def main(): logdir = os.path.dirname(args.seg_dir) log_filename = os.path.join(logdir, 'corloc_eval_%s.log' % logging.basicConfig(filename=log_filename, level=logging.DEBUG) tp = np.zeros(len(pascal_classes)) gt = np.zeros(len(pascal_classes)) image_list = get_list_from_file(args.image_list) for image in image_list: _, img_labels, bboxes = get_annotations_from_xml( os.path.join(args.annotation_dir, '%s.xml' % image), pascal_classes) gt += np.maximum(img_labels, 0) seg_mask = cv2.imread(os.path.join(args.seg_dir, '%s.png' % image)) seg_mask = seg_mask[:, :, 0] seg_mask = seg_mask.astype(np.int32) for i in range(1, len(pascal_classes)): if img_labels[i] > 0: mask = (seg_mask == i) if np.sum(mask) > 0: regionmap = label(mask) region_prop = regionprops(regionmap) region_area = np.array([r.area for r in region_prop]) best_region_idx = np.argmax(region_area) bbox = np.array(region_prop[best_region_idx].bbox) bbox = np.expand_dims(bbox, 0) gt_bbox = bboxes[bboxes[:, 0] == i][:, 1:] iou = get_iou_matrix(gt_bbox, bbox) if np.amax(iou > 0.5): tp[i] += 1 for i in range(1, len(pascal_classes)):'%s: %.3f' % (pascal_classes[i], tp[i] / gt[i]))'CorLoc: %.3f' % (np.sum(tp[1:] / gt[1:]) / (len(pascal_classes) - 1)))'Instance correct rate: %d/%d' % (np.sum(tp), np.sum(gt)))
def main(): logdir = os.path.dirname(args.heatmap_dir) log_filename = os.path.join(logdir, 'pointing_eval_%s.log' % logging.basicConfig(filename=log_filename, level=logging.DEBUG)'Folder to be evaluated: %s'%args.heatmap_dir) tp = np.zeros(len(pascal_classes)) gt = np.zeros(len(pascal_classes)) image_list = get_list_from_file(args.image_list) for image in image_list: img_size, img_labels, bboxes = get_annotations_from_xml(os.path.join(args.annotation_dir, '%s.xml'%image), pascal_classes) gt += np.maximum(img_labels, 0) for i in range(1, len(pascal_classes)): if img_labels[i] > 0: heatmap = np.load(os.path.join(args.heatmap_dir, '%s_%s.npy'%(image, pascal_classes[i]))) heatmap = cv2.resize(heatmap, (img_size[1], img_size[0])) global_argmax = np.where(heatmap==np.amax(heatmap)) hmax = global_argmax[0] wmax = global_argmax[1] point = np.concatenate([hmax, wmax]) + 1 gt_bbox = bboxes[bboxes[:, 0] == i][:, 1:] is_in = point_in_box(point, gt_bbox) if np.amax(is_in): tp[i] += 1 for i in range(1, len(pascal_classes)):'%s: %.3f'%(pascal_classes[i], tp[i]/gt[i]))'CorLoc: %.3f'%(np.sum(tp[1:]/gt[1:])/(len(pascal_classes) - 1)))'Instance correct rate: %d/%d'%(np.sum(tp), np.sum(gt)))
def test_get_label_and_objects_from_xml(): xmlpath = '%s/data/utils/test_xml.xml' % ROOT_DIR pascal_classes = [ '__background__', 'aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat', 'bottle', 'bus', 'car', 'cat', 'chair', 'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse', 'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor' ] size, labels, objects = file_utils.get_annotations_from_xml( xmlpath, pascal_classes) assert np.array_equal(size, np.array([375, 500, 3])) assert np.array_equal( labels, np.array( [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])) assert np.array_equal( objects, np.array([[9, 211, 263, 339, 324], [7, 264, 165, 372, 253], [-9, 244, 5, 374, 67], [9, 194, 241, 299, 295], [-15, 186, 277, 220, 312]]))
def main(unused): net_CAM = caffe.Net( os.path.join(cfg.root_dir, 'SEC', 'deploy.prototxt'), os.path.join(cfg.root_dir, 'SEC', 'weights.caffemodel'), caffe.TEST) data_dir = getattr(data.cfg, '%s_dir' % args.dataset) filelist = get_list_from_file( os.path.join(data_dir, 'ImageSets', 'Main', '%s.txt' % args.image_set)) print 'Num of images', len(filelist) for file in filelist: image = pylab.imread( os.path.join(data_dir, 'JPEGImages', '%s.jpg' % file)) H = image.shape[0] W = image.shape[1] _, labels, _ = get_annotations_from_xml( os.path.join(data_dir, 'Annotations', '%s.xml' % file), data.cfg.pascal_classes) if np.sum(np.absolute(labels[1:])) > 0: print file net_CAM.blobs['images'].data[...][0] = preprocess(image, 321.0) net_CAM.forward() CAM_scores = net_CAM.blobs['fc7_CAM'].data[0] params = net_CAM.params['scores'][0].data[...] for i in range(1, 21): if labels[i] != 0: w = params[i - 1] heat_maps = np.sum(CAM_scores * w[:, None, None], axis=0) if args.result_dir: '%s/%s_%s' % (args.result_dir, file, data.cfg.pascal_classes[i]), heat_maps) if args.vis_dir: vis = visualize_heatmap(np.maximum(heat_maps, 0)) cv2.imwrite( '%s/%s_%s.png' % (args.vis_dir, file, data.cfg.pascal_classes[i]), vis)
