コード例 #1
ファイル: EffectManager.py プロジェクト: Wilson194/DeskChar
class EffectManager(IEffectManager):
    def __init__(self):
        self.DAO = EffectDAO()

    def create(self,
               effect: Effect,
               nodeParentId: int = None,
               contextType: ObjectType = None) -> int:
        return self.DAO.create(effect, nodeParentId, contextType)

    def update(self, effect: Effect) -> None:
        return self.DAO.update(effect)

    def delete(self, effectId: int) -> None:
        return self.DAO.delete(effectId)

    def get(self,
            effectId: int,
            lang: str = None,
            nodeId: int = None,
            contextType: ObjectType = None) -> Effect:
        return self.DAO.get(effectId, lang, nodeId, contextType)

    def get_all(self, lang: str) -> list:
        return self.DAO.get_all(lang)

    def update_effect(self, effect: Effect):
        return self.DAO.update(effect)

    def create_empty(self, lang: str) -> Effect:
        character = Effect(None, lang)
        id = self.DAO.create(character)
        character.id = id

        return character
コード例 #2
    def __set_table_data(self, treeNode) -> None:
        Set data to table, in table should be list of Modifiers
        :param treeNode: Tree node where ability is located, need for find Modifiers        

        heades = [

        header = self.table.horizontalHeader()

        # print(treeNode)
        effect = EffectDAO().get(self.object.id, self.object.lang, treeNode.id,


        for i, modifier in enumerate(effect.modifiers):
            self.table.setItem(i, 0, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(modifier.name))
                i, 1, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(TR().tr(
            if modifier.itemTargetAttribute is not None:
                    i, 2,
                    i, 2,

            if modifier.itemTargetAttribute in (
                    i, 4,
                    i, 3,
                    i, 4, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(modifier.value)))
コード例 #3
    def create(self,
               scenario: Scenario,
               nodeParentId: int = None,
               contextType: ObjectType = None) -> int:
        Create new scenario
        :param scenario: Scenario object
        :param nodeParentId: id of parent node in tree
        :param contextType: Object type of tree, where item is located
        :return: id of created Scenario
        if not contextType:
            contextType = self.TYPE

        if isinstance(scenario.date, dd.date):
            curDate = scenario.date
            curDate = datetime.strptime(scenario.date,
                                        '%d/%m/%Y') if scenario.date else None
        intValues = {'date': curDate.toordinal() if curDate else None}

        strValues = {
            'name': scenario.name,
            'description': scenario.description

        id = self.database.insert(self.DATABASE_TABLE, intValues)
        scenario.id = id

        self.database.insert_translate(strValues, scenario.lang, id, self.TYPE)

        # Create node for tree structure
        node = NodeObject(None, scenario.name, nodeParentId, scenario)
        nodeId = self.treeDAO.insert_node(node, contextType)

        for location in scenario.locations:
            LocationDAO().create(location, nodeId, contextType)

        for spell in scenario.spells:
            SpellDAO().create(spell, nodeId, contextType)

        for ability in scenario.abilities:
            AbilityDAO().create(ability, nodeId, contextType)

        for effect in scenario.effects:
            EffectDAO().create(effect, nodeId, contextType)

        for character in scenario.party:
            PartyCharacterDAO().create(character, nodeId, contextType)

        return id
コード例 #4
    def create_node_link(self,
                         nodeType: NodeType,
                         name: str,
                         parentId: int,
                         parentType: ObjectType = None,
                         targetObject: object = None):
        Create node in tree, that link to some object, that already exist        
        :param nodeType: Type of node (Folder, NodeObject)
        :param name: name of node
        :param parentId: id of parent object
        :param parentType: 
        :param targetObject: target object
        :return: node
        if nodeType is NodeType.FOLDER:
            node = Folder(None, name, parentId)
            self.treeDAO.insert_node(node, parentType)
            if targetObject.object_type is ObjectType.MODIFIER:

                parentObjectId = self.treeDAO.get_node(parentId).object.id
                parentObject = parentType.instance().DAO()().get(

                EffectDAO().create_link(parentObject, targetObject)

            elif targetObject.object_type is ObjectType.EFFECT and parentType is ObjectType.ITEM:
                parentObjectId = self.treeDAO.get_node(parentId).object.id
                parentObject = parentType.instance().DAO()().get(

                ItemDAO().create_effect_link(parentObject, targetObject)
            elif targetObject.object_type is ObjectType.ABILITY_CONTEXT:
                parentObjectId = self.treeDAO.get_node(parentId).object.id
                parentObject = parentType.instance().DAO()().get(

