コード例 #1
ファイル: dispersal.py プロジェクト: ieg-tech/popdyn
def migration(population, total, k, min_density, csx, csy, **kwargs):
    'relocation of a portion of a population from one region to another (migration dispersal)'

    :param da.Array population: population to redistribute
    :param da.Array k: Carrying Capacity - target location weight and distribution
    :param float min_density: Each element may have a minimum possible density when relocating population

        source_weight da.Array:  Proportion of population to remove from an element. Bounded by `0` and `1`
        target_weight da.Array:  Multiplier for carrying capacity at destination    

    :return: Redistributed population
    if min_density is None:
        min_density = 0

    source_weight = da.clip(
        kwargs.get("source_weight", da.ones_like(population)), 0, 1)
    target_weight = da.clip(
        kwargs.get("target_weight", da.ones_like(population)), 0, 1)

    # Remove using the source weight
    removed = population * source_weight
    new_population = population - removed

    # Weighting is a combination of k and the target weights
    target_locations = k * target_weight

    def redistribute(pop, target, default):
        # Redistribute population proportionally at the target locations
        redistribution = target / target.sum()
        # If there are no target locations, all redistribution values will be inf.
        # In this case, use the default
        return da.where(
            da.isinf(redistribution) | da.isnan(redistribution), default,
            pop * redistribution)

    new_population += redistribute(removed.sum(), target_locations, removed)

    # Remove locations where density is not met
    density_not_met = (target_locations >
                       0) & (new_population / target_locations < min_density)

    removed = da.where(density_not_met, new_population, 0)
    new_population -= removed

    new_population += redistribute(
        removed.sum(), da.where(density_not_met, 0, target_locations), removed)

    return new_population
コード例 #2
def test_clip():

    # clip internally calls dd.Series.clip

    s = pd.Series(np.random.randint(1, 100, size=20))
    ds = dd.from_pandas(s, 3)

    # applying Dask ufunc doesn't trigger computation
    assert isinstance(da.clip(ds, 5, 50), dd.Series)
    assert_eq(da.clip(ds, 5, 50), np.clip(s, 5, 50))

    # applying Dask ufunc doesn't trigger computation
    assert isinstance(np.clip(ds, 5, 50), dd.Series)
    assert_eq(np.clip(ds, 5, 50), np.clip(s, 5, 50))

    # applying Dask ufunc to normal Series triggers computation
    assert isinstance(da.clip(s, 5, 50), pd.Series)
    assert_eq(da.clip(s, 5, 50), np.clip(s, 5, 50))

    df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1, 100, size=(20, 2)),
                      columns=['A', 'B'])
    ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, 3)

    # applying Dask ufunc doesn't trigger computation
    assert isinstance(da.clip(ddf, 5.5, 40.5), dd.DataFrame)
    assert_eq(da.clip(ddf, 5.5, 40.5), np.clip(df, 5.5, 40.5))

    # applying Dask ufunc doesn't trigger computation
    assert isinstance(np.clip(ddf, 5.5, 40.5), dd.DataFrame)
    assert_eq(np.clip(ddf, 5.5, 40.5), np.clip(df, 5.5, 40.5))

    # applying Dask ufunc to normal DataFrame triggers computation
    assert isinstance(da.clip(df, 5.5, 40.5), pd.DataFrame)
    assert_eq(da.clip(df, 5.5, 40.5), np.clip(df, 5.5, 40.5))
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_ufunc.py プロジェクト: gameduell/dask
def test_clip():

    # clip internally calls dd.Series.clip

    s = pd.Series(np.random.randint(1, 100, size=20))
    ds = dd.from_pandas(s, 3)

    # applying Dask ufunc doesn't trigger computation
    assert isinstance(da.clip(ds, 5, 50), dd.Series)
    assert_eq(da.clip(ds, 5, 50), np.clip(s, 5, 50))

    # applying Dask ufunc doesn't trigger computation
    assert isinstance(np.clip(ds, 5, 50), dd.Series)
    assert_eq(np.clip(ds, 5, 50), np.clip(s, 5, 50))

    # applying Dask ufunc to normal Series triggers computation
    assert isinstance(da.clip(s, 5, 50), pd.Series)
    assert_eq(da.clip(s, 5, 50), np.clip(s, 5, 50))

    df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1, 100, size=(20, 2)),
                      columns=['A', 'B'])
    ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, 3)

    # applying Dask ufunc doesn't trigger computation
    assert isinstance(da.clip(ddf, 5.5, 40.5), dd.DataFrame)
    assert_eq(da.clip(ddf, 5.5, 40.5), np.clip(df, 5.5, 40.5))

    # applying Dask ufunc doesn't trigger computation
    assert isinstance(np.clip(ddf, 5.5, 40.5), dd.DataFrame)
    assert_eq(np.clip(ddf, 5.5, 40.5), np.clip(df, 5.5, 40.5))

    # applying Dask ufunc to normal DataFrame triggers computation
    assert isinstance(da.clip(df, 5.5, 40.5), pd.DataFrame)
    assert_eq(da.clip(df, 5.5, 40.5), np.clip(df, 5.5, 40.5))
コード例 #4
ファイル: bases.py プロジェクト: auag92/summerOfCode
def discretize(x_data, n_state, min_=0.0, max_=1.0, chunks=()):
    """Primitive discretization of a microstructure.

      x_data: the data to discrtize
      n_state: the number of local states
      min_: the minimum local state
      max_: the maximum local state

      the discretized microstructure

    >>> discretize(da.random.random((12, 9), chunks=(3, 9)),
    ...            3,
    ...            chunks=(1,)).chunks
    ((3, 3, 3, 3), (9,), (1, 1, 1))

