コード例 #1
 def updateData(self):
         return ("Data updated successfully Boss Rane")
     except Exception as ex:
         return (ex)
コード例 #2
from flask import Flask, request, render_template
from pymessenger.bot import Bot
import random
from dataCleaning import queryingData
import os
import dataScrape, dataCleaning

app = Flask(__name__)


cases = dataCleaning.queryingData().cases
active = dataCleaning.queryingData().active
deaths = dataCleaning.queryingData().deaths
recoveries = dataCleaning.queryingData().recovered
date = dataCleaning.queryingData().dateUpdated
newCases = dataCleaning.queryingData().todayCases
newDeaths = dataCleaning.queryingData().todayDeaths
newRecov = dataCleaning.queryingData().todayRecovered

def index():
    return render_template("index.html",
コード例 #3
    def loadJson(self, queryText):
        if (queryText.lower() == "admin update data"):
                return("Data updated successfully Boss Rane")  
            except Exception as ex:

        elif (queryText.lower() == "info"):
            self.info = "Hi this chatbot is created to track statistics of the CoViD-19 pandemic in the Philippines.\n" \
                "Data is from the public API of DOH. However, it may not be up to date with the newest cases that is not yet updated on the DOH's server.\n" \
                    "\nThe chatbot currently supports the following keywords:\n" \
                        "*INFO - to display information regarding this chatbot\n" \
                            "*PH# - to display the details of the person (ex: PH661)\n"\
                            "*PLACE\HOSPITAL - to display current cases in a place or hospital (ex: CAGAYAN or CAGAYAN VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER or CVMC)\n"\
                                                    "You can also try to greet, say thanks, and bid goodbye.\n\n"\
                                                        "-Rane 2020"

            return (self.info)

        elif re.search(r'^(hi)|^(hello)', queryText.lower()):
            self.response = ["Hi there.", "Hello there", "Good day"]
            return (random.choice(self.response))
        elif re.search(r'^(bye)|^(goodbye)', queryText.lower()):
            self.response = ["Bye. Keep Safe and always wash your hands!", "Goodbye! Always keep safe!", "Keep Safe! Keep clean!", "Bye! Stay indoors! Together we fight!"]
            return (random.choice(self.response))

        elif re.search(r'^(thanks)|^(thank)', queryText.lower()):
            self.response = ["No problem. Let's flatten the curve", "You're welcome. Help flatten the curve!", "You're welcome! Stay indoors!"]
            return (random.choice(self.response))

        elif re.search(r'^(pui)', queryText.lower()):#for PUIs
            with open('statistics.json') as file:
                self.data = json.load(file)

            for features in self.data['features']:
                for key, value in features.items():
                    #return("There are currently {} PUIs in the Philippines".format(value['PUIs']))
                    return("Sorry the public API offered by DOH before was taken down by DOH. Thus, the chatbot can't offer updated information anymore.")
        elif re.search(r'^(pum)', queryText.lower()):#for PUMs
            with open('statistics.json') as file:
                self.data = json.load(file)

            for features in self.data['features']:
                for key, value in features.items():
                    #return("There are currently {} PUMs in the Philippines".format(value['PUMs']))
                    return("Sorry the public API offered by DOH before was taken down by DOH. Thus, the chatbot can't offer updated information anymore.")

        elif re.search(r'^(confirmed)|^(confirm)|^(current)', queryText.lower()):#for confirmed cases
            with open('statistics.json') as file:
                self.data = json.load(file)

            for features in self.data['features']:
                for key, value in features.items():
                    return("There are currently {} confirmed cases in the Philippines".format(value['confirmed']))

        elif re.search(r'^ph\d+', queryText.lower()): #for PH###
            with open('masterList.json') as file:
                self.data = json.load(file)

            for features in self.data['features']:
                for key, value in features.items():
                    if (value['PH_masterl'] == queryText.upper()):
                        return ("{}, {}, {}, resident of {} and admitted at {}".format(value['PH_masterl'], value['kasarian'], value['edad'], value['residence'], value['facility']))
            return("{}'s details are not yet available.".format(queryText.lower()))

        if re.search(r'^(recovered)|^(recovery)|^(recover)', queryText.lower()):#for recovered
            with open('statistics.json') as file:
                self.data = json.load(file)

            for features in self.data['features']:
                for key, value in features.items():
                    return("There are currently {} recovered in the Philippines".format(value['recovered']))

