コード例 #1
 def __init__(self,
              scene_indices=(0, 4000),
     data_root_dir (String): root dir where all data lives
     data_dir (String): directory where this dataset lives (relative to data_root_dir)
     scene_indices (tuple[int, int]): list of indices of scenes (in data_dir) that are considered part of this set
     p_auxiliary (int): probability that a auxiliary category is chosen
         Note that since (existing centroid) is sparse, it is actually treated as non-auxiliary when sampling
     seed (int or None, optional): random seed, to replicate stuff, if set
     ablation (string or None, optional): see data.RenderedComposite.get_composite, and paper
     self.category_map = ObjectCategories()
     self.seed = seed
     self.data_dir = data_dir
     self.data_root_dir = data_root_dir
     self.scene_indices = scene_indices
     self.p_auxiliary = p_auxiliary
     self.ablation = ablation
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self,
     details (bool, optional): If true, then frequency information will be shown on screen
     model_details (bool, optional): since there are so many model ids, this additional bool
         controls if those should be printed
     save_freq (bool, optional): if true, then the category frequency information will be saved
     save_dest (string, optional): directory to which frequency information is saved
     self.room_count = 0
     self.object_count = 0
     self.room_types_count = {}
     self.fine_categories_count = {}
     self.coarse_categories_count = {}
     self.final_categories_count = {}
     self.models_count = {}
     self.object_category = ObjectCategories()
     self.floor_node_only = False
     self.details = details
     self.model_details = model_details
     self.save_freq = save_freq
     data_dir = utils.get_data_root_dir()
     self.save_dest = f"{data_dir}/{save_dest}"
コード例 #3
 def __init__(self, categorization_type='final', sim_mode='direct'):
     self._object_data = ObjectData()
     self._object_categories = ObjectCategories()
     self._objects = {}
     self._room = None
     self._categorization_type = categorization_type
     self._sim = Simulator(mode=sim_mode)
コード例 #4
    def learn(self, data_folder="bedroom_final", data_root_dir=None):
        if not data_root_dir:
            data_root_dir = utils.get_data_root_dir()
        data_dir = f"{data_root_dir}/{data_folder}"
        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.category_map = ObjectCategories()

        files = os.listdir(data_dir)
        files = [f for f in files if ".pkl" in f and not "domain" in f and not "_" in f]

        with open(f"{data_dir}/final_categories_frequency", "r") as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            cats = [line.split()[0] for line in lines]
            self.category_count = [int(line.split()[1]) for line in lines if line.split()[0] not in ["window", "door"]]

        self.categories = [cat for cat in cats if cat not in set(['window', 'door'])]
        self.cat_to_index = {self.categories[i]:i for i in range(len(self.categories))}
        self.num_categories = len(self.categories)
        N = self.num_categories
        self.support_count = [[0 for i in range(N+1)] for j in range(N)]

        for index in range(len(files)):
            with open(f"{data_dir}/{index}.pkl", "rb") as f:
                (_, _, nodes), _ = pickle.load(f)
            object_nodes = []
            id_to_cat = {}
            for node in nodes:
                modelId = node["modelId"]
                category = self.category_map.get_final_category(modelId)
                if not category in ["door", "window"]:
                    id_to_cat[node["id"]] = self.cat_to_index[category]
                    node["category"] = self.cat_to_index[category]
            for node in object_nodes:
                parent = node["parent"]
                category = node["category"]
                if parent == "Floor" or parent is None:
                    self.support_count[category][-1] += 1
                    self.support_count[category][id_to_cat[parent]] += 1

        for i in range(self.num_categories):
            print(f"Support for {self.categories[i]}:")
            supports = [(c, self.support_count[i][c]/self.category_count[i]) for c in range(N+1)]
            supports = sorted(supports, key = lambda x:-x[1])
            supports = [s for s in supports if s[1] > 0.01]
            for s in supports:
                print(f"    {self.categories[s[0]]}:{s[1]:4f}")
            self.possible_supports[i] = [s[0] for s in supports]
        self.N = N
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self,
                 scene_indices=(0, 4000),
        super(LatentDataset, self).__init__()
        self.category_map = ObjectCategories()
        self.seed = seed
        self.data_folder = data_folder
        self.data_root_dir = data_root_dir
        self.scene_indices = scene_indices
        self.do_rotation_augmentation = do_rotation_augmentation
        self.cat_only = cat_only

        self.cat_name2index = None

        self.cat_index2scenes = None

        if self.data_root_dir is None:
            self.data_root_dir = utils.get_data_root_dir()
        with open(
                "r") as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            names = [line.split()[0] for line in lines]
            names = [
                name for name in names
                if ((name != 'door') and (name != 'window'))
            self.catnames = names
            self.cat_name2index = {names[i]: i for i in range(0, len(names))}
            self.n_categories = len(names)
            self.cat2freq = {}
            for line in lines:
                cat, freq = line.split(' ')
                self.cat2freq[cat] = int(freq)
            maxfreq = max(self.cat2freq.values())
            self.cat2freq_normalized = {
                cat: freq / maxfreq
                for cat, freq in self.cat2freq.items()


