コード例 #1
def makeCubeTimestream(configFileName):
    configData = readDict()

    # Extract parameters from config file
    nPos = int(configData['nPos'])
    startTimes = np.array(configData['startTimes'], dtype=int)
    stopTimes = np.array(configData['stopTimes'], dtype=int)
    darkSpan = np.array(configData['darkSpan'], dtype=int)
    flatSpan = np.array(configData['flatSpan'], dtype=int)
    xPos = np.array(configData['xPos'], dtype=int)
    yPos = np.array(configData['yPos'], dtype=int)
    numRows = int(configData['numRows'])
    numCols = int(configData['numCols'])
    upSample = int(configData['upSample'])
    padFraction = float(configData['padFraction'])
    coldCut = int(configData['coldCut'])
    fitPos = bool(configData['fitPos'])
    target = str(configData['target'])
    run = str(configData['run'])
    date = str(configData['date'])
    outputDir = str(configData['outputDir'])
    useImg = bool(configData['useImg'])
    doHPM = bool(configData['doHPM'])
    subtractDark = bool(configData['subtractDark'])
    divideFlat = bool(configData['divideFlat'])
    refFile = str(configData['refFile'])

    #hard coded for now to the daytime wvl cal we did with the WL data
    wvlCalTS = '1491870376'

    calPath = os.getenv('MKID_PROC_PATH', '/')
    timeMaskPath = os.path.join(calPath,"darkHotPixMasks")
    hpPath = os.path.join(timeMaskPath,date)

    # Create empty arrays to save to npz file later
    cubes = []

    #get wvl cal soln file name
    cfn = FileName(run=run,date=date,tstamp=wvlCalTS).calSoln()

    #loop through obs files and each second within each file to make 1-s cubes
    for ts in startTimes:
        #load obs file
        obsFN = FileName(run=run, date=date, tstamp=str(ts)).obs()
        print obsFN
        obs = darkObsFile(obsFN)
        totalIntTime = obs.totalIntegrationTime
        #load wvlSoln file
        for i in range(totalIntTime):
            fullTS = ts+i
            print i, fullTS

            #get spectral cube for this second
            cDict = obs.getSpectralCube(i,1,weighted=False,fluxWeighted=False,energyBinWidth=0.07)
            cube = cDict['cube']

    wvlBinEdges = np.array(cDict['wvlBinEdges'])
    cubes = np.array(cubes)
    times = np.array(timeStamps)

    # Setup npz file to save imageStack intermediate/cal files, parameter, and output
    stackPath = os.path.join(calPath,"imageStacks")
    npzPath = os.path.join(stackPath,date)

    #if configFileName.split('/')[0] is not 'Params':
    #    print "Config file not in Params! Output stack will have wrong filename!"
    #    print configFileName.split('/')[0]
    #    npzBaseName = target
    npzBaseName = configFileName.split('/')[1].split('.')[0]
    npzFileName = npzPath+'/%s.npz'%npzBaseName
    print npzFileName

    np.savez(npzFileName, times=times, cubes=cubes, wvlBinEdges = wvlBinEdges)
    return {'cubes':cubes,'times':times,'wvlBinEdges':wvlBinEdges}
コード例 #2
from Utils.FileName import FileName
from arrayPopup import plotArray
import numpy as np
import lightCurves as lc
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
plt.rc('font', family='serif')
import pdfs
from scipy import stats
from scipy.signal import periodogram
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acovf,acf,ccf
import HotPix.darkHotPixMask as dhpm

### WL and PiHer data used for WL vs. on-sky correlation comparisons
#load obs file for wl
wlobs = darkObsFile(FileName(run='PAL2017a',date='20170410',tstamp='1491869200').obs())
#load up timed packet images
#this WL obs file has a move at 18 seconds. Just cut it out, stationary after.
#wlTPI = wlobs.getTimedPacketImage(firstSec=18, integrationTime=118)

#Concatenate photon time stamp lists together for 3 selected pixels
wlA = wlTPI['timestamps'][24][76]
wlB = wlTPI['timestamps'][24][77]
wlD = wlTPI['timestamps'][25][76]
wlTS = wlA
wlTS = np.append(wlTS,wlB)
wlTS = np.append(wlTS,wlD)

# make 5ms light curves
wlLC = lc.lightCurve(wlTS,shortExposure=.01)
コード例 #3
import lightCurves as lc
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
plt.rc('font', family='serif')
import pdfs
from scipy import stats
from scipy.signal import periodogram
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acovf, acf, ccf
import HotPix.darkHotPixMask as dhpm
#import skimage for in-painting interp
from skimage import restoration

