def get_counts(request): """ Get total counts for the number of emails and phones blocked """ try: ecount = db.blocked_email.count() pcount = db.blocked_phone.count() return jsonResponse({"success": True, "email": ecount, "phone": pcount}) except Exception, e: return jsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "Exception: " + str(e)})
def cancel_job(request): """ Cancel the given job json body: { id: Object id, t_id: tool id } """ try: data = json.loads(request.body) oid = data.get('id', data.get('oid', data.get('_id'))) t_id = int(data.get('t_id', 0)) if oid is not None: search = {"_id": ObjectId(oid)} elif t_id != 0: search = {"job.t_id": t_id} else: return jsonResponse({ "success": False, "error": "Cannot find job, please give either an id or a t_id" }) search.update({"job": {"$exists": True}}) job =, {"job": True}) worksheet = get_scheduler_sheet() if not job: return jsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "Cannot find job"}) elif 'sheet_row' in job['job']: # We know the exact row number worksheet.update_acell("J" + str(job['job']['sheet_row']), "Cancel") else: full = worksheet.get_all_records() if t_id == 0: t_id = job['job'].get('t_id', 0) if t_id == 0: return jsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "Need t_id"}) t_id = str(t_id) for record in full: if t_id == str(record['ID']): row = full.index(record) + 2 worksheet.update_acell("J" + str(row), "Cancel") break{"_id": job['_id']}, {"$set": { "job.status": "Cancel" }}) return basic_success except Exception, e: return basic_error(e)
def job_update(request): """ API endpoint for sms tool to update job status and all of that Refer docs/status_update_format.json """ try: if request.method == 'GET': query_dict = request.GET else: query_dict = json.loads(request.body) update = {} p_update = {} for key in ['t_id', 'file_link']: if key in query_dict: update['job.' + key] = query_dict[key] if 'status' in query_dict: p_update['job.status'] = { 'status': query_dict['status'], 'time': } for key in ['customer_count', 'sms_sent', 'sms_failed', 'errors']: if key in query_dict: update['' + key] = query_dict[key] if 'id' not in query_dict or not (update or p_update): return jsonResponse({ "success": False, "query": query_dict, "update": update, "p_update": p_update }) else: oid = query_dict['id'] if oid.endswith('_segment'): oid = oid.replace('_segment', '') collection = db.segment_jobs else: collection = final_update = {} if update: final_update["$set"] = update if p_update: final_update["$push"] = p_update collection.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(oid)}, final_update) return jsonResponse({"success": True}) except Exception, e: return basic_error(e)
def login(request): """ Simple login protocol method: POST post data: { username: string, password: <md5 hash> String } """ try: data = json.loads(request.body) if db.credentials.count({"username": data['username'], "password": data['password']}) > 0: return jsonResponse({"success": True}) else: return jsonResponse({"success": False}) except Exception, e: return basic_error(e)
def block(request): """ GET/POST based method for blocking a phone and/or email Parameters: (?: optional, +: required) ? email: email address to block ? phone: phone number to block ? language: a list of one or more languages, separated by comma, to be blocked for given phone. Only makes sense when the phone key is given. Supports English, Arabic ? pretty (true or false): If set to true, then results in an http response (yet to be styled), useful for user links. If set to false or not given, then results in a json response tested on Wed, 26 Aug, 10:45 PM """ if request.method == 'GET': main_data = request.GET else: main_data = json.loads(request.body) if 'data' in main_data: main_data = main_data['data'] else: main_data = [main_data] res = [] for data in main_data: d = {} # ----- Email ------ # if 'email' in data: d['email entry'] = _block_email(data['email']) # ----- Phone ------ # if 'phone' in data: d['phone entry'] = _block_phone(data['phone'], data.get('language')) res.append(d) if 'pretty' in data and data['pretty'] not in [False, 'false']: if not res: return HttpResponse( "There seems to be some problem. You seem to be already unsubscribed" ) else: return HttpResponse("You have been successfully unsubscribed") else: if not res: return jsonResponse({"success": False}) else: return jsonResponse({"success": True, "result": res})
