def plot_joint_disp(smal_npz, j=0, mocap_src=None, **kwargs): J = get_smal_data(smal_npz) freq = 30 fig, ax = plt.subplots() j = 3 t = np.arange(J.shape[0]) / freq dims = "z" for d in dims: n = dims.index(d) x = J[:, j, n] x_smoothed = signal.savgol_filter(x, window_length=15, polyorder=3) ax.plot(t, x, alpha=.1, label=d) ax.plot(t, x, label=d) if mocap_src is not None: ## Add plot of correct mocap joint - for now always left front bottom mocap_data = C3DData(ax=None, src=mocap_src, interpolate=True) joint = "left rear paw" mocap_j_data = mocap_data.get_marker_data_by_names(joint) mocap_z_data = mocap_j_data[:, 0, 2] t0 = 6.55 mocap_t = np.arange(4, 4 + mocap_data.n_frames / mocap_data.freq, 1 / mocap_data.freq) ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.plot(mocap_t, mocap_z_data) plt.legend()
def load_kin_data(kin_src, clip_length, mocap=True, resample_freq=100): if mocap: joint_data = C3DData(ax=None, src=kin_src, interpolate=True, crop=clip_length, fix_rotations="3 kph" in kin_src) else: joint_data = SMALData(kin_src, freq=30, norm=True, crop=clip_length, smooth=True) joint_data.resample_at(resample_freq) ### TRY RESAMPLING DATA TO 100 Hz target_bones, body_joints, no_torque_joints, ls_joints = joint_data.generate_skeleton_mapping() # Normalise data based on z data, so that the dog is roughly 0.5m high. Also smooth data kin_data = np.array(joint_data.all_data) kin_data = norm_kin_data(kin_data) paw_data = kin_data[:, no_torque_joints, 2] if not mocap: paw_data = signal.savgol_filter(paw_data, window_length=51, polyorder=2, axis=0) return paw_data
def load_solver(kin_src, clip_length, mocap=True, resample_freq=100): if mocap: joint_data = C3DData( ax=None, src=kin_src, interpolate=True, crop=clip_length, fix_rotations="3 kph" in kin_src) # only fix rotations for 3 kph for now else: joint_data = SMALData(kin_src, freq=30, norm=True, crop=clip_length, smooth=True) joint_data.resample_at(resample_freq) ### TRY RESAMPLING DATA TO 100 Hz target_bones, body_joints, no_torque_joints, leg_spring_joints = joint_data.generate_skeleton_mapping( ) # Normalise data based on z data, so that the dog is roughly 0.5m high. Also smooth data kin_data = np.array(joint_data.all_data) kin_data = norm_kin_data(kin_data, targ_markers=leg_spring_joints) solver_kwargs = dict(target_bones=target_bones, body_joints=body_joints, no_torque_joints=no_torque_joints, foot_joints=no_torque_joints, leg_spring_joints=leg_spring_joints, freq=joint_data.freq, name=kin_src_to_solver_name(kin_src)) solver = InverseDynamicsSolver(joint_data=kin_data, **solver_kwargs, is_mocap=mocap) print(f"Solver loaded. Mass = {solver.total_mass:.1f} kg.") return solver
def optimise_paws_to_c3d(mocap_src, dynamic_src=r"set_2 -- 3kph run3"): """Given a .c3d file, and the resultant GRFs, optimise the paws""" freq_forceplate = 100 clip_length = 10 # seconds # LOAD MOCAP DATA mocap_data = C3DData(ax=None, src=mocap_src, interpolate=True, crop=clip_length) mocap_data.resample_at(100) ### TRY RESAMPLING DATA TO 100 Hz target_bones, body_joints, no_torque_joints = mocap_data.generate_skeleton_mapping( ) # Normalise data based on z data, so that the dog is roughly 0.5m high. Also smooth data kin_data = np.array(mocap_data.all_data) kin_data = 0.635 * kin_data / np.amax(kin_data[:, :, 2]) solver_kwargs = dict(target_bones=target_bones, body_joints=body_joints, no_torque_joints=no_torque_joints, foot_joints=no_torque_joints, freq=mocap_data.freq) # LOAD FORCEPLATE DATA force_plate_data, force_plate_tdelay = load_force_plate_data(dynamic_src) dyn_data = force_plate_data mass = 25.7 # normalise dynamic data by mass of dog dyn_data *= 1 / (mass * g) frame_delay = 10 # number of frames dynamic data is *ahead* of kinematic daya # NEED TO CROP FOOTPLATE DATA TO CORRECT SIZE CLIP freq_mocap = mocap_data.freq frame_delay = int(freq_forceplate * force_plate_tdelay) n_frames_forceplate = int( mocap_data.n_frames * freq_forceplate / freq_mocap ) # number of frames for forceplate to be same time length as mocap dyn_data = dyn_data[ frame_delay:frame_delay + n_frames_forceplate] # crop forceplate data to match mocap/SMAL data optimiser = ModelOptimiser(solver_kwargs, kin_data, dyn_data, param_selection="paws", dyn_format="grfs") # PLOTTING FOR TESTING solver = InverseDynamicsSolver(joint_data=kin_data, **solver_kwargs, model=optimiser) # solver.view_ground_displacements(deriv = 0) # solver.view_com_displacements(deriv=0) # save dyn data and kin src = r"C:\Users\Ollie\Dropbox\Ollie\University\IIB\Project\Figures\inverse_dynamics\l0_characterisation", "disps.npy"), np.swapaxes(solver.joint_pos[:, no_torque_joints, 2], 0, 1)), "unsmoothed_disps.npy"), np.swapaxes(solver.unsmoothed_data[:, no_torque_joints, 2], 0, 1)), "grfs.npy"), np.swapaxes(dyn_data, 0, 1)) print("saved") efd = 10 forces, torques = solver.solve_forces(save=False, end_frames_disregarded=efd, report_equations=False) paw_joints = solver_kwargs["foot_joints"] pred = forces[:, paw_joints, 2] / (solver.total_mass * g) # plotting fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=2, sharex="all", sharey="all") [ax.set_xlabel("Time (s)") for ax in axes[2]] [ax.set_ylabel("Norm Force \\ $F/mg$ ") for ax in axes[:, 0]] [ ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: x / solver.freq)) for ax in np.ravel(axes) ] for i in range(4): ax = axes[i // 2, i % 2] ax.set_title(foot_joint_labels[i].title()) ax.plot(pred[:, i], label="Predicted") ax.plot(np.roll(dyn_data[:, i], 0 * frame_delay), label="Measured") ax.legend() ax = axes[2, 0] ax.set_title("Overall") ax.plot(pred[:].sum(axis=1)) ax.plot(dyn_data[:].sum(axis=1)) axes[2, 1].axis("off") fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=.08, hspace=.29, left=.09, bottom=.09, right=.98, top=.95) # PLOT GRF AS A FRAC OF STANCE, AND SPECTRAL DENSITY fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex="all", sharey="all") fig, axes_sd = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex="all", sharey="all") [ax.set_xlabel("\% Stance") for ax in axes[1]] [ax.set_ylabel("Normalised Force $F/mg$ ") for ax in axes[:, 0]] [ ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: int(100 * x))) for ax in np.ravel(axes) ] for i in range(4): ax = axes[i // 2, i % 2] ax.set_title(foot_joint_labels[i].title()) # from pred grf, split by non-zero. Then, for each, define x stance % pred_grf = pred[:, i] for n, data in enumerate([pred_grf, dyn_data[:, i]]): col = ["blue", "orange"][n] # Plot pred stance graphs footfalls = consecutive(np.where( data > 1e-5)[0]) # list of indices for individual footfalls trange = np.arange(0, clip_length, 1 / solver.freq) all_x, all_y = [], [] for footfall in footfalls: t = trange[footfall] if t.min() == t.max(): continue # skip blank footfalls