def get_weight_matrix(cites, indices): id2index = {} for i, id in enumerate(indices): id2index[id] = i pair_cnt = dd(int) cited = dd(list) for c1, c2s in cites.iteritems(): for c2 in c2s: cited[c2].append(c1) for ii in c2s: for jj in c2s: if ii == jj or ii not in id2index or jj not in id2index: continue i, j = id2index[ii], id2index[jj] pair_cnt[(i, j)] += 1 for c1, c2s in cited.iteritems(): for ii in c2s: for jj in c2s: if ii == jj or ii not in id2index or jj not in id2index: continue i, j = id2index[ii], id2index[jj] pair_cnt[(i, j)] += 1 row, col, data = [], [], [] for k, v in pair_cnt.iteritems(): i, j = k row.append(i) col.append(j) data.append(v) row, col, data = np.array(row), np.array(col), np.array(data, dtype = np.float32) w = sparse.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape = (len(indices), len(indices))).tocsr() return w
def indices_to_one_hot(context, nb_classes): """Convert an iterable of indices to one-hot encoded labels.""" data=[] for i in range(nb_classes): data.append(i) targets = np.array(data).reshape(-1) return np.eye(nb_classes)[targets]
def evalWords(self, encoder, decoder, n, printWords=False): lines = open('../../Data/Zulu/zulu.clean.test.conll', encoding='utf-8').\ read().strip().split('\n') data = [] correct = 0 for line in lines: line = line.split(" | ") ortho = self.removeTags(line[2]) data.append(line[0] + "\t" + ortho) for i in range(n): source, target = data[i].split('\t') output_words = self.evaluateModel(encoder, decoder, source.lower()) output = '' for char in output_words[0]: output += char output = output[:-1] if target == output: correct += 1 if printWords == True: print('>', source) print('=', target) print('<', output) print('') print("Accuracy: ", correct / n) return (correct / n)
def _preprocess(self, sentences): data = [] unk_id = self.dictionary.unk_id for sent in sentences: tokens = word_tokenize(sent) data.append( np.array([ self.dictionary.word2idx[token] if token in self.dictionary.word2idx else unk_id for token in tokens ])) seq_lens = np.array([sent.shape[0] + 2 for sent in data]) seq_lens_idx = np.argsort(-seq_lens) seq_lens = seq_lens[seq_lens_idx] padded_data = np.zeros((len(data), seq_lens[0]), dtype='int64') padded_data = padded_data + self.dictionary.eos_id for i, sent in enumerate(data): padded_data[i, 1:sent.shape[0] + 1] = sent padded_data[:, 0] = self.dictionary.bos_id padded_data = padded_data[seq_lens_idx] batch = batch = Variable(batch) seq_lens = Variable( return batch, seq_lens
def quadratic_line(self, start, stop, *argv, calc='x', plot=False): # gets each pixle value for a quadratic over the image # start : start value for the quadratic # stop : end value for the quadratic # calc : what quadratic variable do calculate # quad_values : list of quadratic variables # result : list of x and y coordinates data = [] count = 0 array = np.array([n for n in range(start, stop)]) for arg_vect in argv: if len(arg_vect) != 3: raise 'there must be 3 quadratic values supplied' data.append(arg_vect[0] * array**2 + arg_vect[1] * array + arg_vect[2]) count += 1 # make the last list the average of all the lists data.append(np.sum(data, axis=0) / count) lines = np.array(data) self.left_pts = lines[0] self.right_pts = lines[1] self.center_pts = lines[2] self.y_pts = array if plot: self.plot_graph(array, lines) return lines, array
def flatten_dimension(self, d): n = len(d) step = 100 / n numbers = np.arange(0, 100, step) # okay so we want to snap our d to numbers # but we need to remember our original position # and we need to fuzz the numbers to avoid bad correlations structured_d = [] for i, value in enumerate(d): structured_d.append({ "index": i, "value": value + random.uniform(-.4, .4) }) structured_d.sort(key=lambda x: x["value"]) for i, value in enumerate(structured_d): structured_d[i]["flattened_value"] = numbers[i] structured_d.sort(key=lambda x: x["index"]) d = [] for value in structured_d: d.append(value["flattened_value"]) return d
