def damagePerMoney(name,server,match=''): if match!='': sql="select money,damage from matchDetail,matchInfo where matchInfo.match_id=matchDetail.match_id and name='%s'and server='%s' and matchDetail.match_id=%s" % (name,server,match) else: sql="select money,damage from matchDetail,matchInfo where matchInfo.match_id=matchDetail.match_id and name='%s'and server='%s'" % (name,server) money=0.0 damage=0.0 for row in dataBaseAction.searchDB(sql): money+=float(row[0]) damage+=float(row[1]) return damage/(money*1000)
def moneyPerMin(name,server,match=''): if match!='': sql="select money,time from matchDetail,matchInfo where matchInfo.match_id=matchDetail.match_id and name='%s'and server='%s' and matchDetail.match_id=%s" % (name,server,match) else: sql="select money,time from matchDetail,matchInfo where matchInfo.match_id=matchDetail.match_id and name='%s'and server='%s'" % (name,server) money=0.0 time=0.0 for row in dataBaseAction.searchDB(sql): money+=float(row[0]) time+=float(row[1][0:2]) return money/time*1000
def damagePerMoney(name, server, match=''): if match != '': sql = "select money,damage from matchDetail,matchInfo where matchInfo.match_id=matchDetail.match_id and name='%s'and server='%s' and matchDetail.match_id=%s" % ( name, server, match) else: sql = "select money,damage from matchDetail,matchInfo where matchInfo.match_id=matchDetail.match_id and name='%s'and server='%s'" % ( name, server) money = 0.0 damage = 0.0 for row in dataBaseAction.searchDB(sql): money += float(row[0]) damage += float(row[1]) return damage / (money * 1000)
def moneyPerMin(name, server, match=''): if match != '': sql = "select money,time from matchDetail,matchInfo where matchInfo.match_id=matchDetail.match_id and name='%s'and server='%s' and matchDetail.match_id=%s" % ( name, server, match) else: sql = "select money,time from matchDetail,matchInfo where matchInfo.match_id=matchDetail.match_id and name='%s'and server='%s'" % ( name, server) money = 0.0 time = 0.0 for row in dataBaseAction.searchDB(sql): money += float(row[0]) time += float(row[1][0:2]) return money / time * 1000
def getUser(user, server): try: print '开始获取UserID...' user = user.decode("utf-8") server = server.decode("utf-8") check = dataBaseAction.searchDB( "select id from user where name='%s' and server='%s'" % (user, server)).fetchone() if check != None: print '找到了该用户...' return str(check[0]) searchUserPage = urllib.urlopen( "" % user.encode('utf-8')) selectServerPage = BeautifulSoup(str(, "html.parser") result = selectServerPage.find_all(class_="curret") for item in result: #print "1111" soup = BeautifulSoup(str(item)) link = soup.a if str(link) != 'None': #print "2222" link = str(link.attrs['href']) final = str(urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(link)).read()) servername = soup.find(class_="col-gray") if str(servername) != 'None': #print "3333" servername = servername.string servername = servername.split('-')[1][1:] #print "4444" print "服务器匹配中..." + str(servername) if servername == server: print '找到了该用户...' user_id = str( str( BeautifulSoup(final).find(class_='more'). attrs['href']).split('/')[4].split('.')[0]) dataBaseAction.editDB( "INSERT INTO user (id,name,server) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s')" % (user_id, user, server)) return user_id print 'Error:找不到该用户!' return None except Exception, e: print "Error:getUser Filed:" print e return None
