コード例 #1
ファイル: yolo.py プロジェクト: ahmedezzat85/SNPX_ML
    class TFYolo(object):
        """ """
        def __init__(self, yolo_model='tiny-yolo-voc'):
            yolo_meta = os.path.join(YOLO_MODELS_DIR, yolo_model + '.json')
            yolo_model = os.path.join(YOLO_MODELS_DIR, yolo_model + '.pb')
            yolo_args = argHandler()
            yolo_args['metaLoad'] = yolo_meta
            yolo_args['pbLoad'] = yolo_model
            yolo_args['gpu'] = 1.0
            yolo_args['threshold'] = 0.
            self.yolo = TFNet(yolo_args)

        def preprocess(self, im):
            h, w, c = self.yolo.meta['inp_size']
            img = cv2.resize(im, (w, h))
            img = img / 255.
            return np.expand_dims(img, 0)

        def detect(self, image):
            self.net_out = self.yolo.detect(image)
            self.net_out = np.transpose(self.net_out, [2, 0, 1])

        def close(self):
コード例 #2
ファイル: twd_app_orig.py プロジェクト: ahmedezzat85/SNPX_ML
class TWD_Demo(object):
    """ """
    def __init__(self, cam_id=None, ip_cam=None, detector='yolo-voc'):
        if cam_id == None and ip_cam is None:
            raise ValueError('No Camera given')

        yolo_meta = os.path.join(CURR_DIR, 'detector', detector + '.json')
        yolo_model = os.path.join(CURR_DIR, 'detector', detector + '.pb')
        yolo_args = argHandler()
        yolo_args['metaLoad'] = yolo_meta
        yolo_args['pbLoad'] = yolo_model
        yolo_args['gpu'] = 1.0
        yolo_args['threshold'] = 0.
        self.yolo_args = yolo_args
        self.cam_name = 'Trip-Wire Detection'
        self.cam = utils.WebCam(
            cam_id, self.cam_name) if cam_id is not None else utils.IPCam(
                ip_cam, self.cam_name)

        self.tw_start = (0, 0)
        self.tw_end = (0, 0)
        self.tw_slope = 0
        self.tw_color = (0, 200, 0)

    def _create_logger(self):
        """ Create a Logger Instance."""
        # Create a new logger instance
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('TWD')
        # self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)

        ## Add a console handler
        hdlr = logging.StreamHandler()
        self.logger.propagate = False

    def _slope(self, end_pt):
        x1, y1 = self.tw_start
        x2, y2 = end_pt
        d = (x2 - x1)
        if d == 0:
            d += 1e-8
        return (y2 - y1) / d

    def start_camera(self):
        """ Initialize the camera and define the trip-wire."""
        # Setup the scene of the camera
        frame = self.cam.setup_scene()

        # Draw the trip-wire
        frame = self.cam.get_frame()
        self.h, self.w, c = frame.shape
        cv2.putText(frame, 'Draw the trip-wire and press ENTER',
                    (10, self.h // 2), 3, 0.5, (0, 255, 0), 1)
        drawer = TripWireDrawer(self.cam_name, frame)
        self.tw_start, self.tw_end = drawer()
        frame = self.cam.get_frame()
        cv2.line(frame, self.tw_start, self.tw_end, self.tw_color, 2)
        cv2.imshow(self.cam_name, frame)

        # Get the line points
        self.tw_slope = self._slope(self.tw_end)
        self.h, w, c = frame.shape

    def is_event_detected(self, box, rule):
        """ """
        event_detected = False
        obj_x1, obj_x2, obj_y1, obj_y2, _, __, ___ = box
        tw_xl, tw_y1 = self.tw_start
        s11 = self._slope((obj_x1, obj_y1))
        s12 = self._slope((obj_x1, obj_y2))
        s21 = self._slope((obj_x2, obj_y1))
        s22 = self._slope((obj_x2, obj_y2))
        if rule.lower() == 'bidirectional':
            if utils.is_rect_intersected(
                (self.tw_start, self.tw_end),
                ((obj_x1, obj_y1), (obj_x2, obj_y2))) is True:
                if utils.in_frange(self.tw_slope, s11, s12) or \
                   utils.in_frange(self.tw_slope, s11, s21) or \
                   utils.in_frange(self.tw_slope, s22, s12) or \
                   utils.in_frange(self.tw_slope, s22, s21):
                    event_detected = True

        elif rule.lower() == 'to_right':
            if (obj_x2 >= tw_xl): event_detected = True
        elif rule.lower() == 'to_left':
            if (obj_x1 <= tw_xl): event_detected = True

        self.logger.info('SLOPES  %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f', s11, s12, s21,
                         s22, self.tw_slope)
        self.logger.info('BOX     (%d,%d) , (%d,%d)', obj_x1, obj_y1, obj_x2,
        self.logger.info('Start Point  (%d,%d)', tw_xl, tw_y1)
        self.logger.info('TRUE' if event_detected is True else 'FALSE')
        return event_detected

    def run(self, rule='bidirectional', batch=1):
        """ """
        start_time = time()
        fps = 0
        self.detector = TFNet(self.yolo_args)
        colors = self.detector.meta['colors']
        beep_on = False
        fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
        vid_out_file = os.path.join(CURR_DIR, 'twd.avi')
        writer = cv2.VideoWriter(vid_out_file, fourcc, self.cam.fps,
                                 (self.w, self.h))
        while True:
            # Terminate if Esc is pressed
            if utils.is_key_pressed(utils.Esc_KEY): break

            # Read Frame and run the Object Detector
            frame_list = list()
            for i in range(batch):
                frame = self.cam.get_frame()
                frame = np.expand_dims(frame, 0)
            frames = np.concatenate(frame_list, 0)
            fps += batch
            box_list = self.detector.detect(frames)
            if time() - start_time >= 1:
                print('fps = ', fps / (time() - start_time))
                fps = 0
                start_time = time()

            beep_alarm = False
            f_idx = 0
            for bboxes in box_list:
                frame = frames[f_idx]
                for box in bboxes:
                    left, right, top, bot, mess, label, confidence = box
                    rect_color = colors[label]
                    rect_thick = 1
                    if self.is_event_detected(box, rule) == True:
                        beep_alarm = True
                        rect_color = (0, 0, 255)
                        rect_thick = 3
                    cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, top), (right, bot), rect_color,
                    cv2.putText(frame, mess, (left, top - 18), 0,
                                1e-3 * self.h, rect_color, 2)

                # Always show the Trip-Wire line on each frame
                cv2.line(frame, self.tw_start, self.tw_end, self.tw_color, 3)
                cv2.line(frame, self.tw_start, self.tw_end, self.tw_color, 3)
                cv2.line(frame, self.tw_start, self.tw_end, self.tw_color, 3)
                cv2.imshow(self.cam_name, frame)

                # Play a beep Sound if the monitored event is detected
                if beep_alarm == True:
                    beep_alarm = False
                    if beep_on == False:
                            winsound.SND_ASYNC | winsound.SND_LOOP)
                        beep_on = True
                    if beep_on == True:
                        winsound.PlaySound(None, winsound.SND_ASYNC)
                        beep_on = False