def form_post(request): """ Form submission api """ try: data = json.loads(request.body) # Do processing here if data.get('segmented', False): row = ['No Send', 'external', '_', '', '1', '1', '_', '_'] data.pop('campaign_config', {}) else: campaign = data['campaign_config'] repeat = campaign.get('repeat', 'Once') start_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(campaign['start_date'] / 1000).strftime("%m/%d/%Y") if 'end_date' in campaign: end_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(campaign['end_date'] / 1000).strftime("%m/%d/%Y") else: end_date = '' time = datetime.fromtimestamp(campaign['time'] / 1000) hour = time.hour minute = time.minute english = campaign['text']['english'] arabic = campaign['text']['arabic'] if len(english.strip()) == 0: english = '_' if len(arabic.strip()) == 0: arabic = '_' row = [repeat, 'external', start_date, end_date, hour, minute, english, arabic] data['name'] = data.get('name', 'Untitled') # Add name and description data['description'] = data.get('description', '') data['job'] = {'status': [{'status': 'Pending', 'time':}]} # Add the job subdocument, will be used later debug = data.pop('debug', False) data['timestamp'] = result = # >> Insertion here row.append(str(result.inserted_id)) if debug: #{"_id": result.inserted_id}) return jsonResponse({'success': True, 'data_received': data, 'row created': row}) else: append_to_sheet(row) return jsonResponse({'success': True}) except Exception, e: return basic_error(e)
def job_update(request): """ API endpoint for sms tool to update job status and all of that Refer docs/status_update_format.json """ try: if request.method == 'GET': query_dict = request.GET else: query_dict = json.loads(request.body) update = {} p_update = {} for key in ['t_id', 'file_link']: if key in query_dict: update['job.' + key] = query_dict[key] if 'status' in query_dict: p_update['job.status'] = { 'status': query_dict['status'], 'time': } for key in ['customer_count', 'sms_sent', 'sms_failed', 'errors']: if key in query_dict: update['' + key] = query_dict[key] if 'id' not in query_dict or not (update or p_update): return jsonResponse({"success": False, "query": query_dict, "update": update, "p_update": p_update}) else: oid = query_dict['id'] if oid.endswith('_segment'): oid = oid.replace('_segment', '') collection = db.segment_jobs else: collection = final_update = {} if update: final_update["$set"] = update if p_update: final_update["$push"] = p_update collection.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(oid)}, final_update) return jsonResponse({"success": True}) except Exception, e: return basic_error(e)
def get_segment_jobs(request): master_cache = {} # A cache of master jobs data lst = db.segment_jobs.aggregate([{ "$group": { "_id": { "ref_job": "$ref_job", "timestamp": "$timestamp" }, "segments": { "$push": { "status": "$job.status", "english": "$text.english", "arabic": "$text.arabic", "date": "$date", "num": "$segment_number" } } } }, { "$project": { "_id": 0, "segments": 1, "ref_job": "$_id.ref_job", "timestamp": "$_id.timestamp" } }, { "$sort": { "timestamp": -1 } }]) final = [] for job in lst: if str(job["ref_job"]) in master_cache: job.update(master_cache[str(job["ref_job"])]) else: master ={"_id": job["ref_job"]}, { "_id": False, "job": True, "name": True, "description": True }) if not master: continue else: umaster = { 'name': master.get('name', 'Untitled'), 'description': master.get('description', '') } if 't_id' in master.get('job', {}): umaster['t_id'] = master['job']['t_id'] if 'customer_count' in master.get('job', {}).get('report', {}): umaster['count'] = master['job']['report'][ 'customer_count'] master_cache[str(job["ref_job"])] = umaster job.update(umaster) final.append(job) return jsonResponse({"success": True, "data": final})