def getUser(user,server): try: print '开始获取UserID...' user=user.decode("utf-8") server=server.decode("utf-8") check=dataBaseAction.searchDB("select id from user where name='%s' and server='%s'" % (user,server)).fetchone() if check!=None: print '找到了该用户...' return str(check[0]) searchUserPage=urllib.urlopen("" % user.encode('utf-8')) selectServerPage=BeautifulSoup(str(,"html.parser") result=selectServerPage.find_all(class_="curret") for item in result: #print "1111" soup=BeautifulSoup(str(item)) link=soup.a if str(link)!='None': #print "2222" link=str(link.attrs['href']) final=str(urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(link)).read()) servername=soup.find(class_="col-gray") if str(servername)!='None': #print "3333" servername=servername.string servername=servername.split('-')[1][1:] #print "4444" print "服务器匹配中..."+str(servername) if servername==server: print '找到了该用户...' user_id= str(str(BeautifulSoup(final).find(class_='more').attrs['href']).split('/')[4].split('.')[0]) dataBaseAction.editDB("INSERT INTO user (id,name,server) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s')" % (user_id,user,server)) return user_id print 'Error:找不到该用户!' return None except Exception,e: print "Error:getUser Filed:" print e return None
def getData(name, server): #try: print "开始数据收集..." user_id = getID.getUser(name, server) if user_id != None: allMatch = getID.getAllMatch(user_id) else: return None index = 0 for each in allMatch: try: index += 1 print "match#" + str(index) check = dataBaseAction.searchDB( "select * from matchInfo where match_id=%s" % each['id']).fetchone() != None if check: print "本场比赛已经读取过了..." continue detailPage = urllib2.urlopen( "" % (each['id'], user_id)) detail = soup = BeautifulSoup(detail, "html.parser") match_id = each['id'] date = each['start'] time = soup.find_all(class_='time') begin = time[0].string time = time[1].string game_type = each['type'] blue = soup.find_all(class_='record-details-box') red = blue[1] blue = blue[0] player_index = 0 sql = [] win = [] player_name = [] kill = [] death = [] ass = [] side = [ 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'red', 'red', 'red', 'red', 'red' ] skill_1 = [] skill_2 = [] w = [[], [], [], [], [], [], []] eye = [] hero = [] damage = [] undergo = [] money = [] lasthit = [] pusheye = [] pulleye = [] sql.append(( '''INSERT INTO matchInfo (match_id,date,begin,time,server,type) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')''' ) % (match_id, date, begin, time, server, game_type)) for item in blue.find_all('h6')[1:]: player_name.append(item.string) for item in red.find_all('h6')[1:]: player_name.append(item.string) for item in blue.find_all(class_='cord-time'): kda = item.string.split('/') kill.append(kda[0]) death.append(kda[1]) ass.append(kda[2]) for item in red.find_all(class_='cord-time'): kda = item.string.split('/') kill.append(kda[0]) death.append(kda[1]) ass.append(kda[2]) temp = 1 for item in blue.find_all(class_='skill-img'): if temp == 1: skill_1.append(str(item.attrs['src'])[48:].split('.')[0]) temp = 2 else: skill_2.append(str(item.attrs['src'])[48:].split('.')[0]) temp = 1 temp = 1 for item in red.find_all(class_='skill-img'): if temp == 1: skill_1.append(str(item.attrs['src'])[48:].split('.')[0]) temp = 2 else: skill_2.append(str(item.attrs['src'])[48:].split('.')[0]) temp = 1 temp = 0 for item in blue.find_all(class_='photo-img'): img = str(item.attrs['src'])[110:].split('.')[0] if temp == 6: eye.append(img) temp = -1 else: w[temp].append(img) temp += 1 temp = 0 for item in red.find_all(class_='photo-img'): img = str(item.attrs['src'])[110:].split('.')[0] if temp == 6: eye.append(img) temp = -1 else: w[temp].append(img) temp += 1 for item in blue.find_all(class_='record-img'): img = str(item.attrs['src']).split('%2F')[-1].split('.')[0] hero.append(img) for item in red.find_all(class_='record-img'): img = str(item.attrs['src']).split('%2F')[-1].split('.')