コード例 #1
def is_array_stream_view(sdfg: SDFG, dfg: SDFGState, node: nd.AccessNode):
    """ Test whether a stream is directly connected to an array. """

    # Test all memlet paths from the array. If the path goes directly
    # to/from a stream, construct a stream array view
    all_source_paths = []
    source_paths = []
    all_sink_paths = []
    sink_paths = []
    for e in dfg.in_edges(node):
        src_node = dfg.memlet_path(e)[0].src
        # Append empty path to differentiate between a copy and an array-view
        if isinstance(src_node, nd.CodeNode):
        # Append path from source node
        if isinstance(src_node, nd.AccessNode) and isinstance(
                src_node.desc(sdfg), dt.Array):
    for e in dfg.out_edges(node):
        sink_node = dfg.memlet_path(e)[-1].dst

        # Append empty path to differentiate between a copy and an array-view
        if isinstance(sink_node, nd.CodeNode):
        # Append path to sink node
        if isinstance(sink_node, nd.AccessNode) and isinstance(
                sink_node.desc(sdfg), dt.Array):


    # Special case: stream can be represented as a view of an array
    if ((len(all_source_paths) > 0 and len(sink_paths) == 1)
            or (len(all_sink_paths) > 0 and len(source_paths) == 1)):
        # TODO: What about a source path?
        arrnode = sink_paths[0]
        # Only works if the stream itself is not an array of streams
        if list(node.desc(sdfg).shape) == [1]:
            node.desc(sdfg).sink = arrnode.data  # For memlet generation
                sdfg).src = node.data  # TODO: Move src/sink to node, not array
            return True
    return False
コード例 #2
def get_view_edge(state: SDFGState,
                  view: nd.AccessNode) -> gr.MultiConnectorEdge[mm.Memlet]:
    Given a view access node, returns the 
    incoming/outgoing edge which points to the viewed access node.
    See the ruleset in the documentation of ``dace.data.View``.

    :param state: The state in which the view resides.
    :param view: The view access node.
    :return: An edge pointing to the viewed data or None if view is invalid.
    :see: ``dace.data.View``

    in_edges = state.in_edges(view)
    out_edges = state.out_edges(view)

    # Invalid case: No data to view
    if len(in_edges) == 0 or len(out_edges) == 0:
        return None

    # If there is one edge (in/out) that leads (via memlet path) to an access
    # node, and the other side (out/in) has a different number of edges.
    if len(in_edges) == 1 and len(out_edges) != 1:
        return in_edges[0]
    if len(out_edges) == 1 and len(in_edges) != 1:
        return out_edges[0]
    if len(out_edges) == len(in_edges) and len(out_edges) != 1:
        return None

    in_edge = in_edges[0]
    out_edge = out_edges[0]

    # If there is one incoming and one outgoing edge, and one leads to a code
    # node, the one that leads to an access node is the viewed data.
    inmpath = state.memlet_path(in_edge)
    outmpath = state.memlet_path(out_edge)
    src_is_data, dst_is_data = False, False
    if isinstance(inmpath[0].src, nd.AccessNode):
        src_is_data = True
    if isinstance(outmpath[-1].dst, nd.AccessNode):
        dst_is_data = True

    if src_is_data and not dst_is_data:
        return in_edge
    if not src_is_data and dst_is_data:
        return out_edge
    if not src_is_data and not dst_is_data:
        return None

    # If both sides lead to access nodes, if one memlet's data points to the
    # view it cannot point to the viewed node.
    if in_edge.data.data == view.data and out_edge.data.data != view.data:
        return out_edge
    if in_edge.data.data != view.data and out_edge.data.data == view.data:
        return in_edge
    if in_edge.data.data == view.data and out_edge.data.data == view.data:
        return None

    # If both memlets' data are the respective access nodes, the access
    # node at the highest scope is the one that is viewed.
    if isinstance(in_edge.src, nd.EntryNode):
        return in_edge
    if isinstance(out_edge.dst, nd.ExitNode):
        return out_edge

