def __init__(self, sdfg: SDFG, dfg, map, cpu_codegen, tree: ast.AST, file: IO[str], code, memlets, pred_name, counter_type, defined_symbols=None, stream_associations=None, wcr_associations=None): self.sdfg = sdfg self.dfg = dfg = map self.cpu_codegen = cpu_codegen self.dtypes = {k: v[3] for k, v in memlets.items() if k is not None} for k, v in sdfg.constants.items(): if k is not None: self.dtypes[k] = v.dtype # This defines the type of the loop param and is used whenever we work on predicates to find out the bit size self.counter_type = counter_type self.pred_bits = counter_type.bytes * 8 # Keeps track of the currently used predicate # This can change during the unparsing (e.g. in an If block) self.pred_name = pred_name self.code = code # This value is used to determine whether we are in an If block, and how deep we are (to name the predicates) self.if_depth = 0 # Stream associations keep track between the local stream variable name <-> underlying stream self.stream_associations = stream_associations or {} self.wcr_associations = wcr_associations or {} # Detect fused operations first (are converted into internal calls) preprocessed = preprocess.SVEBinOpFuser(defined_symbols).visit(tree) # Make sure all internal calls are defined for the inference defined_symbols.update(util.get_internal_symbols()) super().__init__(preprocessed, 0, cppunparse.CPPLocals(), file, expr_semicolon=True, type_inference=True, defined_symbols=defined_symbols)
def __init__(self, sdfg: SDFG, tree: ast.AST, file: IO[str], defined_symbols=None): self.sdfg = sdfg super().__init__(tree, 0, cppunparse.CPPLocals(), file, expr_semicolon=False, defined_symbols=defined_symbols)