        # See 'prepare_same_category_batches' below for info
        self.use_same_category_batches = use_same_category_batches
        if use_same_category_batches:
            self.same_category_batch_indices = []
            self.same_category_batch_indices = None

        self.importance_order = importance_order
コード例 #6
ファイル: arrangement.py プロジェクト: zebrajack/planit
 def __init__(self,
     self._objects = ObjectCollection(sim_mode=sim_mode)
     self.room_id = None
     self._priors = arrangement_priors
     self._num_angle_divisions = num_angle_divisions
     self._num_pairwise_priors = num_pairwise_priors
     self.category_map = ObjectCategories()
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self,
                 scene_indices=(0, 4000),
        super(LatentDataset, self).__init__()
        self.category_map = ObjectCategories()
        self.seed = seed
        self.data_folder = data_folder
        self.data_root_dir = data_root_dir
        self.scene_indices = scene_indices
        self.do_rotation_augmentation = do_rotation_augmentation
        self.cat_only = cat_only

        self.cat_name2index = None

        self.cat_index2scenes = None

        if self.data_root_dir is None:
            self.data_root_dir = utils.get_data_root_dir()

        self.catnames = self.category_map.all_non_arch_categories(
            self.data_root_dir, data_folder)
        self.cat_name2index = {
            self.catnames[i]: i
            for i in range(0, len(self.catnames))
        self.n_categories = len(self.catnames)


        self.cat_importances = self.category_map.all_non_arch_category_importances(
            self.data_root_dir, data_folder)

        # See 'prepare_same_category_batches' below for info
        self.use_same_category_batches = use_same_category_batches
        if use_same_category_batches:
            self.same_category_batch_indices = []
            assert (epoch_size is not None)
            self.epoch_size = epoch_size
            self.same_category_batch_indices = None

        self.importance_order = importance_order
コード例 #8
    def __init__(self,
                 scene_indices=(0, 4000),
        super(LocDataset, self).__init__()
        self.category_map = ObjectCategories()
        self.seed = seed
        self.data_folder = data_folder
        self.data_root_dir = data_root_dir
        self.scene_indices = scene_indices

        data_root_dir = utils.get_data_root_dir()
        with open(f"{data_root_dir}/{data_folder}/final_categories_frequency",
                  "r") as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        self.n_categories = len(lines) - 2  # -2 for 'window' and 'door'
コード例 #9
    def render_graph(self, room, root, targets):
        target_identifiers = list(map(lambda x: x[0], targets))

        projection = self.pgen.get_projection(room)
        visualization = np.zeros((self.size,self.size))
        nodes = []

        for i, node in enumerate(room.nodes):
            modelId = node.modelId #Camelcase due to original json

            t = np.asarray(node.transform).reshape(4,4)

            o = Obj(modelId)
            # NEW
            objspace_width = np.linalg.norm(o.front_left - o.front_right)
            objspace_depth = np.linalg.norm(o.front_left - o.back_left)
            #END NEW

            t = projection.to_2d(t)

            # NEW
            worldspace_width = np.linalg.norm(o.front_left - o.front_right)
            worldspace_depth = np.linalg.norm(o.front_left - o.back_left)
            #END NEW

            t = projection.to_2d()
            bbox_min = np.dot(np.asarray([node.xmin, node.zmin, node.ymin, 1]), t)
            bbox_max = np.dot(np.asarray([node.xmax, node.zmax, node.ymax, 1]), t)
            xmin = math.floor(bbox_min[0])
            ymin = math.floor(bbox_min[2])
            xsize = math.ceil(bbox_max[0]) - xmin + 1
            ysize = math.ceil(bbox_max[2]) - ymin + 1

            description = {}
            description["modelId"] = modelId
            description["transform"] = node.transform
            description["bbox_min"] = bbox_min
            description["bbox_max"] = bbox_max
            #Since it is possible that the bounding box information of a room
            #Was calculated without some doors/windows
            #We need to handle these cases
            if ymin < 0: 
                ymin = 0
            if xmin < 0: 
                xmin = 0

