コード例 #1
ファイル: loop_peeling.py プロジェクト: zurvar/dace
    def can_be_applied(graph, candidate, expr_index, sdfg, strict=False):
        if not DetectLoop.can_be_applied(graph, candidate, expr_index, sdfg,
            return False

        guard = graph.node(candidate[DetectLoop._loop_guard])
        begin = graph.node(candidate[DetectLoop._loop_begin])

        # If loop cannot be detected, fail
        found = find_for_loop(sdfg, guard, begin)
        if found is None:
            return False

        return True
コード例 #2
    def can_be_applied(graph, candidate, expr_index, sdfg, strict=False):
        if not DetectLoop.can_be_applied(graph, candidate, expr_index, sdfg,
            return False

        guard = graph.node(candidate[DetectLoop._loop_guard])
        begin = graph.node(candidate[DetectLoop._loop_begin])

        # Obtain iteration variable, range, and stride
        guard_inedges = graph.in_edges(guard)
        condition_edge = graph.edges_between(guard, begin)[0]
        itervar = list(guard_inedges[0].data.assignments.keys())[0]
        condition = condition_edge.data.condition_sympy()

        # If loop cannot be detected, fail
        rng = LoopUnroll._loop_range(itervar, guard_inedges, condition)
        if not rng:
            return False

        return True
コード例 #3
ファイル: loop_unroll.py プロジェクト: tobiasholenstein/dace
    def can_be_applied(graph, candidate, expr_index, sdfg, strict=False):
        # Is this even a loop
        if not DetectLoop.can_be_applied(graph, candidate, expr_index, sdfg,
            return False

        guard = graph.node(candidate[DetectLoop._loop_guard])
        begin = graph.node(candidate[DetectLoop._loop_begin])
        found = find_for_loop(graph, guard, begin)

        # If loop cannot be detected, fail
        if not found:
            return False
        _, rng, _ = found

        # If loop stride is not specialized or constant-sized, fail
        if symbolic.issymbolic(rng[2], sdfg.constants):
            return False
        # If loop range diff is not constant-sized, fail
        if symbolic.issymbolic(rng[1] - rng[0], sdfg.constants):
            return False
        return True
コード例 #4
ファイル: loop_to_map.py プロジェクト: thobauma/dace
    def can_be_applied(self, graph, candidate, expr_index, sdfg, strict=False):
        # Is this even a loop
        if not DetectLoop.can_be_applied(graph, candidate, expr_index, sdfg,
            return False

        guard = graph.node(candidate[DetectLoop._loop_guard])
        begin = graph.node(candidate[DetectLoop._loop_begin])

        # Guard state should not contain any dataflow
        if len(guard.nodes()) != 0:
            return False

        # If loop cannot be detected, fail
        found = find_for_loop(graph, guard, begin,
        if not found:
            return False

        itervar, (start, end, step), (_, body_end) = found

        # We cannot handle symbols read from data containers unless they are
        # scalar
        for expr in (start, end, step):
            if symbolic.contains_sympy_functions(expr):
                return False

        # Find all loop-body states
        states = set([body_end])
        to_visit = [begin]
        while to_visit:
            state = to_visit.pop(0)
            if state is body_end:
            for _, dst, _ in graph.out_edges(state):
                if dst not in states:

        write_set = set()
        for state in states:
            _, wset = state.read_and_write_sets()
            write_set |= wset

        # Get access nodes from other states to isolate local loop variables
        other_access_nodes = set()
        for state in sdfg.nodes():
            if state in states:
            other_access_nodes |= set(n.data for n in state.data_nodes()
                                      if sdfg.arrays[n.data].transient)
        # Add non-transient nodes from loop state
        for state in states:
            other_access_nodes |= set(n.data for n in state.data_nodes()
                                      if not sdfg.arrays[n.data].transient)

        write_memlets = defaultdict(list)

        itersym = symbolic.pystr_to_symbolic(itervar)
        a = sp.Wild('a', exclude=[itersym])
        b = sp.Wild('b', exclude=[itersym])

        for state in states:
            for dn in state.data_nodes():
                if dn.data not in other_access_nodes:
                # Take all writes that are not conflicted into consideration
                if dn.data in write_set:
                    for e in state.in_edges(dn):
                        if e.data.dynamic and e.data.wcr is None:
                            # If pointers are involved, give up
                            return False
                        # To be sure that the value is only written at unique
                        # indices per loop iteration, we want to match symbols
                        # of the form "a*i+b" where a >= 1, and i is the iteration
                        # variable. The iteration variable must be used.
                        if e.data.wcr is None:
                            dst_subset = e.data.get_dst_subset(e, state)
                            if not _check_range(dst_subset, a, itersym, b, step):
                                return False
                        # End of check


        # After looping over relevant writes, consider reads that may overlap
        for state in states:
            for dn in state.data_nodes():
                if dn.data not in other_access_nodes:
                data = dn.data
                if data in write_memlets:
                    # Import as necessary
                    from dace.sdfg.propagation import propagate_subset

                    for e in state.out_edges(dn):
                        # If the same container is both read and written, only match if
                        # it read and written at locations that will not create data races
                        if e.data.dynamic and e.data.src_subset.num_elements() != 1:
                            # If pointers are involved, give up
                            return False
                        src_subset = e.data.get_src_subset(e, state)
                        if not _check_range(src_subset, a, itersym, b, step):
                            return False

                        pread = propagate_subset([e.data], sdfg.arrays[data],
                                                subsets.Range([(start, end, step)
                        for candidate in write_memlets[data]:
                            # Simple case: read and write are in the same subset
                            if e.data.subset == candidate.subset:
                            # Propagated read does not overlap with propagated write
                            pwrite = propagate_subset([candidate],
                                                    sdfg.arrays[data], [itervar],
                                                    subsets.Range([(start, end,
                            if subsets.intersects(pread.subset,
                                                pwrite.subset) is False:
                            return False

        # Check that the iteration variable is not used on other edges or states
        # before it is reassigned
        prior_states = True
        for state in cfg.stateorder_topological_sort(sdfg):
            # Skip all states up to guard
            if prior_states:
                if state is begin:
                    prior_states = False
            # We do not need to check the loop-body states
            if state in states:
            if itervar in state.free_symbols:
                return False
            # Don't continue in this direction, as the variable has
            # now been reassigned
            # TODO: Handle case of subset of out_edges
            if all(itervar in e.data.assignments
                   for e in sdfg.out_edges(state)):

        return True
コード例 #5
ファイル: remove_loop.py プロジェクト: spcl/stencilflow
 def can_be_applied(graph, candidate, expr_index, sdfg, strict=False):
     if not DetectLoop.can_be_applied(graph, candidate, expr_index, sdfg,
         return False
     return True