#load bad pix mask for pi Her
bpm = dhpm.loadMask(
#load obs file for Pi Her
phobs = darkObsFile(
    FileName(run='PAL2017a', date='20170409', tstamp='1491827562').obs())

phTPI = phobs.getTimedPacketImage(firstSec=0, integrationTime=118)

shortT = 0.01
show = False
totalT = 1.000
nFrames = int(totalT / shortT)

stack = []

for n in range(nFrames):
    im = np.empty((80, 40), dtype=float)
    for i in np.arange(20, 60):  #80
        for j in np.arange(40, 120):  #125
コード例 #4
from Utils.FileName import FileName
from arrayPopup import plotArray
import numpy as np
import lightCurves as lc
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
plt.rc('font', family='serif')
import pdfs
from scipy import stats
from scipy.signal import periodogram
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acovf,acf,ccf
import HotPix.darkHotPixMask as dhpm

### WL and PiHer data used for WL vs. on-sky correlation comparisons
#load obs file for wl
wlobs = darkObsFile(FileName(run='PAL2017a',date='20170410',tstamp='1491869200').obs())
#load up timed packet images
#this WL obs file has a move at 18 seconds. Just cut it out, stationary after.
#wlTPI = wlobs.getTimedPacketImage(firstSec=18, integrationTime=118)

#Concatenate photon time stamp lists together for 3 selected pixels
wlA = wlTPI['timestamps'][24][76]
wlB = wlTPI['timestamps'][24][77]
wlD = wlTPI['timestamps'][25][76]
wlTS = wlA
wlTS = np.append(wlTS,wlB)
wlTS = np.append(wlTS,wlD)

# 69 her companion location timestamps
saoA = saoTPI['timestamps'][46][98]
コード例 #5
from scipy.signal import periodogram
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acovf, acf, ccf
import HotPix.darkHotPixMask as dhpm

object = '69h'
totalInt = 80  #for 69 Her data. Seems to be a move around 80s in.
#totalInt = 118 #for piHer data. Dither move shortly after.

### WL and PiHer data used for WL vs. on-sky correlation comparisons
#load up timed packet images
#this WL obs file has a move at 18 seconds. Just cut it out, stationary after.
if object == 'wl':
    #WL timed packet image
    target = r'WL'
    #load obs file for wl
    obs = darkObsFile(
        FileName(run='PAL2017a', date='20170410', tstamp='1491869200').obs())
    wlTPI = obs.getTimedPacketImage(firstSec=18, integrationTime=118)
    bpm = dhpm.loadMask(
    basePath = '/mnt/data0/ProcessedData/seth/speckleAnalysis/WL_stats/allPlots_20170817/10ms/'
    TPI = wlTPI

elif object == 'ph':
    #pi Her timed packet image
    target = r'$\pi$ Her'
    #load obs file for Pi Her
    obs = darkObsFile(
        FileName(run='PAL2017a', date='20170409', tstamp='1491827562').obs())
    phTPI = obs.getTimedPacketImage(firstSec=0, integrationTime=totalInt)
    bpm = dhpm.loadMask(
コード例 #6
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
plt.rc('font', family='serif')
import pdfs
from scipy import stats
from scipy.signal import periodogram
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acovf,acf,ccf
import HotPix.darkHotPixMask as dhpm
#import skimage for in-painting interp
from skimage import restoration

#load bad pix mask for pi Her
bpm = dhpm.loadMask('/mnt/data0/CalibrationFiles/darkHotPixMasks/20170409/1491826154.npz')
#load obs file for Pi Her
phobs = darkObsFile(FileName(run='PAL2017a',date='20170409',tstamp='1491827562').obs())
phTPI = phobs.getTimedPacketImage(firstSec=0, integrationTime=118)

shortT = 0.01
totalT = 1.000
nFrames = int(totalT/shortT)

stack = []

for n in range(nFrames):
    im = np.empty((80,40),dtype=float)
    for i in np.arange(20,60): #80
コード例 #7
def makeCubeTimestream(configFileName):

    configData = readDict()