def train_m(V, r, k, e): m, n = np.shape(V) W = np.mat(np.random.random((m, r))) H = np.mat(np.random.random((r, n))) data = [] for x in range(k): V_pre =, H) E = V - V_pre err = 0.0 err = np.sum(np.square(E)) data.append(err) if err < e: # threshold break a =, V) # Hkj b =, W), H) for i_1 in range(r): for j_1 in range(n): if b[i_1, j_1] != 0: H[i_1, j_1] = H[i_1, j_1] * a[i_1, j_1] / b[i_1, j_1] c =, H.T) d =, H), H.T) for i_2 in range(m): for j_2 in range(r): if d[i_2, j_2] != 0: W[i_2, j_2] = W[i_2, j_2] * c[i_2, j_2] / d[i_2, j_2] W = norm(W) return W, H, data
def run(nets, loader, iterations, train): if train: [net.train() for net in nets] else: [net.eval() for net in nets] optimizers = [torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=0.01) for net in nets] loss_function = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() data = [] tq = tqdm(loader, total=iterations, ncols=0, position=2, desc='train' if train else 'val') for i, (a, b, c) in enumerate(tq): if i >= iterations: break a = Variable(a.cuda(async=True), requires_grad=False) b = Variable(b.cuda(async=True).transpose(1, 2).contiguous(), requires_grad=False) c = Variable(c.cuda(async=True), requires_grad=False) pred_cs = [net(a, b) for net in nets] losses = [loss_function(pred_c, c) for pred_c in pred_cs] if train: [optimizer.zero_grad() for optimizer in optimizers] [loss.backward() for loss in losses] [optimizer.step() for optimizer in optimizers] data.append(extract_plins(nets[0])) else: acc = [([1] == for pred_c in pred_cs] data.append(acc) data = list(zip(*data)) if not train: data = [np.mean(d) for d in data] return data
def run_ensemble_pipeline(models, models_names, data_locations, models_build_params, models_fun_params, prediction_mode, random_percentage=1, ensemble_name="ensemble"): #checks first assert len(data_locations)==len(models), \ "Usage error: you need to provide one data path for each model" #loading data abs_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) print("Loading data") data = [] for data_location in data_locations: data_matrix = np.load(os.path.join(abs_path, data_location))['arr_0'] data.append(data_matrix) #loading model functions models_funcs = [model_pipeline_fun[model] for model in models] #getting the ensemble model get_ensemble(models=models_funcs, data=data, models_names=models_names, models_build_params=models_build_params, models_fun_params=models_fun_params, random_percentage=random_percentage, prediction_mode=prediction_mode, ensemble_name=ensemble_name)
def save(self): #save our data"player", "pos", self.tile_pos[:]) #store our position"player", "direction", self.direction) #and direction #save pokemon data = [] for mon in data.append("player", "pokemon", data)
def load_data(file_path): """ Read the file into textblob understandable format""" with open(file_path) as f: data = [] for line in f: line = line.decode('utf-8').strip() if line: data.append(tuple(line.rsplit(',',1))) return data
def contents(upload, joint=''): xs = [chunk.splitlines() for chunk in upload.file.chunks()] data = [] for x in xs: if isinstance(x, list): data.extend(x) else: data.append(x) return joint.join(data)
def construct(x, res, k): data, list_i, list_j = [], [], [] for i in range(x.shape[0]): for j in range(x.indptr[i], x.indptr[i + 1]): data.append([j]) list_i.append(i) list_j.append(res[x.indices[j]]) data = np.array(data, dtype = np.float32) return sp.coo_matrix((data, (list_i, list_j)), shape = (x.shape[0], k)).tocsr()
def list_vms(): conn = connect() other_domains = conn.listDefinedDomains() running_domains = conn.listDomainsID() message = "Got a list of domains." create_log(message, 1) data = [] for id in running_domains: data.append(conn.lookupByID(id)) return data, other_domains
def readtrack( filename ) : """ Read a track file, return a numpy array. """ data = [] for line in open( filename ) : if line.__contains__( '\"' ) : continue data.append( float( line.split()[2] ) ) if len( data ) == 0 : raise PiqueException( 'Empty input file or parsing error : ' + filename ) return numpy.array( data )