def query(request): """ Get the pipeline and options for the wadi system """ id = request.GET['id'] obj = db.queries.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id)}) if obj: options = obj['target_config'] # Customisation ----------------- # if 'customer' not in options: options['mode'] = 'all' else: cust = options.pop('customer') if len(cust) == 2: options['mode'] = 'all' else: options['mode'] = cust[0] if 'purchase_month' in options: options['purchase_month'] = [monthDict[a] for a in options['purchase_month']] if 'channel' in options: options['channel'] = map(lambda k: lasttouch_dict[k], options['channel']) # ------------------------------- # pipeline = [k for k, v in options.items() if k != 'mode'] pipeline.append('customer') return jsonResponse({"pipeline": pipeline, "options": options}) else: raise Http404
def get_jobs(request): jobs =[{ "$match": { "job": { "$exists": True } } }, { "$sort": { "timestamp": -1 } }, { "$project": { "name": 1, "description": 1, "timestamp": 1, "segmented": 1, "start_date": "$campaign_config.start_date", "end_date": "$campaign_config.end_date", "time": "$campaign_config.time", "repeat": "$campaign_config.repeat", "status": "$job.status", "file": "$job.file_link", "t_id": "$job.t_id", "count": "$" } }]) final = [] for job in jobs: if isinstance(job['status'], list): job['status'] = job['status'][-1]['status'] final.append(job) return jsonResponse({"success": True, "data": final})
def get_blocked(request): """ GET based method for retrieving blocked [phone, language] or email list Parameters: (?: optional, +: required) + type (email or phone): Get the block list type. If not present, defaults to email. Throws error for any other type Response: 1. For type=email: success: true, data: [list of emails] 2. For type=phone: success: true, data: [list of [phone, language]] Tested on Wed, 26 Aug, 11:05 PM """ type = request.GET.get('type', 'email') if type == 'email': return jsonResponse({ "success": True, "data": [ x['email'] for x in db.blocked_email.find({}, { "_id": False, "timestamp": False }) ] }) elif type == 'phone': return jsonResponse({ "success": True, "data": [[x['phone'], x['language']] for x in db.blocked_phone.aggregate([{ "$project": { "_id": False, "phone": True, "language": True } }, { "$unwind": "$language" }])] }) else: return jsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "Unknown type"})
def get_counts(request): """ Get total counts for the number of emails and phones blocked """ try: ecount = db.blocked_email.count() pcount = db.blocked_phone.count() return jsonResponse({ "success": True, "email": ecount, "phone": pcount }) except Exception, e: return jsonResponse({ "success": False, "error": "Exception: " + str(e) })
def login(request): """ Simple login protocol method: POST post data: { username: string, password: <md5 hash> String } """ try: data = json.loads(request.body) if db.credentials.count({ "username": data['username'], "password": data['password'] }) > 0: return jsonResponse({"success": True}) else: return jsonResponse({"success": False}) except Exception, e: return basic_error(e)
def block(request): """ GET/POST based method for blocking a phone and/or email Parameters: (?: optional, +: required) ? email: email address to block ? phone: phone number to block ? language: a list of one or more languages, separated by comma, to be blocked for given phone. Only makes sense when the phone key is given. Supports English, Arabic ? pretty (true or false): If set to true, then results in an http response (yet to be styled), useful for user links. If set to false or not given, then results in a json response tested on Wed, 26 Aug, 10:45 PM """ if request.method == 'GET': main_data = request.GET else: main_data = json.loads(request.body) if 'data' in main_data: main_data = main_data['data'] else: main_data = [main_data] res = [] for data in main_data: d = {} # ----- Email ------ # if 'email' in data: d['email entry'] = _block_email(data['email']) # ----- Phone ------ # if 'phone' in data: d['phone entry'] = _block_phone(data['phone'], data.get('language')) res.append(d) if 'pretty' in data and data['pretty'] not in [False, 'false']: if not res: return HttpResponse("There seems to be some problem. You seem to be already unsubscribed") else: return HttpResponse("You have been successfully unsubscribed") else: if not res: return jsonResponse({"success": False}) else: return jsonResponse({"success": True, "result": res})