        if re.search(r'^(death)|^(dead)|^(die)|^(deaths)', queryText.lower()):#for deaths
            with open('statistics.json') as file:
                self.data = json.load(file)

            for features in self.data['features']:
                for key, value in features.items():
                    return("There are currently {} deaths in the Philippines".format(value['deaths']))

        if re.search(r'^(test)|^(tested)|^(tests)', queryText.lower()):#for tests
            with open('statistics.json') as file:
                self.data = json.load(file)

            for features in self.data['features']:
                for key, value in features.items():
                    #return("There are currently {} tests conducted in the Philippines".format(value['tests']))
                    return("Sorry the public API offered by DOH before was taken down by DOH. Thus, the chatbot can't offer updated information anymore.")

        else: #for facility or place
            self.response = ""
            with open('facilityStats.json') as file:
                self.data = json.load(file)
            with open('locationStats.json') as file:
                self.data2= json.load(file)
            # queryInitials = queryText.split()
            # for word in queryInitials:
            #     queryInit = queryInit + word[0]
            # queryInitial = ("".join(queryInit).lower())
            queryText = queryText.lower()
            regex = r'' + queryText + r''

            for features in self.data2['features']:
                    for key, value in features.items():

                        if re.search(regex, value['residence'].lower()):
                            if (value['value'] == 1):
                                self.response = self.response + ("-{} has {} confirmed case of CoViD-19\n".format(value['residence'], value['value']))
                                self.response = self.response + ("-{} has {} confirmed cases of CoViD-19\n".format(value['residence'], value['value']))

            for features in self.data['features']:
                    for key, value in features.items():
                        facilityInitials = ""
                        facilityInit = value['facility'].replace(
                            "and", " ").replace(
                                "for", " ").replace(
                                    "-", " ").replace(
                                        "of", " ").replace(
                                            "in", " ").replace(
                                                "the", " ").split()
                        for word in facilityInit:
                            facilityInitials = facilityInitials + word[0]
                        facilityInitials = ("".join(facilityInitials).lower())

                        if re.search(regex, value['facility'].lower())  or re.search(r'^' + queryText , facilityInitials):
                            if (value['count_'] == 1):
                                self.response = self.response + ("-{} has {} patient with CoViD-19\n".format(value['facility'], value['count_']))
                                self.response = self.response + ("-{} has {} patients with CoViD-19\n".format(value['facility'], value['count_']))
            if (self.response == ""):
                unknown = ["Sorry, I dont understand.", "I can't comprehend", "Sorry, please check your keywords"]
                return (random.choice(unknown))
                #return("Sorry the public API offered by DOH before was taken down by DOH. Thus, the chatbot can't offer updated information anymore.")

                return("Sorry the public API offered by DOH before was taken down by DOH. Thus, the chatbot can't offer updated information anymore.")

#q = queryingData()
#print(q.loadJson("admin update data"))
コード例 #4
def timed_job():
    #print('This job is run every three minutes.')
コード例 #5
    def loadJson(self, queryText):

        if (queryText.lower() == "admin update data"):
                return ("Data updated successfully Boss Rane")
            except Exception as ex:
                return (ex)

        elif (queryText.lower() == "info"):
            self.info = """Hi this chatbot is created to track statistics of the CoViD-19 pandemic in the Philippines.
Data is from https://coronavirus-ph-api.herokuapp.com/. However, it may not be up to date with the newest cases that is not yet updated on the APIs.
* INFO - to display information regarding this chatbot.
* PH# - to display the details of the person (ex: PH661).
* Location - to display cases in a location (ex: Cagayan).
* HOSPITAL - to display current cases  hospital (ex: CAGAYAN VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER or CVMC).
* CONFIRMED - to display total confirmed cases.
* DEATHS - to display total deaths.
* RECOVERED - to display total recoveries.
* RATES - display recovery and fatality rate.
* FRESH - display fresh cases.

