コード例 #1
ファイル: plot_means.py プロジェクト: guziy/PlotWatrouteData
def plot_cv_for_seasonal_mean(folder_path = "data/streamflows/hydrosheds_euler9",
                            member_ids = None,
                            file_name_pattern = "%s_discharge_2041_01_01_00_00.nc",
                            months = range(1,13),
                            out_file_name = "cv_for_annual_mean.png",
                            max_value = None
    calculate and plot cv for annual mean values
    times = None
    i_indices = None
    j_indices = None
    x_min, x_max = None, None
    y_min, y_max = None, None
    seasonal_means = []
    for i, the_id in enumerate( member_ids ):
        fName = file_name_pattern % the_id
        fPath = os.path.join(folder_path, fName)
        if not i:
            data, times, i_indices, j_indices = data_select.get_data_from_file(fPath)
            interest_x = x[i_indices, j_indices]
            interest_y = y[i_indices, j_indices]
            x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = _get_limits(interest_x = interest_x, interest_y = interest_y)
            data = data_select.get_field_from_file(path = fPath)
        assert data is not None, "i = %d " % i

        if len(months) == 12:
            the_seasonal_mean = np.mean(data, axis = 0)
            bool_vector = map(lambda t: t.month in months, times)
            indices = np.where(bool_vector)
            the_seasonal_mean = np.mean(data[indices[0],:], axis = 0)

    seasonal_means = np.array( seasonal_means )
    mu = np.mean(seasonal_means, axis=0)
    sigma = np.std(seasonal_means,axis=0)
    cv = sigma / mu

    cMap = mpl.cm.get_cmap(name = "jet_r", lut = 30)
    cMap.set_over(color = "0.5")

    to_plot = np.ma.masked_all(x.shape)
    for the_index, i, j in zip( xrange(len(i_indices)), i_indices, j_indices):
        to_plot[i, j] = cv[the_index]

    basemap.pcolormesh(x, y, to_plot.copy(), cmap = cMap, vmin = 0, vmax = max_value)
    basemap.drawcoastlines(linewidth = 0.5)
    plt.colorbar(ticks = LinearLocator(numticks = 11), format = "%.1e")
    plt.xlim(x_min, x_max)
    plt.ylim(y_min, y_max)

    plt.savefig(out_file_name, bbox_inches = "tight")
コード例 #2
def plot_ratio(path = 'data/streamflows/hydrosheds_euler10_spinup100yrs/aex_discharge_1970_01_01_00_00.nc',
                min_lon = None, max_lon = None, min_lat = None, max_lat = None):

    res = data_select.get_data_from_file(path = path, field_name = 'surface_runoff')
    surf_runoff, times, x_indices, y_indices = res
    total_runoff = data_select.get_field_from_file(path, field_name = 'subsurface_runoff')
    total_runoff = surf_runoff + total_runoff

    if min_lon != None:
        lons = data_select.get_field_from_file(path, field_name = 'longitude')
        lats = data_select.get_field_from_file(path, field_name = 'latitude')
        lons_1d = lons[x_indices, y_indices]
        lats_1d = lats[x_indices, y_indices]
        condition = (lons_1d >= min_lon) & (lons_1d <= max_lon)
        condition = (lats_1d >= min_lat) & (lats_1d <= max_lat)
        surf_runoff = surf_runoff[:,condition]
        total_runoff = total_runoff[:,condition]

    mean_surf_runoff = np.mean(surf_runoff, axis = 1) #mean in space
    mean_total_runoff = np.mean(total_runoff, axis = 1)

    stamp_dates = map(lambda d: swe.toStampYear(d, stamp_year = 2000), times)

    t1, v1 = get_mean_for_day_of_year(stamp_dates, mean_surf_runoff)
    plt.plot(t1, v1, label = 'surface runoff', linewidth = 3)

    t2, v2 = get_mean_for_day_of_year(stamp_dates, mean_total_runoff)
    plt.plot(t2, v2, label = 'total runoff', linewidth = 3)
コード例 #3
    draw_meridians_and_parallels(m, step_degrees = 30)