def post_form(request): try: data = json.loads(request.body) row = [] selected = data.get('selected', {}) excluded = data.get('excluded', {}) for k in ['brand', 'season', 'category', 'brick']: row.append(json.dumps(selected.get(k, []))) for k in ['percent']: row.append(str(selected.get(k, '')) + '%') for k in ['brand', 'season', 'category', 'brick']: row.append(json.dumps(excluded.get(k, []))) append_row_to_content(row) return jsonResponse({"success": True, "data": data}) except Exception, e: return jsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "Exception, "+str(e)})
def block_list_csv(request): """ Block emails and phones using the uploaded csv file """ if request.method == 'POST' and 'file' in request.FILES: reader = csv.reader(request.FILES['file']) ecount, pcount = _block_using_csv(list(reader)[1:]) total_ecount = db.blocked_email.count() total_pcount = db.blocked_phone.count() return jsonResponse({"success": True, "blocked": { "email": ecount, "phone": pcount }, "total_blocked": { "email": total_ecount, "phone": total_pcount }}) else: return jsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "No file"})
def cancel_job(request): """ Cancel the given job json body: { id: Object id, t_id: tool id } """ try: data = json.loads(request.body) oid = data.get('id', data.get('oid', data.get('_id'))) t_id = int(data.get('t_id', 0)) if oid is not None: search = {"_id": ObjectId(oid)} elif t_id != 0: search = {"job.t_id": t_id} else: return jsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "Cannot find job, please give either an id or a t_id"}) search.update({"job": {"$exists": True}}) job =, {"job": True}) worksheet = get_scheduler_sheet() if not job: return jsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "Cannot find job"}) elif 'sheet_row' in job['job']: # We know the exact row number worksheet.update_acell("J" + str(job['job']['sheet_row']), "Cancel") else: full = worksheet.get_all_records() if t_id == 0: t_id = job['job'].get('t_id', 0) if t_id == 0: return jsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "Need t_id"}) t_id = str(t_id) for record in full: if t_id == str(record['ID']): row = full.index(record) + 2 worksheet.update_acell("J" + str(row), "Cancel") break{"_id": job['_id']}, {"$set": {"job.status": "Cancel"}}) return basic_success except Exception, e: return basic_error(e)
def test(request): if request.method == "GET": extra = {"method": "GET", "requestData": request.GET} else: extra = {"method": "POST", "requestData": request.body} return jsonResponse({ "success": True, "Message": "Test api, ECHO", "extra": extra })
def get_blocked(request): """ GET based method for retrieving blocked [phone, language] or email list Parameters: (?: optional, +: required) + type (email or phone): Get the block list type. If not present, defaults to email. Throws error for any other type Response: 1. For type=email: success: true, data: [list of emails] 2. For type=phone: success: true, data: [list of [phone, language]] Tested on Wed, 26 Aug, 11:05 PM """ type = request.GET.get('type', 'email') if type == 'email': return jsonResponse({ "success": True, "data": [ x['email'] for x in db.blocked_email.find({}, {"_id": False, "timestamp": False}) ] }) elif type == 'phone': return jsonResponse({ "success": True, "data": [ [x['phone'], x['language']] for x in db.blocked_phone.aggregate([ {"$project": {"_id": False, "phone": True, "language": True}}, {"$unwind": "$language"} ]) ] }) else: return jsonResponse({ "success": False, "error": "Unknown type" })