    # Extract parameters from config file
    nPos = int(configData['nPos'])
    startTimes = np.array(configData['startTimes'], dtype=int)
    stopTimes = np.array(configData['stopTimes'], dtype=int)
    darkSpan = np.array(configData['darkSpan'], dtype=int)
    flatSpan = np.array(configData['flatSpan'], dtype=int)
    xPos = np.array(configData['xPos'], dtype=int)
    yPos = np.array(configData['yPos'], dtype=int)
    numRows = int(configData['numRows'])
    numCols = int(configData['numCols'])
    upSample = int(configData['upSample'])
    padFraction = float(configData['padFraction'])
    coldCut = int(configData['coldCut'])
    fitPos = bool(configData['fitPos'])
    target = str(configData['target'])
    run = str(configData['run'])
    date = str(configData['date'])
    outputDir = str(configData['outputDir'])
    useImg = bool(configData['useImg'])
    doHPM = bool(configData['doHPM'])
    subtractDark = bool(configData['subtractDark'])
    divideFlat = bool(configData['divideFlat'])
    refFile = str(configData['refFile'])

    #hard coded for now to the daytime wvl cal we did with the WL data
    wvlCalTS = '1491870376'

    calPath = os.getenv('MKID_PROC_PATH', '/')
    timeMaskPath = os.path.join(calPath, "darkHotPixMasks")
    hpPath = os.path.join(timeMaskPath, date)

    # Create empty arrays to save to npz file later
    timeStamps = []
    cubes = []

    #get wvl cal soln file name
    cfn = FileName(run=run, date=date, tstamp=wvlCalTS).calSoln()

    #loop through obs files and each second within each file to make 1-s cubes
    for ts in startTimes:
        #load obs file
        obsFN = FileName(run=run, date=date, tstamp=str(ts)).obs()
        print obsFN
        obs = darkObsFile(obsFN)
        totalIntTime = obs.totalIntegrationTime
        #load wvlSoln file
        for i in range(totalIntTime):
            fullTS = ts + i
            print i, fullTS

            #get spectral cube for this second
            cDict = obs.getSpectralCube(i,
            cube = cDict['cube']

    wvlBinEdges = np.array(cDict['wvlBinEdges'])
    cubes = np.array(cubes)
    times = np.array(timeStamps)

    # Setup npz file to save imageStack intermediate/cal files, parameter, and output
    stackPath = os.path.join(calPath, "imageStacks")
    npzPath = os.path.join(stackPath, date)

    #if configFileName.split('/')[0] is not 'Params':
    #    print "Config file not in Params! Output stack will have wrong filename!"
    #    print configFileName.split('/')[0]
    #    npzBaseName = target
    npzBaseName = configFileName.split('/')[1].split('.')[0]
    npzFileName = npzPath + '/%s.npz' % npzBaseName
    print npzFileName

    np.savez(npzFileName, times=times, cubes=cubes, wvlBinEdges=wvlBinEdges)
    return {'cubes': cubes, 'times': times, 'wvlBinEdges': wvlBinEdges}
コード例 #8
from scipy.signal import periodogram
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acovf,acf,ccf
import HotPix.darkHotPixMask as dhpm

object = '69h'
totalInt = 80 #for 69 Her data. Seems to be a move around 80s in.
#totalInt = 118 #for piHer data. Dither move shortly after.

### WL and PiHer data used for WL vs. on-sky correlation comparisons
#load up timed packet images
#this WL obs file has a move at 18 seconds. Just cut it out, stationary after.
if object == 'wl':
    #WL timed packet image
    target = r'WL'
    #load obs file for wl
    obs = darkObsFile(FileName(run='PAL2017a',date='20170410',tstamp='1491869200').obs())
    wlTPI = obs.getTimedPacketImage(firstSec=18, integrationTime=118)
    bpm = dhpm.loadMask('/mnt/data0/CalibrationFiles/darkHotPixMasks/20170410/1491870115.npz')
    basePath = '/mnt/data0/ProcessedData/seth/speckleAnalysis/WL_stats/allPlots_20170817/10ms/'
    TPI = wlTPI

elif object == 'ph':
    #pi Her timed packet image
    target = r'$\pi$ Her'
    #load obs file for Pi Her
    obs = darkObsFile(FileName(run='PAL2017a',date='20170409',tstamp='1491827562').obs())
    phTPI = obs.getTimedPacketImage(firstSec=0, integrationTime=totalInt)
    bpm = dhpm.loadMask('/mnt/data0/CalibrationFiles/darkHotPixMasks/20170409/1491826154.npz')
    basePath = '/mnt/data0/ProcessedData/seth/speckleAnalysis/piHer_stats/allPlots_20170817/30ms/'
    TPI = phTPI