def get_expenses(db_exp_data_fpaths: list, db_inc_data_fpaths: list, stor_pair_path: str, stor_exp_data_path: str, budg_path: str, exp_path: str, dont_print_cols=None, bankconfig=None): """ main method for the importing of expense data """ bank_json = data_help.read_jsonFile(bankconfig.settings_path) exp_df = data_help.load_csvs( db_exp_data_fpaths, dtype=bankconfig.exp_dtypes, parse_dates=env.pdates_colname ) # only using on csv db for now. newest will be last? idk verify later. exp_df = data_help.drop_for_substring( exp_df, env.BANK_STORENAME, bankconfig.ignorable_transactions, "\nRemoving the below expense transactions as they are either an internal bank acct transfer, cash advance or credit payment." ) dates = data_help.extract_months(exp_df[env.DATE], start=False) # check for any missing budgets either this month or any month in the data expManager.get_budgets(budg_path, exp_path, dates) exp_df = expManager.get_expenses_for_rows(exp_df, stor_exp_data_path, stor_pair_path, budg_path, bankconfig) print("\nFinished gathering your expense data: \n") util.print_fulldf(exp_df, dont_print_cols) data_help.write_data(exp_df, db_exp_data_fpaths[0])
def initialize_csvs(list_of_csvs, list_of_cols): """ Initializes empty csv files given by paths list_of_csvs """ for item in zip(list_of_csvs, list_of_cols): if not os.path.exists(item[0]): df = pd.DataFrame(columns=item[1]) data_help.write_data(df, item[0])
def edit_df_entries(df, df_path, column_name, old_entry, new_entry): """ Edits a value in a column replacing it with new_entry """ if not df.loc[df[column_name] == old_entry].empty: df.loc[df[column_name] == old_entry, column_name] = new_entry data_help.write_data(df, df_path) else: print("No records matched in dataframe. Left it alone.")
def edit_df_entries_given_columns(df, df_path, col_to_change, col_to_match, match_key, old_entry, new_entry): """ Find entries in col_to_match and replaces the values in col_to_change from old_entry to new_entry """ if not df.loc[(df[col_to_match] == match_key) & (df[col_to_change] == old_entry)].empty: df.loc[(df[col_to_match] == match_key) & (df[col_to_change] == old_entry), col_to_change] = new_entry data_help.write_data(df, df_path) else: print("No records matched in dataframe, left it alone.")
def get_income(db_inc_data_fpaths: list, dont_print_cols=None, bankconfig=None): """ main method for the importing of income data """ inc_df = data_help.load_csvs(db_inc_data_fpaths, dtype=bankconfig.inc_dtypes, parse_dates=env.pdates_colname) inc_df = data_help.drop_for_substring( inc_df, env.BANK_STORENAME, bankconfig.ignorable_transactions, "\nRemoving the below income transactions as they are either an internal bank acct transfer, cash advance or credit payment." ) data_help.write_data(inc_df, db_inc_data_fpaths[0]) print("\nFinished gathering your income data: \n") util.print_fulldf(inc_df, dont_print_cols)
def edit_cell_in_dfcol(db_data_filepath: str, df, col_name, opt_col=None, opt_dict=None, col_type=None): """ Edits a single cell in the df based upon options provided in opt_dict params: db_data_filepath - the path to the dataframes csv data df - (DataFrame) object col_name - the column to set the new value of opt_col - the column to grab a key from to search opt_dict for the list of options. If none, user can edit cell manually with input opt_dict - the dictionary containing the pairs between keys and options for a key col_type - the columns type to check for on user inputs """ index_list = df.index.tolist() util.print_fulldf(df) prompt = f"Select some indices from the above dataframe column '{col_name}' to edit: : " indices = util.select_indices_of_list(prompt, index_list, return_matches=True, abortchar='q', print_lst=False) if indices != None: for index in indices: if opt_col != None: opt_key = df.loc[index, opt_col] val = util.select_from_list( opt_dict[opt_key], f"Please select an option for cell [{index}] col '{col_name}' or (q) to quit: ", abortchar='q', ret_match=True) else: if col_type == 'float': val = util.get_float_input( f"Please input ({col_type}) for this entry at row [{index}] col [{col_name}]: ", force_pos=False, roundto=2) if val != None: # nonetype aborts[index, col_name] = val data_help.write_data(df, db_data_filepath) else: break