    # If both access nodes reside in the same scope, the input data is viewed.
    return in_edge
コード例 #3
def merge_maps(
    graph: SDFGState,
    outer_map_entry: nd.MapEntry,
    outer_map_exit: nd.MapExit,
    inner_map_entry: nd.MapEntry,
    inner_map_exit: nd.MapExit,
    param_merge: Callable[[ParamsType, ParamsType],
                          ParamsType] = lambda p1, p2: p1 + p2,
    range_merge: Callable[[RangesType, RangesType],
                          RangesType] = lambda r1, r2: type(r1)
    (r1.ranges + r2.ranges)
) -> (nd.MapEntry, nd.MapExit):
    """ Merges two maps (their entries and exits). It is assumed that the
    operation is valid. """

    outer_map = outer_map_entry.map
    inner_map = inner_map_entry.map

    # Create merged map by inheriting attributes from outer map and using
    # the merge functions for parameters and ranges.
    merged_map = copy.deepcopy(outer_map)
    merged_map.label = outer_map.label
    merged_map.params = param_merge(outer_map.params, inner_map.params)
    merged_map.range = range_merge(outer_map.range, inner_map.range)

    merged_entry = nd.MapEntry(merged_map)
    merged_entry.in_connectors = outer_map_entry.in_connectors
    merged_entry.out_connectors = outer_map_entry.out_connectors

    merged_exit = nd.MapExit(merged_map)
    merged_exit.in_connectors = outer_map_exit.in_connectors
    merged_exit.out_connectors = outer_map_exit.out_connectors

    graph.add_nodes_from([merged_entry, merged_exit])

    # Handle the case of dynamic map inputs in the inner map
    inner_dynamic_map_inputs = dynamic_map_inputs(graph, inner_map_entry)
    for edge in inner_dynamic_map_inputs:
        remove_conn = (len(
            list(graph.out_edges_by_connector(edge.src, edge.src_conn))) == 1)
        conn_to_remove = edge.src_conn[4:]
        if remove_conn:
            merged_entry.remove_in_connector('IN_' + conn_to_remove)
            merged_entry.remove_out_connector('OUT_' + conn_to_remove)
            edge.dst_conn, inner_map_entry.in_connectors[edge.dst_conn])
        outer_edge = next(
                                        'IN_' + conn_to_remove))
        graph.add_edge(outer_edge.src, outer_edge.src_conn, merged_entry,
                       edge.dst_conn, outer_edge.data)
        if remove_conn:

    # Redirect inner in edges.
    for edge in graph.out_edges(inner_map_entry):
        if edge.src_conn is None:  # Empty memlets
            graph.add_edge(merged_entry, edge.src_conn, edge.dst, edge.dst_conn,

        # Get memlet path and edge
        path = graph.memlet_path(edge)
        ind = path.index(edge)
        # Add an edge directly from the previous source connector to the
        # destination
        graph.add_edge(merged_entry, path[ind - 1].src_conn, edge.dst,
                       edge.dst_conn, edge.data)

    # Redirect inner out edges.
    for edge in graph.in_edges(inner_map_exit):
        if edge.dst_conn is None:  # Empty memlets
            graph.add_edge(edge.src, edge.src_conn, merged_exit, edge.dst_conn,

        # Get memlet path and edge
        path = graph.memlet_path(edge)
        ind = path.index(edge)
        # Add an edge directly from the source to the next destination
        # connector
        graph.add_edge(edge.src, edge.src_conn, merged_exit,
                       path[ind + 1].dst_conn, edge.data)

    # Redirect outer edges.
    change_edge_dest(graph, outer_map_entry, merged_entry)
    change_edge_src(graph, outer_map_exit, merged_exit)

    # Clean-up
        [outer_map_entry, outer_map_exit, inner_map_entry, inner_map_exit])

    return merged_entry, merged_exit
コード例 #4
    def can_be_applied(cls,
                       state: SDFGState,
                       sdfg: SDFG,
                       strict=False) -> bool:
        map_entry = state.node(candidate[cls.map_entry])
        map_exit = state.exit_node(map_entry)
        current_map = map_entry.map
        subgraph = state.scope_subgraph(map_entry)
        subgraph_contents = state.scope_subgraph(map_entry,