                AbilityDAO().create_context_link(parentObject, targetObject)
                node = NodeObject(None, name, parentId, targetObject)
                self.treeDAO.insert_node(node, parentType)
コード例 #5
    def test_effect(self):
        Test effect DAO
        DAO = EffectDAO()

        effect = Effect(None, 'cs', 'Magic defence', 'Magic defence for armor',
                        ModifierTargetTypes.ARMOR, True)
        effect2 = Effect(None, 'cs', 'Magic attack', 'Magic attack for sword',
                         ModifierTargetTypes.MELEE_WEAPON, False)

        id = DAO.create(effect)
        id2 = DAO.create(effect2)

        getObject = DAO.get(id)
        getObject2 = DAO.get(id2)

        self.assertEqual(effect, getObject, 'First effect is not equal')
        self.assertEqual(effect2, getObject2, 'Second effect is not equal')
        self.assertNotEqual(getObject, getObject2,
                            'First and second effect is equal')

        effect.name = 'Updated magic defence'
        getObject = DAO.get(id)

        self.assertEqual(getObject, effect)


        deleted = DAO.get(id)
コード例 #6
ファイル: ItemDAO.py プロジェクト: Wilson194/DeskChar
    def create(self, item: Item, nodeParentId: int = None, contextType: ObjectType = None) -> int:
        Create new Item, depend on item type, insert correct data
        Items types:
            Item, Armor, Container, MeleeWeapon, ThrowableWeapon, RangedWeapon, Money
        :param item: Item object
        :param nodeParentId: id of parent node in tree
        :param contextType: Object type of tree, where item is located
        :return: id of created item
        if not contextType:
            contextType = self.TYPE

        strValues = {
            'name'       : item.name,
            'description': item.description
        intValues = {
            'amount': item.amount,
            'price' : item.price,
            'type'  : item.type.value if item.type else None,
            'weight': item.weight
        if isinstance(item, Armor):
                'quality': item.quality,
                'weightA': item.weightA,
                'weightB': item.weightB,
                'weightC': item.weightC,
                'size'   : item.size.value if item.size else None,

        elif isinstance(item, Container):
                'capacity' : item.capacity,
                'parent_id': item.parent_id

        elif isinstance(item, MeleeWeapon):
                'strength'    : item.strength,
                'rampancy'    : item.rampancy,
                'defence'     : item.defence,
                'length'      : item.length,
                'initiative'  : item.initiative,
                'handling'    : item.handling.value if item.handling else None,
                'weaponWeight': item.weaponWeight.value if item.weaponWeight else None,
                'racial'      : item.racial.value if item.racial else None

        elif isinstance(item, Money):
                'copper': item.copper,
                'silver': item.silver,
                'gold'  : item.gold

        elif isinstance(item, RangeWeapon):
                'initiative'  : item.initiative,
                'strength'    : item.strength,
                'rampancy'    : item.rampancy,
                'rangeLow'    : item.rangeLow,
                'rangeMedium' : item.rangeMedium,
                'rangeHigh'   : item.rangeHigh,
                'weaponWeight': item.weaponWeight.value if item.weaponWeight else None,
                'racial'      : item.racial.value if item.racial else None
        elif isinstance(item, ThrowableWeapon):
                'initiative'  : item.initiative,
                'strength'    : item.strength,
                'rampancy'    : item.rampancy,
                'rangeLow'    : item.rangeLow,
                'rangeMedium' : item.rangeMedium,
                'rangeHigh'   : item.rangeHigh,
                'defence'     : item.defence,
                'weaponWeight': item.weaponWeight.value if item.weaponWeight else None,
                'racial'      : item.racial.value if item.racial else None

        id = self.database.insert(self.DATABASE_TABLE, intValues)
        item.id = id

        self.database.insert_translate(strValues, item.lang, id, self.TYPE)

        # Create node for tree structure
        node = NodeObject(None, item.name, nodeParentId, item)
        nodeId = self.treeDAO.insert_node(node, contextType)

        for effect in item.effects:
            EffectDAO().create(effect, nodeId, contextType)

        if isinstance(item, Container):
            for one in item.containers + item.armors + item.moneyList + item.meleeWeapons + item.rangedWeapons + item.throwableWeapons + item.items:
                self.create(one, nodeId, contextType)