            # render object
            rendered = self.render_object(o, xmin, ymin, xsize, ysize, self.size)
            description["height_map"] = torch.from_numpy(rendered).float()

            tmp = np.zeros((self.size, self.size))
            tmp[xmin:xmin+rendered.shape[0],ymin:ymin+rendered.shape[1]] = rendered

            # render bbox

            for idx, line in enumerate(o.bbox_lines()):
                direction = line[1] - line[0]
                distance = np.linalg.norm(direction)
                norm_direction = direction / distance
                for t in range(math.floor(distance)):
                    point = line[0] + t * norm_direction
                    x = min(math.floor(point[0]), self.size - 1)
                    y = min(math.floor(point[2]), self.size - 1)
                    tmp[x][y] = 1

            # temporarily darken image to see more easily
            category = ObjectCategories().get_coarse_category(modelId)
            identifier = f"{category}_{i}"
            if identifier in target_identifiers:
                tmp *= 0.8
            elif identifier != root:
                tmp *= 0.1
                for ray in o.front_rays():
                    for t in range(self.size):
                        point = ray.origin + t * ray.direction
                        if point[0] < 0 or point[0] > self.size or point[2] < 0 or point[2] > self.size:
                        color = 1 if int(t * objspace_depth / worldspace_depth) % 2 == 0 else -100
                        tmp[math.floor(point[0])][math.floor(point[2])] = color
                for ray in o.back_rays():
                    for t in range(self.size):
                        point = ray.origin + t * ray.direction
                        if point[0] < 0 or point[0] > self.size or point[2] < 0 or point[2] > self.size:
                        color = 1 if int(t * objspace_depth / worldspace_depth) % 2 else -100
                        tmp[math.floor(point[0])][math.floor(point[2])] = color
                for ray in o.left_rays():
                    for t in range(self.size):
                        point = ray.origin + t * ray.direction
                        if point[0] < 0 or point[0] > self.size or point[2] < 0 or point[2] > self.size:
                        color = 1 if int(t * objspace_width / worldspace_width) % 2 else -100
                        tmp[math.floor(point[0])][math.floor(point[2])] = color
                for ray in o.right_rays():
                    for t in range(self.size):
                        point = ray.origin + t * ray.direction
                        if point[0] < 0 or point[0] > self.size or point[2] < 0 or point[2] > self.size:
                        color = 1 if int(t * objspace_width / worldspace_width) % 2 else -100
                        tmp[math.floor(point[0])][math.floor(point[2])] = color

            visualization += tmp
        #Render the floor
        o = Obj(room.modelId+"f", room.house_id, is_room=True)
        t = projection.to_2d()
        floor = self.render_object(o, 0, 0, self.size, self.size, self.size)
        visualization += floor
        floor = torch.from_numpy(floor).float()
        #Render the walls
        o = Obj(room.modelId+"w", room.house_id, is_room=True)
        t = projection.to_2d()
        wall = self.render_object(o, 0, 0, self.size, self.size, self.size)
        visualization += wall
        wall = torch.from_numpy(wall).float()
        return (visualization, (floor, wall, nodes))
コード例 #10
ファイル: rendered.py プロジェクト: universewill/fast-synth
class RenderedScene():
    Loading a rendered room
    category_map (ObjectCategories): object category mapping
        that should be the same across all instances of the class
    categories (list[string]): all categories present in this room type.
        Loaded once when the first room is loaded to reduce disk access.
    cat_to_index (dict[string, int]): maps a category to corresponding index
    current_data_dir (string): keep track of the current data directory, if
        it changes, then categories and cat_to_index should be recomputed
    category_map = ObjectCategories()
    categories = None
    cat_to_index = None
    current_data_dir = None

    def __init__(self, index, data_dir, data_root_dir=None, \
                 shuffle=True, load_objects=True, seed=None, rotation=0):
        Load a rendered scene from file
        index (int): room number
        data_dir (string): location of the pre-rendered rooms
        data_root_dir (string or None, optional): if specified,
            use this as the root directory
        shuffle (bool, optional): If true, randomly order the objects
            in the room. Otherwise use the default order as written
            in the original dataset
        load_objects (bool, optional): If false, only load the doors
            and windows. Otherwise load all objects in the room
        seed (int or None, optional): if set, use a fixed random seed
            so we can replicate a particular experiment
        if seed:

        if not data_root_dir:
            data_root_dir = utils.get_data_root_dir()

        if RenderedScene.categories is None or RenderedScene.current_data_dir != data_dir:
            with open(f"{data_root_dir}/{data_dir}/final_categories_frequency",
                      "r") as f:
                lines = f.readlines()
                cats = [line.split()[0] for line in lines]