    >>> discretize(np.array([[0, 1], [0.5, 0.5]]), 3, chunks=(1,)).chunks
    ((2,), (2,), (1, 1, 1))

    >>> discretize(np.array([[0, 1], [0.5, 0.5]]), 3, chunks=(1,)).compute()
    array([[[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
            [ 0.,  0.,  1.]],
           [[ 0.,  1.,  0.],
            [ 0.,  1.,  0.]]])
    return da.maximum(
            da.clip(x_data, min_, max_),
            da.linspace(min_, max_, n_state, chunks=chunks or (n_state, ))), 0)
コード例 #5
    def rescale_amplitude_range(self, darray, min_val, max_val, preview=None):
        Clip the seismic data to specified values
        darray : Array-like, acceptable inputs include Numpy, HDF5, or Dask Arrays
        min_val : Number, min clip value
        max_val : Numer, max clip value
        Keywork Arguments
        preview : str, enables or disables preview mode and specifies direction
            Acceptable inputs are (None, 'inline', 'xline', 'z')
            Optimizes chunk size in different orientations to facilitate rapid
            screening of algorithm output
        result : Dask Array

        darray, chunks_init = self.create_array(darray, preview=preview)
        result = da.clip(darray, min_val, max_val)

        return (result)
コード例 #6
    def relative_amplitude_change(self, darray, preview=None):
        Compute the Relative Amplitude Change of the input data
        darray : Array-like, acceptable inputs include Numpy, HDF5, or Dask Arrays
        Keywork Arguments
        preview : str, enables or disables preview mode and specifies direction
            Acceptable inputs are (None, 'inline', 'xline', 'z')
            Optimizes chunk size in different orientations to facilitate rapid
            screening of algorithm output
        result : Dask Array

        darray, chunks_init = self.create_array(darray, preview=preview)
        env = self.envelope(darray)
        env_prime = sp().first_derivative(env, axis=-1)
        result = env_prime / env
        result = da.clip(result, -1, 1)

        return (result)
コード例 #7
ファイル: truecolor.py プロジェクト: crazyapril/truecolor
 def concat_bands(self):
     import dask.array as da
     self.logger.info('Concatenate RGB bands...')
     self._arrays['rgb'] = da.dstack((self._arrays['r'], self._arrays['g'],
     self._arrays['rgb'] = da.clip(self._arrays['rgb'], 0, 1)
     del self._arrays['r'], self._arrays['g'], self._arrays['b']
コード例 #8
def clip(cube, minimum=None, maximum=None):
    Clip values at a specified minimum and/or maximum value

    Values lower than minimum are set to minimum and values
    higher than maximum are set to maximum.

    cube: iris.cube.Cube
        iris cube to be clipped
    minimum: float
        lower threshold to be applied on input cube data.
    maximum: float
        upper threshold to be applied on input cube data.

        clipped cube.
    if minimum is None and maximum is None:
        raise ValueError("Either minimum, maximum or both have to be\
    elif minimum is not None and maximum is not None:
        if maximum < minimum:
            raise ValueError("Maximum should be equal or larger than minimum.")
    cube.data = da.clip(cube.core_data(), minimum, maximum)
    return cube
コード例 #9
    def slerp(self, val, low, high):
        """Code from https://github.com/soumith/dcgan.torch/issues/14"""
        omega = da.arccos(da.clip(da.dot(low / da.linalg.norm(low), high.transpose() / da.linalg.norm(high)), -1, 1))
        so = da.sin(omega)

        if so == 0:
            return (1.0-val) * low + val * high # L'Hopital's rule/LERP
        return da.sin((1.0 - val) * omega) / so * low + da.sin(val * omega) / so * high
コード例 #10
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: adybbroe/satpy
 def func(band_data, index=None):
     idx = np.array(kwargs['idx']) / 255
     sc = np.array(kwargs['sc']) / 255
     band_data *= .01
     # Interpolate band on [0,1] using "lazy" arrays (put calculations off until the end).
     band_data = xr.DataArray(da.clip(band_data.data.map_blocks(np.interp, xp=idx, fp=sc), 0, 1),
                              coords=band_data.coords, dims=band_data.dims, name=band_data.name,
     return band_data
コード例 #11
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: pepephillips/satpy
 def func(band_data, xp, fp, index=None):
     # Interpolate band on [0,1] using "lazy" arrays (put calculations off until the end).
     band_data = xr.DataArray(da.clip(
         band_data.data.map_blocks(np.interp, xp=xp, fp=fp), 0, 1),
     return band_data
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_ufunc.py プロジェクト: yliapis/dask
def test_clip(pandas, min, max):

    dask = dd.from_pandas(pandas, 3)
    pandas_type = pandas.__class__
    dask_type = dask.__class__

    # clip internally calls dd.Series.clip

    # applying Dask ufunc doesn't trigger computation
    assert isinstance(da.clip(dask, min, max), dask_type)
    assert_eq(da.clip(dask, min, max), np.clip(pandas, min, max))

    # applying Numpy ufunc doesn't trigger computation
    assert isinstance(np.clip(dask, min, max), dask_type)
    assert_eq(np.clip(dask, min, max), np.clip(pandas, min, max))

    # applying Dask ufunc to normal pandas objects triggers computation
    assert isinstance(da.clip(pandas, min, max), pandas_type)
    assert_eq(da.clip(pandas, min, max), np.clip(pandas, min, max))
コード例 #13
def test_clip(pandas, min, max):

    dask = dd.from_pandas(pandas, 3)
    pandas_type = pandas.__class__
    dask_type = dask.__class__