def movie_user_df(input_data, user1, user2): data = [] for movie in input_data[user1].keys(): if movie in input_data[user2].keys(): try: data.append((movie ,input_data[user1][movie] ,input_data[user2][movie]) ) except: pass return pd.DataFrame(data = data, columns = ['movie', user1, user2])
def convert_to_index(data_raw, track_dic): data = [] for session in data_raw: b=[] for track in session: try: b.append(track_dic_index[int(track)]) except ValueError: b data.append(b) data = torch.Tensor(np.array(data)).long() return data
def make_dataset(low_data, n_prev=100): data, target = [], [] # 21データずつ分割 == 下記のcと同じ値とする maxlen = 21 for i in range(len(low_data) - maxlen): data.append(low_data[i:i + maxlen]) target.append(low_data[i + maxlen]) re_data = np.array(data).reshape(len(data), maxlen, 1) re_target = np.array(target).reshape(len(data), 1) return re_data, re_target
def output_features(rnn, feature_stractor, data_loader, json_dir): ''' set model to evaluate mode ''' rnn.eval() feature_stractor.eval() iters = 0 with torch.no_grad(): # do not need to caculate information for gradient during eval data = [] for idx, (video, video_path) in enumerate(data_loader): print(iters) iters += 1 batch_img = [] batch_gt = [] for i in range(len(video_path)): frames = readShortVideo(video_path[i], video.get('Video_category')[i], video.get('Video_name')[i]) vid = [] for j in range(frames.shape[0]): im = transforms_array(frames[j]) vid.append(im) vid = torch.stack(vid).cuda() with torch.no_grad(): feature = feature_stractor(vid) batch_img.append(feature) gt = (int(video.get('Action_labels')[i])) batch_gt.append(gt) sequence, label, n_frames = batch_padding(batch_img, batch_gt) # print(sequence.shape) feat, _ = rnn(sequence, n_frames) features_flt = [] for imgs in feat: imgs_feature = [] for fea in imgs: imgs_feature.append(float(fea)) features_flt.append(list(imgs_feature)) ##strore the values of the pred. for i in range(0, len(features_flt)): data.append([list(features_flt[i]), batch_gt[i]]) data = list(data) with open(json_dir, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile)
def plot_rtt(plot_data, ax, no, mec): ax.grid(True) ax_list = (ax1, ax7, ax13, ax19) axx_list = {ax6: 4, ax12: 5, ax18: 6, ax24: 7} list_dict = list(plot_data.keys()) data = [] for j in plot_data: i = plot_data[j] data.append(i[-1]) style_id = list_dict.index(j) mv = _mov_avg(i) pt = mv[0:len(mv):int((len(mv) / 10)) + 1] if pt[-1] != mv[-1]: pt.append(mv[-1]) for i in pt: if i > 5: a = pt.index(i) pt[a] = pt[a + 1] + 0.3 a = list(range(0, len(mv))) ptx = a[0:len(a):int((len(a) / 10)) + 1] if ptx[-1] != a[-1]: ptx.append(a[-1]) ax.plot(ptx, pt, style[style_id], linewidth=2, label=j) avg_set = avg_rtt(data) avg.append(avg_set) #print(avg_set) if mec == 4: ax.set_title(algo_dict[names[no]], fontdict=font) ax.set_xlabel('Time Period', fontdict=font1) if ax in ax_list: ax.set_ylabel('RTT (ms)', fontdict=font1) # ax.set_ylabel('RTT ') # ax.legend() ax.set_ylim(top=4.2) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0.5) axx = ax.twinx() axx.set_yticklabels([]) axx.set_yticks([]) if ax in axx_list: axx.set_ylabel(f'{axx_list[ax]} MECs', rotation=0, fontdict=font, labelpad=38)
def read_corpus(file_path, source): """ Read file, where each sentence is dilineated by a `\n`. @param file_path (str): path to file containing corpus @param source (str): "tgt" or "src" indicating whether text is of the source language or target language """ data = [] for line in open(file_path): sent = line.strip().split(' ') # only append <s> and </s> to the target sentence if source == 'tgt': sent = ['<s>'] + sent + ['</s>'] data.append(sent) return data
