コード例 #1
ファイル: rtl.py プロジェクト: sscholbe/dace
 def generate_node(self, sdfg: sdfg.SDFG, dfg: state.StateSubgraphView,
                   state_id: int, node: nodes.Node,
                   function_stream: prettycode.CodeIOStream,
                   callsite_stream: prettycode.CodeIOStream):
     # check instance type
     if isinstance(node, nodes.Tasklet):
         handle Tasklet:
             (1) generate in->tasklet
             (2) generate tasklet->out
             (3) generate tasklet
         # generate code to handle data input to the tasklet
         for edge in dfg.in_edges(node):
             # find input array
             src_node = find_input_arraynode(dfg, edge)
             # dispatch code gen (copy_memory)
             self.dispatcher.dispatch_copy(src_node, node, edge, sdfg, dfg,
                                           state_id, function_stream,
         # generate code to handle data output from the tasklet
         for edge in dfg.out_edges(node):
             # find output array
             dst_node = find_output_arraynode(dfg, edge)
             # dispatch code gen (define_out_memlet)
                 node, dst_node, edge, sdfg, dfg, state_id, function_stream,
         # generate tasklet code
         self.unparse_tasklet(sdfg, dfg, state_id, node, function_stream,
         raise RuntimeError(
             "Only tasklets are handled here, not {}. This should have been filtered by the predicate"
コード例 #2
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: sscholbe/dace
def weakly_connected_component(dfg,
                               node_in_component: Node) -> StateSubgraphView:
    Returns a subgraph of all nodes that form the weakly connected component in
    `dfg` that contains `node_in_component`.
    seen = set()
    to_search = [node_in_component]
    while to_search:
        node = to_search.pop()
        if node in seen:
        for succ in dfg.successors(node):
    to_search = [node_in_component]
    while to_search:
        node = to_search.pop()
        if node in seen:
        for succ in dfg.predecessors(node):
    subgraph = StateSubgraphView(dfg, seen)
    return subgraph
コード例 #3
ファイル: cutout.py プロジェクト: am-ivanov/dace
def _extend_subgraph_with_access_nodes(state: SDFGState, subgraph: StateSubgraphView) -> StateSubgraphView:
    """ Expands a subgraph view to include necessary input/output access nodes, using memlet paths. """
    sdfg = state.parent
    result: List[nd.Node] = copy.copy(subgraph.nodes())
    queue: Deque[nd.Node] = deque(subgraph.nodes())

    # Add all nodes in memlet paths
    while len(queue) > 0:
        node = queue.pop()
        if isinstance(node, nd.AccessNode):
            if isinstance(node.desc(sdfg), data.View):
                vnode = sdutil.get_view_node(state, node)
        for e in state.in_edges(node):
            # Special case: IN_* connectors are not traversed further
            if isinstance(e.dst, (nd.EntryNode, nd.ExitNode)) and e.dst_conn.startswith('IN_'):
            mpath = state.memlet_path(e)
            new_nodes = [mpe.src for mpe in mpath if mpe.src not in result]
            # Memlet path may end in a code node, continue traversing and expanding graph

        for e in state.out_edges(node):
            # Special case: OUT_* connectors are not traversed further
            if isinstance(e.src, (nd.EntryNode, nd.ExitNode)) and e.src_conn.startswith('OUT_'):
            mpath = state.memlet_path(e)
            new_nodes = [mpe.dst for mpe in mpath if mpe.dst not in result]
            # Memlet path may end in a code node, continue traversing and expanding graph

    # Check for mismatch in scopes
    for node in result:
        enode = None
        if isinstance(node, nd.EntryNode) and state.exit_node(node) not in result:
            enode = state.exit_node(node)
        if isinstance(node, nd.ExitNode) and state.entry_node(node) not in result:
            enode = state.entry_node(node)
        if enode is not None:
            raise ValueError(f'Cutout cannot expand graph implicitly since "{node}" is in the graph and "{enode}" is '
                             'not. Please provide more nodes in the subgraph as necessary.')