    # clip internally calls dd.Series.clip

    # applying Dask ufunc doesn't trigger computation
    assert isinstance(da.clip(dask, min, max), dask_type)
    assert_eq(da.clip(dask, min, max), np.clip(pandas, min, max))

    # applying Numpy ufunc doesn't trigger computation
    assert isinstance(np.clip(dask, min, max), dask_type)
    assert_eq(np.clip(dask, min, max), np.clip(pandas, min, max))

    # applying Dask ufunc to normal pandas objects triggers computation
    assert isinstance(da.clip(pandas, min, max), pandas_type)
    assert_eq(da.clip(pandas, min, max), np.clip(pandas, min, max))
コード例 #14
    def _transform_col(self, X_col: da.Array, quantiles: ArrayLike,
                       inverse: bool) -> ArrayLike:
        output_distribution = self.output_distribution

        if not inverse:
            lower_bound_x = quantiles[0]
            upper_bound_x = quantiles[-1]
            lower_bound_y = 0
            upper_bound_y = 1
            lower_bound_x = 0
            upper_bound_x = 1
            lower_bound_y = quantiles[0]
            upper_bound_y = quantiles[-1]
            #  for inverse transform, match a uniform distribution
            if output_distribution == "normal":
                X_col = X_col.map_blocks(stats.norm.cdf)
                # else output distribution is already a uniform distribution

        if output_distribution == "normal":
            lower_bounds_idx = X_col - BOUNDS_THRESHOLD < lower_bound_x
            upper_bounds_idx = X_col + BOUNDS_THRESHOLD > upper_bound_x
        if output_distribution == "uniform":
            lower_bounds_idx = X_col == lower_bound_x
            upper_bounds_idx = X_col == upper_bound_x

        if not inverse:
            # See the note in scikit-learn. This trick is to avoid
            # repeated extreme values
            X_col = 0.5 * (
                X_col.map_blocks(np.interp, quantiles, self.references_) -
                (-X_col).map_blocks(np.interp, -quantiles[::-1],
            X_col = X_col.map_blocks(np.interp, self.references_, quantiles)

        X_col[upper_bounds_idx] = upper_bound_y
        X_col[lower_bounds_idx] = lower_bound_y

        if not inverse:

            if output_distribution == "normal":
                X_col = X_col.map_blocks(stats.norm.ppf)
                # find the value to clip the data to avoid mapping to
                # infinity. Clip such that the inverse transform will be
                # consistent
                clip_min = stats.norm.ppf(BOUNDS_THRESHOLD - np.spacing(1))
                clip_max = stats.norm.ppf(1 -
                                          (BOUNDS_THRESHOLD - np.spacing(1)))
                X_col = da.clip(X_col, clip_min, clip_max)

            # else output distribution is uniform and the ppf is the
            # identity function so we let X_col unchanged

        return X_col
コード例 #15
ファイル: brdf.py プロジェクト: jgrss/geowombat
    def get_phaang(cos_vza, cos_sza, sin_vza, sin_sza, cos_raa):
        Gets the phase angle

        cos_phase_angle = da.clip(
            cos_vza * cos_sza + sin_vza * sin_sza * cos_raa, -1, 1)
        phase_angle = da.arccos(cos_phase_angle)
        sin_phase_angle = da.sin(phase_angle)

        return cos_phase_angle, phase_angle, sin_phase_angle
コード例 #16
    def _transform_col(self, X_col, quantiles, inverse):
        if self.output_distribution == 'normal':
            output_distribution = 'norm'
            output_distribution = self.output_distribution
        output_distribution = getattr(stats, output_distribution)

        if not inverse:
            lower_bound_x = quantiles[0]
            upper_bound_x = quantiles[-1]
            lower_bound_y = 0
            upper_bound_y = 1
            lower_bound_x = 0
            upper_bound_x = 1
            lower_bound_y = quantiles[0]
            upper_bound_y = quantiles[-1]
            X_col = X_col.map_blocks(output_distribution.cdf)

        lower_bounds_idx = (X_col - skdata.BOUNDS_THRESHOLD <
        upper_bounds_idx = (X_col + skdata.BOUNDS_THRESHOLD >
        if not inverse:
            # See the note in scikit-learn. This trick is to avoid
            # repeated extreme values
            X_col = 0.5 * (
                X_col.map_blocks(np.interp, quantiles, self.references_) -
                (-X_col).map_blocks(np.interp, -quantiles[::-1],
            X_col = X_col.map_blocks(np.interp, self.references_, quantiles)

        X_col[upper_bounds_idx] = upper_bound_y
        X_col[lower_bounds_idx] = lower_bound_y

        if not inverse:
            X_col = X_col.map_blocks(output_distribution.ppf)
            clip_min = output_distribution.ppf(skdata.BOUNDS_THRESHOLD -
            clip_max = output_distribution.ppf(1 - (skdata.BOUNDS_THRESHOLD -
            X_col = da.clip(X_col, clip_min, clip_max)

        return X_col
コード例 #17
    def get_dense_mdm(self) -> np.ndarray:
        Form the Mapped Distance Matrix as a dense Numpy array.