        # Prevent infinite repeats
        if current_map.schedule == dace.dtypes.ScheduleType.SVE_Map:
            return False

        # Infer all connector types for later checks (without modifying the graph)
        inferred = infer_types.infer_connector_types(sdfg, state, subgraph)

        # Ensure only Tasklets and AccessNodes are within the map
        for node, _ in subgraph_contents.all_nodes_recursive():
            if not isinstance(node, (nodes.Tasklet, nodes.AccessNode)):
                return False

        # Check for unsupported datatypes on the connectors (including on the Map itself)
        bit_widths = set()
        for node, _ in subgraph.all_nodes_recursive():
            for conn in node.in_connectors:
                t = inferred[(node, conn, True)]
                if not t.type in sve.util.TYPE_TO_SVE:
                    return False
            for conn in node.out_connectors:
                t = inferred[(node, conn, False)]
                if not t.type in sve.util.TYPE_TO_SVE:
                    return False

        # Multiple different bit widths occuring (messes up the predicates)
        if len(bit_widths) > 1:
            return False

        # Check for unsupported memlets
        param_name = current_map.params[-1]
        for e, _ in subgraph.all_edges_recursive():
            # Check for unsupported strides
            # The only unsupported strides are the ones containing the innermost
            # loop param because they are not constant during a vector step
            param_sym = symbolic.symbol(current_map.params[-1])

            if param_sym in e.data.get_stride(sdfg,
                return False

            # Check for unsupported WCR
            if e.data.wcr is not None:
                # Unsupported reduction type
                reduction_type = dace.frontend.operations.detect_reduction_type(
                if reduction_type not in sve.util.REDUCTION_TYPE_TO_SVE:
                    return False

                # Param in memlet during WCR is not supported
                if param_name in e.data.subset.free_symbols and e.data.wcr_nonatomic:
                    return False

                # vreduce is not supported
                dst_node = state.memlet_path(e)[-1]
                if isinstance(dst_node, nodes.Tasklet):
                    if isinstance(dst_node.in_connectors[e.dst_conn],
                        return False
                elif isinstance(dst_node, nodes.AccessNode):
                    desc = dst_node.desc(sdfg)
                    if isinstance(desc, data.Scalar) and isinstance(
                            desc.dtype, dtypes.vector):
                        return False

        # Check for invalid copies in the subgraph
        for node, _ in subgraph.all_nodes_recursive():
            if not isinstance(node, nodes.Tasklet):

            for e in state.in_edges(node):
                # Check for valid copies from other tasklets and/or streams
                if e.data.data is not None:
                    src_node = state.memlet_path(e)[0].src
                    if not isinstance(src_node,
                                      (nodes.Tasklet, nodes.AccessNode)):
                        # Make sure we only have Code->Code copies and from arrays
                        return False

                    if isinstance(src_node, nodes.AccessNode):
                        src_desc = src_node.desc(sdfg)
                        if isinstance(src_desc, dace.data.Stream):
                            # Stream pops are not implemented
                            return False

        # Run the vector inference algorithm to check if vectorization is feasible
            inf_graph = vector_inference.infer_vectors(
        except vector_inference.VectorInferenceException as ex:
            print(f'UserWarning: Vector inference failed! {ex}')
            return False

        return True
コード例 #5
ファイル: map_fusion.py プロジェクト: mfkiwl/dace
    def apply(self, graph: SDFGState, sdfg: SDFG):
            This method applies the mapfusion transformation.
            Other than the removal of the second map entry node (SME), and the first
            map exit (FME) node, it has the following side effects:

            1.  Any transient adjacent to both FME and SME with degree = 2 will be removed.
                The tasklets that use/produce it shall be connected directly with a
                scalar/new transient (if the dataflow is more than a single scalar)

            2.  If this transient is adjacent to FME and SME and has other
                uses, it will be adjacent to the new map exit post fusion.
                Tasklet-> Tasklet edges will ALSO be added as mentioned above.