x = (t - t.min()) / (t.max() - t.min() ) # format to % of stance all_x += list(x) all_y += list(data[footfall]) all_x = np.array(all_x) all_y = np.array(all_y) idx = all_x.argsort() all_x, all_y = all_x[idx], all_y[idx] all_y = np.array([y for _, y in sorted(zip(all_x, all_y)) ]) # sort y by x all_x = np.sort(all_x) # NEW METHOD: FIT SINES TO CURVE. First mode is sin(pi x), as is 0 at x=0, x=1 n_freq = 5 sine_curve = lambda x, *coeff: sum( [c * np.sin(np.pi * x * f) for f, c in enumerate(coeff)]) coeff, cov = optimize.curve_fit(sine_curve, all_x, all_y, p0=[.6] + [0] * (n_freq - 1)) xrange = np.arange(0, 1, .01) y_fit = sine_curve(xrange, *coeff) ax.plot(xrange, y_fit, lw=3, alpha=1.0, color=col, label=["Predicted", "Actual"][n]) ax_sd = axes_sd[i // 2, i % 2], n_freq + 1)), coeff, alpha=.6) err = np.zeros_like( xrange ) # error as a function of stance, based on time average window window = .2 for j, h in enumerate(xrange): err[j] = np.std(all_y[(h - window / 2 < all_x) & (all_x <= h + window / 2)] - y_fit[j]) ax.fill_between(xrange, y_fit + err, y_fit - err, color=col, alpha=.6) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=.08, hspace=.29, left=.09, bottom=.09, right=.98, top=.95) plt.legend()
def animateC3D(src=None): """Plots .c3D data in 3D, front and side views.""" # Set up plots fig = plt.figure() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, height_ratios=[1, 2]) ax_3d = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, :], projection='3d') ax_front, ax_side = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]), fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) ax_front.set_title("Front") ax_side.set_title("Side") ax_3d.set_title("3D", pad=-10) ax_3d.axis("off") ax_3d.patch.set_edgecolor("black") ax_3d.patch.set_linewidth('1') for ax in [ax_side, ax_front]: ax.tick_params(axis="x", which="both", bottom=False, labelbottom=False) ax.tick_params(axis="y", which="both", left=False, labelleft=False) mocap_data = C3DData(ax=ax_3d, src=src, alt_views={ "xz": ax_front, "yz": ax_side }) # Load MoCap data fig.suptitle( frames = mocap_data.n_frames fps = mocap_data.frame_rate buffer = lambda low, high, val=0: (low - val, high + val) x_bounds, y_bounds, z_bounds = [ buffer(*getattr(mocap_data, f"{dim}_bounds"), val=50) for dim in "xyz" ] # Get all dimensions with a buffer of 10 # Set bounds and add axes arrows ax_3d.set_xlim(*x_bounds) ax_3d.set_ylim(*y_bounds) ax_3d.set_zlim(*z_bounds) ax_front.axis("equal") ax_side.axis("equal") ax_front.set_xlim(*x_bounds) ax_front.set_ylim(*z_bounds) ax_side.set_xlim(*y_bounds) ax_side.set_ylim(*z_bounds) scale = ((mocap_data.x_bounds[1] - mocap_data.x_bounds[0]) + (mocap_data.y_bounds[1] - mocap_data.y_bounds[0]) + ((mocap_data.z_bounds[1] - mocap_data.z_bounds[0]))) / 3 arrow_args = dict(arrowstyle="-|>", color="red", mutation_scale=scale / 150, lw=scale / 400) arrow_length = min([ mocap_data.z_bounds[1], mocap_data.x_bounds[1], mocap_data.y_bounds[1] ]) * 0.3 a = Arrow3D((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, arrow_length), **arrow_args) b = Arrow3D((0, arrow_length), (0, 0), (0, 0), **arrow_args) c = Arrow3D((0, 0), (0, arrow_length), (0, 0), **arrow_args) [ax_3d.add_artist(i) for i in [a, b, c]] ax_3d.legend() progress = tqdm(total=frames) def animate(i): try: next(mocap_data) progress.update(1) except StopIteration: pass save_animation(animate, fig, frames, fps=fps,