    int_ticker = LinearLocator()
    cb = plt.colorbar(ticks = int_ticker, orientation = colorbar_orientation)

    override = {'fontsize': 20,
                  'verticalalignment': 'baseline',
                  'horizontalalignment': 'center'}

    plt.title(title if title != None else name, override)

    ymin, ymax = plt.ylim()
    plt.ylim(ymin + 0.12 * (ymax - ymin), ymax * 0.32)

    xmin, xmax = plt.xlim()
    plt.xlim(xmin + (xmax - xmin) * 0.65, 0.85*xmax)

    if name != None:
        plt.savefig(name + '.png', bbox_inches = 'tight')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    i_indices, j_indices = data_select.get_indices_from_file()
    data = data_select.get_field_from_file('data/test_data/divided.nc', 'water_discharge')
    data = np.max(data, axis = 0)
    plot_data(data, i_indices, j_indices, name = 'discharge_scaling', title = 'Discharge response \n to runoff doubling')
    print "Hello World"
コード例 #4
def main():

    start_year = 1970
    end_year = 1999

    stations = cehq_station.read_station_data(folder="data/cehq_measure_data_all")
    stations = list( itertools.ifilter( lambda s: s.is_natural, stations) )
    for s in stations:

    stations = list( itertools.ifilter(lambda s: s.get_num_of_years_with_continuous_data() >= 10, stations) )
    s = stations[0]

    assert isinstance(s, Station)

    #stations = list( itertools.ifilter(lambda s: s.is_natural, stations) )

    x, y = polar_stereographic.lons, polar_stereographic.lats
    basemap = polar_stereographic.basemap
    x, y = basemap(x,y)

    sx = [s.longitude for s in stations]
    sy = [s.latitude for s in stations]

    sx, sy = basemap(sx, sy)

    #read model data
    model_file_path = "data/streamflows/hydrosheds_euler9/aex_discharge_1970_01_01_00_00.nc"
    acc_area = data_select.get_field_from_file(path=model_file_path,
    i_indices, j_indices = data_select.get_indices_from_file(path=model_file_path)
    lons_1d = data_select.get_field_from_file(path=model_file_path, field_name="longitude")
    lats_1d = data_select.get_field_from_file(path=model_file_path, field_name="latitude")

    x1d, y1d, z1d = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(lons_1d, lats_1d)
    kdtree = KDTree(zip(x1d, y1d, z1d))

    print "Id: 4 DA (km2) <-> 4 dist (km) <-> 4 (i,j)"
    #basemap.scatter(sx, sy, c = "r", zorder = 5)
    for s, isx, isy in zip( stations, sx, sy ):
        assert isinstance(s, Station)
        plt.annotate(s.id, xy=(isx, isy),
                 bbox = dict(facecolor = 'white'), weight = "bold", font_properties = FontProperties(size=0.5))

        #get model drainaige areas for the four closest gridcells to the station
        x0, y0, z0 = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(s.longitude, s.latitude)
        dists, indices = kdtree.query([x0, y0, z0], k = 4)
        dists /= 1000
        print("{0}: {1:.1f}; {2:.1f}; {3:.1f}; {4:.1f} <-> {5:.1f}; {6:.1f}; {7:.1f}; {8:.1f} <-> {9};{10};{11};{12}".format(
            "{0} (S_DA = {1:.1f})".format(s.id, s.drainage_km2),
            float( dists[0] ),
            "({0}, {1})".format(i_indices[indices[0]] + 1, j_indices[indices[0]] + 1),
            "({0}, {1})".format(i_indices[indices[1]] + 1, j_indices[indices[1]] + 1),
            "({0}, {1})".format(i_indices[indices[2]] + 1, j_indices[indices[2]] + 1),
            "({0}, {1})".format(i_indices[indices[3]] + 1, j_indices[indices[3]] + 1)


    xmin, xmax = min(sx), max(sx)
    ymin, ymax = min(sy), max(sy)

    marginx = (xmax - xmin) * 0.1
    marginy = (ymax - ymin) * 0.1
    xmin -= marginx * 1.5
    xmax += marginx * 2
    ymin -= marginy
    ymax += marginy * 2

    plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
    plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)
    basin_boundaries.plot_basin_boundaries_from_shape(basemap=basemap, plotter=plt, linewidth=1)