def measure_background(run_desc): Izero = run_desc['I offset'] data = [] for i in range(50): if STOP_FLAG: break V = i * run_desc['Vsafe'] / 50.0 run_desc['f_set'](V) time.sleep(run_desc['pause']) I = run_desc['f_read']() * run_desc['iscale'] - Izero data.append([I, V]) run_desc['mydatabase'].add_data_point([V, I], run_desc['step']) run_desc['step'] = run_desc['step'] + 1 fit = linear_fit(numarray.array(data)) return (fit[0], fit[1], fit[2], fit[3])
def prepareResultsData(results): data = [] labels = ['test_id', 'pups', 'juveniles', 'adult_females', 'subadult_males', 'adult_males'] data.append(labels) filenames = results.keys() for filename in filenames: counts = results[filename] pups = str(int(counts['pups'])) juveniles = str(int(counts['juveniles'])) adult_females = str(int(counts['adult_females'])) subadult_males = str(int(counts['subadult_males'])) adult_males = str(int(counts['adult_males'])) entry = [filename, pups, juveniles, adult_females, subadult_males, adult_males] data.append(entry) return data
def measure_background(run_desc): Izero = run_desc['I offset'] data = [] for i in range(50): if STOP_FLAG: break V = i * run_desc['Vsafe']/50.0 run_desc['f_set'](V) time.sleep(run_desc['pause']) I = run_desc['f_read']() * run_desc['iscale'] - Izero data.append([I, V]) run_desc['mydatabase'].add_data_point([V, I], run_desc['step']) run_desc['step'] = run_desc['step'] + 1 fit = linear_fit(numarray.array(data)) return (fit[0], fit[1], fit[2], fit[3])
def bicycle_acc(self): from connect import SensorDataReceiver, BicycleDataReceiver from data import CSVMaker import sys mysocket = SensorDataReceiver.make_mysocket() SensorDataReceiver.bind_mysocket(mysocket) data = [] while True: try: acc = BicycleDataReceiver.receive_acc_data(mysocket) data.append(acc) except KeyboardInterrupt: CSVMaker().write_bicycle_acc(data) sys.exit() except Exception: pass
def test(build_model, dataset, hparams, logdir): # Check if the given directory already contains model if os.path.exists(os.path.join(logdir, "stats.json")): # then mark this as the directory to load weights from model_dir = logdir else: # Raise Error raise RuntimeError(f"No valid model stats file found in {logdir}") model_path = os.path.join(model_dir, "weights.h5") # Build model model = build_model(hparams, **dataset.preprocessing.kwargs) # Compile model model.compile(optimizer=optimizers.make_optimizer(hparams.optimizer, hparams.opt_param), loss="categorical_crossentropy", metrics=["categorical_accuracy"]) # Print Summary of models lq.models.summary(model) # Load model weights from the specified file print("Before loading...") for l in model.layers: for _w in l.trainable_weights: print("{:40s}".format(,, tf.keras.backend.get_value(_w).flatten()[:3]) # model.load_weights(model_path) utils.load_weights(model, model_path) print("After loading...") for l in model.layers: for _w in l.trainable_weights: print("{:25s}".format(,, tf.keras.backend.get_value(_w).flatten()[:3]) # Test this model test_log = model.evaluate(dataset.test_data(hparams.batch_size), steps=dataset.test_examples // hparams.batch_size) data = [["Metric", "Value"]] for (idx, metric) in enumerate(model.metrics_names): data.append([metric, test_log[idx]]) from terminaltables import AsciiTable print(AsciiTable(data, title="Test Statistics").table)
def execute(self, data): events = self.function.list() data = [] for e in events: item_title = '%s - %s' % (e.get_nice_time(), e.title) item_actions = { 'Update': 'reminder update %s %%Timestamp{{%s}} %%Title{{%s}}' % (, e.get_input_time(), e.title) } item_meta = {'id':, 'context': 'reminder item %s' %} data.append([item_title, None, item_actions, item_meta]) actions = [('Add new...', 'reminder add %Timestamp %Title')] return function.response(function.STATE_SUCCESS, 'Upcoming reminders', data, actions)
def load(path, is_train=True, maxlen=128, factor=1.0, pairwise=False): with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as reader: data = [] cnt = 0 for line in reader: sample = json.loads(line) sample['factor'] = factor cnt += 1 if is_train: if pairwise and (len(sample['token_id'][0]) > maxlen or len(sample['token_id'][1]) > maxlen): continue if (not pairwise) and (len(sample['token_id']) > maxlen): continue data.append(sample) print('Loaded {} samples out of {}'.format(len(data), path)) return data