def df_swap(prompt=None, df_to_move_from=None, df_to_move_to=None, df_to_move_from_path=None, df_to_move_to_path=None, rows=None, cross_check_df=None, cross_check_col=None, cross_check_df_path=None): """ Performs a swap of data from one dataframe to another params prompt - the output to the user df_to_move_from - the dataframe to move rows from df_to_move_to - the dataframe to move the rows to rows - (default) None. If none, will prompt user, else will use the given rows to perform a swap. cross_check_df - perform a cross check on this dataframe for a value in cross_check_col and return matches cross_check_col - column to perform the cross check on """ if rows is None: util.print_fulldf(df_to_move_from) rows = util.select_indices_of_list(prompt, list(df_to_move_from.index), abortchar='q', print_lst=False) if rows is not None: # above returns none if user aborts if cross_check_df is not None: data_help.check_for_match_in_rows(rows, df_to_move_from, env.AMOUNT, cross_check_df, cross_check_col, cross_check_df_path, env.ADJUSTMENT) df_to_move_from, df_to_move_to = data_help.locate_and_move_data_between_dfs( df_to_move_from, rows, df_to_move_to, cross_check_col) data_help.write_data(df_to_move_to, df_to_move_to_path, sortby=env.DATE) data_help.write_data(df_to_move_from, df_to_move_from_path, sortby=env.DATE)
def check_for_data(ndata_filepaths, db_exp_data_fpaths, db_inc_data_fpaths, adata_path, db_exp_data_path, db_inc_data_path, exp_recbin_path, inc_recbin_path, bankconfig): """ Checks db and new folder for any data. Imports the data into expense and income dataframes """ if len(ndata_filepaths) == 0: return False if len(ndata_filepaths) != 0 and len(db_exp_data_fpaths) != 0 and len( db_inc_data_fpaths) != 0: df_new = data_help.load_and_process_csvs( file_paths=ndata_filepaths, strip_cols=bankconfig.strip_cols, data_type=bankconfig.selection) util.print_fulldf(df_new) df_inc_new, df_exp_new = data_help.filter_by_amnt( df_new, col_name=env.AMOUNT, col_name2=env.NULL, bank_name=bankconfig.selection) df_inc_new = data_help.add_columns( df_inc_new, [env.ADJUSTMENT, env.INC_UUID, env.EXP_UUID]) df_exp_new = data_help.add_columns(df_exp_new, [ env.FILT_STORENAME, env.EXPENSE, env.ADJUSTMENT, env.EXP_UUID, env.INC_UUID ]) df_exp = data_help.load_csvs(file_paths=db_exp_data_fpaths, strip_cols=bankconfig.strip_cols, dtype=bankconfig.exp_dtypes) df_inc = data_help.load_csvs(file_paths=db_inc_data_fpaths, strip_cols=bankconfig.strip_cols, dtype=bankconfig.inc_dtypes) df_exp = pd.concat([df_exp, df_exp_new]) df_inc = pd.concat([df_inc, df_inc_new]) elif len(ndata_filepaths) != 0: df_new = data_help.load_and_process_csvs( file_paths=ndata_filepaths, strip_cols=bankconfig.strip_cols, data_type=bankconfig.selection) df_inc, df_exp = data_help.filter_by_amnt( df_new, col_name=env.AMOUNT, col_name2=env.NULL, bank_name=bankconfig.selection) df_inc_new = data_help.add_columns( df_inc, [env.ADJUSTMENT, env.INC_UUID, env.EXP_UUID]) df_exp_new = data_help.add_columns(df_exp, [ env.FILT_STORENAME, env.EXPENSE, env.ADJUSTMENT, env.EXP_UUID, env.INC_UUID ]) else: return False df_exp_recbin = data_help.load_csvs([exp_recbin_path], dtype=bankconfig.exp_dtypes, parse_dates=env.pdates_colname) df_inc_recbin = data_help.load_csvs([inc_recbin_path], dtype=bankconfig.inc_dtypes, parse_dates=env.pdates_colname) print("New data loaded locally.