コード例 #5
 def set_data_from_path(self, path = ''):
     self._data = data_select.get_field_from_file(path = path, field_name = 'water_discharge')
コード例 #6
ファイル: plot_means.py プロジェクト: guziy/PlotWatrouteData
def plot_mean_extreme_flow(folder_path = "data/streamflows/hydrosheds_euler9",
                                 member_ids = None,
                                 file_name_pattern = "%s_discharge_1970_01_01_00_00.nc",
                                 out_file_name = "annual_means.png",
                                 high = True,
                                 start_month = 1, end_month = 12
    Plot mean extreme (1-day high or 15-day low) flow over time
    if member_ids is None:

    i_indices = None
    j_indices = None
    times = None
    x_min, x_max = None, None
    y_min, y_max = None, None
    the_extreme_list = []
    for i, the_id in enumerate( member_ids ):
        fName = file_name_pattern % the_id
        fPath = os.path.join(folder_path, fName)
        if not i:
            data, times, i_indices, j_indices = data_select.get_data_from_file(fPath)
            interest_x = x[i_indices, j_indices]
            interest_y = y[i_indices, j_indices]
            x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = _get_limits(interest_x = interest_x, interest_y = interest_y)
            data = data_select.get_field_from_file(path = fPath)

        assert data is not None, "i = %d " % i

        if high:
            extremes = data_select.get_list_of_annual_maximums_for_domain(data, times,
                                                                          start_month = start_month,
                                                                          end_month = end_month)
            extremes = data_select.get_list_of_annual_minimums_for_domain(data, times,
                                                                          event_duration = timedelta(days = 15),
                                                                          start_month = start_month,
                                                                          end_month = end_month

        the_extreme_list.append(np.mean(extremes, axis = 0))

    print "shape of extremes list ", np.array(the_extreme_list).shape

    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.1, wspace = 0.3)

    for k, the_extreme_mean in enumerate(the_extreme_list):
        plt.subplot( 2, len(member_ids) // 2 + 1 , k + 1)
        to_plot = np.ma.masked_all(x.shape)
        for the_index, i, j in zip( xrange(len(i_indices)), i_indices, j_indices):
            to_plot[i, j] = the_extreme_mean[the_index]

        basemap.pcolormesh(x, y, to_plot.copy(), cmap = mpl.cm.get_cmap(name = "jet_r", lut = 18), vmin = 0,
                           vmax = 1.5)
        basemap.drawcoastlines(linewidth = 0.5)
        plt.colorbar(ticks = LinearLocator(numticks = 7), format = "%.2e")
        plt.xlim(x_min, x_max)
        plt.ylim(y_min, y_max)


    #plot cv for the extremes     (here for performance, no need to again fetch the extremes)
    max_value = 0.1
    extreme_means = np.array( the_extreme_list )
    mu = np.mean(extreme_means, axis=0)
    sigma = np.std(extreme_means,axis=0)
    cv = sigma / mu

    to_plot = np.ma.masked_all(x.shape)
    for the_index, i, j in zip( xrange(len(i_indices)), i_indices, j_indices):
        to_plot[i, j] = cv[the_index]

    basemap.pcolormesh(x, y, to_plot.copy(), cmap = mpl.cm.get_cmap(name = "jet_r", lut = 30), vmin = 0,
                       vmax = max_value)
    basemap.drawcoastlines(linewidth = 0.5)
    plt.colorbar(ticks = LinearLocator(numticks = 11), format = "%.1e")
    plt.xlim(x_min, x_max)
    plt.ylim(y_min, y_max)
    plt.savefig("cv_" + out_file_name)
コード例 #7
def main():

    skip_ids = ['081007', '081002', "042607", "090605"]

