def test_state_lazy_load(self, tmpdir): exp = Experiment(directory=tmpdir, state_class=EmptyState) s = EmptyState(experiment_object=exp) exp.root = s # Generate a new child state from state `s` r = EmptyState.new_state(s) # Reload the two-state experiment # By default, slim=True exp = Experiment.restore(directory=tmpdir) for node, state in exp.graph.node_map.items(): assert state.slim_loaded # deflated with state.lazy_load(): assert not state.slim_loaded # fully loaded assert state.slim_loaded # deflated # Check behavior change as slim is set to False when exp is restored exp = Experiment.restore(directory=tmpdir, slim=False) for node, state in exp.graph.node_map.items(): assert not state.slim_loaded # deflated with state.lazy_load(): assert not state.slim_loaded # fully loaded # Note: lazy_load deflates the state even if it was initially # fully loaded! assert state.slim_loaded # deflated
def test_new_state(self, tmpdir): """Generating a new state from a previous one using new_state should generate the right connection between the two states, which can be inspected through the setting of a parent_sha and then in the way the experiment graph is drawn when the StaticExperimentTree is reloaded. """ exp = Experiment(directory=tmpdir, state_class=EmptyState) s = EmptyState(experiment_object=exp) # Set it as the root of the experiment exp.root = s # Generate a new child state from state `s` r = EmptyState.new_state(s) assert r.parent_sha == s.sha() assert r.experiment_object == exp exp = Experiment.restore(directory=tmpdir) # reload experiment # Test that the graph looks as expected with the connection assert len(exp.graph.nodes) == 2 assert exp.graph.edge_map[s.sha()] == set([r.sha()])