コード例 #1
 def sqrt_core():
     T    = np.nan    # cause error if used
     Qa12 = np.nan    # cause error if used
     A2   = A.copy()  # Instead of using (the implicitly nonlocal) A,
     # which changes A outside as well. NB: This is a bug in Datum!
     if N <= Nx:
         Ainv = tinv(A2.T)
         Qa12 = Ainv@Q12
         T    = funm_psd(eye(N) + dt*(N-1)*([email protected]), sqrt)
         A2   = T@A2
     else:  # "Left-multiplying" form
         P  = A2.T @ A2 / (N-1)
         L  = funm_psd(eye(Nx) + dt*mrdiv(Q, P), sqrt)
         A2 = A2 @ L.T
     E = mu + A2
     return E, T, Qa12
コード例 #2
    def assimilate(self, HMM, xx, yy):
        Dyn, Obs, chrono, X0, stats = HMM.Dyn, HMM.Obs, HMM.t, HMM.X0, self.stats
        Rm12 = Obs.noise.C.sym_sqrt_inv

        E = X0.sample(self.N)
        stats.assess(0, E=E)

        for k, kObs, t, dt in progbar(chrono.ticker):
            E = Dyn(E, t - dt, dt)
            E = add_noise(E, dt, Dyn.noise, self.fnoise_treatm)

            if kObs is not None:
                stats.assess(k, kObs, 'f', E=E)
                mu = np.mean(E, 0)
                A = E - mu

                Eo = Obs(E, t)
                xo = np.mean(Eo, 0)
                YR = (Eo - xo) @ Rm12.T
                yR = (yy[kObs] - xo) @ Rm12.T

                state_batches, obs_taperer = Obs.localizer(
                    self.loc_rad, 'x2y', t, self.taper)
                for ii in state_batches:
                    # Localize obs
                    jj, tapering = obs_taperer(ii)
                    if len(jj) == 0:

                    Y_jj = YR[:, jj] * np.sqrt(tapering)
                    dy_jj = yR[jj] * np.sqrt(tapering)

                    # NETF:
                    # This "paragraph" is the only difference to the LETKF.
                    innovs = (dy_jj - Y_jj) / self.Rs
                    if 'laplace' in str(type(Obs.noise)).lower():
                        w = laplace_lklhd(innovs)
                    else:  # assume Gaussian
                        w = reweight(np.ones(self.N), innovs=innovs)
                    dmu = w @ A[:, ii]
                    AT = np.sqrt(self.N) * funm_psd(
                        np.diag(w) - np.outer(w, w), np.sqrt) @ A[:, ii]

                    E[:, ii] = mu[ii] + dmu + AT

                E = post_process(E, self.infl, self.rot)
            stats.assess(k, kObs, E=E)
コード例 #3
    def assimilate(self, HMM, xx, yy):
        # Unpack
        Dyn, Obs, chrono, X0, stats = \
            HMM.Dyn, HMM.Obs, HMM.t, HMM.X0, self.stats
        R, N, N1 = HMM.Obs.noise.C, self.N, self.N-1

        # Init
        E = X0.sample(N)
        stats.assess(0, E=E)

        # Loop
        for k, kObs, t, dt in progbar(chrono.ticker):
            # Forecast
            E = Dyn(E, t-dt, dt)
            E = add_noise(E, dt, Dyn.noise, self.fnoise_treatm)

            # Analysis
            if kObs is not None:
                stats.assess(k, kObs, 'f', E=E)
                Eo = Obs(E, t)
                y  = yy[kObs]

                mu = np.mean(E, 0)
                A  = E - mu

                xo = np.mean(Eo, 0)
                Y  = Eo-xo
                dy = y - xo

                V, s, UT = svd0(Y @ R.sym_sqrt_inv.T)
                du       = UT @ (dy @ R.sym_sqrt_inv.T)
                def dgn_N(l1): return pad0((l1*s)**2, N) + N1