            RenderedScene.categories = [
                cat for cat in cats if cat not in set(['window', 'door'])
            RenderedScene.cat_to_index = {
                RenderedScene.categories[i]: i
                for i in range(len(RenderedScene.categories))
            RenderedScene.current_data_dir = data_dir

        #print(index, rotation)
        if rotation != 0:
            fname = f"{index}_{rotation}"
            fname = index

        with open(f"{data_root_dir}/{data_dir}/{fname}.pkl", "rb") as f:
            (self.floor, self.wall, nodes), self.room = pickle.load(f)

        self.index = index
        self.rotation = rotation

        self.object_nodes = []
        self.door_window_nodes = []
        for node in nodes:
            category = RenderedScene.category_map.get_final_category(
            if category in ["door", "window"]:
                node["category"] = category
            elif load_objects:
                node["category"] = RenderedScene.cat_to_index[category]

        if shuffle:

        self.size = self.floor.shape[0]

    def create_composite(self):
        Create a initial composite that only contains the floor,
        wall, doors and windows. See RenderedComposite for how
        to add more objects
        r = RenderedComposite(RenderedScene.categories, self.floor, self.wall,
        return r
コード例 #11
ファイル: model_prior.py プロジェクト: youndoldman/deep-synth
    def learn(self, data_folder, data_root_dir=None):
        if data_root_dir is None:
            data_root_dir = utils.get_data_root_dir()
        data_dir = f"{data_root_dir}/{data_folder}"
        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.category_map = ObjectCategories()

        files = os.listdir(data_dir)
        files = [f for f in files if ".pkl" in f and not "domain" in f]

        with open(f"{data_dir}/final_categories_frequency", "r") as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            cats = [line.split()[0] for line in lines]

        self.categories = [
            cat for cat in cats if cat not in set(['window', 'door'])
        self.cat_to_index = {
            self.categories[i]: i
            for i in range(len(self.categories))

        with open(f"{data_dir}/model_frequency", "r") as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            models = [line.split()[0] for line in lines]
            self.model_freq = [int(l[:-1].split()[1]) for l in lines]

        self.models = [
            model for model in models if self.category_map.get_final_category(
                model) not in set(['window', 'door'])
        self.model_to_index = {
            self.models[i]: i
            for i in range(len(self.models))

        N = len(self.models)
        self.num_categories = len(self.categories)

        self.model_index_to_cat = [
                self.models[i])] for i in range(N)

        self.count = [[0 for i in range(N)] for j in range(N)]

        for index in range(len(files)):
            #for index in range(100):
            with open(f"{data_dir}/{index}.pkl", "rb") as f:
                (_, _, nodes), _ = pickle.load(f)

            object_nodes = []
            for node in nodes:
                modelId = node["modelId"]
                category = self.category_map.get_final_category(modelId)
                if not category in ["door", "window"]:

            for i in range(len(object_nodes)):
                for j in range(i + 1, len(object_nodes)):
                    a = self.model_to_index[object_nodes[i]["modelId"]]
                    b = self.model_to_index[object_nodes[j]["modelId"]]
                    self.count[a][b] += 1
                    self.count[b][a] += 1
            print(index, end="\r")

        self.N = N
コード例 #12
ファイル: model_prior.py プロジェクト: zebrajack/planit
    def learn(self, data_folder="bedroom_final", data_root_dir=None):
        if not data_root_dir:
            data_root_dir = utils.get_data_root_dir()
        data_dir = f"{data_root_dir}/{data_folder}"
        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.category_map = ObjectCategories()

        files = os.listdir(data_dir)
        files = [
            f for f in files
            if ".pkl" in f and not "domain" in f and not "_" in f

        self.categories = self.category_map.all_non_arch_categories(
            data_root_dir, data_folder)
        self.cat_to_index = {
            self.categories[i]: i
            for i in range(len(self.categories))

        with open(f"{data_dir}/model_frequency", "r") as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            models = [line.split()[0] for line in lines]
            self.model_freq = [int(l[:-1].split()[1]) for l in lines]

        self.models = [
            model for model in models if not self.category_map.is_arch(
        self.model_to_index = {
            self.models[i]: i
            for i in range(len(self.models))