def anim_smal_and_mocap(mocap_src, smal_src): """View animation of smal alongside mocap""" freq = 60 mocap_data = C3DData(ax=None, src = mocap_src, crop = clip_length) smal_data = SMALData(smal_src, freq = 30) # full length clip for data in [mocap_data, smal_data]: data.resample_at(freq) delay = get_delay_between(, "smal", "mocap") paw_labels = ["left front", "right front", "left rear", "right rear"] mocap_paws = mocap_data.get_marker_indices(*[p + " paw" for p in paw_labels]) smal_paws = smal_data.get_marker_indices(*[p + " paw" for p in paw_labels]) # quickly plot 3d of each # mocap_all_data = norm_kin_data() mocap_all = norm_kin_data(mocap_data.all_data)[:, mocap_paws, 2] smal_all = norm_kin_data(smal_data.all_data)[:, smal_paws, 2] # get frame matching delay through estimation timed_fdelay = int(delay * freq) # delay before frame matching shift test_fds = [] frame_match_range = np.arange(-50, 50, 1) for i in frame_match_range: # roll smal data, and crop to desired time range, before element wise product with mocap data l = (smal_all[timed_fdelay+i:timed_fdelay+i+len(mocap_all), 0] * mocap_all[:, 0]).sum() test_fds.append(l) frame_delay = frame_match_range[np.argmax(test_fds)] print(f"Selected Frame Delay: {frame_delay}") # plt.plot(frame_match_range, test_fds) # # TODO REVIEW SCALING HERE - I THINK THERE'S A BIG DISCREPANCY BETWEEN HOW MOCAP AND SMAL ARE SCALED. # NEEDS TO BE BASED ON SAME JOINTS (MAYBE CHANGE FROM SHOULDERS TO UPPER?) f = 20 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection = "3d") b_map_mocap, body_joints, *_ = mocap_data.generate_skeleton_mapping() mocap_3d = norm_kin_data(mocap_data.all_data, targ_markers=np.ravel(body_joints)) mocap_scat = ax.scatter(*zip(*mocap_3d[f]), color="green") mocap_plots = [] for b, (j1, j2) in b_map_mocap.items(): mocap_plots.append(plt.plot(*zip(*mocap_3d[f, [j1, j2]]), color="green")[0]) b_map_smal, body_joints, *_ = smal_data.generate_skeleton_mapping() smal_3d = norm_kin_data(smal_data.all_data, targ_markers=np.ravel(body_joints))[timed_fdelay+frame_delay:timed_fdelay+frame_delay+len(mocap_all)] smal_scat = ax.scatter(*zip(*smal_3d[f]), color="red") smal_plots = [] for b, (j1, j2) in b_map_smal.items(): smal_plots.append(plt.plot(*zip(*smal_3d[f, [j1, j2]]), color="red")[0]) def anim(i): for data, scat, plots, b_map in [[mocap_3d, mocap_scat, mocap_plots, b_map_mocap], [smal_3d, smal_scat, smal_plots, b_map_smal]]: scat._offsets3d = np.swapaxes(data[i], 0, 1) for n, (j1, j2) in enumerate(b_map.values()): plot = plots[n] for dim, method in enumerate([plot.set_xdata, plot.set_ydata, plot.set_3d_properties]): method(data[i, [j1,j2], dim]) X, Y, Z = np.swapaxes(mocap_3d, 0, 2) bbox = BBox(np.ravel(X), np.ravel(Y), np.ravel(Z)) bbox.equal_3d_axes(ax, zoom = 1.5) func = FuncAnimation(fig, anim, frames=100)
def compare_smal_to_mocap(mocap_src, smal_src, print_vals = False): """Produces graph of z position for all paw joints, for mocap and smal src""" freq = 60 mocap_data = C3DData(ax=None, src = mocap_src, crop = clip_length, fix_rotations = True) smal_data = SMALData(smal_src, freq = 30, smooth=True) # full length clip # for data in [mocap_data, smal_data]: # data.resample_at(freq) delay = get_delay_between(, "smal", "mocap") paw_labels = ["left front", "right front", "left rear", "right rear"] colours = ["green", "red"] fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex="all", sharey="all", figsize = (8, 4)) ymax = 0 # running y max mocap_paws = mocap_data.get_marker_indices(*[p + " paw" for p in paw_labels]) smal_paws = smal_data.get_marker_indices(*[p + " paw" for p in paw_labels]) # smal_paws[1] = mocap_data.get_marker_indices("right front ankle")[0] # quickly plot 3d of each # mocap_all_data = norm_kin_data() mocap_all = norm_kin_data(mocap_data.all_data)[:, mocap_paws, 2] smal_all = norm_kin_data(smal_data.all_data)[:, smal_paws, 2] # get frame matching delay through estimation timed_fdelay = int(delay * smal_data.freq) # delay before frame matching shift test_fds = [] frame_match_range = np.arange(-50, 50, 1) for i in frame_match_range: # roll smal data, and crop to desired time range, before element wise product with mocap data l = (smal_all[timed_fdelay-i:timed_fdelay-i+len(mocap_all), 1] * mocap_all[:,1]).sum() test_fds.append(l) frame_delay = frame_match_range[np.argmax(test_fds)] print(f"Selected Frame Delay: {frame_delay}") print_data = np.zeros((int(mocap_data.clip_length * mocap_data.freq), 10)) # t_mocap, t_smal, 4*mocap, 4*smal plots = [] for n, data in enumerate([mocap_data, smal_data]): b_mapping, body_joints, *_ = data.generate_skeleton_mapping() all_data = norm_kin_data(data.all_data, targ_markers=np.ravel(body_joints)) ## crop to clip for j in range(4): ax = axes[j // 2, j % 2] paw_idx = [mocap_paws, smal_paws][n][j] joint_data = all_data[:, paw_idx, 2] t = np.arange(0, data.clip_length, 1/data.freq) if n ==0: t_mocap = t.copy() if n ==0: mocap_joint_data = joint_data # store for correcting if n == 1: t -= (delay - frame_delay / freq) # temporal shift to match data # crop to same time region as mocap f_start, f_end = int(delay*data.freq), int((delay+clip_length)*data.freq) joint_data = joint_data[f_start: f_end] t = t[f_start: f_end] t_smal = t.copy() # Correcting factor, subtract off height difference # joint_data -= (np.percentile(joint_data, 10) - np.percentile(mocap_joint_data,10)) # ax = ax.twinx() plots.append( ax.plot(t, joint_data, color = colours[n], label = ["Mocap", "KDN"][n]) [0]) print_data[:len(joint_data), 2 + (4*n) + j] = joint_data # only consider mocap in ymax for now if n == 0: ymax = max(ymax, joint_data.max()) # ax.set_xlim(t.min(), t.max()) # set xrange based off of mocap data ( smaller range ) print_data[:len(t_mocap), 0] = t_mocap print_data[:len(t_smal), 1] = t_smal if print_vals: # convert to mm print_data[:, 2:] *= 1000 print("Tmocap mocap1 mocap2 mocap3 mocap4") idxs = [0, 2, 3, 4, 5] for i in range(len(print_data)): print(" ".join([f"{v:.2f}" for v in print_data[i, idxs]])) print("--------") print("Tsmal smal1 smal2 smal3 smal4") idxs = [1, 6, 7, 8, 9] for i in range(len(print_data)): print(" ".join([f"{v:.2f}" for v in print_data[i, idxs]])) xtitle="Time (s)" ytitle = "Height (m)" [axes[j//2, j%2].set_title(paw_labels[j].title()) for j in range(4)] [ax.set_xlabel(xtitle) for ax in axes[-1, :]] [ax.set_ylabel(ytitle) for ax in axes[:, 0]] ax.set_ylim(0, ymax) fig.legend(["Motion capture", "KDN"], handles=[plots[0], plots[5]], ncol=2, loc = 8) plt.subplots_adjust(left=.1, right=.92, top=.93, bottom=.2, wspace = .19, hspace = .25) # plt.savefig(r"C:\Users\Ollie\Dropbox\Ollie\University\IIB\Project\Figures\image_processing\smal_results_displacement\set_2_3r4.png", # dpi = 300)