                # Adjust hyper-prior
                # xN_ = noise_level(self.xN,stats,chrono,N1,kObs,A,
                #                   locals().get('A_old',None))
                eN, cL = hyperprior_coeffs(s, N, self.xN, self.g)

                if self.dual:
                    # Make dual cost function (in terms of l1)
                    def pad_rk(arr): return pad0(arr, min(N, Obs.M))
                    def dgn_rk(l1): return pad_rk((l1*s)**2) + N1

                    def J(l1):
                        val = np.sum(du**2/dgn_rk(l1)) \
                            + eN/l1**2 \
                            + cL*np.log(l1**2)
                        return val

                    # Derivatives (not required with minimize_scalar):
                    def Jp(l1):
                        val = -2*l1 * np.sum(pad_rk(s**2) * du**2/dgn_rk(l1)**2) \
                            + -2*eN/l1**3 + 2*cL/l1
                        return val

                    def Jpp(l1):
                        val = 8*l1**2 * np.sum(pad_rk(s**4) * du**2/dgn_rk(l1)**3) \
                            + 6*eN/l1**4 + -2*cL/l1**2
                        return val
                    # Find inflation factor (optimize)
                    l1 = Newton_m(Jp, Jpp, 1.0)
                    # l1 = fmin_bfgs(J, x0=[1], gtol=1e-4, disp=0)
                    # l1 = minimize_scalar(J, bracket=(sqrt(prior_mode), 1e2),
                    #                      tol=1e-4).x

                    # Primal form, in a fully linearized version.
                    def za(w): return zeta_a(eN, cL, w)

                    def J(w): return \
                        .5*np.sum(((dy-w@Y)@R.sym_sqrt_inv.T)**2) + \
                        .5*N1*cL*np.log(eN + w@w)
                    # Derivatives (not required with fmin_bfgs):
                    def Jp(w): return [email protected]@(dy-w@Y) + w*za(w)
                    # Jpp   = lambda w:  [email protected]@Y.T + \
                    #     za(w)*(eye(N) - 2*np.outer(w,w)/(eN + w@w))
                    # Approx: no radial-angular cross-deriv:
                    # Jpp   = lambda w:  [email protected]@Y.T + za(w)*eye(N)

                    def nvrs(w):
                        # inverse of Jpp-approx
                        return (V * (pad0(s**2, N) + za(w)) ** -1.0) @ V.T
                    # Find w (optimize)
                    wa     = Newton_m(Jp, nvrs, zeros(N), is_inverted=True)
                    # wa   = Newton_m(Jp,Jpp ,zeros(N))
                    # wa   = fmin_bfgs(J,zeros(N),Jp,disp=0)
                    l1     = sqrt(N1/za(wa))

                # Uncomment to revert to ETKF
                # l1 = 1.0

                # Explicitly inflate prior
                # => formulae look different from `bib.bocquet2015expanding`.
                A *= l1
                Y *= l1

                # Compute sqrt update
                Pw = (V * dgn_N(l1)**(-1.0)) @ V.T
                w  = [email protected]@Y.T@Pw
                # For the anomalies:
                if not self.Hess:
                    # Regular ETKF (i.e. sym sqrt) update (with inflation)
                    T = (V * dgn_N(l1)**(-0.5)) @ V.T * sqrt(N1)
                    # = ([email protected]@Y.T/N1 + eye(N))**(-0.5)
                    # Also include angular-radial co-dependence.
                    # Note: denominator not squared coz
                    # unlike `bib.bocquet2015expanding` we have inflated Y.
                    Hw = [email protected]@Y.T/N1 + eye(N) - 2*np.outer(w, w)/(eN + w@w)
                    T  = funm_psd(Hw, lambda x: x**-.5)  # is there a sqrtm Woodbury?