        N = len(self.models)
        self.num_categories = len(self.categories)

        self.model_index_to_cat = [
                self.models[i])] for i in range(N)

        self.count = [[0 for i in range(N)] for j in range(N)]

        for index in range(len(files)):
            #for index in range(100):
            with open(f"{data_dir}/{index}.pkl", "rb") as f:
                (_, _, nodes), _ = pickle.load(f)

            object_nodes = []
            for node in nodes:
                modelId = node["modelId"]
                category = self.category_map.get_final_category(modelId)
                if not self.category_map.is_arch(category):

            for i in range(len(object_nodes)):
                for j in range(i + 1, len(object_nodes)):
                    a = self.model_to_index[object_nodes[i]["modelId"]]
                    b = self.model_to_index[object_nodes[j]["modelId"]]
                    self.count[a][b] += 1
                    self.count[b][a] += 1

        self.N = N
コード例 #13
    use_jitter = False
    jitter_stdev = 0.01

    which_to_load = 500

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='orient')
    parser.add_argument('--save-dir', type=str, required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--data-folder', type=str, default="")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    outdir = f'./output/{args.save_dir}'

    data_folder = args.data_folder

    data_root_dir = utils.get_data_root_dir()
    categories = ObjectCategories().all_non_arch_categories(
        data_root_dir, data_folder)
    num_categories = len(categories)
    num_input_channels = num_categories + 8

    nc = num_categories

    # Dataset size is based on the number of available scenes - the valid set size
    dataset_size = len([f for f in os.listdir(f'{data_root_dir}/{data_folder}') \
        if f.endswith('.jpg')]) - valid_set_size
    dataset_size = int(dataset_size / batch_size) * batch_size

    logfile = open(f"{outdir}/log.txt", 'w')

    def LOG(msg):
        logfile.write(msg + '\n')
コード例 #14
class GlobalCategoryFilter():

    category_map = ObjectCategories()

    def get_filter():

        door_window = GlobalCategoryFilter.category_map.all_arch_categories()

        second_tier = [
            "table_lamp", "chandelier", "guitar", "amplifier", "keyboard",
            "drumset", "microphone", "accordion", "toy", "xbox", "playstation",
            "fishbowl", "chessboard", "iron", "helmet", "telephone",
            "stationary_container", "ceiling_fan", "bottle", "fruit_bowl",
            "glass", "knife_rack", "plates", "books", "book", "television",
            "wood_board", "switch", "pillow", "laptop", "clock", "helmet",
            "bottle", "trinket", "glass", "range_hood", "candle", "soap_dish"

        wall_objects = ["wall_lamp", "mirror", "curtain", "blind"]

        unimportant = [
            "toy", "fish_tank", "tricycle", "vacuum_cleaner", "weight_scale",
            "heater", "picture_frame", "beer", "shoes", "weight_scale",
            "decoration", "ladder", "tripod", "air_conditioner", "cart",
            "fireplace_tools", "vase"

        inhabitants = ["person", "cat", "bird", "dog", "pet"]

        special_filter = [

        filtered = second_tier + unimportant + inhabitants + special_filter + wall_objects

        unwanted_complex_structure = ["partition", "column", "arch", "stairs"]
        set_items = [
            "chair_set", "stereo_set", "table_and_chair",
            "slot_machine_and_chair", "kitchen_set", "double_desk",
            "double_desk_with_chairs", "dressing_table_with_stool",

        outdoor = [
            "lawn_mower", "car", "motorcycle", "bicycle", "garage_door",
            "outdoor_seating", "fence"

        rejected = unwanted_complex_structure + set_items + outdoor

        return filtered, rejected, door_window

    def get_filter_latent():

        door_window = GlobalCategoryFilter.category_map.all_arch_categories()

        second_tier_include = [

        second_tier = [
            "chandelier", "guitar", "amplifier", "keyboard", "drumset",
            "microphone", "accordion", "chessboard", "iron", "helmet",
            "stationary_container", "ceiling_fan", "knife_rack", "plates",
            "wood_board", "switch", "clock", "helmet", "trinket", "range_hood",
            "candle", "soap_dish"

        wall_objects = [
            "wall_lamp", "mirror", "curtain", "wall_shelf", "blinds", "blind"

        unimportant = [

        inhabitants = ["person", "cat", "bird", "dog", "pet"]