            return (self.info)

        elif re.search(r'^(hi)|^(hello)', queryText.lower()):
            self.response = ["Hi there.", "Hello there", "Good day"]
            return (random.choice(self.response))

        elif re.search(r'^(bye)|^(goodbye)', queryText.lower()):
            self.response = [
                "Bye. Keep Safe and always wash your hands!",
                "Goodbye! Always keep safe!", "Keep Safe! Keep clean!",
                "Bye! Stay indoors! Together we fight!"
            return (random.choice(self.response))

        elif re.search(r'^(thanks)|^(thank)', queryText.lower()):
            self.response = [
                "No problem. Let's flatten the curve",
                "You're welcome. Help flatten the curve!",
                "You're welcome! Stay indoors!"
            return (random.choice(self.response))

        elif re.search(r'^(ph)\d+', queryText.lower()):  # for PH###
            FV = "For validation"
            with open('masterList.json') as file:
                self.data = json.load(file)

            for case in self.data['data']:
                if (str(case['case_no'][2:]).lstrip("0") ==
                    if (case['sex'] == FV and case['age'] == FV
                            and case['residence_in_the_ph'] == FV
                            and case['hospital_admitted_to'] == FV
                            and case['date_of_announcement_to_public'] == FV):
                        return ("{}'s details are not yet available".format(
                        return (
                            "{}, {}, {}, {} nationality from {}, admitted at {}, announced to public on {}, and now with a status of {}"
                            .format(queryText.upper(), case['sex'],
                                    case['age'], case['nationality'],
コード例 #6
    def loadJson(self, queryText):

        if (queryText.lower() == "admin update data"):
                return ("Data updated successfully Boss Rane")
            except Exception as ex:
                return (ex)

        elif (queryText.lower() == "info"):
            self.info = "Hi this chatbot is created to track statistics of the CoViD-19 pandemic in the Philippines.\n" \
                "DOH does not offer any public API as of now. Thus, Data is from https://coronavirus-ph-api.herokuapp.com/ and https://covid19.mathdro.id/. However, it may not be up to date with the newest cases that is not yet updated on the APIs.\n" \
                    "\nThe chatbot currently supports the following keywords:\n" \
                        "*INFO - to display information regarding this chatbot\n" \
                            "*PH# - to display the details of the person (ex: PH661)\n"\
                            "*REGION # - to display cases in a region (ex: REGION II (Use Roman Numerals))\n"\
                            "*HOSPITAL - to display cases in a hospital (ex: CAGAYAN VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER or CVMC)\n"\
                                            "You can also try to greet, say thanks, and bid goodbye.\n\n"\
                                                "-Rane 2020"

            return (self.info)

        elif re.search(r'^(hi)|^(hello)', queryText.lower()):
            self.response = ["Hi there.", "Hello there", "Good day"]
            return (random.choice(self.response))

        elif re.search(r'^(bye)|^(goodbye)', queryText.lower()):
            self.response = [
                "Bye. Keep Safe and always wash your hands!",
                "Goodbye! Always keep safe!", "Keep Safe! Keep clean!",
                "Bye! Stay indoors! Together we fight!"
            return (random.choice(self.response))

        elif re.search(r'^(thanks)|^(thank)', queryText.lower()):
            self.response = [
                "No problem. Let's flatten the curve",
                "You're welcome. Help flatten the curve!",
                "You're welcome! Stay indoors!"
            return (random.choice(self.response))

        elif re.search(r'^(pui)', queryText.lower()):  #for PUIs
            return (
                "Sorry the public API offered by DOH before was unavailable. Thus, the chatbot can't offer information on the number of PUIs."

        elif re.search(r'^(pum)', queryText.lower()):  #for PUMs
            return (
                "Sorry the public API offered by DOH before was unavailable. Thus, the chatbot can't offer information on the number of PUMs."

        elif re.search(r'^(confirmed)|^(confirm)|^(current)',
                       queryText.lower()):  #for confirmed cases
            with open('statistics.json') as file:
                self.data = json.load(file)

            return ("There are currently {} confirmed cases in the Philippines"

        elif re.search(r'^ph\d+', queryText.lower()):  #for PH###
            with open('masterList.json') as file:
                self.data = json.load(file)

            for case in self.data:
                if (str(case['case_no']) == queryText.lower()[2:]):
                    if (case['gender'] == "TBA" and case['age'] == "TBA"
                            and case['resident_of'] == "TBA"
                            and case['hospital_admitted_to'] == "TBA"
                            and case['date'] == "TBA"):
                        return ("{}'s details are not yet available".format(
                        return (
                            "{}, {}, {}, from Region {} and admitted at {} on {}"
                            .format(queryText.upper(), case['gender'],
                                    case['age'], case['resident_of'],
            return ("{}'s details are not yet available.".format(