def execute(self, data): events = self.function.list() data = [] for e in events: item_title = '%s - %s' % (e.get_nice_time(), e.title) item_actions = { 'Update': 'reminder update %s %%Timestamp{{%s}} %%Title{{%s}}' % (, e.get_input_time(), e.title) } item_meta = { 'id':, 'context': 'reminder item %s' % } data.append([item_title, None, item_actions, item_meta]) actions = [('Add new...', 'reminder add %Timestamp %Title')] return function.response(function.STATE_SUCCESS, 'Upcoming reminders', data, actions)
def output_features(classi, feaStract, data_loader, json_dir): ''' set model to evaluate mode ''' classi.eval() feaStract.eval() with torch.no_grad(): # do not need to caculate information for gradient during eval data = [] for idx, (video, video_path) in enumerate(data_loader): features = [] clss = [] print('Preprocessing the data') for i in range(len(video_path)): print('working ', i) frames = readShortVideo(video_path[i], video.get('Video_category')[i], video.get('Video_name')[i]) frames_res = torch.from_numpy(frames) frames_res.resize_(len(frames), 3, 240, 240) frames_res = frames_res.float().cuda() print(feaStract(frames_res).shape) # , end="\r") features.append(torch.mean(feaStract(frames_res), 0).cpu().detach().numpy()) clss.append(int(video.get('Action_labels')[i])) features = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(features)) clss = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(clss)) # FC print('Classifier') features = features.cuda() feat, _ = classi(features) features_flt = [] for imgs in feat: imgs_feature = [] for fea in imgs: imgs_feature.append(float(fea)) features_flt.append(list(imgs_feature)) ##strore the values of the pred. for i in range(0, len(features_flt)): data.append([list(features_flt[i]), clss[i]]) data = list(data) with open(json_dir, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile)
def test(build_model, dataset, hparams, logdir): # Check if the given directory already contains model if os.path.exists(os.path.join(logdir, "stats.json")): # then mark this as the directory to load weights from model_dir = logdir else: # Raise Error raise RuntimeError(f"No valid model stats file found in {logdir}") model_path = os.path.join(model_dir, "weights.h5") # Build model model = build_model(hparams, **dataset.preprocessing.kwargs) # Custom metric import math def PSNR(y_true, y_pred): max_pixel = 1.0 return 10.0 * (1.0 / math.log(10)) * K.log( (max_pixel**2) / (K.mean(K.square(y_pred - y_true)))) # Compile model model.compile(optimizer=optimizers.make_optimizer(hparams.optimizer, hparams.opt_param), loss="mse", metrics=[PSNR]) # Print Summary of models lq.models.summary(model) # # Load model weights from the specified file model.load_weights(model_path) # Test this model test_log = model.evaluate(dataset.test_data(hparams.batch_size), steps=dataset.test_examples // hparams.batch_size) data = [["Metric", "Value"]] for (idx, metric) in enumerate(model.metrics_names): data.append([metric, test_log[idx]]) from terminaltables import AsciiTable print(AsciiTable(data, title="Test Statistics").table)
def audio2tfr(hparams): wav_load_fn = lambda x: load_wav(x, hparams) txt_encode_fn = lambda x: encode_txt(x, hparams.vocab) for mode in ["eval", "train"]: with open(hparams["{}_files".format(mode)], "r") as f: meta_data = [x.strip().split("|") for x in f.readlines()] head = meta_data[0] body = meta_data[1:] data = [] for d in body: fname = get_value_from_query("fname", head, d) txt = get_value_from_query("txt", head, d) sid = int(get_value_from_query("sid", head, d)) data.append((fname, txt, sid)) save_tfrecords(hparams.tfr_dir, "%s_%s" % (hparams.tfr_prefix, mode), data, wav_load_fn, txt_encode_fn, _NUM_SHARDS[mode])