    #comment to plot for all ensemble members
    members.current_ids = []

    path_format = 'data/streamflows/hydrosheds_euler9/%s_discharge_1970_01_01_00_00.nc'
    #path_format = "data/streamflows/hydrosheds_rk4_changed_partiotioning/%s_discharge_1970_01_01_00_00.nc"
    #path_format = "data/streamflows/piloted_by_ecmwf/ecmwf_nearest_neighbor_discharge_1970_01_01_00_00.nc"
    path_to_analysis_driven = path_format % members.control_id

    simIdToData = {}
    simIdToTimes = {}
    for the_id in members.current_ids:
        thePath = path_format % the_id
        [simIdToData[the_id], simIdToTimes[the_id], i_list, j_list] = data_select.get_data_from_file(thePath)

    old = True #in the old version drainage and lon,lats in the file are 1D

    [ data, times, i_list, j_list ] = data_select.get_data_from_file(path_to_analysis_driven)

    cell_list = []
    ij_to_cell = {}
    prev_cell_indices = []
    tot_rof = None
    if old:
        #surf_rof = data_select.get_data_from_file(path_format % ("aex",), field_name="")
        the_path = path_format % ("aex")
        static_data_path = "data/streamflows/hydrosheds_euler9/infocell9.nc"
        #ntimes x ncells
        tot_rof = data_select.get_field_from_file(the_path, field_name="total_runoff")
        cell_areas = data_select.get_field_from_file(static_data_path, field_name="AREA")

        #convert the runoff to m^3/s
        tot_rof *= 1.0e6 * cell_areas[i_list, j_list] / 1.0e3

        flow_dir_values = data_select.get_field_from_file(static_data_path,
            field_name="flow_direction_value")[i_list, j_list]

        cell_list = map(lambda i, j, the_id: Cell(id = the_id, ix = i, jy = j),
                                i_list, j_list, xrange(len(i_list)))

        ij_to_cell = dict( zip( zip(i_list, j_list), cell_list ))

        for ix, jy, aCell, dir_val in zip( i_list, j_list, cell_list, flow_dir_values):
            i_next, j_next = direction_and_value.to_indices(ix, jy, dir_val)
            the_key = (i_next, j_next)
            if ij_to_cell.has_key(the_key):
                next_cell = ij_to_cell[the_key]
                next_cell = None
            assert isinstance(aCell, Cell)

        #determine list of indices of the previous cells for each cell
        #in this case they are equal to the ids

        for aCell in cell_list:
            assert isinstance(aCell, Cell)
            prev_cells = aCell.get_upstream_cells()
            prev_cell_indices.append(map(lambda c: c.id, prev_cells))

    if not old:
        da_2d = data_select.get_field_from_file(path_to_analysis_driven, 'accumulation_area')
        lons = data_select.get_field_from_file(path_to_analysis_driven, field_name = 'longitude')
        lats = data_select.get_field_from_file(path_to_analysis_driven, field_name = 'latitude')
        lons = polar_stereographic.lons
        lats = polar_stereographic.lats
        da_2d = np.zeros(lons.shape)
        drainage = data_select.get_field_from_file(path_to_analysis_driven, 'drainage')
        for i, j, theDa in zip(i_list, j_list, drainage):
            da_2d[i, j] = theDa

    data_step = timedelta(days = 1)

    stations_dump = 'stations_dump.bin'
    if os.path.isfile(stations_dump):
        print 'unpickling'
        stations = pickle.load(open(stations_dump))
        stations = read_station_data()
        pickle.dump(stations, open(stations_dump, 'w'))

#   Did this to solve text encoding issues
#    reload(sys)
#    sys.setdefaultencoding('iso-8859-1')

    selected_stations = []
    selected_model_values = []
    selected_station_values = []

    grid_drainages = []
    grid_lons = []
    grid_lats = []
    plot_utils.apply_plot_params(width_pt= None, font_size=9, aspect_ratio=2.5)
    #plot_utils.apply_plot_params(font_size=9, width_pt=None)
    ncols = 2
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(5, ncols)
    fig = plt.figure()

    assert isinstance(fig, Figure)

    current_subplot = 0

    label1 = "modelled"
    label2 = "observed"
    line1 = None
    line2 = None
    lines_for_mems = None
    labels_for_mems = None
    #fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.9, wspace = 0.4, top = 0.9)

    index_objects = []
    for index, i, j in zip( range(len(i_list)) , i_list, j_list):
        index_objects.append(IndexObject(positionIndex = index, i = i, j = j))