            Mapped Distance Matrix as a Numpy array.
        if self.mode == 'radial':
            distances = da.linalg.norm(self.samples1[:, None, :] - self.samples2[None, ...], axis=-1)
        elif self.mode == 'zonal':
            distances = da.clip(da.sum(self.samples1[:, None, :] * self.samples2[None, ...], axis=-1), a_min=-1,
            raise ValueError(f'Unsupported mode {self.mode}.')
        mapped_distance_matrix = self.function(distances)
        return mapped_distance_matrix.astype(self.dtype)
コード例 #18
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: zaky9/d2geo
def convert_dtype(in_data, min_val, max_val, to_dtype):
    Convience function to read file and create a pointer to data on disk
    in_data : Dask Array, data to convert
    min_val : number, lower clip
    max_val : number, upper clip
    to_dtype : NumPy dtype
        Acceptable formats include (np.int8, np.float16, np.float32)
    out : Dask Array, converted data

    # Check if data is already in correct format
    if in_data.dtype == to_dtype:
        return (in_data)


        in_data = da.clip(in_data, min_val, max_val)
        if to_dtype == np.int8:
            in_data = ((in_data - min_val) / (max_val - min_val))
            dtype = np.iinfo(np.int8)
            in_data *= dtype.max - dtype.min
            in_data -= dtype.min
            out = in_data.astype(np.int8)

        elif to_dtype == np.float16:
            out = in_data.astype(np.float16)

        elif to_dtype == np.int32:
            out = in_data.astype(np.float32)

            raise Exception('Not a valid dtype')

    return (out)
def single_channel_percentile_norm(data: da.core.Array,
                                   min_p: float = 50.0,
                                   max_p: float = 99.8,
                                   **kwargs) -> da.core.Array:
    # Enforce shape
    if len(data.shape) > 4:
        raise exceptions.InvalidShapeError(len(data.shape), 4)

    # Get the norm by values
    norm_by = da.percentile(data.flatten(), [min_p, min_p]).compute()

    # Norm
    normed = (data - norm_by[0]) / (norm_by[1] - norm_by[0])

    # Clip any values outside of 0 and 1
    clipped = da.clip(normed, 0, 1)

    # Scale them between 0 and 255
    return clipped * 255
コード例 #20
    def get_dask_mdm(self) -> da.core.Array:
        Form the Mapped Distance Matrix as a dask array.

            Mapped Distance Matrix as a Dask array.
        samples_da = da.from_array(self.samples1[:, None, :], chunks=self.chunks)
        knots_da = da.from_array(self.samples2[None, ...], chunks=self.chunks)
        if self.mode == 'radial':
            distances_da = da.linalg.norm(samples_da - knots_da, axis=-1)
        elif self.mode == 'zonal':
            distances_da = da.clip(da.sum(samples_da * knots_da, axis=-1), a_min=-1, a_max=1)
            raise ValueError(f'Unsupported mode {self.mode}.')
        mapped_distance_matrix = da.map_blocks(self.function, distances_da, dtype=self.dtype)
        return mapped_distance_matrix
コード例 #21
ファイル: brdf.py プロジェクト: jgrss/geowombat
    def get_overlap(cos1, cos2, tan1, tan2, sin3, distance, hb, m_pi):
        Applies the HB ratio transformation

        OverlapInfo = namedtuple('OverlapInfo', 'tvar sint overlap temp')

        temp = (1.0 / cos1) + (1.0 / cos2)

        cost = da.clip(
            hb * da.sqrt(distance * distance +
                         tan1 * tan1 * tan2 * tan2 * sin3 * sin3) / temp, -1,

        tvar = da.arccos(cost)
        sint = da.sin(tvar)

        overlap = 1.0 / m_pi * (tvar - sint * cost) * temp
        overlap = da.maximum(overlap, 0)

        return OverlapInfo(tvar=tvar, sint=sint, overlap=overlap, temp=temp)
コード例 #22
def discretize(x_data, n_state=2, min_=0.0, max_=1.0, chunks=None):
    """Primitive discretization of a microstructure.

      x_data: the data to discretize
      n_state: the number of local states
      min_: the minimum local state
      max_: the maximum local state
      chunks: chunks size for state axis

      the discretized microstructure

    >>> discretize(da.random.random((12, 9), chunks=(3, 9)),
    ...            3,
    ...            chunks=1).chunks
    ((3, 3, 3, 3), (9,), (1, 1, 1))

    >>> discretize(np.array([[0, 1], [0.5, 0.5]]), 3, chunks=1).chunks
    ((2,), (2,), (1, 1, 1))

    >>> assert np.allclose(
    ...     discretize(
    ...         np.array([[0, 1], [0.5, 0.5]]),
    ...         3,
    ...         chunks=1
    ...     ).compute(),
    ...     [[[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]], [[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]]]
    ... )
    return da.maximum(
            da.clip(x_data, min_, max_),
            da.linspace(min_, max_, n_state, chunks=(chunks or n_state,)),
コード例 #23
def apply_geometric_transform(img: da.Array, dark: da.Array, flat: da.Array,
                              cof_dist: Dict[str, List[float]]) -> da.Array:
    """Apply geometric transformation to array

        Input image
        flat field image
        Distortion coefficients

    distortion corrected array
    norm = da.flipud((img - dark) / da.clip(flat, 1e-6, 1e6))
    masked = delayed(mask_image)(norm)
    masked = da.from_delayed(masked, shape=norm.shape, dtype="float32")
    matrix = get_matrix(masked.shape, cof_dist)
    new = delayed(warp)(masked, matrix)
    res = da.from_delayed(new, shape=img.shape, dtype="float32")
    return res
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_array_core.py プロジェクト: hc10024/dask
def test_arithmetic():
    x = np.arange(5).astype('f4') + 2
    y = np.arange(5).astype('i8') + 2
    z = np.arange(5).astype('i4') + 2
    a = da.from_array(x, chunks=(2,))
    b = da.from_array(y, chunks=(2,))
    c = da.from_array(z, chunks=(2,))
    assert eq(a + b, x + y)
    assert eq(a * b, x * y)
    assert eq(a - b, x - y)
    assert eq(a / b, x / y)
    assert eq(b & b, y & y)
    assert eq(b | b, y | y)
    assert eq(b ^ b, y ^ y)
    assert eq(a // b, x // y)
    assert eq(a ** b, x ** y)
    assert eq(a % b, x % y)
    assert eq(a > b, x > y)
    assert eq(a < b, x < y)
    assert eq(a >= b, x >= y)
    assert eq(a <= b, x <= y)
    assert eq(a == b, x == y)
    assert eq(a != b, x != y)