            3.  If an access node is adjacent to FME but not SME, it will be
                adjacent to new map exit post fusion.

            4.  If an access node is adjacent to SME but not FME, it will be
                adjacent to the new map entry node post fusion.

        first_exit = self.first_map_exit
        first_entry = graph.entry_node(first_exit)
        second_entry = self.second_map_entry
        second_exit = graph.exit_node(second_entry)

        intermediate_nodes = set()
        for _, _, dst, _, _ in graph.out_edges(first_exit):
            assert isinstance(dst, nodes.AccessNode)

        # Check if an access node refers to non transient memory, or transient
        # is used at another location (cannot erase)
        do_not_erase = set()
        for node in intermediate_nodes:
            if sdfg.arrays[node.data].transient is False:
                for edge in graph.in_edges(node):
                    if edge.src != first_exit:
                    for edge in graph.out_edges(node):
                        if edge.dst != second_entry:

        # Find permutation between first and second scopes
        perm = self.find_permutation(first_entry.map, second_entry.map)
        params_dict = {}
        for index, param in enumerate(first_entry.map.params):
            params_dict[param] = second_entry.map.params[perm[index]]

        # Replaces (in memlets and tasklet) the second scope map
        # indices with the permuted first map indices.
        # This works in two passes to avoid problems when e.g., exchanging two
        # parameters (instead of replacing (j,i) and (i,j) to (j,j) and then
        # i,i).
        second_scope = graph.scope_subgraph(second_entry)
        for firstp, secondp in params_dict.items():
            if firstp != secondp:
                replace(second_scope, secondp, '__' + secondp + '_fused')
        for firstp, secondp in params_dict.items():
            if firstp != secondp:
                replace(second_scope, '__' + secondp + '_fused', firstp)

        # Isolate First exit node
        edges_to_remove = set()
        nodes_to_remove = set()
        for edge in graph.in_edges(first_exit):
            tree = graph.memlet_tree(edge)
            access_node = tree.root().edge.dst
            if access_node not in do_not_erase:
                out_edges = [
                    e for e in graph.out_edges(access_node)
                    if e.dst == second_entry
                # In this transformation, there can only be one edge to the
                # second map
                assert len(out_edges) == 1

                # Get source connector to the second map
                connector = out_edges[0].dst_conn[3:]

                new_dsts = []
                # Look at the second map entry out-edges to get the new
                # destinations
                for e in graph.out_edges(second_entry):
                    if e.src_conn[4:] == connector:
                if not new_dsts:  # Access node is not used in the second map

                # Add a transient scalar/array
                self.fuse_nodes(sdfg, graph, edge, new_dsts[0].dst,
                                new_dsts[0].dst_conn, new_dsts[1:])


                # Remove transient node between the two maps
            else:  # The case where intermediate array node cannot be removed
                # Node will become an output of the second map exit
                out_e = tree.parent.edge
                conn = second_exit.next_connector()
                    'OUT_' + conn,
                second_exit.add_out_connector('OUT_' + conn)

                graph.add_edge(edge.src, edge.src_conn, second_exit,
                               'IN_' + conn, dcpy(edge.data))
                second_exit.add_in_connector('IN_' + conn)


                # If the second map needs this node, link the connector
                # that generated this to the place where it is needed, with a
                # temp transient/scalar for memlet to be generated
                for out_e in graph.out_edges(second_entry):
                    second_memlet_path = graph.memlet_path(out_e)
                    source_node = second_memlet_path[0].src
                    if source_node == access_node:
                        self.fuse_nodes(sdfg, graph, edge, out_e.dst,

        # First scope exit is isolated and can now be safely removed
        for e in edges_to_remove:

        # Isolate second_entry node
        for edge in graph.in_edges(second_entry):
            tree = graph.memlet_tree(edge)
            access_node = tree.root().edge.src
            if access_node in intermediate_nodes:
                # Already handled above, can be safely removed