def get_conf(request, namespace, key): """ Get configuration values for the various wadi tools :param request: :param namespace: :param key: :return: """ if request.method == 'GET': res = db.configuration.find_one({"namespace": namespace}) if not res: return jsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "Wrong namespace: "+namespace}) if len(key) == 0: return jsonResponse({"success": True, "namespace": namespace, "keys": res['conf'].keys()}) if key not in res['conf']: return jsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "Wrong key: "+key}) else: return jsonResponse({"success": True, "value": res['conf'][key]}) else: # Updation not support just yet raise Http404
def get_conf(request, namespace, key): """ Get configuration values for the various wadi tools :param request: :param namespace: :param key: :return: """ if request.method == 'GET': res = db.configuration.find_one({"namespace": namespace}) if not res: return jsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "Wrong namespace: " + namespace}) if len(key) == 0: return jsonResponse({"success": True, "namespace": namespace, "keys": res['conf'].keys()}) if key not in res['conf']: return jsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "Wrong key: " + key}) else: return jsonResponse({"success": True, "value": res['conf'][key]}) else: # Updation not support just yet raise Http404
def schedule_testing_send(request): """ Create a testing campaign which schedules sms to be sent to the selected user in the other sheet """ try: data = json.loads(request.body) english = data.get('english', '_') arabic = data.get('arabic', '_') row = ['Immediately', 'testing', '_', '', '_', '_', english, arabic] append_to_sheet(row) return jsonResponse({"success": True}) except Exception, e: return basic_error(e)
def block_list_csv(request): """ Block emails and phones using the uploaded csv file """ if request.method == 'POST' and 'file' in request.FILES: reader = csv.reader(request.FILES['file']) ecount, pcount = _block_using_csv(list(reader)[1:]) total_ecount = db.blocked_email.count() total_pcount = db.blocked_phone.count() return jsonResponse({ "success": True, "blocked": { "email": ecount, "phone": pcount }, "total_blocked": { "email": total_ecount, "phone": total_pcount } }) else: return jsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "No file"})
def formPost(request): """ Form submission api """ try: data = json.loads(request.body) # Do processing here campaign = data['campaign_config'] date = campaign['date'] time = datetime.strptime(campaign['time'], "%H:%M") hour = time.hour minute = time.minute english = campaign['text']['english'] arabic = campaign['text']['arabic'] if len(english.strip()) == 0: english = '_' if len(arabic.strip()) == 0: arabic = '_' data['timestamp'] = result = db.queries.insert_one(data) url = ''+str(result.inserted_id) row = ['Once', 'external', date, hour, minute, english, arabic, url] if 'debug' in data and data['debug'] is True: db.queries.remove({"_id": result.inserted_id}) return jsonResponse({'success': True, 'data_received': data, 'row created': row}) else: wrk_sheet = get_scheduler_sheet() size = len(wrk_sheet.get_all_values()) wrk_sheet.insert_row(row, size+1) return jsonResponse({'success': True}) except Exception, e: return basic_error(e)
def test(request): if request.method == "GET": extra = { "method": "GET", "requestData": request.GET } else: extra = { "method": "POST", "requestData": request.body } return jsonResponse({ "success": True, "Message": "Test api, ECHO", "extra": extra })
def get_segment_jobs(request): master_cache = {} # A cache of master jobs data lst = db.segment_jobs.aggregate([ {"$group": { "_id": { "ref_job": "$ref_job", "timestamp": "$timestamp" }, "segments": { "$push": { "status": "$job.status", "english": "$text.english", "arabic": "$text.arabic", "date": "$date", "num": "$segment_number" } } }}, {"$project": { "_id": 0, "segments": 1, "ref_job": "$_id.ref_job", "timestamp": "$_id.timestamp" }}, {"$sort": {"timestamp": -1}} ]) final = [] for job in lst: if str(job["ref_job"]) in master_cache: job.update(master_cache[str(job["ref_job"])]) else: master ={"_id": job["ref_job"]}, {"_id": False, "job": True, "name": True, "description": True}) if not master: continue else: umaster = {'name': master.get('name', 'Untitled'), 'description': master.get('description', '')} if 't_id' in master.get('job', {}): umaster['t_id'] = master['job']['t_id'] if 'customer_count' in master.get('job', {}).get('report', {}): umaster['count'] = master['job']['report']['customer_count'] master_cache[str(job["ref_job"])] = umaster job.update(umaster) final.append(job) return jsonResponse({"success": True, "data": final})