    assert eq(a + 2, x + 2)
    assert eq(a * 2, x * 2)
    assert eq(a - 2, x - 2)
    assert eq(a / 2, x / 2)
    assert eq(b & True, y & True)
    assert eq(b | True, y | True)
    assert eq(b ^ True, y ^ True)
    assert eq(a // 2, x // 2)
    assert eq(a ** 2, x ** 2)
    assert eq(a % 2, x % 2)
    assert eq(a > 2, x > 2)
    assert eq(a < 2, x < 2)
    assert eq(a >= 2, x >= 2)
    assert eq(a <= 2, x <= 2)
    assert eq(a == 2, x == 2)
    assert eq(a != 2, x != 2)

    assert eq(2 + b, 2 + y)
    assert eq(2 * b, 2 * y)
    assert eq(2 - b, 2 - y)
    assert eq(2 / b, 2 / y)
    assert eq(True & b, True & y)
    assert eq(True | b, True | y)
    assert eq(True ^ b, True ^ y)
    assert eq(2 // b, 2 // y)
    assert eq(2 ** b, 2 ** y)
    assert eq(2 % b, 2 % y)
    assert eq(2 > b, 2 > y)
    assert eq(2 < b, 2 < y)
    assert eq(2 >= b, 2 >= y)
    assert eq(2 <= b, 2 <= y)
    assert eq(2 == b, 2 == y)
    assert eq(2 != b, 2 != y)

    assert eq(-a, -x)
    assert eq(abs(a), abs(x))
    assert eq(~(a == b), ~(x == y))
    assert eq(~(a == b), ~(x == y))

    assert eq(da.logaddexp(a, b), np.logaddexp(x, y))
    assert eq(da.logaddexp2(a, b), np.logaddexp2(x, y))
    assert eq(da.exp(b), np.exp(y))
    assert eq(da.log(a), np.log(x))
    assert eq(da.log10(a), np.log10(x))
    assert eq(da.log1p(a), np.log1p(x))
    assert eq(da.expm1(b), np.expm1(y))
    assert eq(da.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(x))
    assert eq(da.square(a), np.square(x))

    assert eq(da.sin(a), np.sin(x))
    assert eq(da.cos(b), np.cos(y))
    assert eq(da.tan(a), np.tan(x))
    assert eq(da.arcsin(b/10), np.arcsin(y/10))
    assert eq(da.arccos(b/10), np.arccos(y/10))
    assert eq(da.arctan(b/10), np.arctan(y/10))
    assert eq(da.arctan2(b*10, a), np.arctan2(y*10, x))
    assert eq(da.hypot(b, a), np.hypot(y, x))
    assert eq(da.sinh(a), np.sinh(x))
    assert eq(da.cosh(b), np.cosh(y))
    assert eq(da.tanh(a), np.tanh(x))
    assert eq(da.arcsinh(b*10), np.arcsinh(y*10))
    assert eq(da.arccosh(b*10), np.arccosh(y*10))
    assert eq(da.arctanh(b/10), np.arctanh(y/10))
    assert eq(da.deg2rad(a), np.deg2rad(x))
    assert eq(da.rad2deg(a), np.rad2deg(x))

    assert eq(da.logical_and(a < 1, b < 4), np.logical_and(x < 1, y < 4))
    assert eq(da.logical_or(a < 1, b < 4), np.logical_or(x < 1, y < 4))
    assert eq(da.logical_xor(a < 1, b < 4), np.logical_xor(x < 1, y < 4))
    assert eq(da.logical_not(a < 1), np.logical_not(x < 1))
    assert eq(da.maximum(a, 5 - a), np.maximum(a, 5 - a))
    assert eq(da.minimum(a, 5 - a), np.minimum(a, 5 - a))
    assert eq(da.fmax(a, 5 - a), np.fmax(a, 5 - a))
    assert eq(da.fmin(a, 5 - a), np.fmin(a, 5 - a))

    assert eq(da.isreal(a + 1j * b), np.isreal(x + 1j * y))
    assert eq(da.iscomplex(a + 1j * b), np.iscomplex(x + 1j * y))
    assert eq(da.isfinite(a), np.isfinite(x))
    assert eq(da.isinf(a), np.isinf(x))
    assert eq(da.isnan(a), np.isnan(x))
    assert eq(da.signbit(a - 3), np.signbit(x - 3))
    assert eq(da.copysign(a - 3, b), np.copysign(x - 3, y))
    assert eq(da.nextafter(a - 3, b), np.nextafter(x - 3, y))
    assert eq(da.ldexp(c, c), np.ldexp(z, z))
    assert eq(da.fmod(a * 12, b), np.fmod(x * 12, y))
    assert eq(da.floor(a * 0.5), np.floor(x * 0.5))
    assert eq(da.ceil(a), np.ceil(x))
    assert eq(da.trunc(a / 2), np.trunc(x / 2))

    assert eq(da.degrees(b), np.degrees(y))
    assert eq(da.radians(a), np.radians(x))

    assert eq(da.rint(a + 0.3), np.rint(x + 0.3))
    assert eq(da.fix(a - 2.5), np.fix(x - 2.5))