def main(unused): category_list = file_utils.get_list_from_file(FLAGS.category_list_file) num_categories = len(category_list) co_occur_freq = np.zeros((num_categories, num_categories)) category_freq = np.zeros((num_categories)) image_list = file_utils.get_list_from_file(FLAGS.image_list) for image in image_list: xml_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.annotation_dir, '%s.xml' % image) _, labels, objs = file_utils.get_annotations_from_xml( xml_path, category_list) obj_labels = np.unique(np.absolute(objs[:, 0])) labels = np.absolute(labels) if obj_labels.shape[0] == 1: co_occur_freq[obj_labels[0], obj_labels[0]] += 1 for l in range(0, obj_labels.shape[0]): for k in range(l + 1, obj_labels.shape[0]): co_occur_freq[obj_labels[l], obj_labels[k]] += 1 co_occur_freq[obj_labels[k], obj_labels[l]] += 1 category_freq += labels co_occur_prob = co_occur_freq / np.expand_dims(category_freq, 1) if FLAGS.save_dir:, 'pascal_co_occur'), co_occur_prob)
def main(): logdir = os.path.dirname(args.seg_dir) log_filename = os.path.join(logdir, 'seed_eval_%s.log' % logging.basicConfig(filename=log_filename, level=logging.DEBUG)'Folder to be evaluated: %s, %s'%(args.seg_dir, args.seedmask_dir)) tp = np.zeros(len(pascal_classes)) gt = np.zeros(len(pascal_classes)) pd = np.zeros(len(pascal_classes)) image_list = get_list_from_file(args.image_list) for image in image_list: img_size, img_labels, bboxes = get_annotations_from_xml(os.path.join(args.annotation_dir, '%s.xml'%image), pascal_classes) fg_map = np.zeros(img_size, dtype=np.bool) for i in range(1, len(pascal_classes)): if img_labels[i] > 0: seg = cv2.imread(os.path.join(args.seg_dir, '%s_%s.png'%(image, pascal_classes[i]))) seedmask = cv2.imread(os.path.join(args.seedmask_dir, '%s_%s.png'%(image, pascal_classes[i]))) cue = np.logical_and((seg == i), (seedmask==1)) gt_bbox = bboxes[np.absolute(bboxes[:, 0]) == i][:, 1:] box_map = boxes_to_seg(gt_bbox, img_size) gt[i] += np.sum(box_map) tp[i] += np.sum(np.logical_and(box_map, cue)) pd[i] += np.sum(cue) fg_map = np.logical_or(fg_map, box_map) bg_cue = np.logical_and((seg == 0), (seedmask==1)) bg_map = np.logical_not(fg_map) gt[0] += np.sum(bg_map) tp[0] += np.sum(np.logical_and(bg_map, bg_cue)) pd[0] += np.sum(bg_cue) for i in range(len(pascal_classes)):'%s: recall: %.3f, precision: %.3f'%(pascal_classes[i], tp[i]/gt[i], tp[i]/pd[i]))'Average recall: %.3f'%(np.sum(tp[1:]/gt[1:])/(len(pascal_classes) - 1)))'Average precision: %.3f'%(np.sum(tp[1:]/pd[1:])/(len(pascal_classes) - 1)))
def _find_image_files(data_dir, annotation_dir, image_list_file, category_list_file): """Build a list of all images files and labels in the data set. Args: data_dir: string, path to the root directory of images. annotation_dir: path to annotation files image_list_file: a text file listing all image file names category_list_file: a text file listing all possible classes for this dataset Returns: filenames: list of strings; each string is a path to an image file. labels: list of vector; each vector identifies the ground truth. roi_labels: list of vector, identifying one class of interest obj_labels: list of array, instance-level annotation obj_bboxes: list of array, instance-level box annotation proposals: regions of interest (for the class of interest if roi_labels are valid, else for all exsiting categories """ labels = [] filenames = [] proposals = [] roi_labels = [] obj_labels = [] obj_bboxes = [] filename_list = file_utils.get_list_from_file(image_list_file) class_list = file_utils.get_list_from_file(category_list_file) print(len(filename_list)) # Construct the list of JPEG files and labels. for filename in filename_list: jpeg_file_path = '%s/%s.jpg' % (data_dir, filename) # read .xml label file xml_path = '%s/%s.xml' % (annotation_dir, filename) img_size, label, objects = file_utils.get_annotations_from_xml(xml_path, class_list) bbox = objects[:, 1:] obj_label = objects[:, 0] if FLAGS.normalize_bbox: bbox = box_utils.bbox_normalize(bbox, img_size[0:2], one_index=True) # get