    return StateSubgraphView(state, result)
コード例 #4
ファイル: cutout.py プロジェクト: am-ivanov/dace
def _containers_defined_outside(sdfg: SDFG, state: SDFGState, subgraph: StateSubgraphView) -> Set[str]:
    """ Returns a list of containers set outside the given subgraph. """
    # Since we care about containers that are written to, we only need to look at access nodes rather than interstate
    # edges
    result: Set[str] = set()
    for ostate in sdfg.nodes():
        for node in ostate.data_nodes():
            if ostate is not state or node not in subgraph.nodes():
                if ostate.in_degree(node) > 0:

    # Add all new sink nodes of new subgraph
    for dnode in subgraph.data_nodes():
        if subgraph.out_degree(dnode) == 0 and state.out_degree(dnode) > 0:

    return result
コード例 #5
ファイル: cutout.py プロジェクト: am-ivanov/dace
def cutout_state(state: SDFGState, *nodes: nd.Node, make_copy: bool = True) -> SDFG:
    Cut out a subgraph of a state from an SDFG to run separately for localized testing or optimization.
    The subgraph defined by the list of nodes will be extended to include access nodes of data containers necessary
    to run the graph separately. In addition, all transient data containers created outside the cut out graph will
    become global.
    :param state: The SDFG state in which the subgraph resides.
    :param nodes: The nodes in the subgraph to cut out.
    :param make_copy: If True, deep-copies every SDFG element in the copy. Otherwise, original references are kept.
    create_element = copy.deepcopy if make_copy else (lambda x: x)
    sdfg = state.parent
    subgraph: StateSubgraphView = StateSubgraphView(state, nodes)
    subgraph = _extend_subgraph_with_access_nodes(state, subgraph)
    other_arrays = _containers_defined_outside(sdfg, state, subgraph)

    # Make a new SDFG with the included constants, used symbols, and data containers
    new_sdfg = SDFG(f'{state.parent.name}_cutout', sdfg.constants_prop)
    defined_syms = subgraph.defined_symbols()
    freesyms = subgraph.free_symbols
    for sym in freesyms:
        new_sdfg.add_symbol(sym, defined_syms[sym])

    for dnode in subgraph.data_nodes():
        if dnode.data in new_sdfg.arrays:
        new_desc = sdfg.arrays[dnode.data].clone()
        # If transient is defined outside, it becomes a global
        if dnode.data in other_arrays:
            new_desc.transient = False
        new_sdfg.add_datadesc(dnode.data, new_desc)

    # Add a single state with the extended subgraph
    new_state = new_sdfg.add_state(state.label, is_start_state=True)
    inserted_nodes: Dict[nd.Node, nd.Node] = {}
    for e in subgraph.edges():
        if e.src not in inserted_nodes:
            inserted_nodes[e.src] = create_element(e.src)
        if e.dst not in inserted_nodes:
            inserted_nodes[e.dst] = create_element(e.dst)
        new_state.add_edge(inserted_nodes[e.src], e.src_conn, inserted_nodes[e.dst], e.dst_conn, create_element(e.data))

    # Insert remaining isolated nodes
    for n in subgraph.nodes():
        if n not in inserted_nodes:
            inserted_nodes[n] = create_element(n)

    # Remove remaining dangling connectors from scope nodes
    for node in inserted_nodes.values():
        used_connectors = set(e.dst_conn for e in new_state.in_edges(node))
        for conn in (node.in_connectors.keys() - used_connectors):
        used_connectors = set(e.src_conn for e in new_state.out_edges(node))
        for conn in (node.out_connectors.keys() - used_connectors):

    return new_sdfg
コード例 #6
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: sscholbe/dace
def separate_maps(state, dfg, schedule):
    """ Separates the given ScopeSubgraphView into subgraphs with and without
        maps of the given schedule type. The function assumes that the given
        ScopeSubgraph view does not contain any concurrent segments (i.e. pass
        it through concurrent_subgraphs first). Only top level maps will be
        accounted for, if the desired schedule occurs in another (undesired)
        map, it will be ignored.