    assert eq(da.angle(a + 1j), np.angle(x + 1j))
    assert eq(da.real(a + 1j), np.real(x + 1j))
    assert eq((a + 1j).real, np.real(x + 1j))
    assert eq(da.imag(a + 1j), np.imag(x + 1j))
    assert eq((a + 1j).imag, np.imag(x + 1j))
    assert eq(da.conj(a + 1j * b), np.conj(x + 1j * y))
    assert eq((a + 1j * b).conj(), (x + 1j * y).conj())

    assert eq(da.clip(b, 1, 4), np.clip(y, 1, 4))
    assert eq(da.fabs(b), np.fabs(y))
    assert eq(da.sign(b - 2), np.sign(y - 2))

    l1, l2 = da.frexp(a)
    r1, r2 = np.frexp(x)
    assert eq(l1, r1)
    assert eq(l2, r2)

    l1, l2 = da.modf(a)
    r1, r2 = np.modf(x)
    assert eq(l1, r1)
    assert eq(l2, r2)

    assert eq(da.around(a, -1), np.around(x, -1))
コード例 #25
ファイル: rayleigh.py プロジェクト: pytroll/pyspectral
    def get_reflectance(self, sun_zenith, sat_zenith, azidiff, bandname, redband=None):
        """Get the reflectance from the three sun-sat angles"""
        # Get wavelength in nm for band:
        if isinstance(bandname, float):
            LOG.warning('A wavelength is provided instead of band name - ' +
                        'disregard the relative spectral responses and assume ' +
                        'it is the effective wavelength: %f (micro meter)', bandname)
            wvl = bandname * 1000.0
            wvl = self.get_effective_wavelength(bandname)
            wvl = wvl * 1000.0

        rayl, wvl_coord, azid_coord, satz_sec_coord, sunz_sec_coord = self.get_reflectance_lut()

        # force dask arrays
        compute = False
        if HAVE_DASK and not isinstance(sun_zenith, Array):
            compute = True
            sun_zenith = from_array(sun_zenith, chunks=sun_zenith.shape)
            sat_zenith = from_array(sat_zenith, chunks=sat_zenith.shape)
            azidiff = from_array(azidiff, chunks=azidiff.shape)
            if redband is not None:
                redband = from_array(redband, chunks=redband.shape)

        clip_angle = rad2deg(arccos(1. / sunz_sec_coord.max()))
        sun_zenith = clip(sun_zenith, 0, clip_angle)
        sunzsec = 1. / cos(deg2rad(sun_zenith))
        clip_angle = rad2deg(arccos(1. / satz_sec_coord.max()))
        sat_zenith = clip(sat_zenith, 0, clip_angle)
        satzsec = 1. / cos(deg2rad(sat_zenith))
        shape = sun_zenith.shape

        if not(wvl_coord.min() < wvl < wvl_coord.max()):
                "Effective wavelength for band %s outside 400-800 nm range!",
                "Set the rayleigh/aerosol reflectance contribution to zero!")
            if HAVE_DASK:
                chunks = sun_zenith.chunks if redband is None else redband.chunks
                res = zeros(shape, chunks=chunks)
                return res.compute() if compute else res
                return zeros(shape)

        idx = np.searchsorted(wvl_coord, wvl)
        wvl1 = wvl_coord[idx - 1]
        wvl2 = wvl_coord[idx]

        fac = (wvl2 - wvl) / (wvl2 - wvl1)
        raylwvl = fac * rayl[idx - 1, :, :, :] + (1 - fac) * rayl[idx, :, :, :]
        tic = time.time()

        smin = [sunz_sec_coord[0], azid_coord[0], satz_sec_coord[0]]
        smax = [sunz_sec_coord[-1], azid_coord[-1], satz_sec_coord[-1]]
        orders = [
            len(sunz_sec_coord), len(azid_coord), len(satz_sec_coord)]
        f_3d_grid = atleast_2d(raylwvl.ravel())

        if HAVE_DASK and isinstance(smin[0], Array):
            # compute all of these at the same time before passing to the interpolator
            # otherwise they are computed separately
            smin, smax, orders, f_3d_grid = da.compute(smin, smax, orders, f_3d_grid)
        minterp = MultilinearInterpolator(smin, smax, orders)

        if HAVE_DASK:
            ipn = map_blocks(self._do_interp, minterp, sunzsec, azidiff,
                             satzsec, dtype=raylwvl.dtype, chunks=azidiff.chunks)
            ipn = self._do_interp(minterp, sunzsec, azidiff, satzsec)

        LOG.debug("Time - Interpolation: {0:f}".format(time.time() - tic))

        ipn *= 100
        res = ipn
        if redband is not None:
            res = where(redband < 20., res,
                        (1 - (redband - 20) / 80) * res)

        res = clip(res, 0, 100)
        if compute:
            res = res.compute()
        return res
コード例 #26
ファイル: lazy.py プロジェクト: mwalls/hyperspy
 def _estimate_poissonian_noise_variance(dc, gain_factor, gain_offset,
     variance = (dc * gain_factor + gain_offset) * correlation_factor
     # The lower bound of the variance is the gaussian noise.
     variance = da.clip(variance, gain_offset * correlation_factor, np.inf)
     return variance
コード例 #27
    def get_reflectance(self, sun_zenith, sat_zenith, azidiff, bandname, redband=None):
        """Get the reflectance from the three sun-sat angles"""
        # Get wavelength in nm for band:
        if isinstance(bandname, float):
            LOG.warning('A wavelength is provided instead of band name - ' +
                        'disregard the relative spectral responses and assume ' +
                        'it is the effective wavelength: %f (micro meter)', bandname)
            wvl = bandname * 1000.0
            wvl = self.get_effective_wavelength(bandname)
            if wvl is None:
                LOG.error("Can't get effective wavelength for band %s on platform %s and sensor %s",
                          str(bandname), self.platform_name, self.sensor)
                return None
                wvl = wvl * 1000.0