    #sort by latitude
    index_objects.sort( key = lambda x: x.j, reverse = True)

    #simulation id to continuous data map
    simIdToContData = {}
    for the_id in members.all_current:
        simIdToContData[the_id] = {}

    for indexObj in index_objects:
        i = indexObj.i
        j = indexObj.j
        # @type indexObj IndexObject
        index = indexObj.positionIndex
        station = get_corresponding_station(lons[i, j], lats[i, j], da_2d[i, j], stations)

        if station is None or station in selected_stations:

        #if you want to compare with stations add their ids to the selected
        if station.id not in selected_station_ids:

        #skip some stations
        if station.id in skip_ids:

        #try now to find the point with the closest drainage area
#        current_diff = np.abs(station.drainage_km2 - da_2d[i, j])
#        for di in xrange(-1,2):
#            for dj in xrange(-1,2):
#                the_diff = np.abs(station.drainage_km2 - da_2d[i + di, j + dj])
#                if the_diff < current_diff: #select different grid point
#                    current_diff = the_diff
#                    i = i + di
#                    j = j + dj
#                    indexObj.i = i
#                    indexObj.j = j

        #found station plot data
        print station.name

        start_date = max( np.min(times), np.min(station.dates))
        end_date = min( np.max(times),  np.max(station.dates))

        if start_date.day > 1 or start_date.month > 1:
            start_date = datetime(start_date.year + 1, 1, 1,0,0,0)

        if end_date.day < 31 or end_date.month < 12:
            end_date = datetime(end_date.year - 1, 12, 31,0,0,0)

        if end_date < start_date:

        #select data for years that do not have gaps
        start_year = start_date.year
        end_year = end_date.year
        continuous_station_data = {}
        continuous_model_data = {}
        num_of_continuous_years = 0
        for year in xrange(start_year, end_year + 1):
            # @type station Station
            station_data = station.get_continuous_dataseries_for_year(year)
            if len(station_data) >= 365:
                num_of_continuous_years += 1

                #save station data
                for d, v in station_data.iteritems():
                    continuous_station_data[d] = v

                #save model data
                for t_index, t in enumerate(times):
                    if t.year > year: break
                    if t.year < year: continue
                    continuous_model_data[t] = data[t_index, index]
                #fill the map sim id to cont model data
                for the_id in members.current_ids:
                    #save model data
                    for t_index, t in enumerate(simIdToTimes[the_id]):
                        if t.year > year: break
                        if t.year < year: continue
                        simIdToContData[the_id][t] = simIdToData[the_id][t_index, index]

        #if the length of continuous observation is less than 10 years, skip
        if len(continuous_station_data) < 3650: continue

        print 'Number of continuous years for station %s is %d ' % (station.id, num_of_continuous_years)

        #skip stations with less than 20 years of usable data
        #if num_of_continuous_years < 2:
        #    continue


#        plot_total_precip_for_upstream(i_index = i, j_index = j, station_id = station.id,
#                                        subplot_count = current_subplot,
#                                        start_date = datetime(1980,01,01,00),
#                                        end_date = datetime(1996,12,31,00)
#                                        )

        #tmp (if do not need to replot streamflow)
#        current_subplot += 1
#        continue

        ##Calculate means for each day of year,
        ##as a stamp year we use 2001, ignoring the leap year
        stamp_year = 2001
        start_day = datetime(stamp_year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
        stamp_dates = []
        mean_data_model = []
        mean_data_station = []
        simIdToMeanModelData = {}
        for the_id in members.all_current:
            simIdToMeanModelData[the_id] = []

        for day_number in xrange(365):
            the_day = start_day + day_number * data_step

            model_data_for_day = []
            station_data_for_day = []

            #select model data for each simulation, day
            #and then save mean for each day
            simIdToModelDataForDay = {}
            for the_id in members.current_ids:
                simIdToModelDataForDay[the_id] = []

            for year in xrange(start_year, end_year + 1):
                the_date = datetime(year, the_day.month, the_day.day, the_day.hour, the_day.minute, the_day.second)
                if continuous_station_data.has_key(the_date):
                    for the_id in members.current_ids:

            assert len(station_data_for_day) > 0
            for the_id in members.current_ids:

         #skip stations with small discharge
        #if np.max(mean_data_station) < 300:
        #    continue

        row = current_subplot// ncols
        col = current_subplot % ncols
        ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col])
        assert isinstance(ax, Axes)
        current_subplot += 1

        #put "Streamflow label on the y-axis"
        if row == 0 and col == 0:
            ax.annotate("Streamflow (${\\rm m^3/s}$)", (0.025, 0.7) , xycoords = "figure fraction",
                rotation = 90, va = "top", ha = "center")

        selected_dates = sorted( continuous_station_data.keys() )
        unrouted_stfl = get_unrouted_streamflow_for(selected_dates = selected_dates,
            all_dates=times, tot_runoff=tot_rof, cell_indices=prev_cell_indices[index])

        unrouted_daily_normals = data_select.get_means_for_stamp_dates(stamp_dates, all_dates= selected_dates,

        #Calculate Nash-Sutcliff coefficient
        mean_data_model = np.array(mean_data_model)
        mean_data_station = np.array( mean_data_station )

        #mod = _get_monthly_means(stamp_dates, mean_data_model)
        #sta = _get_monthly_means(stamp_dates, mean_data_station)

        month_dates = [ datetime(stamp_year, m, 1) for m in xrange(1,13) ]

        line1, = ax.plot(stamp_dates, mean_data_model, linewidth = 3, color = "b")
        #line1, = ax.plot(month_dates, mod, linewidth = 3, color = "b")
        upper_model = np.max(mean_data_model)

        line2, = ax.plot(stamp_dates, mean_data_station, linewidth = 3, color = "r")
        #line2, = ax.plot(month_dates, sta, linewidth = 3, color = "r")

        #line3, = ax.plot(stamp_dates, unrouted_daily_normals, linewidth = 3, color = "y")

        mod = mean_data_model
        sta = mean_data_station

        ns = 1.0 - np.sum((mod - sta) ** 2) / np.sum((sta - np.mean(sta)) ** 2)

        if np.abs(ns) < 0.001:
            ns = 0

        corr_coef = np.corrcoef([mod, sta])[0,1]
        ns_unr = 1.0 - np.sum((unrouted_daily_normals - sta) ** 2) / np.sum((sta - np.mean(sta)) ** 2 )
        corr_unr = np.corrcoef([unrouted_daily_normals, sta])[0, 1]

        da_diff = (da_2d[i, j] - station.drainage_km2) / station.drainage_km2 * 100
        ax.annotate("ns = %.2f\nr = %.2f"
                  % (ns, corr_coef), (0.95, 0.90), xycoords = "axes fraction",
            va = "top", ha = "right",
            font_properties = FontProperties(size = 9)

        #plot member simulation data
        lines_for_mems = []
        labels_for_mems = []

        #labels_for_mems.append("Unrouted total runoff")

        for the_id in members.current_ids:
            the_line, = ax.plot(stamp_dates, simIdToMeanModelData[the_id], "--", linewidth = 3)

        ##calculate mean error
        means_for_members = []
        for the_id in members.current_ids:

        upper_station = np.max(mean_data_station)
        upper_unr = np.max(unrouted_daily_normals)

        upper = np.max([upper_model, upper_station])
        upper = round(upper / 100 ) * 100
        half = round( 0.5 * upper / 100 ) * 100
        if upper <= 100:
            upper = 100
            half = upper / 2

        print half, upper
        print 10 * '='

        ax.set_yticks([0, half , upper])
        assert isinstance(station, Station)

        print("i = {0}, j = {1}".format(indexObj.i, indexObj.j))
        print(lons[i,j], lats[i,j])
        print("id = {0}, da_sta = {1}, da_mod = {2}, diff = {3} %".format(station.id ,station.drainage_km2, da_2d[i,j], da_diff))

        grid_drainages.append(da_2d[i, j])
        grid_lons.append(lons[i, j])
        grid_lats.append(lats[i, j])


        #plot_swe_for_upstream(i_index = i, j_index = j, station_id = station.id)

        #plt.ylabel("${\\rm m^3/s}$")
        west_east = 'W' if station.longitude < 0 else 'E'
        north_south = 'N' if station.latitude > 0 else 'S'
        title_data = (station.id, np.abs(station.longitude), west_east,
                                  np.abs(station.latitude), north_south)
        ax.set_title('%s: (%3.1f%s, %3.1f%s)' % title_data)

        date_ticks = []
        for month in xrange(1,13):
            the_date = datetime(stamp_year, month, 1)
            date_ticks.append(the_date + timedelta(days = 15))

        major_ticks = ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks()

        for imtl, mtl in enumerate(major_ticks):
            mtl.tick1line.set_visible(imtl % 2 == 0)
            mtl.tick2line.set_visible(imtl % 2 == 0)
            mtl.label1On = (imtl % 4 == 1)

#        ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(
#            mpl.dates.MonthLocator(bymonth = range(2,13,2))
#        )


    lines = [line1]
    lines = tuple( lines )

    labels = [label1]
    labels = tuple(labels)

    fig.legend(lines, labels, 'lower right', ncol = 1)
#    fig.text(0.05, 0.5, "Streamflow (${\\rm m^3/s}$)",
#                  rotation=90,
#                  ha = 'center', va = 'center'
#                  )

    fig.tight_layout(pad = 2)

   # assert len(selected_dates_with_gw[0]) == len(selected_station_dates[0])

    do_skill_calculation = True
    if do_skill_calculation:
                        stamp_dates, selected_station_values,
                        grid_lons, grid_lats)

    do_plot_selected_stations = True
    if do_plot_selected_stations:
        plot_selected_stations(selected_stations, use_warpimage=False, plot_ts = False,
                               i_list = i_list, j_list = j_list)
コード例 #8
def get_station_and_corresponding_model_data(path = 'data/streamflows/hydrosheds_euler10_spinup100yrs/aex_discharge_1970_01_01_00_00.nc'):
    result = {}
    saved_selected_stations_file = 'selected_stations_and_model_data.bin'
    if os.path.isfile(saved_selected_stations_file):
        result = pickle.load(open(saved_selected_stations_file))
        print 'getting data from file ', path

        [data, times, i_list, j_list] = data_select.get_data_from_file(path)
        drainage_area = data_select.get_field_from_file(path, field_name = 'accumulation_area')

        if drainage_area is not None:
            lons = data_select.get_field_from_file(path, field_name = 'longitude')
            lats = data_select.get_field_from_file(path, field_name = 'latitude')
            da_2d = drainage_area
            drainage_area = data_select.get_field_from_file(path, field_name = 'drainage')
            da_2d = np.zeros(polar_stereographic.xs.shape)
            lons = polar_stereographic.lons
            lats = polar_stereographic.lats
            for index, i, j in zip( range(len(i_list)) , i_list, j_list):
                da_2d[i, j] = drainage_area[index]

        stations_dump = 'stations_dump.bin'
        if os.path.isfile(stations_dump):
            print 'unpickling'
            stations = pickle.load(open(stations_dump))
            stations = read_station_data()
            pickle.dump(stations, open(stations_dump, 'w'))


        selected_stations = []
        for index, i, j in zip( range(len(i_list)) , i_list, j_list):
            station = get_corresponding_station(lons[i, j], lats[i, j], da_2d[i, j], stations)
            if station is None or station in selected_stations:
            data_point = ModelPoint(times, data[:, index])
            result[station] = data_point

            print '=' * 20
            print station.get_timeseries_length() , station.id
            #found station plot data
            print station.name
            print station.id

        pickle.dump(result, open(saved_selected_stations_file,'wb'))

#    for station, point in result.iteritems():
#        plt.plot(station.dates, station.values, label = station.name)
#    plt.legend()
#    plt.show()
    assert len(result) > 0
    return result