[0] hero.append(img) temp = 0 for item in blue.find_all('script'): temp += 1 sum = str(item.string).split('\n')[7].split(' ')[-1][1:] sum = sum[0:len(sum) - 2] if temp == 1: sum = sum.replace(',', '') damage.append(sum) elif temp == 2: sum = sum.replace(',', '') undergo.append(sum) elif temp == 3: sum = sum.replace('K', '') money.append(sum) elif temp == 4: sum = sum.replace(',', '') lasthit.append(sum) temp = 0 temp = 0 for item in red.find_all('script'): temp += 1 sum = str(item.string).split('\n')[7].split(' ')[-1][1:] sum = sum[0:len(sum) - 2] if temp == 1: sum = sum.replace(',', '') damage.append(sum) elif temp == 2: sum = sum.replace(',', '') undergo.append(sum) elif temp == 3: sum = sum.replace('K', '') money.append(sum) elif temp == 4: sum = sum.replace(',', '') lasthit.append(sum) temp = 0 temp = 1 for item in blue.find_all(class_='negative-plan'): for item2 in item.find_all('i'): if temp == 1: pusheye.append(item2.string) temp = 2 else: pulleye.append(item2.string) temp = 1 temp = 1 for item in red.find_all(class_='negative-plan'): for item2 in item.find_all('i'): if temp == 1: pusheye.append(item2.string) temp = 2 else: pulleye.append(item2.string) temp = 1 for temp in range(0, 10): if player_name[temp] == name: if temp >= 5: if each['win'] == True: win = [ '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1' ] else: win = [ '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' ] else: if each['win'] == True: win = [ '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' ] else: win = [ '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1' ] # print len(player_name) # print len(side) # print len(win) # print len(kill) # print len(death) # print len(ass) # print len(skill_1) # print len(skill_2) # print len(w[0]) # print len(w[1]) # print len(w[2]) # print len(w[3]) # print len(w[4]) # print len(w[5]) # print len(eye) # print len(hero) # print len(damage) # print len(undergo) # print len(money) # print len(lasthit) # print len(pusheye) # print len(pulleye) # # print hero # hero=hero[1:] # for item in w: # print item for temp in range(0, 10): # print 'temp='+str(temp) sen = '''INSERT INTO matchDetail (match_id,name,side,win,kill,death,ass,skill_1,skill_2,w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,eye,hero,damage,undergo,money,lasthit,pusheye,pulleye) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s',%s,%s,%s,%s,'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)''' % ( match_id, player_name[temp], side[temp], win[temp], kill[temp], death[temp], ass[temp], skill_1[temp], skill_2[temp], w[0][temp], w[1][temp], w[2][temp], w[3][temp], w[4][temp], w[5][temp], eye[temp], hero[temp], damage[temp], undergo[temp], money[temp], lasthit[temp], pusheye[temp], pulleye[temp]) sql.append(sen) #print sql dataBaseAction.editDB(sql) except Exception, e: print 'Failed to get Data!' # except Exception,e: # print 'Error: getDataFailed:' # print e #getData('Lauhoman','扭曲丛林')
def getData(name,server): #try: print "开始数据收集..." user_id=getID.getUser(name,server) if user_id!=None: allMatch=getID.getAllMatch(user_id) else: return None index=0 for each in allMatch: try: index+=1 print "match#"+str(index) check=dataBaseAction.searchDB("select * from matchInfo where match_id=%s" % each['id']).fetchone()!=None if check: print "本场比赛已经读取过了..." continue detailPage=urllib2.urlopen("" % (each['id'],user_id)) soup=BeautifulSoup(detail,"html.parser") match_id=each['id'] date=each['start'] time=soup.find_all(class_='time') begin=time[0].string time=time[1].string game_type=each['type'] blue=soup.find_all(class_='record-details-box') red=blue[1] blue=blue[0] player_index=0 sql=[] win=[] player_name=[] kill=[] death=[] ass=[] side=['blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'red', 'red', 'red', 'red', 'red'] skill_1=[] skill_2=[] w=[[],[],[],[],[],[],[]] eye=[] hero=[] damage=[] undergo=[] money=[] lasthit=[] pusheye=[] pulleye=[] sql.append(('''INSERT INTO matchInfo (match_id,date,begin,time,server,type) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')''') % (match_id,date,begin,time,server,game_type)) for item in blue.find_all('h6')[1:]: player_name.append(item.string) for item in red.find_all('h6')[1:]: player_name.append(item.string) for item in blue.find_all(class_='cord-time'): kda=item.string.split('/') kill.append(kda[0]) death.append(kda[1]) ass.append(kda[2]) for item in red.find_all(class_='cord-time'): kda=item.string.split('/') kill.append(kda[0]) death.append(kda[1]) ass.append(kda[2]) temp=1 for item in blue.find_all(class_='skill-img'): if temp==1: skill_1.append(str(item.attrs['src'])[48:].split('.')