        rayl, wvl_coord, azid_coord, satz_sec_coord, sunz_sec_coord = \

        # force dask arrays
        compute = False
        if HAVE_DASK and not isinstance(sun_zenith, Array):
            compute = True
            sun_zenith = from_array(sun_zenith, chunks=sun_zenith.shape)
            sat_zenith = from_array(sat_zenith, chunks=sat_zenith.shape)
            azidiff = from_array(azidiff, chunks=azidiff.shape)
            if redband is not None:
                redband = from_array(redband, chunks=redband.shape)

        clip_angle = rad2deg(arccos(1. / sunz_sec_coord.max()))
        sun_zenith = clip(sun_zenith, 0, clip_angle)
        sunzsec = 1. / cos(deg2rad(sun_zenith))
        clip_angle = rad2deg(arccos(1. / satz_sec_coord.max()))
        sat_zenith = clip(sat_zenith, 0, clip_angle)
        satzsec = 1. / cos(deg2rad(sat_zenith))
        shape = sun_zenith.shape

        if not(wvl_coord.min() < wvl < wvl_coord.max()):
                "Effective wavelength for band %s outside 400-800 nm range!",
                "Set the rayleigh/aerosol reflectance contribution to zero!")
            if HAVE_DASK:
                chunks = sun_zenith.chunks if redband is None \
                    else redband.chunks
                res = zeros(shape, chunks=chunks)
                return res.compute() if compute else res
                return zeros(shape)

        idx = np.searchsorted(wvl_coord, wvl)
        wvl1 = wvl_coord[idx - 1]
        wvl2 = wvl_coord[idx]

        fac = (wvl2 - wvl) / (wvl2 - wvl1)
        raylwvl = fac * rayl[idx - 1, :, :, :] + (1 - fac) * rayl[idx, :, :, :]
        tic = time.time()

        smin = [sunz_sec_coord[0], azid_coord[0], satz_sec_coord[0]]
        smax = [sunz_sec_coord[-1], azid_coord[-1], satz_sec_coord[-1]]
        orders = [
            len(sunz_sec_coord), len(azid_coord), len(satz_sec_coord)]
        f_3d_grid = atleast_2d(raylwvl.ravel())

        if HAVE_DASK and isinstance(smin[0], Array):
            # compute all of these at the same time before passing to the interpolator
            # otherwise they are computed separately
            smin, smax, orders, f_3d_grid = da.compute(smin, smax, orders, f_3d_grid)
        minterp = MultilinearInterpolator(smin, smax, orders)

        def _do_interp(minterp, sunzsec, azidiff, satzsec):
            interp_points2 = np.vstack((sunzsec.ravel(),
                                        180 - azidiff.ravel(),
            res = minterp(interp_points2)
            return res.reshape(sunzsec.shape)

        if HAVE_DASK:
            ipn = map_blocks(_do_interp, minterp, sunzsec, azidiff,
                             satzsec, dtype=raylwvl.dtype,
            ipn = _do_interp(minterp, sunzsec, azidiff, satzsec)

        LOG.debug("Time - Interpolation: {0:f}".format(time.time() - tic))

        ipn *= 100
        res = ipn
        if redband is not None:
            res = where(redband < 20., res,
                        (1 - (redband - 20) / 80) * res)

        res = clip(res, 0, 100)
        if compute:
            res = res.compute()
        return res
コード例 #28
def test_arithmetic():
    x = np.arange(5).astype('f4') + 2
    y = np.arange(5).astype('i8') + 2
    z = np.arange(5).astype('i4') + 2
    a = da.from_array(x, chunks=(2, ))
    b = da.from_array(y, chunks=(2, ))
    c = da.from_array(z, chunks=(2, ))
    assert eq(a + b, x + y)
    assert eq(a * b, x * y)
    assert eq(a - b, x - y)
    assert eq(a / b, x / y)
    assert eq(b & b, y & y)
    assert eq(b | b, y | y)
    assert eq(b ^ b, y ^ y)
    assert eq(a // b, x // y)
    assert eq(a**b, x**y)
    assert eq(a % b, x % y)
    assert eq(a > b, x > y)
    assert eq(a < b, x < y)
    assert eq(a >= b, x >= y)
    assert eq(a <= b, x <= y)
    assert eq(a == b, x == y)
    assert eq(a != b, x != y)

    assert eq(a + 2, x + 2)
    assert eq(a * 2, x * 2)
    assert eq(a - 2, x - 2)
    assert eq(a / 2, x / 2)
    assert eq(b & True, y & True)
    assert eq(b | True, y | True)
    assert eq(b ^ True, y ^ True)
    assert eq(a // 2, x // 2)
    assert eq(a**2, x**2)
    assert eq(a % 2, x % 2)
    assert eq(a > 2, x > 2)
    assert eq(a < 2, x < 2)
    assert eq(a >= 2, x >= 2)
    assert eq(a <= 2, x <= 2)
    assert eq(a == 2, x == 2)
    assert eq(a != 2, x != 2)

