import sys sys.path.append('../../code/') from data.utils import load_milanko from scipy.signal import correlate, correlation_lags from scipy.signal import butter, sosfiltfilt from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from fig_defaults import * def norm(x): y = x - np.mean(x,0) return y/np.std(y,0) mil_t, ecc, obliq, prec = load_milanko(direction='backward') mil_t = mil_t[-10001:] ecc = ecc[-10001:] #benthic = np.load('../data/benthic.npy') benthic = np.load('../../code/data/bin_isolated_ice_vol') benf = interp1d(benthic[:,0],-benthic[:,1]) # --------- Fig for deciding band range ------------ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=WIDE) ax.set_xlim(0,0.08) ax.set_ylim(0,100) ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_ylim(0,1000) epow = np.fft.fft(ecc) ipow = np.fft.fft(benf(mil_t)) freq = np.fft.fftfreq(len(mil_t),mil_t[1]-mil_t[0]) ax.plot(freq[1:len(mil_t)//2],abs(epow[1:len(mil_t)//2]),label='Eccentricity') ax2.plot(freq[1:len(mil_t)//2],abs(ipow[1:len(mil_t)//2]),'C1',label='Ice Volume') ax.set_ylabel('Power')
""" Section taken from D-65, focussing just on fitting the orbital parameters to the benthic data""" import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from data.utils import load_milanko from scipy.optimize import minimize from scipy.signal import sosfiltfilt, butter, welch param_names = ['c', 'b', 'e', 'r', 'B', 'E', 'R', 'tau', 'sqrt_l'] var_names = ['c', 'bet', 'eps', 'rho', 'seaB', 'seaE', 'seaR'] ben_t, benthic = np.load('data/band_benthic.npy').T mil_t, ecc, obliq, prec = load_milanko() prec = np.cos(prec) def variance_explained(fit, data): band_fit = sosfiltfilt( butter(4, [1 / 150, 1 / 10], 'bandpass', output='sos', fs=t_n / win), fit) band_data = sosfiltfilt( butter(4, [1 / 150, 1 / 10], 'bandpass', output='sos', fs=t_n / win), data) tot_vari = np.var(band_data) resid_vari = np.var(band_data - band_fit) expl_vari = tot_vari - resid_vari return expl_vari / tot_vari
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys sys.path.append('../../code/') from data.utils import load_milanko from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from matplotlib import rc rc('text', usetex=True) rc('font', family='serif', size=16) rc('text.latex', preamble=r'\usepackage{wasysym}') Q65 = np.loadtxt('../data/N65_insol.csv', delimiter=',') t, ecc, obliq, rho = load_milanko() ecc_fun = interp1d(t, ecc) obliq_fun = interp1d(t, obliq) benth = np.loadtxt('../data/benthic.csv', delimiter=',') ben_fun = interp1d(benth[:, 0], benth[:, 1]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 1, tight_layout=True, figsize=(10, 7)) t = np.linspace(-1000, 0, 3333) ax[1].plot(t, Q65[-3333:], linewidth=2) ax[0].plot(t, ecc_fun(t), 'C1', linewidth=2) ax[2].plot(t, 180 / np.pi * obliq_fun(t), 'C2', linewidth=2) ax[3].plot(t[::-1], ben_fun(t[::-1]), 'C3', linewidth=2) ax[3].invert_yaxis() ax[0].set_xticks([]) ax[2].set_xticks([]) ax[1].set_xticks([]) ax[3].set_xticks(-np.arange(1000, -1, -200)) ax[3].set_xticklabels(np.arange(1000, -1, -200)) ax[0].set_yticks([0, 0.05])
from data.utils import load_milanko from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp from scipy.optimize import minimize import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from benth_fit_sweep_odes import solve_I, fit_lstsqrs mil_t, ecc, obliq, prec = load_milanko('backward') eps = interp1d(mil_t, ecc) bet = interp1d(mil_t, obliq) rho = interp1d(mil_t, prec) benthic = np.load('data/benthic.npy') ben_fun = interp1d(benthic[:, 0], benthic[:, 1]) def variance_explained(fit, data, band=False): if band: fit = sosfiltfilt( butter(4, [1 / 150, 1 / 10], 'bandpass', output='sos', fs=t_n / (tmax - tmin)), fit) data = sosfiltfilt( butter(4, [1 / 150, 1 / 10], 'bandpass', output='sos', fs=t_n / (tmax - tmin)), data) tot_vari = np.var(data) resid_vari = np.var(data - fit)