[0]) temp=2 else: skill_2.append(str(item.attrs['src'])[48:].split('.')[0]) temp=1 temp=1 for item in red.find_all(class_='skill-img'): if temp==1: skill_1.append(str(item.attrs['src'])[48:].split('.')[0]) temp=2 else: skill_2.append(str(item.attrs['src'])[48:].split('.')[0]) temp=1 temp=0 for item in blue.find_all(class_='photo-img'): img=str(item.attrs['src'])[110:].split('.')[0] if temp==6: eye.append(img) temp=-1 else: w[temp].append(img) temp+=1 temp=0 for item in red.find_all(class_='photo-img'): img=str(item.attrs['src'])[110:].split('.')[0] if temp==6: eye.append(img) temp=-1 else: w[temp].append(img) temp+=1 for item in blue.find_all(class_='record-img'): img=str(item.attrs['src']).split('%2F')[-1].split('.')[0] hero.append(img) for item in red.find_all(class_='record-img'): img=str(item.attrs['src']).split('%2F')[-1].split('.')[0] hero.append(img) temp=0 for item in blue.find_all('script'): temp+=1 sum=str(item.string).split('\n')[7].split(' ')[-1][1:] sum=sum[0:len(sum)-2] if temp==1: sum=sum.replace(',','') damage.append(sum) elif temp==2: sum=sum.replace(',','') undergo.append(sum) elif temp==3: sum=sum.replace('K','') money.append(sum) elif temp==4: sum=sum.replace(',','') lasthit.append(sum) temp=0 temp=0 for item in red.find_all('script'): temp+=1 sum=str(item.string).split('\n')[7].split(' ')[-1][1:] sum=sum[0:len(sum)-2] if temp==1: sum=sum.replace(',','') damage.append(sum) elif temp==2: sum=sum.replace(',','') undergo.append(sum) elif temp==3: sum=sum.replace('K','') money.append(sum) elif temp==4: sum=sum.replace(',','') lasthit.append(sum) temp=0 temp=1 for item in blue.find_all(class_='negative-plan'): for item2 in item.find_all('i'): if temp==1: pusheye.append(item2.string) temp=2 else: pulleye.append(item2.string) temp=1 temp=1 for item in red.find_all(class_='negative-plan'): for item2 in item.find_all('i'): if temp==1: pusheye.append(item2.string) temp=2 else: pulleye.append(item2.string) temp=1 for temp in range(0,10): if player_name[temp]==name: if temp>=5: if each['win']==True: win=['0','0','0','0','0','1','1','1','1','1'] else: win=['1','1','1','1','1','0','0','0','0','0'] else: if each['win']==True: win=['1','1','1','1','1','0','0','0','0','0'] else: win=['0','0','0','0','0','1','1','1','1','1'] # print len(player_name) # print len(side) # print len(win) # print len(kill) # print len(death) # print len(ass) # print len(skill_1) # print len(skill_2) # print len(w[0]) # print len(w[1]) # print len(w[2]) # print len(w[3]) # print len(w[4]) # print len(w[5]) # print len(eye) # print len(hero) # print len(damage) # print len(undergo) # print len(money) # print len(lasthit) # print len(pusheye) # print len(pulleye) # # print hero # hero=hero[1:] # for item in w: # print item for temp in range(0,10): # print 'temp='+str(temp) sen='''INSERT INTO matchDetail (match_id,name,side,win,kill,death,ass,skill_1,skill_2,w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,eye,hero,damage,undergo,money,lasthit,pusheye,pulleye) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s',%s,%s,%s,%s,'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)''' % (match_id,player_name[temp],side[temp],win[temp],kill[temp],death[temp],ass[temp],skill_1[temp],skill_2[temp],w[0][temp],w[1][temp],w[2][temp],w[3][temp],w[4][temp],w[5][temp],eye[temp],hero[temp],damage[temp],undergo[temp],money[temp],lasthit[temp],pusheye[temp],pulleye[temp]) sql.append(sen) #print sql dataBaseAction.editDB(sql) except Exception,e: print 'Failed to get Data!' # except Exception,e: # print 'Error: getDataFailed:' # print e #getData('Lauhoman','扭曲丛林')