                E = mu + w@A + T@A
                E = post_process(E, self.infl, self.rot)

                stats.infl[kObs] = l1
                stats.trHK[kObs] = (((l1*s)**2 + N1)**(-1.0)*s**2).sum()/HMM.Ny

            stats.assess(k, kObs, E=E)
コード例 #4
ファイル: particle.py プロジェクト: cgrudz/DAPPER
    def assimilate(self, HMM, xx, yy):
        N, xN, Nx  = self.N, self.xN, HMM.Dyn.M
        Rm12, Ri = HMM.Obs.noise.C.sym_sqrt_inv, HMM.Obs.noise.C.inv

        E = HMM.X0.sample(N)
        w = 1/N*np.ones(N)

        DD = None

        self.stats.assess(0, E=E, w=w)

        for k, ko, t, dt in progbar(HMM.tseq.ticker):
            E = HMM.Dyn(E, t-dt, dt)
            if HMM.Dyn.noise.C != 0:
                E += np.sqrt(dt)*(rnd.randn(N, Nx)@HMM.Dyn.noise.C.Right)

            if ko is not None:
                self.stats.assess(k, ko, 'f', E=E, w=w)
                y  = yy[ko]
                Eo = HMM.Obs(E, t)
                wD = w.copy()

                # Importance weighting
                innovs = (y - Eo) @ Rm12.T
                w      = reweight(w, innovs=innovs)

                # Resampling
                if trigger_resampling(w, self.NER, [self.stats, E, k, ko]):
                    # Weighted covariance factors
                    Aw = raw_C12(E, wD)
                    Yw = raw_C12(Eo, wD)

                    # EnKF-without-pertubations update
                    if N > Nx:
                        C       = Yw.T @ Yw + HMM.Obs.noise.C.full
                        KG      = mrdiv(Aw.T@Yw, C)
                        cntrs   = E + (y-Eo)@KG.T
                        Pa      = Aw.T@Aw - [email protected]@Aw
                        P_cholU = funm_psd(Pa, np.sqrt)
                        if DD is None or not self.re_use:
                            DD    = rnd.randn(N*xN, Nx)
                            chi2  = np.sum(DD**2, axis=1) * Nx/N
                            log_q = -0.5 * chi2
                        V, sig, UT = svd0(Yw @ Rm12.T)
                        dgn      = pad0(sig**2, N) + 1
                        Pw       = (V * dgn**(-1.0)) @ V.T
                        cntrs    = E + (y-Eo)@[email protected]@Pw@Aw
                        P_cholU  = (V*dgn**(-0.5)).T @ Aw
                        # Generate N·xN random numbers from NormDist(0,1),
                        # and compute log(q(x))
                        if DD is None or not self.re_use:
                            rnk   = min(Nx, N-1)
                            DD    = rnd.randn(N*xN, N)
                            chi2  = np.sum(DD**2, axis=1) * rnk/N
                            log_q = -0.5 * chi2
                        # NB: the DoF_linalg/DoF_stoch correction
                        # is only correct "on average".
                        # It is inexact "in proportion" to [email protected],
                        # where V,s,UT = tsvd(Aw).
                        # Anyways, we're computing the tsvd of Aw below,
                        # so might as well compute q(x) instead of q(xi).

                    # Duplicate
                    ED  = cntrs.repeat(xN, 0)
                    wD  = wD.repeat(xN) / xN

                    # Sample q
                    AD = DD@P_cholU
                    ED = ED + AD

                    # log(prior_kernel(x))
                    s         = self.Qs*auto_bandw(N, Nx)
                    innovs_pf = AD @ tinv(s*Aw)
                    # NB: Correct: innovs_pf = (ED-E_orig) @ tinv(s*Aw)
                    #     But it seems to make no difference on well-tuned performance !
                    log_pf    = -0.5 * np.sum(innovs_pf**2, axis=1)

                    # log(likelihood(x))
                    innovs = (y - HMM.Obs(ED, t)) @ Rm12.T
                    log_L  = -0.5 * np.sum(innovs**2, axis=1)

                    # Update weights
                    log_tot = log_L + log_pf - log_q
                    wD      = reweight(wD, logL=log_tot)

                    # Resample and reduce
                    wroot = 1.0
                    while wroot < self.wroot_max:
                        idx, w = resample(wD, self.resampl, wroot=wroot, N=N)
                        dups   = sum(mask_unique_of_sorted(idx))
                        if dups == 0:
                            E = ED[idx]
                            wroot += 0.1
            self.stats.assess(k, ko, 'u', E=E, w=w)