        return id
コード例 #7
ファイル: ItemDAO.py プロジェクト: Wilson194/DeskChar
    def get(self, item_id: int, lang=None, nodeId: int = None, contextType: ObjectType = None) -> Item:
        Get Item , object transable attributes depends on lang
        If nodeId and contextType is specified, whole object is returned (with all sub objects)
        If not specified, only basic attributes are set.        
        Returned correct type of item, depend on database, possible classes are:
                Item, Container, Armor, Money, MeleeWeapon, RangedWeapon, ThrowableWeapon
        :param item_id: id of Item
        :param lang: lang of object
        :param nodeId: id of node in tree, where object is located
        :param contextType: object type of tree, where is node
        :return: Item object
        if lang is None:
            lang = SettingsDAO().get_value('language', str)
        data = self.database.select(self.DATABASE_TABLE, {'ID': item_id})
        if not data:
            return None
            data = dict(data[0])

        tr_data = dict(self.database.select_translate(item_id, ObjectType.ITEM.value,

        if data['type'] == Items.CONTAINER.value:
            item = Container(item_id, lang, tr_data.get('name', ''),
                             tr_data.get('description', ''),
                             data.get('parent_id', 0), data.get('weight', 0),
                             data.get('price', 0),
                             data.get('capacity', 0), data.get('amount', 1))

        elif data['type'] == Items.MELEE_WEAPON.value:
            weaponWeightIndex = data.get('weaponWeight', None)
            weaponWeight = WeaponWeight(weaponWeightIndex) if weaponWeightIndex else None

            handlingIndex = data.get('handling', None)
            handling = Handling(handlingIndex) if handlingIndex else None

            racialIndex = data.get('racial', None)
            racial = Races(racialIndex) if racialIndex else None

            item = MeleeWeapon(item_id, lang, tr_data.get('name', ''),
                               tr_data.get('description', ''), data.get('parent_id', 0),
                               data.get('weight', 0), data.get('price', 0), data.get('strength', 0),
                               data.get('rampancy', 0), data.get('defence', 0),
                               data.get('length', 0), weaponWeight, handling, data.get('amount', 1), data.get('initiative', 0),

        elif data['type'] == Items.THROWABLE_WEAPON.value:
            weaponWeightIndex = data.get('weaponWeight', None)
            weaponWeight = WeaponWeight(weaponWeightIndex) if weaponWeightIndex else None

            racialIndex = data.get('racial', None)
            racial = Races(racialIndex) if racialIndex else None

            item = ThrowableWeapon(item_id, lang, tr_data.get('name', ''),
                                   tr_data.get('description', ''),
                                   data.get('parent_id', 0), data.get('weight', 0),
                                   data.get('price', 0), data.get('initiative', 0),
                                   data.get('strength', 0), data.get('rampancy', 0),
                                   data.get('rangeLow', 0), data.get('rangeMedium', 0),
                                   data.get('rangeHigh', 0), data.get('defence', 0),
                                   weaponWeight, data.get('amount', 1), racial)

        elif data['type'] == Items.RANGED_WEAPON.value:
            weaponWeightIndex = data.get('weaponWeight', None)
            weaponWeight = WeaponWeight(weaponWeightIndex) if weaponWeightIndex else None

            racialIndex = data.get('racial', None)
            racial = Races(racialIndex) if racialIndex else None

            item = RangeWeapon(item_id, lang, tr_data.get('name', ''),
                               tr_data.get('description', ''),
                               data.get('parent_id', 0), data.get('weight', 0),
                               data.get('price', 0), data.get('initiative', 0),
                               data.get('strength', 0), data.get('rampancy', 0),
                               data.get('rangeLow', 0), data.get('rangeMedium', 0),
                               data.get('rangeHigh', 0), data.get('amount', 1), weaponWeight, racial)

        elif data['type'] == Items.ARMOR.value:
            sizeIndex = data.get('size', None)
            size = ArmorSize(sizeIndex) if sizeIndex else None
            item = Armor(item_id, lang, tr_data.get('name', ''), tr_data.get('description', ''),
                         data.get('parent_id', 0), data.get('price', 0), data.get('quality', 0),
                         data.get('weightA', 0), data.get('weightB', 0), data.get('weightC', 0),
                         size, data.get('amount', 1))

        elif data['type'] == Items.MONEY.value:
            item = Money(item_id, lang, tr_data.get('name', ''), tr_data.get('description', ''),
                         data.get('parent_id', 0), data.get('copper'), data.get('silver'),
                         data.get('gold'), data.get('amount', 1))

            item = Item(item_id, lang, tr_data.get('name', ''), tr_data.get('description', ''),
                        data.get('parent_id', 0), data.get('weight', 0), data.get('price', 0),
                        data.get('amount', 1))

