe left
            if self._is_key_pressed([glfw.KEY_A, glfw.KEY_LEFT]):
                self._camera_position -= right * deltaTime * speed

            if self._is_key_pressed(glfw.KEY_C):
                new_press = glfw.GetTime()
                if new_press - self._last_key_pressed > 0.15:
                    for object in self._render_objects:
                    self._last_key_pressed = new_press

            if self._is_key_pressed(glfw.KEY_T):
                new_press = glfw.GetTime()
                if new_press - self._last_key_pressed > 0.15:
                    for object in self._render_objects:
                    self._last_key_pressed = new_press

            if self._is_key_pressed(glfw.KEY_U):
                new_press = glfw.GetTime()
                if new_press - self._last_key_pressed > 0.15:
                    for object in self._render_objects:
                    self._last_key_pressed = new_press

        ProjectionMatrix = mat4.perspective(
            FoV, self._window_size[0] / float(self._window_size[1]), 0.1,
        ViewMatrix = mat4.lookat(self._camera_position,
                                 self._camera_position + direction, up)

        vp = ProjectionMatrix * ViewMatrix

        glUniformMatrix4fv(self._mapping['V'], 1, GL_FALSE, ViewMatrix.data)
        self._lastTime = currentTime

        return vp