def csv_pre_train(filename): f = file(filename, 'rU') reader = csv.reader(f) headers = data = [] for index, row in enumerate(reader): temp = [] for item in row: item = item.strip() temp.append(item) data.append(temp[:]) len_pre_train = int(len(data)*1/4) s1 = filename[:-4] + "Pre.csv" f1 = open(s1, 'ab') csvWriter1 = csv.writer(f1) csvWriter1.writerow(headers) for i in range(len(data[:len_pre_train])): csvWriter1.writerow(data[i]) return s1
def create_course(): with open('json/course.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) data.append(dict(request.args)) with open('json/course.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f) status = 201 message = dict(request.args) response = Response(json.dumps(message), status, mimetype='application/json') return response """Create a course. :return: The course object (see the challenge notes for examples) :rtype: object """ """
def run(self): dataType = 0 while self.conn.isOpen(): if self.conn.inWaiting() > 0: tmp = if ord(tmp) == 255: tmp = if ord(tmp) == 123: tmp = if ord(tmp) == 10: dataType = length = self.getDataLength(dataType)/8 data = [] for i in range(length): data.append( #print data self.parse(dataType,data) time.sleep(0.001)
def parse_wild(self, wild): #parse wild pokemon data when = wild.getAttribute("for") #get when the data will be used data = [] for node in wild.childNodes: #loop through node data to get wild pokemon if node.localName != "pokemon": continue #loop if it's not what we want name = node.getAttribute("type") #get type of pokemon levels = node.getAttribute("level").replace(" ", "") #and level #and rarity rarity = 1 if node.getAttribute("rarity") == "" else int(node.getAttribute("rarity")) level_list = [] #we need to generate a list of possible levels for level in levels.split("|"): #loop through different level groups if "-" not in level: #if there's no range separator level_list.append(int(level)) #add it as normal else: #if we found one t = level.split("-") #get both parts of range start, end = int(t[0]), int(t[1])+1 #parse it level_list.extend(range(start, end)) #add range to levels t = [name, level_list] #generate data for x in xrange(rarity): #add it once for each rarity data.append(t) self.wild_pokemon[when] = data #add generated list to wild data
def constuct_dataset(features, labels, label_set, indices, maxf, cites = None, cite2index = None): row, col, data = [], [], [] for i, id in enumerate(indices): for f, v in features[id]: row.append(i) col.append(f) data.append(v) if cites is not None: for c2 in cites[id]: row.append(i) col.append(maxf + 1 + cite2index[c2]) data.append(1.0) row, col, data = np.array(row), np.array(col), np.array(data, dtype = np.float32) add_len = len(cite2index) if cites else 0 trainx = sp.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape = (len(indices), maxf + 1 + add_len)) label_list = list(label_set) trainy = np.zeros((len(indices), len(label_list)), dtype = np.int32) for i, id in enumerate(indices): trainy[i, label_list.index(labels[id])] = 1 return trainx, trainy
def command_list(self): plots = [] data = [] for i, curve in enumerate(self.__curves): title = self.__title(curve) plots.append("'-' title %s with lp ls %d pt %d" % (self.__string(title), i+1, i+1)) plots.append("'-' title '' with errorbars ls %d pt %d" % (i+1, i+1)) for row in curve["$curve"]: if row.get("$mean") is None: data.append("") else: data.append("%s %s" % (row[self.__x], row["$mean"])) data.append("e") for row in curve["$curve"]: if row.get("$mean") is not None: data.append("%s %s %s %s" % (row[self.__x], row["$mean"], row["$min"], row["$max"])) data.append("e") return ["set xlabel %s" % self.__string(self.__x), "set ylabel %s" % self.__string(self.__y), "plot %s" % ",".join(plots)] + data
def read(): data = [] try: file = open("Data.txt", "r") except: file = open("Data.txt", "w") file.close() file = open("Data.txt", "r") i = 0 while True: data.append(file.readline()) print(data[i]) if data[i][0:1] == " ": data[i] = data[i][1:] try: data.index("") data.remove("") break except: print(".") i = i + 1 return io._data2MainData(data)
