コード例 #1
def serve_historipcal_hvac(bucketsize):
    t1 = datetime.now(TZ).replace(microsecond=0)
    t0 = get_today()
    tstats_df.window = bucketsize
    res = dofetch([tstats_view, weather_view], [tstats_df, weather_df], t0, t1)
    zones = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict))
    df = res['tstats'].fillna(method='ffill').fillna(method='bfill')
    for (tstat, zone, hsp, csp, temp, state) in res.query(
            'select tstat, zone, hsp_uuid, csp_uuid, temp_uuid, state_uuid from tstats'
        zone = zone.split('#')[-1]
        zones[zone]['inside'] = json.loads(df[temp].dropna().to_json())
        zones[zone]['heating'] = json.loads(df[hsp].dropna().to_json())
        zones[zone]['outside'] = json.loads(
        zones[zone]['cooling'] = json.loads(df[csp].dropna().to_json())
        zones[zone]['state'] = json.loads(
        for k, values in zones[zone].items():
            if len(values) == 0:
                fakedates = pd.date_range(t0,
                                          freq=bucketsize.replace('m', 'T'))
                if k != 'state':
                    fakevals = [0] * len(fakedates)
                    fakevals = ['off'] * len(fakedates)
                zones[zone][k] = json.loads(
                    pd.DataFrame(fakevals, index=fakedates)[0].to_json())
    return jsonify(zones)
コード例 #2
def energy_summary(last, bucketsize):

    start_date = get_start(last)
    if last == 'year' and bucketsize == 'month':
        ranges = generate_months(get_today().month - 1)
        readings = []
        times = []
        for t0, t1 in ranges:
            meter_df.window = '15m'
            res = dofetch([meter_view], [meter_df], t1, t0)
            df = res['meters'].copy()
            df.columns = ['readings']
            df /= 4.  # divide by 4 to get 15min (kW) -> kWh
        df = pd.DataFrame(readings, index=times, columns=['readings'])
        # print('\n/api/energy/year/in/month/ df: \n', df)
        return df.fillna('myNullVal').to_json()

    meter_df.window = '15m'
    print('start_date', start_date)
    res = dofetch([meter_view], [meter_df], start_date, datetime.now(TZ))
    df = res['meters'].tz_convert(TZ).copy()
    df.columns = ['readings']
    df['readings'] /= 4.
    return df.fillna('myNullVal').resample(bucketsize).apply(sum).to_json()
コード例 #3
def get_temp_per_zone(bucketsize):
    t1 = datetime.now(TZ).replace(microsecond=0)
    t0 = get_today()
    tstats_df.window = bucketsize
    res = dofetch([tstats_view, weather_view], [tstats_df, weather_df], t0, t1)
    zones = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict))
    df = res['tstats']
    for (zone, temp) in res.query('select zone, temp_uuid from tstats'):
        zone = zone.split('#')[-1]
        zones[zone] = json.loads(df[temp].fillna('myNullVal').to_json())
    return jsonify(zones)
コード例 #4
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: kuzha/XBOS
def power_summary(last, bucketsize):
    # first, determine the start date from the 'last' argument
    start_date = get_start(last)
    if last == 'year' and bucketsize == 'month':
        ranges = generate_months(get_today().month - 1)
        readings = []
        times = []
        for t0, t1 in ranges:
            meter_df.window = '{0}d'.format((t0 - t1).days)
            res = dofetch([meter_view], [meter_df], t1, t0)
            times.append(t1.tz_convert(TZ).timestamp() * 1000)
        return jsonify({'readings': dict(zip(times, readings))})

    # otherwise,
    meter_df.window = bucketsize
    print('start_date', start_date)
    res = dofetch([meter_view], [meter_df], start_date, datetime.now(TZ))
    res['meters'].columns = ['readings']
    return res['meters'].tz_convert(TZ).fillna('myNullVal').to_json()
コード例 #5
def price():
    res = xsg.get_price(sites[0], get_today(), get_today() + timedelta(days=1))
    return res['price'].to_json()