コード例 #1
 def testDegreesOfFreedom(self):
     """Tests calculation of estimated degrees of freedom."""
     # The formula used to estimate degrees of freedom for independent-samples
     # t-test is called the Welch-Satterthwaite equation. Note that since the
     # Welch-Satterthwaite equation gives an estimate of degrees of freedom,
     # the result is a floating-point number and not an integer.
     stats1 = ttest.SampleStats(mean=0.299, var=0.05, size=150)
     stats2 = ttest.SampleStats(mean=0.307, var=0.08, size=165)
                            ttest._DegreesOfFreedom(stats1, stats2))
コード例 #2
 def testTValue(self):
     """Tests calculation of the t-value using Welch's formula."""
     # Results can be verified by directly plugging variables into Welch's
     # equation (e.g. using a calculator or the Python interpreter).
     stats1 = ttest.SampleStats(mean=0.299, var=0.05, size=150)
     stats2 = ttest.SampleStats(mean=0.307, var=0.08, size=165)
     # Note that a negative t-value is obtained when the first sample has a
     # smaller mean than the second, otherwise a positive value is returned.
     self.assertAlmostEqual(-0.27968236, ttest._TValue(stats1, stats2))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(0.27968236, ttest._TValue(stats2, stats1))
コード例 #3
    def testDegreesOfFreedom_SmallSample_RaisesError(self):
        """Degrees of freedom can't be calculated if sample size is too small."""
        size_0 = ttest.SampleStats(mean=0, var=0, size=0)
        size_1 = ttest.SampleStats(mean=1.0, var=0, size=1)
        size_5 = ttest.SampleStats(mean=2.0, var=0.5, size=5)

        # An error is raised if the size of one of the samples is too small.
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            ttest._DegreesOfFreedom(size_0, size_5)
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            ttest._DegreesOfFreedom(size_1, size_5)
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            ttest._DegreesOfFreedom(size_5, size_0)
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            ttest._DegreesOfFreedom(size_5, size_1)

        # If both of the samples have a variance of 0, no error is raised.
        self.assertEqual(1.0, ttest._DegreesOfFreedom(size_1, size_1))
コード例 #4
 def testTValue_ConstantSamples_ResultIsInfinity(self):
     """If there is no variation, infinity is used as the t-statistic value."""
     stats = ttest.SampleStats(mean=1.0, var=0, size=10)
     self.assertEqual(float('inf'), ttest._TValue(stats, stats))
コード例 #5
 def testDegreesOfFreedom_ZeroVariance_ResultIsOne(self):
     """The lowest possible value is returned for df if variance is zero."""
     stats = ttest.SampleStats(mean=1.0, var=0, size=10)
     self.assertEqual(1.0, ttest._DegreesOfFreedom(stats, stats))