コード例 #1
    def fit(self,
            text: Union[str, Iterable[str], Iterable[Data], pd.DataFrame],
            category: Union[str, Iterable[str]] = None) -> TextClassifier:
        '''learn probabilities for tokens extracted by the given text'''
        data = DataSet.FromAny(text, category)

        categories = []
        tokens = {}
        values = []

        for d in data:
            categories.append((d.category, d.score))
            for token in d.tokens:
                tokens[token] = 1
            values.append((d.table, d.score))
            self.total_documents += 1

        tokens = list(tokens)

        data_values = [[1 if t in v[0] else 0 for t in tokens] + [v[1]]
                       for v in values]


        data_values = pd.DataFrame(data_values, columns=tokens)

        self.model.fit(data_values, Data.CATEGORY_NAME)

        return self
コード例 #2
    def fit(self, text: Union[str, Iterable[str], Iterable[Data], pd.DataFrame], category: Union[str, Iterable[str]]=None) -> NaiveBayes:
        '''learn probabilities for tokens extracted by the given text'''
        data = DataSet.FromAny(text, category)
        for d in data:
            # ensure we have defined the c category
            # update our count of how many documents mapped to this category
            self.documents[d.category] += 1
            # update the total number of documents we have learned from
            self.total_documents += 1

            # Update our vocabulary and our word frequency count for this category
            for token, frequency in d.table.items():
                # add this word to our vocabulary if not already existing

                # update the frequency information for this word in this category
                if token not in self.word_frequency[d.category]: self.word_frequency[d.category][token] = frequency
                else: self.word_frequency[d.category][token] += frequency
                # update the count of all words we have seen mapped to this category
                self.word_count[d.category] += frequency

        return self