\n\n") print("INCOME\n\n") util.print_fulldf(df_inc) print("IGNORED INCOME\n\n") util.print_fulldf(df_inc_recbin) print("EXPENSES\n\n") util.print_fulldf(df_exp) print("YOUR IGNORED EXPENSES\n\n") util.print_fulldf(df_exp_recbin) df_exp = data_help.drop_dups(df=df_exp, col_names=bankconfig.check_for_dups_cols, ignore_index=True) df_inc = data_help.drop_dups(df=df_inc, col_names=bankconfig.check_for_dups_cols, ignore_index=True) df_exp = data_help.remove_subframe( df_to_remove_from=df_exp, df_to_remove=df_exp_recbin, col_names=bankconfig.check_for_dups_cols) df_inc = data_help.remove_subframe( df_to_remove_from=df_inc, df_to_remove=df_inc_recbin, col_names=bankconfig.check_for_dups_cols) print("INCOME WITHOUT DUPS\n\n") util.print_fulldf(df_inc) print("EXPENSES WITHOUT DUPS\n\n") util.print_fulldf(df_exp) df_exp = data_help.iterate_df_and_add_uuid_to_col(df_exp, env.EXP_UUID) df_inc = data_help.iterate_df_and_add_uuid_to_col(df_inc, env.INC_UUID) data_help.write_data(df_exp, os.path.join(db_exp_data_path, env.OUT_EXP_DATA_TEMPL), sortby=env.DATE, fillna_col=[env.ADJUSTMENT]) data_help.write_data(df_inc, os.path.join(db_inc_data_path, env.OUT_INC_DATA_TEMPL), sortby=env.DATE, fillna_col=[env.ADJUSTMENT]) timestamp ="%m_%d_%Y__%H_%M_%S") + ".csv" data_help.move_files(files=ndata_filepaths, dest=os.path.join(adata_path, timestamp)) print( f"Data imported to {db_inc_data_path} and {db_exp_data_path}. Old files moved to {adata_path}" ) return True
def edit_df_transaction_price(df_to_edit, df_to_edit_path, col_to_use, df_to_move_reduction_to=None, df_to_move_reduction_to_path=None, df_with_reductions=None, df_with_reductions_path=None, reduction_col=None, uuid_col=None, df_reduct_uuid_col=None, perform_swap=None): """ params: df_to_edit - the dataframe to edit the price on col_to_use - the column across all dataframes to be using df_with_reductions - the dataframe carrying transaction values that can be inserted into df_to_edit df_to_move_reduction_to - the df that will take the reduction transaction from df_with_reductions reduction_col - the column to grab reduction value from restorable - whether the df is one which transactions can be restored from. e.g. a recycle bin """ index_list = df_to_edit.index.tolist() util.print_fulldf(df_to_edit) prompt = f"Select some indices from the above dataframe column '{col_to_use}' to edit: : " indices = util.select_indices_of_list(prompt, index_list, return_matches=True, abortchar='q', print_lst=False) if indices is None: # none type aborts return None for index in indices: reductions_index_list = df_with_reductions.index.tolist() util.print_fulldf(df_with_reductions) prompt = f"Which index contains the transaction you want? " reduction_indices = util.select_indices_of_list(prompt, reductions_index_list, abortchar='q', return_matches=False, print_lst=False) if reduction_indices is not None: # none type aborts for reduction_index in reduction_indices: val =[ reduction_index, reduction_col] # get transaction val if[index, col_to_use] == np.nan: # check for nan value[index, col_to_use] = 0.0[reduction_index, uuid_col] =[index, uuid_col][index, col_to_use] =[index, col_to_use] + val if perform_swap: df_swap(df_to_move_from=df_with_reductions, df_to_move_to=df_to_move_reduction_to, df_to_move_from_path=df_with_reductions_path, df_to_move_to_path=df_to_move_reduction_to_path, rows=reduction_indices) # writes changes else: data_help.write_data(df_with_reductions, df_with_reductions_path, sortby=env.DATE) else: break data_help.write_data(df_to_edit, df_to_edit_path, sortby=env.DATE) # writes changes to the edited df.