            # This is an external input to the second map which will now go
            # through the first map.
            conn = first_entry.next_connector()
            graph.add_edge(edge.src, edge.src_conn, first_entry, 'IN_' + conn,
            first_entry.add_in_connector('IN_' + conn)
            for out_enode in tree.children:
                out_e = out_enode.edge
                    'OUT_' + conn,
            first_entry.add_out_connector('OUT_' + conn)

        # Second node is isolated and can now be safely removed

        # Fix scope exit to point to the right map
        second_exit.map = first_entry.map
コード例 #6
def infer_node_connectors(sdfg: SDFG, state: SDFGState, node: nodes.Node,
                          inferred: TypeInferenceDict):
    """ Infers the connectors of a node and updates `inferred` accordingly. """

    # Try to infer input connector type from node type or previous edges
    for e in state.in_edges(node):
        cname = e.dst_conn
        if cname is None:

        scalar = (e.data.subset and e.data.subset.num_elements() == 1)
        if e.data.data is not None:
            allocated_as_scalar = (sdfg.arrays[e.data.data].storage
                                   is not dtypes.StorageType.GPU_Global)
            allocated_as_scalar = True

        if inferred[(node, cname, True)].type is None:
            # If nested SDFG, try to use internal array type
            if isinstance(node, nodes.NestedSDFG):
                scalar = (isinstance(node.sdfg.arrays[cname], data.Scalar)
                          and allocated_as_scalar)
                dtype = node.sdfg.arrays[cname].dtype
                ctype = (dtype if scalar else dtypes.pointer(dtype))
            elif e.data.data is not None:  # Obtain type from memlet
                scalar |= isinstance(sdfg.arrays[e.data.data], data.Scalar)
                if isinstance(node, nodes.LibraryNode):
                    scalar &= allocated_as_scalar
                dtype = sdfg.arrays[e.data.data].dtype
                ctype = (dtype if scalar else dtypes.pointer(dtype))
            else:  # Code->Code
                src_edge = state.memlet_path(e)[0]
                sconn = src_edge.src.out_connectors[src_edge.src_conn]
                if sconn.type is None:
                    raise TypeError('Ambiguous or uninferable type in'
                                    ' connector "%s" of node "%s"' %
                                    (sconn, src_edge.src))
                ctype = sconn
            inferred[(node, cname, True)] = ctype

    # Try to infer outputs from output edges
    for e in state.out_edges(node):
        cname = e.src_conn
        if cname is None:

        scalar = (e.data.subset and e.data.subset.num_elements() == 1
                  and (not e.data.dynamic or
                       (e.data.dynamic and e.data.wcr is not None)))
        if e.data.data is not None:
            allocated_as_scalar = (sdfg.arrays[e.data.data].storage
                                   is not dtypes.StorageType.GPU_Global)
            allocated_as_scalar = True

        if inferred[(node, cname, False)].type is None:
            # If nested SDFG, try to use internal array type
            if isinstance(node, nodes.NestedSDFG):
                scalar = (isinstance(node.sdfg.arrays[cname], data.Scalar)
                          and allocated_as_scalar)
                dtype = node.sdfg.arrays[cname].dtype
                ctype = (dtype if scalar else dtypes.pointer(dtype))
            elif e.data.data is not None:  # Obtain type from memlet
                scalar |= isinstance(sdfg.arrays[e.data.data], data.Scalar)
                if isinstance(node, nodes.LibraryNode):
                    scalar &= allocated_as_scalar
                dtype = sdfg.arrays[e.data.data].dtype
                ctype = (dtype if scalar else dtypes.pointer(dtype))
            inferred[(node, cname, False)] = ctype

    # Let the node infer other output types on its own
    if isinstance(node, nodes.Tasklet):
        infer_tasklet_connectors(sdfg, state, node, inferred)
    elif isinstance(node, nodes.NestedSDFG):
        infer_connector_types(node.sdfg, inferred=inferred)

    # If there are any remaining uninferable connectors, fail
    for e in state.out_edges(node):
        cname = e.src_conn
        if cname and inferred[(node, cname, False)].type is None:
            raise TypeError('Ambiguous or uninferable type in'
                            ' connector "%s" of node "%s"' % (cname, node))