        if nodeId and contextType:
            objects = PlayerTreeDAO().get_children_objects(nodeId, contextType)
            effects = []

            armors = []
            containers = []
            items = []
            moneys = []
            meleeWeapons = []
            rangedWeapons = []
            throwableWeapons = []
            for one in objects:
                if one.object.object_type is ObjectType.ITEM and data['type'] == Items.CONTAINER.value:
                    childItem = self.get(one.object.id, None, one.id, contextType)
                    if isinstance(childItem, Armor):
                    elif isinstance(childItem, Container):
                    elif isinstance(childItem, Money):
                    elif isinstance(childItem, MeleeWeapon):
                    elif isinstance(childItem, RangeWeapon):
                    elif isinstance(childItem, ThrowableWeapon):
                elif one.object.object_type is ObjectType.EFFECT:
                    effect = EffectDAO().get(one.object.id, None, one.id, contextType)

            if data['type'] is Items.CONTAINER.value:
                item.items = items
                item.armors = armors
                item.moneyList = moneys
                item.meleeWeapons = meleeWeapons
                item.rangedWeapons = rangedWeapons
                item.throwableWeapons = throwableWeapons
                item.containers = containers

            item.effects = effects
        return item
コード例 #8
    def get(self,
            scenario_id: int,
            lang: str = None,
            nodeId: int = None,
            contextType: ObjectType = None) -> Scenario:
        Get Scenario , object transable attributes depends on lang
        If nodeId and contextType is specified, whole object is returned (with all sub objects)
        If not specified, only basic attributes are set.        
        :param scenario_id: id of Scenario
        :param lang: lang of object
        :param nodeId: id of node in tree, where object is located
        :param contextType: object type of tree, where is node
        :return: Scenario object
        if lang is None:
            lang = SettingsDAO().get_value('language', str)
        data = self.database.select(self.DATABASE_TABLE, {'ID': scenario_id})
        if not data:
            return None
            data = dict(data[0])

        tr_data = dict(
            self.database.select_translate(scenario_id, self.TYPE.value, lang))

        scenarioDate = date.fromordinal(
            data.get('date')) if data.get('date') else None
        scenario = Scenario(data.get('ID'), lang, tr_data.get('name', ''),
                            tr_data.get('description', ''), scenarioDate)

        if nodeId and contextType:
            children = self.treeDAO.get_children_objects(nodeId, contextType)

            abilities = []
            spells = []
            effects = []
            locations = []
            partyCharacters = []

            for child in children:
                if child.object.object_type is ObjectType.ABILITY:
                    ability = AbilityDAO().get(child.object.id, None, child.id,
                elif child.object.object_type is ObjectType.SPELL:
                    spell = SpellDAO().get(child.object.id, None, child.id,
                elif child.object.object_type is ObjectType.EFFECT:
                    effect = EffectDAO().get(child.object.id, None, child.id,
                elif child.object.object_type is ObjectType.LOCATION:
                    location = LocationDAO().get(child.object.id, None,
                                                 child.id, contextType)

                elif child.object.object_type is ObjectType.CHARACTER:
                    character = CharacterDAO().get(child.object.id, None,
                                                   child.id, contextType)
                    partyCharacter = PartyCharacterDAO().get(character.id)

                    if not partyCharacter:
                        partyCharacter = PartyCharacter()

                    partyCharacter.character = character

            # Search non connected party character
            chars = self.database.select('PartyCharacter',
                                         {'scenario_id': scenario_id})
            for char in chars:
                if char['character_id'] is None:

            scenario.spells = spells
            scenario.abilities = abilities
            scenario.effects = effects
            scenario.locations = locations
            scenario.party = partyCharacters

        return scenario
コード例 #9
ファイル: EffectManager.py プロジェクト: Wilson194/DeskChar
 def __init__(self):
     self.DAO = EffectDAO()
コード例 #10
ファイル: CharacterDAO.py プロジェクト: Wilson194/DeskChar
    def create(self, character: Character, nodeParentId: int = None, contextType: ObjectType = None) -> int:
        Create new character
        :param character: Character object
        :param nodeParentId: id of parent node in tree
        :param contextType: Object type of tree, where item is located
        :return: id of created character
        if contextType is None:
            contextType = self.TYPE

        intValues = {
            'agility'      : character.agility,
            'charisma'     : character.charisma,
            'intelligence' : character.intelligence,
            'mobility'     : character.mobility,
            'strength'     : character.strength,
            'toughness'    : character.toughness,
            'age'          : character.age,
            'height'       : character.height,
            'weight'       : character.weight,
            'level'        : character.level,
            'xp'           : character.xp,
            'maxHealth'    : character.maxHealth,
            'maxMana'      : character.maxMana,
            'currentHealth': character.currentHealth,
            'currentMana'  : character.currentMana,
            'drdClass'     : character.drdClass.value if character.drdClass else None,
            'drdRace'      : character.drdRace.value if character.drdRace else None,
            'alignment'    : character.alignment.value if character.alignment else None,

        strValues = {
            'name'       : character.name,
            'description': character.description

        id = self.database.insert(self.DATABASE_TABLE, intValues)
        character.id = id

        self.database.insert_translate(strValues, character.lang, id, self.TYPE)