        Returns a list with the subgraph views in order of the original DFG.
        ScopeSubgraphViews for the parts with maps, StateSubgraphViews for the
        parts without maps. """

    from dace import nodes
    from dace.sdfg.scope import StateSubgraphView

    sorted_nodes = list(dfs_topological_sort(dfg, dfg.source_nodes()[0]))
    nodes_to_skip = [dfg.source_nodes()[0], dfg.sink_nodes()[0]]
    result = []

    current = []
    for node in sorted_nodes:
        if node in nodes_to_skip:
        if isinstance(node, nodes.MapEntry):
            if node.map.schedule == schedule:
                result.append(StateSubgraphView(state, current))
                nodes_to_skip += result[-1].nodes()
                current = []
                temp_nodes = state.scope_subgraph(node).nodes()
                nodes_to_skip += temp_nodes
                current += temp_nodes

    if len(current) > 0:
        result.append(StateSubgraphView(state, current))

    return result
コード例 #7
ファイル: nest_subgraph_test.py プロジェクト: zurvar/dace
def test_internal_outarray():
    sdfg = dace.SDFG('internal_outarr')
    sdfg.add_array('A', [20], dace.float64)
    state = sdfg.add_state()

    me, mx = state.add_map('_', dict(i='0:1'))
    t = state.add_tasklet('doit', {}, {'a'}, 'a = 0')
    w = state.add_write('A')
    state.add_nedge(me, t, dace.Memlet())
    state.add_edge(t, 'a', w, None, dace.Memlet('A[1]'))
    state.add_nedge(w, mx, dace.Memlet())

    subgraph = StateSubgraphView(state, [t, w])
    nest_state_subgraph(sdfg, state, subgraph)

    a = np.random.rand(20)
    assert a[1] == 0
コード例 #8
    def copy_memory(self, sdfg: dace.SDFG, dfg: StateSubgraphView,
                    state_id: int, src_node: nodes.Node, dst_node: nodes.Node,
                    edge: MultiConnectorEdge, function_stream: CodeIOStream,
                    callsite_stream: CodeIOStream):
        # Obtain source and destination information, handle access<->tasklet
        # If copying from tensor core fragments to/from tasklets, we only need
        # to emit a reference, as the fragment contains the memory.
        src_desc = (src_node.desc(sdfg)
                    if isinstance(src_node, nodes.AccessNode) else None)
        # Tasklet -> Array
        if not src_desc:
            local_name = dfg.memlet_path(edge)[0].src_conn
                'auto& %s = %s;' % (local_name, dst_node.data), sdfg, state_id,
                [src_node, dst_node])

        dst_desc = (dst_node.desc(sdfg)
                    if isinstance(dst_node, nodes.AccessNode) else None)
        # Array -> Tasklet
        if not dst_desc:
            local_name = dfg.memlet_path(edge)[-1].dst_conn
                'auto& %s = %s;' % (local_name, src_node.data), sdfg, state_id,
                [src_node, dst_node])

        nontc_desc = (dst_desc
                      if 'TensorCore' in src_desc.storage.name else src_desc)
        nontc_node = (dst_node
                      if 'TensorCore' in src_desc.storage.name else src_node)

        # Majority is detected by the strides of the data
        row_major = True if nontc_desc.strides[-1] == 1 else False

        # Set non-tensor-core C++ expression based on memlet
        if edge.data.data == nontc_node.data:
            other_expr = cpp_array_expr(sdfg, edge.data)
        elif edge.data.other_subset is not None:
            offset_cppstr = cpp_offset_expr(nontc_desc, edge.data.other_subset)
            other_expr = '%s[%s]' % (nontc_node.data, offset_cppstr)
            other_expr = '%s[0]' % nontc_node.data

        # Emit copy code
        if 'TensorCore' in dst_desc.storage.name:
            # GPU memory to Tensor Cores
                'wmma::load_matrix_sync({tc}, &{other}, '
                    stride=src_desc.strides[0 if row_major else 1]), sdfg,
                state_id, [src_node, dst_node])
            # Tensor Cores to GPU memory
                'wmma::store_matrix_sync(&{other}, {tc}, '
                '{stride}, wmma::mem_{maj}_major);'.format(
                    maj='row' if row_major else 'col',
                    stride=dst_desc.strides[0 if row_major else 1]), sdfg,
                state_id, [src_node, dst_node])