def __init__(self, url, juser, jpass, authtype, ruser=None, rpass=None, proxy='', base='jira', logdir=LOGDIR, logfile=LOGFILE, loglevel=LOGLEVEL, logname=LOGNAME): '''Jira connector constructor : - url - server to connect - juser - jira user to use - jpass - jira pass to use - ruser - proxy user to use [Default - None] - rpass - proxy pass to use [Default - None] - authtype - Athorization type [Default - BasicAuth] - proxy - Proxy server name if exists [Default - ''] - base - REST API base url [Default - 'jira'] ''' loglevel = eval('logging.' + os.getenv('LOGLEVEL', loglevel)) self.log = initLog(logdir, logfile, loglevel, logname) self.s_url = "%s/%s/%s" % (url, base, URL_S) self.j_url = "%s/%s/%s" % (url, base, URL_J) self.juser = juser self.jpass = jpass self.ruser = ruser self.rpass = rpass self.authtype = authtype self.headers = HEADER self.proxy = proxy self.sql = ConnectorJiraDjangoSQL() # Set noproxy setting ips_no_proxy = self.sql.getNoProxyIPsLst() if ips_no_proxy: ips_no_proxy_str = ','.join(ips_no_proxy) os.environ['NO_PROXY'] = "%s;%s" % (os.environ['NO_PROXY'], ips_no_proxy_str) if self.authtype == 'BasicAuthProxy': self.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(self.ruser, self.rpass) else: self.auth = '' self.authdata = json.dumps({ 'username': self.juser, 'password': self.jpass, }) #Get connection session self.session = self.getSession()
def __init__(self, logdir=LOGDIR, logfile=LOGFILE, loglevel=LOGLEVEL, logname=LOGNAME): '''Initialising DataManager object''' loglevel = eval('logging.' + os.getenv('LOGLEVEL', loglevel)) self.log = initLog(logdir, logfile, loglevel, logname)
def __init__(self,logdir=LOGDIR, logfile=LOGFILE, loglevel=LOGLEVEL, logname=LOGNAME): # If loglevel is supplied on environment level overwrite program supplied # value with environment self.logdir = logdir self.logfile = logfile self.loglevel = loglevel self.logname = logname loglevel = eval('logging.' + os.getenv('LOGLEVEL', loglevel)) self.log = initLog(logdir, logfile, loglevel, logname)
def __init__(self, collector_id, logdir=LOGDIR, logfile=LOGFILE, loglevel=LOGLEVEL, logname=LOGNAME): '''Constructor : Initialising Jenkins MYSQL collector - logdir - directory to store log data - logfile - name of log file - loglevel - verbose level of logged data - logname - string indefying this log enteries. Used to destinguish between different loggers ''' # If loglevel is supplied on environment level overwrite program supplied # value with environmen self.logdir = logdir self.logfile = logfile self.loglevel = loglevel self.logname = logname self.collector_id = collector_id loglevel = eval('logging.' + os.getenv('LOGLEVEL', loglevel)) self.log = initLog(logdir, logfile, loglevel, logname) # Initiate Django SQL connector self.sql = ConnectorJiraDjangoSQL() # collector ID is set then get data from Database (self.hostname, self.project, self.types, self.username, self.password, self.rproxyuser, self.rproxypass, self.proxy, self.auth, self.apibase) = self.sql.getConnectorConfig(self.collector_id) if self.apibase == None: self.apibase = '' # Check for right collector type - we deal here with Jenkins collectors only if not re.match(CTYPE, self.types): raise ValueError( "Wrong collector type : Collector record with id [%s] is of type [%s] instead of [Jenkins]" % (collector_id, ctype)) # Now specific issue data colelction in case of database read self.issue = None # In case wrong collector_id was supplied abort execution if self.hostname == None or self.project == None: self.log.error("Wrong collector id - [%s] ... Aborting ..." % collector_id) sys.exit(1)
def __init__(self, collector_id, depth=None, logdir=LOGDIR, logfile=LOGFILE, loglevel=LOGLEVEL, logname=LOGNAME): '''Constructor : Initialising Jenkins MYSQL collector - collector_id - id of collector holding Jenkins access data - depth - depth of data pull - logdir - directory to store log data - logfile - name of log file - loglevel - verbose level of logged data - logname - string indefying this log enteries. Used to destinguish between different self.logs ''' self.collector_id = collector_id self.depth = depth # If loglevel is supplied on environment level overwrite program supplied # value with environment self.logdir = logdir self.logfile = logfile self.loglevel = loglevel self.logname = logname self.colid = collector_id loglevel = eval('logging.' + os.getenv('LOGLEVEL', loglevel)) self.log = initLog(logdir, logfile, loglevel, logname) self.sql = ConnectorJenkinsDjangoSQL() #Get connector data based on supplied connector id (self.hostname, self.project, ctype, self.username, self.password, self.pattern) = self.sql.getConnectorConfig(self.collector_id) #Check for right collector type - we deal here with Jenkins collectors only if not re.match('[Jj]enkins', ctype): raise ValueError( "Wrong collector type : Collector record with id [%s] is of type [%s] instead of [Jenkins]" % (collector_id, ctype)) # Initialize tmp directory to store tmp files with collected data sets if not os.path.exists(TMP): os.makedirs(TMP) # Initialise jenkins data collector self.jen_data_collector = JenkinsDataCollector( self.hostname, self.username, self.password, self.project, self.pattern, PIPEBASE, PIPESFX, PIPEWFAPI, PIPENODE, PIPELOG)
def __init__(self, url=None, juser=None, jpass=None, project=None, issue=None, proxy='', rproxyuser=None, rproxypass='', authtype=None, apibase='', logdir=LOGDIR, logfile=LOGFILE, loglevel=LOGLEVEL, logname=LOGNAME): """Jira collector construcor""" self.url = url self.juser = juser self.jpass = jpass self.project = project self.issue = issue #Jira connection additional settings self.proxy = proxy # Possible corporation proxy URL self.ruser = rproxyuser # Reverse proxy user self.rpass = rproxypass # Reverse proxy password self.rauth = authtype # BasicAuth | BacicAuthProxy | ... self.apibase = apibase #If loglevel is supplied on environment level overwrite program supplied #value with environment loglevel = eval('logging.' + os.getenv('LOGLEVEL', loglevel)) self.log = initLog(logdir, logfile, loglevel, logname) #Initialize tmp directory to store tmp files with collected data sets if not os.path.exists(TMP): os.makedirs(TMP) #Initialize JIRA connector object self.jira = JIRAConnector(self.url, self.juser, self.jpass, self.rauth, self.ruser, self.rpass, self.proxy, self.apibase) #Initialize tmp file to store results self.tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=TMP, mode='a', delete=False, prefix='jira')
def __init__(self, hostname=None, username=None, password=None, pipeline=None, ptrn=None, pbase=PIPEBASE, psuffix=PIPESFX, wfapi=PIPEWFAPI, pnode=PIPENODE, plog=PIPELOG, pend=PIPEPEND, logdir=LOGDIR, logfile=LOGFILE, loglevel=LOGLEVEL, logname=LOGNAME): '''Class constructor''' self.hostname = hostname self.username = username self.password = password self.pipeline = pipeline self.urlbase = pbase self.urlsfx = psuffix self.urlwfapi = wfapi self.urlnode = pnode self.urllog = plog self.urlpend = pend self.ptrn = ptrn # If loglevel is supplied on environment level overwrite program supplied # value with environment loglevel = eval('logging.' + os.getenv('LOGLEVEL', loglevel)) self.log = initLog(logdir, logfile, loglevel, logname)"Initialising Jenkins connector object") # Initialising Jenkins collector object self.jenkins = ConnectorJenkins(self.hostname, self.username, self.password, self.pipeline, self.urlbase, self.urlsfx, self.urlwfapi, self.urlnode, self.urllog, self.urlpend) # Initialising SQL collector object self.sql = ConnectorJenkinsDjangoSQL()
def __init__(self, url=None, juser=None, jpass=None, pipeline=None, pbase=PIPEBASE, psuffix=PIPESFX, wfapi=PIPEWFAPI, pnode=PIPENODE, plog=PIPELOG, pend=PIPEPEND, logdir=LOGDIR, logfile=LOGFILE, loglevel=LOGLEVEL, logname=LOGNAME): '''Jenkins connector constructor : - jurl - jenkins server url - juser - jenkis user to use - jpass - jenkins pass to use - pipeline - jenkins pipline to fetch as a test ''' loglevel = eval('logging.' + os.getenv('LOGLEVEL', loglevel)) self.log = initLog(logdir, logfile, loglevel, logname) self.jurl = url self.juser = juser self.jpass = jpass self.pipeline = pipeline self.urlbase = pbase + '/' + pipeline self.urlsfx = psuffix self.urlwfapi = wfapi self.urlnode = pnode self.urllog = plog self.urlpend = pend self.sql = ConnectorJenkinsDjangoSQL() #Get existing noproxy setting name/ip ips_no_proxy = self.sql.getNoProxyIPsLst() #Set noProxy parameter self.setNoProxy(ips_no_proxy) #Update /etc/hosts file received settings self.setEtcHosts(ips_no_proxy) #Verify mandatory parameters. errors = 0 if not url: self.log.error("Missing mandatory parameter server URL") errors = 1 if not pipeline: self.log.error("Missing mandatory parameter pipeline name") errors = 1 if errors: #Abort due to unrecoverable errors raise