def get_jobs(request): jobs =[ {"$match": {"job": {"$exists": True}}}, {"$sort": {"timestamp": -1}}, {"$project": { "name": 1, "description": 1, "timestamp": 1, "segmented": 1, "start_date": "$campaign_config.start_date", "end_date": "$campaign_config.end_date", "time": "$campaign_config.time", "repeat": "$campaign_config.repeat", "status": "$job.status", "file": "$job.file_link", "t_id": "$job.t_id", "count": "$" }} ]) final = [] for job in jobs: if isinstance(job['status'], list): job['status'] = job['status'][-1]['status'] final.append(job) return jsonResponse({"success": True, "data": final})
def post_segment_form(request): try: data = json.loads(request.body) total = data['total'] segments = data['segments'] ref_job = data['ref_job'] t_id = data['t_id'] if{"_id": ObjectId(ref_job)}) == 0: return basic_failure # Step 1: Setup limits slen = len(segments) sub_size = int(total) // slen limits = [ [sub_size*i, sub_size*(i+1)] for i in range(0, slen) ] limits[-1][1] = total # Step 2, create db jobs for each segment result = [] sheet_rows = [] timestamp = for i, segment in enumerate(segments): date = segment['date'] res = db.segment_jobs.insert_one({ "ref_job": ObjectId(ref_job), "timestamp": timestamp, "segment_number": i+1, "limits": { "lower": limits[i][0], "upper": limits[i][1] }, "text": { "english": segment['english'], "arabic": segment['arabic'] }, "date": date, "job": { "status": "pending" } }) oid_col = str(res.inserted_id) + ("_segment,%i,%i,%i" % (t_id, limits[i][0], limits[i][1])) # Added _segment result.append(oid_col) # Creating the row date = datetime.fromtimestamp(date / 1000) start_date = date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") hour = date.hour minute = date.minute row = ['Once', 'segment', start_date, '', hour, minute, segment['english'], segment['arabic'], oid_col] sheet_rows.append(row) if data.get('debug', False): return jsonResponse({"success": True, "result": sheet_rows}) else: for row in sheet_rows: append_to_sheet(row) return basic_success except Exception, e: return basic_error(e)
def dummy_block_list_csv(request): if request.method == 'POST' and 'file' in request.FILES: reader = csv.reader(request.FILES['file']) return jsonResponse({"success": True, "data": list(reader)[1:]}) else: return jsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "No file"})
def test_insert(request): append_row_to_content(['Testing', 'Row']) return jsonResponse({"success": True})
def get_form(request): data = list(db.jabong_form.find({}, {"_id": False})) return jsonResponse(data)
def post_segment_form(request): try: data = json.loads(request.body) total = data['total'] segments = data['segments'] ref_job = data['ref_job'] t_id = data['t_id'] if{"_id": ObjectId(ref_job)}) == 0: return basic_failure # Step 1: Setup limits slen = len(segments) sub_size = int(total) // slen limits = [[sub_size * i, sub_size * (i + 1)] for i in range(0, slen)] limits[-1][1] = total # Step 2, create db jobs for each segment result = [] sheet_rows = [] timestamp = for i, segment in enumerate(segments): date = segment['date'] res = db.segment_jobs.insert_one({ "ref_job": ObjectId(ref_job), "timestamp": timestamp, "segment_number": i + 1, "limits": { "lower": limits[i][0], "upper": limits[i][1] }, "text": { "english": segment['english'], "arabic": segment['arabic'] }, "date": date, "job": { "status": "pending" } }) oid_col = str(res.inserted_id) + ( "_segment,%i,%i,%i" % (t_id, limits[i][0], limits[i][1])) # Added _segment result.append(oid_col) # Creating the row date = datetime.fromtimestamp(date / 1000) start_date = date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") hour = date.hour minute = date.minute row = [ 'Once', 'segment', start_date, '', hour, minute, segment['english'], segment['arabic'], oid_col ] sheet_rows.append(row) if data.get('debug', False): return jsonResponse({"success": True, "result": sheet_rows}) else: for row in sheet_rows: append_to_sheet(row) return basic_success except Exception, e: return basic_error(e)