bbox if FLAGS.roi_dir: roi_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.roi_dir, '%s.mat' % filename) roi_contents = sio.loadmat(roi_dir) if not 'boxes' in roi_contents: # category-dependent proposals file_duplicates = 0 for key in roi_contents.keys(): if not key.startswith('__'): label_index = class_list.index(key) if label[label_index] == -1: continue roi_label = np.zeros(len(class_list), dtype=np.int64) roi_label[label_index] = 1 proposal = roi_contents[key] assert proposal.shape[1] == 4 if FLAGS.normalize_bbox: proposal = box_utils.bbox_normalize(proposal, img_size[0:2], one_index=True) file_duplicates += 1 proposals.append(proposal) roi_labels.append(roi_label) else: # category-independent proposals file_duplicates = 1 proposal = roi_contents['boxes'] assert proposal.shape[1] == 4 if FLAGS.normalize_bbox: proposal = box_utils.bbox_normalize(proposal, img_size[0:2], one_index=True) proposals.append(proposal) roi_labels.append(label) else: file_duplicates = 1 proposals.append(np.array([[-1, -1, -1, -1]])) roi_labels.append(label) labels.extend([label] * file_duplicates) filenames.extend([jpeg_file_path]*file_duplicates) obj_labels.extend([obj_label]*file_duplicates) obj_bboxes.extend([bbox]*file_duplicates) print(len(labels)) print(len(filenames)) print(len(obj_labels)) shuffled_index = range(len(filenames)) random.seed(12345) random.shuffle(shuffled_index) filenames = [filenames[i] for i in shuffled_index] labels = [labels[i] for i in shuffled_index] roi_labels = [roi_labels[i] for i in shuffled_index] proposals = [proposals[i] for i in shuffled_index] obj_labels = [obj_labels[i] for i in shuffled_index] obj_bboxes = [obj_bboxes[i] for i in shuffled_index] # print(filenames[0]) # print(labels[0]) # print(roi_labels[0]) # print(obj_bboxes[0]) # print(obj_labels[0]) return filenames, labels, roi_labels, proposals, obj_labels, obj_bboxes
def _find_image_files(data_dir, annotation_dir, image_list_file, category_list_file, seg_dir, seg_mask_dir): """Build a list of all images files and labels in the data set.""" labels = [] filenames = [] seg_files = [] roi_labels = [] seg_mask_files = [] filename_list = file_utils.get_list_from_file(image_list_file) class_list = file_utils.get_list_from_file(category_list_file) print(len(filename_list)) # Construct the list of JPEG files and labels. for filename in filename_list: jpeg_file_path = '%s/%s.jpg' % (data_dir, filename) # read .xml label file xml_path = '%s/%s.xml' % (annotation_dir, filename) img_size, label, _ = file_utils.get_annotations_from_xml( xml_path, class_list) # get segmentation if FLAGS.one_hot: file_duplicates = 0 for i in range(1, len(class_list)): cls = class_list[i] if label[i] > 0: file_duplicates += 1 roi_label = np.zeros(len(class_list), dtype=np.int64) roi_label[i] = 1 seg_file = os.path.join(seg_dir, '%s_%s.png' % (filename, cls)) seg_mask_file = os.path.join(seg_mask_dir, '%s_%s.png' % (filename, cls)) seg_files.append(seg_file) seg_mask_files.append(seg_mask_file) roi_labels.append(roi_label) else: file_duplicates = 1 roi_label = label seg_file = os.path.join(seg_dir, '%s.png' % (filename)) seg_mask_file = os.path.join(seg_mask_dir, '%s.png' % (filename)) seg_files.append(seg_file) seg_mask_files.append(seg_mask_file) roi_labels.append(roi_label) labels.extend([label] * file_duplicates) filenames.extend([jpeg_file_path] * file_duplicates) # Shuffle the ordering of all image files in order to guarantee # random ordering of the images with respect to label in the # saved TFRecord files. Make the randomization repeatable. print(len(labels)) print(len(filenames)) print(len(seg_files)) print(len(seg_mask_files)) shuffled_index = range(len(filenames)) random.seed(12345) random.shuffle(shuffled_index) filenames = [filenames[i] for i in shuffled_index] labels = [labels[i] for i in shuffled_index] roi_labels = [roi_labels[i] for i in shuffled_index] seg_files = [seg_files[i] for i in shuffled_index] seg_mask_files = [seg_mask_files[i] for i in shuffled_index] # print(filenames[0]) # print(labels[0]) # print(roi_labels[0]) # print(obj_bboxes[0]) # print(obj_labels[0]) # return return filenames, labels, roi_labels, seg_files, seg_mask_files