        special_filter = [

        filtered = second_tier + unimportant + inhabitants + special_filter + wall_objects

        unwanted_complex_structure = ["partition", "column", "arch", "stairs"]
        set_items = [
            "chair_set", "stereo_set", "table_and_chair",
            "slot_machine_and_chair", "kitchen_set", "double_desk",
            "double_desk_with_chairs", "desk_with_shelves",
            "dressing_table_with_stool", "armchair_with_ottoman",

        outdoor = [
            "lawn_mower", "car", "motorcycle", "bicycle", "garage_door",
            "outdoor_seating", "fence"

        rejected = unwanted_complex_structure + set_items + outdoor

        return filtered, rejected, door_window, second_tier_include
コード例 #15
ファイル: rendered.py プロジェクト: zebrajack/planit
class RenderedScene():
    Loading a rendered room
    category_map (ObjectCategories): object category mapping
        that should be the same across all instances of the class
    categories (list[string]): all categories present in this room type.
        Loaded once when the first room is loaded to reduce disk access.
    cat_to_index (dict[string, int]): maps a category to corresponding index
    current_data_dir (string): keep track of the current data directory, if
        it changes, then categories and cat_to_index should be recomputed
    category_map = ObjectCategories()
    categories = None
    cat_to_index = None
    current_data_dir = None

    def __init__(self, index, data_dir, data_root_dir=None, \
                 shuffle=True, load_objects=True, seed=None, rotation=0):
        Load a rendered scene from file
        index (int): room number
        data_dir (string): location of the pre-rendered rooms
        data_root_dir (string or None, optional): if specified,
            use this as the root directory
        shuffle (bool, optional): If true, randomly order the objects
            in the room. Otherwise use the default order as written
            in the original dataset
        load_objects (bool, optional): If false, only load the doors
            and windows. Otherwise load all objects in the room
        seed (int or None, optional): if set, use a fixed random seed
            so we can replicate a particular experiment
        if seed:

        if not data_root_dir:
            data_root_dir = utils.get_data_root_dir()

        if RenderedScene.categories is None or RenderedScene.current_data_dir != data_dir:
            RenderedScene.categories = RenderedScene.category_map.all_non_arch_categories(
                data_root_dir, data_dir)
            RenderedScene.cat_to_index = {
                RenderedScene.categories[i]: i
                for i in range(len(RenderedScene.categories))
            RenderedScene.current_data_dir = data_dir
        #print(index, rotation)
        if rotation != 0:
            fname = f"{index}_{rotation}"
            fname = index

        with open(f"{data_root_dir}/{data_dir}/{fname}.pkl", "rb") as f:
            (self.floor, wall, nodes), self.room = pickle.load(f)

        self.size = self.floor.shape[0]

        self.wall = wall["height_map"]
        self.wall_segments = wall["segments"]

        # Compute normals for wall segment objects
        mask = (self.floor + self.wall) != 0
        for wall_seg in self.wall_segments:
            seg = [np.array([x[0], x[2]])
                   for x in wall_seg["points"]]  # reduce to 2d
            v_diff = seg[1] - seg[0]
            v_norm = np.array([-v_diff[1], v_diff[0]])
            v_norm = v_norm / np.linalg.norm(v_norm)
            #### Decide whether to flip the normal vector
            midp = (seg[0] + seg[1]) / 2
            test_point = np.ceil(midp +
                                 5 * v_norm * np.array([-1, 1])).astype(int)
            # If (1) a point slightly along the normal falls outside the image
            #    (2) the pixel in the room mask image at this point is not filled
            #    then this must be pointing out of the room and thus should be flipped.
            out = (test_point >= self.size).any() or (test_point < 0).any()
            if out or not mask[int(test_point[0]), int(test_point[1])]:
                v_norm = -v_norm
            wall_seg["normal"] = v_norm
            wall_seg["points"] = seg

        self.index = index
        self.rotation = rotation

        self.object_nodes = []
        self.door_window_nodes = []
        for node in nodes:
            category = RenderedScene.category_map.get_final_category(
            if RenderedScene.category_map.is_arch(category):
                node["category"] = category
            elif load_objects:
                node["category"] = RenderedScene.cat_to_index[category]

        if shuffle:

    def create_composite(self):
        Create a initial composite that only contains the floor,
        wall, doors and windows. See RenderedComposite for how
        to add more objects
        r = RenderedComposite(RenderedScene.categories, self.floor, self.wall,
        return r