def Read(path, filename, validators): os.chdir(workingDir) location = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path) os.chdir(location) print(os.listdir('.')) if filename in os.listdir('.'): book = xlrd.open_workbook(os.path.join(location, filename)) sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0) print("rows: {} , columns: {}".format(sheet.nrows, sheet.ncols)) if sheet.nrows < 1: print("No content") return "This file has no content" columns = [] for x in range(0, sheet.ncols): columns.append(sheet.cell_value(0, x)) if str(columns) == validators: data = [] for y in range(1, sheet.nrows): row = [] for x in range(0, sheet.ncols): try: if x == 4: value = str(int(sheet.cell_value(y, x))) if value[0] == "7": val = "{}{}".format("+254", value) else: val = int(sheet.cell_value(y, x)) except: val = sheet.cell_value(y, x) row.append(val) data.append(row) os.remove(filename) os.chdir(workingDir) return data else: print("No such file")
def cones(self, windows=[30, 60, 90, 120], quantiles=[0.25, 0.75]): '''Plots volatility cones Parameters ---------- windows : [int, int, ...] List of rolling windows for which to calculate the estimator cones quantiles : [lower, upper] List of lower and upper quantiles for which to plot the cones ''' if len(windows) < 2: raise ValueError('Two or more window periods required') if len(quantiles) != 2: raise ValueError('A two element list of quantiles is required, lower and upper') if quantiles[0] + quantiles[1] != 1.0: raise ValueError('The sum of the quantiles must equal 1.0') if quantiles[0] > quantiles[1]: raise ValueError('The lower quantiles (first element) must be less than the upper quantile (second element)') max = [] min = [] top_q = [] median = [] bottom_q = [] realized = [] data = [] for w in windows: estimator = self._get_estimator(w) max.append(estimator.max()) top_q.append(estimator.quantile(quantiles[1])) median.append(estimator.median()) bottom_q.append(estimator.quantile(quantiles[0])) min.append(estimator.min()) realized.append(estimator[-1]) data.append(estimator) if self._type is "Skew" or self._type is "Kurtosis": f = lambda x: "%i" % round(x, 0) else: f = lambda x: "%i%%" % round(x*100, 0) ''' Figure args ''' fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) left, width = 0.07, 0.65 bottom, height = 0.2, 0.7 bottom_h = left_h = left+width+0.02 rect_cones = [left, bottom, width, height] rect_box = [left_h, bottom, 0.17, height] cones = plt.axes(rect_cones) box = plt.axes(rect_box) ''' Cones plot args ''' # set the plots cones.plot(windows, max, label="Max") cones.plot(windows, top_q, label=str(int(quantiles[1]*100)) + " Prctl") cones.plot(windows, median, label="Median") cones.plot(windows, bottom_q, label=str(int(quantiles[0]*100)) + " Prctl") cones.plot(windows, min, label="Min") cones.plot(windows, realized, 'r-.', label="Realized") # set the x ticks and limits cones.set_xticks((windows)) cones.set_xlim((windows[0]-5, windows[-1]+5)) # set and format the y-axis labels locs = cones.get_yticks() cones.set_yticklabels(map(f, locs)) # turn on the grid cones.grid(True, axis='y', which='major', alpha=0.5) # set the title cones.set_title(self._type + ' (' + self._ticker + ', daily ' + self._start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + ' to ' + self._end.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + ')') # set the legend pos = cones.get_position() # cones.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.05), ncol=3) ''' Box plot args ''' # set the plots box.boxplot(data, notch=1, sym='+') box.plot([i for i in range(1, len(windows)+1)], realized, color='r', marker='*', markeredgecolor='k') # set and format the y-axis labels locs = box.get_yticks() box.set_yticklabels(map(f, locs)) # move the y-axis ticks on the right side box.yaxis.tick_right() # turn on the grid box.grid(True, axis='y', which='major', alpha=0.5) return fig, plt