コード例 #1
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: qinxuye/mars
def concat(objs: List):
    Concat the results of partitioned dask task executions. This function guess the
        types of resulting list, then calls the corresponding native dask concat functions.

    objs: List
        List of the partitioned dask task execution results, which will be concat.

        The concat result

    if is_arraylike(objs[0]):
        res = array_concat(objs,
                           axes=[0])  # TODO: Add concat with args support
    elif any((is_dataframe_like(objs[0]), is_series_like(objs[0]),
        res = df_concat(objs)
        res = objs
    return res.compute() if is_dask_collection(res) else res
コード例 #2
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: m-rossi/dask
def assert_dask_dtypes(ddf, res, numeric_equal=True):
    """Check that the dask metadata matches the result.

    If `numeric_equal`, integer and floating dtypes compare equal. This is
    useful due to the implicit conversion of integer to floating upon
    encountering missingness, which is hard to infer statically."""

    eq_type_sets = [{"O", "S", "U", "a"}]  # treat object and strings alike
    if numeric_equal:
        eq_type_sets.append({"i", "f", "u"})

    def eq_dtypes(a, b):
        return any(a.kind in eq_types and b.kind in eq_types
                   for eq_types in eq_type_sets) or (a == b)

    if not is_dask_collection(res) and is_dataframe_like(res):
        for col, a, b in pd.concat([ddf._meta.dtypes, res.dtypes],
            assert eq_dtypes(a, b)
    elif not is_dask_collection(res) and (is_index_like(res)
                                          or is_series_like(res)):
        a = ddf._meta.dtype
        b = res.dtype
        assert eq_dtypes(a, b)
        if hasattr(ddf._meta, "dtype"):
            a = ddf._meta.dtype
            if not hasattr(res, "dtype"):
                assert np.isscalar(res)
                b = np.dtype(type(res))
                b = res.dtype
            assert eq_dtypes(a, b)
            assert type(ddf._meta) == type(res)
コード例 #3
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: m-rossi/dask
 def index(x):
     if is_index_like(x):
         return x
         return x.index.get_level_values(0)
     except AttributeError:
         return x.index
コード例 #4
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: m-rossi/dask
def has_known_categories(x):
    """Returns whether the categories in `x` are known.

    x : Series or CategoricalIndex
    x = getattr(x, "_meta", x)
    if is_series_like(x):
        return UNKNOWN_CATEGORIES not in x.cat.categories
    elif is_index_like(x) and hasattr(x, "categories"):
        return UNKNOWN_CATEGORIES not in x.categories
    raise TypeError("Expected Series or CategoricalIndex")
コード例 #5
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: m-rossi/dask
def check_meta(x, meta, funcname=None, numeric_equal=True):
    """Check that the dask metadata matches the result.

    If metadata matches, ``x`` is passed through unchanged. A nice error is
    raised if metadata doesn't match.

    x : DataFrame, Series, or Index
    meta : DataFrame, Series, or Index
        The expected metadata that ``x`` should match
    funcname : str, optional
        The name of the function in which the metadata was specified. If
        provided, the function name will be included in the error message to be
        more helpful to users.
    numeric_equal : bool, optionl
        If True, integer and floating dtypes compare equal. This is useful due
        to panda's implicit conversion of integer to floating upon encountering
        missingness, which is hard to infer statically.
    eq_types = {"i", "f", "u"} if numeric_equal else set()

    def equal_dtypes(a, b):
        if is_categorical_dtype(a) != is_categorical_dtype(b):
            return False
        if isinstance(a, str) and a == "-" or isinstance(b, str) and b == "-":
            return False
        if is_categorical_dtype(a) and is_categorical_dtype(b):
            if UNKNOWN_CATEGORIES in a.categories or UNKNOWN_CATEGORIES in b.categories:
                return True
            return a == b
        return (a.kind in eq_types and b.kind in eq_types) or is_dtype_equal(
            a, b)

    if not (is_dataframe_like(meta) or is_series_like(meta)
            or is_index_like(meta)) or is_dask_collection(meta):
        raise TypeError("Expected partition to be DataFrame, Series, or "
                        "Index, got `%s`" % typename(type(meta)))

    # Notice, we use .__class__ as opposed to type() in order to support
    # object proxies see <https://github.com/dask/dask/pull/6981>
    if x.__class__ != meta.__class__:
        errmsg = "Expected partition of type `{}` but got `{}`".format(
    elif is_dataframe_like(meta):
        dtypes = pd.concat([x.dtypes, meta.dtypes], axis=1, sort=True)
        bad_dtypes = [(repr(col), a, b)
                      for col, a, b in dtypes.fillna("-").itertuples()
                      if not equal_dtypes(a, b)]
        if bad_dtypes:
            errmsg = "Partition type: `{}`\n{}".format(
                asciitable(["Column", "Found", "Expected"], bad_dtypes),
            check_matching_columns(meta, x)
            return x
        if equal_dtypes(x.dtype, meta.dtype):
            return x
        errmsg = "Partition type: `{}`\n{}".format(
            asciitable(["", "dtype"], [("Found", x.dtype),
                                       ("Expected", meta.dtype)]),

    raise ValueError("Metadata mismatch found%s.\n\n"
                     "%s" %
                     ((" in `%s`" % funcname if funcname else ""), errmsg))