def df_editor(df_to_move_from_path, df_to_move_to_path=None, restorable=False, recycle=True, df_with_reductions_path=None, df_to_move_reduction_to_path=None, uuid_col=None, df_reduct_uuid_col=None, bankconfig=None, dtype=None): """ Allows the editing of a dataframe params: df_to_move_from_path - the dataframe file paths to edit df_to_move_to_path - the recyclebin path (default None) restorable - whether or not the df is restorable, if True, will not recycle recycle - whether or not data deleted from a frame will be moved to another or lost df_with_reductions_path - the path to the dataframe containing prices to reduce df_to_move_from_path by dtype - specifies how the csv dataypes should be setup when loading. """ done = False if dtype == 'exp': dtype_move_from = bankconfig.exp_dtypes dtype_move_to = bankconfig.exp_dtypes dtype_with_red = bankconfig.inc_dtypes dtype_move_red_to = bankconfig.inc_dtypes elif dtype == 'inc': dtype_move_from = bankconfig.inc_dtypes dtype_move_to = bankconfig.inc_dtypes dtype_with_red = bankconfig.exp_dtypes dtype_move_red_to = bankconfig.exp_dtypes while not done: df_to_move_from = data_help.load_csv(df_to_move_from_path, dtype=dtype_move_from, parse_dates=env.pdates_colname) if df_to_move_to_path is not None: df_to_move_to = data_help.load_csv(df_to_move_to_path, dtype=dtype_move_to, parse_dates=env.pdates_colname) if df_with_reductions_path is not None: df_with_reductions = data_help.load_csv( df_with_reductions_path, dtype=dtype_with_red, parse_dates=env.pdates_colname) if df_to_move_reduction_to_path is not None: df_to_move_reduction_to = data_help.load_csv( df_to_move_reduction_to_path, dtype=dtype_move_red_to, parse_dates=env.pdates_colname) if restorable == False: prompt = "Would you like to: \n(a) - move transactions to the recycle bin\n(b) - adjust a transaction price manually\n" prompt = prompt + "(c) - reduce a transaction by another\n(q) - quit\nType here: " input_chars = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'q'] else: prompt = "\n".join([ "Would you like to: ", "(a) - delete a row from the recycle bin", "(b) - restore from recycling", "(q) - quit", "Type here: " ]) recycle = False # if user is in recycle bin, deleting removes permanently input_chars = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'q'] user_in = util.get_user_input_for_chars(prompt, input_chars) if user_in == 'a' and recycle == True: # expenses or income case df_swap("Which rows would you like to recycle? (q) to abort? ", df_to_move_from, df_to_move_to, df_to_move_from_path, df_to_move_to_path) elif user_in == 'a' and recycle == False: df_to_move_from = data_help.drop_rows( "Which rows would you like to delete? (q) to abort? ", df_to_move_from) if df_to_move_from is not None: # none type aborts data_help.write_data(df_to_move_from, df_to_move_from_path) elif user_in == 'b' and restorable == True: df_swap( "Which row or rows would you like to restore (q) to abort? ", df_to_move_from, df_to_move_to, df_to_move_from_path, df_to_move_to_path, cross_check_df=df_with_reductions, cross_check_col=df_reduct_uuid_col, cross_check_df_path=df_with_reductions_path) elif user_in == 'b' and restorable == False: edit_cell_in_dfcol(df_to_move_from_path, df_to_move_from, col_name=env.ADJUSTMENT, col_type='float') elif user_in == 'c' and restorable == False: prompt = "\n".join([ "What database is the source of your reductions?", f"(a) - {df_with_reductions_path}", f"(b) - {df_to_move_reduction_to_path}", f"(q) - abort", "Type here: " ]) selection = util.get_user_input_for_chars(prompt, ['a', 'b', 'q']) if selection == 'a': edit_df_transaction_price( df_to_edit=df_to_move_from, df_to_edit_path=df_to_move_from_path, col_to_use=env.ADJUSTMENT, df_to_move_reduction_to=df_to_move_reduction_to, df_to_move_reduction_to_path=df_to_move_reduction_to_path, df_with_reductions=df_with_reductions, df_with_reductions_path=df_with_reductions_path, reduction_col=env.AMOUNT, uuid_col=uuid_col, df_reduct_uuid_col=df_reduct_uuid_col) elif selection == 'b': edit_df_transaction_price( df_to_edit=df_to_move_from, df_to_edit_path=df_to_move_from_path, col_to_use=env.ADJUSTMENT, df_with_reductions=df_to_move_reduction_to, df_with_reductions_path=df_to_move_reduction_to_path, reduction_col=env.AMOUNT, uuid_col=uuid_col, df_reduct_uuid_col=df_reduct_uuid_col, perform_swap=False) elif user_in == 'q': done = True
util.print_fulldf(df_to_walk) for idx, row in df_to_walk.iterrows(): print("Curr Transaction: %-10s | %-10s | %-10s | %-10s" % (row[env.DATE], row[env.AMOUNT], row[env.BANK_STORENAME], row[env.TYPE])) month_end_date = util.get_month_from_timestamp( row[env.DATE], start=False ) # get relevant expenses for that month set by the user. selected_exp, exp_stor_data, stor_data, storename = expManager.search_store_relationships( new_pairing, exp_stor_data, budg_db[month_end_date], exp_stor_data_path, stor_data, stor_pair_path ) # take the new pairing and pass into this func to get expense out the other end.[idx, env.FILT_STORENAME] = storename[idx, env.EXPENSE] = selected_exp data_help.write_data(df, df_path) util.print_fulldf(df) def expenses_editor(db_exp_data_fpaths, exp_recbin_path, stor_pair_path, exp_stor_data_path, budg_path, exp_path, bankconfig=None): """ Edits an expense's name across all databases """ done = False while not done: