async def set(self, ctx, username): params = { "user": username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "user.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=params) data = r.json() try: username = data["user"]["name"] except KeyError: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"**Invalid username** <a:DubuAngry:773329674679746610>", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) db.update_user(, "lastfm_username", username) embed = discord.Embed( description= f"Your username has been set as **{username}** <a:DubuFlirt:773331886461157427>", colour=0x4a5fc3) await ctx.send(f"{}", embed=embed)
async def unset(self, ctx): """Unlink your""" if ctx.foreign_target: return await ctx.send( ":warning: You cannot unset someone else's lastfm username!") db.update_user(, "lastfm_username", None) await ctx.send( ":broken_heart: Removed your username from the database")
async def set(self, ctx, sign): """Set your sunsign.""" hs = [ 'aries', 'taurus', 'gemini', 'cancer', 'leo', 'virgo', 'libra', 'scorpio', 'sagittarius', 'capricorn', 'aquarius', 'pisces' ] sign = sign.lower() if sign not in hs: return await ctx.send( f"`{sign}` is not a valid sunsign! Use `>horoscope list` for a list of sunsigns." ) db.update_user(, "sunsign", sign) await ctx.send(f"Sunsign saved as `{sign}`")
async def set(self, ctx, username): """Save your username.""" if ctx.foreign_target: return await ctx.send( ":warning: You cannot set lastfm username for someone else!") content = await get_userinfo_embed(username) if content is None: return await ctx.send( f":warning: Invalid username `{username}`") db.update_user(, "lastfm_username", username) await ctx.send(f"{} Username saved as `{username}`", embed=content)
async def set(self, ctx, sign): """Set your sunsign.""" hs = [ "aries", "taurus", "gemini", "cancer", "leo", "virgo", "libra", "scorpio", "sagittarius", "capricorn", "aquarius", "pisces", ] sign = sign.lower() if sign not in hs: return await ctx.send( f"`{sign}` is not a valid sunsign! Use `>horoscope list` for a list of sunsigns." ) db.update_user(, "sunsign", sign) await ctx.send(f"Sunsign saved as `{sign}`")
async def weather(self, ctx, *address): """Get weather of given location. Usage: >weather >weather <location> >weather save <location> """ if len(address) == 0: userdata = db.userdata( location = userdata.location if userdata is not None else None if location is None: return await util.send_command_help(ctx) elif address[0] == "save": db.update_user(, "location", " ".join(address[1:])) return await ctx.send( f"Saved your location as `{' '.join(address[1:])}`") else: location = " ".join(address) url = "" params = {'address': location, 'key': GOOGLE_API_KEY} async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url, params=params) as response: json_data = await response.json() try: json_data = json_data['results'][0] except IndexError: return await ctx.send("Could not get that location.") formatted_name = json_data['formatted_address'] lat = json_data['geometry']['location']['lat'] lon = json_data['geometry']['location']['lng'] country = "N/A" for comp in json_data['address_components']: if 'country' in comp['types']: country = comp['short_name'].lower() # we have lat and lon now, plug them into dark sky async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: url = f"{DARKSKY_API_KEY}/{lat},{lon}?units=si" async with session.get(url) as response: json_data = await response.json() current = json_data['currently'] hourly = json_data['hourly'] daily = json_data['daily'] localtime = await get_timezone({'lat': lat, 'lon': lon}) content = discord.Embed(color=await util.get_color(ctx, '#e1e8ed')) #content.set_thumbnail(url=f"{country}.png") content.title = f":flag_{country}: {formatted_name}" content.add_field( name= f"{weather_icons.get(current['icon'], '')} {hourly['summary']}", value=f":thermometer: Currently **{current['temperature']} °C** " f"( {current['temperature'] * (9.0 / 5.0) + 32:.2f} °F )\n" f":neutral_face: Feels like **{current['apparentTemperature']} °C** " f"( {current['apparentTemperature'] * (9.0 / 5.0) + 32:.2f} °F )\n" f":dash: Wind speed **{current['windSpeed']} m/s** with gusts of **{current['windGust']} m/s**\n" f":sweat_drops: Humidity **{int(current['humidity'] * 100)}%**\n" f":map: [See on map]({lat},{lon})" ) content.set_footer(text=f"🕐 Local time {localtime}") await ctx.send(embed=content)
def login(user_email, access_token): ''' add/update user information ''' if database.exist_user(user_email): database.update_user(user_email, access_token) else: database.add_user(user_email, access_token)
async def update_member(before: discord.Member, after: discord.Member): if before.display_name != after.display_name \ or != \ or before.discriminator != after.discriminator: database.update_user(after)