    assert eq(2 + b, 2 + y)
    assert eq(2 * b, 2 * y)
    assert eq(2 - b, 2 - y)
    assert eq(2 / b, 2 / y)
    assert eq(True & b, True & y)
    assert eq(True | b, True | y)
    assert eq(True ^ b, True ^ y)
    assert eq(2 // b, 2 // y)
    assert eq(2**b, 2**y)
    assert eq(2 % b, 2 % y)
    assert eq(2 > b, 2 > y)
    assert eq(2 < b, 2 < y)
    assert eq(2 >= b, 2 >= y)
    assert eq(2 <= b, 2 <= y)
    assert eq(2 == b, 2 == y)
    assert eq(2 != b, 2 != y)

    assert eq(-a, -x)
    assert eq(abs(a), abs(x))
    assert eq(~(a == b), ~(x == y))
    assert eq(~(a == b), ~(x == y))

    assert eq(da.logaddexp(a, b), np.logaddexp(x, y))
    assert eq(da.logaddexp2(a, b), np.logaddexp2(x, y))
    assert eq(da.exp(b), np.exp(y))
    assert eq(da.log(a), np.log(x))
    assert eq(da.log10(a), np.log10(x))
    assert eq(da.log1p(a), np.log1p(x))
    assert eq(da.expm1(b), np.expm1(y))
    assert eq(da.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(x))
    assert eq(da.square(a), np.square(x))

    assert eq(da.sin(a), np.sin(x))
    assert eq(da.cos(b), np.cos(y))
    assert eq(da.tan(a), np.tan(x))
    assert eq(da.arcsin(b / 10), np.arcsin(y / 10))
    assert eq(da.arccos(b / 10), np.arccos(y / 10))
    assert eq(da.arctan(b / 10), np.arctan(y / 10))
    assert eq(da.arctan2(b * 10, a), np.arctan2(y * 10, x))
    assert eq(da.hypot(b, a), np.hypot(y, x))
    assert eq(da.sinh(a), np.sinh(x))
    assert eq(da.cosh(b), np.cosh(y))
    assert eq(da.tanh(a), np.tanh(x))
    assert eq(da.arcsinh(b * 10), np.arcsinh(y * 10))
    assert eq(da.arccosh(b * 10), np.arccosh(y * 10))
    assert eq(da.arctanh(b / 10), np.arctanh(y / 10))
    assert eq(da.deg2rad(a), np.deg2rad(x))
    assert eq(da.rad2deg(a), np.rad2deg(x))

    assert eq(da.logical_and(a < 1, b < 4), np.logical_and(x < 1, y < 4))
    assert eq(da.logical_or(a < 1, b < 4), np.logical_or(x < 1, y < 4))
    assert eq(da.logical_xor(a < 1, b < 4), np.logical_xor(x < 1, y < 4))
    assert eq(da.logical_not(a < 1), np.logical_not(x < 1))
    assert eq(da.maximum(a, 5 - a), np.maximum(a, 5 - a))
    assert eq(da.minimum(a, 5 - a), np.minimum(a, 5 - a))
    assert eq(da.fmax(a, 5 - a), np.fmax(a, 5 - a))
    assert eq(da.fmin(a, 5 - a), np.fmin(a, 5 - a))

    assert eq(da.isreal(a + 1j * b), np.isreal(x + 1j * y))
    assert eq(da.iscomplex(a + 1j * b), np.iscomplex(x + 1j * y))
    assert eq(da.isfinite(a), np.isfinite(x))
    assert eq(da.isinf(a), np.isinf(x))
    assert eq(da.isnan(a), np.isnan(x))
    assert eq(da.signbit(a - 3), np.signbit(x - 3))
    assert eq(da.copysign(a - 3, b), np.copysign(x - 3, y))
    assert eq(da.nextafter(a - 3, b), np.nextafter(x - 3, y))
    assert eq(da.ldexp(c, c), np.ldexp(z, z))
    assert eq(da.fmod(a * 12, b), np.fmod(x * 12, y))
    assert eq(da.floor(a * 0.5), np.floor(x * 0.5))
    assert eq(da.ceil(a), np.ceil(x))
    assert eq(da.trunc(a / 2), np.trunc(x / 2))

    assert eq(da.degrees(b), np.degrees(y))
    assert eq(da.radians(a), np.radians(x))

    assert eq(da.rint(a + 0.3), np.rint(x + 0.3))
    assert eq(da.fix(a - 2.5), np.fix(x - 2.5))

    assert eq(da.angle(a + 1j), np.angle(x + 1j))
    assert eq(da.real(a + 1j), np.real(x + 1j))
    assert eq((a + 1j).real, np.real(x + 1j))
    assert eq(da.imag(a + 1j), np.imag(x + 1j))
    assert eq((a + 1j).imag, np.imag(x + 1j))
    assert eq(da.conj(a + 1j * b), np.conj(x + 1j * y))
    assert eq((a + 1j * b).conj(), (x + 1j * y).conj())

    assert eq(da.clip(b, 1, 4), np.clip(y, 1, 4))
    assert eq(da.fabs(b), np.fabs(y))
    assert eq(da.sign(b - 2), np.sign(y - 2))

    l1, l2 = da.frexp(a)
    r1, r2 = np.frexp(x)
    assert eq(l1, r1)
    assert eq(l2, r2)

    l1, l2 = da.modf(a)
    r1, r2 = np.modf(x)
    assert eq(l1, r1)
    assert eq(l2, r2)

    assert eq(da.around(a, -1), np.around(x, -1))
コード例 #29
 def _estimate_poissonian_noise_variance(dc, gain_factor, gain_offset,
     variance = (dc * gain_factor + gain_offset) * correlation_factor
     # The lower bound of the variance is the gaussian noise.
     variance = da.clip(variance, gain_offset * correlation_factor, np.inf)
     return variance