from scipy.optimize import minimize from matplotlib import rc rc('text', usetex=True) rc('font', family='serif', size=16) rc('text.latex', preamble=r'\usepackage{wasysym}') t_n = 10001 tmin = -1000 tmax = 0 t_span = np.linspace(tmin, tmax, t_n) benthic = np.loadtxt('../data/benthic.csv', delimiter=',') ben_fun = interp1d(benthic[:, 0], benthic[:, 1]) #benth = ben_fun(t_span) benth = sosfiltfilt(butter(4, 1 / 19, 'low', output='sos', fs=10), ben_fun(t_span)) mil_t, mil_ecc, mil_obliq, mil_l_peri = load_milanko() eps_func = interp1d(mil_t, mil_ecc, 'cubic') beta_func = interp1d(mil_t, mil_obliq, 'cubic') rho_func = interp1d(mil_t, mil_l_peri, 'cubic') fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(10, 11), tight_layout=True) [a.plot(t_span, benth, 'k', linewidth=3) for a in ax] ########------ Quadratic Complex Analytical function of benthic from Q65, and orbital params -------####### av_eps = sosfiltfilt(butter(2, 1 / 60, 'low', output='sos'), eps_func(np.linspace(-2000, 0, 2001))) h = hilbert(eps_func(np.linspace(-2000, 0, 2001)) - av_eps) f_eps = (eps_func(np.linspace(-2000, 0, 2001)) - av_eps) / np.abs(h) filt_eps_func = interp1d(np.linspace(-2000, 0, 2001), f_eps) def analytical_func(C, rm_var):
def norm(x): y = x - np.mean(x) return y / np.std(y) """ This shows how the Q65 insolation, which has period 23k (as precession), correlates with the jump in co2/benthic when it coincides with increasing eccentricity. This might mean the budyko model requires sub-year resolution as the temperature in summer is relating to the initiation of the inter-glacial.""" N_insol = np.loadtxt('data/NQ65.csv', delimiter=',') S_insol = np.loadtxt('data/SQ65.csv', delimiter=',') t, ecc, obliq, l_peri = load_milanko(direction='backward') rho = (3 / 2 * np.pi - l_peri) % (2 * np.pi) benth = np.loadtxt( 'data/benthic.csv', delimiter=',') # temp = np.loadtxt( 'data/delta_temp.csv', delimiter=',') # carbon = np.loadtxt( 'data/co2.csv', delimiter=',') # ecc_fun = interp1d(t, ecc) rho_fun = interp1d(t, rho) obliq_fun = interp1d(t, obliq) ben_fun = interp1d(benth[:, 0], benth[:, 1]) carbon_func = interp1d(carbon[:, 0], carbon[:, 1])
# Range over 25kyr = 46e6 Gt ben_range = np.ptp(ice_cont[-51:, 1]) ice_vol = (ice_cont[:, 1] - np.mean(ice_cont[:, 1])) / ben_range * 46e6 ice_vol = ice_vol - ice_vol[-1] + 27.685e6 ice_vol_fun = interp1d(ice_cont[:, 0], ice_vol) # Use which gives antarctic temp as having range # 15C, with average temp (at dome C) of -54C # ALPHA_S = -54 # c given as rough scale between eps and ocean [0,0.06] > [-1,2] # Although says this range is [-2,3] so maybe use instead C = 50 # Alpha_O is -1 to shift from max eps of 0.06 to 50*0.06 - 1 = 2 ALPHA_O = -1 ALPHA_O_ = ALPHA_O / C mil_t, ecc, obliq, prec = load_milanko(interp=False) eps = interp1d(mil_t, ecc) bet = interp1d(mil_t, obliq) rho = interp1d(mil_t, prec) def variance_explained(fit, data, band=False): if band: fit = sosfiltfilt( butter(4, [1 / 150, 1 / 10], 'bandpass', output='sos', fs=t_n / (tmax - tmin)), fit) data = sosfiltfilt( butter(4, [1 / 150, 1 / 10], 'bandpass',
from matplotlib import rc rc('text', usetex=True) rc('font', family='serif',size=16) rc('text.latex', preamble=r'\usepackage{wasysym}') tmin = -1000 tmax = 0 t_n = 10001 t_span = np.linspace(tmin, tmax, t_n) benthic = np.loadtxt('../data/benthic.csv',delimiter=',') ben_fun = interp1d(benthic[:,0],benthic[:,1]) #smooth_benth = savgol_filter(ben_fun(t_span), 101, 3) smooth_benth = sosfiltfilt(butter(4, 1/19, 'low', output='sos', fs=10),ben_fun(t_span)) #smooth_benth = ben_fun(t_span) mil_t, mil_ecc, mil_obliq, mil_rho = load_milanko() eps_func = interp1d(mil_t, mil_ecc, 'cubic') beta_func = interp1d(mil_t, mil_obliq, 'cubic') rho_func = interp1d(mil_t, mil_rho, 'cubic') ########------ Simple Analytical function of benthic from and orbital params -------####### av_eps = sosfiltfilt(butter(2, 1/60, 'low', output='sos'), eps_func(np.linspace(-2000,0,2001))) h = hilbert(eps_func(np.linspace(-2000,0,2001))-av_eps) f_eps = (eps_func(np.linspace(-2000,0,2001))-av_eps)/np.abs(h) filt_eps_func = interp1d(np.linspace(-2000,0,2001),f_eps) #Shouldnt need the three offset terms as they would be absorbed into c, but #seems to produce a higher prop vari explained so will leave them in def analytical_func(C): c,b,e,r,l,o_e = C l = abs(l)+0.1 bet = beta_func(t_span-l)