def get_pipeline(request): """ Get the pipeline and options for the wadi system Refer docs/jobs_format.json Currently supports both the new and the old api. Future releases will deprecate the old pipeline method """ id = request.GET['id'] obj ={"_id": ObjectId(id)}) if obj: options = obj['target_config'] if not options or not isinstance(options[options.keys()[0]], dict): new_api = False else: new_api = True complete = options.copy() options = dict( map(lambda kv: (kv[0], kv[1]['value']), options.items())) # Customisation ----------------- # if 'customer' not in options: options['mode'] = 'all' else: cust = options.pop('customer') if isinstance(cust, list): if len(cust) == 2: options['mode'] = 'all' else: options['mode'] = cust[0].lower() else: if cust.lower() in ['both', 'all']: options['mode'] = 'all' else: options['mode'] = cust.lower() if 'language' in options and options['language'].lower() in [ 'both', 'all' ]: options.pop('language') if 'purchase_month' in options: options['purchase_month'] = [ monthDict[a] for a in options['purchase_month'] ] if 'channel' in options: options['channel'] = map(lambda k: lasttouch_dict[k], options['channel']) # ------------------------------- # if new_api: pipeline = {'required': [], 'additional': []} # complete.pop('customer', '') for k, v in complete.items(): if k in options: pipeline[v['co_type']].append(k) pipeline['required'].append('customer') else: pipeline = [k for k, v in options.items() if k != 'mode'] pipeline.append('customer') return jsonResponse({"pipeline": pipeline, "options": options}) else: raise Http404
def get_form_data(request): """ Get the form """ data = db.form.find({"enabled": True}, {"_id": False, "regex": False, "enabled": False}) return jsonResponse(data)
def get_sample_form_data(request): """ Just for testing """ data = db.form.find({"operation": {"$in": ["item_status", "payment_method", "repeat_buyer"]}}, {"_id": False, "regex": False}) return jsonResponse(data)
def get_form_data(request): """ Get the form """ data = db.form.find({}, {"_id": False, "regex": False}) return jsonResponse(data)
def get_pipeline(request): """ Get the pipeline and options for the wadi system Refer docs/jobs_format.json Currently supports both the new and the old api. Future releases will deprecate the old pipeline method """ id = request.GET['id'] obj ={"_id": ObjectId(id)}) if obj: options = obj['target_config'] if not options or not isinstance(options[options.keys()[0]], dict): new_api = False else: new_api = True complete = options.copy() options = dict(map( lambda kv: (kv[0], kv[1]['value']), options.items() )) # Customisation ----------------- # if 'customer' not in options: options['mode'] = 'all' else: cust = options.pop('customer') if isinstance(cust, list): if len(cust) == 2: options['mode'] = 'all' else: options['mode'] = cust[0].lower() else: if cust.lower() in ['both', 'all']: options['mode'] = 'all' else: options['mode'] = cust.lower() if 'language' in options and options['language'].lower() in ['both', 'all']: options.pop('language') if 'purchase_month' in options: options['purchase_month'] = [monthDict[a] for a in options['purchase_month']] if 'channel' in options: options['channel'] = map(lambda k: lasttouch_dict[k], options['channel']) # ------------------------------- # if new_api: pipeline = { 'required': [], 'additional': [] } # complete.pop('customer', '') for k, v in complete.items(): if k in options: pipeline[v['co_type']].append(k) pipeline['required'].append('customer') else: pipeline = [k for k, v in options.items() if k != 'mode'] pipeline.append('customer') return jsonResponse({"pipeline": pipeline, "options": options}) else: raise Http404