        # Create node for tree structure
        node = NodeObject(None, character.name, nodeParentId, character)
        nodeId = self.treeDAO.insert_node(node, contextType)

        for spell in character.spells:
            SpellDAO().create(spell, nodeId, contextType)

        for ability in character.abilities:
            AbilityDAO().create(ability, nodeId, contextType)

        for effect in character.effects:
            EffectDAO().create(effect, nodeId, contextType)

        if character.inventory is None:
            c = Container(None, None, TR().tr('Inventory'), None, -1)
            inventoryId = ItemDAO().create(c, nodeId, contextType)
            character.inventory.parent_id = -1
            inventoryId = ItemDAO().create(character.inventory, nodeId, contextType)

        if character.ground is None:
            c = Container(None, None, TR().tr('Ground'), None, -2)
            groundId = ItemDAO().create(c, nodeId, contextType)
            character.ground.parent_id = -2
            groundId = ItemDAO().create(character.ground, nodeId, contextType)

        self.database.update(self.DATABASE_TABLE, id, {'inventoryId': inventoryId, 'groundId': groundId})

        return id
コード例 #11
ファイル: CharacterDAO.py プロジェクト: Wilson194/DeskChar
    def get(self, character_id: int, lang: str = None, nodeId: int = None, contextType: ObjectType = None) -> Character:
        Get Character , object transable attributes depends on lang
        If nodeId and contextType is specified, whole object is returned (with all sub objects)
        If not specified, only basic attributes are set.        
        :param character_id: id of Character
        :param lang: lang of object
        :param nodeId: id of node in tree, where object is located
        :param contextType: object type of tree, where is node
        :return: Character object
        if lang is None:
            lang = SettingsDAO().get_value('language', str)

        data = self.database.select(self.DATABASE_TABLE, {'ID': character_id})
        if not data:
            return None
            data = dict(data[0])

        tr_data = self.database.select_translate(character_id, ObjectType.CHARACTER.value,

        drdClass = Classes(data.get('drdClass')) if data.get('drdClass') is not None else None
        drdRace = Races(data.get('drdRace')) if data.get('drdRace') is not None else None
        alignment = Alignment(data.get('alignment')) if data.get('alignment') is not None else None

        character = Character(data.get('ID'), lang, tr_data.get('name', ''),
                              tr_data.get('description', ''), data.get('agility', 0),
                              data.get('charisma', 0), data.get('intelligence', 0),
                              data.get('mobility', 0), data.get('strength', 0),
                              data.get('toughness', 0), data.get('age', 0), data.get('height', 0),
                              data.get('weight', 0), data.get('level', 0), data.get('xp', 0),
                              data.get('maxHealth', 0), data.get('maxMana', 0), drdClass, drdRace,
                              alignment, data.get('currentHealth', 0), data.get('currentMana', 0))

        if nodeId and contextType:
            children = self.treeDAO.get_children_objects(nodeId, contextType)
            abilities = []
            spells = []
            effects = []

            for child in children:
                if child.object.object_type is ObjectType.SPELL:
                    spell = SpellDAO().get(child.object.id, None, child.id, contextType)
                elif child.object.object_type is ObjectType.ABILITY:
                    ability = AbilityDAO().get(child.object.id, None, child.id, contextType)
                elif child.object.object_type is ObjectType.EFFECT:
                    effect = EffectDAO().get(child.object.id, None, child.id, contextType)
                elif child.object.object_type is ObjectType.ITEM and child.object.type is Items.CONTAINER and child.object.parent_id == -1:
                    inventory = ItemDAO().get(child.object.id, None, child.id, contextType)
                    character.inventory = inventory
                elif child.object.object_type is ObjectType.ITEM and child.object.type is Items.CONTAINER and child.object.parent_id == -2:
                    ground = ItemDAO().get(child.object.id, None, child.id, contextType)
                    character.ground = ground

            character.spells = spells
            character.abilities = abilities
            character.effects = effects

        return character